Antifa removes mask on accident. Can anyone identify him?

Portland antifa faggot facefags himself. Any Intel on this cuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

I find facial reactions to the faggot palatable.

The range from "Wow.really?" to "If it weren't for the laws of this country I would beat the shit out of you."

25 antifag arrests from Portland
names and charges

Watch it turn out to be some alt-right guy. And it won't even be a false flag, because the guy will be antifa pretending to be alt-right. False false flag.

Why? So that people will be as maximally confused and disoriented as possible, preventing them from effectively coordinating for the upcoming Civil War and making it easier for the Deep State to manage both sides and prevent anything truly unexpected from happening.


we say this stuff in jest, but you know, this year and every year since GG, this is basically turning out to be the Poe's Law decade. I think most of our newfag opposition (and some of our own newfags) really are all this retarded.I envy our grandparents for having mostly worthy opponents. It feels like shit having to take losses just because of MKultra'd zombie zerg rushes.
It used to be they just didn't allow us to do that Free State project because then we'd be a hassle to break apart again, but nowadays it feels more like we'd immediately become unstoppable if we got organised on that big a level.

So it's you? You're fucked

dox the sox

they're all fucking white males fighting for people and causes that don't want to fought for or don't need to be fought for. the poor fools.

Precisely user. That's why they're going to this lengths. I know anons claim Spencer et al. are controlled opposition simply because it's standard modus operandi, but they don't realize EVERYONE you hear about is, for the most part, controlled in one way or another.

If they couldn't control a person, they wouldn't let that person talk.

You can bet a lot of these "antifa" were facing charges for something else, so they cut a deal. Go agitate, get violent, take the rap for a whittled down assault charge, and avoid getting raped in prison.

Here's the mugshots of the 25 antifags Portland arrested. Their names are likely public info.

I think this guy got lost on his way to Mt Doom

Could be the circle, but I'm going only by facial hair.

Why doesn't anyone ever take a high powered vacuum mulcher to these things and unmask these fags?

The eternal white male strikes again. A shame right now if SHTF in the US we'd be fighting more of our own than shitskinned enemies. Not saying I'm against cleaning up the cuck bog though but it's difficult to battle those who look so much like you in fight for the survival of your race it didn't stop the wars of the past though.

I don't see anyone with that face sculpture although he could be from this group.

Who's the old guy? He could be just random passerby, but he seems pretty intently focused on the antifa, like he's making sure he exposes himself. It could also be nothing. Worth looking into.

Why isn't this a .gif?

idk cause OP is a faggot and has a like 10 second video on his jewtube.

probably a legal advisor, there's probably two of them there, they always hang around Antifa and yell things at the cop, see them yelling "it was self defense" in this clip

I doubt it's one of those three. Their mugshots were likely withheld because they were underage. And OPs pic definitely isn't a babyface.

Do you have more of him? Wide angle shots maybe? Tracking his clothes and that cylinder thing might be the way to go.

I've been going through ig and twitter. Found some good info and still digging. Some of these antifags have public accts and are a treasure trove of info. Need more ppl to get digging. Warning! The reeeeee levels are cringe inducing.

fuck these commie retards, bring a flamethrower next time well burn off their masks

oy vey the goyim know!!!
if we end up in a war because of this we lynch every neo-con
come only if you're white


It's funny they're hated by both white rightists and colored people of all 'political persuasions'.

I wonder what they're trying to accomplish lol