Erotic Memetics

Can porn be another vehicle of memetic warfare?

Porn is an effective weapon largely in the hands of (((certain parties))). Most degeneracy is transmitted through ideas grounded in sexuality. Titillation can plant ideas firmly in nearly every mind through many mediums. When weaponized, sexuality accompanies nearly all (((projects))) of social degeneration.

Not all sexuality is degenerate however. We've had plenty of threads promoting wholesome values of the good life, but rarely are they designed to sexually arouse the viewer. They aren't meant to, and that's okay. Yet it remains true that there has always been an unquenchable desire for the sensual and even salacious because it excites our primal natures in an archetypical way.

What was once the noble Knight has become the BDSM Billionaire, and what was once the Conquering Viking is now the Thug Rapper. This is in part by (((design))), but also by the lust for novel and 'naughty' stimulus. Repressing the underlying desire is futile, but we can redirect the ideas presented through archetypical manipulation, that is:

We can memetically induce archetypes and ideas into porn to counteract degenerate ideas

We can have that debate here too, though it is true that porn and erotica bypass the normal reasoning and logical defenses of people and can, over time, inculcate ideas in people. It is a memetically sound medium, as (((others))) have obviously discovered.

If you can't handle it, don't engage with it. It's like reading heretical texts - if you fear it will suck you in, then avoid it and leave it to those who can traverse the warp.

I suggest subjects that promote healthy sexuality in an exciting and engaging manner. They can be tame or salacious, but should be arousing and push towards a positive end. For instance, promoting good ideas of the feminine and motherhood as being highly sexually desirable. Likewise pushing archetypes of positive masculinity like loving husbands or heroic soldiers being sexy.

We can also make negative associations for subjects that we wish to push people away from. It can be subtle like reinforcing the idea that X topic is completely trashy and degenerate so people don't engage with it outside of fantasy, or the juxtaposition of the unattractive beside an example of the highly attractive. Or just silly shit, frankly. Humor and sexuality are memetic rocket ships.

No. This is discussion and workshopping related towards memetic dissemination through erotic content. This isn't for our titillation. If it happens though, stay calm and embrace the feels.

We can ignore it to our peril. Ignoring any weapon invites potentially fatal blind spots to our efforts. To better understand and take control of a major weapon used by our opposition is valuable in itself. And because it might be kekworthy to make redpill fap material.

Other urls found in this thread: Costs of Pornography Report.pdf

Just to drop some quick potential examples I've found. Spoiler your nudes, as always.

Your idea is shit

Porn is degenerate because it induces masturbation, if you remove this component then it's not porn anymore.
Perhaps you meant artistic nudity instead, but you seem to lack the background to tell it apart from porn.

Porn doesn't make you want to protect or preserve anything, op.

We already have a Wendy's thread

Normies are going to watch porn. There's nothing you can do about it. But would you rather want them to watch black cuck porn, or white 'trad' porn?


Either shills or stupid. You're dismissing a very powerful tool.

That's the gist of it. If nothing else, understanding the appeals of various kinds of porn/erotica would be important in knowing how to counteract, subvert, or redirect it.

No. Butthole pics cannot be memetic warfare.
Little white girls don't see splayed pussylips and think "I want to have white babies!"
Women have a deep instinctual need to feel wanted. They are wanted here, but not as vivisected cuntflaps. They're wanted as mothers, sisters, and daughters.

it is kindof ironic that sex is used to brainwash people into doing just about anything, except breeding.

Maybe this isn't about women?

Could be true, though perhaps because females are not the major consumers of visual erotic materials. Males are the big ones into visuals, while females are the major consumers of written erotica.

That deep instinctual need to feel wanted and needed you mentioned is basically why the Romance industry can sell the same damn book over and over again. The erotic desires of women can vary all over the place just like males, but often times is all about submission and being dominated in various forms and being able to 'tame' the wild man or at least be the object of his wild desire.

These themes are harnessed towards degenerate ends in many cases, combined with concepts like degradation like being a cumguzzling good-for-nothing cumdumpster to create a sort of instinctual fear response that mixes with the wish fulfillment. Some women can be remarkably masochistic, and that is both fostered and exploited towards (((particular ends))).

But the baselines instincts of women that draws them to Romance and Erotica, or those that draw men towards Porn, are not in themselves bad. It is what they can be focused on in order to deliver harmful ideas that is how one weaponizes the sexuality of it. You can in turn change the focus towards more 'wholesome' topics and ideas as well, just so long as you are able to arouse the viewers.

is right too. If they are to be visual memetics, they would be most effective on male populations because they predominantly consume visual pornography.

Breeding is harnessed too, by the way. Pic related. But 'Breeding' is mostly black-on-white impregnation stuff currently. 'White genocide' is literally a fetish. I wonder (((why)))…

Hitler didn't burn smut for shit like this to take place.

Please do tell about your success with that all-or-nothing approach :^) The jews don't wash billions of normie brains by being blunt about it. Now go read a book on overton windows.

I find it so funny that torpedos are the ones fighting so hard to link the redpilling of white people with the porn industry.
It wreaks of "Hello fellow white people" to me.

Yeah lets redpill the porn industry #basedmercedes #illgapeforyou

also no sane man goes here without a proxy. If you see advice here posted with a non-Tor-ID, you've got to consider the possibility that its author is retarded.

No, let's redpill white men.

the hubris m8. the torpedo track record isn't very good for you.
sorry shill, but you lose. Holla Forums isn't spreading your smut like you wanted :^)

You don't 'trick' people into becoming redpilled. Tricks imply dishonesty, which would be counterproductive and immoral when it comes to enlightening people. Associations are what all memetics do, and associating good virtues with sexuality is no different than associating humor with facts.

Most people need some kind of appealing thing to help the redpill go down. Humor is Holla Forums's strongest weapon, and sexuality could be one too if executed properly. At the very least is should be understood so its efficacy can be counteracted better.

Think of it as you would with the MSM - you take their materials, reorganize them, transform it, and redistribute it through positive memetic work.

What's your suggestion then?

How new are you?

Bump for worthy thread.

It's just basic advertising. The enemy uses the association of sexual appeal with their subversion. We cannot buy into the lie that what is beautiful by nature, sexuality, must be forfeit merely because Jews have declared it ugly and base.

This is perfect for throwing at white would-be race traitors who are often too pathetic to even succeed at breeding with a mud regardless that we might otherwise tend to write off. This would reach some of them, and could be the first redpill that gets persuades them to give redpill therapy a try.

Keep the message simple. The association of sexual arousal with the 14 words could have profound and unexpected effects in the lives of many young white men. We must not abandon our brothers to the Jew, but go to where they are.

1. Find out what porn sites white men use.
2. Go there and promote white hetero porn. For now it can also be degenerate bdsm or other fetish stuff as long as you promote white heterosexual couples and as long it is no cuck shit. Post and upvote there.

Same for blacks and arabs. Make them lose interest in white women.

Beware of going full 1488 or posting too much captioned pictures. Normies don't like nazis and they don't like feeling manipulated. Porn memes (any memes, really) have to be so high quality so that normies would consider reposting them. Nobody said propaganda warfare was going to be easy.

New enough to be inept read: total shit at posting good OP's, but around long enough to know this idea is not popular in Holla Forums despite its potential applications.

I think you have good perspectives on it. The Left uses humor as a major weapon on its side not well anymore, but they think they do still, but we don't disavow the use of humor because the opposition uses it.

Sexuality is a bit trickier because the line between natural and virtuous sexuality versus debauchery and degeneracy seems difficult to describe, and the legitimate fear is that by touching it you would 'dirty' yourself or the idea of virtuous sexuality. It's a very different angle of execution than that of humor, and it would be worthy of analysis at least if not utilization.

Fuck off you try-hard moron.

I approve this plan because I can say for certain that it works.
The very first Holla Forums meme that ever got to me was delivered by this mechanism, however, using sex to sell procreation of the white race seems counter to our goals and does make us seem like degenerates.

Instead I can only suggest what worked for me, a sexy picture with small print overplayed on it.
I never saved that first redpill of mine, but I remember it better than any others.
" the water table at auschwitz is only two feet beneath the surface, making reports of mass burn pits historically untenable"
Simple, verifiable hate facts, overplayed on an alluring background are the way to go with this.

3dpd a shit but hentai can work wonders.
Lewd cute anime girls or traps :^) turn the mind to jelly, perfect for molding into one of us.

The best way to get into normie eyes are tits. Why did you think FEMEN wrote on whore chesticles, other than men look there?

You mean to counter the black breeding/white genocide stuff? Yes, there is porn of that.

The point is to grab attention then show tidbits of the truth.
People automatically disregard a quote about Jews from hitler.
But a quote about Jews written over tits will stick with you as long as you remember the tits.

Also while you're at it, try to cuck blacks and jews. Unfortunately this will require some heavy online roleplaying as black fags.

That's an interesting angle to it, and adds to that idea. To me it seems disjointed subject-wise, but if it worked on you perhaps it worked on others as well. All those tit-words can't be completely ineffective to keep on popping up everywhere.

How does it seem that way? I want to find out the borders of degeneracy versus non-degeneracy when it comes to sexuality since it is so foggy in places.

Jesus, thank god you spoilered that lewd act.

I like it.

just so everyone knows porn companies collect any and all info on you forever. any competant intelligence agency also monitors porn to match with any targets they are watching for blackmail purposes. They can identify what you are watching through a streaming file match they have placed to monitor the dumb pipes of every American communication corporation.

Which means most of us are screwed if we ever tried to do things the right way.

I like the idea, but the execution is absolutely fucking awful.

It sounds cold and unnatural.
We need the meme wizards on this one.

Weebs get it. Vanilla hentai filled with head-patting, hand-holding and genuine love are some of the most powerful stories on the planet. That's because the female in vanilla hentai is usually so demure, so submissive and loving that there is no need to debase her. Imagine if loving blonde couples say the fourteen words to consecrate their act so they can make babies.

Might work on some people, but agreed - meme wizards could inspire better forms.

If I know one thing about Normies as well, they seem instinctively drawn to fertility traits, Birthing hips, big firm tiddies, and meaty asses, stuff that advertises capability for a brood of children. Thicc, is the word for it.
Apologies for the furfag examples, I couldn't find any thicc 3dpd that were't wildebeests or hamplanets.

What this guy says. If you're paranoid about NSA and others, you might want to use a separate computer with a vpn all specifically set up just for this purpose.
This applies to all meme operations.
A VM might be fine, too

Is this erotic? :)

A testament to the awesome power of boobies!

I think you should look into the golden era of porn when even Roger Ebert was reviewing features.

some notable examples which you should of heard of that have been influential, The Devil in Miss Jones and Behind the Green Door.

now the differance between these golden era films and Anal sluts 8 is that the narrative actually is payed attention to and conveys basic themes.

The Devil in Miss Jones context is associating sexual pleasure with selling ones soul to vice.

Behind the Green Door is extremly prominent because it features the first interracial scene and the scene itself is glorified with the actress starting to enjoy her kidnapping during it.

my point is this, simply throwing some text on some /s/ images isn't going to do anything. you need to capture that golden era mystique with respectable plot that underlines the themes you want to push while also promoting eroticism so people actually have a reason to watch your porn. that means Holla Forums needs scriptwrights, directors, cinematographers and actors.

if you come up with a film that stands out on its narrative as well as possess stunning cinematography (laugh at Blacked all you want the quality of their camera work is impressive) then you may be able to compete

I much prefer the approach of injecting redpills obnoxiously into what would otherwise be fap material. There's a humor to it that gives it more viral potential than trying to inject some sort of meaningful ethno-political message in something as irrevocably Jewified as porn.

Those pictures imply that breeding is fine as long it is breeding. Make clear that only whites can breed with whites.

A major problem is that actually a large part of what happened to women is men's fault. Men were only too eager to embrace the sexual revolution because it gave them cummies. Also the promiscuity of men demands the promiscuity of women by necessity. Now the virtues a man should have are simple, strength, loyalty, honour and courage. We need men now and all our society produces is little boys playing at manhood. I think the way to de-escalate porn is to mock promiscuity in men and women both, to add a sense of spirituality and mystery to sex, to increasingly meme that porn is an ersatz and shitty substitute and that those who use it are cucks.

Asianmasculinity are good in try to demoralize white men.

Gas yourself kike faggot

Oh look, another nigger reminding us why we're going to murder you all in the most visceral way possible.

10/10 triggered, but boy will you be more than that come DOTR :')


I doubt many with internet connections are fapping to images with women in bikinis.

Can cuckchan do anything right?

Remember the wincest threads back when/if you were a Holla Forumstard? What if we piggyback off those and create Holla Forumscest, it's degenerate but the incest aspect will keep any nefarious parties using the meme to promote race mixing.

Please, just end yourself. It only hurts for a second and you'll make hundreds of people so happy.

Pornography encourages masturbation. The more time white males spend masturbating, the less time they spend actually breeding. Vanilla stuff like this except without the pornography aspect is the way to go. Simply creating stories about young, loving and happy white couples should suffice for encouraging whites to breed as well as promote the message of preserving whiteness if it is directly associated with white advocates. It would also be useful to pull young white females with autistic tendencies out of neetdom by encouraging white males to specifically seek them out and elevate them. Essentially, the modern 'autists' (aka the people most upset and fed up with the current state of affairs who have almost given up on it all) have the potential to breed quickly and save the white race. Especially if they are attracted to their partner's personality.


