Some Memes Just Write Themselves
Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten
Mudslime Loving AnTiFa Whore Gets Beaten / Raped by TurkRoaches
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At least they didn't call her 'racist'.
Ironically this is what all women want.
Can we meme the rest of them into doing this to prove muslims aren't violent?
She's learned nothing, her brain is full of kike.
Kys my man.
Fucking kebab let her live?
Cucked beyond the stars
Hey guys, you hear that? She's proud to have slummed with muzzies and let herself get raped? Now she has all the victimbucks she could possibly cash in!
What's her twitter so we can say "we told you so"?
dumb bitch prob apologised to the shitskin
Tell her that she deserved to get raped.
Isn't that the redheaded cunt that was there when that anfaggot sissy-slapped jake whatshisname?
Make mudslime sock accounts and tell her she was a good lay.
Use your words user.
This. Muzz it up
Make feminist sock accounts and tell her she's ALL penis-in-vagina sex is rape, and that she's enabling the anti-Muslim Patriarchy by blaming the man
Oh no use feminist and muslim sock accounts and accuse her of lying and Islamophobia.
yeah, she was also ostensibly involved in the plan to gas the deploraball with paul kuhn. I seem to recall getting digits for her getting raped in a rwss thread. she is a leader of the dc antifa.
what a waste of a white woman.
She knew she was human garbage and she wanted to prove it to the rest of the world.
From her fucking blog;
This is a very, very stupid woman.
Gt a link?
lol her account is gone
keep adding syllables to the explanation until it makes sense.
nope never mind I found a fake one that was missing the a in mac
she calls em "Justice" instead of "Nigger".
I did the same and almost died laughing for a sec
My sides.
screenshot that shit yo
what a girl wants
what a girl needs
to be raped and beaten
left to bleed
If you still need it;
I read the whole thing, and I will repeat, this is a very, very stupid woman.
those videos freaked me out beyond belief and still never fail to do so, thanks for reminding me
reminder these are the people teaching your kids
oh shi-
Stop blaming her, it's not her fault, you faggot. She has been indoctrinated by (((them))) to act this way, you kissless MGTOW virgin.
Excellent raid idea. In conjunction with
Creates one big, redpilling clusterfuck.
One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”
fake unless you can find a couple more sources.
we literally have her defense of the story on twitter
Calm your tits dude, caring more about her stupid iphone and not budgeting money properly is a pretty good indicator that she's a dummy.
Yuri was right. It doesn't matter if you show them genuine information or they go through an experience that contradicts their entire worldview, they have been brainwashed and programmed to respond to this situation exactly like this. She is blaming it on domestic abuse right now but, I guarantee, by extension she will later tie this to toxic masculinity rather than acknowledge that some cultures are uncivilized because that's how she was taught to react.
I fucking can't with this woman anymore.
Nice source, faggot.
Brah. It symbolizes that we're living in a big prison. The system is against us. That's why I hate Trump and put my eyes behind bars.
Sorry about that, race-traitor!
how's this for a source turbo nigger?
Um this is highly offensive and left me triggered. Rape is power plus privilege. White women cannot be raped except by a white man, because they have more power than POC. To suggest otherwise is racist.
When a POC 'rapes' a white woman it is nothing more than a minor sexual transgression. Shouldn't even be a misdemeanor. Maybe $40 bucks or a couple of hours picking trash up for it to be excused.
Nice digits you should go tell Lacy how you feel cause you have a point.
The information was obtained from the 2002-2003 National Latino and Asian American Study, the ==largest nationally representative survey ever conducted of Asian Americans.== Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, ==the landmark survey involved in-person interviews with more than 2,000 Asian Americans nationwide.== The survey yielded a wealth of raw data for researchers to analyze for insights into Asian American mental health.
Meant for
Fucking phone posting.
is for
lol her blog is full of all sorts of stupid shit, she linked this
Has good caption potential
that's too bad then.
i have a very hard time understanding this, so excuse my suspicion.
Hey twitter fags, you should bring this up and ask her what is turkish saddle felt like on her back.
