I think i found some evidence linking bamn and One United Michigan it looks like bamn is the millitant arm of one united, one united is funded by Unions. Its a scam to get money from the gov.
I started looking into who funds bamn looking into dr. melvin murphy led me to this old page archive. is/VvFQy where at the bottom you find a name Luke Massie who worked with Shanta Driver.
Luke massie led me to here archive. is/N9DvC where it talks about dave Waymire Former (booth newspaper reporter facebook .com/DavidDWaymire) video.wkar .org/video/2365700797/ worked for One united michigan. the blog goes on to describe the connections between Bamn and One United Michigan (side note there is one comment blogger .com/comment.g?blogID=20432206&postID=113882087414615746&isPopup=true from a Chetly Zarko who slipped in his chair and died reading the news archive.is/73IHHarchive.is/8Oshc www.youtube .com/user/chetlyzarko
It seems that Bamn is the millitant arm of One United Michigan. bamn gets sent out to push the commie agenda of ""Divirsity"" and ""equality"" in schools youtube .com/watch?v=NRy74-8mtr8 then they create mindless zombies to protest for the causes that benifit their ideology or that they are funded to do.
One United Michigan pushes thier agenda youtube .com/channel/UCcWCyxbXxOWga5BK5C8hIjQ blogpublic.lib.msu. edu/red-tape/2016/nov/bill-offers-michigan-citizens-united-steroids/ one united gets their funding from unions to keep distance from bamn.
Dave Waymire is associated with "One United Michigan" and "Citizens for a United Michigan" ( web-beta.archive .org/web/20040123222922/oneunitedmichigan .org:80/ )Dave Waymire has a brother Martin Maymire Martin Maymire runs a consulting firm martinwaymire .com/ it is associated with One united michigan and citizens for a united michigan martinwaymire .com/our-clients/ (youtube .com/channel/UCG_x9Hnc-Qe-PYPw_AIM-Sw)
>Went to the website http:// www.bamn.com/ >Try urls and find http:// www.bamn.com/donate Not an expert but is this enough to report the site as attacking / malware site to google, firefox etc.
Lincoln Smith
archive.is/mQDCD Benjamin David Phillips benjamindavidphillips .com plus.google .com/+BenjaminPhillips works for Employment Quantcast Technical Specialist, 2013 - present Google Advertising Technology Specialist, 2012 - 2013
Quantcast does work for the the ""news orgs" i hate righttoheal .org is hosted there
Ryan Long
Building who knows what the fuck this thing is youtube .com/watch?v=782-J0CuqSs martinwaymire .com/blog/arriving-in-michigan-the-future-internet/
I wish you luck. There once was a good deal of information on the internal operation and structure, but it has been scrubbed fairly well. Suspiciously well one might say. But I've kept tabs, and pieces are still there, you all just have to put your due diligence in, including proper background checks.
A tip. Once upon a time, some good people kept watch on bad cults, then they spotted a terrible cult, and it looked back, and ate them up. The hungry monster still wears the skin of the old watchers though, and in its gut are many of their old manila folders. Make friendly to the monster, and don't say you're channy, just say you're a person.
OP's thread is entirely topical and about as far as you can get from a Holla Forums related PA request. He's not asking anons to harass a catlady on twitter ffs.
William Ward
could you please give less cryptic tips on these good people, the hungry monster, when this shit happened, the location of these folders, shit like that? because without a track start, nobody will have a clue where/what/when to look for anything
Isaiah Wright
OP, did you know this pattern repeats everywhere? Some user recorded footage of Vancouver's Mayday march and got a close look at all the unions supporting the communists and even a speech where a rep from the Teacher's Federation of BC Thanked the ''((Progressive Groups'))' for their help in protesting with the teachers. Hell, there were local MP's in attendance next to all these freaks and cucks and degenerates. If you can find the nerves from the militant arm to the unions and local politicians, you can bring down all of them at once! March footage! Speech footage!
Op is talking about Cultwatch, they researched stuff like that disturbed user from the Tribe threads does, but they got attacked by scientology, and now the Scifags run the entire thing. Worth looking into?
