Comrades, we must have a revolution to abolish the institution of intellectual property

Comrades, we must have a revolution to abolish the institution of intellectual property.

Can't tell if Richard Stallman or Robert Wyatt

I have failed you, stallman-senpai

none of that, it was linux the one that failed you

I don't blame you.

t. posting from a gentoo laptop

Fun fact: Stallman is actually in favor of copyright for things that aren't software.

my body is ready

holy fuck it's beautiful

freetards just proved they can't meme


yeah, Stallman wrote a lot of code but that was years ago
And no, calling the normal computer user and idiot doesn't count as activism


Don't deny it, he has open call windows users idiots

it's basically on the same tier as calling classcucks idiots

So now you are calling the averange computer user classcuck, bravo


Not an argument







all me


i am not autistic enough for this


I agree.

so in this situation, am I the guy in the cap because I was never pretending to be anything?


You're the guy that gave me pic related and is still giving them away

yeah i probably need to stop

Please, I have so many (you) that I may need to donate them.

Do you know anybody using linux?

i still prefer windows tho

if you're grandma-tier or a lazy shit with assistants like stallman you might need help but it takes like 30 minutes to install something like mint, manjaro or ubuntu with a GUI that gives you instructions through the whole process.

It's more like 8, to be honest. Also, Ubuntu a shit, use Mint instead.

I just wish Manjaro didn't have horseshit dmraid support.

Mint a shit, use Xubuntu or Lubuntu instead.


How can one man be this illiterate in tech?
