America First? No Way! Trump Fucks Domestic Agriculture

In what appears to be an exchange for Argentina to not give an award to Jimmy Carter, Trump lifted the ban on Argentina lemons, that carry pests which will destroy the California citrus industry. California's lemons make up 90% of all lemons produced in California.
(lemon story)
(Carter story)

Please spread this to other sites, citrus production in California was at one point an American treasure. NAFTA destroyed that, this will make it worse. We need to revive American production, not neuter it.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off Holla Forums

What's the problem? Fuck Commiefornia.

Who cares, nuke California

California is part of America, retards. California grows 90% of America's lemons. The farms are run by white people.

Cucked white people. Bet they hire illegals.

Are you guys real people and not shills? Did you read the article? Importing from Argentina will reek havoc on California agriculture.

It's (((California))). I can guarantee it's run by kikes that hire illegals to pick the produce. I give them no sympathy.

Thats what happens when you get some Monsanto faggot from Georgia, Sonny Perdue I think, appointed to head the DOA. Nigger is a GMO shill like no other. I thought about making a thread about it to warn others but didn't feel like being called a shill because Trump can do absolutely no wrong what so ever. Sorry I care about the food Americans are ingesting.

Seems I was right too.

Do these look like Jews to you?

So you're saying 10% of lemons produced in California, are not lemons from California? Interesting.

I meant in America. You know what I meant.

California should not be growing anything. Maybe this will force people to wake up and fix our economy.
t. Califag

Yeah and all of those white people you pictured hire illegals. How the fuck did the illegals get a foothold in the country to begin with if it wasn't for these fucking farmers who hire them? Fuck them.

There is no bad here.

What a nice collection of photo-ops. Now show us the pictures of a dozen illegal Mexicans picking lemons topless.

Whelp, figuring out what he wants out of this deal wasn't too hard.

What are you even trying to say?

They hire illegals because that's how they profit. You think farmers in Texas don't do the same? Do you understand how economies work? California doing well, helps all of America.

or you know they could just hire Americans and raise their prices to the natural market price without the inclusion of slave labor. The texans who do it are just as big of traitors. The fuck are you defending people hiring illegals for? kys

pics relate, who the big citris farmers give money to.

But I like Argentina better than California.

It doesn't help America if the farms DON'T HIRE AMERICAN CITIZENS, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. A lemon with an American sticker on it over an Argentinian sticker does not help Americans any more if American workers aren't involved. The same trucks ship the lemons to the stores either way, the same Kroger employees stock the shelves either way. But if American workers are not picking those lemons for American wages, it benefits NOBODY to have those farms operating, besides the treasonous farm owners hiring illegal aliens for ten pesos a day.

That's on you, but Trump said America First, not Argentina First.

Ya think? faggot

Jesus Christ, the solution isn't to destroy a whole crop dumb ass. Never post again.

I live in this state and good, I hope he did it because they wouldn't stop being retards and kept going on about muh sanctuary. Now they can be a sanctuary and get fucked

Listen nigger, the United States survived for a century without California. Fuck California and fuck you.




all this means is that California doesnt produce enough lemons to support itself, let alone the rest of the US. Once again socialism has destroyed productivity.

Not that difficult to understand.

Not your personal army faggot.



well, you said it yourself. Used to be.

And do you know what changed it? The immigration act of 1965 and NAFTA!

We need to protect California citrus farms, and all agriculture, without them, California becomes nothing more than a porn factory.

Really activates those California almonds


and how do lemons have anything to do with that? if this lemon thing is a way to kill California's economy because they are fucking niggers, then good.

If you read the article, you would see that I meant to say 90% of all lemons produced in America.

So did the land of Rhodesia

This wont change the California economy, it just destroys white culture.

ok, you are reported now

And what happened to Rhodesia was awful. Why do you want it to happen to California?

the whole crop won't be destroyed thats just traitorous illegal hiring farmers kvetching. At worst they will make less money.

Well manhattan beach is still like 90-95% white but a starter home will set you back $2-3M

do you even operation wetback? The farmers have been using illegals way before the immigration act

because unlike Rhodesians, Californians are leftists

Are you retarded? Citrus farms were a huge thing in California before it was raped by Mexican imports. Citrus was a part of white Californian culture.

What can one do except ethnically cleanse commiefornia of leftists, spics, kikes, gooks and niggers

figure 1: mixed race asian
figure 2: stock photo of some middle-aged model posing for a photograph as she is cutting way too far up the stem
figure 3: a lettuce farm owned by (((Dole))) that hires illegals; pic related

OP, if you stop sucking cock for a minute and read up on shit like this, you would know that this isn't a bad thing.

California has had issues with water for a very long time. The problem is two-fold. On one hand you have the big ass cities like LA sucking up the water from a desert. Then on the other hand are the farms. These take up just as much water in an area that doesn't have a lot to begin with. Grapes? Broccoli? Cauliflower? Avocados? Citrus? That shit takes a LOT of water, and for a fucking retarded reason all the niche farmers gather in Califuckia to grow it all.

What does this have to do with the lemon ban? Well gee, if we kill some of those California farms, there might actually be enough water to go around! LA might not have to go Judge Dredd on anyone watering their lawn for more than ten minutes a month!

TL;DR - Water > Lemon industry run by all of ten people.

its not anymore, so get fucked you stupid kike.


Nigger, I live in California.

The water is wasted by Dairy farms!, Not fucking Lemon trees!

That I didn't know. Dayum. Where does citrus lay on there?

At the very bottom, look at oranges, and then other.

I don't know m8, maybe "Oranges"?