Here's something interesting: James Dean, male porn legend, is beginning to regret his career because he understands that the image of sexuality his films portray is unrealistic and degenerate. He talks about how modern young female co-stars will frequently get grossed out by the idea of portraying simple intimacy, like eye contact. It bothers him.
I really want to post the source, but it will not show up in fucking Jewgle at all, and apparently it's not in my history for this browser. Really pisses me off.

I agree with this, a good step to influencing horny young peoples' tastes would be reintroducing narratives. Gonzo

I meant to say, gonzo is the true root of disrespect for the opposite gender – for both genders.

no, because then you'd be shadman, unless you're saying just do canon couplings or some silly shit like that, which would be about where "healthy sexuality" would always lead.
And unfortunately a fuckton of the best choices are racemixing, due to neet fetishes. (not to mention and now westerners too thanks to that Star show and practically everything after the Johnny Bravo era of CN)
The ones from series actually interesting to watch, anyway.
I guess you could go with some Gravity Falls shit.

Ah, well, there you have it then. We're already doing it!
I guess you can switch it up with having her be in an arranged marriage with The Colonel or something similar. Or bring those BK Kids back. I can't really think of many white male mascots that are relatively young.
(((They))) got in on the ground floor on that regard, one of the earliest poz pushes was on mascots, kid character if there's only one is always a (((white))) girl or token rapefugee. I think there was a marketing book that talked about it that I read before, some BS about 'demographic appeal' because white women were found to favour non-white kids (I think because this coincided with the "christians donating to africa" shit in normie churches)

kek, it's like anywhere else tho, (((they))) have done the job for us. No need. Their feminist golems went out of control and now even newfag pornjews have gone 1488.
Motherfucking Juicyads shills the coincidence detector now that the antiporn SJ thing is so bad.
Internet pornjews have basically become sonderkommandos. also the admin team at r34 all joined AfD, even the mexican
Actually, that just made me think of a better idea, goading SJs into attacking porn artists. That's just about guaranteed to play out like it did with the horsefuckers and throw them all into the far-reich.
BDSM was one of the first places they landed since they were authentically interested in that sort of stuff, and now leatherfags are Spencers.
oh, come to think of that that would be like (((comics))) as well, though with the SJs on the inside, rather than evict them Holla Forumsmrades decided to just burn that shit down and abandon the industry.
Hell, even some comic creators like Larsen and Frank Cho are advising people to get out of comics and let it burn. Scorched earth is an acceptable "reclamation method" as well, don't forget. The MPAA certainly won't.

ah, so we're already there, just not mixing meme formulas correctly. Just look at "Kantai collection" or "touhou" and "nazi" on gelbooru, now imagine if they'd all had redpill info on their bodies like white crime rates on one titty and nigger crime rates on the other.

that's an algorithm thing. Normies fucked up all the normal /fit/ chubster memewords once they discovered them. It's really no different than regular memes on that front.
Hell look at the "thicc" list on failjunk, it's just about turning into inflation/BBW at this point. This has been a thing since the 90s, anyone trying to find animu porn back then would always eventually run into the dreaded ANIMEEXPANSION.COM


For women
1. Pregnancy
2. Whiteness
3. Female submission
4. Commitment/marriage
5. Cleanliness
6. Gentle but strong men

For Men
1. Virtue
2. Exclusivity
3. Whiteness

Isn't James Dean the same guy who goes on rants about female pornstars who don't do interracial and calls them racist?

James Dean is a fucking rapist Kike you fucker niggers.

I've said it before but we can subvert furries

Looking at that right chart gave me a good idea
Why not making Chinese and Niggers want to engage with each other by presenting idyllic Chinigger couples?

Ever since I started coming to Holla Forums, I fap to impregnation porn 90 percent of the time. Impregnation captions are the ultimate fetish of mine.

I want a cute white wife to make love with as she tells me she wants to make babies and breed

No. It’s jewish.

whos behind this post

What needs to be done is to draw the attraction of other races away from the White female. Show women of other races as the object of desire. Lower the value of White women with other races and her casual sex value will decrease.

Ironically enough the movie "Get out" was basically saying to negroes white women are crazy as fuck and stay away. It probably wasn't the intention, but that's what it was.

Jews. Blow your brains out, degenerate.


You two have the right idea.

It is the nature of sexuality to be drawn to the illicit and the forbidden.
If we can somehow use this differently. Show a proper traditional same-race marriage as something that is scandalous.
We can make propaganda that tells people not to marry someone of the same race, and do not love their own race.
If you tell someone NOT to do something they are more likely to do it.

Sorry if this sounds stupid, but is it degenerate to just masterbate to nude pin-ups (e.g. Playboy) or just use your imagination? Is it fine to do so?


This kind of message won't work on women *at all*.

It would be a lot more effective to have something like "birth is beautiful" or "nature is beautiful", without implicitly commanding them to breed (which they will instinctively argue against; that's just how people respond to commands). Same deal with encouraging white-only procreation; you can't command them to do it; you just have to suggest it through the picture.

Reverse Psychology

Yes, my penis reacts to the first one. Good work.

Your memes are terrible, lurk more.





this whole thread is crawling with dlsite kike shills trying to samefag, talking to each other to promote a shitty pornsite.

sage because porn is degenerate and OP is a faggot, this will not work, learn how marketing works you clueless fuck.

Get people jerking off to nazis, they'll sexually identify as nazis. That's the same as being a nazi.

Interesting idea, OP. You are not a faggot. A discussion on porn memetics would be lacking without already taking stock of what is being used and what we've seen our enemies producing.

I don't know if everyone realizes it, but black in white cuck porn has been consistently spammed onto 4chan's /gif/ for months now, and there were people trying to spread it to 4/pol/ before the exodus occurred and I wound up here. The interracial porn drum is being banged hard if it's ALWAYS there. Same deal with the "Post webms that make you wanna suck cock" threads. You could argue that this is just normal fetishized degeneracy, but you will ALWAYS see those threads. There will be times when large tit threads aren't on the catalog, but proto-bestiality and gay dick worship are. This is an indicator of how thorough and omnipresent a Holla Forums approved porn meme would have to be in order to start getting results.

Now, let's talk about the antifa whores and literally who for a moment. The porn that they're produced is patently unfappable. And whenever I see it come out that some hairy assed jewess or gunt-having landwhale has done a porn set, it becomes a HUGE victory for our side as everyone laughs not just at them and their shitty attempt at porn, but at their entire cause and credibility. Berkeley antifa has become the whiny failed degenerate porn delinquents. If anyone wanted to fuck with antifa, going to a Berkeley protest would be the preferred option because it's going to be more guaranteed lulz. Why is it important to consider this? Because opponents will attempt to do the same with Holla Forums approved porn, and we need to make sure that such tactics either fail or backfire on them.

For example, let's say Holla Forums tries to establish a new genre of porn: Home Defense porn, where the theme of it is that a white couple wakes up to a noise, there's a pack of wild niggers, the guy busts out a pistol and kills them, and then he and his wife fuck on the bed surrounded by the attackers. Sounds memetic Ally good, right? It promotes traditionalism, procreation, killing criminals, hell you could even have the cop arrive at the end and give the guy a thumbs up. How would this be received if it were dredged up by our opponents and splayed around the internet out of context? If the acting was shit, if it was too violent, if there was any fault in its production it would be capitalized on and used against the movement as a whole.

So the soviets turned into nazi when they shoved their dicks inside german woman when berlin capitulated?

Honestly that sounds fucking pathetic, what will happen is more niggers and shitskins will want white woman instead, your end result is absolute cancer, stay away from porn.

Shit. I was just going to post to apologize for the shitty autocorrect formatting, then I saw the missed trips.

I have an idea - what is our thing, and what is the thing of many? #34 of cartoon characters. This reaches an insane number of Anons and precocious boys (I bet you were one of them in your time). We should create content of popular characters with a pro-white theme.

I would agree with you until I opened the spoiler and beheld that filth!

You have some very fucked-up values.


Wew user, you know your porno.
Finally fucking found it during my lunch break. Jesus Christ I hate Google's search engine. News articles that were posted two days ago? Yeah those are totally not relevant when I type keywords like "James Deen inteview." I'd definitely rather see articles from 20-fucking-12 on the front page instead.

Nice try, but porn is inherently fucked. Its one of the largest tools of subversion

We need to create actual healthy sexual images for both men and women, mostly aimed at the youth.

Heterosexual relationships in which we encourage males seeking out females to court as well as encourage females to be accepting of traits which lead to healthy white children who can grow outside of the influence of kiked society.

The first step to uncucking this society is to get people to reject porn. What people don't realize is pornography doesn't just objectify women, but all humans.

So you believe whores on Twitter now? Deen has a long history of a professional and favorable work ethic. Congratulations on believing unsubstantiated claims from Twitter. By the way Deen's career has been almost totally unaffected since those allegations came out. Because everyone likes working with a rapist, right?

Don't use the word breed, it makes them sound like animals or disembodied baby factories at best. Pretty dehumanizing. Make it more romantic and less scientific sounding.

>>>/cuckquean/ has a psyops thread up right now about convincing people to become white worshipping cuckqueans.

This. We should encourage people to stop watching porn. You can't cure degenerates by confronting them with less severe degeneracy. Truth lies in love, not in lust, therefore we cannot utilise porn for memery.

>>>/nofap/ boys

OP, your idea a shit. Porn is degenerate. You cannot counteract degeneracy with more degeneracy.

Also you seem to think that a "meme" is an image with text on it. You lack a basic understanding of memetics, how it works, and how to apply it.

Holla Forums is a place to talk about the Jews and their tricks, not a cult, despite what some people believe. You don't need to come here to get the equivalent of Papal approval from random fucks on the Internet.

If 5 people tell you that it's degenerate, will that make it worse? If 5 people tell you that it's not, will that make it OK?

Don't ask whether X is degenerate®, as it's a vacuous question that only invites shit-flinging. Ask about concrete consequences:
etc. "Degenerate", in this context, is completely meaningless.

I guess the most effective would be an already successful youtube vlog of a young woman with her boyfriend (later husband) delivering a blend of somewhat vapid and slightly redpilled stuff into the camera. If you must drag porn into it couple it with a channel for monogamous stuff ranging from cute and cuddly love to a bit harder kinky fun. But mainly with couples as target audience with the intent to make them try stuff themselves. But most importantly, it has to be 100% genuine. As we all know, good propaganda doesn't need to lie.

nofappers are people you generally don't want to be around. nofap has all hallmarks of a cult:

Don't fucking lie to me, I've seen how those people behave with my own eyes. Let's go down the checklist:

Nigga, how confident can you be? It's not a fucking drug you shoot up into your vein. A clear lie. And there are many others like it.

Here's another testimonial from yourbrainonporn:

If this man is to be believed, his formerly utterly shit life was turned around completely and he now lives in an Earthly paradise, with a completely changed character, all from not fapping. You might as well have read this testimonial on a site selling telemarketing seminars and hypnosis.

The only thing that nofap doesn't do (yet) is to isolate people from non-nofappers, but I wouldn't be surprised if that came along as well. Someone will get the idea to cut "fappers" out of your life sooner or later, lest they lead you to temptation.

i don't even need to read your post, cuck. why are you trying to justify your degenerate behaviour? why are you here?


Because I know about the machinations of Jews and want to live in a world free of their malign influence. Why are YOU here?

They don't have to, people tend to avoid those who talk about how much they are or are not masturbating.


For fucks sake, newfag.

you are justifying masturbation and porn by claiming it's not harmful. it IS harmful, but you aren't interested in that

well it does sound like occult cucking

Sounds fucking great! There are lots of other testimonials out there like this as well. Very interesting to say the least.
AND YET you literally don't have to buy anything to abstain from masturbation. What a ridiculous comparison.

I've actually been putting off trying this out but you've convinced me with your shillpost. Thanks, user.

your 2nd pic led me to sleuth a bit, and behold, the page was archived
the angry chink who wrote that would be quite easy to redpill to the JQ, if he only recieved some Holla Forums-grade education

Well, if you have that evidence, why don't you share it so everyone can make up his own mind instead of you just demanding that people believe you, no questions asked?

I have zero respect for people like you because you corrupt Holla Forums from within. We're here because we didn't accept the societally accepted bullshit, and yet here you are, demanding the we just swallow your bullshit - and if anyone disagrees, you just use your magic d-word and it's all good. Exactly like the liberal who uses his magic r-word.

I didn't claim that at all, but lying comes as naturally to you as breathing. I claimed that nofap was a cult and that its members believe that not fapping will solve every problem in their lives.
It may very well be that porn or fapping are harmful, I don't know. What is almost certainly NOT true is that not fapping is the key to eternal happiness. nofap is a low-level cult, and the claims of cults are invariably bullshit, so why should this be an exception?

I invite everyone to read the testimonials at and judge for himself (you know: the thing you and your pals don't want people doing) whether this shit sounds legit. Perhaps imagine those words coming from the mouth of a Scientologist, or a Heaven's Gater, or somebody who spends thousands of dollars on self-help seminars. For fuck's sake: they even call it "rebooting"! How much more cult-like can it get? They're promising to re-wire your fucking brain.