Too bad Asian women are like a dead fish in bed and are typically emotionally shallow
definitely more stable than most white women i have dated but that may just be my experience, too bad there aren't many that are thicc enough
This would be my largest concern, too bad its not more acceptable to have white kids with other women via egg transfer from a white woman
fun story about that chick (if I'm remembering it correctly) she went to some south asian country without her boyfriend/husband for vacation and started fucking another tourist there, a local must of found out she was a cheating whore because he quickly killed the guy and proceeded to turn her head into a pile of hamburger meat with a blunt object.
Instead of covering her pussy & tits they covered her head. I wonder why.
You remember incorrectly.
She was completely single and she had just met the guy she was killed with.
The murderers said indeed that she had sex with the other guy, as if such a thing would lessen their crime.
The "sex on the beach" theory could not be proved because the authorities took too long in making proper autopsies.
She wasn't asking for this but there's a lesson to be learned: stay in big groups if going to third-world shitholes.
oc where
Assuming you're being serious (I don't think you are), reason or motive as to why one does something doesn't justify the act. All it does is allow one to understand how the present state of affairs came to be. Similarly, if I am abused as a child it doesn't justify my abuse of other children, all it does is give a reason or motive as to why I would. So, it is her fault.
lol that's the bitch who was thoroughly rekt by lauren southern. lmao.
but isn't that exactly what she wanted?
she wants a man to absolutely dominate every single aspect of her entire life ESPECIALLY if she doesn't want him to, and ESPECIALLY if she tries her hardest to resist him
it signals to her instincts that that man is capable of controlling her, which means that he can protect her and her children
but of course she just ignores the part where she'll likely be murdered by islamics such as her "boyfriend"
poor uggo is angry she isn't purdy
did you just misgender mr southern? mods!
shouldnt that be "Mr. Northern" then?
Fucking idiots…
kebab needed to kill her afterwards.
this man makes me confused.
Seeing this happen time and time again is what made me realize that there is no peaceful solution. You can't reason with these people.
we need to get rich and buy helicopters user
I'd say a good way to get to her would be to send this Yuri image to her and to smugly imply or say outright she's hypnotized and damaged forever in more ways than one by her own doing.
She's doomed to repeat her tragic mistakes because she can't help her own damaged mind.
I have an incurable fetish for redhead girls, but they always turn out to be unsalvageable crazy, life-destroying whirlwinds of stupidity and malice. My question is: where on the oppression pyramid does my affliction place me, and is can I exploit it for patreonbux?
Disgusting. Spoiler that shit.
You faggot gatewaypundit just had one of its writers get 50 years for defending against a nigger horde they're breddy gud
So she's proud to be stupid enough to be in a relationship with a immature manchild and is even more proud to have been beaten like a rag doll? What can I even say?
So having a good idea of your racial identity keeps you sane compared to some jew brainwashed half breed? That sounds distinctively familiar doesn't it?
These people never cease to amaze me
Agreed. I've come to the conclusion that a loooooooooot of people have to die for society to get back to functioning normally. The sooner this economic shitstorm with ensuing chaos and race wars hit, the better
don't turn women loose
One of the boyfriend's complaints is that she blabbers on too much…
those dubs
I can tell the mudshit boyfriend didn't appreciate the iron core at all. Stronk independent womyn bullshit must seem so grating for anyone who's not western.
It takes a real man. A white man.
I'm so sick of these fucking feminists who are so happy to take full advantage of "The Patriarchy" whenever it's convenient…
Deus Vult. She got exactly what she asked for.
Honestly, I think she only wrote that part because she knows she's escaped. I doubt she had that attitude while the turks had her.
Notice the 88 is before the 44. This says something, for you Kekologists out there.
Kek I did not intend for that at all.
What exactly is her objection to traditional gender roles then? She just described the "patriarchal" ideal of a masculine protector. Except that traditionally in the West we frown on smacking women around. See the concept of the "Gentleman".
She just showed something key to be exploited on the D&C front. Some feminists would look at her as weak. Im talking violent ones. These people are in denial of the true nature of mankind, but subconsciously they really know it. Its what fires them up. They just choose to put a mask on it, thus wasting precious energy.
