We need to have a talk Holla Forums. A real, honest, heart to heart here. Look at this board right now. Stop for a second, dial back the micro-focused autism, zoom out and look at what has happened to this board. Are we raiding anyone? Are we trolling anyone? Are we cranking out dank memes for a specific cause? When was the last time anything like that happened here? What have we been doing? We’ve been calling each other kike shills for pressing the return key (reddit spacing?) or calling each other LARPagans and Christcucks. We’ve been endlessly grilling every user about being some irrelevant e-celeb shill to the point that I honestly refuse to believe that all of this is organic or real. We’re under siege.
Regardless of who is doing it, they’ve gotten exactly what they wanted. Think about it. If I wanted to stop Holla Forums from cranking out the right wing spicy memes that have so successfully influenced internet culture in recent years, how would I do it? I’d play on your paranoia. Let’s face it, we’re paranoid as fuck. I’d take advantage of the fact that anyone in the world can come here, fire up a VPN and appear to be 20 different people sperging the fuck out on the most inane, irrelevant, disruptive bullshit possible. I’d endlessly inject every single wedge issue this community has into every single thread that is made. Every single thread; Christcucks, kike on a stick, LARPagan, lolbertarian vs. natsoc, fuck off TRS, beaner filth pls go, Trump is a kike shill etc. I’d do it until the board is nothing but one gigantic shit flinging cluster fuck of infighting and autism. I’m just saying whoever is doing this is very good at this and dedicated and knows our memes, lingo and culture well enough that it really looks like we’ve imploded and formed a circular firing squad.
We need to have a talk Holla Forums. A real, honest, heart to heart here. Look at this board right now...
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy fuck you're fucking new.
Take a guess, faggot.
I do agree that this place has went down the drain since 2015, but sitting around and doing nothing wont solve the issues. Make good threads and posts, don't reply to obvious bait and report & filter shills.
OP is right, the board has been heavily disrupted, rending it politically ineffective, and it seems to have been done deliberately. I don't know what the solution is though.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Nigger kike faggot shill reddit please die
you obviously haven't been around much. we've been getting people arrested on the left like crazy, memeing the shit out of the french elections, trolling the fuck out of twitter and antifa groups, and generally mining salt and wins. we're having happenings all the time and comfy stream threads. your demoralization threads have no power here.
OP confirmed for kike shill nigger faggot that obviously isn't from around here. this is now a gore thread
Sad to admit it but op is right.
Board is fried but so is this site. Bad leadership since hotwheels left is the reason. Hotwheels left in the first place because of Josh nigger sperg absolutely single handedly destroying the best chance we had at stable software and fixing the moderation systems and security faults.
Once next started to fail this shit was doomed we've been running on luck ever since I think the hack proves that. I Fucking hate Joshua moon so God damn much. And that's the real problem with central chans it take only one God damn kike in the development team or staff to crash the entire thing with no survivors.
If you are looking for Blaim Blaim josh for crashing the development teams 3 years ago and 2 years ago and blaim hotwheels for not stepping up to the plate and actually fixing the mess and finishing it.
My 2 cents is we are fucked. And other sites? I've spent time on literally every vanity chan. They all fucking suck and have the same flaws this one has. There is no backup anymore and the train is on fire.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Bitch I was posting gore and CP on Holla Forums in 2005. Try harder.
so you admit you're a shill? perfect.
Holla Forums is a Tavistock datamining board that is used to test new shill techniques. Dividing and conquering the right has proven successfull and is used EVERYWHERE now. Well done guinea pigs.(More astroturf)
Go eat glass, kikes.
schlomo, we find you every time. we make you afraid, and the left eats itself. we've done this many times and we've gotten quite good at it.
Refresh the thread.
you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
If you ever catch a shill IRL, forcefeed them glass. kthx.
Mods hate free discussion and will ban anyone who has a critical mind. Don't fall for their lies.
Is it a crime to criticize Kampfy's regime now?
That was my only post itt btw but shills will claim otherwise.
When will Jim ban Tor?
