Can porn be another vehicle of memetic warfare?
Porn is an effective weapon largely in the hands of (((certain parties))). Most degeneracy is transmitted through ideas grounded in sexuality. Titillation can plant ideas firmly in nearly every mind through many mediums. When weaponized, sexuality accompanies nearly all (((projects))) of social degeneration.
Not all sexuality is degenerate however. We've had plenty of threads promoting wholesome values of the good life, but rarely are they designed to sexually arouse the viewer. They aren't meant to, and that's okay. Yet it remains true that there has always been an unquenchable desire for the sensual and even salacious because it excites our primal natures in an archetypical way.
What was once the noble Knight has become the BDSM Billionaire, and what was once the Conquering Viking is now the Thug Rapper. This is in part by (((design))), but also by the lust for novel and 'naughty' stimulus. Repressing the underlying desire is futile, but we can redirect the ideas presented through archetypical manipulation, that is:
We can memetically induce archetypes and ideas into porn to counteract degenerate ideas
We can have that debate here too, though it is true that porn and erotica bypass the normal reasoning and logical defenses of people and can, over time, inculcate ideas in people. It is a memetically sound medium, as (((others))) have obviously discovered.
If you can't handle it, don't engage with it. It's like reading heretical texts - if you fear it will suck you in, then avoid it and leave it to those who can traverse the warp.
I suggest subjects that promote healthy sexuality in an exciting and engaging manner. They can be tame or salacious, but should be arousing and push towards a positive end. For instance, promoting good ideas of the feminine and motherhood as being highly sexually desirable. Likewise pushing archetypes of positive masculinity like loving husbands or heroic soldiers being sexy.
We can also make negative associations for subjects that we wish to push people away from. It can be subtle like reinforcing the idea that X topic is completely trashy and degenerate so people don't engage with it outside of fantasy, or the juxtaposition of the unattractive beside an example of the highly attractive. Or just silly shit, frankly. Humor and sexuality are memetic rocket ships.
No. This is discussion and workshopping related towards memetic dissemination through erotic content. This isn't for our titillation. If it happens though, stay calm and embrace the feels.
We can ignore it to our peril. Ignoring any weapon invites potentially fatal blind spots to our efforts. To better understand and take control of a major weapon used by our opposition is valuable in itself. And because it might be kekworthy to make redpill fap material.