We accept the reality. We waste no energy trying to take a form polar opposite of what it really is. We feed this energy into the creation. Our energies are wasted on things on this blade of the turbine.Just know your opposite turbine blade.
If you look real close, you can see that her eyes always had a hawkish, malicious shine to them.
She's a kike.
like I said, feminists are fucking hypocrits. if you asked her she would just doublethink her way out of it by repeating the mantra that the idea that men are protectors is oppressive to women because it implies that women are weak and must be dependent on men, and all attempts to point out to her the hypocrisy of it will go in one ear and out the other.
You know what goes in one ear and doesn't come out of the other ? A slap.
So if she's proud… she ENJOYED it?
this, all Jewish women end up like this. complete psychos. back in collage I worked as a tech for some sleep studies and research on lucid dreaming. the Jewish girls in the program always chose the weirdest and most degenerate shit to "dream target" (our word for reaching a lucid dream state). it was almost always sexually disturbing sadistic or violent. Jewish women are likely fucked in the head from birth.
would not surprise me, every feminist/commie girl i've ever known has admitted to Rape/NC fantasy or dreams. they just blame men, society, or "the patriarchy" instead of taking responsibility for their own deep seated neurosis and personal failings.
fucking this
And there are still people that would say that has nothing to do with Islam..
Islam is a feminist religion..
There is no reasoning with these people.. We lost those people, they are braindead..
I'm pretty sure they are gonna turn into zombies anytime soon.
No she wouldn't say that it's "men" she would say it's "white men". I have these conversation all the times with leftists I know. Every time a white man believes in traditional gender roles he is a misogynist, but when ever a Muslim believes in traditional gender roles it's a part of their culture.
True, the doublethink is multi-dimensional.
Fucking britcucks can't aim for shit
Anyway, so she's german? tell her to remember the 6 million and apology for being a natzi
Was this strictly psychological studies, or were the psychological things found during sleep studies related to sleep apnea?
oh no
nice digits
While there is studies showing that mix-raced people identity problems, I could also see it being a mix-match of alleles gone wrong due to racial admixture.
it didn't have to be this way and the conditioning can be broken.
If those are slaves, why are they waving to the crowd? Also the cage is open on one side
Not just for this case.
user is not remembering incorrectly, just an "MGTOW" making up s***.
remember antifa is kike controlled.
so don't just blame the muzzies.
they're puppets too in the kike game of subversion.
How i see this is that if this continues, by year 2025 we will have to drag em into our basements in order for our race to not go extinct. And our offsprings must learn to full extent what their "mom" did once they are of age and that she wanted them to go extinct in case she doesn't become obedient. Harsh situations call for harsh measures and all that jazz.
The fact that these whores have enough disposable cash to spontaneously jet off to Turkey makes me think we need to start finding effective ways to take their money away. This useless bitch shouldn't have a pot to piss in, let alone international plane tickets.
lol, Facebook whore
lol, so getting raped by muslims is another badge of honor for SJWs… just another victim status point.
The deep level shit here is that their attraction to dominating, controlling men is exactly as strong as the degree to which they posture against it. That's why Islam is such an attraction. At some level they understand what it is, and they can combine that with virtue signaling and (in her case) sacred victim status for actually experiencing it.
Pure catnip.
Western numales have been taught to agree with them, which they secretly hate.
Money quote right here. Combined "my abuser" victim status with "I felt safer" acknowledgement of the attraction.
I guaran-fucking-tee she secretly reads rape erotica.
Rape to women is just what normal sex used to be. Smacking the woman around a bit and dominating them was a pretty common occurrence.
Women's fantasies of rape start and stop right about there. It's pretty telling that slapping a bitch around a bit and fucking her is what current women consider "rape". The rape sand-niggers employ is some Serbian Film shit. That's not even remotely an exaggeration either.
She lacks any spark of intelligence in her eyes.
You can tell she's clinically insane just from that empty, soulless, gaze.
Why the everloving fuck would you type it like this?