Many orange farms double as lemon farms.

lol memes

You know where all the animal feed and alfalfa go? They sell it to Chinese farms. America First != California Farming

And another that won't archive so here is a screenshot instead.
OP is a shill for these fuckers.

Cali had it coming.

Yo Satan, point me to the part where they mention citrus farmers! Central California is mainly Dairy farms, vegetable farms, and cattle farms where they hire illegals to slaughter animals, you worthless nigger!

Citrus is in SoCal.

These nigger farmers could just automate like has been done in Australia and Japan. But no they need dem cheap illegals (remember goy their doing jobs americans won't do for $4.50/hr in the cali sun) and we have people ITT defending these traitors.

What happened to Trump deporting illegals so they couldn't be hired for slave wages?

they're not their, fucking screwed up my own pet peeve

what is the traitorous, cancerous republican party for $1000 alex.

You mean the part where Joel Nelsen is pushing or this shit in all of the stories? You mean the fat that the citrus industry is known for hiring illegals an thus giving them an incentive to come into this country? You mean the fact that you are worthless nigger that is advocating for a corrupt industry in a state that deserves to be choked out so it can be built up anew by people who are actually from this country? Consider suicide shill.

Oranges do not account for all citrus m8

So why are you okay with these traitors selling out the American farmer?

Most citrus farms in California grow multiple types of citrus, they just listed it as oranges.

Doesn't help when these farm groups are backing measures to keep illegals here and giving an incentive to bring more into the country.


Lemons are objectively the worst citrus fruit anyway.

Oranges > Limes > Grapefruit > all other citruses >>> pozzed fag's nutsack >>>>>>> lemons

Where do the other 10% of lemons produced in California come from?

Do you have proof of that?

Are you a Mexican lime farmer? Limes are the most un-American citrus fruit.

Looks like Americans are so sick and tired of winning that they've all decided to Make isreal Great Again instead

He's clearly a nonwhite. Lemons have a long European history in Italy and Sicily.

It's plausible but I'll have to ask people I know and trust about it.

That wall is going to be beautiful user.

And nothing of value was lost

I don't like that much, I just like them most than the other citruses.

That said, oranges are objectively the best.
And the most white.
And lemons vaguely resemble buttplugs.

I'm an American farmer, user, and I don't hire illegals. My shit is automated. The cali farmers who hire illegals and do everything they can to keep illegals in the US can get bent. I hope they go bankrupt. Fuck em. I'm actually looking at vineyards in nor cal right now and I will pay $200K for an automated picking machine before I let one illegal step foot on my property.

Oh, now I get it, Trump has ties to Argentina. Fucking wonderful, he's not just a lair he's also corrupt.

I'm getting sick of this shit

So you'll be cheering it on when Trump starts pushing in imports of wine from countries that will compete with California?


Reported for what?

Wine is not a product that people buy American of out of pride. The market DEMANDS the finest wines from all over the world. If you want American vineyards to be successful, they need to start producing the best fucking wine in the world, so "California" takes over from "Champagne" as being synonymous with quality. Period.

for not kissing Trump ass

Drown yourself.

You're right, which brings the point that vineyard owners have no idea what it's like to farm citrus.

Fuck off you little bitch

I was thinking usurping Château Lafite Rothschild with Duke Cooter’s Homegrown Moonshine, but that’s me.

Reported for obvious shill.

Report everyone that triggers you, faggot

Commifornia famine now comrade


What the fuck is going on in here?

foreign wines already DO compete with cali. They are most certainly NOT banned from import. Cali has a near perfect climate and soil though so it's hard to compete with.

I am in favor of tariffs on foreign goods (from cars to wine to fruit to kids toys) but I am not in favor of outright bans, which is what the DOA is lifting, and outright ban.


nod an argumend

No, you get fucked you disgusting rat-faced kike. California is part of America and was once white man's land. It is the responsibility of Americans to protect American industry and not sell out to SOUTH AMERICAN SHITSKINS IN ARGENTINA. You are such an obvious yid shill it's comical. Eat shit and die.

The faces of illegal alien users.

california and everything living there can go get fucked. i hope the pests turn their fields into such barren wastelands that not even a turk could find subsistence.

why should I want to help farmers who are openly hiring illegals and doing everything they can to bring more spics into the country?

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton's margin of victory was bigger than President Obama's in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama's 60%.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck california

This is why I like you user


You deport illegal aliens and punish those farmers internally, you stupid nigger-kike fuck. We don't want American industry being stolen by foreign countries.

Fucking off yourself, you yid scum.

Holla Forums is DEAD


Yeah i see whats going on here.

Yeah, the kikes are squealing because their deep blue state is suffering consequences.

Good luck on that CaliExit

If the mods were actually working to help Holla Forums, they'd use these threads as a means of banning all the retarded trump-worshiping shills.

A metric fuck ton of coordinated shilling.

How about this, OP: you stop your "FUCK DRUMPF" allegory by simply understanding commiefornia needs to be burned to the ground before it gets rebuilt as a proper state. Argentina can have their lemons sold in US meanwhile. This was just the tip; Trump is thrusting full-power when federal funding of sanctuary cities is banned.

Go california! And take washington with you.

Rather amusing to see the spin the resident kikes on Holla Forums are shilling to help try and put a contaminated plaster on the gaping wound of Trumps obedience to jewry.
Apparently destroying American agriculture is a great thing for Americans.

Special props to the (((user))) ITT who claimed he was actually a farmer, and welcomed this scheme to help destroy the agricultural industry…

Meanwhile in another thread super-based Bannon posing with Rabbi Shmuley means the 'shills' can now BTFO.

