Holla Forums I've been thinking about getting a dog.
I want a good dog though, a white man's dog.
I don't know much about dogs so I was hoping you guys could help me out.
Holla Forums I've been thinking about getting a dog.
I want a good dog though, a white man's dog.
I don't know much about dogs so I was hoping you guys could help me out.
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Depends a lot where do you live, how much you earn a year and with who you live with.
German Shepherd
Golden Retriever
Doberman Pinscher
Siberian Husky
Irish Wolfhound
They're good dogs, bront
Are German dogs superior?
I live in the United States.
I don't think money is an issue, how much can one dog cost?
I want a quality dog so if it's a little expensive that's alright with me.
A kennel-dog will be ridden with inbreeding. The more accolades it has, the more genetic diseases.
Adopt a shelter dog. There are plenty which aren't mutts if you don't like them. However, mutts are generally (not always) less ridden with genetic diseases. Some breeds are more resistant than others, and it helps to research how long they have been around for.
Example: Both yorkshires and maltese are lapdogs for those who live on apartments, but yorkshires are a breed less than 300 years old, while Maltese were only bred for their size, and are maltese since thousands of years. The older breed outlives the other by several years.
German Shephards are awesome and make great guards but they bark A LOT.
I prefer Siberian Huskies since they have a ton of personality and aren't exactly barky dogs but they require an asston of physical activity and will tear your house apart if you don't wear them out sufficiently.
Do research on different breeds and decide for yourself.
German Dogs are good dogs
But you can't go wrong with a Husky or Irish Wolfhound either.
Most expensive aspect of dog ownership is getting their vaccines.
They can be pricey if you get them from a Puppy farm, but most Shelters offer dogs for a much lower adoption cost, or in some instances for free.
Siberian Huskies don't usually bark, they "talk" a weird mix of barking and howling that almost sounds like a rudimentary form of speech.
You don't know how much a dog costs truly until you get into a position where you have to do a life-saving surgery of some sorts when he gets old, and a huge proportion of dogs reach that point somewhere in their lives. Then it's either sacrifice your dog or do the surgery in the hopes it lives for a couple more years, three or four if he is well-treated.
After that point, medicine, special needs and a lot of things come into play which averages about double the amount you normally spend for him when he was healthy.
I've had a dachshund before.
They're good dogs but have back problems.
I think I want a bigger dog this time.
Jeb Bush pls go.
Enjoy your toxoplasmosis, fag.
I was mostly referring to the process of initially acquiring the dog and making sure it was healthy and free of diseases and worms and such.
I have a Siberian Husky who had worms in her brain when we adopted her, so now she's slightly retarded.
But she's my special little girl and I love her
Turtles aren't dogs, Achmed.
Great way to treat your best friend.
Fuck off, chinese food.
Cats are trash bro.
>>>Holla Forums
Nice thread but where's the politics doe?
Nice politics you cunts. Reported.
Politics comes in many forms, catfag.
Take your toxo meds.
Just found a picture of OP and his IDF btw.
Shit dude, blast from the past.
Reminds me of the Jew Doggo spammer when we were raided by Evalion shills.
having a big cranium is VERY important.
Some breeds of dogs like the Fila [IDK how is called in english, sorry] can only remember 7 people.
7 people
that is almost nothing, you really have to pray you don't make plenty of friends or your family grow because he WONT remember much more than that , for long even if he lives in the same property. and that is a lose cannon.
Fun fact: a persona can care/remember 150 people at a time.not more than that folks. this is why is so important to stay user, we don't fill our HDs with randoms on the internet, instead keeping space for those around us IRL that really affect out daily life pol is always right
I want to argue with you, but your integers are just getting stronger.
White nationalist expression in the form of a canine companion is political. Also, now that you've brought cats into it, you've brought mind-controlling disease into the mix. You're clearly trying to proliferate toxoplasmosis amongst based dog owners. Kill yourself.
Dogs are mindless followers like minorities are. The only pet for a proud WN is a cat. Strong, loyal, and independent. You don't have to be home 24/7 giving hand outs and taking it out to piss like you have to do for dogs. While you are out getting rid of vermin in your country - your cat will be home getting rid of them on your estate.
you are that cunt that goes everywhere using a shirt covered with cat hair aren't you?
suicide is an option. cats eat their owners so don't worry about him, he will have a banquet and then fuck off.
A good breeder produces a good dog and will generally cost more.
It's amusing to me how this imageboard talks about natsoc ideas with regards to people but, not to animals.
Protip: good breeders buy semen from other breeders to inseminate their bitches to avoid the inbreeding issue.
It's gonna cost you a grand or more though.
why can't you even lead your pet.
YOUR pet is not supposed to have authority you filthy beta.
somehow, this honestly angered me.
this thread is so low effort, I can only assume that you're sliding something
Oh, will you tell me also that there are based kikes, user?
Breeders want to appeal to kennel definitions of each breed. So for example, the perfect German Shepherd will be ridden with hip dysplasia, instead of being bred out of it.
The exact reason why it's so expensive makes the great majority of breeders shit. Don't buy your fucking dog, just adopt an abandoned mutt and you'll spend less money and will forever have a trusty companion for his life.
