My college told me that the idea of human races was invented in the United States in the 1850s to justify slavery...

My college told me that the idea of human races was invented in the United States in the 1850s to justify slavery. They also said that there are no observable genetic differences between the races, which makes no sense because the racial categories were based on populations that evolved separately over thousands of years with some intermixture, and genetic distinctions should have formed. Finally they had us disprove the idea of races by having us try to categorize 20 mixed-raced people into the traditional classifications.

I figure you guys would be the experts on this stuff, so feed me some info.

1. What are the early origins of racial classification? Who were the first people to categorize humanity into races and what did they say? Where does the term "race" come from?

2. What genetic markers are associated with populations? What is the historic geographical distribution of haplogroups, etc?

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I would drop out of the college. Its pointless when its a propaganda feeding machine.


sickle cell anemia doesn't real fam
In all seriousness, read The Color of Crime and The Bell Curve. Shit is must-read before posting and would've given you the arguments to make your indoctrination commissars look like the complete jokes that they actually are.

Races are a social construct, differing physical groups of humans should be classified as different sub-species. The wolf and dog can mate, red wolf and grey wolf also mate and produce fertile offspring, however they are different species/sub-species.
Make your project a case on how humans have been missclassified as races and use biological dna data, skeletal structures, and other physical differences of geographical sub-species to promote a new classification of humans.
btfo your liberal faggot teacher with solid evidence and draw logical parrallels between different animal subspecies and human "races"
There is a vast amount of data out there for this


Also, food for thought in regards to the questions:
1.) Islam imam critiques of africans date back centuries.
2.) MAO-A being 50x more prevalent in native sub-saharan african populations.

You'll have to do the research yourself but it's not too hard to find.

yyeahno, I don't think they'd be open to hearing about The Bell Curve. It doesn't matter how true it is, they're not going to listen. Got any sources from before 1850 and outside of the US?

My understanding was that "race" means sub-species. It's a "social construct" in that people invented the method of categorization to describe what they saw. I would like to know when and how this terminology was first used.

Also, kikepedia has some relevant info if the page wasn't biased by liberal cucks. Usually heavily scientific topics arent that bad, it is a good place to start if you need to sift through tons of BS

16th century

This is that bullshit they try to do. "Look at history, goy, see how the left fucked up so many legal rulings on race? The fact that so many legal rulings are fucked up is proof that any scientific conception of race or subspecies is false." If you look past the face of their arguments, that's all the logic they have. "Race don't real because conflicting legal rulings and science is hard sometimes."

There are essential differences between the races. Whatever level of analysis you wish to compare them there are essential differences, hand waving and equivocation and misdirection don't negate those. There are similarities too, but it is delusional to deny reality because you think hurt feelings are the only cause of racial disparity, and then your attempts do nothing to reduce the disparity.

>Origin: 1490-1500; < French < Italian razza, of obscure origin


That argument is invalid.


Read The Bell Curve. Commies still cry over that book.

That's so fucking stupid and slimy. Their assertion is essentially that different ethnic groups never differentiated and discriminated between themselves before 1850, when someone came up with some new terminology.

Yeah. They also selectively bred niggers to look like monkeys for the same reason.

I thought appearance was genetic.

no, appearance is racist

Early? How early? Because the Bible, the Laws Of Manu, the Vedas etc. all speak of race, racial purity and the evil of racemixing. The knowledge of race and racial topics has been a staple of humanity since the dawn of civilization.

Hahahahhaa, fucking what? Pre-1850, non-US, a source on the basis of genetic/taxonomic description? You're not going to find much in that context, probably because fucking science of that sort didn't really exist.

We have no idea where that shit originated.
Race is not a 'social construct' however, anymore than species is - it was a method of categorization to describe the physiological variation between different populations, ie the same as any taxonomic clade.
If one of them is a 'social construct', then they all are, and then calling it a 'social construct' holds no meaning whatsoever.

This. They are fertile hybrids even though they result from hybridization of different genera from different subfamilies.

That's the equivalent of man mating with an orangutan.

Commies bitch, moan, and gnash their teeth whenever they hear that book mentioned. I fell for the educational jew meme, myself. We had an assignment where one of the answers to a fill in the blank was The Bell Curve and this weird al looking beta leftists was sperging out at me and my peers in the hall just going over the answers.
"Why are you reading that garbage, man???!! Read Stephen Jay Gould's rebuttle man that's trash man" etc.
I told him "nice opinion, weird al" and he shut up lol.

You can try to red pill them, user. But realize that you must choose your battles. I got a femimarxist teacher fired last year for baiting her so hard she sperged out, kicked me out of class and alerted the school administration. They sat me down with her, saw that i wasn't a raving lunatic ebil nahtzee and she's never taught at my school again.

Is right.
"Race", as in the "black race" and the "white race" is most certainly a social construct, specially when you consider the huge difference of the "black" populations within africa.
Subspecies is a much better term, yet a not so popular one, to describe the difference between various human populations.

Reportedly happened at least once in south asia if the folk tails are to be believed, we even have the bones of one of the adult kin of the pair and it had genetic tests done but the story vanished after the tests started. I assume it was just basic genetic defects that made the children look like apes.

This. Be the heretical Galileo of CURRENT_YEAR + 2. There are many more like you. Stand up for the truth. Be bold. When practitioners of the religion of Marxism declare you a heretic, stick to your guns. In the arena of ideas, the truth will eventually win.

