Sellout Nye here to step up the MSM memes

Episode 1
Earth Is a Hot Mess
Bill calls out climate change deniers, breaks down the science of global warming and explains how we can make the planet a cooler place to live

Episode 13
Earth's People Problem
Bill and his guests talk about tackling overpopulation by empowering women. Comedian Joanna Hausmann interviews couples about male contraception.

Most of the rest is filler but these two are clear signs who the nye works for.
Once a real scientist showing kids the wonders of basic chemistry, now a good goy for the jew denying real science in favor of political trickery.
netflix link to the "original series"

Other urls found in this thread:“climate-policy-is-redistributing-the-worlds-wealth”/

I don't claim to know the truth w.r.t this, however: they used to say the world would freeze (even now with the possibility of an ever imenent volcanic eruption/ash), then they said the polar ice caps would melt (and neither of the above occurred). So just from the perspective of trust, having been conned twice, who would trust in climate change inherently? In particular, if one looks at a graph of the climate over the course of billions of years, we see that at present we are on any upwards trend in the cycles. Therefore, even if carbon emissions due lead to global warming (which I believe they do as a consequence of energy being released), there is no reliable way to measure/distinguish the natural upward trend contribution from the carbon emission contribution.
That's a laugh. Hopefully the western world wasn't mentioned (whites, 8% of he planet and dwindling and don't shit out kids all the time). How about we just stop funding Africa which has had a reproduction rate of mach 5 since we've funded them? That'll fix that issue. The Chinese also have a problem, but at least they force two kids and, considering how little they value life, a lot of them will die sooner or later. Lastly would be India. They could do to cleanse themselves of those who're not as pure as Aryan can be and continue to shit in the streets. There you go, overpopulation is solved.
Good if only because it doesn't release xenoestrogen into the water. Although having a cunt comedian (women can't be funny) talk about it was probably hell on earth.
ha ha. No.

he had the appearance of a scientist while showing kids cool tricks you can do with vinegar and balloons

Might as well teach rainmaking magic.

so the first one is saying that temps are rising only around ground level, is that what I'm gettingfrom that?

I have a theory that global warming is coming mainly from the massive amount of heat energy our tech and bodies put off. think about it, billions of cars, billions of people, thousands and thousands of ships, jets, etc. shit just people put off tons of heat and average around 98 degrees. cars run at like 500 and their just mobile radiators. same with everything else. we pump heat into the atmosphere at an amazing rate. ever notice that the second you leave city limits it can be like 10 degrees cooler?

You've only got to be older than a teenager and have a reasonable memory to know global warming is dog shit.
The media play it up every summer claiming it's a heat wave because it's going to hit 35 degrees c. If it was 45 I'd agree. 35 was stock standard summer when I was growing up. I think cunts just don't remember.

Bill Queer the Mechanical Engineer was never a scientist. He just played one on TV.


Every climate prediction over the last 50 years, AT LEAST, have been wrong. The fucking nerve of these kikes.

Can this faggot jump headfirst into a volcano already.

When sunlight hits concrete it turns to heat.
When sunlight hits plants it turns to chlorophyl.
mystery solved

you're calling me an idiot but I'm not talking about forest, and middle of downtown. I'm talking, city and suburbia or city and slightly less dense city. there's noticeable changes in temperature, especially if you're driving with windows down so the change happens more quickly.

I'm aware of how photosynthesis works dude and how the laws of thermodynamics might relate to that.

point is, all of our tech, and all people, are literally radiators. you can't tell me that isn't contributing. tell me that and you are violating the laws of thermodynamics.


