They are trying to steal Pepe from us (again)

inb4 "Richard Spencer", read on

To summarize: There is a semi-forced kekistan meme originating from the skeptic community, ala Sargon of Akkad. Now, I do not know what his purpose was exactly but it certainly is used by many as attempt to take away pepe + kek from pro-white positions. Spencer used #FreeKekistan which caused many to react against the forced meme. However (more importantly) it rustled the shit out of many pushing the meme (interestingly enough, not Sargon). This is one of the reaction (see video):

What needs to be done is to make sure every Kekistani is, in fact, a white supremacist. They may be memetically challenged but they do have the numbers so it is not inconsequential.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good thing our (((friends))) at the ADL already made sure to label Pepe as an evil nazi white supremacist symbol and made him utterly poisonous to normies huh?

I agree with him, wipe this meme from the face of the earth.
If Holla Forums cannot be its sole master then we are being cucked by the infinite and must retaliate in kind.

kekistan must die, spencer must be irrelevant, Holla Forums must continue.

About a week before Sargon on Mossad tried to subvert the Keke memes with kekistan anons had already created and tried to spread Knights of Keklar and Kekstantinople. Sargon of course in wanting to seem "moderate" changed that to sound like those on the "right" were mudslimes themselves

They are trying to take it too. Lucky for us they're incapable of anything not relying on existing power-structures. Pic related.

Can you elaborate on this line of thinking?

But does Jewish Pepe support the killing of Muslim Palestinians?

Where did I say ignore it? Become hostile towards it and anyone posting it.
Refering to kekistan / alt-right not pepe as a whole. Keep posting pepe, become hostile towards anyone using "kekistan" or "alt-right"

Nobody cares, Jeff.

Merely "being hostile" is not enough. Pepe got reclaimed by being associated with our position. This is pretty similar situation, only a bit more sneaky on their part.

Try reading, faggot.

I speak only of imageboards, when they bring that shit here, become hostile towards it. Normalfag internet is irrelevant because it caters to lemmings and is heavily censored by algorithms we have no capacity to attain control of.

Lizard brain speaking:
Richard Spencer is a faggot,
but this faggot with the dreads and the nose rings is an HIV-positive glory hole aficionado.
"Kekistan" is a retarded cuckchan meme,
but this faggot entryist needs to feel the heat.

give me the dox and i will end this faggots life.

They are both faggot entryists. Spencer is just the opposite of dreadsguy. The authoritarian entryist vs the lolberg entryist.

Who gives a fuck about Spencer. This is fresh, cancerous meat.
Why do you want to protect some degenerate wearing dreadlocks?

between both sides I think pepe is dead. I haven't even seen any new pepes in awhile fam. rofl the left fractures over theory, we fracture over a cartoon frog and who owns the meme.

I don't. I want to keep kekistan/alt-right faggotry off an imageboard I frequent.

I cant pay attention to what this faggot is trying to say cause he talks through his damn pieced nose. Fuck kekistan, fuck jeff and fuck dicky.

I see what you're saying. Its cancer and I only learned about it in the thread with the sperg that got maced.

Take this one, with Kek's blessing

He's dumb enough to link everything together so it's probably not hard to find.

Those images are decent cover, but you don't sound like someone from here at all.
Why exactly are you trying to protect the dreadlocked faggot?

That was the funniest shit. Some boomer probably heard her kid describe hotline miami and thought there were about to be heads being punched through

Again, I'm not. He can get fucked, I just don't want a board I browse getting shat up by 4cuck "LOL KEK LOL SARGON LOL IMPLICIT DICK" faggotry. Get killed lad.

kekistan meme will live irregardless of us. The issue is that with it's growth it's claiming pepe so this isn't exactly out of sight-out of mind situation. I think that the best way to kill it is to make it untouchable by normies (and the general crowd attracted to it) and then let it die of it's own volition.

These are pretty gud.

Otherwise decent plan.

Superman is a kike power fantasy tbh

They can try.

We made it unpalatable to the normalfag hordes once before, we can do it again.

You don't trust science, you practice science. God dammit, can we just kill these people already?

The first one is just what we need.

Fresh OC.


dude just said at least 5 times in the last minute talking about some shit I'm half listening to that he doesn't care or could go either way, etc. just fucking take a stance on something otherwise what the fuck is the point of the vidjaio?! ffs. it's like listening to myself a couple years ago plus dreads and a nicer life.

I was the user that started Knights Keklar, pic related. These faggots take all my fun away

source on this please

Pic related.

Music: Triarii - The Final Legion

thanks fam, very dank, im hella high off the smug rn, stay lit

Oh my, first one is genius, we need to spread this far and wide. Everyone get your twitterbots ready


break out those bots mate


Excuse me:


Forgot the The.

Checked. this works well

4 words.

Poo poo
Pee pee

it is official

What the fuck is this degenerate trying to do here ?