Tis truly a weird upside down world we're transitioning to where jews feel most comfortable shilling for kike politics on Holla Forums, any user complaining about this is outnumbered 6,000,000 to 1 and attacked with mindless abuse until they are banned and all their comments deleted, leaving the gloating kikes taunting all the banned anons for their victory over the goy.

Next day another dozen threads pop up celebrating the next jewish politician being elected somewhere else in the world.

He's targeting an industry that almost exclusively hires illegal aliens over good honest American workers. Since he can't do much to prevent them from doing so (it's already illegal and he's already deporting people), all that's left is make it harder for them to operate. Drain the swamp.

Yep, smug time!

Good post, hope people read it.

I heard on CNN that Trump has ties to North Korea.

Did you give up on the 'Drumpf is a Russian puppet!' narrative?

Oh my, your shilling attempt is way too obvious, don't you fuckers ever learn ?

What are you supporting at this point?

I agree but thats in a perfect world, in a "sanctuary state" with the farmers holding so much influence over the politicians and a limp dick republican congress this is one of the only plays trump has against these traitors.

So because I'm a farmer I'm supposed to support a part of the industry that uses illegal labor, a part of the industry that is FUCKING RESPONSIBLE IN THE FIRST PLACE for many of these illegals being here and dropping anchors? No they can go fuck themselves. And you can go fuck yourself too.

Hes a Jewish Russian puppet who is racist and sexist. He is lowering energy prices (further wrecking the Russian economy) because he does what Putin tells him but he also does what Israel tells him even though they are enemies of Russia so he might end up nuking the USA because there are too many black people.

Ain't it great when two great men with their beautiful first ladies walk and meet and deal with world business like true presidents? Macri's lady ain't Melania-tier, but looks pretty solid.

Nice wall of text there faggot.

Today I must remind you that Argentina is white. This is clearly racially motivated on Trump's part to deny work to courageous trans & LGBT undocumented migrant latinx wetbacks in California in favor of bolstering the existing wealth of Argentina's racially pure white populace.



I don't think his ties to the Oligarchs residing in Russia can be called Russian links as they are primarily jewish not Russian, they're the same as all his links to mossad kikes through Kushner and his personal ties to Likud messianic jews in isreal.

How based is that?

I bet you're one of those faggots that relentlessly defends the mods, even after it has been proved several times that they are not on our side. Good on ya, keep calling all genuine anons shills, maybe someone will give a shit about you eventually.
sage for off-topic

What part of this do you retards not understand?

THOSE FARMS ARE NOT EMPLOYING AMERICAN WORKERS. They are hiring Pedro and Consuela the illegal aliens for ten pesos a day. If those farms go away, not one honest American worker will lose his job, besides the treasonous farm owners. Outside of the farms, the same trucks will ship produce to Kroger and the same employees will stock the shelves. The only difference is the illegals lose their jobs, and that's good.

Once those farms go away, and the land is repurposed for a more competitive agricultural market, we can implement policies to curtail foreign produce. Until then, drain the fucking swamp.

Cry harder, kikelover. You were caught.


Putin is Jewish, his mother is Jewish Orthodox. There's a lot of Russian Jews thanks to Stalin.

You mean the race traitors who incentivized millions of beaners to flood over our border by illegally hiring them?


What part of Argentina citrus has pests, don't you all understand?

What will happen is permanent destruction of plants.


Why would I waste words on a shill?
But you do seem to be afraid of something.

Calling out you kikes = I'm afraid?

Great meaningless cartoon image though

Fuck off goon.

CIA pls go

Yeah, I'm afraid of California agriculture being raped by bugs from Argentina.


Aw the poor American farm owners who exclusively hired illegal aliens, driving down the wages of their industry and making it impossible for good honest American workers to make a good honest American living feeding America. Those poor fucking farmers are going out of business, cry me a fucking river.

sounds good tbh
wtf i hate drimpf now

Yet for some reason this sort of thing is allowed, yet criticism of jews is no longer permitted…


Shareblue's back smdh

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Please cry more as the god and emissary of chaos, Kek and Trump, destroy your old world and rebuild it to its former glory.

Argentina's white farmers > USA Pedro and Jamal farmers

Any chance you can explain how harming any American farmers industry is good for the goy, without resorting to irrelevant pictures or sneezing into your gefilte stained hanky?

Is Mexico white now, too?

Californians are not American.

Same as every other thread over the past few years.
Every user is outnumbered by dozens of kikes, the mods will clear up later removing all non-jewish posts, leaving just the kikes gloating, without qualification.



Are you absolutely fucking retarded? California pays more taxes than any other state, if it was all white, it would be the greatest place to live in the world.

Like i give a shit about commiefornia.
The only good part is northern part of the state.


your right, who wouldn't love to support such a lovely state like this one

California is >50% white.

Argentina is



such a lovely white state, filled with white people to the brim now. Totally still a great state, bunch of whites here.

Could you name me one state in America where you wont find niggers doing just that as found in the image you posted?

Are you shareblue or FBI I can't figure it out tbh


You should give a shit about California, strategically it is important for dealing with Asia, it has numerous industries, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, almonds, citrus, dairy, etc. And it has beautiful land. It needs to be purified and improved.

Also, it has tons of redpilled whites.

Won't somebody please think of the farmers

go pick some limes you fucking spic.

the refugee state?

You are a cuck.






Like i said the only american part is the north.
The rest is shit.

Yeah, those aren't areas of Central California, that's southern California. Riverside is super white and has numerous white bike gangs like the Nazi Lowriders.

No. The shekels are collected by white people that give the money to jews. The farms are run by illegal beaners.

You're an idiot.



California is not America, its Mexico.

show vote ration

Did you know, the only country in competition with Californian farmers for citrus fruits is isreal…

Perhaps that will throw some light on all the kikes ITT gloating and taunting the goys questioning Trump's decision here.