The climate does change. We are currently in a warm period. Once the warm period is over, then we will begin to slowly move into another ice age. Environmental effects are insignificant compared to the solar energy the sun produces. We cannot prevent another ice age.

put it this way. when I pull into my garage after driving, if i go back out to like do laundry or something the garage can be 80 degrees while outside the garage is maybe 75. that's with the car not running, just the heat retained in the block, exhaust, and transmission. being that my garage is roughly 90 cubic meters and there's roughly 1.2 billions cars running around the planet today. that means that 108 billion cubic meters of air can be heated by all the cars on the planet in an hour assuming they are all running and that roughly 70 degrees is the mean. this is all just off the top of my head, there's a ton of variables that affect that. the heat of an engine will have less of an effect on already hot air, not all those cars are running all the time, not all cars have engines that run as hot as my car's engine, etc. point is, over time, that will heat the atmosphere. there's roughly 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of air in the atmosphere. so 108 cubic kilometers of air can be heated by 10 degrees in an hour by all the cars on the planet. that doesn't account for buildings, power plants, planes, ships, people, fires, electrical tech and production, heat generation in winter around the world, oh and animals all the fucking animals we farm and keep huddled together in warm masses.

point made I think. cars alone, with some real basic math could account for the heating of roughly 2500 cubic kilometers of air by 10 degrees.

every day. what the math on dispersion of the heat or absorption is who fucking knows. there's so many variables at play.

I don't even care if climate change is real. If we don't fix certain more pressing problems soon, there will be nothing worth saving within a few generations. If I have to live in a world where Europe falls to Islam, I welcome climate change. Let them deal with it.

dubs truff!
And yet, the even faker scientist still promotes good ol' fashioned methodical science!

well Climate change IS real but not the way they are trying to sell it out.
They are claiming that it is made by human and try to impose (((taxes))) on industry on the countries they want justified with, like everything they do nowadays… Morality.

I recomend watching this documentary that explains the (((change))) that enviromentalists have made and some other details like how CO2 does not correlate with climate change or anything and other enviromental issues and (((accidents))).

no wonder why this documental has ben banned so much…

The real reason his nose is so big is because it's full of science.

Whoops, meant to post this as the second image.

Watched the whole documental again just to remember some of its points.

Holy shit cant recommend Holla Forums this so much.
Its from the point of murrican libertarian/Constitutionalists talking about enviromental Marxism, how all the carbon taxes are from the (((elite))) and how the rejection of the bible is making us worse they somehow managed to connect that to enviromental issues.

It also mentions the death of the west and how this is all for making people stop reproducing themselves for the sake of "the enviroment". Basically "muh overpopulation" myth.

fucked up the forth line ignore that

I recall there being a project planned to save the world from this freeze, where they would coat the ice caps with black dust in order to absorb more heat from the sun and melt the ice.

You mean the gender fluidity kikess performance didn't tip you off before?

It's like everyone forgot about kikewood's day after tomorrow and an incovienient truth being pure climate change propaganda

Fuck, he's getting old. He look like Bob Odenkirk in a fright wig.

Take it to africa, fag

i want to hug Bob Odenkirk.

He's right about the population problem, but we need to fix it by removing cucks and shitskins from the gene pool.


Ah yes

Those fucking faces he makes. /fringe/ worthy.

It's a kike, they always look fucking evil

i hate bill nye this much

Don't forget about the evil scientist "accent" in his netflix show.


That's a good edit.


That was horrible.
Thanks for the edit.

that's it, show's over Bill, everyone go home.

hah, yeah, it does prove which actually enjoyed what they were doing though.
Now I understand why he had those assistants though, so they could shoot out some banter or do other things while getting the experiments ready. I don't know what drove him to come back, but he moved to Brazil in 2011 and has been reprising it ever since.
Kinda makes me think of Robin Williams in Patch Adams minus the crazy homicidal roommate.

funny thing bout that is according to some of the comments she deserves the emmy over anyone else.
Describes herself as a 'serial monogamist' and is basically a bag of dead fish in the sack. Least degenerate degenerate ever.


beak mensch


yep. Newsweek did an article on it back in 75. >>>/pdfs/5878

pff that's OLD NEWS grandpa. it's the current year; get with the fucking program.

I wonder why he was banished to Brazil. Maybe because he thought mediums for teaching science were meant for science and not politics.

It's current year +2

go back to 48 months ago you time jumping faggot

amazing the differences in the two
Beakspic: holy shit I might be able to do something useful
Nyeberg: Fuck children; it's science.

enjoy this vintage beakman

He's a Jew and wants to kill us all.