Who is this ugly autist and why should we care?
It's a meme I associate with r/The_Donald. It's not funny at all, but the relative normies are going to have memes of their own, like it or not.
At least it's better than "centipede".


The ADL motivated lots of fresh OC

Subversion of meme confirmed.

Says the 30 year old man with nose rings and a fucked up mullet. Is it time for Peepee Poopoo 2: Electric Boogaloo


Good shit so far, though I don't know if I'd push the "4chan symbol is a disguised swastika" angle, seeing as it's easily disproven even by normal folks.

+1 internet, also check'd

Can you try something with the kekistan faggot from the other day who got pepper sprayed ?

let them take it
that frog stuff being shown irl is cancer incarnate
the longer 4chan and Holla Forums gives the cancer nutrients, the worse its gonna be when 4chan and Holla Forums stops supporting it because normies like it
just let it go and if you must use memes, use other ones that don't involve any frogs

it might manifest as a malignant tumor like project chanology did even if you stop it now, and if you don't stop it now, maybe it'll be even worse
old Holla Forums would want it ridden of as well

i meant when normies like it

I'm torn on the issue.
On the one hand, more exposure for Kek, even if the esoteric underpinnings aren't apparent, is good.
On the other hand, could the Kekistan shit get any more cringe worthy?

it can easily get more cringeworthy
remember back in maybe 2014 when that skinny highschooler made that poster with pictures of pepe that basically asked her out and posed with some girl from his highschool with it?
maybe someone has the picture

Well there was this one time when a 15 year old looking retard came to this board crying that he got pepper sprayed during a trump rally because he was being obnoxious (he was yelling his "free kekistan reeeee" bullshit) and tried to get Holla Forums to be his PA in order to dox the lady who peppersprayed him. He was promptly called out by an user who was there and documented his cancer in video. In comparison to this shit stands a few orders of magnitude higher in terms of cringe. It happened just a couple days ago.

i posted a picture of that user

do you have the video?

The thread is still up, actually. It's at

I wonder how bad those kikes smell

Thanks, I was wondering that too. Sage because off-topic

So an attempted co-opt of pepe then eh? Or just e-celebs trying to capitalize on it again of course
That explains one.
jesus christ I'm high functioning autistic with a case of the spergers and this is making me cringe.

Who wants to bet your "knights keklar" was seen by roaming redditors, taken, used, and then claimed as they were the ones that came up with it first?


Fuck no. Just fucking reject anyone that says this shit. Same with the "alt-right" label.

They always do that.

What a cuck

It's funny because it's true

you fucked it up the first time so that the 2nd time you could get dubs, user

They are not Jews but they are Fingolians and MagBags, so still not white.


You guys are seriously underestimating "kekistanis'" ability to not give a shit about people's opinions.
Jeff Holiday is 100% wrong. To Kekistan these memes are just a weapon against the establishment and triggered snowflakes.

Are you related to the "omega user" roving the bunkerchans by chance spreading knight-related user content? Or just an odd cohencidence?
Cuz the whole knight user thing has been going for a couple of months, though they never had no "official fighting organisation"

thas sum nice meming yo.
Here's an idea though, keep it on the downlow until the donald has fully spread it across goybook.

and then!!!!!!!

Act like it has always meant that, and wonder why none of them ever thought about the initials.
It'll be glorious!

Whip up some related imagery too. Like if you have images/htmls saved of old threads, take some of the screenshots there and 'pre-date' the meme. Turn the garbage posts in between the relevant replies into kekes.

Since barely any normie realises there are archives, they will buy the screencaps as being 100% authentic, badaaamn! Got Pepe back in one swift motion, T_D cucks self-cucked again. and then of course once kekistan is 'reclaimed' we just drop it, leaving it nowhere to go but the graveyard of all oldmemes, hot topic T-shirts.

mobileposting btw so can't into it right now.

why these bitches always with the smug, goddammit they always have one of 3 same looks frozen on their faces at all times, this shit, the "omg triggered" half jawdrop, or some duckface variant because they're trying to adopt it "ironically" and ending up looking like total idiots.

drama bullshit



Updated version.



Jesus Christ I hate the skeptic community. Kekistan is just a failed attempt of trying to be edgy, without being as controversial. They never cared about pepe until it got memed into a hate symbol by the ADL, no they're trying to ride off the success.

By the way that degenerate Jeff Holiday needs to be gassed, he's chickened out on debating race realism several times, if I recall correctly.

Some say Kek is an impartial god; a motiveless force of chaos and disarray. I think it's clear that Kek has great concern his name and image are used only for purposes suitable to His plan.