You're welcome, (1). Be sure to write the tearful, angry post about your failure in 5 days.

Have a (2), my friend.

Porn is a tool of the Jew to steal your natural masculine energy and drive. So no, it can't be. Eroticism not inherently bad though, nothing wrong with a beautiful woman.

Top kek.

How about something like >Its good to have kids that look alike you
with a white couple. Should use very classy artful photos ofc, to imply the idea as pure, not casual fucking. This could work with niggers too. >muh black power

there's plenty of evidence over on the board. porn and masturbation being bad for your health is fact. there's nothing to argue there

Lol this might work if slightly less ridiculous.

Actual evidence "dubious blogposts reeking of self-delusion"-evidence? A representative study on the effects on ceasing masturbation with a 24-month follow-up and a control group would be nice, but I'm guessing that ain't never coming.

I see through your transparent shilling. I only feel sad for the people you dupe with your false promises of happiness.

this seems like a "how do we fix niggers and make them more civilized" or "we just need to get the jews to stay in israel and keep to themselves" type of thread. i dont see how this can ultimately be a successful venture. close but no cigar

We need white men saving white women and cucking muslim invaders porn.

lol. how am i shilling? you're literally trying to stop people escaping the jewish grip of porn that fucks people up so bad they cut their dicks off and think they're female

Since millenials today have a lot less sex on average, that would be a fresh idea to combat the fertility problem. However, don't go full sperg about it and post anime and shit…we want to influence normalfags, not merely a fraction of the ~2500 people here who already know what Holla Forums expects of them.

On the other hand, this will horribly backfire because people will see famous sluts being depicted in such pics and go see the original thing and fap to it. Case in point, your own OP pic, which I immediately recognized as Sara Jean Underwood. I think you understand we need to work with "anonymous" women here for maximizing the effect of what you promise will happen.

Cuckolding is when you fuck someone's SO/spouse. Fucking a Muslim's wife is, in itself, a pretty fucking degenerate idea since mixing already occurred.

Agreed. Trigger jews racism. Meme jewish girls loving big black cock.

So let me get this straight: you're saying that masturbation turns people into transexuals?

There's research on racial differences in IQ and criminal behavior that gets published. It's couched in the usual bullshit, but it does get published, with the data being there for all to see. Kevin McDonald published The Culture of Critique without losing his tenure. You'd think that the Jews would have more of an interest in suppressing that than your nofap truth, but I guess I'm wrong.

The three main points of your "argument":

Yeah, real convincing. Plus, if anyone questions you, you'll just call them a degenerate to shut down the conversation.

Your proselytizing, promising people false hope, based on evidence that doesn't exist.

Hey, by all means: if anyone wants to stop fapping, stop fapping. It might improve your life. Just don't join some zealot cult, and don't fall for the delusion that doing so will make all your problems go away (you'll get that 10/10 gf, a 100K job, a 12" dick, and 300 new friends, solve all your psychological issues, etc.). Also, don't let conmen cow your into submission because they used some magic word ("degenerate", "racist", "problematic").

And yes, you are a conman. Probably deluded yourself. You sell people pipe dreams, and when anyone asks questions, you lash out.

Remember a kike here throwing a shitfit over porn and amateur nudes of jewesses cucking them with niggers and arabs.

Pic related.


Porn is kikes' weapon against civilization, and it's obnoxious well excepr for that specific porn where the actors do like they love eachother, but it isn't that popular anyway. It projects a distorted image of intimacy and warps the mind of people. If you want to fix the yout it won't come by flooding them with degeneracy, but making them disgusted by it. You should shame every fucking one, who faps to interracial porn anad/or fucks people from another race. Make them disgusted by faggots, niggers and pedos.

If you want to appeal to men show them what happens to the pornstars. Show them the $5 crackwhores.
If you want women, show them pictures of happy white families without the cringefest captions, and they'll like it.

Most of the youth is conditioned to hate everything and everyone that has anything to do with nationalism, this forces you to take the longer route and convey your message about race and other sensitive issues indirectly.

i value head pats and hand holding.
i do also value the male/female forms for their beauty.
as anything, there's going to be good and bad expression of anything.
head pats as a gesture of comfort, trust, compassion, and ultimately faith as well as handholding as a gesture of unity are good. it makes people actually feel to the point of a rush of energy flowing through the body.

i remember i was in a bar with my friend and he grabbed my by the back of the neck, said "i love you, bro" and it gave me the same feel.

i think the corruption of love to sex is the biggest thing. love is not sex.

i appreciate our honorary aryan friends.


so? i don't need any authority to tell me what is good and bad when it's obvious in itself

never once did i mention evidence supression. yes, porn and masturbation is harmful to your body. i never said it will cure all problems either. your post reeks of shilling

now you're inventing your own idea of my argument based on things i never said

it's an expression.

expression can be degenerate.

No thanks. After >>>/nofap/ showing me the light I don't want any part in this degeneracy but if it works I won't be displeased that it did, just the method.

haha, you're a fag

You realize the only reason porn is such a problem is because of the internet right?

The internet is to pornography what fast food is to meals that would otherwise require far more preparation time. In other words, why make a burger and get all of the separate ingredients when one could just buy one at a nearby drive thru? That's the lazy logic most apply today and it doesn't appear that's going to change.

It's instant gratification that's the problem. "Pure pornography" would never work because human nature is inherently degenerate.

I honestly cannot tell if you're the guy complaining about nofap, the nofap cultist, or some sperg who wanted to tell others how happy he is about not touching himself. Bravo.

nice posting on your phone cuck

that would be a perversion of an expression of brotherly love.

humour can be loving.

ethics of intent is very important.
discern intent from consequence, but consequentialism is only half of it.

truly loving expression has good intent and good consequences.


Nofap increases your testosterone level which is a good thing and thats it.

It also cures fetishes

It's not a permanent increase. It wears off after a few days as your body readjusts. Good for a nice bit of extra edge right before a scheduled fight or competition, but not much else.


It weakens or removes fetishes you picked up from porn, not kinks you picked up as a child.
It happens if you're unlucky enough. I lived in the middle of fucking nowhere without much talmudvision or degenerate outside influences, and I still somehow picked up a hypnosis fetish in my early childhood. Nofap has absolutely no affect on it and it's not like I can nofap harder.

We don't have trouble getting white people to fuck, user. What we're having trouble is getting white women to get pregnant and have white families. Focusing on sex isn't going to trigger an emotional response in women to have children. We meme beautiful, happy white mothers, surrounded by white kids and a loving white husband.

Every woman, to a degree is narcissistic, they want to be desired and considered beautiful. Currently they can lower the bar to whatever they are now, in the moment, to meet their standard; but the moment beauty involves another man and children, they can no longer get that instant gratification. Suddenly you need a marriage ring and white children to be considered beautiful.

Eventually every woman will have to sit there and look at the two sides. The left memes ugly, lonely women who fuck for fun and instant gratification. The right memes beautiful women with happy families, surrounded by people who love them.

They already do this themselves. A shit ton of porn whores are jewesses and, jewesses throughout history are well established coal
burners. The jews most popular fetish is cuckoldry they love that shit. They are obsessed with niggers and nigger shit like rap and basketball. I think they want to be niggers. It's sickening. Sometimes I wonder if they push this shit not to undermine whites but because they love it so much and can't fathom anyone else not liking it.

pics spoilered for degeneracy

of course yeah. you can't undo molestation but you can undo porn and masturbation by quitting it

All we have to do is spam purity befor marriage memes in normie media and head pats and hand holding memes.

well, it's not wrong

Do a search in porn sites for jew and black cock. See the number of results.

Push and meme jewish yids having mulatto kids and loving black cock.

I think that means he is pozzed.

Well yeah, can't you see he's black?

I think the idea is to make white men associate sex with breeding again and especially make them breed with white women. Its a two front war.

While I respect your effort, and to this extent will enlighten you on best practices, I must first call that piece of shit image with text 'garbage Holla Forums "meme" tier'.

The memes have evolved. We no longer even need text if you have the right image. Think about qhat we are currently using to assblast kikes and lefties.

Find and collect images of young white (blond, blue eyed, either or conveys whiteness) that are holding a baby and are SMUG about it, AND looking directly into the camera. Half points if they are only smiling. This is a bit of a tall order, but thankfully reddit normalized stockphoto watermarks, so you can easily dig through premium image archives like shutterstock, use the free version with qatermark, and no one will bat an eye. Now that you have a collection, you ahould narrow it down to a handful.of "poster child" photos. The more smug and white, and the more it is obvious she is holding a baby, the better.

Now it's about finding ORGANIC ATTACK VECTORS. Holy fuck this cannot be stressed enough. You will get nowhere shitting and flailing and posting these images on twitter with some halfassed shittag.

What you need to do is find people angry about white kids, white moms, or pro white genocide. Anybody that would get pissed off at seeing a smug white woman holding a baby, and is ALREADY MAD. This is important. They have to already be in sone kind if state of rage for the smugness to have maximum effect.

Now that you jave your ammo, and you have your target, unleash decades of chan smugness and rusemastery onto your kicking and screaming victim.

Do not use any text over the image. You'll never come up with anything that convays a feeling of smug superiority more than a smug mug. This is why pepe is the standard of smug.

Now i advice any of you cocksuckers that actually want to do this to screenshot this post, and get lurking through shutterstock, etc. and find some "smug mug mums". Just thought of that. Good op name.


Also check 'em.

Fucking cringe. The problem with a picture like this is that it's referring to white women on an individual level rather than promoting a group effort to produce more white children.

In general? You can breed with niggers, do you want that? Plus this is blunt and weird. Try to make it funny, even if it has to be politically incorrect (shocker you would have to be told that on this board).

I understand this fetish now.

Title: Date night

It's not like I entirely disaprove the idea, but the giant:
remind of the 80's tobacco comercials with the
command in bold letters.
You're not gonna inspire a lot of people to do much by barking orders at them unless they recognize authority in you.
Especially shouting at women to breed.

Nice post, user

If I know one thing about leatherfags, is that the hardcore types are all successful white men with a background in blue-collar work that own land and businesses and lesser homos as servants. Mechanical engies, oil and gas, electricians, HVAC, Sprinkler and alarm systems, basically independant self reliant whites that hate niggers and jews and spics from long term exposure.
They also fucking despise faggots. Seriously, they hate SJW types , they couldn't be more diametrically opposed to each other on general principles, the cucks hate leathermen because they're super patriarchial and super dominating, and super competitive and care nothing for pronouns, The Leathermen hate these weaklings with their shrill voices and their inability to shut the fuck up and enjoy their lives and actually work for a living!

Their culture is macho, and honor bound. They do fucked up bets, they haze new members, they even stick with the same 30 to 40 folks sexually because everyone knows everyone and their rep because they're the only folks that can afford all this torture and masochism shit. High prices keep the niggers and filth out.

I have some lit by one that makes 50 Shades of Gray look like the granny novel it is and explains their ideology, their reasons, and their Might IS Right attitude, it's furfag shit, but it's the most brutal look at this semi redpilled tribe I've ever seen. It deals with a trouble maker given an ultimatum, be banned for life from half the town's gay places, or go through a brutal week of hazing and training to become one of them.

Four parts : Warning, dark shit on the nature of power and why Hierarchy is important!

headpats are absolutely nothing like bro-feels

I agree, the nofap community is utter shit. It's very hard to take someone seriously when he talks about his new "super powers". No, nigger, you're just acting like a normal man now instead of a pathetic faggot that watches cuck porn 20 times a day. According to a self-poll /r/nofap is 45% virgins. They consider it "life-changing" to go out and talk to a girl.

Nofap is definitely legit but you don't need a fucking support group. I stopped watching porn regardless but the community turned me off at first due to their retardation.


I'm talking about the community at large, not just this board.

most people outside of here are npc normalfags, and that goes for everything. they aren't relevant to actual ideas

The /d/ board has a general thread where they fetishize traditional gender roles and "The Stepford Wife" kind of woman. So I think OP may have potential.

Just how pathetic the average redditor is will never cease to amaze me.

The thing is I don't think they mind. I've asked jews about this and it's an open secret that jewish girls fuck nothing but niggers and other mud people from the time they are teenagers until they get married at 36 to a jewish accountant or something. Jewess comedians always joke about their black boyfriends. College activist jewesses always seem to have nigger boyfriends. On the flip side jewish men date nothing but blue eyed blondes before they get married. The thing you need to remember about American jews is that they lived in nog neighborhoods for a long time and coordinated shit with them from jazz in the 20s, to civil rights bullshit in the 60s, to rap of today. American jews are at least partially culturally niggers. They love niggers.

The more I have though about it the more I wonder if they aren't trying to destroy us but rather turn us into them using media like porn, television, music, and film. Look around they have largely been successful. Most comedy is jewish in style, white people have embraced jewish guilt, they are normalizing their sexual deviancy day by day. They are turning us from people rooted in blood and soil to rootless cosmopolitan "world citizens" just like them.

vid unrelated. A shitskin explains how nofap works.