His wishes.

Fuck off, kike. The Georgia Guidestones are WHITE and REDPILLED.

Maybe so but they're certainly not redpilled.

holy shit does that look accurate.
Bill Nye
Billy Nye
y Nye
*bat signal sound*

oh great, he's making me want to sneak Shatner on his show so he can be cursed out in Esperanto.

I wouldn't doubt it. With all the remakes pedowood's been putting together since they ran out of steam around 2007, he was probably approached but given undesirable conditions. And, uh, also was a complete shitlord and thought we shouldn't turn 3 year olds into trannies or encourage them to 'turn out' our straight friends.
Even stranger is he got a useless liberal arts degree (Theatre puppetry) but decided to teach kids science instead. It's like they both 180'd here.
It's so corny as shit, but the bizarre innocence of his live shows is in such stark contrast to the endless poz spree of the US (or Brazil for that matter, I mean frickin' Rio!) that I can't help getting all WAFF-y about it.
It's like "daaamn. I remember when the world seemed like that… Before I took my first redpill… "

feels replaced by fright

heh, reminds me a lot of Jim Varney's old skits. Not the Ernest ones but the ones where he's playing his goofy 'nam dad.

Would anyone like to remember this crime against western animation humanity logic decency?

ice cream is fucking filthy

Pretty sure "diversity" is in the original 'don't allow your breeding pool to become so small and insular that inbreeding becomes an issue' sense.

There's natural climate change, and the make-believe garbage shills claim happens so they can shuffle all the "goyim" into cramped cities with only public transport and walking while der juden get the entire rest of the nation to themselves.

Only exists due to the niggers that would have died in africa if they weren't given gibs and exported to other nations.

No contraception is good, it's all degenerate.

Wow you're right shekelberg, we should just nuke everything and kill everyone so we stop making a minuscule, insignificant change in the planet's temperature!

Leave your semitic desert religion out of this.


Shut up Smiley.

someone really ought to redub that and give vanilla a female voice while making chocolate and mint sound more manly.

What is the general consensus around here on natural resource scarcity?
Suppose climate change is a hoax. Do you guys think some measure of environmental protection should be taken in order to ensure the sustainability of natural resources? I'm particularly interested in the degradation of soil for crop growth.
And what about the non-renewable resources, like metals and fuels?

the nose knows

You know there's this amazing new technique they came up with for that, it's called crop rotation.

The only soil they're trying to degrade are the ones you plow.

Our environment absolutely needs to be taken care of, just like you would take care of your room by keeping it clean, or your car by doing maintenance on it - the environment should be viewed the same way in that we need to constantly work to keep it as optimal as possible for the health of ourselves and the vitality of our offspring.
As for soil degradation it is true that our soils are not right now putting as many minerals into the crops as they used to and a lot of this probably comes down to the stopping of manure usage and issues with pesticides killing microorganisms at the roots of the plants that synthesize beneficial things.
I'm not sure what the solution looks like but we definitely could be doing more to take care of the health of our environment and ourselves as well. And the healthier a population is, the more conservation and independent (right leaning) they are politically. So maybe there is a reason that things aren't really being done in that regard. Hopefully with Trump things can change.
On an unrelated note I noticed that my tap water has been smelling much better since Trump took office. It used to smell like a swimming pool straight out of the faucet but now it just smells like clean water. Probably not linked but who knows.

*the more conservative and independent

Who's next?

i knew it

I like the plot to that one especially.
So tolerant and progressive! All it's missing is the vanilla watch the black cone be in a double scoop with his vanilla girlfriend.

When I visited Germany for an exchange program I had to sit through some classes and for ENGLISH CLASS they watched The Day After Tomorrow, and this was at least 7 years ago.

I'm just going to leave this here

The sheer autism of this guy can give us energy for the next 300 years.

The best part is that all the normalfags I know are upset because it portrays gays as a collection of sexual deviants and freaks. They are woefully ignorant that THIS IS AN ACCURATE PORTRAYAL OF THEIR BEHAVIOR AND WHAT THEY WANT SOCIETY TO LOOK LIKE.

