Neutral vs. Conservative: The Eternal Struggle

>The way I remember it, conservatives spent about thirty years alternately pleading, demanding, suing, legislating, and literally praying for greater fairness in mainstream institutions, and it was basically all just hitting their heads against a brick wall. Then they defected to create their own.

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There is no fucking thing as a conservative echo chamber.

Go to college?
Congrats, liberal views.

Watch TV?
Congrats, liberal views!

Watch Movies?
Congrats, liberal views.

Use Reddit?
Congrats, liberal views everywhere.

Watch Sports (((ESPN)))?
Congrats, liberal views everywhere.

Congrats, liberal views everywhere.

Buy Budweiser?
CONGRATS, liberal views everywhere.

Seriously, for all the hand wringing about conservative echochambers, it's literally impossible to set one up.

All corporations are liberal because they have to look super friendly by the outside world. but behind the scenes they're probably wicked people too.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It's the moderate branch of liberalism. Conservative means "yes I am liberal, I just want to go slower about it and do it for more evangelical reasons".

A nationalist movement must purge itself of the three great inner demons (Conservatism, Christianity, Capitalism) before slaying the outer demons (Liberalism, Feminism, Kikery).

Go to church?

Back when it was possible for church to be a person's primary point of social contact.

This is actually a good challenge. Ummm…
Go to a men's club, like the Lions or Elks?

Congrats, liberal views everywhere.

Really? Even NASCAR? I don't watch NASCAR so I am not one to say but that's a hard one to swallow.

I'm all ears.

Church is pozzed. Atleast the Catholics are.

AFAIK they allow women in as well. Might be a viable choice, butttt you still have all mainstream media to deal with.

Yeah, nascar is pozzed. They tried to relate to a new diverse audience and ruined everything. They're trying to get more women and minorities interested in the sport.

No you silly boy, we simply need to get the kikes out of our hears and minds, as they subvert everything, even Christianity.

Christianity was subverted when Paul wrote the his epistles claiming Jews are still god's people.

The more literate we have become, the more Jew-worshiping Christianity has become, because that's literally what the Bible is.

Ive realized, this has nothing to do with actually trying to get more non-Whites interested - they never get interested in this shit, and everyone knows it.
Its about demoralizing Whites by maintaining the appearance of this degenerate multiculti shit as being ubiquitous.

Did niggers or women get more into Star Wars because you made them the main characters? No, and they never will - and nobody expected them to, it was about demoralizing the White males who like that shit, not getting muds and twats to like it as well.

Enough. We're not falling for it shill.

You should go to non cucked churches, avoid catholicism and avoid hippie protestant churches who are not true to the faith. A big problem is that around 85-90% of churches are full cuck mode.

And there is no such thing as conservative echo chamber becuase you're always confronted about your views and ideals. If I would be pro multiculturalism and pro EU I would NEVER have to defend my position. That's a bit retarded, isn't it? It is.

The hilarious (to me part) is, I'm not even white. I just like the constitution, hate communists, and don't want to live with/like niggers or spics.

Fuck me, right?

Dude, please, stop. Its embarrassing.

If those who killed Jesus were Jews, then so was he.
Meaning he was just a Jew who tried to Jew his fellow Jews by creating Judaism for the goyim, at which point the Jews killed one of their own whom they perceived as a traitor, at which point his Jew buddies ran off to Greece and solidified Judaism for the Goyim before spreading it to the European underclasses from whence it spread further and pissed off the Jews because it made Europeans dislike them on the basis of having killed the Jew who created the religion those Europeans espoused (Judaism for the Goyim).

For a Jew, Jesus was okay, I'll grant you - but there are NO good Jews.

Well, yeah, but you're an outlier and thus don't matter. Whatever you are, you are not the norm amongst your ilk - most of whom don't care about Shit White People Like, which is the whole point.

You've got the tolerant left TM all wrong. You get called a race traitor and told it's okay, you're just too dumb to know what you want.

Exactly, you don't matter to (((them)), because you're an outlier. White libs think you a poor fool, your own consider you a traitor, and (((they))) consider you the outlier of a trend which serves (((their))) interests.

Those we today call "Jews" didn't really exist then. Today's Jews are descended from the Pharisees, who Christ opposed, but remember that at that point the Talmud hadn't been written, they were living in their ancestral homeland rather than scattered throughout the world (although they had been conquered), they were still basically living like normal people instead of as a parasite class in other nations. The Pharisees had started to lay the foundations for modern Jewry, but the event that really set the Jews down their path toward becoming the kikes we all know and hate was their rejection and killing of Christ.

1. There was no single historical Jesus. He's an amalgamated character based on several different figures, about half of them named Jesus.

2. The teachings of Jesus are actually the teachings of the House of Hillel, which was the dominant school of Pharisees who went on to write the Talmud.

3. Saint Paul actually writes that he is himself a Jew, and Jews are Yahweh's people, and to assume otherwise is to call Yahweh imperfect, which would be illogical if Jewish deity of storms is supposed to be the one true god.

4. Christ and Messiah were titles which Jews gave to anyone they considered a hero. At one point they proclaimed King Cyrus of Persia to be a christ-messiah, before Jesus.

