Austin Red guards BTFO

Below are links to the commie damage control and a report from the Men of the West. Holy shit my dudes, it was real.

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Great read. I'm envious.

That fucking damage control article. Why did they wheel in a wheelchair cripple to a street fight? My fucking sides. These freshman philosophy majors have no idea what's coming.

Fine read, but video is needed.

Oh well

Just found this on jewtube.

Bump. Death to all reds.


Nice. We should get groups dedicated specifically to crush commies in rallies. Basically an "Anti-commie" group that has the stated goal of hurting, hunting or "other" forms of deterrence on commies.

What would be sort of funny would be having small groups that dress as antifa. Go, eat all their pizza (the group must be compromised of people with high metabolisms) and then scatter like the wind.
The forcefully taking it is fun too, I just would like to seem them questioning their own and possibly having internal conflict/fights over who is eating too much pizza.



They have to be confronted. Many of them do not understand the evil they support. The jew lemmings will have to be dealt with.

I personally know the gay flip at the intro of that video. He will have to meet the rope unfortunately.

The SA were full of faggots too. Long Knives.

Oh dear.


I enjoyed reading the leftist damage control more. you can almost physically feel the butthurt.
best part is how they almost shot those ebil gnatzis but somehow didn't do for reaons.
also funny how both articles accuse the enemy of carrying unloaded guns

In a just world, those fucks would be a red smear all over that world.

Too bad this is a JUST world, instead.

What a bunch of lean weak faggots.

Have we memed too far again?

That is probably the only honest thing I have seen from Antifa yet.

almost shat myself with laughter 17secs in when i saw the sign

can we even meme too far?

My english teacher would crucify me for using the same word so much, these guys have serious problems.
I think they are trying to convince themselves of something.

No. Though the pillars of the earth shatter from our efforts, we shall continue to tell the useful idiots that a smug cartoon frog is coming to kill them.

That guy really is the queer's queer. Bragging about his cock-sucking skills, mincing from place to place, pouting like a three-year-old girl denied a candy, and yelling "What the fuck is a Venezuela?" at the infowars reporter.

words to live by.

Kek bless us.


ken reed is hilarious
chants are also great, makes it so easy to taunt them with throwing in
once in a while

around 18 min you get a better view of his nose

Ha, good luck

W-well as long as he's a faggot he won't reproduce…r-r-right

fascist lives matter

Some prime quotes form the commies.

Even this article degenerated into infighting.

Good plan, make sure you add felony assaulting an officer to your charges.

Say it with me Holla Forums


I had to look twice because I didn't think that was even loaded, but it's just a 9mm posing as a long rifle, HA!

Holy shit that was fucking enraging.

Those cops man… I am rapidly losing any fucking care for 'blue lives' when its made so blatantly obvious that these traitors are just doing a job, and would gladly stomp on anyone's throat if told to do so.
They're defending literal fucking Communists marching in the streets, and pushing back anyone who tries to stop them. A fucking travesty, and yet another testament to the fact that law enforcement are the dogs of the (((establishment))).


Wew lawd 15:20 "i suck great dick" lol

To LE these commies are just kids throwing temper tantrums on the playground. They are just going to keep any real damage from being done while the children expend their energy and get tired.

It's a reasonable approach.

Honestly killing X amount of niggers (should be more) isn't enough to justify all of this cop dick sucking I see.

Except they AREN'T just kids throwing a temper tantrum on the playground - they're the (admittedly low-T) soldiers of the enemy.

Again: This is literal Communists, in the street, marching, and the law enforcement is forcing back anyone who tries to stop it.
Reasonable? Get the fuck outta here man. Servants of the enemy.

Hah, I just got to the part wherein they're literally chanting for a revolution.
How is this shit even legal? How are you allowed to walk down the street, wearing a Communist flag, and calling for violent revolution?

Oh, but its 'being reasonable' when the police force back the people who oppose allowing seditious forces to march on our streets wearing the flags of enemies. Jesus fucking Christ what has this country become?

Watch out natzees

Joe Biggs wassup !!!