Spencer is a useful idiot. Kekistanis are as well since the Jews will never admit they were wrong about him being a racist icon. That just normalizes white supremecy to normies.


dubs checking dubs


I am too blinded with hate for this half-a-faggot social Climber, Jeff Holiday. Him and his dumb cunt of a wife always get on my nerves. I'm not sure where he gets off thinking that kek in any way belongs to him or why he thinks he can control a fucking meme and who is permitted to use it. Everything about this guy is poser, "yeah guys me too". He's never had an original idea in his life and the only reason he's on anyone's radar is his social climbing ability with big youtubers like bearing and sarkike. I want whatever pisses off jeff, basically.

Unlikely. Dude has literally no shame, is completely open about his degenerate past.

Nice halfchan meme.

If you feel like digging through that kikes side channel he named something other than sargon to trick people into actually clicking on it (which I cant remember the name of) - he has a video where he calls a full blown nigger a "definite kekistani". So yea, its some calculated attempt at subverting racial nationalism with civic nationalism by organizing the lemmings into a bandwagon, and then anyone who disagrees gets shouted down as some kind of newfag because they "dont know about kek"

In other words, this guy has got to just go away, like a lot of people. Sadly, he hasnt been made to go away, and neither have they. Too many people who need to go away, not enough people getting rid of them.



This faggot is accusing Spencer of cringe yet he looks like he fucking crawled out of a alien test chamber with his faggot dreadlocks and mutilated nose.

Dubs confirm. Guys I think the numbers in this thread are telling us to ruin this faggot.

Yes, Sargon is forcing the meme to diffuse pepe and render it uncool.He admits that the reason he does it is to trigger white nationalists.

Bitching and moaning about it changes nothing though. Fight back by making more and more racist and antisemitic pepes. The possibilities are endless. Don't grow complacent.

It's just regardless. Irregardless is not a word. The more you know.

Thanks m80. Oddly, spellcheck doesn't recognize it as error. Must be common.

tbf, it doesn't matter. All those normies who took loans to finance some """start up""" to sell marketing shit around kek should do it. As soon as it is realized no one really cares for the Frog lord himself, and never did, they will realize for what the fell, not able to pay back the yid and will go on spreading the virus. At this point their is no way for them to counter the core memeplex.

Kek has a job to do and that is to bring the rising sun

That font makes it look like "Kefistan."

Not that I like any of the altright but that video seems like kike action trying to stress a fracture point.

Yeah that jeff holiday fag has always given me "hello fellow kids" vibes major. He's clearly some mezzo-finocchio trying to do a little trolling back after being majorly trigger by the explosion of right-wing politics. Sorry faggot you and your kind are the first to go when we do our little tribute to Pinochet.


I don't even know who he is, how exactly did he get triggered?

momiji > pepe tbqh

Kraut & Tea, plz
We're not your personal army
Stop trying to destabilize the alt-right position by raising faux "they're stealing our memez" alarmism. Your Jewry knows no bounds.

Whenever you see somebody at a riot with a "Kekistan" flag, beat the everloving shit out of him. Shove his flagpole down his throat.

Yell Sieg Heil while you do it to ensure antifa doesn't get the credit.

I've only seen him a few times but his whole schtick is "I'm going to pretend to use a centrist position to keep complaining about the right cause I'm still in highschool at 30 and fuck you dad!" That plus doing cringy ancient memes and having gotis.

Kill yourself. Seriously.

Newsflash to everyone posting here, this is an organized shill attempt by the skeptic community to create lolcow opportunities for them to boost their own shitty message.

In a stream last night where Jeff Holiday was kvetching about Lauren Southern's "spot the european" joke, Kraut&Tea burst down the doors of the chat in order to propose an idea to Jeff that would require taking the discussion offline. Then, suddenly, this thread pops up.

We've never given a fuck about this sort of stuff before. We laughed at Hillary for saying the frog is a hate meme, now suddenly (((someone))) is saying they're trying to steal our memes and that we need to rally around the frog as a hate meme? Could you skeptic fucks be any more transparent?

So you're saying all these fuckers want some pizza?

Kekistan had always been a faggot meme. Just like Spencer and the alt-kike. It's good noise to distract from us but let's be clear​: it's the Memetic Principality of Kek.

purge these heretic sarcucks trying to put hierarchy and norms to KEK

I'm saying treat e-celeb bullshit like e-celeb bullshit. And possibly scour Jeff and Kraut's social media accounts for evidence of collusion, although Kraut did say that he had sent the message to Jeff in Skype, so I doubt we'll find anything of value.

Terry you need to find somewhere other than youtube to stream. CIAniggers keep pulling your videos.

Not a bad idea, but I think it could go further. The Kekistan thing, by simple association with Holla Forums, is already white nationalist sympathetic (if not outright).

