

Shit is the biggest degeneracy ever. It was created by jews to get into the pants of vulnerable schicksas and to spread degeneracy in the western world.

See this sick jews biography:

Other urls found in this thread:!noQA3SJK!ld9iXVqh0Tk6kIXYsbZErHHf3AmZC0hhjTP020xiCYk

As an adult Reich wrote extensively, in his diary, about his sexual precocity. He maintained that his first sexual experience was at the age of four when he tried to have sex with the family maid (with whom he shared a bed), that he would regularly watch the farm animals have sex, that he used a whip handle sexually on the horses while masturbating, and that he had almost daily sexual intercourse from the age of 11 with another of the servants. He wrote of regular visits to brothels, the first when he was 15, and said he was visiting them daily from the age of around 17. He also developed sexual fantasies about his mother, writing when he was 22 that he masturbated while thinking about her.[22]

Reich was taught at home until he was 12, when his mother was discovered having an affair with his live-in tutor. Reich wrote about the affair in 1920 in his first published paper, "Über einen Fall von Durchbruch der Inzestschranke" ("About a Case of Breaching the Incest Taboo"), presented in the third person as though about a patient.[24] He wrote that he would follow his mother when she went to the tutor's bedroom at night, feeling ashamed and jealous, and wondering if they would kill him if they found out that he knew. He briefly thought of forcing her to have sex with him, on pain of threatening to tell his father. In the end, he did tell his father, and after a protracted period of beatings, his mother committed suicide in 1910, for which Reich blamed himself.[24]

You would say that, wouldn't you Sinead?
psychoanalysis comes in various forms, not all created by a Kike. And what is it anyway? Nothing more than using knowledge of memetics to understand how malformed or corrupted internalized memes effect physical and mental health, and correcting same.

Moral of the story : Don't reproduce with whores.

literally secularized kabbala. so jewish



Reich - the story of a dumbass with poor impulse control.

Nothing more than the kike version of the gypsy fortune teller. Also a way for moshe and chaim to get lots of blonde haired, blue eyed, big titted shiksas on a couch talking about their sex lives.

Any modern psychologist or psychiatrist practicing Psychoanalysis is a fraud and/or pandering to liberals.

No academic psychologist will consider Psychoanalysis relevant today.

Skinner is the solution to all problems regarding the mind.

I was just thinking about this today at work (dull job); intelligent men have always studied and understood mind, but it took one jew to make it fashionable degeneracy

Sigismund Schlomo Freud is the founder of pyschoanalysis, and he was a (((Frankfurt school))) member. All cultural marxism can be traced from this one source of political ideology. If it can be called pyschoanalysis, the it's kikery bullshit.

git gud fgt

Jordan Peterson thinks there was some value to come out of it, particularly from the (goy) Jung. You can look up Peterson's stuff on youtube, it's all very good. Freud was explicitly trying to destroy Catholicism, though.

Reich was a freak. I'm reading his Mass Psychology of Fascism now and it has pushed me further right than The Culture of Critique. The language is so goddamned slippery and pseudo-scientific. Not one mention of male/female reproductive strategy differences, of course, just the jewish assumption that we are all simply materialist degenerates wishing solely to achieve genital satisfaction, and that all problems flow from an unnatural suppression of that urge.


Would that it were so.

He recognized that the way to destroy the west was through via the sexual urge. He's probably the most dangerous jew no one has ever heard of.

The r-selected adventures of a dopamine driven maniac.


+1 for the Jordan Peterson, although my only critique is he warms up to Freud, but thankfully prefers Rogers, Jung and Piaget.

At least he did something right.

Oh I got a gud Jung book if you are into that.

Man and his Symbols by Carl G.Jung.!noQA3SJK!ld9iXVqh0Tk6kIXYsbZErHHf3AmZC0hhjTP020xiCYk

I am still looking for that book that Sn Hyde mentioned about archetypes. "warrior, lover " something something… but this one is the one I have at hand at least.

