AnTiFa commits Arson, ATF offering 10k reward
ATF Fire at Point Breeze development was act of arson $10,000 reward offered for information leading to arrest and conviction

Jack Posobiec on Twitter has posted several dozen images of AnTiFa flyers that are all over that area. I'll post some of them in the replies. Fucking Christ anons these are literally domestic terrorists who are shemale beta cuck faggots. This blows my mind at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:

As promised flyers plus some tweets

Few more images

One more image of a flyer right outside the burned down area literally wow

Calling it. False flag.

That fucking poster.
Diversity! Great!
Gentrification! Bad!
It was probably some nigger who got riled up by these Antifa fucks, and burnt shit down.

That's a lot of chicken tendies.

False flags can typically spell properly.

While I do love seeing that manlet kike Feibush get it stuck to him, this shit will go badly. That entire area is already a powder keg because of the young niggers.

More like

If we as a collective find them, do we get tribute?

Burn one of their roach albergue with them in to proof the point of RWSS

If displacing brown/ black people by putting up coffee shops is "colonialism" then these fucks should extent the same courtesy to us when talking about white genocide.

the fuck is wrong with this thread? obligatory:


methinks it's time for some RWSS work.

Guaranteed there's a "private" facebook group for faggots in that area. Guaranteed it has a copy of that flyer.

these faggots seem pretty damn active. they've also got a dox list of area "nazis" and recently got a guy fired apparently who was stupid enough to mix identifying info with his meme accounts.

Are you saying it's going to be a white male trump supporter or something?
Like a false false flag?

we're getting shilled by retards user, if you see some stupid shit don't bother responding. there's no reason for this to be a false flag.

btw philly antifa has ties to an organization that goes by TORCH I shit you not.

Ever hear of a little fire called the Reichstag?

no I was just wondering what the fuck user was even talking about

bumping this thread cause gettin slid


This thread needs more attention. Tying ANTIFA to this declares them a terrorist organization.
Philly AnTiFa:

TORCH AnTiFa group:

Keep digging

Excellent. The deep-blue cities need to burn.

These two pieces of anfag trash got cornered while rioting.

I thought Macbooks had spell checker? Or do they mean that he's prickly?

we need to smash back doors in
we gay, it makes us angry inside

Jesus Christ.

Here you go with that boot licking bullshit. Get fucked faggots. This is what the real death squads looks like. This is what the real day of the rope looks like. You are all talk and no action.

Just remember that when the right had its back to the wall you made memes and posted on 4/Holla Forums. When the left has its back to the wall they bomb, shoot, bash and terrorize their political enemies. The left are the real alphas and the real death squads.

There is no way that even if you win that you will ever live down the fact that you are all fucking talk.
If I knew just how passive and cowardly the right really was I would have been a Stalinist since the beginning. I regret ever being a part of you. The party of masculinity and strength gets beat up by "cucks" and "numales" every single fucking day.

Is this really the response you have against an arson attack? A basic little point every conservative on Facebook repeats every time the issue of gentrification comes up? Fucking pathetic man.


That's France you retard.

Holla Forums works with the cops

But you retards lost to /ourguys/ and then

This is why you failures never really get anywhere. It's just mindless leftist terrorism same as always no real strategy or goals and sewn under ninety designer denim layers of irony.

France is fucked regardless tbh

Wow one city in redneck state "lost" to a bunch of so-called conservatives that work with the cops. Really fucking impressive. Tell this to the 6 cops that got burned down in France.

Fucking Austin is the San Francisco of Texas. Hardly a fucking redneck area.

Right-wing politicians in Europe can't speak or show their faces in public without getting bashed, beaten or shut down.
aka real masculine barbarism. The kind of barbarism the right has been asking for for decades. Your reaction to it shows your true cowardly self. Also you don't understand the point of violence. All violence no matter how petty is demoralizing to the enemy. This is why leftists say things like kill your right-wing neighbors dog or whatever. Or why cartels do the most brutal shit imaginable. It scares the opposition. It teaches the opposition the consequences of speaking and acting. You and every other passive bitch have just internalized decades of institutionalized leftist violence and that's why you are passive. Violence is the beginning of all political action.


Wow 7a0aee is really upset.

