What video game has the best Post-Apoc world.
What video game has the best Post-Apoc world
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Fallout 1
Fallout 4 does a good job with Boston, too bad there's not much game.
Stalker is meh? Like, I love the game, but you spend most of your time running around fields, it's not very interesting.
The new Mad Max is okay, but then again it's basically just fucking desert with nothing to do in it.
Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light on the other hand really hit that sweet spot of both city exploration and natural environments.
Where do you think you are faggot?
Speaking of FNV what's the best faction in your opinion guys?
You grab a gecko like that and shit's gonna make its tail come off.
Fuckin artist not knowing shit about geckos.
And as for post-apoc games, the first two fallouts in the series do a good job. Also UnderRail wasn't so bad
What did you expect from smelly dumb NCR scum?
Hey I love NV, but something about the world just didn't click with me.
It's not post apoc though. It's post-post apoc. A civilization has started up and is running strong (enough). Fallout 2 also isn't post apoc for this very reason.
Pokemon :^)
we already discussed numerous times why the caesar legion isnt a good faction, they are just tribals whit rifles and a literate leader
You've confused post-apocalyptic with apocalyptic, and are referring to post-apocalyptic with a retarded made up term, and you should feel like a retard for it. Post-apocalyptic does include settings which have people effectively recovering from a major apocalypse.
the Metro games are not bad
No question
lol fagout fags, bunch of casual retards bandwagon asspussy self diddlers
you get a pityreply for these double dubs but that's it.
Why did Hitler fail?
Why do I have to deal with this faggotry?
you fagouters were always casual homo bitches, putting on a show because your sugar daddy made some irrelevant changes on your gay game didnt change that
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is pretty neat.
the faggot here is you. No one whose done their research BUYS Stalker.
Also, this is p much a fallout thread and you call STALKER buggy???
It was made by starved, drunk Ukrainians whose work was interfered with by the publisher. Is still good game though.
Also I'm pretty sure no money form your purchase goes to those Ukrainians.
When demons like this exist, sometimes I think maybe we should have a nuclear holocaust. And we just might since NATO is being an asshole to Russia
The legion did absolutely nothing wrong.
You must be one of those NCR propaganda leaders.
It's not an existing game, but i'd love a wacky mad max esque 3rd person action or car combat Halo spinoff where you play as a Brute warlord after they had their global nuclear war that knocked them back into the feudal age, with their ORKZ tier design philosophy of "just strap knives and shit on it i'll be fine"
that sounds retarded.
Mad Max waas already a game.
Some more
Halo has actually pretty cool lore
Dark souls, technically, although it's post apocalypse in fantasy worlds
This is a thread about worlds, New Vegas can't boast that as one of its strengths.
Dark Souls is evidently pre-apocalypse buddy.
Easy answer, didn't even need to think twice.
technically everything is post AND pre apocalyptic tho.
Remember the Ice Age?
Setting up a private server for megaten would be pretty dank.
Why? The setting fits, the brutes got a society, weapons, armor, and vehicles that fit that sort of story and tone, etc
But which S.TA.L.K.E.R. game should i play/buy first?
shadow of chernobyl, it was the first one
Why user, if you wanted a new vagas thread you should have just asked for it.
dont buy stalker. Pirate it.
tl;dr GSC's CEO fired all the devs and kept the profits, and continues to make profit from steam. The Dev team went on to make the METRO series, and one dev is also supposedly working on Escape from Tarkov as well. Go support those instead.
Also, start with SoC. It will be boring at first, but once you find an AK, thats when gunplay gets good and the game is a fun ride from then on.
Also, youre character is not rambo. you got the same health and damage as the grunts. If you play on HARD, not only will you be easier to kill, but so will they. If you own a large pair of testicles, head South from The Beginner Village and kill the 3 Military Scouts. Each should have an AK74u. Do NOT goto the south military base tho, as you will be wiped out swiftly. also, learn to parkour. theres a pretty good armor suit within one of the roofs in the beginner village
The story is nothing to write home about.
Granted, worldbuilding is great, it's one of the best RPG games under that aspect.
But there is a limit to how long you can ignore the push to be a liberal good boy.
I wasn't even shocked when it came out that Sawyer supports Anita Sarkeesian and Avellone is friends with Zoe Quinn, or when they caved to SJW pressure and censored their game.
The Void.
This shit is like nothing I've played before or after and the world is definitely either postapocalyptic or the apocalypse is happening right now.
Why nobody named Undertale?
Oh fuck off nigger.
The new california republic is just as right wing, so is Mr Vegas.
And Gannon and the other whore are probably some of the best gay characters in any video game, because they don't actually tell you they're fags unless you pester them about it and know them really well.
That's the funny part about how the Legion was written, if you look closely at it. You can very clearly tell how much of its design was trying to make an interesting traditionalist tribal faction to contrast the democratic, civilized NCR without morality necessarily being part of it, followed by the exact point where they said "oh fuck, people might actually sympathize with these guys" and hastily wrote in some sketchy shit to make them the clear bad guys.
