North Korea is sitting on a giant mineral deposit

North Korea is sitting on a giant mineral deposit

What if North Korea isn't bad? what if it's a globalist media conspiracy to turn everyone against them?
what if everything we have ever heard about them is a lie?
How are we supposed to know anything that we're told about NK is true? It's on the other side of the Pacific and more than 99.9 percent of us have never even traveled anywhere near it. No central bank and Kim allegedly saying stuff like this? It's interesting to say the least.

I mean, do you realize how much an unbiased interview with Kim would be worth? he is THE person everyone is observing right now, I find it to be absolutely incredible that nobody has ever tried to set up something like that.

it's really funny how all the "pro-nationalist" countries (especially those who don't have a Rothschild-controlled central bank) are considered our "enemies."

and we all constantly call out the mainstream media on telling lies and intentionally misleading the public, but as soon as they say something about north Korea, a historical enemy of isreal - just like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, etc, then you drink down anything they tell you like brainwashed fanatics.

"I heard that Kim jong eats babies, I saw it on the tv, the reporter Shillgoldsteinberger was telling us all about it!"
all of the news and informtation you have on north korea is from the enemies of north korea and you don't even question it even for a second.

hitler knew this, and you don't have to be a nazi to know your history. why do you think the globalists brainwash you from the moment you are born all throughout school and adulthood with history documentaries and propaganda to label hitler, of all the humans who have enslaved and fought and killed others throughout the earths history, as the worst one of them all?

the globalists want to teach everyone history but only their pre approved look at it through a narrow keyhole. "hitler was the most evil man to ever live!!"
"err, just totally disregard how nukes were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki (totally civillian cities!) and how we went to war with vietnam for… (what reason again?) and used agent orange that still gives them birth defects and cancer to this very day!"
"and also disregard all the bombs we dropped that failed to detonate that are still malfunctioning as accidental minefields and blowing peoples legs off to this very day!"
"make sure you believe that the USA is the only country to ever enslave people and hate each other as if you are the original slaves and slave masters who are still alive!"
"in fact, disregard all of USA's history as well as the history of the entire earth and all the massive armies and raiders who have raped and killed millions."
"instead you should focus on just one man, and the "six million" which is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of people who have been killed throughout history in far worse ways."


because he was protecting his people from globalism and the globalist centralized bank.

Other urls found in this thread:

why do you think the UN building looks just like the tower of babel? why do you think their motto is "many tongues one voice"? hitler may have wanted a unique and cultured strong proud germany of blond haired and blue eyed people, but the globalists want to destroy every culture and deny everyone on earth the right to be unique with a free and strong culture by mixing everyone and destroying their culture until every last person on earth looks in the mirror to see their skin is milk coffee, their eyes are brown, and their hair is milk coffee. why do you think God split up the people who were building the tower of babel into different cultures and languages? it wasn't new, God was undoing what they had done to the world. the tower of babel was their last monument against God.

people are waking up and many are already awake to the horrors of globalism and their corrupt banks.
people are waking up to nationalism because "what group of people in history has ever existed for any long while without building a wall to protect their city?"
some of the only ones left without the bank are syria and north korea (syria also doesn't like gmo's and has tons of petroleum, north korea which is sitting on a GIANT mineral deposit, what a surprise)

how do we know anything north korea says is real? we only ever hear "CNN: NORTH KOREA SAID AMERICA SUX" and you all just believe that? I don't want to visit north korea and find out if it's true or not, but we have to assume that we have no idea if they are good or bad because we have never heard north korea speak to the rest of the world with their own translator, completely unfiltered and without our corrupt media.

i do like their ethnostate. i would live in conditions like best korea to be in a white ethnostate tbh

oh fug a designaded shiddboasting bread :DD

that's interesting but why did you sage?

Oh fug I made a damn good thread, too good.

What are you gonna do, shill me?

it's so obvious.

Maybe the Soviet Union was actually a white haven and gommunism was actually extremely successful but we toppled it after years of psyops and propaganda that they were gayfags.
Maybe the British were really cool dudes and the founding fathers tricked the stupid masses into rebellion so they could be the new royalty.
Maybe the Carthaginians were actually a very peaceful civilization and the Roman Senate just wanted to fugg them in the butt.

What if North Korea is really testing ICBMs? what if they really are threatening to take nuclear action against the US?

Why if North Korea is sitting on a giant mineral deposit AND bad?

fucking kek, just read nothing, ignore everything in the OP shills. just keep saging.

and check my dubz

The entire basis of the thread is that everything is a psyop.
You could make the exact same argument OP made but instead of "north Korea" say "flat earth".

The US is a bankrupt, nigger-filled shit hole that needs to steal from other countries to keep existing. Nothing it ever says about anything is true. Anyone who isn't a nigger or a jew or hellbent on obfuscating on behalf of niggers and jews has already figured this out.

cuz le sage is le downvote of course

I could but I didn't because that's not exactly what this thread is about you derailing dipshit.

they are my damn fucking dubs and I will check the fuck out of them if I want to. what am I supposed to do, wait for you to check them? you didn't and you weren't going to because your a terrible human being.


Countering shill narrative by posting the 25 points of National Socialism.

Op cherrypicked Hitler for a line about individuals, I wouldnt doubt he did a cntrl f search just for "individual" and then turned it into a meme. Lolbertarians dont like that NatSoc is about the group, not about individual freedom to be degenerate, or not work, or be a drug addict.. That quote is also about productivity at work, and speaks of being rewarded for working harder. Not everyone is equal, and those who work harder, are rewarded to a greater extent than those who slack off, and just do what they have to in order to get by. Hes posting it as his OP picture in totally unrelated threads now, just to spread the idea that NatSoc is an "individualistic" ideology. It does promote individualism, but its inherently collectivist, and by collectivist, its meant that the group comes over the individual. No one man is more important than the whole, divided we are weak, united we are strong.

Or rather, rewarded for the result of your effort. No one gets awards for trying. poor choice of words.

Maybe Communism isn't really that bad.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. You have to be pretty fucking braindead to think that because National Socialism doesnt let you be a fucking degenerate scumbag, that its the same thing as communism. Thanks for outing yourself you fucking larper scumbag, you never understood NatSoc.

oh boy northern gookland has stuff better shill for and defend communist gooks

Kill yourself shill.



how many of these threads do you need OP

Good luck best Korea!


Look Moishe, I made the thread again. Commies aren't that bad lol.

Pyongyang isn't North Korea.

This thread again huh.

If they're sitting on a giant mineral deposit why aren't they mining it?

They only thing they're mining is coal to sell to China.