No federal charges against officers in Alton Sterling death
Basically the family is on TV crying 'He Dindu Nuffin Wrong' right now; DOJ says no charges; cuck Louisiana leadership is going to come after the cops.
No federal charges against officers in Alton Sterling death
Basically the family is on TV crying 'He Dindu Nuffin Wrong' right now; DOJ says no charges; cuck Louisiana leadership is going to come after the cops.
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Had to go see what this nigger dindu. He was the gas station nog they shot.
He looks just like a Behelit from Berserk.
By the way, I'm predicting there won't be a chimpout, since Soros funds seem to have been shifted to AntiFa. BLM sort of just fell apart.
Do you honestly believe Soros is responsible for every chimpout?
I'd like to add that niggers gave been chimping out long before BLM ever exist and long before Soros became involved with left wing agaitaton.
Modern chimpouts only happen if local news drums it up and social media trends it.
There will be no chimpouts, not least because the cops aren't off the hook yet. They could still be railroaded by the state.
Of course, niggers chimp all the time, but to get a Ferguson, Baltimore or Charlotte in 2017, you need organization.
I don't know enough about the LA Riots to tell you if they were (((orchestrated))), but if not, those type are rare.
Statistically, yes.
Longest sentence 5 years for possession of a plant.
I know what he is but still
fuck this gay system
I don't keep a list of what each dindu did before he became a "gudboi" could anyone give me a refresher on the background of this case.
That's lenient. I'd put you in a death camp for even promoting the herbal jew.
That's silly. There have been plenty of nigger riots which have been the product of spontaneous rage. For example:
And video.
I doubt every much that the LA Riots were orchestrated by any outside force. Hysteria created by the MSM is to blame for that one.
So you had to go all the way back to 1967. Yes, wide scale nigger riots are rare. They have short bursts of anger, then flame out quick.
ok I remember now, so was the fat fuck really reaching for a gun? either way its fucking stupid to reach for anything while a cop is restraining you.
Summary of Offenses
Simple battery (dismissed) (Nov. 24, 1996)
Simple battery – dismissed (Oct. 28, 1997)
Simple burglary of inhabited dwelling (May 5-15, 2005) request for arrest warrant
Felony theft (May 5-15, 2005) request for arrest warrant
Simple burglary (amended to illegal possession of stolen things – guilty plea) (May 24, 2005)
Aggravated battery (amended to simple battery – guilty plea) (March 6, 2006)
Simple criminal damage to property – guilty plea (March 6, 2006)
Unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling (amended to disturbing the peace – guilty plea) (March 6, 2006)
Expired driver’s license (March 21, 2008)
Driver’s license issue (hard to read document) (2008)
Domestic abuse battery – pleaded guilty (March 31, 2008)
Illegal carrying weapons with controlled dangerous substance – pleaded guilty (May 29, 2009)
Felon in possession of a firearm – dismissed (May 29, 2009)
Contempt of court – (Aug. 10, 2009) – Guilty plea
Fail to use seat belt (Feb. 5, 2014)
Fail to renew registration (Feb. 5, 2014)
Failure to comply with sex offender registration (Aug. 11, 2015) – Forfeiture
Possession of a schedule 1 drug, (April4-5, 2016) – no conclusion
Possession of marijuana first offense. (April 5, 2016) – no conclusion
Arrest – probable cause affidavits:
Trespassing (Aug. 25, 1996)
Damage to property (2 counts) (Aug. 25, 1996)
Criminal mischief (Aug. 25, 1996)
Illegally possess weapon (Aug. 25, 1996)
Aggravated burglary (Aug. 27, 1996)
Public intimidation, 2 counts (April 24, 2000)
Criminal damage to property (March 4, 2006)
Simple robbery (March 4, 2006)
Theft under $500 (March 4, 2006)
Possession of marijuana (March 4, 2006)
Misrepresentation during booking (March 4, 2006)
Simple battery (March 4, 2006)
Aggravated burglary (March 4, 2006)
Resisting an officer by force (May 29, 2009)
Possession marijuana (May 29, 2009)
Possess stolen things (May 29, 2009)
Possess firearm with drugs (May 29, 2009)
Simple assault (May 29, 2009)
Offense too illegible to read in the record (May 29, 2009)
That was just one example. The riot in the video was from 2005, which was one the scale of anything seen in Ferguson.