They're just faggots from the local art school larping as commies. I doubt any of them are over 25. In 5 years they'll all be graphic designers and still living with mommy.


why were they allowed to wear masks?

90% of antifa appears to be chubby women and men under 5'6" and 130lbs.

I don't think texas has the klan laws that the rest of the south has

still, why the fuck are masked people with guns allowed on streets?

No, it starts with Jews.

There were a dozen of these queers at my school 30 years ago. They quit being commies as soon as they got a job.

Texas. That's why.


Because there's no law against wearing a mask on the street in Texas, and no law against open carry.

And here we have the foot soldiers of Jewry marching in the streets, wearing the flags of Jewry, and calling for a violent revolution against the goyim.

Except they don't get a job, because they're morons and/or have no education that can serve a valuable role.

Your argument is shit dude - these are the vermin that serve as the warning. When you've got this shit going down, its not a good sign as to what is to come.

Remember to breath between laughs user. Great find

They won't get a job because they get money for doing shit. It's either mommy and daddy or the state giving them money for being useless.

Eventually someone is going to take that plastic Kel-Tec away from them and attempt to beat them to death but fail but it's such a piece of shit.

I've lost the ability to type: but fail because the piece of shit Kel-Tec falls apart.

Pretty sad bunch here.

dubs have spoken
found pic related on their dumblr, they sure have their priorities in order or maybe they are just cunts and toddlers


Think we can send the fetishists their direction? Would make for some pretty funny pictures.

Send out the Batsignal for Pamperchu.

If we could get the furfags in on it as well, now that would be a site to see.

didn't he an hero a while ago?

How even?

These Austin commies are extremely lame. Low energy. But the guy with an M4 giving them shit is pretty funny.

They wanna LARP as commies so bad they're intent on recreating the chaos of a Venezuelan grocery store.

old buddy of mine used to run this
he's a member of a facebook group called Good Ass Praxis
he also was in the Red Guard
he wanted me to teach them opsec a while ago, declined

they do a lot of organizing out of Serve The People - many local businesses donate goods, services, and hard cash political support, too

How deep does the rabbit hole go user? You seem like you could teach us a few things on these guys and their allies

is that group a bunch of pedos like the rest of antifa?

It's always about humiliating the recruit, undermining their achievements and sense of worth then offering them a way to redeem themselves through unquestioning obedience.



Not surprised.

why not just a few kikes?
they'll grab everything and try to make shekels from it.
that way we'll ruin the thing and redpill some of them

not too sure, I always kept tabs on his activities and we talked a lot childhood friend
their donors are public but I do know that his girlfriend worked for a very eccentric tantric sex, stripper pole in his office, that kind of shit environmental lawyer who did his share.

not too sure, most of the admins I looked at appear to have children
there is a HUGE youth population in Austin
and tons of poor nigs n spics with kids
giving some people diapers so they show up at your BLM protest while handing out bills about their rights and why cops are bad wouldn't exactly be the worst plan.
they did exactly that, he sent me some of their literature, will see if i still have it
I will say that most antifa that organize using Serve The People don't use their real names - online or in public.
fucked up by not helping tbh
most of them don't know each others real names, often they use marxist figures names to symbolize their role.


can confirm, at least when it comes to the upper and mid ranks.They do however gather (and verify) a lot of personal information from the disposable idiots who still are often only known by nicknames to their peers. I tried to infiltrate german antifa a while ago but had to give up because I didn't have the means and will to go full undercover.

Vid related on how I see these sideshows: having one track minds and looking like reject cobra commander cosplayers.

I call dibs.


No, seriously, anyone who takes him out first answers to me.

I thought redguard was code word for black people

careful with that blood pressure user.
let me cheer you up
what's a kike in a bucket of acid?
a solution

a final solution

used to say that on 4chan /k/ years ago

They've been that way, and you don't have to tell them either, it's their fetish.

Hol' up why have I not seen a single antifa member that is a nigger?


expecting niggers to do anything than smoke crack on the porch, rape, murder and leech welfare is racist

LOL impotent commie rage.

in all seriousness if antifa wanted to recruit niggers all they had to do is loot and burn some shops and make sure it's on the news. they couldn't save themselves from niggers on their next 'protest'

Hang them all

Look at that BEAK!