You can tell that someone was trying to make an interesting duality running through things, with NCR being the democratic government that handled things mostly through words and paper, with the benefit of peaceful relations but the cost of inefficiency, while Legion was the authoritative government that dealt with problems mostly through physical means, their methods direct but harsher than NCR's approach. However, you can also see where liberal cuckery bled into things pretty badly, until Legion became simplified all the way down to a bunch of bigoted tribal nazis you shouldn't side with unless you're being evil on purpose, and NCR became built up until they were the heroes with mild flaws you could fix as the player.
In a game that wasn't written by a bunch of lefties, and instead focused on the political aspect before worrying about morality, you'd have an interesting conflict of ideologies where neither side is necessarily good or bad. Instead of morality dictating who's good and bad, they're simply using different means of reaching the same general goal, with differences in how things turn out as a result, as well as the two butting heads when they meet and come to disagree on how things should be done. The faction choice wouldn't be about "good guys who want to restore America" versus "an army of literal Hitlers", but rather "force versus diplomacy", "dominance versus compromise", and "natural strength and capability versus scientific progress and improvement upon humanity".
We could've gotten something good, but the lefty writers were either too afraid of being bombarded with shit for depicting the right/traditionalism in a way that let it properly compete with leftist ideology, or they just didn't know a fucking thing about the right and traditionalism because they were only taught "NAZIS" in school and never bothered to learn more. Sadly, this is the case with a lot of games where ideology is a factor, since most creative types are left-leaning and their ideology subconsciously (or very much consciously, in the case of blatant propaganda) bleeds into their work.
I'm not asking for full-on Third Reich shit here, but being able to at least have an unbiased and fair set of ideological choices rather than "nice lefty", "mean lefty", "neutral lefty" or "HITLER" would be nice to see in games.
this one
I'd love to see a game where one side is portrayed from the start as two-goody shoes all that is good, freedom and such while the other side is literal hollywood-nazis or such stuff.
But as you go forward killing the "evil nazis" you'l slowly start noticing that they are in fact the good guys and all the talks about them being Ben Garrisons on steroids has just been propaganda by the "good guys" who dont give a shit about the ideals they spout only wanting to rape, pillage and conquer their enemies while using flowery words and lies to keep the common cucks in place.
Even better if it's a choice you have to make which faction to join at some point too with no way out or only at one point where it's still not totally clear so you might have some doubts as after all the apparent "nazis" have this brutal,fascist architechture and style going anyway with black/gray uniforms so they must be the bad guys right?!
Get rekt westaboos. So far post apocalypse its now medieval fantasy where ancient 21st century tech is now 'the ancients' bullshit is god tier and you know it.
Crashing my sides with no survivors
also amazing post man.
Excluding Stalker, are there any good post apoc games set in Europe?
Wolfenstien New Order should be up your alley
so? Children of men is appocalypse in progress, its still relevant
I wanted to play that ever since release though never really got around to do it, Ill check it out
Shin megami tensei 3
I've never played those as arent those console only?
I remember reading on some threads too though that in later KZ games they made the helghast into more or less stereotypical nazis as to not make players like them?
get the Trilogy on PS3. They're pretty good actually. The PS3 version of the first game is a full HD remaster, and the trilogy versions of 2 and 3 come with all the DLC. the PS4 version I've heard is the best and the Vita version actually runs on the Killzone 3 PS3 engine and looks gorgeous for a handheld game
World and world alone speaking, not gameplay etc.
My favorite would be the Metro series
yeah, shit was pretty wack.
cant wait for the 2nd one
division was a p gud Ice Age 2 Electric Boogaloo simulator, right?
No, it doesn’t. You’re a retard. There is a variable amount of time after an apocalyptic event where there is no rebuilding. That is post-apocalyptic. Once rebuilding begins… THAT’S THE FUCKING REBUILDING STAGE. By definition you are BEYOND post-apocalyptic, and are therefore post-post-apocalyptic.
Why are cheeki brekkies so weird?
Endemic cold, too much vodka, and being the product of miscegenation.
Those are actually slavaboos with airsoft gear
Age of Decadence.
Fallout 4
Fuck that, whoever own the rights should get the money. Thats the point. Its not like the CEO didn't fucking managed the funds. Also he was producer and all the first Stalker.
Yeah, the Military shouldnt get paid for their work, the president should!!!!
Damn user, youre a philisophical genious
user the guy founded the company. Its his and he decided to dissolved it, he own the rights and he was the one that founded funds for the game to begin with. If the team got paid like they should then there is no problem. Also like i said it seems he was the one directing the Stalker games. He may be an asshole but he was also one of the main forces behind those stalker games.
by this logic, Phil Fish also deserves all the money gained from Fez, even if he fired the guy who did 70% of the work before the game released
Are you really gonna agree with Phil Fish on Holla Forums???
Nah, I'm not about to recognize companies claiming abandonware as their property.
nah he didnt do anything and you're gay.