Well then Holla Forums I read through this and noticed the short little line about "Hypnosis Porn". I said to myself, hey, that shit is my fetish and this gentleman has it all wrong.

Hypnosis is far more powerful than most people believe. A skilled practitioner can use it to warp the ideals, memories, and behaviors of their subjects with relative ease.
Combined with more traditional conditioning hypnosis can easily be used to transform any woman who can be convinced into initial consent.

The steps are simple, but require planning and patience. Moving too fast will almost certainly result in failure.
- Gain initial consent (if you're a generally suave guy this shouldn't be too hard)
- Show the subject how hypnosis feels, get them used to both the "empty" feelings and to the experience of having triggers installed and used. This is the time to use the purely gimmick type hypnosis, no sexual stuff.
-After you feel they are ready move to non-sexual pleasure triggers. Tie them to feelings of happiness, contentment, etc, but not sexuality.
-When doing this make sure to use doubling and self-reinforcement techs. Tell them that every time the happy trigger is used it becomes more powerful, essentially. This will quickly become addictive (I've had girls literally beg me to trigger their happy button, hotter than can be described).
-Install a trigger under the guise of "helping them focus" once they're so addicted to the happy trigger they can't think straight. (I've had this take as little as 2 hours and as long as 4 weeks, be patient.) The focus trigger is passive, make it so when they aren't around you they won't remember the happy trigger, only how they felt around you when you used it.
-From here you can go one of two ways, either move to sexual triggers (if you're already sexual with them) or wait a while so the "focus" trigger can instill them with the attraction necessary to take that step. Try to get in their pants before moving to sexual triggers (though if you're a smooth operator you might be able to slide into both at the same time, purely situational though so use your best judgement)
-Always start with an arousal trigger when you move into sexual triggers. Literally no woman I've ever done this with has been unsatisfied. When you can say a key-phrase and trigger a massive arousal response in a woman, that's when she begins to see you differently. (Pro-tip: only use the phrase when she's looking at you, builds even more attraction over time.)
-Now your avenues open up a bit. You should do all of these but take your time and do them one at a time:
-Once she's here you can basically fuck her whenever you want, you'll have worn down any defensive responses to your commands by now. If you want you can just step off the train here, but in my next post I'll be outlining how to make your personal slut into a complete sex slave.

Deep inside, every degen wants the instinctual, traditional gender roles and life. Faggots want to fuck the father they never had, and Lesbians want the Mother the never got as well. These are caused by dysfunction.

Bumping because most of you are morons.

Hey user, check out The secret relationship between Blacks and Jews or What Jews write about blacks that was never intended for goy viewing.



Fuck it! I tried!


Hail Mary full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb
Holy Mary
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death

I wasn't molested either or exposed to any sexual content unless you count the odd kiss in movies.


Yes, for the kikes to subvert us.

Tell this to Dark Researcher user, he talks about shit like this often, because he's helped brainwash folks, but the way he was shown involved breaking the mind with near complete sensory deprivation, sleep loss, immobilization and starvation to turn the mind into putty and then reshape it into that of an extension of the practicioner's mind and will, the perfect Goyim.slave.
He hangs out on /tok/ just start a thread and ask him about the extremely fucked shit he's done and witnessed.

they've been using it as a weapon for some time now. im sure you know the demographic that owns the majority of pornography studios. see the cuckold phenomenon also racemixing and blacked etc.

the counter is sweet and pure loving consensual relationships between genuine and humble same-race couples. aka ero-hon.

We had some shitty local TV channels we mostly used for watching sports and a tiny VHS tape collection. Are you claiming that watching hockey through a lousy CRT so fuzzy you could barely see the puck gave me a fetish?

Ok so now you have a girl whose completely addicted to both you and the triggers you've installed in her brain. But she's still technically capable of free will and free thought and if anyone finds out about everything you've done to her it might be pretty difficult to explain your way out of. Here's how you take the next steps to making your sex toy into a sex slave:
-Carrot and Stick. The easiest and most effective way to start your girl towards being obedient is to create a reward and punishment system that attributes reward to you and punishment to her. To do this you first want to take your now primed girl into as deep of a hypnotic state as possible, use fractionation and don't be afraid to spend several hours with her. You're going to install two conditional triggers, a "good girl" trigger that rewards her for doing what you say/want, and a "bad girl" trigger that punishes her for disobedience.
-The "good girl" trigger will activate whenever you tell her to do something and she does it without question. This should be an intense wave of pleasure and feelings of approval and acceptance. Make sure you reinforce this by using it during trance when she complies with your commands, and use the doubling trick from earlier to keep it from ever wearing out.
-The "bad girl" trigger is a bit more difficult because you don't want to use it before she actually disobeys. This trigger should activate whenever you tell her to do something and she either refuses or tries to put it off. I've tried a number of effects to get this working correctly but the best feelings to instill for this are Shame and Regret. Basically obedience should feel like she's on cloud 9, zero discomfort, happier than any other time in her life, and disobedience just sucks all that happy right out of her and leaves her at a massive low from which the only way back is, you guessed it, obedience.
-Once you have installed these triggers, which should be completely autonomous at this point, make sure she forgets what happened in trance. If she doesn't remember the triggers they become much more effective. I've tried it both ways and it's far better if they don't remember.
-Take some time, play with your toy, but make sure you give her clear commands at least several times a day. Even simple things like "Get me a drink." or "Scoot over." work, as long as you are commanding and she is obeying then her resistance to further commands decreases every time she obeys. Pay attention though, if she disobeys and shows no signs of crushing regret and shame then you'll probably need to take her under again and really focus on that part. You should be seeing signs that range between apologizing and then doing as told to being in literal tears and begging for forgiveness (for saying no to bringing me a cup of coffee, no less). If they do break down and you need them to feel good again just say something along the lines of "Just 'do x' and it'll be ok". As long as it's something innocuous like a hug or kiss, something she'd do anyways, then it's perfect. The rollercoaster of going from 100 to -50 and then back to 100 again should heavily reinforce obedience.
-Once she's completely obedient or nearly there you can move on and install voice triggers for the same two effects, just this time you'll be saying "good girl" and "bad girl" to give another level of reward and punishment. The autonomous triggers should synergize with the vocal triggers so when you say "good girl" she feels mind-explodingly good and when you say "bad girl" she practically implodes. With these you can reinforce the "bad girl" command by prefacing it with something like "I know you haven't done anything wrong but it's important for you to understand what disobedience feels like" ask her if she's ready (even if she says she is, she probably isn't, do it anyways) and then give her the "bad girl" command. Watch her crumple, if you love her or even just have a human soul then it might be hard to not immediately take her into your arms and tell her what a good girl she is but wait. Just wait and let the full force of it set in. If you've done it right she should be despondent, in tears and abjectly willing to do ANYTHING to make the shame go away and bring back the happy. Let her stew in it, then tell her that she should never forget how this feels even if she never has to experience it again. The command I like to use to reverse the effects of "bad girl" is "From now on whenever you think about disobeying me you will remember how it feels." It's a double (triple?) whammy that usually shatters any resistance from then on.
-She should be obedient, and almost completely devoted to your happiness at this point. Time for the final few steps.

Thank you for the tip. I'll do that.

Your girl is now obedient, now it's time to bind her completely. This involves redefining her own self-image from whatever nonsense it is to that of your willing, loving slave.
-Take her into trance, I'll usually wait at least a day from the verbal "good girl" "bad girl" triggers so she can get used to it.
-Tell her to imagine a version of herself that is completely devoted to you, obedient to you in every way, and madly in love with you. This version doesn't obey anyone else unless you tell her to, doesn't find anyone else attractive unless you command it. Flesh out this vision of your perfect slave girl and reinforce it as strongly as you can. Take the time to do it right.
-Once you're satisfied with this version tell her that when you command it she will swap minds with that slave, that the slave will gain full control of her mind and body.
-Do the swap and then take the "perfect" slave into trance and do the whole process again. Create another even more perfect slave vision in her head and swap her to that one.
-Command the perfect slave to delete her old personalities. Keep all the memories but delete the old versions.
After all this take some time to finalize programming so she still acts like she did before but is technically her perfect slave personality permanently. She should be ready. A domestic slave, unable and unwilling to disobey any orders you give her and with eyes only for you.

And if you want to have more than one it's really just as simple as making your slave want to have slave sisters. If you're a smart lad I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Have fun and if you get caught by Cops/FBI just remember that Hypnosis isn't real and you can't make anyone do anything they don't want to so she's obviously just another consenting adult. ;)

Namefagging aside you do realize we have IDs, right?, these are some high-quality posts even if you're taking this shit way too far. Single hypnosis sessions won't make people do things against their will, but when done over time and combined with classical conditioning it can be pretty powerful.
Still, I don't get the appeal of just doing it on some random chick or trying to build up a harem. There's surprisingly lots of girls who fantasize about being hypnotized/conditioned and I'd prefer working with someone who's already interested rather than gradually breaking some random hapless bitch into it.

GET OFF THE FUCKING MEME ALREADY, RETARDS hmm, evidence wiped, not suspicious at all goy
>Outliers exist for many biological indices. With that in mind, it's hypothetically possible that one could manifest addiction-related brain changes by "over-working" or "over-reading" the Talmud, or playing golf, but researchers have found that brains react very similiarly to sexual and addiction cues, and quite differently to, for example, outdoor nature scenes. See Cue-induced cocaine craving: neuroanatomical specificity for drug users and drug stimuli (2000). - Brain activation to cocaine cues similar to activation to porn
my my, what a strange thing to focus on, Mr (((Wilson))) their respective sites
at any rate, it should've been obvious from the amount of virtue signaling this bullshit demands it was a kike meme from the start.
no, worse than that

it's basically the whole "breastfeeding in public vs concerned (((White))) suburban moms" bullshit all over again. They create all the problems they later have to 'solve,' making shekels all along the way in the process, enabling them to play both sides as they wish.
It's not even a normal cult it's pure fucking Jonestown/Shakerism, endgoal being some weird shit about being able to experience "intercourseless orgasms." They stole tantric and SJ'd it the fuck up.
How ironic, chans eliminate one cult (scientology) only to fall for another. But at least the entry fee is cheaper.

So basically a pile of Rohms. Hey, could put a Heinlein twist on it. "Rohm's Roughnecks."

reminds me that it's a pretty big thing amongst white performers to countersignal and refuse to be mandingo'd

LoL that suggestion. Also the blacked one sounds like a paid shill, but y'know for whatever reason "farm friend fisting" 'heavily appeals to autists. That sonuvabitch probably…
No movement needed for the horsefuckers, they already have a red/blue divide between everyone else and those obnoxiously posturing 'zoophiles'

you know, it comes to mind I've never seen an abortion in an animu (just an animu that was an abortion)
although it's funny if the artist doesn't have a preg fetish, because then they do that timeskip thing so the very next episode bitch already pooped that bastard out, and now he's already walking in like five minutes, and learning to handle a katana like dad by fifteen.
Even if you have a psycho yandere that kills them, the moment she lands her own she breaks down crying over what an amazing feeling it is.

also that first pic makes me realise I forgot one potential line of attack, and that's inverting OPs suggestion to make totally mundane situations lewd as hell. What's the one thing anyone remembers from (((Stiller's))) American Pie? That memetastic pie scene
In fact that seems to be the only thing normies remember about the movie at all now.
Well, what if the lead-in to that was a socially awkward fash father explaining to his son 'how to do it' with his pure white waifu instead? Now it's an awkward bonding scene that subconsciously promotes anti-miscegenation.
Or like the japs do, following some girl's hands while she's doing mundane chores and prepping dinner. Like "Ooooh, she's got a good menu and fixes it quite…skillfully"
And, well, all those animes where the psycho gun girl plays suggestively with her firearms.
What could be more patrirotic than a naked Kantai Iowa raising a flag on July 4th? Or Bismarck on 4/20?

Closest thing I can think of is horror animes where they're literally eating the babies. There is basically no such thing as a truly unwanted child in Japan. Even if the reason they're 'wanted' is just for a light snack.

On it OP. I write erotica, 99% of which is hunky man masturbation fantasies for women. These are themes I already try to introduce.

White men. Traditional values. Degeneracy and untrustworthiness of numales and thug culture.

It's actually pretty easy to do since women will accept whatever an alpha says, even if he's a pretend alpha on a page.

So your saying we need to make motherhood the ultimate status symbol again.

I can tell where this thread is going to go based on the thread header alone.

I've done this stuff to my girl without even knowing it





> Costs of Pornography Report.pdf





















everybody should read this book
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation
Basically pornography is a weapon designed to subdue the male population without conflict and impose whatever the system wants
but that is changing not shockingly as more and more men get involved in the politics the less free time they are having to self indulge the addiction
daily reminder allister crowley considered masturbation a form of satanic magick
long story short the taoists were right when they said that a man and woman together (without a condom as it is an insulator and stops the electric connection from taking place) generate and share unique and replenishing energies between the two electrical beings, they also said that masturbation would simply lead to an energy discharge without a reciprocal and balancing alternating charge (the woman if youre the man & vice versa) and weakens the person and lowers brain waves essential hormones (selenium zinc etc) and makes the body more susceptible to illness and alot more


Reminder that condoms are cuckoldry.