The nose knows that the goyim know!!!

You meant pillars of salt user.

Ya don't say

Don't bully Kel-Tec, they're one of the few firearms companies that dares to make anything other than ARs and glock clones.

The moment someone actually works, earns his own money and gets to spend it is amazing.
You're not just getting free shit anymore.
You look at that 200$ cellphone (let's not be too crazy for a first wage) and see the hours of your work turning into a cellphone.
It makes you proud.

It also makes you look at people demanding free shit in other eyes.
Why don't they work? Why don't they conquer the world with their own hands?
Oh right. They're commies.
Kill them all.


For people who larp about "DUH REVUHLOOSHUN" they take having their ass handed to them with out so much as a genuine fight back.

dood… the cops ARE leftist soldiers. they have been deliberately chosen . the mayor's are leftists as well. the law enforcement apparatus has been compromised by infiltrators that have full on replaced local Pd's

Ah, user, you always know how to cheer me up.

It can be both.

This. If SHTF I'd want a PLR 16

Your parents tell you they're proud of you, but to their friends they hope their retard child dies in it's sleep.

that's a modified AR you imbecile

lol no noguns

All AR15s :^)

Free speech, freedom of assembly. 'Murica. If it weren't for the First Amendment, Holla Forums would have been killed in its crib, be thankful for it.

Wrong, the last one is an AK.

rotating bolt, stanag mag, breech locking system.
so all the basics are AR but it isn't a modified AR? tell me more.


The third and fourth pics are clearly AK 47s.

4th pic is a tilting bolt nogunz faggot



Most do, and the ones who don't can't understand anything at all. Face it faggot, normalfags need to be culled.


We must never let the shills know that the best derailing method is an argument about bangsticks.

You just told them.


The fact that they included white supremacists in their mix is interesting. usually they virtue signal in kicking them out rather than admit they exist.

I'm really getting sick of this notion that white nationalists are white supremacists, which I'm guessing that these guys aren't really white supremacists but are actually white nationalists. Nothing wrong with white supremacists, they're the enemy of the Jew and commies, they're a friend of me, but they are not one in the same.

Its denominations of white user. Just like how we see all maoists, leninists, and trots as communists so do people outside of white nationalist circles see supremacists and nationalists as the same.

Cracking jokes and cracking commies. That's how we do it.
The jokes are the commies.


If they are against fascists, then why do they dress like them? There's some serious cognitive dissonance going on here.

You've gotta love how he takes a quick inventory to make sure none of his "brothers" are also his johns before he replies.

That look, fucking kek. He's the bitch boy that gets rammed by those faggots

awww my sides. How many of them do you think even know what a 6.5 Grendel is? My raifu desires long-range lefty blood.

Commies were the real Fascists all along! no

What the fuck is Venezuela? check'd and kek'd

Get something not chambered in a meme. Your snowflake ammo made from unicorn tears is going to dry up fast after DOTR.

The fine example of socialism in action.

They really dont get it.

is this seriously the face of antifa, this along side the snowflake comment has me convinced that this has to be parody

>not having thousands of rounds saved up good advice though

I am not the person you had been talking to, but:
That time has to come.
It will come.

Meh, that's why I load. I've got a few thousand rounds, figure that's enough for when the day comes. It's just a long range rifle anyway. If I run out then i'll just switch to 308 or grab my 30-30 lever. But yeah, I have a few more AR's chambered in more then just memes. 2 in 556 and 1 in 9mm waiting on a double tax stamp. (sbr and suppressed) my AR9 takes glock rounds if you want to bitch more. Also, have you ever tried banging steel at 1000 yards with 556 mate? Not exactly easy. I'd rather kill 500 commies in a blaze of glory and ditch the rifle then manually having to cycle the bolt for every shot with some DOTR round.

That's going to be a bitch to haul around.

Polite sage for typo - should be glock mags instead of rounds, plz don't bully.