Men of piety has always understood the mind and how to direct it to fruitful endeavours. Then degenerate fucks took over and tried to make it seem like they had figured it all out and had the "Science" of it. And since science was the best thing ever and not spiritual then people just follow along without thinking about it. The amount of pill pushing going on now should be a crime,

I am not particularly fan of the implication one must live his life watching out for any external suggestion, most of my biggest flaws were impossible to see from within but absolutely glaring when I rewatch some of my video diaries [back when I made them, no reason to poke fun of it now, I don't do video diaries anymore].

being imperturbable in the face of the outside world is good. Separating everything and every accusation and logic and influence from your intellect is not good.

psychoanalysis is psuedoscience garbage
neurology is the future
for good, or for ill

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine - Robert Moore, Douglas Gillette

Haven't read it and don't have a pdf link though. Just happened to note down the name while watching the video a while back.

I see you.
thanks for the little push, big fella.

The entire field of psychology and by extension psychiatry has been subverted by kikes. It's not about treating conditions, just drugging people into quietude and is marching ever-closer to soviet-style "political schizophrenia" tier shit with DSM4 and DSM5's definitions of what "mental illness" is in tandem with emotionally-driven laws like "laura's law" getting passed to "enforce treatment"

Here's KWML
And here's a similar book

it's unbelievable how these psychology kikes are reputed to be "fathers" of all these "intellectual" schools have piles and piles of material that would ruin the credibility of dozens and dozens of other people.

Is the Great Deluge an archetype aswell? But there's real concrete proof for that it happened and all these crazy old megaliths and stonewalls and pyramids.

Jung claims all these archetypes and archetype events come from unconscious mind but what the hell, those events occurred in reality! So myths are real? And our consiousness is right too!

This. Our societal environment is designed to demoralize us and steer us into the "care" of a psychiatrist. Then they dole out the antidepressants to attack both the mind and the body.

It seems that every goddamn female that I know is seeing a shrink. It's probably because they all watch the boob tube and that shit is normalized there. Women are so impressionable and easily led by wolves.

Daily reminder to stay the fuck away from psychiatrists, and don't allow yourself to be labeled mentally ill by either a psychiatrist or a doctor. That could mean no funs for you down the line when you need them most.

Surround yourself with positive people. They're out there. If you're with the wrong crowd, you'll know it. You'll feel it.

We'll make sure to make it well known when we have full control.

Any day now.

I probably shouldn't be admitting this, but I'm going to a psychoanalist right now (my bishop is paying for it). I've been red-pilling him about White genocide (and I.Q. among others.) It seems to be going well.

aren't they told to go along with whatever the patient believes in as to avoid conflict?

Hes recording everything you say and classifying you with all sorts of disorders that will make employment with the military or other jobs demanding you release your psych records impossible. Good work

He has been explaining/supporting it with his own experiences/logic. I think it's genuine. I'm also in Utah, so that might be part of it.

can't argue with those dubs

the problem with modern mental health care is that it's so compartmentalized…you see a shrink and then go see a "provider" who prescribes the "proper medicine" based on the diagnosis. it's changing though, the compartmentalization is a facet of socialism, and it needs to stop. one stop shop for all your healthcare needs. make doctors accountable again.

Analytic psychology =/= psychoanalysis. The name is alike, but they are very different.
C.G. Jung made Freud's psychology completely obsolete. Of course there are literal scam artists with degrees who apply psychoanalysis nowadays.
There are several forks of Jung's analytic psychology, but i dont know enough about them to have an opinion.
Behaviorism and gestalt are supposed to be OK as well, but again, i don't know enough about them to have an opinion.

the jew cries out as I read their shills like books.

it's so predictable, you say anything we do that works is jewish because you think our hatred of the jews will overpower our hatred of the jews. you're fucking retarded. look at me, I'M THE JEW NOW BITCH, NOW DIE.

father able to provide for a live-in tutor and the bitch still cheats on him. tutor having room, board and salary paid for and still cucks the guy.

only sad parts to the story are that the kid had to suffer and the tutor didn't die too.

No, he's just getting you to spill the beans so he can try and paint you as dangerous(dissident) and have you shipped off. These freaks are not on your side, and is telling the truth.

Was getting caught part of your plan?


sage for OT and autism

Circumstantial proof, like shipwrecks on mountains and certain villiages in the area supposedly being where there's now ocean. Google proof of Noah's Ark you lazy cunt. It was God killing all the angels that were cool with racemixing

people like you ruin Holla Forums, but god damn, dem quads

I said it was circumstantial. I don't personally believe the great deluge happened but there is evidence if you look for it.