To everyone who is somehow on the fence about "climate change."

To everyone who still doesn't get the point of this.

Even if every word Globalists told you about what is happening to your planet was true, that does not change the fact that the solution would be to cut all gibs to Africa and totally embargo China and India until they collapse and stop polluting the planet.

Instead, they tell you that pollution is a problem and the world is overpopulated, and that the solution is for you to give more power and authority to the extra-national corporate entities that are doing the polluting, and to allow your people, an extreme minority globally, to go extinct.

Even if every single narrative of theirs was correct, pushing Feminism and diversity and radical left wing eco-policy in western countries would not change anything.

This is not about saving the planet. It's about making white people go extinct. Climate change is just one of the weapons Jews and their Globalist shabbos goyim use to push for that end.

==Also Nye was never a real scientist.=

Reminder that global warming is not happening and has never been happening and that the kikes admit to it.“climate-policy-is-redistributing-the-worlds-wealth”/

At least those filthy kikes never corrupted Mr Rogers.

You dun goofed

By ceding this truth you are making sure there are no other alternatives other than the liberal poz version, instead of simpler right wing friendly climate change legislation you're going to get climate change in the form of losing sovereignty to some giant trade deal or the UN.

Climate does change, its natural, but this agenda is to enslave us further and strip down our cultures and freedoms and sovereignty under global jewish tyranny.

Weening is best achieved when the teat is soured.

Bill Nye loves blowing guys
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
(Black dick is the best)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
(Flavor is a property of cocks)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill Nye loves blowing guys

Bill was never a scientist.
He has a single BS in Engineering. If that's enough to make you a scientist, then 2chainz is also a scientist as he has a few degrees in biology.

(((Shill Nye)))'s no science guy
Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill Shill

The globalist agenda uses whatever it can, and climate change is a tool it can used.

The planet is warming due to human pollution, globalists want to "solve" this issue by further enslaving you, this doesn't negate human caused global warming.

When the bread baskets of the world start turning into dust bowls, people will turn to globalism, all because you did nothing, you chose to ignore it.

What does that even mean?

Nigger what kind of false consensus bullshit is this? Flat Earth is fucking retarded and the only people to my knowledge who unironically push it are Sinead and the rest of the cunts at Renegade. Fuck off.

Notice how people are trying to re-write history by asserting a false consensus.

And you know what? Looking at Holla Forums, that shit actually works. Newfags fall for these kinds of memes constantly.

A masonic kike came with the retarded idea that the earth is a ball.

Either shill or retarded. The Earth being a "ball" has been known since at least Aristotle.

best response i have seen to this tbh:


this 1000x

He is completely wrong, even when not attempting to reproduce(because you've already had the children you can afford to provide for) you should still have sex with your wife because it helps keep the two of you close.

Really makes you think

The only good thing to come out of it is OC.

heat island effect

That's because concrete and other materials a city is made out of absorb a ton of heat that natural land doesn't.

it's like the dumbass normalfags who kept making harry potter comparisons to trump, they're so basic

c-c-c-chekkin out those sweet dubs grrrlfrend!

Make more memes. Dig Nye's dirt! Find every scandal you can about him and blow it up. ALWAYS call him a pedophile!

What the fuck USA? Is this the kind of shit they dump on you on TV? That's the kind of brainwashing I imagine they use in North Korea.

oh, it gets worse, believe me! http://
Even normie groids are starting to get jostled by the intensity of this push.
"Ay…ayyy hol' up…" *lipsmack* "Sump'n ain rite wit dat lady on muh teevee…"

That shows you how poorly informed the Bill Nye crowd is.


Just wanted to say for the record, that shitstain of a show was canceled after less than a year

Losing sovereignty to the (((UN))) comes in part through the shitty trade deals enforced by the (((WTO))). If the masses refuse to mobilize against these systems while the possibility for a peaceful victory exists, they will be abused by the various mechanisms of the UN and much suffering and death will be the penalty for their inaction. In the end the all supranational councils must be eliminated. History shows us that in the end, bitter experience will be the teacher.

