Post yfw you realize George Soros has hired shills to slide my threads in Holla Forums that expose Spielberg as a pedo...

post yfw you realize George Soros has hired shills to slide my threads in Holla Forums that expose Spielberg as a pedo with rock solid evidence

Don't need paid shills when you have communist poledditors at your disposal tbh.
Whenever I want to slide things I just post vaguely right-wing sentiments and watch redditpol flood the thread with kvetchposting about nazis.
nazis are the best boogeymen tbh

Not as good as IS tbh

obvious samefag

all me

Holla Forumseddit isn't communist. That'd be Holla Forumseddit.

Holla Forums is already synoymous with leddit, and on top of that since it only exist in in one place in doesn't need another fancy word to describe/mock it. Holla Forumsedditis anything reddit such as 8/pol/ cuck/pol/ ect. ect. ect.

stop derailing, kike

He's really obvious about it too. He starts saging the thread that triggered him and makes like fifteen one line posts in old threads.

What does slide even mean


Look at all these kike shills trying to slide the truth about Spielberg? How many shekkels did Soros pay you?


jesus fuck take your meds. george soros doesnt give enough of a shit to hire shills to browse Holla Forums, and even if he did, it wouldnt be a second rate board like Holla Forums

yeah sure, Soros golem, I'm sure he wants the biggest jew in the history of hollywjew exposed for all to see

meds. take em
none of what you claim is substantiated

you can take the pharmacy jew, kike, it's clear that there's a coordinated effort to bury my threads on Spielberg, and you are part of it

Holla Forums is the best rated board on this site.

where is the thread?

damn kikes are still trying to slide me, you won't stop me, Soros, you'll have to kill me first!