Redneck state, nigger. Learn to read. Also so much for all that talk about leftists getting fucked up in red states. And don't give me this shit about muh cities. You're telling me there's some Übermensch masculine alpha right-wing death squad ex-military operators in red states but they're not willing to travel to a neighboring city to murder the opposition that is literally murdering them? Get the fuck out of here.

Paid by the post.

A manlet punching a girl is the greatest act of political violence the right has had. I wonder when antifa will burn little Damigos house down.


we like civilization here you flaming faggot.

also when are you faggots going to give us justification to just shoot you? you talk tough but the reality we all know about is that you step over the line and we'll kill you on sight with no regrets. you know this, it's why you tread very carefully.

you ain't hard NIGGER, you're a dog. you step out to the point we can do what needs to be done with moral superiority and you'll be dead faster than you can say WE WUZ.

Yeah you know because strung out dope addicts being pushed out is a bad thing. Well they are being pushed out into Lower Bucks County and ruining those neighborhoods. Time to rid ourselves of this Soros scum. Soros is actively flyering North Philadelphia, as of the last 3 months.

No you don't. You like PTA meeting, soccer mom politics. You like democracy and a nigger who will fuck your daughter but marry her later. You like licking cop boots and "designated protest areas".
How the FUCK is getting bitch slapped at every gathering getting blocked from speaking and organizing not justification enough? The existence of communists anywhere is justification to fucking kill them mercilessly.
Where is the line? It seems to move everyday and everyday you don't do shit.
What the fuck does that mean? Do you mean you want to get a permit from da police to shoot commies?

Well yes, because Northern Liberties is basically a cuck Mecca for liberal suburban white kids. Nothing of value was lost.

God twitter is cancer, glory to all you who can go on there consistently and shill.

a fire in Philadelphia is like a tornado in Kansas. honestly surprised anyone of them cares.



but it happens to everyone, not just niggers and spics.

antifa bringing up old shit like it's relevant today. look how the two sides act right now. you can't reconcile what you say with how you act and the conflict is increasingly getting internalized and turning you inside out. eventually you will mow down a bunch of people at a "protest" and we will have our beer hall putsch. you will see what we have been preparing, you will see white people chimp out, you will come to know what violence and cruelty and depravity the white man is capable of.

FUCKING. DO IT. FAGGOTS. make it so we can kill you without society caring. just like how people stopped caring about people driving over blm protesters.


Who do you think you're fooling? Facebook cuckservatives love niggers. Filtered for blatant bait.

but of course user, bolshevism dictates that you revolt and then hand over power to a foreign group of elite globalists and then let them kill everyone you know.

im not a big fan of yuppies either tbh fam

The neighborhood where this happened is where all the junkies in Philadelphia buy heroin.

what a waste of a perfectly good white woman

She's probably an addict who was either raped or abandoned by her father.

should drive prices down further, ruining the initial investment, theyd have to turnover those shitty 4000 a month chipboard horrors even quicker

Avoid all white women from Philadelphia and surrounding counties, including new Jersey. the culture is completely cucked and disease ridden, drug infested.

This is what we call a Fed Post.

I'll just drop this here. Rate of HIV infection in Philadelphia for 2016.

One side is men actually acting the other side is pussies in an imageboard talking shit.
This is how the right acts today. You are a death cult.
You really need some societal validation for resistance and action. You're a child looking for approval.

lol no you aren't. Now get back in the cuckshed before Bernie gives you a stern lecture about being outside while white.

Antifa post what they're going to do on FB and twitter and they don't give a fuck if a cop sees it. Right-niggers shit their pants whenever someone mentions violence.

One side burns cops and homes down. The other side makes memes. Who has a better claim at being a bad ass, be honest.

The side that killed you faggots in Spain, Chile, Germany, Japan…

All of those except Japan are leftist controlled

you are woefully ignorant of history and political theory. you're also completely incapable of presenting an argument that isn't a fallacy.

muh logical fallacies

The anfag vermin are scared.

yes, logical fallacies aren't an argument. use them and you lose. I win.

This nigga once second ago
Now he's talking about logical fallacies and people being "ignorant of history"

they're having a collective mental breakdown. the great thing is that studies show that mental instability is contagious. this will create zombies, and then we get to put them down.

thank you for finally agreeing that you're full of shit nigger.

also thats not a fallacy you uneducated chimp.

you're incoherent
what are you advocating for exactly?