Allright, I give up. Seeing this kike screeching and screaming about muh lemons is helluvah entertaining, keep doing what you're doing lemonfag.

Fucking Argentinian lemon stealing whores.


its like OP thinks we care about traitors and shitty commie states. What did you think was going to happen OP you cock sucking kike?

hmm…. that not what I said. If you read any of my posts you would have known the point I was making. Who gives a shit if this traitorous state gets fucked economically, and nobody cares about the spic farmers growing lemons here, there are no white farmers left in California, specially growing lemons. If they want to stay a sanctuary state, then good, they can get fucked, and I hope that this lemon thing crashes California into bankruptcy, then we can come in and rebuild from the ashes.


Jesus Christ, now it makes sense.



The fuck?

How the fuck could the other 10% be possible?


I'd kek pretty hard if we start getting kike lemons.



yes that sounds better than immigration tbqh




There's a jew lemonade joke in there somewhere.

The other 10% of lemons produced in California aren't from California.

That sounds like bullshit.

Good, fuck those traitorous bastards. If you want your lemons, get rid of your sanctuary cities.

But how can it be produced from California if its not grown there

Can a drawfag make a smug lemon Pepe ?


Because they aren't.

If we actually remove illegals the industry will be pretty much gone though. Orchards take a long time to establish, so it's over if the lemon growers go under. Would make way more sense to send ICE to orchards all over and start a program to set up the unemployed with employment on farms/orchards to fill the gap made by illegals.


That's because it IS bullshit. The group of lefty college faggots shilling ITT in a coordinated effort have been instructed that whenever anyone calls them on their transparent bullshit they should immediately fall back to a position of accusing the opposition of being a jew and/or bringing up jews/israel in general. It's really quite pathetic to see in action because they are completely oblivious to board culture or the genuine motives of Holla Forums and instead are working from a place of kike academic interests.

I would honestly rather see those farms destroyed, bought up at rock-bottom prices by a bank, and then sold for employing illegal slave labor than see them recover

Jews in this thread



Fruit in the US is already INSANELY cheap. It would affect almost nobody if the price of lemons doubled. A non-kiked trade deal would allow trade/imports/exports but would use tariffs to normalize for slave labor rates in foreign countries. A non traitorous government would also enforce labor laws so these farmers can't hire illegals.

ugh, mendo and humboldt that blue. Looks like they are out of the jefferson movement. All those hippies moving in to grow pot tbh.

Drain the swamp, get rid of all current farm owners.

If they are suddenly forced to hire honest American workers and pay fair wages, they will be worse than Walmart. Lashing out and throwing a tantrum, trying to recoup their "losses", they'll force each worker to pick 600 lemons an hour or risk immediate firing, with all breaks and lunches timed on a punchclock and unpaid. I've worked a minimum wage job when minimum wage rose, and I've seen it happen. The swamp needs to be fucking drained, so honest Americans can actually have fair employment for fair wages again.

Californians should unite and start a new political party. They can call it the Lemon Party.

what's happening in the corner right?

they aren't self sustaining if they rely on illegal spic labor, user

spics itt
time to load up the family pickup and go home jose.



No content.

No content. California is not America - statistically, its less than 38% White.

No content.

Checked for I e seen this a lot lately. They're trying to get an emotional rise when their blatant lies are exposed.


Is supporting american taxes good or bad you keep switching sides :^^^)

Okay, time to report now.




California loves spics so much why not destroy their farming with "white" Argentinian crops.

wtf is with all the racism here??

It's like another lemon shoah !

Getting reported again, Jew.

do you kike really think we are this stupid? the funniest part is, you threw it out your ass, its not even factually correct. Enjoy you ban


O i am laffin


Interesting how this act of sabotage on the American agricultural industry is so energising for every kike in this thread

Its just trying to get an emotional rise. That's it. Not a lick of truth, just a bunch of sperging and retarded accusations/claims, designed to waste time and get you angry.
Its hilariously stupid.

If any part of your economy RELIES on fucking shitskin illegal labor then it shouldn't exist in the first place and deserves to die. We need less spics a lot more than we need cheap fruit.

just spit out my drink

Tip jej





if there are still white farmers in California, they are most likely boomers
I hope they suffer
they sure as hell never had to suffer before

The only way to maintain white ownership over comfortable climates is through subjugation of those lands. If you allow democracy and sovereignty to such lands, the whites become complacent and decadent because they live in paradise. They allow the shitskins in. And the shitskins pour in and outvote the whites.

California is a lost cause, it cannot be saved until the US collapses. And the only reason Florida isn't a cesspool is because old white people go there to die, and vote conservatively during their final years.

We are in a demographic crisis, and commiefornia is a cancerous tumor that must be removed. I don't give a fuck how nice it is, I don't give a fuck about the economic output, I don't give a fuck about your pride, or the pride of our people. It's too much of a liability, we don't have the resources to save that shithole until post-collapse.

We'd be a lot better off claiming a smaller amount of territory in a colder climate, then just reconquering everything later after it turns into Africa 2.0

jesus christ thats the wrong spectrum of autism




so the college class shilling thing was real then. I thought it was a double ruse to try to get us to raid something. Interesting.


When I see these type of pictures I get sick

Fucking jews



Are you tired of all the sour lies?


listen kike, nobody is listening to you anymore, you outed yourself like 3 times already. California is going to burn and nobody on Holla Forums cares.

No, those companies can fuck off along with the rest of commiefornia until they get their shit together. If that means starving them, then so be it. We can always build it up when they fuck off.

