Let's make fun of liberals and Hillary supporters here.
Liberal Cringe Thread
Did AIDS Skrillex get a sex change?
I'm in.
t. people who are used to taking it up the ass at work
I don't think they implied that..
Then I misread, but ay, let's get back to posting stupid pictures of shills tbh
This shit is yet a more evidence that the socialist movement should be normcore.
Every successful socialist revolution that ever was was normcore, while counter-culture was a complete, abysmal failure.
what do i win
I think the exact opposite. People in the socialist movement should dress like Prussian nobility or Sicilian gangsters, or more ideally a mix of the two. A movement about ordinary people seizing wealth should have dress to reflect that.
when will liberals end?
Someone should shop her stabbing Bernd in the back, or maybe stabbing Trump. God knows she'd be willing to do that just to be president.
You are right tho
This. I have a theory that showing up to protests looking like a hippie means nobody cares if you get your ass beat or what you're chanting. Next protest I go to, I'm sportcoat-and-tie.
Paris Hilton for president 2016. She has a vagina so clearly she's qualified.
This begs the question, why the fuck does Clinton want to be president? Hilary and Bill are rich and powerful enough already. Can't they just get some random democrap as a puppet?
Here's a few corkers for you all to cringe at:
and other SJW crap.
second two are a-okay and not exclusively liberal.
Yeah, agreed, I never get why so many people on here sperg out over any different ideas about sex, gender, or feminism tbh.
this tbh
Ironically, a lot of the shit they say and that video, despite how cringey it's said, is kinda right. Some of the more Sandyite ppl are weird like that.
Is that a fucking hamster with butter on top of it?
it's a potato
The only optimistic thing about a potential Hillary presidency will be the inevitable collapse of the social justice movement.
It will become increasingly harder use "MISOGYNY!" as a defense when the entire nation views the first female president in a negative light.
Because, like furries, they put their shit into everything, stir up stupid drama, and derail all activity that is not about their own interests.
Found the Patty.
I agree completely. I don't see how anyone can really say otherwise, any widespread movement would have to be. Thats why fashionista cosplayers (crust punks, hippies, etc) are literally the worst for the image of socialism
Don't forget the vodka, fam.
Ay, you're right, but fuggit, it's still annoying tbh.
The file name says "baked-potato.jpg". Isn't that clear enough?
I'm a potatoman, I've had too much vodka and I can no longer see
Nothing is clear. What even is clarity tbh?
presented without comment
What really pisses me off about the "video games are sexist" thing and the resulting demand for old media to be more progressive is that the exact opposite is true, old media is increasingly pandering to prejudices to stay relevant with normies while vidya has been the most socially progressive entertainment media for decades.
Uh… As much as I disagree with the idpol narrative regarding these issues, I don't think it's sound to label video games as the "most socially progressive" media of the last decades.
I'm pretty sure this has been her plot since like college.
I don't remember which station/publication said it, but they noted that after Australia had its first female PM, sexism increased because she was [presumably] awful.
I don't have a problem with it in moderation, as long as it's tempered and the material condition is always prioritized over idpol.
So for example, I'm all for calling out people wearing a poncho or thawb for Halloween but bashing a white guy w/ dreads is dumb.
kek, this. Enjoy 4-8 years of "Well I didn't hear you complain about Obama's involvement in Libya and Syria, so obviously you're only critical of Hillary's invasion of Iran because you're a sexist that can't handle a stronk womyn in power"
jesus fucking christ
this was planned
She honestly wasn't that bad, there was a major media smear campaign of her claiming she was an incompetent backstabber in order to get the Liberal party in. Which is basically the corporate shill "PRIVATIZE EVERYTHING" party.
Is it true that Aussie politicians are legally obligated to overthrow the current prime minister if he's from the same party as they are and he's served more than a year in office?
Just a reminder that Hillary claims This goddamned frog is a symbol of white supremacy, and so many media sources jumped on board with that to cover her stupid ass, including The Anti-Defamation League.
I used to laugh when I heard Conservatives griping about a Liberal bias in the media, especially when FOX is the most popular news station, but after this I'm forced to admit they have a point.
I'm not a shitpostman but I heard Abbott was basically the worst PM they have ever had
Of course liberal media exists, what rightcucks are actually saying is that ALL media is liberal and that their beliefs are somehow persecuted and rebellious.
Even though News Corp has as much societal influence as every liberal outlet in the US combined.
Political backstabbing is the cultural bread and butter of Australia, ya cunt.
Abbott was shit, but he was but a drop of piss in a bucket. The entire Liberal party he is, is probably one of the worst parties we have. To give you an idea on what they are like, council elections in New South Wales now give TWO votes to businesses, and they are also attempting to privatize our gubbermint run education.
Oh I don't know anything about her or her policy, so I wasn't making a judgement myself. Just that Aussies apparently didn't like her.
Ngl i would totally fuck that chink to the right in a first pic and make her my little red guard.
I find everyone in those OP pics attractive.
Why live.
wtf? #ImWithHer now
Underrated post.
Is-is this love?
It would've worked better with a .webm of that creepy "breaking the presidential glass ceiling" video at the nomination 2bh
Lack of culture today is truly the ultimate trait of the right wing. We're not even talking here about making fun of the real assholes. Just some liberal guys, really?
Let us not be like those lepers with no self-awareness.
Simply a reminder.
The left has self-awareness to a fault sometimes.
I can actually imagine chomsky saying this.
From a local Green youth group.