Ayylmao kino

Dark Skies
The Fourth Kind
Fire in the Sky

Are there any more good ones? I'm rarely affected by movies that are meant to be scary, in fact, almost all of them fail to get a reaction from me, but the first two in the list above were actually scary. Haven't felt like that since I was a kid, and I want more of these experiences.

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And how did 35 y/o Milla Jovovich look so good?

Another one. She's really about to turn 34 when the picture was taken. Most white women age like milk, so it's really surprising.

Communion is the ultimate ayy lmao kino, prove me wrong

Non-white detected

Didn't do it for me tbh.

More like Walken kino. It's utter shit as ayy movie.


Meme movie.




Under The Skin

Did the stuff in the movie, aliens running amok in Alaska, possessing people, speaking Sumerian, really happen? According to the movie, many of the people involved claim that it really did, including the scholar from Africa.

well, it's claimed to happen just like all the whole Mothman mythos is claimed to actually have happened but it's hard to say it was "based on a true story"

I'd hit the ayylien tbh.

you can't, she doesn't have a pussy hole remember?

No, it was all made up

Well, the problem is that it's awfully difficult to say that it's all fake. I mean, there so much corroborating evidence: the videos that are shown in the movie of people levitating and getting badly hurt while under hypnosis, the witnesses, data on how many people go missing in that small town, etc. It's spooky, anons.

Doesn't matter tbh.

"fake" implies outright fabrication and from what i remember about the story and the movie, the movie was true to the source story as much as it could've been.

The "archived footage" is fake aswell
The woman who plays Abigail in the supposed interview was an actress en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Milchard

Mirage Men is a good documentary kino about how most of the UFO lore was outright fabricated to muddy cold war information.

The entire film is untrue. Those interviews and videos were all fake.
Also the town does have a lot of people who disappear, but it is mostly injuns getting drunk and freezing in the snow.

Just came here to post this, I have the book on my shelf. Great window into government misinformation. What better way to get people talking about anything other than top secret Air Force projects and rad exposure tests on the thyroids of cows than whisper shit about ayyliums in their ear.

You're mistaking whites for mestizos.

Not kino.

I consider this V/H/S short one of the best ayykinos, because it is very close to nightmares I had with them.

The McPherson Tapes are pretty good as well.



Anyone who disagrees is simply being a silly contrarian.


Are you me user?

The objectively correct answer is The Objective. Watching the trailer will just ruin it for you, so here is the whole thing on YouTube.

Got a living download spot for it?

Immersion broken.

I would also like to bring attention to this 1992 tv movie which makes for a very underrated ayy lmao kino
Full movie on jewtube, check it out

Uh… I think they were rebunking it?

He's probably talking about the documentary on jewtube that killed the ancient aliens crap by showing how much of a fraud it all was. Well, with one exception, even they had to admit that it was curious how so many different cultures from around the world share similar mythology, talk about a great flood, and have stories about giant, superhuman people being attracted to and impregnating their women.

I mean the fish broches, which AA claims are jets, but clearly are fish and even today those fish (Lithoxus lithoides) are considered sacred by the locals.

Yeah, I remember that part. You'd think that a show on the Discovery channel would be more honest and professional. Ancient Aliens Debunked really tore them to shreds.

Wow, I didn't know catfish were aerodynamic. Which other fish can you match to these "broches"? I haven't watched that documentary because I don't browse reddit.

That has nothing to do with aliens, those were Atlantean Aryans whose civilization was destroyed 10 or 12 thousand years ago (not the first time it happened). This is basic stuff, hardly esoteric knowledge. Not curious at all. The same thing will happen to us and 12,000 from now some shitposting muddy autists will be getting into an argument about how the idea of Ancient Americans having helicopters is ludicrous. Maybe they'll find a sunken aircraft carrier and cover it in sand like that Roman ship found near Brazil.

BTW can you imagine how disappointed the Atlanteans would be if they saw their degenerated offspring in the current year?

Anyway, everyone knows that space aliens is pure fantasy because the earth is obviously flat.

Every single fish is 'aerodynamic', since water works much like air…

Ok I will give it a try.

Ended up finding 4-5 copies in VK.

wait, I'm confused. so the cops knew that Internal Affairs was setting them up?

Because water is air with two hydrogen molecules on it.

really slow film and it didn't make sense.

I enjoyed the monologues and the kinda x-files vibe to it, but it wasn't very ayykino. Ancient Aliens is not ayy, its /x/.

JC you have terrible taste in films.

t. nigger

projecting this much.

Sad thing they didn't show the rape/probe of the blonde;_;

Get out, that scene on the starship is scarier than the entire X-Files

Dark Skies is decent the others are trash.

Close encounters of the third kind

Too bad it's the only good scene of the movie

That's right. Every movie has 5 good minutes of film.

The Arrival (1996, Charlie Sheen, not the new one that stole the name) is worth mentioning.

I like the other scenes, but its not even the same movie.

Is this Ygritte movie ayy and good?

I'm pretty sure that's not her on the second pic

Looks promising.

Yeah, that's a cutie from Dark skies.

It's objectively great.


I'm watching this. It seems fucking familiar as fuck, but I can't really be sure I watched it before. Its pretty good.


Is this really good?

Its carpenterkino, I haven't seen it (couldn't find it) but heard about it.


Watching it at the moment a little slow but captivating.
Really like Magnet Releasing films, most of the time low budget but effective.
Like my old pa usef to say, fuck the Jews and fuck Jewlywood.


Nope it was 5/10 at best, way too long anyway.

t. nigger

That's not even a star of david.

bump because I've watched all that's been posted, and I want more of this stuff.

There's these two but i warn you they're very shitty
First one is found footage shit and relies much on jumpscares, although there are a couple of good scenes and i have to give it props for being one of the few found footage flicks that tries to come up with a reason why the protagonist is always holding a camera
Second one is utter and total shit and i advice you only watch it if you're truly that desperate for ayy lmaos

Not mentioned in the thread there is Intruders (1992). A bit slow but has some good scenes.

The Signal, found footage thing, pretty spooky.

Extraterrestrial (2014), tries very hard to 'update' the genre, its not very spooky, but interesting anyway.


I also miss Extraterrestrial in the post above me, don't punish me daddy.


Too late, you get probed

This is a new one, called Phoenix Forgotten. Its another found-footage thingy, but looks pretty dark and Ridley Scott touched it with the tip of his dick (producer).

Saw Dark Skies. The setup was somewhat annoying, with the 'ur crazy' shit, but its not as bad as many other movies on the subject. Aliens were great, ufo guy was great, redhead chick is great, the older kid is great.

Best scene in the movie, tbh.

MILF Keri Russell was better tbqh

I like Keri, but damn, that girl is pure breeding hormones.

Just watched this
Is Scotland really that depressing? Jesus Christ

Scotland is a pit of despair and hopelessness.

The Signal was pretty disappointing desu. During the first 30 minutes or so, you get some pretty decent setup and even some spookiness, but then the movie shits itself, and you're faced with action schlock and the most obvious big mystery I've ever seen in a movie.

I don't get it
How did the camera get back to the school?

they should make a film where walken stabs ayy lmaos in the face with a soldering iron