Time for everyone to grow a pair and stop pussyfooting around crybully leftists who are trying to convince us that there are not four lights.


IMHO as time passes the definitions change, there were clearly divided subspecies hundereds of years ago and it was quite accurate to classify different groups of humans as subspecies, and there still is a large genetic variance present today to also claim there are parts of the human population that are just like that, however, with the massive exponential increase in human mobility, communications, and interactions a larger and larger amount of human subspecies are mixing
This mixing creates mutts which are difficult to classify as a specific sub-species, therefore the lazy left decides we are a "one race, tha hooman race" which is retarded. Just as many 10s of thousands of years ago there were neandrathals, the modern era is spitting out a new form of humanity, we will change over time into different groups biologically based upon other forms of differences, however, it isn't as geographically based anymore. We are in a transition state and we can literally see the changes in our lifetime due to the massive increase in population and mobility. It was never before able to be observed by a single generation.

As time trudges on unstoppably, we will mutate and change based on our reactions and descisions.

This is the furthest understanding and most comprehensive one i've got sofar, i hope it helps.

One can only wonder why (((Commies))) would not like a tome which demonstrates the lie of their false god Equality.

"Laws of botanical nomenclature adopted by the International Botanical Congress, held at Paris in August 1867; together with an historical introduction and a commentary"

Can we get earlier sources than this?

Possible, but he offspring wouldnt be fertile.

Oh shit, quick where's my prozac and paxil so that I can quell my cognitive dissonance and become glassy-eyed again.

There is more similarity between any two Blacks than there is between any Black and any White.

There is as much evidence to suggest a sub-species distinction as there is a species distinction.

Darwin. Origin of the species came out in 1859.

kek will evolve us into meme based races. Pls let this happen pls kek

Not necessarily true. Again, wholphin.

Two different species, quite physiologically variable, produce semi-fertile offspring (IIRC either the males or females are still fertile, can't remember which).

And, as clear as day, we see thew Jews are the smartest race. Don't you agree goy?
I would like to see the black distribution alongside those though.

At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes…will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla" (1874, p. 178).

Species. Not subspecies.


Well with modern tech, they're already trying to make furries. Its only a matter of time
inb4 we literally become a frogman army for memes

Its right there you mong. Well, at least, the American Blacks. Africa's average IQ as a whole is about 70, with several nations having an average IQ sub60, so you can figure it out from there.

Read this book.

Whatever the history race is established science now. And your professors are required by law to fucking love science.

Show them some references from this article.

We whites are a distinct race as well. We have a real and legitimate racial identity.

Are you the same fucking faggot who says "mong" in every post? (I think you're likely distinct from the one who writes it out in full).

Pffthaahahaha. Sucks being banned, don't it?

Quick response. No, I don't even use my real IP so it can't be banned. Most of the ones are on TOR though, so I'm usually forced to go thruogh to the .onion site.

I have a race-mixing cousin who got angry when I brought up race-mixing in a conversation recently. Apparently he'd never given any thought to it being a bad thing. He had never given it any thought and started arguing that there are no races and that anyone can be anything.

He became irrational as I crushed him and the conversation ended with him asking me:

"Well then, how would you tell the difference between an African and an Asian in the distance?!"

Answer: By looking at them…

The four colors of the corners of the compass, cf.
Red Sea
Yellow Sea
Black Sea
White Sea
' A theory favored by some modern scholars is that the name red is referring to the direction south, just as the Black Sea's name may refer to north. The basis of this theory is that some Asiatic languages used color words to refer to the cardinal directions.[6] '

1) Les inégalités des races, de Gobineau. 1852. Clearly not American.

2) Hyperborea (Greek myth), Herodutus, 5th century BC. Link provides many sources on the hyperborean race.

3) In 1779 Blumenbach divides the races into 5 categories: caucasian, mongolian, malayan, ethiopian, and american. Produces a theory on the degeneration of races, claims the caucasian race to be the 'original race.'

4) Researches on the variations in human nature, Christoph Meiners. 1815.

5) Traité de métaphysique, Voltaire. 1734.
"Whites … Negroes … the yellow races are not descended from the same man.''

6) Essay on the Manner and Spirit of Nations and on the Principal Occurrences in History, Voltaire. 1756. On monogenecists:

It is a serious question among them whether the Africans are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Does anyone still use their real IP anymore?
'In many regions of the world, prevalent winds change direction seasonally, and consequently many cultures associate specific named winds with cardinal and intercardinal directions. For example, classical Greek culture characterized these winds as Anemoi.

In pre-modern Europe more generally, between eight and 32 points of the compass – cardinal and intercardinal subdirections – were given names. These often corresponded to the directional winds of the Mediterranean Sea (for example, south-east was linked to the Sirocco, a wind from the Sahara).

Particular colors are associated in some traditions with the cardinal points. These are typically "natural colors" of human perception rather than optical primary colors.[vague]

Many cultures, especially in Asia, include the center as a fifth cardinal point.'

People that deny evolution, or distort it to suit their ideology of forced egalitarianism should be taken out back and shot.

Don't forget to consult
There are good infographics and such in the race and ethnicity thread

If you believed them OP… you don't belong in a college let alone a university because you came to them lacking very basic knowledge. Probably because you're a lazy asshole. You could have checked this out on fucking Jewggle. I just thought of two things from over a century before that. You've bein intentionally lied to.

Even coyotes can mate with dogs and wolves.

Go look up the different peoples categories the ancient Egyptians had.