Maybe he really is our guy after all.
Donald Trump freezes funding to groups fighting right-wing terror and white supremacism
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trump is a KIKE tho
first post claimed
President Trump wants to get re-elected, he knows where some of his votes came from. Smart cookie.
smug trump youf
Or maybe it's because he knows a lot of these groups are bullshit overall. Remember user, he did force the msm to tell the truth about black crime statistics in the US. Funding that went to fighting so-called white extremists could be re-directed elsewhere. Like, say, towards fighting groups funded by that kike, Soros!
nice point and nice dubs
Hard to say, the writer is retarded.
Maybe he just realizes this is yet another money sink that accomplishes nothing.
The FBI arresting it's own officers isn't exactly the best use of tax money.
Probably Jefferson Beauregard "I used to support the KKK until I found out they smoked pot" Sessions III advising him on this. Sessions hasn't yet gotten the message that we're doing 180s on campaign promises. He, at least, has been pursuing beaners pretty hard.
interest in it. And hopefully, we'll be receiving a lot of good applications. To start slide two we have our program goals. In short, we are looking to help communities across the country develop the basic prevention and intervention techniques in the process of violent extremist radicalization and recruitment. We do that in a couple of ways and directly in communities, in general communities develop planning in addition to activities and also online or in a general sense across the country to create a less hospitable environment for violent extremist recruitment. On slide 3, we discuss eligibility. We had three general categories of activities broken up into five focus areas. State, local, tribal governments are eligible. For some of them, institutions for higher education are eligible. For others, nonprofit organizations are eligible for all five.
eligible for. Government agencies can submit up to three, one for each of the focus areas they are eligible for. Institutions of higher education can submit to, and nonprofits can submit up to five total. For organizations in each of the focus areas there eligible for.
oy vey goys trump is the true shabbos goy!
Fucking D&C shilling that he's not /ourguy/ lmao
fucking hell, the west is lost. When are the fucking crusades kicking off again?
Dont you know about the Lancaster Plan?
tbf i have no idea if this is real or not but it seems to be happening
Wow, this doesn't matter at all because he bombed a nothing airbase and cuck congress is fucking with shit(makes it trump's fault somehow)!!!
That is the most hilariously cuckolded thing I have ever been personally exposed to.
How incredibly British.
We should have applied for this grant to do machine learning scrapping of the chans. Since we know our enemies do this anyway it doesn't hurt and then we could have used the data to analyze shill behavior.
Opportunity is still there - demonstrate the presence of turk roaches and other potentially Muslim hostiles on the chans and maybe you'll get one of the awards next time around.
am i even welcome here with my non dubs?
dont checkem plz
Off by one, how unfortunate.
Trump is most likely doing this more for financial practicality than personal beliefs that align with ours, but fuck it this is good news either way.
Trump is finding policies that are easy wins for him at this point. He'll do unpopular things every now and then and then do things like this to appease his base back to him.
bullshit. more like the kikes who own the British since Waterloo decided they can't have their goy slaves worshiping Jesus.
Now this is what I'm talking about. Kike shills
Reading the stated purpose of the Marshals(which is very broad and much more than just fugitives), chances are they were involved to secure the safety of the judge, to make sure no one went ahead with the plot on their own.
Church of Kek when?
Giving this another bump to counter balance the refugee thread.
Good. Now give it to groups that will go after anti-white extremists and violent commies.
I love this timeline.
When was the last white supremacist/right-wing terror attack anyway? Wasn't it Roof?
You know a piece of news makes the shills truly nervous when they don't try to shill against it to reduce its exposure.
Christianity protected and strengthened. Muslims and Jews encouraged to be Muslims and Jews so their insanity pushes normals further to the right. Two plays in one move. This is the mark of a master Chess player.
I can hear the oy veyying from those fuckers.
if you asked the MSM, theyd probably say that guy in Kansas or that guy in NY
Honestly, that sounds something like leftists would do, namely
>this mudslime raped me so all white men are bad
And so on as it escalates to more ridiculous degrees because they cannot face and confront the problem directly.