The Last of Us for sure. I was so immersed in that game I just couldn't put it down, everything felt very natural and organic even though it was a linear game. That basement level still gives me the chills, extreme cheeki breeki happened on my first time plaything through that area.. I think I'll green text about it.
Last of us goes fuckin hard if you play Grounded Difficulty
If you interact with the key card swiper all the enemies disappear including the bloater.
That one with the robot armour
Excellent taste, fam. The Void deserves more love
I'm still waiting on the MMO version of "The Road".
I could go on. I think we're all on the same page.
The best would be STALKER on the ArmA engine(i.e one huge map with PC MASTER RACE realistic graphics and not a single loading) with Fagout voice acted talking system and gore
People already agree with Japanese Phil Fish, what's the difference?
Tiberian Sun
pick one and then look up Escape from Takov
I always enjoyed the hopelessness of Left 4 Dead's world.
I like to imagine this is how Moonman removes brown people.
Is that before or after you've turned the generator on?
I already own that quarter-finished shit. The atmosphere is good but it just screams Early Access.
I like how most of the houses in that game don't have a fireplace.
go away
If you think thats slow, you've never played a Fallout game before
skyrim almost?
That it do. Personally I'd like another game starring an elite rather than a brute but I don't think we're ever gonna get it. I miss my Arby levels
The Hospital was fucking based in grounded mode.
Mad Max inspired post apocalyptic settings are the best.
I really like NV, but the world map design is poor at best. The only thing they got more or less right was to give food plantations to the settlements so that they make some sense from logical point of view, everything else is pretty weak and artificial.
Yeah, it's not like not paying his workers is something we shouldn't support or anything, amirite?
Totally buy the game from that faggot, maybe one day he will afford another Ferrari/Porsche (can't quite recall what he bought with the salaries he was supposed to pay).
Yeah, no, it would be shit.
The selection is pretty slim. I'd vote for Stalker as it captures small areas very well, but would love to have all of that in a more cohesive and connected space. Call of Chernobyl sorts of does that if you can ignore the fucked up disposition of the areas; everything around Chernobyl feels like a single built up area and that's pretty nice.
I want a game based on webm related.
You should be needing to ask at this point.
Nuclear Union
Is it though? I recently replayed NV and was quite impressed how the World slowly but gradually opens up for you as you progress.
There are so many shortcuts that are blocked by deadly critters at first but the more skilled and geared you become and the more you explore, the World opens up for you.
I'm not saying it's a masterwork and i know you can just abuse the stealthsystem or AI-pathfinding but i was still fairly impressed because it's something you hardly see anymore.
It has like "hubbed" map areas separated by mountains, the change from one area to the other is pretty clear and feels artificial. I'm not talking about map deign from a gameplay point of view, on that aspect the map, enemy placement and whatnot serves its propose, but if you look at the world itself, they did a pretty poor job. On that aspect, FO3 map is a bit better (if we ignore the invisible walls).
NEO Scavenger's world is pretty alright, plus it's one of the few games I've seen do survival mechanics right. Sound design is pretty good, the combat is pretty intricate, and the game is perfectly suited for either following the story or just fucking around innawoods if that's your fancy.
On the downside, it is pixelart indieshit that spent about a year in early access (though it released 1.0 a while ago) and there are several useless traits that can fuck up your build.
Play STALKER. theres good map design
The Long Dark
I'm yet to play that shit, what's the gameplay like? I was under the impression that all you did was run from wolves and look around for food, is there more to it?
Arma has more realistic graphics than that
Solo all day everyday, ring-a-ding baby
Its a survival game that focuses on actual survival.
You have cold, sleep, hunger, thirst to deal with. You find shelter, craft shit, cook food, etc. etc. Its pretty nice, but I honestly prefer it as a walking simulator because the setting is neat and interesting to wander around in.
there's violence against women in this game? how problematic!
Define apocalypse, is it the physical destruction of the world or the collapse of society? Because the latter absolutely happened well before the events of Dark Souls took place.
My great-grandmother has the best stories about growing up in Tsarist Russia and what it was like when shit hit the fan. Her dad spent the war in Canada and I have a photo album of him looking smug in various places around town while pointedly not having trench foot or shell shock.
LISAs was definitely one of the most unique postapoc settings, and in a fucked up way a more believable one despite its abstract nature. violence and hedonism would take over pretty fast
I mean… Weebs derive much of their bullshit from Anime but… Why?
Summer needs to end.
Fallout 4 is alright if you disregard it as an RPG and more as an open world shooter
>yfw IRL existence can be categorized in the post-apocalyptic genre
Dying Light?
Not really post-apoc, considering the rest of the world besides Harran is doing fine.
nigger cuck fag cuck cuck cuck shill
Feels crazy, man
Codemasters 7th gen game Fuel has an amazing post apocalyptic open world and amazing art style to go with it. It's a shame the game is average with a god awful soundrack. I like techno but techno rock is just garbage.
That would mean Dragon age is Post-Apocalyptic
It got the cultural decadence down.