Holy shit, what an ugly motherfucker

The Austin PD was has been thoroughly infiltrated by Mexican drug cartels for at least a decade.

Well idk about you….but I don't plan to be alone on the DOTR. I live in a rural area on the pozz'd west coast and have been forming relationships and dropping red pills like my life depends on it. It's taken about a year but almost 30 of us meet regularly and we are always vetting others before bringing them into the fold. Let me know when you can into local militias and make diesel from used motor oil. Also don't ever forget to carry your diamonds, never know when the day comes you'll need to show your papers to guys like me.


Daily Stormer doxed him

HIV does a number on you.

Still going to suck lugging it around. I'm not saying it's not viable.

Now I get how they find so many trannies to be foot soldiers for their riots. It's the classic cult setup but made even more effective by selecting the most emotionally weak individuals in society.

gb2 4/k/ cuck


Oh for sure, I wouldn't have built the gun if I thought I'd have to lug it around, would have just kept my good ol' Rem700 for long range….hah, I just really enjoy building AR's and liked the long range ballistics of the grendel over blackout and 308. Plus if some noob that isn't me is in the tower I know he'll get a lot more shots off then with a bolt anything. One road into town and one road out of my rural paradise. We plan on blowing roads if SHTF and should be able to get someone to our comfy vantage spot quite easily. Also ham radio stuff. Been thinking of creating a thread soon to encourage other famalams to organize as well….but goddamn this place is kike'd out…and I can't into 1337 like I used to so the only other bunker I know about is .pl


is this how they fucking always talk amongst each other?

Communism is a cult.

In-group signalling typically takes on a tinge of bizarre rhetoric to the outsider. Again, it is a fucking cult.

Just because they get ZOG brainwashing doesn't mean it works on them.

If the parts aren't interchangeable with an ar,
It's a different design.

Once you control for number of encounters with police (ie how criminal each group is) cops are much more likely to shoot white people. Basically they are hyper sensitive to treating criminal negroes with respect and authority but know gunning down some white guy will be an incident which receives zero scrutiny.

Normalfags must think this is batshit insane. We are winning this war of memes so totally it's starting to feel more like a genocide


Okay first of all you would say "have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of people", and second of all communists have killed tens of millions of people if not hundreds of millions.

I guess the guns really were just airshit

top lel fucking gay as fuck

Around 40 to 100 million dead with 1~ billion lives negatively effected by communism.

Keep in mind that the commies are shit at keeping records, they didn't keep them or barely made them. Jews don't keep records on purpose.

but what about the 600 gorillion jews killed by those filthy aryans

Hello BAMN

Couple QTs there
You can't say you don't want none of that


Not gonna work for most of us user

Jesus Christ dude, at least put some muscle on god damn. It very easy to get gains as a manlet.

I thought the best method was to start posting smug anime faces.

Do these faggots always talk like theyre rallying sans cullottes to storm the Bastille! JHC it is fucking cringe #11

They got walloped with very little fists being thrown. Goes to show that next time, when real violence begins, they're going to be stomped.

Died of leukemia.

This is hilarious.

Purple prose is all they know. They still say "To the barricades!" unironically. It's like they watched 2/3rds of Le Mis and thought they knew everything about revolutions.

It's a bunch of stupid kids acting out their fantasies at the end of the day. not to understate their threat of these dense faggots, but a dumb kid with a gun can be dangerous too


Texas is Texas for lack of a better way to put it, though it is in the "south" it's always been considered it's own thing separate from the rest of the "south"

which is why the left wing scum are flocking to Texas in an attempt to outbreed Texans and undermine the validity of the republic

"carl the cuck" neck

She had possibly the most beautiful eyes of anyone there. It was legitimately sad so see her on that side of things. :\ Deep green eyes.

Nigger they all have dicks.

Fuck north carolina, any town that has an army or air force base is good goyim centeral. I hate this reality.

Out of curiosity, what would our counter color to the Commies be anyway? Red is kind of their color, what would ours be? Blue as it's the counter of red?

Thank god cucks don't breed.

What else?
Smug green.

Thats what the beaners are for.