Birthplace of Liberty is now a cesspool. A slap in the face by those who hate America.
Picture: typical white trash Philly junky mother. This is what antifa is defending.

What you are witnessing is an actual justified response to being disempowered. They're doing what the right should have done 10 years ago when Obama took power. But the right isn't what it seems or what you say it is. You're just a bunch of soccer moms with no fight.

You're a fucking retard

you know that if you post screencaps of this thread on your facebook to virtue-signal by showing you were a moron on a fash board, we will dox you, right?

Right-nigger defending "liberty". How is junkeys doing drugs without consequence not liberty?
What are you going to do about it?

kek. you'll have your lying mouth stuffed.

ad hom still isn't an argument.

oh yeah and what are you going to do with those dox? have any of you done anything at all with them? You know the point of dox is to get people fired and commit violent acts against them right? You can't and won't do either.

By who? Not you you soccer mom bitch.

I dare you to give me legal justification, sheboon.

you are a nigger cock sleeve right? the tone and the way you type tells me you're a sheboon. I'm guessing we can find you in association to people recently arrested at protests. I'm thinking portland.

It was suggested in another thread that we should use /thelist/ as a dedicated antifa intel gathering board. Thoughts?


no, we never asked that, we all know why antifa is defending white trash working class drug addicts
you defend it because you're filthy degenerates

lol, we won't tell you if we will do anything, we will just make the world better
the leftist manipulation is so unnatural and abhorrent to normal people that a tiny number of the leaders being silently disappeared is enough to leave the rest headless, we don't need to yell our own advertising about our victories

This is a frustrated Fed that misses the good ol days.

Like I said, a waste or a perfectly good white woman.

Replying to myself, i know, but I found more relevant information about the drug problem in said neighborhoods and the true motivations behind the left and antifa actions there.

kek, literally coming from tumblr. have a gift

lol you were checkmated before this game ever started.


Just start killing them.

yeah, we follow laws because we like civilization you filthy anarchist. when we can't beat the shit out of you we just get you arrested. pol is a board of peace and safety after all. know that the second you step out of that safe area where we will just get you fired/arrested, well you already know. its why you don't escalate. your real anger comes from the fact that you can't do anything because you know you're in the wrong and we use that.

I didn't win cause gore, I won cause you have no argument. the gore is just fun and tends to plant little cracks in the brains of snowflakes

When our side even mustered a fraction of our desire to put you in your place we sent you running at berkeley. You're delusional if you think our full effort and attention wouldn't result in every last one of your kind being tortured and killed.

What am I going to do about it? anything I can, considering I have to live in this cesspool for the time being. Tired of watching the left destroy my neighborhood, on behalf of some globalist scumbag movement, orchestrated by a Hungarian half dead prune named Soros.

no, in fact, when thinking about it, you're sorta close to winning because you almost succesfully derailed the thread from doxxing the antifa arsonists
you're probably someone paid by the jews behind philly antifa

let's b& this shit and get back to work, gents

derailing never works. the thread becomes a warzone where we have fun while the people that are going to work on it are working on it anyways. this isn't a library where you can actually disrupt people working. it's a fucking IB. the people working are working, I literally just came here to shitpost with shills and fuck with them.


you would pick a political faction based on the power that they exert even if theyre in the wrong?

Some of of don't even jump in until it's time to play Whack-A-Shill.

You guys really need to stop mistaking restraint for weakness.

t. Inna militia and show up at antifa protests as greyman

No, that's called being a little bitch hiding behind eveything that conforms to your view of power. It's a weakness, you change sides because you feel threatened.
Also, what's up with using french anarchist and communist protests ? You know what they achieve ? Fucking nothing. These worthless pieces of shit only alienate the public views by injuring cops and random people, destroying public and private property knowing the government will not do anything by either prosecuting harshly the attackers nor shutting down their group. You're just a little kid, who thinks getting behind what he perceives to be the strong horse will reassure himself will finally make him strong. Also enjoy making out with your AIDS fiddled faggots and niggers/insertotherminorities.
It's obvious you and your little POZ band-waggon are the same faggots who started these shitty bait threads, same phrasing and attitudes.