Yup, I've noticed a sharp increase in this type of coordinated shilling tactic in the past few days. A group of 2-4 of them will start a thread and then populate it with fabricated garbage while gas lighting any anons who actually question their narrative and then resorting to attempting to link everything to israel and jews even when it's a complete non-sequitur. It's like they've been coached that if they mention jews Holla Forums will immediately side with them no matter how ridiculous they appear otherwise.


actually I just realized who 680b4d is, I recognize his typing and word pattern. He is the "hasbara zionist neocon shill" nigger. So actually probably not a college fag, because we know he is a Malaysian faggot.

fuck off you kike faggot nigger
you dont belong here

f1485e (14)
Every one of those posts goading and taunting goys and celebrating a destructive policy which will only harm Americans

As you keep telling us,

wrap it jose, it's time to go.

You may be correct about him but the OP is certainly one of the college fags and the early (1)s who agreed with him as well.


get in the truck you fucking spic

Indeed you are the self-incriminating jew

yep, its him. Couldn't help it could you, you fucking retard.

Fucking maltard.
If he goes to any other thread ill bring up the lemons.


Damn, you telling me California is worried about pests illegally immigrating there and fucking shit up? No pest is illegal. Pests have rights. Let them travel freely wherever they want and the residents just have to deal with it.

Mr. Lemonstein, pls go.

Or should we call you Sour Jésus?

you almost out of vpns yet, I know you had to resort to shilling on tor the other day


No one is falling for your kike bullshit. This is bad for Americans.


Worth repeating this, with an addendum

Rather amusing to see the spin the resident kikes on Holla Forums are shilling to help try and put a contaminated plaster on the gaping wound of Trumps obedience to jewry.
Apparently destroying American agriculture is a great thing for Americans.

Special props to the (((user))) ITT who claimed he was actually a farmer, and welcomed this scheme to help destroy the agricultural industry…

Meanwhile in another thread super-based Bannon posing with Rabbi Shmuley means the 'shills' can now BTFO.

Tis truly a weird upside down world we're transitioning to where jews feel most comfortable shilling for kike politics on Holla Forums, any user complaining about this is outnumbered 6,000,000 to 1 and attacked with mindless abuse until they are banned and all their comments deleted, leaving the gloating kikes taunting all the banned anons for their victory over the goy.

Next day another dozen threads pop up celebrating the next jewish politician being elected somewhere else in the world.

Jews, working in the same Tel Avov office, talking to each other about how they operate the Holla Forums boards.
Also the authors of this fabulous graph designed to stamp out antisemitism on Holla Forums

Guess which poster the mods will delete?

underrated post

because you're a goon
you know it and we know it
this is comical AF

never change maltard



Someone wanna explain to me why so many posters are giddy about the destruction of American agriculture in favor of shitskin Argentina?

What happened to America first?

see this

This agenda I push.
It's evidently an antisemitic one.
Yet you and your organised team strongly object to my criticism of jews infiltrating our movements and subverting our politics.
Why is that?



picked by shitskins either way


You got replied to in less than a minute by too many IDs to count, which leads me to believe this board is being raided by israelites.

And it's still being pushed hard. Which makes me only support the argentinians.

then you absolutely do not wish to see old pictures of Europe. You'd break down in tears, and rightfully so!

How eats much fruit anyway? The only idiots who actively eat pounds of fruit are niggers from the equator and they are as unhealthy as fuck.

you want some fruit and vegies grow some in your backyard.

I've noticed they'll have images and articles pre-prepared to post to further "prove" their points.

3k pedophile arrests and rising faggot.


I don't even like lemons. Or pistachios. But do a jewgle search on either and 'kosher' and check out how many results you get. Kikes apparently love lemons and pistachios during Passover.

Are you mentally retarded?

oh shit, confirmed

Jews in commiefornia are worried about muh shekels, so they fought to keep illegals in the lemon party.
Trump lifted an outright ban on foreigner lemons and now the kikes dont want lemon diversity.

What did hillary accomplish in her first 100 days? Oh, wait…

Take a hint from the Hitler in the right corner.

No, this is definitely the moderation shilling team at work going full damage control on Trump.

The last start was Syria, this is just squeezing lemon juice in the wound.

Be honest faggot you voted for hillary :^)

Indeed, they format the same way as well, usually red texting the same number of lines and waiting a certain number of replies before dropping the pre-prepared post that bolsters their position.

Gas yourself, you worthless kike

these lemon jokes are making me pucker

The stealth lemon party one made me chuckle.


The election ended six months ago, bringing it up as a way to avoid what Trump is actually doing as President is very telling.

Nope you have been here for a month trying to d&c. Get out.

What?! butter, lemon sauce?
sea food goes well with it, lemon cake, biscotti,etc.

I really hope that's the reason.

get shitfaced , abuse subordinates, fired her makeup team, blame everyone else for its loss, complain, not take a shower, watch the democrat party collapse, cancel her defibrillator installation for the white house, etc…


there is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking over California, what part of this do you not understand? This state deserves it, they wont give up their sanctuary status because muh illegals and farmers are part of that problem lobbying for it. Nobody on Holla Forums is going to support California in any way. So go fuck yourself.

Funny how everyone is ignoring that this was an Obama policy that Trump just accomplished. Trump is literally completing Obama's agenda.

Try reading the article

Way to out yourself ban evading faggot.

You're right in 2020 I'll vote for Zuckerberg-Warren rather than Drimpf
Gotta start that early

Can you believe that at one time us jews were really quite worried about what effect chan culture; Holla Forums especially, had on our move to total control of the West, but a few millions spent on astroturfing every thread with our wonderful jewish operatives and voila, almost every thread, every day shilling for every neo-con zionist jew puppet in politics, cheering on the JWO

Unlike Spartacus, I am not imkampfy. He looks unhygienic.

oh man, he swapped to tor, right on schedule. Malfag doing an amazing job making my sides die.

