North Korea is sitting on a giant mineral deposit
What if North Korea isn't bad? what if it's a globalist media conspiracy to turn everyone against them?
what if everything we have ever heard about them is a lie?
How are we supposed to know anything that we're told about NK is true? It's on the other side of the Pacific and more than 99.9 percent of us have never even traveled anywhere near it. No central bank and Kim allegedly saying stuff like this? It's interesting to say the least.
I mean, do you realize how much an unbiased interview with Kim would be worth? he is THE person everyone is observing right now, I find it to be absolutely incredible that nobody has ever tried to set up something like that.
it's really funny how all the "pro-nationalist" countries (especially those who don't have a Rothschild-controlled central bank) are considered our "enemies."
and we all constantly call out the mainstream media on telling lies and intentionally misleading the public, but as soon as they say something about north Korea, a historical enemy of isreal - just like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, etc, then you drink down anything they tell you like brainwashed fanatics.
"I heard that Kim jong eats babies, I saw it on the tv, the reporter Shillgoldsteinberger was telling us all about it!"
all of the news and informtation you have on north korea is from the enemies of north korea and you don't even question it even for a second.
hitler knew this, and you don't have to be a nazi to know your history. why do you think the globalists brainwash you from the moment you are born all throughout school and adulthood with history documentaries and propaganda to label hitler, of all the humans who have enslaved and fought and killed others throughout the earths history, as the worst one of them all?
the globalists want to teach everyone history but only their pre approved look at it through a narrow keyhole. "hitler was the most evil man to ever live!!"
"err, just totally disregard how nukes were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki (totally civillian cities!) and how we went to war with vietnam for… (what reason again?) and used agent orange that still gives them birth defects and cancer to this very day!"
"and also disregard all the bombs we dropped that failed to detonate that are still malfunctioning as accidental minefields and blowing peoples legs off to this very day!"
"make sure you believe that the USA is the only country to ever enslave people and hate each other as if you are the original slaves and slave masters who are still alive!"
"in fact, disregard all of USA's history as well as the history of the entire earth and all the massive armies and raiders who have raped and killed millions."
"instead you should focus on just one man, and the "six million" which is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of people who have been killed throughout history in far worse ways."
because he was protecting his people from globalism and the globalist centralized bank.