This tbqh


This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're either a commie or FBI. I'm beginning to think that your types are literally unable to comprehend the average conservative. Commies don't understand that we LIKE the Constitution and want to keep it. You're itching for a shooting war and to just throw your life away, because it's not like you're going to make anything of yourself.

Now is not the time to throw your life away. It's called being gainfully employed and having a future.

So, what does you do? Work harder. Start stocking up on food and necessities. Maybe go shoot more on the weekends, do some run and gun stuff. Or not. Maybe you just have a cooler of beer and a deer rifle to sit on your porch.

But, you've got four boxes, to be used in the defense of liberty.

commies sure attract desperate looking wierdos

Niggers, jews, commies all think restraint is weakness.

It's a jew, don't act surprised.

Is there just one guy who keeps spelling it like this? Why is that T capitalized when it's just a portmanteau of "anti" and "fascist"?

Is this the thread that got them asshurt enough to spam? We should probably find this unsafe firebug.

what timeline am I in? Are there no innocent women or children to kill?

This is a possibility, considering how much antifa propaganda was sprinkled around the site. However, Antifa is extremely arrogant, and many of them are complete idiots. I think I'm leaning towards Antifa doing this, but you're right about there being a substantial chance of it being a false flag.

They ran our of puppers to kill

Motherfucker looks like Stu Pickles from rugrats.

looks more the bastard child of Kramer and Adam Sandler to me.

You weren't joking. Can we get dog on this bounty? I'd watch TV again if he was catching and giving patronizing talks to antifa.

Wasn't Stu a jew?
as if the nose didn't give it away

"yo, deeze whytes be raycis an shieet fo nut investin in owa kahmewnities"
"yo, deeze whytes be raycis an shieet fo replacan owa kulchya wit dis x-pen-sife shiet"

no, that's the mom.


maybe it's a mistery-meat someone who doesn't know what the word means and who pronounces it "Ann-Teee-Faaaah" like he was in a lib-college rap band doing a jewtube video?

I guess that with the news coverage we have these days, there will be a few enriching personalities named with creative spelling variations of "Antifah" in primary schools in the years to come


Kys, faggot

We should take this opportunity to push for them to be classified as a terrorist organization.


This isn't a nigger flop house. This is some rich asshole's 750k-pop townhome row in a hot area of a hot city.

Many Antifa leaders are on soros payroll

this is misleading: besides strawberry mansion, a lot of the HIV is in rich healthcare zones of center city and graduate hospital

It was antifa that done it! Where's my reward Mr. ATF?

As a frequent NPR listener, I have my reasons, I hear a lot about this gentrification shit. How white people moving into minority neighborhoods is the worst, most horrible thing that they could do. I don't agree, but I could at least understand their arguments, flawed as they are. Property values go up, and since brown people don't ever own anything and only rent, they don't benefit from the increasing values, but do suffer from increasing rents. The surreal thing for me is, I'm *just* old enough to remember when the big cardinal sin of white people was "white flight", where they were all *leaving* these neighborhoods for the suburbs.

It's really a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario. They hate when white people move out, they hate when white people movie in. It's almost like they just hate white people or something.

What timeline is this

The average conservative wants a nigger to fuck his daughter but marry her in the end and get a job.
Kill yourself cuckservative
Ok dad

This really is the best timeline.

you reckon if we push this enough, we might be able to get them labeled as a terrorist group? They've already caused enough damage to warrant.

Niggah, I'm buying a yacht. I ain't throwing my life away over some faggot antifa. You gotta wait a while.

Also, hang around actual conservatives. Preferably other vets. Also, constitutional conservatism is bad now?

problem is they likely have infiltrated government and corporate agencies (much like the Scientologists did) not to mention the education system is rotten with Communists and Antifa sympathizers. (most lib-tards and feminists).

"actual conservatives" crossdress and hangout at bars in the weekends
Also, constitutional conservatism is bad now?
Yes you Liberal faggot. Go cum on your constitution.

If white people do anything but directly put money into minorities' pockets, it is doubleplus ungood. And even when we do, the amount is never enough.


They were going to do something like this sooner or later.

What are they smashing?

A communist group burned the Reichstag; holy fuck, you're new.

Can someone post a cap of the discussion earlier in the thread before the responses were deleted?