What are you a fucking mod?


kill yourself califag

He probably didn't know what Adolf Hitler looked like sjws and leftists are the idiot children & or mentally disturbed of yesterday. History is too hard for them which is why they need jewish movies to point out the "bad guy" to them.

Its too bad you could have played a trick on him with that jew Genrikh Yagoda who caused the Holodomor.
Interesting spell check doesn't recognize the Holodomor…. fucking jews.

Waving the flag, that one really makes me laugh. Governor Moonbeam would have the hammer and sickle flying over that place if he could.


the ban was only 16 years old, so likely implemented at the start of the bush admin because some farm pac gave money to Bush. Was it a lemon holohoax before that ban?

You and your shill team really seem to want to get rid of this story. Attacking all the posters decrying this while saging to try sliding this thread off the front page when everyone leaves so you can memory-hole it

Save these links and read this article

Part 1:
Part 2:

and now the kike that doesn't know what the >(1) meme means is here too. Jesus christ, do you guys work the same building?


OP already pointed out it was a typo, multiple times. Use your head.

your almonds seem activated

Memory hole what? That faggot citrus farming democrats in Commiefornia may lose money?


You retards really don't get it do you?

It's almost like you all work in the same farm or something.



California is now a failed colony that is infested with third world foreigners to the point where its about to collapse and split off from the mother country.
The only way to stop this is to use military force to retake California, blood would need to be spilled simple deportation is not enough.

speaking of which I ran out of Almonds, got to go to the store now ….:-(


So they're replacing domestic food harvested by Illegal Spics with foreign food harvested by legal Spics? This will keep spics in their own countries. How is that bad? If Lolifornian farmers wanted the benefits of an America First policy, they should have hired American labor. Now their whole farms are getting outsourced to spics.

Why should we care?

Those farms bring in tons of illegals, you fucktard. They should get the Waco treatment.


This statement is like a partial tautological mindfuck.

let it be known that the same faggots that shill against Le Pen, Trump, and everything else on this board are the same faggots in the thread trying to get us to support California and the illegal spic labor market lobbying for sanctuary states. It all makes sense now. Even hasbara fag was in here, If I didn't know better I would say they were all in tel-aviv

Nobody wants, nobody likes…
Lemon peddling kikes!

I would save replace the beaners with niggers, but nigger wont work





this is all imkampfy's fault

These "memes" you're making are really fucking transparent. California lemons are not produced by Jews.


jesus my fucking sides

Looks like the beaners run that show. Rich kikes at the top can starve.

Very high quality and adaptive shilling indeed.

You faggots work for the PR firm Kushner hired, don't you.

wew lad keep up

cry harder faggot

i do it for free

Who does make California lemons then, Pedro?

wewlad, you guys don't do good work, I would get my money back if you were hired.

Another benefit of the Lemonjews leaving is less waste of water growing shit in a desert. Kikes have no sense when it comes to natural resources unless they can make a profit.

White People

White People are the Lemon Farmers.

Christ, watch the fucking video.

They get paid in lemons.

I see no bad in here.
Though I doubt that a little CTR shill like yourself is capable of understanding even the simplest chess moves of the game master.


checked and kek'd

Watch the video, it illuminates how lemons are a part of California culture.


And boy oh boy would I want to support that 33% white california culture huh

such a staple of white culture california is

Don't you think the movies and television industries represent white culture?!

Look at these Lemon supporting kikes!

Nuke Commiefornia now!

This thread sure turned into a real lemonparty

You mean that thread where you've gave up trying to attack the mod corruption article, so now you're gaslighting by intentionally letting it up and shilling now to take it down because containing it and using damage control is not working?

it was obvious sarcasm user

Have you ever seen a more Jewish man than this?

Look at his yid daughter!

was never even in that thread, but try again.

Got anchored. Guess it didn't work out quite like the kikes expected.

just go back to endchan already with the rest of you overly-hostile faggots


get in the truck you fucking spic.



Largest Citrus growers in the US who own Wonderful Citrus and Paramount Citrus
now take a look at who they give money to

yup no jews in the citrus industry goyim

Wow, not suspicious at all.


Of course not, you were too busy collecting lemons with 7d5841, 016159 and c16ca7.

its even worse because that article he posted was written by a TRSemite about how antifachan attacked poor little TRS for no reason but to D&C and conveniently leaves out all the parts on why it happened in the first place.

Anchoring your shit thread obviously means mods are comprimised lel

who they voted? are they registered republicans or democrats? who they donated to? it's easy to find out


nuke California



show me where you btfo the mods top lel

Indeed, destroying Californias agricultural industry will greatly aid isreal's competing citrus industry, as (((you))) well know


Your trips say Kek has forsaken the kike infested spic haven known as Commiefornia and its yid-owned lemon farms.

Don't worry, the whole thing is archived. They aren't going to escape this.

tell your employer to get his lemons back. He needs a real big refund.

never change goons you always make me laff

I archived it because this shits funny.
Hadn't had good chuckle in a while.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh your way to the Tel AViv bank, you worthles kike.

OP will defend this pun spic.

Funny in the sense so many of you obvious kikes are goading and taunting every user ITT, with the bent-logic that breaking up Americas agricultural industry is somehow a victory for the goy and helps America somehow.

think of all the (((white))) farming towns he supports!
illegal immigrants actally contribute to the white economy goy!