Endorsing Organizations and Individuals **Join these individuals* & groups in opposing the Anti-Civil Rights Initiative: AARP/Michigan aarp .org/mi/ A. Philip Randolf Institute- Michigan Chapters American Arab Anti-Discrimination Coalition adcmichigan .org American Arab Chamber of Commerce americanarab .com American Association of University Women aauw .org American Civil Liberties Union - Michigan aclumich .org American Jewish Committee ajc .org Kenneth M. Coleman Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & Vicinity Council of Organizations of Asian Indians of Michigan Council on American-Islamic Relations-Michigan [email protected]/* */ Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance [email protected]/* */ Detroit Federation of Teachers dft231 .com/ Detroit Branch - NAACP detroitnaacp .org Detroit Regional Chamber Detroit Renaissance detroitrenaissance .com Detroit Urban League [email protected]/* */ Evangelical Lutheran Church in America-SE MI Synod semisynod .org Robert Emmett Goodrich,Goodrich Quality Theatres* Gray Panthers of Metro Detroit Earle Irwin, Irwin Seating Company Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit jewishcommunitycouncil .org Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development comnet .org/cgi-bin/helpnet/viewitem?366+ Law firm of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone League of Women Voters Macomb County Board Commissioner Nancy White co.macomb .mi.us/boardofcommissioners Michigan State Conference of NAACP Michigan Conference National Organization for Women michnow .org/ Michigan Catholic Conference micatholicconference .org Michigan Education Association mea .org Michigan Federation of Teachers and School Related Personnel mftsrp .org/ Michigan Jewish Conference Michigan League for Human Services Michigan State AFL-CIO miaflcio .org Michigan State Conference, NAACP michigannaacp .org Michigan Women's Commission National Association of Women Business Owners onlinewbc .gov/wbors.pdf app1.sba .gov/calendar/states/calendar.cfm?op=group&grp=35 National Conference For Community and Justice nccj .org National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Detroit Section ncjwgds .org National Women's Political Caucus nwpc .org New Detroit newdetroit .org President's Council, State Universities of Michigan pcsum .org SEIU State Council seiumi .org SER Metro Detroit sermetro .org Sam Singh, Executive Director, Michigan Non-Profit Association* Triangle Foundation tri .org Reginald Turner, former President, State Bar of Michigan; Vice-President, National Bar Association* United Auto Workers uaw .org
martinwaymire. com clients AARP Michigan Office ACLU of Michigan Allegiance Health American Cancer Society American Chemistry Council American Petroleum Institute Anderson Economic Group Ann Arbor District Library Associated General Contractors of Michigan Association of Businesses Advocating Tariff Equity Botsford Health Care Center on Budget & Policy Priorities Bridge Magazine Cheboygan Memorial Hospital Citizens for a United Michigan Citizens Insurance City of Allen Park Comcast of Michigan, LLC Constellation Energy Consumers Mutual Insurance of Michigan Cornerstone Charter Schools County Road Association of Michigan Customer Choice Coalition Defend MI Democracy Delta Dental Detroit Media Partnership Direct Energy Dow Chemical Company Energy Choice Now Energy Solutions Forest Hill Energy Franny Strong Foundation Genesee Intermediate School District Global Talent Retention Initiative Grand Valley State University Granger Construction Greektown Casino Health Alliance Plan Health Care Association of Michigan Health Care Leadership Council HealthPlus of Michigan, Inc. Kewadin Casinos Lakeview Hospital Lansing Board of Water and Light Liberty Renewable Fuels, LLC Liquid Web MacNeil/Lehrer Productions Macomb Intermediate School District Marathon Petroleum Marquette General Health System Medicare Today MESSA Michigan Association of Health Plans Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists Michigan Association of State Universities Michigan Association of Substance Abuse Co. Agencies Michigan Cable Telecommunications Association Michigan Campaign Finance Network Michigan Chiropractic Society Michigan Citizens for Stem Cell Research/Cure Michigan College Access Network Michigan College of Emergency Physicians Michigan Consumers for Healthcare Michigan Council for Maternal & Child Health Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners
Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency Michigan Department of State Police Michigan Education Association Michigan Education Savings Program Michigan Electric Cooperative Association Michigan Environmental Council Michigan Forest Products Council Michigan Future Michigan Future Schools Michigan Health & Hospital Association Michigan Hotel, Motel & Resort Association Michigan Humane Society Michigan League for Public Policy Michigan Library Association Michigan Lodging and Tourism Association Michigan Manufactured Housing Association Michigan Manufacturers Association Michigan Municipal League Michigan Nonprofit Association Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning Michigan Osteopathic Association Michigan Paving & Materials Co. Michigan Primary Care Association Michigan Public Transit Association Michigan Redistricting Collaborative Michigan Restaurant Association Michigan Retailers Association Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion Michigan State Medical Society Michigan State University Michigan Trial Lawyers Association Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Middle Cities Education Association Midwest Strategy Group Motorola National Academy of Sciences National Wine and Spirits Northwest Energy One United Michigan Orchard Hill Landfill Outdoor Advertising Association of Michigan Palace Sports & Entertainment Parastar Pew Center on the States Portage Health Potter Park Zoo Presidents Council State Universities of Michigan Prima Civitas Prison Health Services Property Casualty Insurers Association of America Protect Michigan Jobs Public Policy Associates | Reform Medicaid Now Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital Spartan Stores Switch The Center for Michigan The Education Trust-Midwest The Stroh Companies TIAA-CREF Triangle Foundation United States Steel Corporation Unity Studios W.K. Kellogg Foundation Waste Management Western Michigan University
Blake Richardson
It was suggested in another thread that we should use /thelist/ as a dedicated antifa intel gathering board. Thoughts
Henry Perez
I'm not going to check all these links. How about some images? They're far more convenient both in respect to viewing and disseminating.
Mason Ortiz
thanks for your hard work I don't know /thelist/ well, but they have an antifa dump thread already make a new one for bamn ?
Levi Cruz
I never posted on /thelist/ before, I just thought that a dedicated board would be useful and it was suggested to me.
I just did:
Brayden Price
I'm just trying to find a more solid connection between the waymires and bamn. to me it seems like this is a big scam to get money from tax payers. I think the waymires pay bamn to either go against bills so the waymires can collect fee's from unions? total speculation here but money is usually involved. Just gathering up things that bamn has protested and things that the waymires would have used their firms to push bills through. has to be a connection I don't have anything substantial yet Need more info on Martin Waymire Dave Waymire and Roger Martin. Dave waymire has the closest connection to bamn and its ard to make a connection
check out this black book for high school kids in 05 massresistance .org/docs/issues/black_book/black_book_inside.html
Carter Campbell
This looks like a great institution to launder some money and obfuscate some big globalist involvement.
Summary: Leftist Academia Women's activists Teachers Unions Transit Unions Auto Unions Medical Deep State Big Oil Environmentalists Leftist Zionists Cucked Churches Leftist Lawyers Big Food Animal Rights Activists Big cellphones
Tim thomas RWL started BLM Tim is dead and nothing of value was lost this is a good read archive.is/OrAR1
Michael Anderson
Correct me if Im mistaken but doesnt bamn seem to solely operate in the area around berkeley? This find is good shit, op. But.. What of the groups elsewhere? We really haven't turned up shit. Sure theres local antifa cells but if I'm not mistaken we haven't identified any command and control type orgs for anywhere outside of berkeley.