So in other words, he dindu nothing.
I think that's from the reporter, not him committing an illiteracy offense.
Jesus Christ user.
Is this really the case in burgerland? Why won't we simply gather all niggers and put them into one city and then put up a cardboard figure of Hitler in the middle of it.
The problem should solve itself then.
I heard a professor chimping out about it from down the hallway.
This doesn't appear to have been based on mere rage, just look at the context.
I smell a Jew.
Literally who is this obese ugly nigger?
That's exactly what it was. Unless you believe the police were oppressing blacks by shutting down an unlicensed bar.
So stating that niggers don't to be paid or otherwise influenced by a third party, in this case Soros, in order to chimp means I'm a jew? Fuck off retard.
You know, niggers tend to be really ugly
He was a good boy, tor&newfag.
But muh cultural standards of beauty!
No, you're a fucking idiot. I wasn't suggesting YOU were the Jew, fuckwit, but rather, that there was some Jewry going on in that context.
Namely, the United Community League for Civic Action, which is described as a 'civil rights' organization - and given its 1967 we're talking about, GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS, FUCKWIT!
The Open Society Foundation co-opts then steers anger that occurs naturally so it cannot be accused of astroturfing. Friendly media will stir the pot until a boil is reached, OSF will get paid handlers (DeRay McKesson or w/e for one) to round up idiots to do it for free, those iconic yellow and black printed signs are distributed, then the champagne socialists at the top try their best to get the golem to do what they want with their embedded men and media direction. So no Soros is not responsible for every chimpout, just seizing control of dumb niggers and leftists whenever possible to serve himself and his (((globalist))) peers.
It's a gamble if he wants to waste further resources with BLM though as they've largely worn out their normie appeal and can now only be used to ratchet up tensions.
Oh, sorry.
Maybe. If their goal was to destroy Detroit they certainly succeeded as that riot vastly accelerated white exodus from the city. I still believe it was just a case of TNB as I don't see how it could have resulted in any benefits for the Jews or other actors.
Protip: The area the riot happened in had been primarily Jewish until the blacks flooded in.
Yes, you do, you even said as much.
Besides, 60s Jews werent about helping themselves directly, it was about causing chaos and conflict, and from that, things were built upon, and you got what we have today.
Nothing God made is of or belongs to the jew.
do those printed signs bear the name of the printing company that made them (in tiny font vertically on the side) as is the legal requirement for anything printed by a company?
if so, could it be possible to ask them or liberate from their database who paid for them?
Nice (((noses))) boys, your jewdar is tip top!
1st guy local chapter president of UCLCA and guy that apparently incited it, next 2, owner and son of the 'blind pig', father being the director of the UCLCA son having been the one convinced to throw the bottle at the cop, looks like it might've been ground-up for the groids, but oh hang on! here's a photo of Mr (((Green))) owner of the building there, who just so happened to have expated with his good friend from down below when it was time to retire. Owner of that printing press? Earl Smith. And finally, the lawyer representing the po' güd boy Scotts post-riot, Frank Edwards. http://
noice url, kek
But let's crank on both of them a little more, shall we?
So I decided to mine the business first, and found it was owned by a Larry Smith, from 1972 to 2011, obviously this must be a family run business so okay, could be goodest goy, could not be, found his dad's name is Earl so I put him together with the slumlord first, wouldn't you know it, they retired together and expated,
Finally, barking up Willie II's tree, we find that he used to work directly for the Democratic guvna… G Mennen Williams, and from there it was only one more search to see we had a direct link to (((OUR GREATEST ALLY)))
what did he not do?
he did not sell drugs on the corner of the street and then he didn't resist arrest and then finally, he absolutely didn't reach for a gun when the cops were on him.
So someone give me the odds of a chimpout in the next day or so. It doesn't look likely as there is no leadership or coordination.
I found the coal-burning jewess mentioned in there, and oh, lookie loo, they're all still "active" though it looks like she went to DAPL and the (((Science))) march instead of messing with the chimpouts.
amazing what you can spy with a li'l jewgle-fu and elbow grease.
You can also see in the follower page their kid Mandela has friended his parents. Wat a dork!
ch-ch-ch-checking dat'un too, knowing that about the neighbourhood explains a lot more, now!