So mods, you want to explain why you anchored the most active thread currently up?


because it's a shit thread and only active because of how many anons are laughing at you ban evaders

like always tbh

For any lurker of the thread, that is wondering what the fuck is going on, please understand that these posts are not from anons. Genuine productive anons have left already, what you see now is posts that unless you didn't know this was Holla Forums, you could have a chance of mistaking it for T_D or even cuckchan. These people do not understand imageboard culture, and are misled by the moderation of the board to attack oldfags that see right through, and actually understand what has been happening for the past year at least. possibly for longer The elections ended in November, yet being objective and pointing out the flaws in Trump's administration is bannable, which is interesting to say the least. I'd also like to remind you what happened during the elections in the Netherlands, where Geert Wilders was almost immediately found as being a kike puppet, yet he was still shilled throughout the board. Same is happening in the french elections, Le Pen connections to kikes were also found extremely fast, and yet you still see the same fucking people shilling her like they shilled Geert Wilders, do not trust these idiots whose replies consist no more than 2 lines of text with nothing valuable added to the thread.

Here you go, educate yourselves on how shit the mods are if you haven't yet:

muh 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋


you sound sour

Is muh lemons the new >MUH BOOOOOOOOOKS now, Imkampfy?

t. TORpedo


Since this thread s anchored
why do you burgers consume this yellow lemon instead of the superior green persian one ?

Nice meme, TIDF, not artificial at all.

wewlad, just stop already, you are obvious and not from around here at all.

Here is a look at the president’s Jewish advisers who will be helping to shape U.S. policy for the next four years.” – JTA

US-WhiteHouse-Logo.svgWhite House Staff

Jared Kushner: Senior Adviser to the President

Stephen Miller: Senior Adviser to the President for Policy

Boris Epshteyn: Special Assistant to the President, Assistant Communications Director for Surrogate Operations

Julia Hahn: Special Assistant to the President

Gary Cohn: Director of the National Economic Council

Jason Greenblatt: Special Representative for International Negotiations

Reed Cordish: Special Assistant to the President for Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives

Avrahm (Avi) Berkowitz: Special Assistant to the President, Assistant to the Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Carl Icahn: Special Advisor to the President on Regulatory Reform

Jeremy Katz: Deputy
Director of the National Economic Council, Deputy Assistant to the President

Yael Lempert: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Israel, Egypt and the Levant: Yael Lempert

Ivanka Trump: Special Assistant to the President

Ezra Cohen Watnick: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at National Security Council

Kenneth I. Juster: Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy
Director of the National Economic Council, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs

David James (DJ) Gribbin: Special Assistant to the President for Infrastructure Policy

John A. Eisenberg: Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy White House Counsel, and Legal Advisor to the National Security Council

Michael Anton: Senior National Security member

Hope Hicks: Assistant to the President, Director of Strategic Communications

Jason Miller: Assistant to the President, Director of Communications

Clearly the solution is to destroy California agriculture with foreign pests instead of just deporting illegals.

IOW a whole lot of cash disappears from the U.S. economy and goes straight to meh-hee-ko.

Seems legit.


it can be whatever you want it to be goon-kun

I was wondering when that was coming.

Unlike "muh books", this isnt annoying.
It pretty fucking funny.

actually this is the first time I looked into these two to see if they are Jewish. a lot of people in Cali hate these two so this is an excellent pair to call out to normalfags who haven't awoken to (((their))) tricks yet


The Department of Treasury

Steven Mnuchin: Secretary of the Treasury

Adam Szubin: Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

David Malpass: Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs

Department of Justice

Rod J. Rosenstein: Deputy Attorney General

Makan Delrahim: Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division

Department of Veterans Affairs

David Shulkin: Secretary of Veterans Affairs

US-DeptOfCommerce-Seal.svgDepartment of Commerce

Wilbur Ross: Secretary of Commerce

Todd Ricketts: Deputy Secretary of Commerce

Department of Defence

David J. Tratchtenberg: Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Seal_of_an_Embassy_of_the_United_States_of_AmericaUnited States of America Embassy

David Friedman: Ambassador to Israel

Terry Branstad:Ambassador to China

Lewis Eisenberg: Ambassador to Italy

Food and Drugs Adminstration

Scott Gottlieb: Agency executive

Builders and Engineers Council

Richard LeFrak: Builders and Engineers Council, co-chairman

Steven Roth: Builders and Engineers Council, co-chairman

President’s Strategic and Policy Forum

Stephen Schwarzman: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Chairman

Robert Iger: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Laurence Fink: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Mark Weinberger: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Kevin Warsh: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Elon Musk: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Travis Kalanick: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Daniel Yergin: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Richard Lesser: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Jamie Dimon: President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, Member

Republican National Comittee

Steve Wynn: Republican National Comittee Finance Chairman

When losing a flame war flood with links

we get it, you have a list of kikes around Trump, did you know that one time I accidently shook a kikes hand, I work for israel now. Its like the list that was spammed to death during the primaries, literally full circle shilling here like I was back in 2015 all over again.

California is no longer part of America. Coastalfag shitlibs are the primary reason we are fucked as a country already. The lemonqueers here are just mad that their participation in outsourcing labor has led ultimately to them being outsourced as well. I think it's poetic justice.

This kike

Is the team leader for a large group of isreali hasbara trolls who control this borad.
They managed all the Trump threads during the election, then moved to promoting Gert Wilders then Le Pen.
They also created this graph/chart which they openly post here to identify any user who dares criticise jews or their agents in politics.

Gert wilders a mossad agent, sure thing goy, real based jews are what we need in politics isn't everyone a mossad operative?

Marine Le Pen, admits her party is run top-to-bottom by freemasons and uber-zionist kikes with a neice whose father was a mossad agent, Holla Forums goes wild and creates original content of the ZOG Empress

Trump and his jewish family want to take the world into the final stage of the jew world order, who better than Le ZOG Emperor in chief and his jewish children and mossad affiliated son-in-law with every kind of foul neo-con zionist elite like Kissinger and the rest of the JWO controllers.

