Help, pedo shit in my locality

Help /pol, something disgusting is happening in my back yard.

All the goodthinking music scenesters are pulling together to raise money for one of their own, Andy Demos, who was arrested, went to jail, and now his slob hippie daughter has to sleep in her car because they're all such stable and wonderful people.
Good old Andy's family is panhandling for $12000. He needs a crackerjack lawyer to help him get away with:

Four counts of aggravated sex assault.
On a special needs kid.

www.fundedjustice. com/campaigns/f1ENBe

/pol they've just about raised his cash target. Knowing how things go, he's probably going to get off on this. Fuck, the local news buried the shit out of this story; if it wasn't a matter of public record I would have thought he was picked up for unpaid parking tickets.

What can be done to prevent this travesty of justice?? How do I make this matter to the media?

The kike media will never touch this no matter what.
The only solution is doing what would trigger retards here into calling you a FBI agent

It'd just be terrible if he was so overcome with grief he jumped off a bridge.

Help them collect and steal all the shit. Maybe record some conversations.

he's in county lockup. I'm thinking about anonymously donating a bedsheet

Why the hell are people defending him? Do they think he's innocent or they do they not care that he's a kiddie diddler?

shit, this makes me wish these people were still unaware I can't stand them. I can't get close, unfortunately.

pic related.

ostensibly the former, although i personally suspect the latter

It would be a damn shame if deadly forest creatures just so happened to get near him. Golly jee wiz, them brown recluses can be scary. Remember kids, don't hang out around bugs, they're disgusting.
Also, I'm not stating to do this (I actually don't think it's possible), nor anything illegal, but cultivating a bacteria and then sending flowers which have he bacteria. Truly, if one knew what they were doing it might be easy since most papers on biochem deal with plants (since, obviously, bio-offense is kept under wraps). Of course, don't do anything illegal, these are just interesting chemistry facts and things one could do if they were legal.
On a more serious note OP, how does he have support if your claims are true? Usually, in these types of cases, everyone wants to kill the person because the law wasn't harsh enough (the people don't do anything though because it's ). However, the people are usually wanting to witchhunt such a person. Why is he different?

How truly awful. I'll give you one last bump for the night. Maybe some more information will help with a solution to all this. Maybe some the alternative news sites will pic it up if not the local ones.

why do they support him?
it blows my mind frankly, but the way it is with people in arts is a perverse sort of approximation of the manners of the landed gentry… They do each other favors hoping to get favors.
I don't see how they could be convinced he's innocent. He's sleazy as fuck in person. Then again, the people in question are a bunch of debauched protest kids, so who knows where they draw the line.
I suspect the town is likely to bury the incident so that it doesn't have to endure the scandal/list another registered sex offender. It's full of millionaire beach houses and condominiums; they don't want the property values jeopardized.

Well, as long as people such as yourself exist who don't let things such as this get memoryholed, know this, should the time come when any single Holla Forumsack arises, it'll be time to bring forth the truth from void and for justice to be had.

you already know what needs to be done

Flood all the local and county media, all local new stations, etc, with how all horrible the special needs kid got hurt. Don't mention the money that will surface organically with the proper outrage.

anyone can post on the pedo's daughter's fagbook

https:// www. facebook. com/ ChloeSayre

had to make some OC

thinking about donating $0.25 and then, in the comments page, enumerating the charges against the guy

also wondering whether theres any use in attending the trial, or helping to see to it that the trial is well attended. Thoughts?

dubs say do it!

you're doing God's work user

check out this shitty pedo rock!
andy plays the saxophone like a retarded kid's dick

OP, go find someone in the brotherhood. You can get this pedo shanked for under $100 and/or a carton of smokes.

It'd just be terrible if he was so overcome with grief he hung himself with a bedsheet.

Massive spam. You should have general media contact emails. Buy a couple hundred twitter accounts. Post on media pages. Same with Fagbook. Get some shit trending. Just raise a stink.

I don't know if you're falseflagging for this faggot or if you're new on the job, but I saved this shit for posterity anyway.

Holy shit you really are retarded. The site fucked up ID's older than a few days.

check other old thread's ids

Those posts are 5 days old you mong.