Definately chimpout worthy then.
HAH! Called it.
What on earth is going on with that Jew's head? It's like he's growing another nose out the back.
Also, how shitty is that suit, look at the sleeves haha. Nice job wearing your pants that high too.
anyone saved his mix taps about the jews?
Pfffthahahaha. This is the nigger equivalent of the 'Every time' meme.
Love that tag at the end, dis totally da Nazi's fault for marching in the first place, exactly what they wanted.
friendly reminder that "selling CDs" is a hood variant of peddling dope. Give Alton 20 bucks, he hands you a blank CD in a case, take the CD to the trap house and get your fix. this is common practice
This nigger really liked breaking in to peoples homes
second post, I'm more worried about the hearing loss of the officer that had a gun fired so close to his head at this point
It's pretty common in the US legal system to agree to drop charges that are given to someone and just go after a drug conviction to save time. Back in the day they realized druggies were criminals so it didn't really mattered how they prosecuted them. They didn't plan on whites listening to hip-hop and muh dicking while smoking dope. Who could have ever known it would get this bad?
And there I thought they were just trading "mixtapes".
There will be no chimpouts
BLM is no longer needed, now they just operate as Antifa
Antifa is a specific group that has nothing to do with your average chimp.
it will continue as disorganized helter skelter this summer.
The niggers need (((someone))) to rile them up, both in the national media and locally
I think that, to a certain extent, they might also be worried that the police won't tolerate their shit anymore.
The nogs fear the Trump.
Also, checked
I wish he'd go full blast against #blm. Send in a few hundred drones to the next chimp out.
We wait.
So redpilling.
If we did something like this today the T_D cucks would joins us en masse.
I remember when this first surfaced, the cucks immediately started defending him saying its just simple drug dealing and everyone makes mistakes.
You mean local blacks weren't really hankering for dem CDs in the age where you can just download anything online? Shocking…
Clearly there is no 3 strikes laws in those states.
I suppose if a state with lots of niggers had one all niggers would be locked up for life.
believe it or not that was actually their god emprah at one point.
Yea, totally fucking ridiculous I know. I think this is the real reason for some jews' success, you'd completely pass this guy up as a bum on the street, some ex-broker who lost his last stock, but he's the fucking prime minister yet looks like one of those stereotypical movie professors that get kidnapped and forced to build weapons for third world dictators. 'AND HE'S SO SHORT
And if you think he looks funny now look at what his memorial was.
I guess that's one way to hide how dangerous someone is, dress up like a complete buffoon.
His wife was a literal dwarf.
Reminds me of playing Timesplitters and trying to shoot the bastard playing the damn monkey.
Whups, got some weirdness off of getty's servers, it saved an image of Golda Meir instead, weird.
I'll take it off of wiki instead since the same image is there.
cops are absolutely insane coward pussies
absolutely no justification for what they did there.
they should be burned alive
laugh all you want while they do it to niggers
but we all know (((who))) holds their leash
they will be coming for us next
Jesus Christ. I've heard the name but never put a face to it. What a nasty little imp.
I'm not a stupid, violent, drugdealing nigger with an illegal firearm and a criminal record a mile long so actually the cops will never end up shooting me for "no reason". But they'll goodify you in due time. Sleep tight, Jamal.
I feel like the chimpouts are done with right now. It takes funding for these things to happen, and it feels like that funding is going more toward antifa and feminist type events. Whatever the objective was for the chimpouts the last two years, either they succeeded, or they failed, but it just feels like they've taken a different rout in the past half year or so. Nothing triggers the niggers en masse anymore because no one's funding them.
Yeah, they're perpetually triggered, but too dumb to channel that rage into an organized force commanding national attention. I think even the antifa thing is dying down… curious to see what the next organized resistance movement will be.
It looks like the main (((funding focus))) now is to start WW3.
piss off nigger lover
Reminds me of a banner I made that didn't get picked for the rotation. sadpepe
I know this is off-topic and normie as hell, but did anyone correct that one user and explain reciting the pledge in Arabic is actually in fucking commie core?
It'd really bother me if he wasn't aware this was actually in their social (justice) studies curriculum. Even been confirmed by lefty teachers on funnyjunk topics about CC (of course, they confirm it because they think it's a good idea…)