I just said that the left has the real death squads and the right are a bunch of pussies that only talk. Can you believe the mods banned me for this?

Does it have immediate mass media coverage? If not, then no. CNN is NOT going to talk about communist agitators tearing shit up.

kill yourself my man

You must live in the cities to be this retarded.

Do not mistake restraint for weakness


10 years of ZOGwars for Israel, 10 years of Obama and now probably 10 years of antifa beating the shit out of you at every Trump rally is a lot of restraint.

Yeah, just like Berkeley and those Austin faggots.

You can think of two times out of dozens that you have "won".

Yeah, there were two other times. One where antifa retreated as Trump supporters pushed them back (it happened in a building). Then there's the beach one where you twigs got trounced. All of these are more recent. The first Berkeley riot opened a can of worms for you effeminate aberrations.

May day in the US alone had more cases of the left winning than every time you have "won" in the last year combined.


"you're not working with the FBI are you?"

omg is she ok???

And were they in conflict with "Trump supporters"? No, they weren't I'm specifically referring to confrontations between the right and the left and every single time the left has cowered like the little bitches they are. And the only reason why those ants are still living is because the police showed restraint on some jobless, urbanite universitary fags.

45 years old, unbelievable. Nothing makes me reeee like seeing guys in their late 30s/40s participating in commie riots. 20 year olds, I get it. I'm not excusing it, but I understand how someone that young is radicalized into doing dumb shit. But to be smashing storefronts in middle age is one of the most pathetic things imaginable.

The worst part is that they're clearly not supporting a family, so when they get old they'll enter a public care facility and rely on the state to take care of them. Congress should pass a law that anyone over 25 with a conviction for rioting is barred from state-run nursing homes. Let them die on the street and experience real anarchy.

Exactly. Where were these so called conservatives and patriots that don't consider communists human so its ok to kill them? Watching football or whatever the fuck. And there's nothing NOTHING more brave than fighting against the police, the state, the very thing that you're supposed to fight against. The BLM nigger that shot those cops did more for blacks and showed more passion for his people than the entire WN circus did for white people in it at least a decade.

Can we just suggest to these people to get their own country were there are no white, then they won't have to deal with white building shit like nice houses and working plumbing in their hood.

WEW. As much as I dislike the faggot, he still did something. Moreover, the reason why there weren't any there was because they (we) have jobs and can't go on escapades funded by George Soros, and, in terms of Holla Forums, we live in different states//countries. But keep pushing, because the more you do, the sooner the powder keg will blow and the day you're eviscerated like the worthless communist you are.

Faggy logic like this is pure ZOGstate, Liberal brainwashing ideology. This nigger really acting like he's someones dad. Infantilizing people because of their political beliefs.

Let me tell you in a way you can understand. These people believe in "black genocide". They (rightfully) believe that by any means necessary you should resist "black genocide". This is their struggle. Now tell me how would you feel if you're in your 40s and someone tells you you're too old to fight against white genocide. That would be fucking stupid right?


This is every right-niggers excuse.
"I hate communists and would make a river of their blood on the concrete for America freedom and fighting white genocide"
"but only after my shift is over"
Will this be before or after your PTA meeting? Make sure to pick up the kids from soccer practice afterwards Ok.

So your a squatter posting off McDonalds wifi.

This is exactly it. ID: 77513e and 9ebc66 are easily FED agent trying to goad a right-wing attack so that public perception will shift back to the left. Not going to happen. Keep digging your own grave.

Burning houses down is THE response to genocide and colonization. And this is just a fucking block in one shitty little city.

White leftists do more to fight "black genocide" than WNs do to fight white genocide.

Put the handbags away you fucking faggots

“We can never win with open adherence to National Socialism and the Swastika,” these gentlemen explain feebly. “The Jews have taught people to hate them too much,” they add. “If we use the Swastika and praise Hitler too openly, they will throw us in prison or kill us!” And did they not throw ALL makers of revolutions, including the Jew makers of the Red revolution, in jail – and even kill some of them? Are we National Socialists to be more fearful and cowardly than a gang of Jews? The very persecution and bloodshed such irresolute characters seek to avoid is the *sine qua non* of our victory!

