The new Zyklon Ben is out. Has he released the original yet? I can't find it.
The new Zyklon Ben is out. Has he released the original yet? I can't find it
This one is incredibly unsettling, far too apt.
very easy to merchant those hands
That face is spot on. I'm sure she'd love seeing that image of her plastered everywhere.
Chelsea has blocked at least 15 of my twitter accounts. I plan on that hitting an even 20 by the days end.
I actually laughed aloud at this one
Maybe they replaced the Star of David with the Dollar sign? Idk, seems fairly original to me.
>inb4 somebody replaces Chelsea with female merchant
I'm pretty sure that the original can't possibly top this edit. Look at her face and tell me that would be more effective with a jew, instead.
Ohgod, please no.
Chelsea is perfect as is, but I'm sure he intended for them to be involved somehow.
You can see where they were shooped out from underneath her pedestal. We all know what's really supporting her.
The original had a david star instead of a dollar sign but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
holy kek
congrats to whoever made this edit. I think the original only had a set of merchant hands that were photoshoped out
Why ruin a "perfectly good" face?
Holy fuck, that gotta be one of the most hilarious faces I have ever seen on the internets!
Looks like Tyrone.
Jewess faces.
Just a moment.
Bennie G's Chelsea face was perfect, could you perhaps do one with the Jews wielding the scissors but with Ben's Chelsea face?
Maybe just keep the star of david and leave it
The best memes are the most subtle
Just lazy tbqh.
Because that's a pain in the ass and I would have to draw my own asset.
Pretty sure this was the original
Look at that unsubtle bitch-face, the sheer uglyness of it. Oh my god, it even has dollar mark - like a whore.
10/10, Benny G
Ben actually got her poor genetic configured face down pretty well.
Well memed. I agree tbh, the face is perfect. Either he couldnt avoid a caricature stereotypical jew face, or hes kinda pushing his boundaries. I feel it should stay.
Found the original
Oh, nevermind. I'm killing myself right now for being a huge faggot. Great (((one)))…
She is dog ugly, perfect execution.
i dont get it. what do the hitler quads hide?
KEK I like your dedication user
Her father Webster didn't exactly give her the best chance of being anywhere near a 10.
Parlor should be (((PARLOR)))
She actually looks better here.
Oh shit that was subtle
And hitler quads to boot
This is what your genetics look like on Moloch…
I personally think Ben has outdone himself with this one. Never seen anyone quite capture the quintessence of Chelsea's fuggified face.
I had to put this and the OP side-by-side to catch that, bravo.
….. wut
Where's the penis though?
her face looks like it's made of a bath bomb
i did this and still can't see the difference wtf
Fucking subtle
i don't see it pls help
Compare that one to the original in two different tabs
When you see it you'll shit bricks
Kek blesses you
Is her mother teaching her to bark.
It's not anything new or creative. Same exact thing one user did with the "old media" cartoon with the dinosaur skeleton like a month or two ago.
The original confirmed for best.
anyone have the original version of this?
I don't see it either.
Nevermind, it's because I wasn't looking hard enough.
The motion lines on the hands were modified into (((echoes)))
kek that is really subtle. i was looking for merchants or stars of david on the money.
holy fucking shit
Same here.
fucking hell, that shit is terrifying
here you go user i just found it
Fugg of War
Well fucking played. I didn't notice until it was pointed out. Great use of quads
This is the original, got it straight from Ben…
checked. needs israli flag on establishment side.
She's got the Innsmouth look.
Her face irl is a total caricature, you couldn't do better if you wanted to.
Holy shit
That's the ugliest fucking poodle I've ever seen!
getting Trump elected was supposed to be a full on setting derailment, measuring 1 full Henderson, how is the deep state still fucking it all up?
Double dubs confirm.
It took me a while. Great job.
I can't wait to use this the next time one of the Clintons is caught fucking up somehow.
My sides are fuckin gone
Why is the Steve Buscemi wearing a wig?