For who OP? Worthless degenerates who shoot all their energy into a wad of kleenex? Anyway a couple of disturbed and dumb assholes on chans have tried it before and failed.

how the fuck would you impregnate a fairy.
how the fuck would she give birth to a human child?

positive associations with good things.

the way she sings is to soothe. it is loving expression.
the audience sees this and they value loving expression. it is graceful and the ideal of maternal behavior.

to what do you think they will aspire if only a little?

but have faith in god. don't be afraid. i don't know what's best for us. i can only assume. this feels right, though, doesn't it?

Getting rid of shitskins is more realistic than outbreeding them.

Google marks sites and articles now as they deem them as a (((conspiracy)))

After she gives birth to a son, put it in one of those machines doctors use for infants that are born underweight.

Excellent point.


If a troll puts on enough make up they too can
be an elf.

Porn is degenerate. Eliminate. Subversion of this type is for jews.

Kill yourself.

until it IS eliminated or curtailed, we can't yield this field. They may be better at subversion, but we're wise to their tricks and are the only people willing and able to combat it.

problem is all modern porn, that isn't amateur, has subliminal messages(audio and visual) for various things but mostly to get whites to kill themselves. Ever wonder why you always feel bad after watching porn? ever wonder why the largest porn watching demographic has the highest suicide rate?



op is oy veying or he's 15. either way, sage in all fields


trips confirm

Porn is bad and made worse due to Jewish influence, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a strong force. Anime nazi grill hentai is step one, amateur homemade nazi porn would be step two, and obviously reach a much bigger audience.

each time i had a gf, my sexual disposition snapped straight fixated wholly on her. it would degrade due to the imagination satisfying my demand and becoming a bit more wild. 3dpd is important.

porn is a refuge for no gf and can be imagined.

i think societal sexual dysfunction has many causes: dysfunctional sexual relationships.

1) degradation of values, good beliefs and behaviors.
2) degradation of physical health.
3) high expectations which are not met.
4) individualist worldview.
5) a d&c of men/women politically.

it's more complicated than just eradicating porn. people can sit at home and draw weird shit that they imagine.
i used to draw nude girls as a kid. it's not hard.

we're also going through a breakdown of norms due to moral subjectivists or subversive agents or retards or whatever. it's gone to the point where the capacity to reason is under attack.

pretty much why we need to stop porn, it's not normal to humans as animals. it messes with us in a primal sense that I doubt most of us even realize. men stop looking for mates, and for women interracial porn fucks them up mentally on an instinctual level (thousands of years of the cycle of cities being invaded and women's only way to survive is to throw themselves at the invader's feet, either they get raped, gang banged or tortured to avoid death, funny how those are all relatively common fetishes now). I agree porn can be a refuge for certain problems but do stick to amateur porn(2d or 3d) for your mental safety.

This is pretty degenerate dude, encouraging unhealthy bodies. I get the proportions message you're going for, I myself like the child bearing aesthetic very much. That's just fat though.
For a second I thought I was on Holla Forums when seeing this.

If you want to really trigger a feminist, show her images like these!

I refer to >>9847399:

I.e. I don't need (or have) evidence. "It's obvious" is shorthand for "I can't back it up, don't ask me questions".

You endorsed the laughable testimonials on yourbrainonporn, which claim precisely that. It might very well be true that abstaining from fapping has benefits, but the people in those testimonials claim that not fapping will cure the following (
* Shyness
* Depression
* Erectile dysfunction
* Homosexuality
* Low academic performance
* Concentration troubles
* Procrastination

And more. Give me a fucking break. This is budget evangelism: you introduce a capital-P problem and make people feel like shit, then you offer them a capital-S solution.

Reminder that Holla Forums is, above all, a pro-truth board. If you don't like it when people ask questions, then go back to your circlejerk and complain about how da evul nutsies didn't just unquestioningly swallow your bullshit.

And take your fraudulent mode of discourse with you. Perhaps your choice liberal campus, where people shut down debate with powerwords like "racist" and "sexist", will be more welcoming to you.

I may have partially implied single sessions but largely these effects would be built up over a period of months using multiple sessions per stage. However I have done this with minimal sessions by instead focusing on longer sessions. Longer sessions are more effective than shorter as the subject's mind becomes more readily accustomed to trance as they stay in it longer. However there is no substitute for patience and processing time.

Furthermore, the girls I personally desire are rarely interested in being conditioned. For me it is the act of breaking them, of taking a strong woman and shattering her to be remade in my image. I may have also made it sound like I destroy their autonomy but this is not the case. I create loyal drones who act entirely 'normal' outside of their interactions with me. They work normal jobs, have all their old friends (unless they have toxic people around them), and are much much happier than the women around them. I give them structure and purpose, using the techniques I outlined above to not simply give them carnal pleasure but to make their lives objectively better.

So in short, you might want a girl who already wants you to break her, but I want a girl who doesn't know she can be broken.

An excellent image by the way, saved.

Please explain how you did this without even knowing. I've very interested to know.

I like the idea, but more lewd, my dude.

Underrated post.

1) Make a whites only porn streaming site
2) Remove the absolutely most degenerate shit like cuckold/cheating, incest, fisting, scat, etc…
3) Have message or advertisement on how to quit porn and live a wholesome White lifestyle
4) Mod heavily to create a pro-white community and ban everyone who isn't
4) ???
5) profit

There is only one reason why I quit watching porn/jacking off and that's the extra 3+ hours of time I get per week. I've only been using it for extra sleep so far but I now have more time to do anything more productive. Masturbation is not something productive (and it will never be viewed as such) since it never leads to any long term benefits.

James Deen is a kike though. Regret or not, he's a goddamn kike who's gone on record saying how much he loves being a kike and how superior kikes are.

Hell if I know. I didn't really hypnotize her but the thinks you described I did. She gets dripping wet just hearing my voice, if I call her a good girl she is gets all happy, if I call her a bad girl she tries to fix it. So the triggers you're talking about
She always praises me like I'm a god and is willing to go to hell to keep me happy.

Sounds like you've lucked into a naturally subservient girl. Keep up the good work and feel free to learn hypnosis if you'd like to take her subservience to the next level.

There are also just many other reasons to learn hypnosis. From Orgasms on command to increasing breast size and helping with weight loss. Any addictions can be made or unmade through hypnosis as well. A good primer book to look into is "Pillow Talk" by Micheal Scott, not the most technical book by far but one which gives a good basis for beginners and which outlines some very strong techniques.

As SJW and shitty as they might be Entrancement UK has a Suggestions list here:
which should give you a good idea of what is possible with even an unskilled hypnotist. Lex is by no means a talented hypnotist, merely a well practiced one.

I can't seem to find /tok/ is the board on or on some other site?


It's absolutely about women, torkike.

Listen and believe, goy.

Someone will deal with the problem, but it obviously won't be anyone that's just complaining rather than subverting.

I am amazed that no one has done this for a long time. We live in a kike society with kike business models. Whites would prefer White content. Why not just subvert the faggots and do exactly that? We always have higher quality people and we would have quality nudes, too.

Yep, they are, they are also brutal, sadistic, and extremely territorial against commies, some won't even fuck one if it's a commie.
Hell, some of them fantasize about killing every one of the faggots RWDS style, like this one.

On the whole No Fap stuff, I've felt the effects when my computer broke years ago and my roommate never left the fucking room. It was absolute frantic madness. But we cannot expect all and not even most people to stop masturbating, so with that in mind I think it would be more productive to assume they will - and they will to something. Controlling that something and making it serve a positive end is the goal here.

You'd be surprised how that kind of aggressive command-style stuff turns some people on. Obviously the breed thing isn't a 10/10 memetic masterpiece, though I doubt there will be a silver-bullet in erotic works anyway. Everyone has particular tastes, and thus various routes have to be explored. Romance has been suggested a lot, but if we are being honest not all of us want romance all the time when we are feeling aroused.

Likewise, the goal here isn't to assblast leftists (((et al))), but rather to entice normies towards redpills or at least away from (((bad))) porn. It isn't a bad goal god knows we can always use some more finely-teared salt from them, but would someone looking for carnal pleasure actively seek such pictures out and share them? [spoiler]Would we want them to…?]/spoiler] I'm not convinced of that yet, but I can always be proven wrong with good examples.

Interesting idea. No doubt such a site would cause the (((MSM))) to flip out, give it free coverage, and then become its own 'naughtiness' all its own. The question is how would you operate it in terms of content creation, and what kinds of themes would it run?

Your memes are bad and you should feel bad.

We already have /monster/, slowpoke.

The girl in the top right is actually quite pretty, just has bad zits.


Fey steal human babies for this reason.

t. /tg/

True, but monstergirls appeal to a relatively small demographic. It does have the advantage of having drawfags who can make all the head-pats and smugs we could ever dream of however.

hue hue hue

yeah, like I said dumbass, they love profiting by playing both sides. How many fucking jewish white nationalists we seen, again?
Also you literally posted the faggot jew I was just complaining about behind nofap

Surprise surprise.

It's Holla Forums's political correctness and retardation that keeps them from succeeding.

Stupid people should be euthanized

I may as well add something to this.

The leftists over decades have pushed their propaganda through popular media. The blacks couldnt be pushed into academia 70 years ago BUT they could be put into a completely subjective field like music. Now, you can't go anywhere without seeing some music video with a black. Porn was the same. Now, interracial porn is a hugely popular fetish that usually degrades white men and pushes racial and homosexual agendas. It's all about utilising what you have.

Holla Forums will never succeed because little morons cant comprehend that their plan to find their new father figure who will go out and say "we have to kill Jewish children" isn't a plan that will work. But they don't care because autists that roleplay online and have no interest in genuine politics. Holla Forums is an edgy identity to them.

Retaking porn and using it as a vessel to a) further political beliefs among disenfranchised, lonely whites looking for a cause and b) subliminally influence the general population is a fantastic idea.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson (cjanderson[AT] was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:
Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.
He lives in Benicia, by the way.

I noticed that when chatting up women, you can really turn them on with talk about impregnating them, it seems to trigger something deep and primal in them.
Also a phrase I picked up years ago on 4/pol made serious impact on a jaded bitchface feminist I was redpilling for fun:
"We make love to make loved ones"

What the fuck is going on here?
Don't you faggots know that porn is a Jewish weapon to make White men, impotent, weak, give them ADHD and drain all their willpower and motivation?




Stop watching Jew porn then.

I think that in the field of memetics, this has been Holla Forums's main unsolvable equation - an attempt to trigger a positive emotional response through a medium that has been inherently thriving on a negative-emotion impact.
Is it doable? It boils down to old marketing tricks known since 50s, so yes, it is doable.

The approach must be recalibrated - we know that people are inherently drawn to things like the redpilling, as it appeals to them by providing them with unadulterated truths - we know of psychological impact of raw data on a logical person and the subsequent reaction of limbic system which gives a response we term as "logical".
While family life and motherhood are a part of this spectrum, they are being treated differently and angled for the need to trigger an emotional response, in a way mimicking the reactions and responses that women have around small children and babies - however there is a large moral and social component to it as well that used to treat motherhood and marriage as a status symbol for women, which by virtue of childbearing being central to it all, was always inherently more appealing to them.

Thus, memetics around it must provide two key features - life fulfilment and emotional fulfilment - while men get those through admiration of peers and career success, women are always reported to not derive as strong feelings from those as from their maternal duties.
If you address those in good way, without resorting to the oft-beat horse of scantily clad women in traditional outfits (which doesn't appeal to women but drives their neuroses about appearances) then you have a success.
Memes about maternal and family aspirations have to by necessity be inclusive of all white women in order to build up a social structure that involves both the matriarchs but also the daughters to make the structure self-perpetuating through the female pecking orders that arise. Those pecking orders then, as opposed to fuelling degeneracy would become spiralling rivalries about who has the better house or more children, which was always more important to women on emotional level than men - and for the ones that are intelligent enough to see the redpills alone to convert, they are choir we do not need to preach to.

We are talking about reconstruction of the old large family that was the typical structure for most of the human history - women and their own family/neighbourhood hierarchies are necessity if we are to make these things work.


this is fucking awful.
where did you people come from?

Spoiler that shit user, goddamn this is way too lewd.

Can somebody delete this thread already? Fucking perfect, book/reading/self-improvement threads get deleted in 10 mins since their creation, but "muh dik" threads sponsored by kikes stay up until they 404 by themselves. I'm so sorry about your life, kampfy, I'm so deeply sorry.

You people are so fucking pathetic.

No arguments. Just, "this is offensive, remove it"

Why not just call this board politically correct since that's all it is? It's the formation of a new set of culture then the condemnation of anything offensive (politically incorrect) in that culture.


Porn is pure demoralisation, hence why Jews are so keen to distribute it. Modern men and women consume porn so often that it erodes their libido, and the lowest amount of stimulation needed to arouse them gets to the point where the men are having to get off to other men in drag (they attempt to legitimise their self-destructive digressive homo behaviour by calling them "traps"), and the women lose all loyalty to the out-group and opt for undesirable non-white partners they see in cuck porn instead. It makes me sick, because it's the one form of control that people don't interpret as control, because it taps into our carnal passion. Remember that, newfags, the next time you're drooling like a subhuman retard over some skank with orifices that have been fucked beyond reconstruction. You can't be redpilled and a porn watcher at the same time.