This should motivate you to be a force for change. These shitty judges all need das boot they hate democracy to hell always stepping over democratic referendums doing things worse than a dictator.


Wasn't there a green color that was represented/labeled somewhere by a number containing 1488? That should be the color. Reinforces nature too. Everything that these lefties stand for is unnatural. That's what defines them. I don't think you should go the opposite and choose blue because ironically that's the Dem color, and also the metaphorical color of the pill these faggots swallow. I think this would undercut the memes. Green is the only obvious choice imho.


Fuck them pigs defending them filthy commie swine. In a just world, every one of them commies would have their skulls cracked in.

The fucking cops were the only thing keeping them commies form being physically destroyed. Fuck these delusional cunts, I cant wait to smash commie skulls. Ill feel I did my duty as an American when I crack commie skulls.

yeah, the hex code for pepe green is #148800

What is up with this guys eyes? he looks bewildered, kinda like a lost elderly person with dementia. Is he on some kind of drugs or is he scared?

or at least something close to that

Bet they think the revolution subplot in Les Mis was about the French Revolution instead of the June Revolution.


Red, white, and black.

Those are Waldenkatzen, from TRS.

Why is our side so much fucking funnier, Jesus.


Could hijack their chant with "one solution, final solution" kek

Fucked that up real good. I need a nap.

He's saying that's what antifa is and we can't pretend to be that because we aren't

She looks like a spic to me

HE'S HI ON COK user!

Yeah that makes sense, rereading his post.

These retards are winning people over to our side..
Do they think smashing shit, running around masked and with rifles will win normies over to their side?

And what happens if it actually comes to open fire? Do they have more then a few boxes of ammo for those shit-tier weapons? Any time at all with their weapons?

A pistol carbine? fucking WHY??!?

How did the baby turn out?

PCCs are all the rage in competition shooting now.

Anyone that tries gets fucked over. You hear a lot of shit when you work at a place where you deal with a shit ton of people in a short amount of time. Felt bad when hearing about the last guy that tried to fix this town. In short, the guy was bullied out of the sheriff department due to judges fucking them over and good goyim cops reporting every slight infraction to judges to store as ammo.
I'm a disgusting mixed meat tier mongrel. I have no future and no life of my own.

Anyone that tries gets fucked over. You hear a lot of shit when you work at a place where you deal with a shit ton of people in a short amount of time. Felt bad when hearing about the last guy that tried to fix this town. In short, the guy was bullied out of the sheriff department due to judges fucking them over and good goyim cops reporting every slight infraction to judges to store as ammo.
I'm a disgusting mixed meat tier mongrel. I have no future and no life of my own.

I tried to find more pics, but failed

They've done a great job removing niggers from our streets and getting them into the prison system. It's better than any other sector of the state is doing.

what's going on in this thread?

Website bug, it's happening with all threads with IDs.

It's not low effort shilling.


The same reason why they're always implying we fear niggers. They fear niggers. They don't want to next to a nigger. They don't want to be in the same room as a nigger. They don't want to live in the same town as a nigger. The whole victimhood agenda is subversion fit for a democracy. You don't need social support in a dictatorship, but when your rise to power is dependent on social support, you make everyone a victim and give them a solution. They're all talk. All they want is power. They're not for anyone but their glorious government and their Jewish political ideology.


They don't think that far ahead user, that's why the suburbs exist.

look user, we're happy that antifa and commies got btfo too, but this is taking samefagging to a whole new level.

lel at this dude shitting all over them for the entirety of the video. A walking shitpost machine.

would it be possible for one of you with a throwaway twitter account to start up one of those lootcrew hashtags with the next antifa protest? a swarm of dindus eager to break, enter, and thieve would be just the spark needed to get this fire rising.


I kek'ed

Wow so the diverse right wasn't busy virtue signaling and infighting with each other? And they actually worked together for a common cause?
No wonder (((they))) constantly try and D&C us.

They all scream 'muh revolushown', they can't even stand up to 4 to 8 'notzees'

My dick has higher standards than a spic in a push up bra wearing a bicycle helmet.

that hook is right in his face