Richard Spencer and Sargon are cucks who need to be ejected from the Kek meme sphere, and the optimal way to accomplish this is by emphasizing the extreme in order to scare away the uninitiated. People must be made to understand that "kekistan" is a pale imitation of Kek's truth. This can be accomplished by playing up the chaotic and darker aspects of Kek in order to paint the meme as something dangerous. Dangerous enough to frighten cowardly ecelebs. Let them believe that Kek is a vengeful old god, and that his followers earnestly desire bloodshed. Highschoolers should be speculating on whether the weird kid in the back will assassinate a politician for Kek instead of engaging in a spree shooting.

They'll never succeed.

Fuck Kekistan, fuck Spencer's alt kike and fuck everyone to the left of NatSoc.

These fucking liar btches


Yesterday, Jeff made a video that effectively was him tone policing Lauren Southern. He was miffed at her joke, he knew his video was going to piss people off, but he chose to say it anyway because he felt that she was harming her cause by using such cheap jokes. Note the time stamps on the first image, this was done around yesterday. But what's this? Looking at his actual YouTube account, that video has been deleted! (second image)

Why, that must mean he felt bad about the video originally and didn't think that Lauren Southern had actually needed calling out. That must mean he thinks jokes like that are fine, right? Wrong! Images 3 and 4 show him getting into a Twitter war with the alt right almost immediately after his (now deleted) video.

And then suddenly, we have this thread. Some alleged (((Polack))) wants us to protect our memes! Jeff Holiday is TOO DANGEROUS and MUST BE STOPPED. Everyone don this (((Polack's))) personal army helmets and jump because he's saying we need to. And why? Look at this …

I personally witnessed the video originally, and I saw Kraut & Tea proposing some collaborative plan with Jeff in the chat. Coincidentally prior to the video being deleted and Jeff's tirade against two alt-right.

There's nothing that enrages me more than dishonest fucks, and especially skeptics who make a career of attacking the cancer of the left only to show that they're OH SO FUCKING EAGER to become the new morality police.


I'm OP. Internet broke early into thread.

My reasoning is that if they are appropriating pepe by proxy (inclusive "kekistan") then we need to make kekistan exclusive and pro-white. Your reasoning I do not understand.

This isn't about Pepe. They're heretics blaspheming Kek.

They're trying to turn kek into universalist thing that's basically for everyone. Pepe as his avatar goes together with it so the effect is the same. Blasphemy nonetheless.

My reasoning is explicitly evident.

Jeff, is that you?

Kek is a universal force. As the inky darkness out from which the sun springs, and the transcendent source of possibility, he is one of the grander aspects of the All.

Their sin regarding Kekistan is that it's nothing more than a shallow attempt to put themselves upon pedestals to satisfy their narcissistic urges. They have the gall to show their faces while speaking about a hidden god who favors anonymity. They prostitute themselves and their memes.

Smooth, Kraut.

Yeah, I'm Jeff. Posting a thread to get people to attack me for one reason, then presenting evidence to show that I'm a dishonest shill to justify people attacking me even harder.

This entire thread is controlled opposition at best, D&C at worst. But you already knew that. You're worse than SJWs. Your time in the e-celeb circle is limited. You're not good enough to be important.

Sleep well.

Religious appropriation of kek resulting in to discriminative expression of the religion.

Do you know who was hosting the livestream?

Trying to achieve what?
Trying to achieve what?

At least you admit it. One thing you are right about though is Kraut guy being oven-worthy. I feel sad for Germans every time I hear that insufferable faggot and his fake moral outrage.

You are so predictable. As I said above, my reasoning was explicitly clear. You (((can't))) see it because you don't want to see it.

Now that you realize I'm not going to explain the post further, you will recognize that your only attempt to diminish my position is by slandering me. Go for it.

My point still stands, Jeff's actions still stand, your thread STILL EXISTS. All the evidence is here to support my position. Shit, maybe I'll just inform Lauren Southern of this piss-poor attempt at shilling. She'll be able to do more with this. :)

This is worthy of archive.

It's like they were trying to out themselves.

hello jeff. keep your doors locked mate.



Most likely, doesn't really matter, they can't really steal it

No relation,

This has some memetic potential


Kek's land is not a -stan. Stans are for Muslims. Fuck Sargon.

Get out kraut you small child.

Fuck off jeff you ultra cuck!

Isn't that the guy who claims to be super science man in neuroscience but in reality is busy getting a foundation degree in biology?

The best scientist I know irl doesn't give a fuck about normies and doesn't talk about " intellectual" things in front of normies. Usually has very short to the point answers and implies you should fuck off and go figure it out yourself. Avoids talking about religion. When did science and atheism become mutual it seems like a fucking cult at this point.

It is you who is like little children




Why would Lauren Southern give a shit about this?
Jeff Holiday is making himself more and more unlikable. The internet fame must have gotten to him.

whoa there, fbi

Replace one of the Kekistan flags with a Nazi flag to show the comparison.


checked for kek

we must become edgier
we must shed blood

hello, talkative newfag

PS: Subeta