Porn = Prostituting White Women,

Reminder that Jews already do this with interracial and cuck porn.

oh shit I clicked it
why would you post that with no warning?!

>very soft-spoken/motherly and t h i c c hispanic white qt at work flirting with me lightly, maintaining extended eye contact

When all of a sudden
>tells me she is literally living with, dating, and fucking a nigger at the moment

Holy fucking shit Holla Forums this whole thing has darkened my blackpill beyond what I thought was possible. I need seriously need help. I can't trust therapist kikes, but I need some place to vent all of this shit so I can move past it.

Hispanic chicks are fucking insane. This isn't a hill to die on user.
Romance is pretty blackpill, so instead focus on something a bit more practical, like revolution. If you do your part you can have a pure war bride in a few years time.

Now I need a fucking shower user. I recognize that tattooed Jewess from fapping in the past and now I feel gross all over again. Fuck. God damn Jews.

hispanic chicks always fuck niggers

why do you think whtie women are always highly treasured? nigger loving incident is much lower.

same thing with asians

Nothing will dry out a pussy faster than those memes. You need to have more finesse. You're approaching the problem with all the subtly of a sledgehammer.

This was the first real interest I've had in years. Last grill I trusted decided she wanted to ride the cock carousel after a couple years. Latched onto some uber rich kike or middle easterner or something literally telling a mutual friend, "I'm set for life with this guy." and he dumps her bitch ass after just a few months, after which she spiraled further into degeneracy, literally going so far as to fuck underage boys just to feel sexually desired by someone, because I think even her "lesbian" friends started to get disgusted with her. She was irish/italian IIRC, had blonde hair, green eyes, and massive tits.

You are right that the only solution is revolution, I am just so averse to even considering women desirable at this point. I suppose women should not be the focus, but simpy vengeance, and then whatever follows, follows.

I hope le Pen wins.

or perhaps you need to lay off porn (3d and 2d) and reset your fucking attractions

you're only attracted to degenerate women, admit it. the only revolution your ass needs is to chuck out the computer.

I think you're right. I'm not a chad, and do not want to pursue the "Mean Girls" types of women whatsoever, so I guess that makes me a degenerate.

Anyway, I'll see myself out.

yes buddy, because there are only "mean girls" type of women out there available, same way as there is only "Holla Forumsack" men like you out there available

there's a reason why men are able to pick up normal loving white women and you cannot

I'm white, smart, fit, decent looking, have money squirelled away and no debt. I accept that I'm not normal because I have any standards, I'm frugal, I can't stand being around girls for long, often not even for short, and status-wise I'm a wildcard. So I know what my problems are. But every guy under 40 I know is a cringing loser sucking up to a woman with other men's kids, or is divorced/owes child support and is a defacto slave to his job or the state.

tl;dr where the normal loving white women at?

You're exactly right, so I guess that's the end of my line, then. Thanks, bud.

It's ok, user. You're among friends here. Let it all out.

You really are a one-trick pony, aren't you?

pic related: It's you.

I disagree. SFW pics like that actually have greater potential to spread because they can be shared on normalfag sites like 9gag. On porn sites images don't really "spread". There's too much OC and recycled content (formerly behind paywalls) flooding the market for rightwing-watermarked images to have an impact imo. SFW pics also have the benefit that you can acknowledge their existence IRL. Sane, non-pathetic people don't talk about porn IRL.

Don't be lured in by a common huckster, holy fuck. This guy is literally pulling a Ray Comfort on you: 1) Identify a problem in the mark's life. 2) Pin all problems on an unrelated cause. 3) Offer a solution to the newly introduced problem.

>Hey, have do you think you're a good person? Well, Jesus says that anyone who's angry with someone is a murderer. Have you ever been angry? Well, you're a murderer! Do you still think you should get into Heaven, murderer?

>Hey, do you think you're an upstanding guy? Well, have you have ever watched porn? That makes you a degenerate. Do you still think you should get a White qt, degenerate?

Got any on hand?On the other hand I should just stick to my current no-fap schedule.

I'm actually going through the first week of no-fap myself, but I agree with the gist of this post. One of the problems with Holla Forums and masturbation is the tendency to slip into moralization about it. I decided to start no-fap not because of some purity quest but because I have crippling jeb-tier low energy, and after trying everything else I still have it. I figure that if I can go 2-3 weeks without fapping I can see if it helps me achieve the work goals I have and need to accomplish.

Sage for off topic.




Now I feel bad for thinking ill of you because you're evidently retarded.


I am basically of your thought process here, though I think if given good thought and maybe some effective memes, Holla Forums could come to a conclusion about the Pornish Question that would for either side at least solve it to the satisfaction of most of everyone. Right now it is a circular logic: Porn is controlled by ((((them))), (((they))) make porn bad, bad porn attracts (((their))) control, etc etc. On the other side we don't have a good definition of 'degeneracy' in the sexual context. Depending on who you ask, 'degeneracy' is either only the nastiest obscenities or anything more than hand-holding. Though really, hand holding is pretty fucking lewd. has some great suggestions for re-framing things to ask for concrete consequences so that could be answered, but eventually those ideas would be packaged under the term 'degenerate' and that which is otherwise.

So… 50's housewife-style porn then?

Hey, I want the fucking Self-Improvement Threads to come back too. I tried to make those but they get deleted - this one didn't for whatever reason, so I'm running with it.

That is a good observation of the differences of networking spread. Ultimately I think you are right - Erotic shit doesn't spread as quickly through SFW networks. However porn does spread in its own ways, just less obviously. The less obvious track might actually be beneficial in memetic attempts since it strives at an invisible undercurrent while overt actions in the SFW sphere continue above. Your enemies won't see it until it has pervaded the culture beneath to a high degree, which could be a serious advantage.

I'd tell you about some repositories of it, but this is Holla Forums so you probably shouldn't. Google 'impregnation erotica' otherwise and you may find a site that points out lots of others on the subject.

If it helps, I find you both mildly retarded. But only because we'd be better off talking about potential memetics and not getting qt's at this juncture.




You faggots are so embarrassingly pathetic.

honestly this. start a crusade against white on white porn as being racist and suddenly it's dirty and taboo and boner inducing. wouldn't be hard to do since white anything is considered racist in $currentYear

Hey op

I actually run porn sites. Shoot content, business aspects of it, admin the websites.
It's a lot of work and not much money to be had.
I'd imagine there would be even less to be made if it was white ethno nationalist themed. You'd also have to make it its own thing, separate from your other branding and would probably only get traffic from word of mouth rather than search engines and affiliates.
Doesn't seem economically feasible, unfortunately, but just now that we're out there and hear you.


Holy fuck this is cringey.

hah, neat, so do I, well just the last part and a bit of set design, so I don't know the costs but….
I've been thinking that the weebs may be onto something, but there's also the problem I've run into over the years of the average 'hot western cosplayer' being either cold fish or already making dosh on their own. (a site a whole bunch of them used to use was Varietease)
I'm trying to think of a non-cringey way to put it, but them old Skinemax ones, the Phantom of the Opera spoof and Pirates, finding a WN chick willing to do porn and shooting it that way, either that or since VR is coming soon do it first-person.
something that kind of mixes the feel of 'first time sweetheart' with a bit of adventure-y elements. I think what this thread is grasping for is something like Dragon Pink, Outlander, or Tank Police, but live-action.
It's like, what's missing on the western side is the 'emotional connection.' Of course, I can't think of any Hollywood movies in the past 20 years with a decent romance either, so we may just be kind of broken on that regard, idk. Maybe they just ain hiring the right people anymore.

but she has tiddies

normalfag websites like facebook and twitter won't allow for straight out porn.
If one could pose as a "le fun epic maymays xD" on facebook, and reach out to 1000 people, someone is bound to save the meme.

It's how you apply it that matters user.

why bulk?

Seriously does anyone know where to find /tok/? I'm very interested to find this "Dark Researcher user".


In the meantime, while we wait for someone who does know. Does anyone have any hypnosis or conditioning related questions? I'd be happy to discuss or explain anything I previously talked about as well.

Also, side question: How do I get rid of the little Hitler in the lower right corner of Holla Forums? It's funny but hard to explain if normies happen to see.


click on [Options] in the top right corner, click theme, find the theme select drop down (it should say board-specific CSS), then choose yotsuba b or whichever one you want.

Are there any books you would recommend? I've only looked into hypnosis briefly.

also, are there any online communities (chans, discord, etc) for people who are… "inclined" to use hypnosis in this way?

If you look in my earlier posts I recommend "Pillow Talk" which is a fairly beginner level book on specifically erotic hypnosis, but all hypnosis is largely based on the same techniques and I find that it's an easy piece of source material to learn from.

If you don't want to pay for it you can find more info on more vanilla hypnosis on reddit and a few other normie sites.

As to using hypnosis in the way I described I've never found any communities of people, only one or two in threads like this. Usually someone will post about it and a few others will emerge from the shadows to discuss until the thread dies.

FYI the /hypno/ board on this chan is shit, absolute trash dedicated to filesharing and the sort of BS that goes with more mainstream erotic hypnosis.

I mean, it's cool that you guys are discussing this and all, but porn can NEVER be a pro-white propaganda vehicle.

1) Kikes use it to sell stuff. Inb4 "but it's so effective, durrr". Porn is a product of THIS kind of society, we're trying to change shit.

2) Porn appeals to the lowest instincts. What we want to build are strong relations between men and women, not one night stands. Nobody is going to fight and die to nut inside a woman or on a woman, fucking hell instead of rubbing one out, conversely many would take up arms to defend those they love.

3) The purpose of sex is literally procreation. That we developed sophisticated contraceptive techniques that allow for non-procreative sex (=masturbation) to take place is a perversion. We don't need to facilitate that.

There are also some discords around but they, like the /hypno/ board here, the hypnosis subreddits and the hypnosis community on tumblr are all normie-grade.

I advised learning from the normies and then applying what you learn. It's not hard to find out how to use it the way I talked about. Especially on tumblr the normies are really good about telling you how to do it by railing against people who do. They'll give you detailed lists of how "not" to use hypnosis. Just use those lists and go with your intuition.

What ever happened to /cwaep/?

Let's go through your post and do a bit of a shakedown run on your logic.

That's hyperbolic and patently untrue. It could easily be a pro-white propaganda tool and has been in the past. It's currently used as a pro-degeneracy tool but could easily be used to instill the ideal that white is beauty.

Actually you'll find that jews didn't even invent pornography and while they do influence much of modern life pornography is largely a byproduct of that rather than a direct causative factor. Also what exactly do you mean by THIS kind of society? A backasswards Keynesian Corporatocracy?

This is true. However to deny our instincts is to deny our own humanity.

I think you're conflating "strong relationships" with ownership. Nothing wrong with that mind you but a strong relationship would be, at least in my understanding, more like a partnership based in relative equality and mutual benefit.

lol wut? Do you even human history? Please look into how tribal humans maintain genetic diversity.

That is it's primary purpose, yes. However you are either through ignorance or purposeful obfuscation not including sex's secondary role which is to bind together family groups. Humans have sex for fun and bonding rather than solely for procreation (many other mammals do the same, dolphins, apes, and otters come to mind).

See this just further shows your ignorance. If those contraceptives were not created then we would not be able to control our species' growth rate in the coming few centuries. Instead of condemning them we should instead be forcing every last person to be reversibly sterilized. Let the shitskins fuck as much as they want, if they can't pay the fee to breed then they'll decline like crazy and we'll have tons less nigs on the streets in the next few generations. People want to have kids so even poor families will scrape together the funds to pay for having one or two kids, but successful families could easily pay for 3-4 kids. Thus we begin selecting for successful (white) genes.

Call me a fascist but I'd also like to see required yearly bloodtests and tattoo branding of HIV infected people. If you've got a tattoo on your thigh that says you have HIV then no sane person is going to fuck you. HIV is gone inside 3 generations.

fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of

Please then, good sir. Tell me:
Is it better to deny our instincts or to control them?

Is pornography really controlled by "the jews" or is it controlled by businesses who are just in it for profits and do whatever they think will net them the most money?

Capitalism was indeed tried but quickly subsumed by bureaucratic and corporatistic influence because it was not understood nor protected in the ways we now know it should, so what exactly are you trying to say here?

Gang rape is also a human expression of sexuality, not a positive nor wanted one in a civilized culture. Find me a culture anywhere in human history that did not experience gang rapes. But how exactly are you using it to deny my postulation that the previous poster was being either ignorantly or purposefully ignoring that sexuality has more purposes than simple breeding?

A strong relationship is neither common nor even possible for many humans due to the current state of humans, both male and female. There are far too many beta males clamoring for their perfect waifu but on the other side there are far too few females who are actually deserving of equality in a relationship. The previous poster's comment about strong relationships was fundamentally correct and I would concede that my rebuttal was poorly worded.

