JustJewishProblems - Red Pill Potential

Saw someone post one of these yesterday and thought it had great potential.

Easy to caption and can be adapted to context quickly.

Could not find the original image without stamp. If someone finds something better to use, please share.

The hashtag: #JustJewishProblems

Create more, propagate to halfchan, Twitter and the other fag platforms.

Other urls found in this thread:


Source image attached.








Quit hating, start participating.















This entire thread deserves to go into the gaschamber because of how retarded it is.

could have had potential OP, but you dun goofed on the spacing.

not sure if worth a thread, but you didn't deserve all those (1)s shitting it up fam.

Sorry OP but this is just low energy stuff right here. Hating the jew can only carry your memes so hard, but this meme lacks soul.

While OP is a faggot for spacing like a reddit pleb, I still think this has potential and should be pursued.

See pic. It's you.



Welcome to imgur 2009 faggot.

It has potential OP, but I don't think this is the right image for it. It fact, probably better as just a hashtag, without an image. Maybe paired with stats.

eg, When only 85% of Fortune 500 board members are Chosen #justJewishProblems
(I made that stat up, it might be higher)

Ayy fresh off the press

Made another. So are we doing this or not? Normals eat this shit up. They'll do it just to be edgy

Comedy is a great way to deliver red-pills.

No they don't
And go back where you came from.

Normies are actually off-put by the use of the word goyim because they don't know what it means and they will associate it's meaning with you. You need to hijack pop-culture to get them to read your memes.
The best memes are short phrases that are hard to misunderstand and are quick to point truth.
Stuff like "you can't stump the Trump" or "gas the kikes race war now" are successful memes.
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt when I say: ==nice effort newfag, lurk moar==

Good stuff.

pic related.

A million times this.

Just learning how to use GIMP. Fucking stroke tool man.

I think this meme has potential. I'll contribute.


i can read it


If normies google the word goyim they are going to get a face full of redpills.


I'm half asleep so if the quality of these is slipping I apologize in advance.




when the goyim know

best so far
Keep up the good work user.




Ok, I'm like 80% asleep now and my brain has pretty much checked out. If this thread is still active tomorrow I'll try and come up with more.

Remade one I saw yesterday.

Thanks for the advice, I gave it to a normalfag friend of mine. He loved it. He said that he's gonna make more of them so hopefully that turns well

I think part of the idea with these though is that it "enlightens" the goy as to the meaning of the word "goy"… lead a horse to water and all that.

these are either the worst shill fake memes or authentic terribad meme attempts i've seen. either way you should seek a lobotomy/gas chamber immediately

#JustJIDFProblems when?

The normals need simplicity. Their world works too fast for patience. Quick, repeatable, easy memes is the way to hit them. I must clarify though, this argument is for those capable of understanding. You're too much of a hothead to be a real poster, and thus I would kindly ask that someone get you out of here
CIA small guy detected
Big Guys Only

I'm a long time believer in
>but you cannot make him think

talk to the simple in words of one syllable or less
this is a fair to middling choice but it does have potential

Keep the text part to as few words as possible

btw I like the



1st attempt. Because jews invented the "Big penis is best" meme as an avenue to push race mixing, hedonism, and other forms of degeneracy. They can eat their own memes.

not even once

we need some about Jewish privilege and all their media control and banks

When you control virtually all media, just as trust in the media hits an all time low.

I would make but I am the eternal phoneposter, bane of effortposts.

10/10 OP

meme generator tier image macro, reddit spacing and namefags.
Gee, what a great thread, OP!

When you own almost every country's currency, but Assad is still in power.

I prefer this angle more.


Caption needs some more kick.
I'm done for the day. Some of these were top kek lads, looking forward to seeing some more later.

Ooh do this one, but make it "except Assads"

oy vey


These are great. It would be nice to include iran and best korea somehow, too.

When there's only three countries standing against your NWO, and Assad just won't die.


When you've been kicked out of 106 countries and you were just trying to help.

Couldn't help myself. Fixed some of the other ones.

Good, but something else for the last part?
Something about how he refuses to be ((()))'d?





When the goyim realize that the word "goyim" means cattle.

When the niggers figure out the slave ships weren't owned by whites.


When you declare war on a nation and it fights back.

Thanks making these…im shitposting from work.

Doesn't have the hashtag but I couldn't think of a way to make it snappy.

When you realize you all look the same because of inbreeding.

Archived most of these and placed them on IPFS:

What have we become?

Also I prefer foul bachelor frog.

You use whatever is effective faggot.