Bump for shitter shattered shills.
There is no white supremacism
I know decapitation with a zweihander will chip the blade, but come on, that is so stupidly ineffective with a knife.
Every time I see a knife decap vid all I end up focusing on is how long it takes, and how much effort he is putting in.
At least get an axe ffs
You american should be grateful, If you like bones that is. Now Bark goyim!
I don't know what's real, anymore. He's not playing 4D chess, anymore. He's playing 4D Settlers of Catan with all the expansions and six players. And all six of the players are Donald Trump.
Underchecked digits.
I wonder how the wait4hitler shills will try to spin that now…
inb4: incoherent autistic screeching about MUH 60 MISSILES, muh jewish son in law, muh nupol/r the donald and irrelevant bitching about smugposting and imkapfy being a turkroach
In the same document:
How about going through the actual government materials and seeing that there's absolutely no evidence that they're not including right wingers or white nationalists. In fact, they opened it to non-profits for the first time, meaning that Soros' shilling funds can get money direct from the government to fight us now.
The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2016 CVE Grant Program addresses the evolving landscape of international and domestic terrorism. Foreign terrorist organizations continue to encourage travel to conflict zones outside the United States. However, they are also increasingly encouraging individuals to commit violence wherever they happen to be in the name of their cause. Additionally, domestic organizations that span the ideological spectrum are recruiting and influencing individuals to engage in violence to advance their causes. Foreign terrorist organizations and domestic terrorists are increasingly using social media and other on-line tools to recruit and inspire individuals to action. The FY 2016 CVE Grant Program supports programs, projects and activities that prevent recruitment or radicalization to violence by interrupting those efforts, building community-level resilience to them, and identifying the early signs of radicalization to violence and providing appropriate interventions through civic organizations, law enforcement or other entities. Community resilience in the CVE context means those communities where violent extremists routinely meet disinterest and opposition, recruitment attempts routinely fail, and communities know what tools and support are available to assist individuals that may be on a path towards violence.The Homeland Security Act of 2002 instructs the Secretary of Homeland Security to "prevent terrorist attacks in the United States." DHS has made CVE a key element of its strategic vision: the 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review reflected the importance of CVE by identifying CVE as a "Priority Area of Emphasis" within DHS's Mission 1: Prevent Terrorism and Enhance Security. Furthermore, Goal 1.1 of the FY 2014-2018 DHS Strategic Plan identifies CVE as one of four strategies to prevent terrorist attacks.Program ObjectivesThe FY2016 CVE Grant Program seeks to develop new efforts and expand existing efforts at the community level to counter violent extremist recruitment and radicalization to violence by funding activities that enhance the resilience of communities being targeted by violent extremists for recruitment, provide alternatives to individuals who have started down a road to violent extremism, and that create or amplify alternative messages to terrorist/violent extremist recruitment and radicalization efforts. In addition, the CVE Grant Program seeks to develop and support efforts by U.S.-based entities that are broadly countering violent extremists' on-line recruitment efforts aimed at U.S.-based individuals.DHS seeks to support innovative and cost effective programs, projects, and activities which establishes or uses existing effectiveness measures. Awardees will collect data on their chosen performance measures so that evaluations of the program can be conducted, either by the organization or independently. Additionally, DHS will assess funded projects for promising practices and make them available in a replicable form for other communities or sectors. DHS is seeking to fund activities in geographically diverse communities across the country and see awards made to multiple different eligible applicant types.Program PrioritiesThe FY 2016 CVE Grant Program has five focus areas for eligible activities that current research (See Appendix A) has shown is likely to be the most effective in countering violent extremism:- Developing resilience;- Training and engaging with community members;- Managing intervention activities; - Challenging the narrative; and - Building capacity of community-level non-profit organizations active in CVE."
Hello CVE shills
This thread is an abortion.
That has been happening in numerous threads today. Site is fucked again.
Thanks for contributing.