AntiFa=Antifascist (Anti+Fascist). Or just plain Antifa.
Who cares?
She's worthless to her race, her family, and her people.
If they had beheaded her, it would just be throwing away the trash.
Stupid question but did she learn or is she still blaimng socity for waht the mud did?
It's not really insane. That would indicate that her behavior was involuntary. She's just plain stupid.
None of you get it. In her mind, DRUMPF!!! is the one that raped her.
This is not naivety. Can't believe I am saying this but she fully deserved being raped by a turkroach.
something a pollack and a turkroach can agree
Now where have I seen this thousands of times before. Worst part is I actually met her IRL. She's more insufferable than even average SJWs and will get other women to end up just as bad if not worse than her just for disagreeing on even small shit aka being reasonable.
Can we reclaim Constantinople and remove roach from Anatolia yet?
Stupid bitch. Get in a car and drive. Sleep in the car. Go to a women's shelter. Dumb cunts make every fucking excuse that their choices weren't their fault.
I don't even know what a happy white family even looks like now. Shit sucks.
Why the fuck are you typing it like this? It's "AntiFa" if anything, which refers to "Anti Fascist". If you don't even know what it stands for, then you probably don't belong on Holla Forums. Fuck off.
This has got to be some kind of glitch. I can't comprehend that someone would be this fucking desperate.
Maintenance earlier, fucked up all threads' IDs.
Thank god it was just a site glitch.
Noticed the same glitch in another thread
Thats grating for any male with a set of balls user.
Well they are prone to mental illness and whatnot. Funny fact, best selling erotic novels and shit in Israel is Jews getting raped by Nazis fantasies. They literally masturbate to that shit. They want to choke on that gas and the fuhrer's D.
I love you guys.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about.
Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
This is the new normal
Finding every leftist's frailties and weak-points and grinding them into the ground? Sounds like I'm back in the right reality.
Kek confirms.
There's more to it than that. You have to consider countries that are hapas in particular. South America is kind of out because spics are mentally disabled to begin with, but Indonesia should make a pretty good case study for you since they're pretty much a nation of dutch Hapas. The only pure indonesians left are the ones who look like monkeyish island niggers and the malays who moves to malaysia about 300 years before the Dutch came and enriched them.
It is a glitch.
Western men kind of tolerate it like you would tolerate a child hitting you on the head with a Styrofoam sword while playing make believe.
in a Muslim country? Are you retarded?
I think they call them "Harems"
no thanks needed
it's actually antifascist action, so AntiFA
Absolutely Harem.
Muslims are fucking trash but I'll give them that they can instill fear into radical feminists in a way that white men just can't.
At first I was like
But then I was like
That's pretty funny
every single fucking time
every single fucking time
The only thing good about this is your digits
100 years ago that young englishman would have been armed with a pistol and well within his rights to have killed them both in defending the lady and himself…….nowadays, total fucking pussies, that's right…. you reading this
This chick looks old and used up, not surprised. What prospects does she really have at this point?
The story is so typical of both feminist cunts and roaches that it borders on caricature.
This is what I'm hoping for. The problem here is that she's in the USA. We need to get her to Israel so she can do damage there.
Watch out. You can get banned for saying that around here. May your dubs protect you.
How would one find this book?
You heard her, its not rape!
You mean you Quran-fucking-tee
Women don't have individual thinking ability. They naturally just follow the in-group trend.
Women are incapable of being at fault because they are empty vessels. Stop assuming women are men. They aren't.
How has this thread gone so far without Pippa?
Ain't nothing you can say to her. Progressivism Liberalism Social Justice whatever you want to call it is a religion,a bastardization of Christianity and its virtues (meekness).
Her rape and battery is a badge of honor. She is a survivor, a hero for the SJW cause and is now being raised to the status of Sainthood amongst her peers because her tribulations continue with online martyrdom at the hands of the racist trolls that now rape her again.
I hope you like getting trebuchet'd over the wall you fucking spic
People need to let go and accept reality.
She walked right into it.
Spread the story to normal people and maybe one or two of them will wake up in the future.