Hello Shlomo
Doing the good ol' "associate knowing x thing is not real with flat earthism" trick again?
Climate change is not human caused.

Why is that documentary painting immigration from Europe and Asia as a beneficial thing?

Aristotle's space program must have been super secret.

Next time just show a clip of the show instead of a WE WUZ Hebrews niggerite commentary

We could turn Jupiter into a second sun.

It was made by normies back in the days of political correctness.

Climate Change is a Hoax

And here's why: H2O (water vapor / steam) is the #1 greenhouse gas.

We are doing weather manipulation to create cloud cover and boost storms via enormous coordinated steam releases (embed related) as well as various types of cloud seeding:

Beijing Weather Modification Office…
…used Weather Modification to prevent rain for the Olympics:

There are Weather Modification Agencies all over the world.

Not a single stupid "Climate Change" study mentions the geoengineering we've been doing for over a century. For fuck's sake, we were spraying silver iodide from towers on hilltops to make rain decades before airplanes were reliable. If they don't even mention, let alone try to factor out, the legitimate man made changes we have been doing to weather, costing us trillions of public funds world wide, then the study of recent changes to climate is bogus.

There's no way to get around it:
The weather hasn't been natural before since your grandparents were born. We can't ignore a century of deliberate changes, and try to blame our changes on car exhaust. Besides, climate modification is making the weather nicer. It should! It's that's what we're paying for!

Iron Fertilization is a process whereby we dump rust into the ocean to "sequester" CO2.
Really, we change sea currents and cause algae blooms / jellyfish swarms that fuck up fishing. Suddenly "Climate Change Scientists" are crying about how giant toxic algae blooms are a sign of "Climate Change". Get it? It's a hoax because "Climate Change" is cover for Geoengineering.

Initially we wanted to guilt the populace into funding geoengineering with a CO2 tax, blaming weather changes on their cars and "carbon footprint". (((Globalists))) then wanted to hijack those funds to suppress 1st world nations, level the economic playing field, kill whitie, and fund the NWO. Also, people would sue if they could point to a direct cause for a flood that destroyed someone's home, even though floods are sometimes made to quickly refill aquifers. Eco Terrorists would go nuts if they really knew what's going on. CO2 alarmism is stupid, but geoengineering is a serious issue. You can't fight an enemy you are not aware of.

China has been engaged in a soft propaganda campaign to put more Chinese culture on TV, and part of that is flaunting Rocket Based weather modification on the Nat Geo channel.

Russia is getting pissed and saying we should include geoengineering in the discussions on climate.

Even a few USA officials are starting to say, "We might have to fight Global Warming by using some Geoengineering".

The two real sides of the debate are whether or not we should be publicly acknowledging geoengineering to collect public funds openly, and come up with even more planned weather.

China and Russia and others want to do so publicly so that we can get standards and oversight. The NWO and US deepstate wants geoengineering kept secret, so they can continue to pump whatever shit they want into the air and oceans with impunity of "national security" interests.

Rain and Temperature are the primary stats for classification of climates. We can and have significantly changed the rainfall in some regions. We have thus changed the region's climate.

TL;DR: Man has changed the climate through weather manipulation, not CO2. Climate Change is a Hoax. Ignore climate fear porn, we have the technology to control the climate.

P.S. Trump called off California's man made drought as soon as he got into office, and ordered them up some rain…


Is no one going to mention that this guy has 75 posts talking to himself ? Along with responding to him self with different opinions.

Is noone gonna tell you that 8ch has been fucked for several days now and assigns the same IP to multiple people?
Because if someone doesn't, you look like a faggot that doesn't lurk enough and crossposts on reddit and half/pol/

You know you're dealing with a religious (or in the instant case, ersazt religious) fanatic when he calls you a "denier".

No need to be a giant faggot about it, I had not noticed this problem in any other threads

Why did he get the most redpilled rapper besides moonman on board for this tho