I thought Christ came from the Greek Christos which means "anointed one"

Really? The House of Hillel taught that God took human form and sacrificed Himself to redeem the sins of all the world, including non-Jews?

"Christos" literally means "grease". This is why the name "Christopher" exists, which means "bearer of (holy) grease", as it would make no sense to use it as a name for a man to "bear" Christ.

The Pagan Greeks did not have holy grease.

The concept comes from the Jews and other Semitic people who used holy grease and oil. They would smear the stuff on someone's head and proclaim him "mashiach" which is where we get "messiah". Both the Greek "Christ" and the Jewish "Messiah" mean "grease", but the practice traces squarely back to the Middle East, not Greece.

The teachings of Jesus say nothing about him being God in human form. Jesus also says expressly that he came only for "the lost sheep of Israel", which did not mean non-Jews. It meant bastard Jews. However, Jesus did alter that message at one point, when a gentile woman compared herself to a dog, and asked if dogs can get the scraps leftover after their masters (Jews) receive the blessings, and Jesus said it would be okay, so long as the master eats first.

As for sacrificing himself, this is properly understood by consulting Jewish beliefs. Moses in Exodus nailed a snake to a post, and when the Israelites gazed upon it, they were cured of their ailments and diseases. Jews also practice ritual slaughter with sheep, goats, and chickens. They believe that their sins are transferred onto the dying animal while they rub the animal's blood on themselves. Jesus was claiming that if he is sacrificed, the sins of the Jews will be wiped clean forever. That's why the Jews shout "may his blood be upon us and our children!"

To Europeans, that statement sounds like guilt, because of concepts like "blood on your hands". But for Semitic people, the blood represented the cleansing of your sins. That's why Pontius Pilate, a Roman character, wiped his sword and washed his hands, because it was not his beliefs.

So only the Jews in attendance were "saved". But then Saul of Tarsus wrote that if you are a gentile, you can participate in some redemption if you accept the Jew named Jesus as your god and renounce your pagan gods. This jives with Yahweh's OT commandement to the Jews to destroy the goyim's gods, break their idols, subvert their culture, and conquer their governments from within.

As for the teachings of Hillel, you don't have to take my word for it.

The House of HIllel had these teachings since the Second Century BCE. Jesus was just a character to give voice to them (along with having a basis of some actually Jews named Jesus who did things like lead a revolt of zealots or refused to pay taxes to Rome). And yes, the Sixth Century Talmud does say Jesus is boiling in excrement. This was Jews trying to undermine the Jesus cult and insulate themselves during their diaspora. If anything, Paul would agree with them… but you goyim can still get some "Jewish blessings" if you love Jewsus!

Samefag here. Some more things to understand about the Jesus fable:

Gotcha fam. Gotcha.

I mixed you up with a commie.

Nascar went corporate as fuck in the 1990s
they used to get into fights in the middle of the racetrack
now its just a bunch of people with 2 first names driving the same exact car with different badges and different brand name headers

The meaning of the Parable of the Lost Sheep is that he came for the Jews because they needed his help the most, whereas the righteous did not.

There are plenty of passages in the Old Testament where such a phrase is used negatively:
2 Samuel 1:16: "For David had said to him, “Your blood be on your own head. Your own mouth testified against you when you said, ‘I killed the Lord’s anointed.’”
2 Samuel 3:29: "May his blood fall on the head of Joab and on his whole family! May Joab’s family never be without someone who has a running sore or leprosy or who leans on a crutch or who falls by the sword or who lacks food.”
1 Kings 2:33: "May the guilt of their blood rest on the head of Joab and his descendants forever. But on David and his descendants, his house and his throne, may there be the Lord’s peace forever.”
1 Kings 2:37: "The day you leave and cross the Kidron Valley, you can be sure you will die; your blood will be on your own head.”
Jeremiah 26:15: "Be assured, however, that if you put me to death, you will bring the guilt of innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and on those who live in it, for in truth the Lord has sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing.”
Jeremiah 51:35: "'May the violence done to our flesh[a] be on Babylon,' say the inhabitants of Zion. 'May our blood be on those who live in Babylonia,' says Jerusalem."
Ezekiel 18:13: "He lends at interest and takes a profit.
Will such a man live? He will not! Because he has done all these detestable things, he is to be put to death; his blood will be on his own head." (oy vey)
Ezekiel 23:37: "for they have committed adultery and blood is on their hands. They committed adultery with their idols; they even sacrificed their children, whom they bore to me, as food for them."
Ezekiel 23:45: "But righteous judges will sentence them to the punishment of women who commit adultery and shed blood, because they are adulterous and blood is on their hands."
Ezekiel 33:5: "Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves."

He also deems himself innocent of his blood, and people don't usually use the word "innocent" for exemption from salvation. Not to mention he announces that he does not find Jesus guilty and only sentences him to death by the will of the Jews.

The Gospels also say explicitly how the Jews rejected Jesus and were refused from the kingdom of God:
John 1:11: "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him."
Matthew 21:43: "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."

Yeah being an outlier sucks man. Just take comfort in the fact most niggers or spics worth a damn go pretty damn far right.