Look at it this way, due to cush conditions Europeans have been accumulating terrible genetic stock over the past 70 years.
That's up for a gigantic correction in the not so distant future.
I didn't realise he was such a manlet.
Of course, even these lefty feminists feel deep down that muslims are lesser like some kind of clever animal mimicking a human. So when one gets agitated even a super anti-racist white moron knows they don't really operate with the same thought processes we do so they should be considered a hazard.
Only SJWs do this. Same with MRA.
Stay triggered.
Yeah this pretty much. I think the other user is giving Muslims a bit too much credit.
"Fear" is the wrong word anyway. It's a more involved psychological thing of which fear is maybe one aspect.
If only more people figured this out.
Is that a printer she's typing on?
Fucking nigger killed two Dr's in Boston
You're a stupid fucking nigger for not understanding that MGTOW is just another layer of kike-cake.
White women aren't gone, they're just lost and need a strong white man to lead them.
the "pain management" doctor was slinging pills
She wants others to be miserable with her. Spreading conservative values so others could avoid her mistakes and be happier than her would make her more miserable.
I swear i fucking swear if i saw that sign held by that shit eating fucking retarded mongol i would smash her so hard in the face that she would actually die, and not enough with that, i would continue beating her till i was removed by.
1) we need racism
2) what the fuck does she actually think she is?
3) she forgot her roots? and now want to fled her country with people who just come to take over?
4) mfw I'm old, sitting in my country which has been taken over by muslims, they are every where, and has now floated my country with cancer by giving birth to 5 times as much as us, everything is ran by them and we can't do shit.
5) we need to send them back in a near future before they get to many and to mixed with us so we can't tell if they are us o them, and we will end up with fucked up genes.
Raping someone is one of the worst things that one person can do to another but in this bitches case I couldnt care less. I hope she was raped DAILY!
Zis. Deadenders.
hello sliding fag
Every. Time.
it looks like this bitch got TURKED again outside the ambassadors embassy in DC the other day
1:30 in the video
the original progressives were redpilled look it up.
auto disregard anyone who says this.
Were gonna see her corpse turn up in a ditch somewhere in the Richmond, VA area some day. What a stupid cunt, she will never learn. Stupid stupid cunt
I am sure this is true. every good movement gets kiked up. they are even trying to be buddies with us which would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous.
One merely has to wait for Darwinism to take effect, there is nothing more that needs be done.
That's what gets me. She wants respect and to not be used, yet she showed up wih the intention of using that man while she was there. No sympathy for leeches.
Why is this so popular? It's like they're trying to lean on themselves but it just looks awkward. Even worse is when they also put their head back 45 degrees; it just seems very uncomfortable and looks stupid at the same time.
of courshe!
they believe in it despite every fact presented to them, like it has been said about communism and its aftermath in universities across the world - you can give them the facts - they can accept you are telling them objective truth
and they will reject it and act how they are programmed anyway
they wont really believe it
the conditioning is real
except you forgot to double down
speak for yourself son
welcome to social conditioning
women that are not taught well, or cant think for themselves rely on their base instincts
men will reject society when they are not taught well, for better or worse
women embrace society when they are not taught well, for better or usually worse
user woman are rip beta males to fucking shreds in debates.
It's almost poetic. Leftists have an unshakable faith with regards to their politically correct dogma, sad to see, really. It's more-so right to blame the institution than the persons.
people are what make up institutions you kike faggot. there's a reason why alinsky says "target people, not institutions" because if you can bleed enough people from an institution, then the institution falls. so no, we will not stop blaming the people who do this, because if we isolate and remove peacefully of course fbi-kun them from the field of play, then we weaken the machine further.
it's what we're going to do to your false god
Don't be that guy. Don't target every single post in a thread to test something like a retarded faggot
not as bad as the thread with 600+ posts from 1 id
Thx for the tip user i'm off to twatter to tweet this image to her
facial similarity to moldy is uncanny, its the final stage.
god does have a sense of humor
dont fucking sperg out like that, it makes reading the thread annoying as you
What's the name of that chick?