He's my pet/buddy, not my nigger
See how the jew tries to denigrate loyalty?
I really wonder where's the DEAD DAWGS guy.
How does that compare to a cat willingly slashing its owner's eyeball out of mild annoyance?
It doesn't. Cats suck.
a girl that goes by kitten made that and she likes to be choked while being fucked.
just an observation.
hopefully dead.
One of the oldest breeds of Europe, descendants of Roman farm and guard dogs.
Are you high? Even if you go to the vet and run through the whole "checkup" scam its only $100 every 3 years. Even a small dog is going through way more than that in food.
Pics or it didn't happen.
You seem salty. Animal abuse is degenerate.
filtered already, why are you trying associate jews with non kike things and non jewish traits.
your "friend" can't even speak, won't attack people on command, won't respect your boundaries [I had a cat and the fucker didn't accept he was not supposed to go into my bedroom] and won't pay rent, inform you, is a net loss.
Unless you live in an area with pests and rats, leave cats be. I myself think about having a chicken farm before a cat.
The whitest dog in its order.
Jesus christ, the sound of that video.
The word you are looking for is pedigree, not kennel you dumbfuck.
That's why you go to a good breeder and not a pedigree breeder, like user just told you. What kind of brainless sack of shit are you? Are you seriously stupid enough to think these dogs have hip dysplasia? youtube.com
Or it will be a savage nigger dog. Or it will have one of hundreds of possible health problems. A mutt is just a gamble, it isn't somehow inherently healthy. A well bred dog you know its temperament, lifespan, and that it will not get any major genetic problems because the breeder tests for them.
Salt confirmed.
Worst advice I've ever seen given on Holla Forums.
Abandoned mutts tend to be batshit crazy.
Pretty much every dog is white. Stick to breeds originating for Europe or America, of which there are dozens.
Shibe is good doge. Honorary Aryans.
Stay away from African breeds, same advice for people. Basically, if you wouldn't be friends with a person from that country of origin, you won't like the dogs either.
Cats are Islamo-Jewish tripe. Jews and Arabs don't touch dogs, so they keep cats around. Meanwhile, Woden had two wolfdogs named Greedy and Ravenous who had endless appetites for meat.
man he is probably JIDF just filter .
expects people to respond by associating jews on cats.
and other half associating jews with dogs.
either way, jews are rat vermin. and that is what tick him off.
Woman detected.
DEAD DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet more evidence that chinks aren't human.
I mean…wtf now I hate dogs and love Bernie Sanders?!
Maltipoo master race reporting in.
Top Cuck, you're so bad at this.
cane corso, German Shepard , English mastiff, golden retriever
Well I know you weren't being facetious, seeing as I did mention a senator.
Almost every working/hunting breed is a white man's dog. German Shorthairs are best of course.
those averages numbers of what people can remember are based on plebs. I was going to get a greyhound just to have a dog around until I find another hunting dog, but their small head size worries me. If anyone knows more about them, please let me know.
Had barncats my whole life, the ones that are friendly get treated better, the ones that don't stay feral and tend to get eaten quicker by coyotes. Cats can be taught to respect boundaries like any animal, they just like to test boundaries they know are there in case you've changed your mind. Like a woman. And they are cheap and easy to care for compared to dogs because you don't have to feed them regularly, or care for them, or plan around them for traveling.
I want a rottweiler or a leonberger.
Both are good dogs but different
Caucasian shepherd
It's in the name
This is literally a Holla Forums tier thread
Eat a white man's turd, mods
St. Bernard (only if you live in a coldish area)
Got a runt as a kid and she lived for 11 years. I loved her so much.
I sense you have a story to tell.
Looks like something is being slid, or we're in the midst of a very slow raid.
I used to think the whole dogs hate niggers was just a meme but holy shit being a part time pet sitter since college, it's all true.
This raid has been going on for 2 years now
btw I don't trust women with big male dogs, or that like dogs too much.
Having dogs is for males. females are degenerates and will let him hump them or their legs.
men look for brotherhood in their lifetime, women don't even understand the concept
dudes, this is not promoting anything negative.
first line of the cat side. I don't need to know anything else.
I would love a German Shepherd, but I'm allergic. I'm weighing a Rhodesian Ridgeback right now. But anything is better than a nu-male faggot lap dog.
t. T. gondii
Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and they are one of the white mans greatest treasures, I'm just commenting on the board essentially becoming cuckchan + the_Donald
a thing about threads like this is that they take like 0.5 of a second to make, so quick places like 4chan Holla Forums have one each 0.0000000000005
numbers are figurative but you get what I mean.
Rhodesian Ridgeback if you live in the heat, German Shepherd if you live in the cold.
And a nod to Goldens and Labs if you hunt birds.
t. cuck, woman, faggot - pick your poison
I guess you have a point. Anchor this thread, hotpockets, as much as I like it.
fwiw, long-haired dogs fuck my allergies up, but labs being inbetween don't for some reason. But I've never kept one indoors to be sure.
Whitest dog = Brian Griffin
then why does he act like such a kike most of the time?
White in body, not in mind. I keep waiting for an episode where he joins ANTIFA.