I can almost guarantee you that these images/captions you make will be used against us by race traitor cucks who superimpose their own captions/images saying something to the effect of "lol she blacked now"

If you were to use porn for memetic content, I think it would be far more effective to make a mockery out of the black cuck porn that's become common lately

Best example I can think of is the "Canadian Cuckold" stuff that was circulating a couple years back


Do you ever read any books like at all? How can you not overcome touching your cock compared to the monumental struggles that it took to get us here? Get off 8pol for awhile dude, go do something instead of lurking here for redpills.

it can, but it depends upon nature of porn, right way to go is to make it porn+love or porn+marriage, keeping negativity away in order to aspire as many young minds as possible, i guess Hentai in japan does it right although they have their own fucked up shit too, Vanilla based simply sexy stories about romance and commitment is most popular however


may you get better fish in ocean user.

Laying of the endorphine from masturbation can be pretty hard, but will power does helps.

And you are sad.

Pull yourself together, faggot. Unless you're a spic too, you were barking up the wrong cactus. Either find a white waifu or go on a martyrdom operation against the traditional enemy. Either way, you can't be chasing Chiquita with your Banana.

Fight fire with fire?


i made these a long time ago for the lulz, I think this meme campaign actually has potential. Mine probably aren't that great for that purpose, though

4th one isn't even a jew



yea I think you're right.. that one ended up in the pile. Really didn't feel like digging very deep for source images

I'm curious if you have any recommendations for books or maybe links that in further depth explain how to achieve the actions you have just previously described.

I am very interested but I have no idea where to start.


With love.

This. That's exactly how 90+% of hispanophone population today are brown mongrels.

Hey, good to hear from someone with practical experience in the field. Basically if it was current feasible and profitable, someone would be doing it already. Maybe you can sneak in some ideas or portrayals of positive sexuality into what already is the bread and butter of the business? Easier said than done, I'm sure.

Maybe find married couples? But yeah, it is a bit difficult to find that particular combo I imagine - a WN who'd also enjoy exhibitionism. You never know though.

I imagine they use all kinds of things to 'sell stuff', regardless of if those things are in themselves good, bad, or neutral.

Certain kinds, certainly. Not all, and some people are basically stuck at low instincts who will not be reached with high-mindedness.

A purpose of it. Sex has multiple uses, not the least of which is pair bonding and recreation among others outside of mere procreation.

An excellent idea that is not only robust against counter-modification but also pretty fun from the looks of it. Plays right into the wheelhouse of Holla Forums too.

That could be fun. Keep working on them and see what you come up with.

You wouldn't know beauty from a donkey's asshole. I think you should stop trying to peddle pornography to us nerds in hopes we jack off instead of stirring shit.

A society where dysfunction is commodified and sold like a drug or a pacifier. You don't fight dysfunction with more dysfunction.

I love how you try to fit in by acknowledging the least commonly agreeable part of my post. You folks do love to fucking virtue signal, don't you.
Sure thing! But to EXPLOIT instincts like a drug is to embrace nonsense and chaos. The instincts that should lead you to PROCREATE are those you would want to exploit for cummies and propaganda. Feel dirty yet?

Not even trying.

Humans also murder, rape, shoot up H, gamble, thieve… Oddly descriptive tone though, almost naturalistic. Say, you wouldn't be a smug hipster trying to subvert internet nazis' opinions, now would you.
Dogs eat their own shit, bonobos are bisexual, mice are cannibals. What are you trying to prove there?

Try monogamy instead: gone in one.

Speaking of which, how's your owner treating you? Are you shilling for grades or money? Are you a woman? Here's a tip for your future: nobody can love a slut, because sexual degeneracy is the polar opposite of beauty. Beauty is the thing that we want to oppose to the ugliness of perversion and indulgence. You don't seem to grasp this however, which is why I wager you're a woman or a poor bastard who's never been loved, no offence meant.

Whenever I see these threads I have to assume they're either made by people who never had sex or people who never had children. I can't figure out which. Ask yourself when was the last time you were in the throes of passion, quaking with orgasm, and thinking to yourself, "Golly gee I sure do hope this results in a baby so that my white partner and I can propagate our race." You can't use porn to get people to want to have children. The sex act and the act of parenting are too separated in most people's minds. At best you'd be killing someone's boner, at worst you'd be associating children with erotica.

Porn has ruined romance and erotica as an art genre, which means much of the Western romance traditions are being erased. An end to cheap and immediately available porn would do a lot of good. For one, I think it would help reduce the general acceptance of perversion. I once had an idea to make porn unwatchable by putting little spooky landmines all over the Internet.

Basically, take legitimate porn movies, edit in one additional screamer like vid related, and then upload it to a bunch of different sites. Host torrents of those sabotaged files. Anyone jerking to something in their dark room alone at night who gets surprised by something like this might actually shit themselves. Have it happen to the same person twice and they'll change their habits.

If you want to make it a racial or degeneracy thing, just only do it with the interracial or shemale vids.

Vid related is a screamer. Do not watch if you are faint of heart. You have been warned.

I would respond to you but somehow I know that you'll just find new ways to accuse me of being a "smug hipster" or a secret jew.

I responded to another smarmy cunt like you above. I can't be bothered to post the link. Just look for it my id code hasn't changed.



porn where they talk about not being on the pill or about having babies exists for a reason

Yeah, too bad for almost all of that porn the subject matter is incest or something else fucked up. The point of including insemination is to enhance the perceived dirtiness of it, the domination of the female. In a sense, the true "conquest" of a woman is only completed when she has been impregnated. So if you want your incest scene to be extra fucked, the son better be impregnating his mom or the burglarizing rapist should be impregnating his victim.

Look, I'm sure there's some kind of niche porn out there of monogamous couples who have sex with intent to procreate. I just can't imagine that's wildly popular. Ultimately, the notion that you can use porn to make people more family oriented just strikes me as inherently flawed.

It's called vanilla doujins (loli, middle-school, usually high-school love interest). I don't know how popular the vanilla genre is at the moment. Due to a lot of subversion, at least the last time I checked, futas/cuck-shit was gaining in popularity. There will always be a stream of vanilla though.
I agree that it doesn't make one family oriented, but it does curb ones pornography. Meaning, having seen a lot of porn/types thereof in my life, if you gave me a choice between crazy fetish X and interesting vanilla story Y, I'd pick Y. It has a sweetness which (when joined with the intoxicated feeling you might get while masturbating as one would in sexual intercourse) would likely result in a shift in tastes towards normalcy. Though, one could still consider all forms of pornography cuckish since it isn't you (then we get into the projecting yourself onto the protag and this brings up the question about cuck stuff because "what if you're projecting as the person cucking someone" etc.).

See I think what you're describing there is the more traditional notion of "erotica" as I've always understood it. In those stories, sex is one part of a larger relationship. In other words, the sex is in a particular context. I don't really have a problem with those kinds of media since to me it just looks like a romance that gets very graphic.

Porn is media where sex is removed from context. Even then, there must be some understanding that satisfying sexual experiences require some kind of context, because they'll still try to include some kind of really thin story in there or interview the girl beforehand. It's like, imagine a scene of gory violence without any context. We call that gore porn. To make it horror, there needs to be a storyline.

Japanese porn shows to a much higher degree a man ejaculating inside of a female vagina.
Western White porn depicts a man ejaculating on a females face, or externally. This is why Asians have a much higher birthrate. Porn produced in the west is produced by Jews.



there are 1.4 billion Chinese. 144 million Russian. Those Asians are fucking like rabbits, and having babies. You're Jew graph means shit to me.

First you said why you can't have impregnation porn (which you are wrong about) and now you are saying it exists but it's fucked up. It's porn, of course it may be in a degenerate context like a gangbang, that doesn't mean people confuse it with children or parenting.

next you'll say rape is about power



How could you cover up census statistics for the entirety of Asia?

China has the land mass equal to the United States. Russia has a land mass nearly 3 times as large. China is not all of Asia. It does not include the Japanese, the Koreans, or any of the South East asian countries. The population of Europe combines if 750 million. Nor did my statement reflect Canada, South America, Africa or the Oceania countries.

you're thinking futa, traps have dfc.

Ok, how could you cover up the census statistics for the entirety of "just" China?

Well, Satan, I used to know a degenerate jew that would rent kid's movies from blockbuster and record hardcore porn over it halfway in. Usually disney movies, and with stuff like dogfucking and fisting and painal.
This was way before becoming redpilled, though. Fucker thought corrupting children was hilarious.

No. We have that going on already, but it isn't as strong as what we have as standard issue truths for everyone, not to mention, porn is a tired platform aiming for the lowest denominator at this point.. Redpill is potent, but the tradfam is not developed well enough.

We must remember, memetics introduce us to symbols and ideas that are mere gateways to a whole way of thinking and actual facts lurking behind the signs. Just as we can't merely focus on girls wearing peasant clothing as "perfect pure waifu" and think about everything in these terms exclusively, same must be said for women being given space and a platform to realize themselves within a movement - it cannot be a role that is defined as submissive, but supportive and even creative; it cannot be seen as relegating women to a certain post, but elevating them socially and emotionally; it cannot be seen as mechanical breeding but emotionally desirable and fulfilling life experience.

Women are cleverer and more attentive than we give them credit, which can only be played upon and utilized if the triad of emotional, social and material well-being is addressed for them. Trad porn and baby pictures are not enough. Women must have something out of it as well, if the drive to tradition is to work, which would make them more receptive to tradition-seeking men. They can make a living and survive by farming out their feminine looks and riding on the equality wave, tradition we offer must outweigh those enough so that they stick with it - we as men seek struggle if we see logic behind it, we must unpack that logic and present it as gains at the end of the road if women are to be our real partners in this.

they have more animal cunning and respond more to social and behavioural cues, quit trying to buy their allegiance and give them consequences they can't avoid or defer

Defending a four foot tall faggot jew with aids whos lifes work is everything we hate? Calling someone under 40 a legend? You must have aids of the brain like he does.

Porn is illegal in China, dude. They had a huge population boom because of their relative population before hitting the industrialization curve. Urban, educated Chinese don't have that many kids anymore.

This had potential but you killed it in the opening post by being a fucking retard and calling it "porn". Images of naked women are not porn. By that logic statues and paintings from hundreds of years ago of naked people are also porn.

Who the hell jerks off while reading a list of values and responsibilities?

hot glue

I understand this. urban, educated Chinese (((the connotation is (((superior))) is a western Jewish infused construct))) remain human no different than the poor and uneducated.

I get it, you're basing your reasoning on the (((Jew))) construct and don't even know it yourself. You don't take into account so many other varying differences in cultures. Asia had classes of courtesans and consorts, prostitutes had elevated social status. America does not/did not, and the west no longer does. Porn is illegal in China and it is called "Yellow Movies" and although it is illegal it is still widely viewed, Facebook is blocked and yet many access it, more so than this the mentality is different, whereas America teen boys have ever since porn went VHS in the 80's have been indoctrinated to ejaculate on a females face or externally to combat teen pregnancy, it's commonly referred to as the "money shot" this conditioning carries over into adulthood, into relationship, into marriage.
Revisiting the point about declining birthrates in Asia this is seen in South Korea, and the US Asian population and it's due to western influence. To deny western influences in population control flies in the very face of the argument you make about Niger having the highest birthrates. Zero western influences in Niger.


That difference between literary erotica and visual porn is basically a difference in audience. over 80% of erotica readers are female, while most porn viewers are male. Females are titillated most by complex context and relationship building accompanying their sex, while males are usually seeking a spectacle and are turned on by certain visual and auditory stimuli in their sex. The market drifts towards appealing to these two groups.

But that being said, I believe both erotica and porn can either promote positive sexuality or its inverse, and most of today's porn industry promotes its inverse. Erotica is perhaps resistant to that because it is more decentralized than porn - thousands of independent authors writing to market, but the market gets primed for things elsewhere and the authors follow trends. In porn the Amateur genre is particularly popular because, I've heard, it is perceived as 'more real'. That's a positive indication for a wider hunger for the real stuff rather than this (((gonzo))) shit.

I agree. Human sexuality is largely a cognitive exercise for both males and females. As such basic topics like impregnation are going to have a wide array of variations. My favorite is impregnation-themes in part because it has so many variations from being rather sweet to being absolutely raunchy. That a certain genre has a wide or narrow kind of range of expression isn't necessarily indicative of it being harmful or positive in itself. That would be determined through other factors in combination with facts like how variable it is.

Sure, I don't disagree with the notion that we would want the betterment of women just as we would like the betterment of men. But in sexuality the trick is to make something desirable for one reason desirable in a sexual sense. It is easy to make something 'forbidden' or 'taboo' desirable because it naturally has some excitement to it - pressing boundaries is fun, especially for women to do it in a way that doesn't backlash on them socially hence why erotica is so popular with them, and the topics therein so very frequently particularly naughty. Exhibitionism is wildly exciting to many women because it carries the risk of social disapproval - fear makes for excellent sexual fuel. So does debauchery. Hence the problem of figuring out what means by which positive, virtuous sexuality can captivate horny minds. Romance is an obvious means that can obviously be used, but accessing the gutter in ways that captivate even otherwise dirty minds towards potentially good ideals is an even more interesting prospect to me at this point. Religions appeal to both the highest and lowest denominators in society - thus our memetics ought to have appeals both for the thoughtful and the thoughtless in general, even beyond the erotic.

Perhaps I used one of the only erotic images I could find that I didn't have to spoiler so I didn't have autists wailing about degeneracy right off the bat. Paperclips and question marks don't attract eyeballs on an image board, and slapping down some outright porn on Holla Forums that isn't 2d waifu material is just in bad taste. I actually agree with you about naked women not being porn by default, just so you know.