These are not empty words. I have personally proved their truth here in America, the power center of world Jewry, by being beaten, by going to jail and the insane asylum, losing my dear family, and living like an animal. Twelve days from today, as I write this, I face jail again. These things are unpleasant and even heartbreaking – but they MUST BE!

I have risen in two years to a commanding position in the worldwide fight for the White man, starting as a penniless, unknown and unaided single individual like millions upon millions of others – simply and solely because I have gratefully and lovingly used the precious names and symbols which have been bathed and soaked in such oceans of blood and tears – the Swastika and the name of the Leader, Adolf Hitler."

Guess who said this.

In a black neighborhood? Brothers.

The ethos of the 1950s is not that of 2010s, so Rockwell's style is not as applicable. Regardless, I'm waiting for you ants to blow the powder keg as that is when the fight truly begins. You can have your imaginary victory of May Day. But, as I said before, keep digging your own grave.


Garbagemen are agents of the establishment, who get paid for acting as informants. They'll root through your trash and probably even plant evidence in there too.

We need some right wing garbagemen on our side to spy on their clubhouses.

Of course you are. That's all you do is wait. The day of the rope gets delayed a year every other day


Well, Hitler did nothing wrong. Commies wanted to shut down the elections and bring anarchy Russia style to prevent the people from electing Hitler.

Antifa are useful idiots. To their puppet-masters it's a feature not a problem, but that comes along with problems in and of it's own, that may be unbeknownst to them.

Antifa can't unable to tell because they're shallow enough to actually believe their manufactured ideology is entirely organic instead of self-serving.

That's all I needed to hear.
Let it all burn

Top Kek
Reminder that the three arrows represent opposition to Monarchy, NatSoc AND COMMUNISM.

Why are commies so fucking stupid?

That's all I needed to hear.
Let it all burn

It's also important to note that Iron Front failed in their mission to stop Nazism from taking over the Weimar Republic, they also only existed for two fucking years.
Why take the logo from such a failed group?

What's the actual evidence one way or another if the Reichstag fire was done by the gommunists or by the NSDAP as a false flag?

I don't actually give a fuck either way. Politics is dirty and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette Our leaders do it all the time (basically every casus belli we've had over the past 100+ years has either been a false flag or deception in some other form). What matters to me is that if a false flag is committed, the overall end-game of it is good for the nation, as opposed to being detrimental to the nation and only good for the jews.

>>by burning down the victim's homes
It has to be a crime to be this retarded.

Better to die fighting than allow yourself to be captured, now you know why.
And when you capture the enemy, you know what to do to them.
Make it last.

I'm going to need some context here.They're speaking a slavic language but then they also yell allahu akbar?


Don't chechens speak their own language?

(looked at)
Yeah they speak Chechen, used to be primarily Russian.
They snackbar as much as all the other goatfuckers though..

Nothing more disgusting, imho.

Thought you were talking about the welsh for a second there

Damn forgot to clear quick reply Name field

A known dutch communist was caught doing it, theres actually absolutely no evidence that supports him being "helped" by anyone, Jews just made up tinfoil tier garbage to pass it off as "NOT justification for plenary power". The National Socialist government was freaking out, thought another communist revolt was about to happen. They had every right to do what they did, and plenary power isnt even a dictatorship. Its supposed to mean the courts cant stop your immigration ban order because the law is set in stone and you dont have the authority to block it. Its supposed to be what Trump already has on many issues, but is being denied.

Im pretty sure the commies censored the wikipedia page after I made several arguments pointing out it was a known communist and every respectable historian agrees that it was a communist who set it.

Whats the evidence? The guy who did it was a known communist, who admitted to doing it, saying he did it because of communistic reasons. Who denies it? THE COMMUNIST PARTY

So who do you believe, most historians or "SOME" who believe the communist bullshit rhetoric without facts. Any historian who speculates that it wasnt done by communists is a bias historian.

Good post, user. I appreciate the answers. I had never learned of van der Lubbe. Only story I ever heard was "muh nazis false flag"

Its the only story any of us get. They teach you in school that the Nazi government helped him secretly because it wanted a false flag to justify dictatorship, completely unsupported drivel. Just think how often you were taught something in school just as if it were fact, straight from their mouth. Did you once hear someone say "Hey, where is the proof for that?" "What is the supporting evidence?" "HOW do we KNOW that is true?"

