Take down leftie's twitter?

Cunts, my schools' principal is getting on my nerves with his constant leftie brainwashing. This is really worse than usual considering im not even in uni yet, and he is already constantly shouting "GLOBALISM" like some autistic cunt. He will not stop banging on about how good he thinks the EU and the left wing parties are the best thing on fucking earth. Im fairly certain he is a commie. How should I go about taking down this guys twitter? I'm a bit of a retard in this regard, because i dont really know what im doing.

Fuck off.

The best way to deal with some commies is to get away from them, rather gather their attention.

I appreciate that but this guy is brainwashing kids around me and it is working. I'm not trying to be malicious im trying to get him to understand he needs to stop, and as far as i can see this would be a pretty good way of doing it.

leave an alt right poster before he arrives in his claass (make sure no one sees you). make him chimp out.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not your personal troll army.

I'm not trying to get anyone to do anything lol, I'm just asking for advice. And im not trying to 'troll' him, im literally trying to get him to stop brainwashing people

Jesus fuck, come back in 5 years when you're a fucking man.

lol thats a good idea but my school has CCTV cameras everywhere :(

Fucking with his twitter is not going to help. People who deliberately doing this brainwashing people like its their duty, so he won't listen to arguments either, or forget what happened tomorrow. Be invisible, try to not get the attention you don't need.

I'm not that young (17), we just stay in school for ages here in the UK (my school acts as a college too). Besides, surely you would get behind me attempting to piss of some commies?

I see your point. I probably will do that, because as you said im probably not going to change his mind.

Okay user, the best way is not to shut him down, but confront him in person, or use his twitter as a platform. Argue with the guy, and you will be able to redpilll his audience. Do not worry about convincing the globalist bot but the audience which listens to your debate, its a good exercise. If he starts name-calling or moral signaling by calling you names, call him a name from moral high-point.

print a small one with the last image, it's most safe one. roll out the image out of your pocket and drop it on his seat

If you're actually going to college then there is no hope for you.
You don't actually believe what you're saying if you are voluntarily going to an additional 4 years of Marxist brainwashing.
I know you don't like to hear this, sonny Jim, but you're still a child. You can't change the system at your age. You have to sit down, shut up, and pretend to be the literal best goy you can so that when you leave the government mandated brainwashing system, you have the best advantage possible to change it.
When I finished school and got a job a week later, I came back during alumni meetings and now am an active part in changing my local school district.
If you are 17, you can't have more than 2 years left. Your time will come but you're still a poo babby and will have to grin and bear it.

EX: You're a racist for not wanting immigrants.
RE: And you're an enabler for terrorists and drug dealers, you might as well be complicit in their crimes.


There is no secret method to having Twitter accounts removed. Twitter protects leftist’s propaganda accounts no matter the content (your headmaster could call for the death of all White people and his account would remain active) whilst happily deleting opposing opinions (they banned Clint Eastwood for endorsing a presidential candidate for heavens sake).

Keep your head down, Britain is a surveillance state and if your headmaster gets a whiff of your wrong thought you will have PREVENT at your door the very same evening. There are better battles to be fought that this, education is subverted you can’t fight it as a student.

call him a pedophile or sexual offender of some sort

Unfortunately school is required until we are 18 here. I actually find your post helpful though, and you're right, I do want to change this when I can. But right now, unfortunately, I am in the position you are talking about. May Kek have mercy upon my soul :(

Yeah, I know twitter is just a shitfest at this point, which is really annoying but, as you said, there is not much I can do.

lol, he probably is but this stupid fucking country would probably arrest me for that even if it wasn't serious

So op, you are underage, huh. Don't make any funny activities, or they will kidnap you and make you an mkultra-like victim or something. They have best surveillance to any pro-nationalist activity among youth. If they will find out you visiting Holla Forums, they will force communism into you. I fucking bet you aren't even under proxies.
You are living Psycho-Pass in real life.

Come back in 15.

I would say Britain has the most pervasive deep state in Europe. The only reason they aren't punishing people like in Germany and Sweden is because they have so much control over them, and they aren't a threat.

Come back in 40, faggot.