Women inherently love this. My wife used to be a stronk indepandant wymon who dint need no man, but I basically dicked it out of her. She's very submissive and gets her rocks off through it. Learn to establish your dominance and 90% of women will revert back to their natural housewife material. Also, avoid non virgins or at least "hookup" sluts, they're lost.

Issho ni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako
BTW, if you ever need to find the sauce for a video, just take a bunch of screenshots and reverse search them.

one thing I see as a common thread in Japanese porn as compared to American porn is the concept of a female saying "No".

In Japan the female says no, no, no over and over again to appear chaste and virtuous initially in the encounter. To be a good girl. This does a number of things. The female is able to maintain her virtue and then be overwhelmed by the sexual encounter, then become a willing participant maintaining her dignity, shame may also be an element afterwards but she can "live with it" because the encounter was pleasurable. Often the encounter is repeated and hence a relationship is formed.

This has been the norm for years everywhere. I remember as a kid woman saying they wanted to be "taken" by a man, by a brute and then get a dreamy look in their eye. There were cartoon years ago of the caveman-brute clubbing a woman over the head and dragging her back to the cave. This was hijacked in the 1970's to depict neanderthal male chauvinist ideals.

In the US the Japanese construct of saying "no" is not even explored, allowed, condoned, and actively deplored by both females, and unwittingly by all men themselves. I hear men say things like "cut off his balls" & "he'll be raped by niggers in jail". And this was once a normal everyday situation, it used to be joked that guys would say to a girl, just let me get the head in, a girl would say ok, only that and the results would be predictable. I myself have got to the point that I do not even like to flirt, make an advance, pursue women because the risk of civil or criminal liability is so great. Not to mention emotionally draining to go through a break-up after having been married or in a relationship longterm.

I was once a young man, but having broke up with a long term girlfriend, learned she was specifically involved with a guy I knew, and she knew I didn't like, and commented "I'll punch that asshole in the face" and then having a restraining order filed against me by said ex-girlfriend due to male female personal power dynamics at play I've said "fuck it" the the whole situation. I've come to feel strongly that the playing field is so imbalanced in America that it's not worth opening up to a female, who is a stranger with an agenda different than my own, wasting limited significant financial resources for an unbinding oral agreement often entered into in male female relationships nowadays.

In America what I see depicted in American porn is rape, violence, degrading behavior, etc towards females if it involves whites. Think James Deen genre videos. One reason I think we see so many white men with asian females is not because this course between white men and asian females in their relationships but it is a very powerful desire for both male and females who are aware of asian american porn.

You may take exception to my viewpoint but years of experience have shown me woman change when they take the dick of another man inside them, men can sleep with several females and it doesn't change them. Woman, it's different ask any guy and he'll tell you, yup she changed after fucking so and so.

just to follow-up. in America a woman saying no means a felony for rape and sexual assault even if she consents and then "changes her mind" or is guilt tripped into it by others. This can happen with hook-ups. Threat a girl like crap a week later and it may be rape in her mind. So many girls loves to wear the victimization badge and so many young men are conditioned to be the white knight in their effort to score pussy themselves.

i think i've cracked the code lads

these girls will pay 10,000 dollars for plastic surgery to have round eyes, you don't think they'd want children to be white and have round eyes. Anime is all about asians having round eyes.

you can't stop memes lad



take care of jews, niggers and sandniggers first. Leave the white skinned Asian hotties out of it for now you Jew fucking faggot

As long as mixed race offspring stay in East Asia it's OK.

take care of the jews first
take care of the niggers at the same time
take care of the sandniggers too

user, pls. My urge to colonize is rising.

Worst Koreans will do that, but Japs won't. Most nips take pride in their heritage.

Fuck I broke my no-fap over this.

If you see porn as a reward, all you need to do is set the behavior you want to promote. You need to use operant conditioning: set the behavior you want to promote first and then reinforce it by making it predict the reward (sex), even better if the behavior you want to promote is contextually relevant to the reward. By simple modelling imitation the target audience learns the desired behavior through repeated exposure to it (and with different background contexts).The problem here is that many Holla Forumsacks think in absolutes, so a "based" porn would be a cringey 1488 shitshow with Hitler speeches on the background. Don't try to convey everything in a single moment in time, that's what lefties do with their memes.
Instead, first learn to operationalize. What behaviors do you want to promote? Purity is not a behavior, fidelity is a construct extrapolated from observable behaviors, a couple that celebrates a single approved action of one of them with a sexual relation is a behavior that anybody can watch and understand. If you start with little modifications you can move the public towards your desired ideals. Porn is not the best option since it has other effects (without going full nofap), but as part of a major effort, it can be a channel to reach otherwise unreachable degenerates at a unconscious level.

Fug, I hate race mixing but love tits so that second picture is confusing to me.


I agree, I don't like gook face but I was just focused a little further down.

Why do I see White cucks who are blond Germanic nerds date Korean women all the time. Fuck off and I hope your women gets impregnated by niggers.

She looks like a light-skinned female version of me.


Eat shit degenerate

Am I the only one who thinks that they're too autistic for any sort of relationship?

Oh, non-consent stories sell like hotcakes in the erotica business. Women can't get enough of them, and it is largely for those reasons you have observed. In a non-consent situation, the woman gets to be the innocent and virtuous girl while the evil man brutally fucks her like a dirty slut. It's exciting to think about, lets them off the hook of being 'bad' while at the same time letting them be 'bad', and many feminists in particular adore that fantasy even as they try to neuter every guy they come across due to (((bad programming))). It must make them miserable.

Also, I've seen a girl who was a virgin going on and on about polyamory and all that bullshit who, upon getting dicked by a fairly average dude who had the balls to do it, turned into a housewife personality almost like a switch being flipped. So I've seen that happen too, and I'm not even that observant.


What kills me is that I think nips can be really fucking cute.

Koreans are the ugliest of the eastern rice-pickers, and the okay ones among them take betas because they have the heaviest amount of kike propaganda per capita. Chinks might be nasty dog eaters, but at least they understand a woman's place. Nips might be socially awkward, work too much, and let women have careers, but that's the end of it. A "woman's career" in NipLand amounts to looking pretty and sounding friendly.

This is accurate, only I have hazel eyes.

1. korean
2. thai
3. chinese
ugly women are ugly, beautiful women are beautiful

I would never fuck anyone that isn't Northern European like me, I just appreciate nice tits. Asians at least have tits that look nice, something like nigger tits on the other hand look fucking disgusting.

why the hell not? It isn't like you're going to have a child with them or anything. If you wanted, you could even help make mexico great again by impregnation random latinas and flying back to the US

nigger porn 4,000,000 years ago


Just personal morals, I would never want some white woman to go sleep with some gooks or niggers just for fun so why would I? Like I said before too, I don't really find Asians or any other kind of race on that matter attractive anyways, I can just appreciate nice tits.

Fucking retards and their degenerate yellow fever on this site. Guess that's what happens when you're fed on anime and hentai

Your double trips confirm this. But I don't find the first or second of those three girls attractive. Different strokes, as they say.

I would rank the rice pickers as such:

To be fair, sex is the natural concession that you would be biologically willing to reproduce with someone. Your body is saying "make babies" but your ideology might be saying "don't".

I have what I call a "colonization fetish". I like to impregnate women from small and or underdeveloped nations and "colonize their womb" with my white seed, and then leave them in their country. If they speak English, I will outright tell them to only speak their native language, or at least one I don't understand, during the act. It turns me on for some reason.

I know, I know, muh dick, but I still intend to take a white wife and have armies of white children. I'm still young, and having a difficult time finding a quality white wife because of my area, work, and school. I fully intend to cut this behavior after I find a good wife. I'm also doing this to build confidence and learn how to properly please a woman sexually, so my future wife will be satisfied.

Well I won't judge you I guess, but I just prefer to practice what I preach. To me it is pointless if I thought no one should mix outside their race if I was doing it on the side.
I understand why people get pulled into the whole yellow fever shit, other races find Europeans attractive more than their own kind a lot of the time so it would be less effort to just grab a chink and go to town.

True, it is easy to grab-n-go, but only in certain areas, actually. American born asians are more likely to be raging degenerates and fuck any white man, and most Asians born and raised in their home country want to keep their bloodlines and culture pure. That's from my experience, anyway. It's actually one of the reasons I like them, because they tend to hold traditional values similar to my own. My last girl, a Vietnamese, told me I think more like an Asian man than an American. Then again, I also didn't tell her my intent was to fuck her and leave, and that I was just stringing her along for the challenge.

I don't hate White/Yellow mixing, because the kids usually turn out alright, despite what r/hapas and asianmasculinity would have you believe. Any other form of mixing I am against, however, because white and yellow genes are both recessive, and so all the kid has to do is pick a side and two or three generations later it'll be like no mixing ever happened. That doesn't happen with niggers. Nigger blood stays for several generations, and is very difficult to "wash out". Plus, I'm restricting my behavior to instances where the resulting child will be in different country.

I think the problem is in that you deny the potential for humanity in those few women we want on account of vast majority being useless dregs - while true, we cannot build a better world if what we present looks like household servitude for all of them - women like window-dressing around this thing, you can't be brazen with it, or they won't accept it, however much they like it, on account of said social appearances.

All human beings respond positively and with better results to encouraging rhetoric and challenges they feel they can overcome. This is like dealing with children and there is serious potential for honesty and fidelity in women, providing you construct it for them and impart them with it from the youngest age. Behavioural cues and social pecking order that you mentioned is a key element of all this, I'm glad you spotted it.
I am well aware that this is a long and drawn-out thing and that current generation of women might not be good for anything more than mere use and disposal, but we ought to have those mechanisms and theories in place, because if woman I marry is no good, what guarantee do I have that the children I expect her to raise will benefit from it?
You cannot simultaneously slag women off but then expect best of results from their work, you must be hands on in educating both your wives and your daughters and sons.

The memetic appeal in both high and low has been already achieved here, what we are trying to figure out is the middle that can take the market and set people looking for truth.
Sexual material at the end of the day is just that - entertainment, but it can have a formative influence on one's views on life if addressed correctly . At the moment it is a fight with degeneracy that fuels itself with loose sexuality and all the thrills that it offers. Trying to build a wholesome sexuality should not be about reinventing the wheel, but accessing and developing those themes that are already present. You mentioned erotica and I think that is a good start, but that would require talented writers that can be subtle about the theme to a point where the motive embeds itself in the reader's mind - it shouldn't be too hard when the idea is enhancing the already existing predilection towards having a family.

Such conditioning requires organized approach, which memetics are unable to deliver. Thier power lies within conceptualized images and messages that punch through the mainstream, what we are struggling with i to transform that said recipe into something that would have power of said conditioning. It probably is a hurdle that can't be overcome, as memetics are only a leading tool for information dispersal, while such conditioning is imparting the subject with desired behaviours regardless of content - the reason memetics are our weapon is because we are in the truth business and that is enough in itself for information-based movement.


👌👌👌👏👏👏*claps*👏 congratulations on the most reddit post of the month 👏*claps* 👏👏👏👌👌👌 💪🏿


(and/or mods)

If both sides promote women as a peace of meat, why on earth would they choose this side? People always choose the path of least resistance. Instead, when they realize we about family, and non degenerates, the choice becomes easy.

Men will choose our side no matter what because we're righteous and commies are filth. The few who choose to sell out for shekels are worse than commies. Mixed who don't fit in on either side are better off staying out of it. The left loathe them as well and will only use them as fodder.

you're kidding me right? wow… I don't know whether to call it jew induced moral-fagdom or what. Whatever virtuous pedestal you wish to fabricate ad then stand upon humans go from being 10-20-30-40 and their viewpoints change along the way.

Porn of white men being white men, with white women being white women, being protected and fucked in Nazi costumes would find a market. An affliate of TeamSkeet for fucks sake produces role playing videos of brothers and sisters fucking, fathers and daughters fucking, and has found a profitable niche market in porn.

You know moralfags like you, 1st off I think your'e females, then I say to myself your'e 55+ females, then I say your'e all that and can't even raise your own kids properly. Most girls don't fuck niggers or spics but people like you are the very reason they do. Make a video where sexy white girls fuck 3 aryan beefcake, strong young guys and she'll be a white waifu for life….. except now that she's done that, to you, and those like you, she's damaged goods, that 15-20-25-30 year old will at some point settle down. It could be as easy as a 20 year old getting knocked up by a 39 year old man…. but I know, that's moral;ly outrageous.

you're nothing of the sort

Jew fucking faggot.

I see no problem with that. It's just shows that your brain is working as normal. Gotta admit though, never thought of it that way.

makes sense, I guess I'm just weak willed. I would never fuck a nigger though, for obvious reasons.

This is everything you need to know about women. Delete your porn, start lifting, fast once or twice a week, and get ready to start raping on DOTR.


stopped right there

This. Halfsie qt3.14 are in great risk in (((Western))) countries.

Pronounced neoteny due to insular dwarfism.

That's only worst koreans. Just like kikes collective accumulation of vices leads to social degeneracy and social degeneracy leads to genetic defects on the collective level.