Soon. Uploading pictures has been disabled already for TOR users. Can't have free discussion on this board, that would make it impossible to control the opposition.
see I always knew it was only shills that hated the mods but now i have proof. the proof that you are board wide one posters was posted. either you decided to shitpost as your first post, or you're faggots that don't belong and who are not engaging in any political discussion, just shilling. saving this thread for any posters claiming the mods do nothing or only ban good users. now we have proof otherwise.
Or maybe that was my first post today. Dynamic IPs, ever heard of it, newfag?
Time for exodus, Holla Forums Holla Forums is compromised.
Tor could never upload pictures.
Don't try to make it seem like it's something that was taken away from you, you never had it in the first place.
This board has become more freedom hating than fucking Holla Forums.
Don't teach them how they fuck up in their shilling attempts.
No matter how badly you want them to look like idiots.
GTFO newfag shill, TOR users were able to upload pictures until a few days ago.
Look at this fucking newfag.
Pathetic, really. Mods deleted all files uploaded by the ID 000000 in an attempt to change history. Well done 1984 mods.
Yep. Actually mods seem to routinely delete all TOR posts. Proof:
I'm the OP of that thread btw. There must be more users who know the truth but are afraid to speak out.
Also note how the mods changed my ID in the thread.
tor posters were always a mistake. I've only ever seen a few posts from tor users that were worthwhile because they might have come from letters. everything else was garbage.
Keep crying, kike. Tor never could post pictures.
The world.
Wendy's currently, and you would fucking know it if you actually were a part of this board.
kampfy plz go
Look up at the top. I searched "Holla Forums" to narrow down to Holla Forums posts and that showed up because "Holla Forums" appeared in that post.
I haven't been able to access the ban page since early April.
A ton of shit still 404s for me.
Does it still not work? 8ch.net
If mods wouldn't ban anyone with dissenting thoughts, TOR posts wouldn't be necessary.
See for evidence for the claim. Mods are working for Tavistock.
Nice deflection, modding asshole. Have fun in your circlejerk board that is even less free than /polk/ and Holla Forums, just as you like it. Soon only shills and
stfu kampfy.
It might just be me or the service I use feeding me cached shit.
I'm not really missing out on much since I can see the board log.
Mod using VPN to get a new ID confirmed. Not a new tactic, still pathetic.
Fuck off.
Shut up, imkampfy!
No kampfy, you shut it.
no I'm imkampfy!
Let's start a new one then,
88chan or some shit
Go to hell, imkampfy.
imkampfy is love, imkampfy is life
KYS and make my day
I have a theory: Holla Forums is fine, the mods are banning shills who keep trying the same tired fucking tactics that they were doing during the election, all which essentially amount to "j-just wait for hitler, goyim!", and it seems like there's been an ongoing attempt for the past few months now to gaslight the userbase into fragmenting even more.
Or maybe not, I just lurk here, but I'm sick of you faggots shitting up the fucking catalog.
Yeah I know I'm late to this thread, (since phoneposting doesn't work anymore), bite me.
Sage goes in all fields.
How long? I first came here in 2015 and the overall quality here really went down over the last year alone. If you pay attention to writing styles you'll notice a shitton of obvious outsiders, especially in major threads. I'm not sure when (((imkampfy))) (who is an actual literal "person" of jewish descent, not just a faggot that acts like one) but the mods weren't quite as bad a year ago. It can be hard to notice if people don't post screenshots, but many decent posts are deleted. I can only find this one right now and it's not the best example because it's not very productive, but it still didn't need to be deleted and the only one who would delete it is a jew.
I jumped ship when pic related happened, so December 7, 2014 I guess.
And yeah I've noticed a yuge drop in quality, (though there still manages to be some good discussions in the Lain/Kek/Esoteric shit/Atlantis threads whenever those pop up), and I've at least lurked long enough to be able to spot out shills and/or outsiders. But I don't pay much attention to the meta threads (I skim for the gist of it and move onto other threads), so I can't be sure who's jewing who in those discussions. Half the screencaps of "unjust bans" seemed like either naive posts that had good intentions but say the same shit that we've seen from the paid shills for the past couple years or so, and get b& because of the assumption, or they were just posts that would derail a thread and didn't add anything to the discussion. But like I said, I can't be sure, since I'm not all that interested in meta shit (the TRS shit got old pretty fast, for me).