Donald Trump recommended "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" by Carl Jung, so I am currently reading through it. I am now 100% certain that Trump never read it (it's way too esoteric for a pragmatic businessman to enjoy).

Jung based a lot of his work on dream analysis. It's very interesting, but not really scientific, since it's all in one's head, and I think he often takes it too far. Some of his "interpretations" sound like Alex Jones jibber-jabber.

Jung says that he admired Freud as one of the few people with whom he could talk about psychology, but thinks that his (((mommy issues))) eventually blinded him to the weaknesses of his theories. There are a lot of anecdotes about Freud and other psycho Jews and Austrians that Jung treated in his practice, which keeps things interesting. I'll post some if I can find them.

Does anyone know if there were any good BRITISH psychologists? Britain usually makes German "scholarship" look like kid stuff by comparison.

hours and days with this phenomenally ugly female?" I must have given him a rather dashed look, for this idea had never occurred to me. In a way I regarded the woman as a pleasant old creature because she had such lovely delusions and said such interesting things. And after all, even in her insanity, the human
being emerged from a cloud of grotesque nonsense.

Another anecdote

lol that's where you're wrong bud. How about you try googling Edward Bernarys and stepping up your red pill game

Another anecdote

Neurology will definitely provide us with some interesting insight into the physical human mind, but I can imagine that also being its greatest failing. It seems materialistic right down to the core.

More on Freud's obsession with sexuality

You moron, OP is right. Psychoanalysis is a jewish invention and complete garbage.

For anyone who wants to learn how Freud became so popular in the USA watch the documentary Century of the Self

It was the grand propagandist (((Edward Berneys))) who shilled his unknown cousin Sigmund Freud in America. The documentary explains how it happened. Freud himself was a miserable jewish misanthrope and his cousin Edward was a master of cultural subversion. Together they forever changed the landscape of western culture for the worst.

You moron, OP is right. Psychoanalysis is a jewish invention and complete garbage.

For anyone who wants to learn how Freud became so popular in the USA watch the documentary Century of the Self

It was the grand propagandist (((Edward Bernays))) who shilled his unknown uncle Sigmund Freud in America. The documentary explains how it happened. Freud himself was a miserable jewish misanthrope and his cousin Bernays was a master of cultural subversion. Together they forever changed the landscape of western culture for the worst.

You moron, OP is right. Psychoanalysis is a jewish invention and complete garbage.

For anyone who wants to learn how Freud became so popular in the USA watch the documentary Century of the Self

It was the grand propagandist (((Edward Bernays))) who shilled his unknown uncle Sigmund Freud in America. The documentary explains how it happened. Freud himself was a miserable jewish misanthrope and his nephew Bernays was a master of cultural subversion.

You moron, OP is right. Psychoanalysis is a jewish invention and complete garbage.

For anyone who wants to learn how Freud became so popular in the USA watch the documentary Century of the Self

It was the grand propagandist (((Edward Bernays))) who shilled his unknown uncle Sigmund Freud in America. The documentary explains how it happened. Freud himself was a miserable jewish misanthrope and his nephew Bernays was a master of cultural subversion.

It sounds like Holla Forums

Don't bother OP. I've had this debate a million times here and every time the same Canadian Jordan Peterson goons show up.
Psychoanalysis is deconstructivism for the individual and falls apart when put to rigorous scientific standards. At its best all it does is repeat homer only with added esotericism.

Oh look just saw this post…
Have any of you actually read Jung? I tried reading one of his books but he wouldn't stop talking about his scat and asshole fetish(not a joke).
He's the classic good goy golem turned bad.

The truth will set you free

But these guys are right, you are walking into a trap. Maybe try to prematurely cut it off for damage control? Sorry to break it to you mate, but most of these psychology types think they are smarter than everybody around them because of their social analysis secret understanding, that they are doing you a service by lying to you to get you to feed them more information to condemn you.

The fall of western civilisation perfectly summed up in one post.

No one else is going to mention that this entire thread is just OP samefagging?

Edit: Yeah I see it's just fucked because of maintenance earlier.

/fringe/ layout on Holla Forums where everybody has the same ID

you're on some other shit brah…

i think i can see your point but the pic here is pretty awesome, not because of what it says, which is kind of obvious if you think about it,and i'm not even particularly interested in the religious context of it, but understanding the progression of your thoughts can really help you controlling them.