Oy vey, vote for jews and watch your sons and daughters get conscripted to die in some shitty sandpit for Greater isreal.

Can anyone remember when Holla Forums didn't use to allow threads populated with odious hasbara kikes to astroturf these boards into cheering on their preferred ZOG candidate or openly antagonise and gaslight every genuine user until the mods ban only the genuione anons, leaving the jewish trolls taunting and goading the goy of their victory?

replied to my post 3 times now, jesus that post really pissed you off didn't it?


Hi maltard.

tbqh that sounds jewish as fuck m8.

your comic will never make money

This kike

Is the guy who has managed every Le Pen/Gert Wilders thread you see pinned up every day for the last month/
They created this and post this on Holla Forums

For some reason every user who tackles these kikes gets banned, while all these odious kikes remain unchallenged with the mods backing them up and locking down any thread the jews don;t like.

sometimes ya just have to out jew the jew. theyre the ones that buy expensive Whole Foods produce anyway

Wew mods, you sure convinced me now

just a heads up, and its really gonna burst your narrative here, I know, it sucks, but I didn't support wilders at all. Now that we have that out of the way, how much do you make per post?


Nice forced memes

wtf I'm going to go in the woods and larp as a revolutionary now its the only way out of this kike system

This one really russells my almonds as I know this kike and he is one of the kikiest kikes out there. This is the yid that made me hate jews years before I found Holla Forums. And what the fuck does he know about technology? His business is setting up shitty/fad night clubs.

is it forced because you don't like it?


lol ur thread got bumplocked and there ain't anything you can do about it

WTF I love Trumpenstein now

No need to sage an anchored thread, fellas.

Polite non-sage for off topic.

woah my man, you are a great memer. really good at the maymays and stuff.

Every thread promoting zog agents Gert Wilders and Le Pen has you and the same kikes ITT shilling for zog and identifying any dissenting user and mass reporting therm to the mods.

MODS- Who strangely allow the kikes to post unchallenged while the anons all get banned

I remember now. His father, David Cordish, stumped for Trump early on and got Trump donations from the maryland republicans.

should I put my trip back on from the primaries so you know who I am? I'll give you a hint, its in my email field


how is shaking a kike's hand comparable to filling up your administration with giga-kikes and marrying your daughter off to kikes? Please explain to such an ignorant person as myself, user-kun


oh and almost forgot this as well. Ivanka is besties with David Cordishs daughter. She really needs to get the boot asap.

How about not voting for freemason and jewish controlled opposition

wew, that ain't suspicious at all

If it fell in to the ocean tomorrow the only people that would really care are the Chinese that owned the land.

stay mad

You're right, I should have voted for hillary not the man who although has too many jews around him is waking up the white man to his own destruction at a faster rate than at any time I can remember. I'm sure hillary "bilderberg" clinton would have worked out a lot better

see what really pisses me off about you is, that they already own it you stupid nigger. You are an embarrassment to shills around the globe

eh your right.

Well now that you brought it up kike

Those brown people are illegal Incas from Peru. There are also Paraguayans and Bolivians, and Mapuches from Chile, all illegal. They're there for the same reason we have Mexican beaners and kebab in America: because Argentina's government swallowed the diversity Kool-Aid from kikes. To compound matters, the Argentines got two straight terms of Jewish socialist government by the Kirchners, who changed all the immigration laws to basically make being illegal a crime without penalty and allow "family reunification" and welfare for illegals who have been in the country for five minutes.

Argentina was founded as a white country just like America and Canada. Beaners and dotheads being in America doesn't make them Americans. Same applies to Argentina.

However Trumps cabinet is the most virulently foul zionist neocon kike jewhad in the history of American politics.

Still there's always the month of May dedicated to the jewish power to really make the goy proud

Do they have threads on lemons?

Wtf is drumpf doing?!?! I'm a California
lemon farmer (socal FTW, hit me up on Kik) and me and my life partner Pedro are absolutely devastated. Every summer we'd bring in dozens of young strapping men from mehico to come pick our luscious fruits all day and all night long. Now the trumpster fire is moving lemon production to Argentina? Wtf I hate le drumpf even more now. Pedro is literally crying in the bathroom and I can't even breathe thinking about what's going to happen to our fabulous little farm. Someone please stop the drumpf, he's gone too far.

that statement is extremely false

Kill yourself, you Israel first, kike.


hey, I made that!

Defending yet another kike move another nail in this boards coffin. It's an embarrassment. Let the spammers do their worst, it's not worth saving.




I don't really know how it'll happen, but given that lemons are already a meme elsewhere on this site, there's a likely chance that this debacle will somehow free Tibet from the Chinese and push Islam out of Pakistan.

screw that!
Lemon meme will make a new Hitler and end all the jews. After all its the present year it about time everyone embrace National Socialism & remove the jews and shitskins.

Interesting how this infographic breaks down each individual crop but doesn't break down types of livestock.

Kike kids, kike staff, kike regime.

No please do go on about how Holla Forums will never recover.

Go pound sand.

The shilling in this thread is unreal.

It's super low quality though, just bad noise.

I can back this, we should have a state that is solely dedicated to porn.

Factory Farms are the number one employers of illegals. Read a book.

Am I late to the party?

Pseudo-intellectualism is always so refreshing.

No shit, really? it's not like there's these gigantic conglomerates like google and faceberg in sillicon valley


yet those companies do most of their business through off shore companies to avoid cali taxes

Limes are the most Anglo fruit in the world.