I had a teacher who used to be able to read Homers Illyad, from memory, over the period of several days. He would do it each year, an actual intellect among a bunch of marxist child indoctrination robots. He taught us about the term "critical thinking", and not in some bullshit marxist critical theory way, but just to think about the things you are told, about if its bullshit and to use your own head. It kinda does sound like a marxist subversive crock at first, but thats just because marxism has subverted the truth. Its not supposed to be a bad thing to question things, its only bad when you try to weasel your way out of the truth and into people believing a bunch of lies. Thats critical theory. Anyways, much respect to anyone who actually has a brain like that guy, because it really stuck with me and might have made all the difference in the end.

What is going on with the database that changed all the post ID's to that of the original OP? Is FBInigger is getting sloppy with their exports?

You are currently watching shit itself and die in real-time.

There is no next chan after this, Ive gone from Holla Forums to Holla Forums ~2010 to 8ch, and I dont intent on making another move because some faggots posted nigger cocks until I couldnt take it anymore, or destroy the quality until you cant have a decent conversation etc. The next step is a party/street activism, were pretty much in 1919 and you cant meme forever.

It's really a shame that basic concepts like logic are not cornerstones of education. Nobody in school learns basic argumentation. I'd argue it's just as important as math and reading.

Fam, I am not talking about the board culture. The site is literally falling apart.

Like it has ebola and is shitting out its intestine.

Im aware. Whatever happens, this is the last stop before we go full 1488. I dont know why the website is going to shit, I could make some educated guesses and conclude that its being done intentionally, and there is more going on than we can see. Regardless, I will plod on until Im forced from the desk chair to the pavement.

Its a fucking bug you idiot


Seems like the server took a shit, again, and lost the data for it. Just a guess. Seems the server takes a lot of shits, and data has constantly had to have been recovered. Worrying. Ill stay here, I like it here, anyone who shills to leave can fuck themselves… but obviously the server is having some trouble.


So are we gonna start investigating or contnue arguing with FBI shills?


Go ahead, disregard the 'talking.' People everywhere are becoming aware of you and are getting increasingly disgusted with your actions. Talking has facilitated this. The talk has turned against you.

Also, you're taking your insults to the wrong places. A website could never be a 'death squad in itself.' But this place is part intelligence agency part propaganda machine, and it's so far shown itself to be pretty effective. Go be a communist somewhere else. Normal people hate you too, remember this.

honestly, with the problems i have with my own toenails, that third webm was almost therapeutic to me.

Yeah the Russians did it

she's alive, you can see an artery pulsing at :09

The fuck is up with all this responding to yourself schizophrenia?

So how can we get more Antifa to torch more nigger hoods?

Antifas really need to be shot at sight.

What the fuck, did we all have to share the same ip for a second or something?
Anyways, it's nice to see Antifa really starting to attack shit, means actual all out conflict is getting closer.

It's just a glitch

What good is it when the media ignores it and the normies never know

Isn't that what we are for?
Besides, you can only keep a genie in a bottle for so long, and this djinn is autistic and keeps breaking shit.

Come burn down my house next antifa! I promise I don't own any guns!

Whenever I see this picture, I always envision skelly nazi hopping out and doing an exaggerated Irish jig before going on a killing spree
while still jigging

If it doesn't get caught, the animal will continue the behavior.

Holy fuck.
check ID 83ffc8

I've noticed designated shilling threads have one ID that has atleast 50 posts in the thread.

No they aren't all from the same IP, the mods probably just fucked up the indexes when they were exporting data to the NSA/FBI is all.


I was under the impression it was Kensington that was infamous for that. It doesn't help that Puerto Rico was shipping out their addicts to that area because they don't want to deal with it themselves.

Or is it both? My parents used to live in Philadelphia but that was before I was born, so my information is probably out of date.

why are they investigating this? the only thing i can think of is they set the fire themselves in an attempt to get on our good side

stupid boons

Somefag find their normie social media accounts?

Nevermind found that shit myself
It's her

Matthew O’Dea of Madison, Wisconsin is an Antifa that works for SPLC

Video that doxxed him:

Chechens are basically shitskin snackbars, Ever wonder why this little info graphic tells you to fill the chimney with barbed wire? Because the Chechens use suicide toddler bombs, that's why.

What the flying fuck? The antfags are the same fucking hipsters who are the reason it's too expensive to live in Portland, which was one of the last affordable cities on the west coast. The level of insanity. If they want to prevent this, they should an hero.

The ATF dealt with WACO, why wouldn't they deal with BAMN?

Is the reward good dead or alive? I could use a good 10k?

Don't interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake.

Antifa classified as terrorist organization when?

Not enough white women and children.

When they have the people who fund these scumbags pined and ready for entrapment. Doing that now would just allow them to make another, more shady organization and cover their tracks.

the nigger faggots lurk pol to copy the aryan superiority

Gee I wonder why they're low income?

I swear to god I would have been a leftist from the start if I knew just how pathetic and passive the right actually is. I hope antifa burns all your fucking houses down, faggots.

You sound like a parent. Stay away from politics dad.
Let's put it this way. NONE OF YOU would ever have the balls to do anything in real life. You seriously believe the white race is being genocide but you would never lift a finger to do a single thing about it. White leftists do more to fight for one single street of territory for blacks than white nationalists do for the entire white race on any nation. Think about that. Just take it all in. There aren't words to describe the utter fucking pathetic failure that that is.

The IDs changed

Ori Feibush, the owner is Jewish. He ran for city council and unsuccessfully tried to unseat a Democrat.


Wish I was /baph/. I really need those pocket shekels.

Honestly I could buy that it's some kike who did it in order to get the right to support him being a real estate kike

It is too expensive, most housing these days is way overpriced

Hello FBI.


Probably seeing as there was a Hanukkah Episode
Though perhaps he is a goy and the reason why he is having depression fits and hallucinations is because he realised he fucked up marrying a jew
Kinda like how Kike Enouch looks complely destroyed in those pics shown when we was doxxed **As in the pics that were dug up

This is arson and not terrorism. A white man in a monkey suit handing out banks is terrorism.

out bananas*

Antifa…doing a lil jewish lightning for their heeb friends.

Antifa is fighting for your rights. Any kind of national socialist bullshit fascist state that you guys larp over would punish you for your anti social hobbies like playing vidya and shitposting on 4chan.

Speak for yourself, parasite.

A mystery indeed is the identity of this poster. I wonder who could be behind this post.

its da joos meme.. lol

just a friendly libertarian pointing out the irony you edgy faggots are guilty of

There was a Canadian protest thread earlier but I can't find it anymore. What happened to it?

Like having food?

Source? I'm serious, why do you even think this?

There's nothing in the program of the NSDAP that sounds anything like that unless you want to make a ridiculously skewed interpretation of 'training the young up to be healthy in body and free in mind, after the great traditions of German culture'.

This is what retards actually believe.

Kill yourself kike.


This kike astroturfing the first 100 posts in his thread

Server maintenance, ID's got fucked over. Several threads are like that.

Nice death trap.

The ANTIFA Facebook group "John Brown Militia", you can click "view group info" then go through the list of ALL THEIR MEMBERS INCLUDING ADMIN.

http:// johnbrownmilitia.createaforum. com/index.php

facebook. com/groups/1147149861971416/

this has the list of members
right off the bat, one of the Antifa members (black) lists he works for the Navy
facebook. com/mario.mcdonald.9

http:// johnbrownmilitia.createaforum. com/index.php

I'll check.
I just captured a couple hundred of their members
put on a word list
they are hotlinked to their pages

The John Brown Militia(JBM) is a paramilitary unit that operates in North America, made up of working class citizens, of every race, religion, and gender. The JBM has two primary functions. 1. Organize and train the working and lower classes of North America into an effective civilian defensive unit. To protect poor and working class families against all forms of aggresion be it foreign or domestic. 2. To provide disaster relief for working and lower class communities, be it natural disasters, man-made disasters, or civil strife. Basic training is scheduled for fall of 2016(subject to change). Basic Training will be free for all JBM recruits. In the mean-time we will be releasing video tutorials on basic first-aid, fire-arm safety, hand-to-hand combat, etc. As well as PDF downloadable manuscripts and military manuals. We will also be establishing a go-fundme account in the up-coming days, any and all donations will help get the civilian work-force trained and equipped!

There needs to be a Holla Forums version of this song about all of the happening from 2012 to today.