Your hipster elitism is.

But it's not effective.
These types of memes are the bane of my existence.
There is nothing more off-putting for a movement than stale memes. You should know that.

Stop forcing fucking shit memes.

Nice try Merchant Friend.
See here:

Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't effective. People are dumb and sometimes need humor and irony to get them to investigate things for themselves.

the shills are out aren't they? I was just about to direct him to

You're wasting time.

Make better memes.

Not even shilling lads, this is a 9gag tier meme.

Your timing seems a little strange. You seem hell bent on killing this meme the same time shills are attacking the catalog.

It's not the fact that this is shit-tier memeing and is shitting up the catalog.

Fixed your post for you Moshe.



what image macro generator do people use? imgflip is not great in terms of options and stuff. in before use img editing software faggot

GIMP'ing, but would also like to know.

Reddit spacing doesn't exist newfags. It is poorly spaced, the idea isn't well proposed but it has merit.

How about: explaining why "death camps" had theatres. Or: explaining why "death camps" had hospitals. Or: only 30 billion in U.S. aid this year?

And this is how we might rule. We must take control of normalfag memes and drive redpills into their lives that we might see them come to our side. But we must take control of normie memes. This is perfect. If we can meme redpilling normalfags we might just gain even more power.




Best one so far.

6 million victims but the tattoos only go up to 300,000

holy shit, that one's gold, user!

Why does the Talmud look like smoked pork?

I'd never heard that one. Do you have any good sources?

show me a WWII concentration camp tattoo with 7 digits… I'll wait

We can probably get this trending if we get cuckchan spamming them. Someone should go start a thread on cuckchan, and just dump the best ones weve made. I bet thats all it takes.

(I would but Im permad)

Wew based on all the assmad shills ITT this looks to be an effective vector of attack. Keep it up boys. Spread 'em around like wildfire.



No really though, this is perfect for a huge twitter storm. We can easily sneak it under the radar and make it start trending if we get cuckchan in on it, flooding the hashtag.. Ive been permad for posting National Socialist stuff (where it didnt belong) so I cant, or Id make a thread. Just dump a bunch of them and they will start making their own, and posting them on twitter etc.

This is an extremely potent redpill, it should be made to trend, even if we need an alternate hashtag if they ban this one.

It belongs everywhere.

If we get this trending, Twitter will be in heavy damage control.


This thread should be busier than it is.


Noyce. Have bamp

I heard faceberg hired 3k cunts to take down content in response to the nigger who posted his video shooting the old nog.

Fucking bump.

Cuckchan has a lot more people than we do, can someone get a thread started over there and post it in here so it can be brigaded. Again, Id do it myself if I wasnt permad. We need to start thinking of ourselves as the leaders, and them as the followers. They are our personal army. Post the memes, encourage them to spread it on twitter under the obvious #JustJewishProblems hash tag.

And then I suppose Fuckerberg fired them all once it had blown over.

Go back to half, cunt.

Obviously there isnt enough murder based content to take down, I imagine they will find themselves taking down anything right of center. Also, it adds on 3000 people who monitor everything being posted to the website. You post something, someone who is paid to will be watching, not that the alphabets probably werent already, just more kikes giving themselves a reason to spend on watching goyim.

These are gold

Here's a "clean" (no Getty logo) version of the image ideal for captioning

He'll probably just roll them over onto helping with all the "Zuckerberg would make a SHITTY president!" posts.

Gee whiz, OP, you must really give a shit.

Maybe if it wasnt for all you blackpilled cunts shitting on him… this thread has already produced tons of OC, KYS.

This is how i red pilled a girl on the JQ. Being a Bernie fag that she was, i stated that being against the 1% is a bit anti-semitic and cited my claims. She was dumbfounded and then began the rail on the jews. This meme does have potential, but idk if it's the right image to use.

=You're a Butt blasted kike=

Holy shot this idea is a fucking goldmine lmao.

Bout time we got back to some awesome OC creation…and I see many Assmad merchants here too so you know it's working.

Get this shit trending on twatter


How about an actual speech by Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for questioning the racist apartheid state of Israel?
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPVKSiTmU8s

Where are all these shilling newfag meme generator faggots coming from? This is leftypol tier shit

tell me more merchant

Its called propaganda, and we care about actually accomplishing things. You must be an actual shill, or reddit tier trash. Jews are behind cultural marxism, and white genocide, this is basic entry tier cuckchan shit, no one here needs it explained. These memes expose kikes, and make more people aware of what kikes are doing. It makes a huge difference, its actual warfare. Youre in the way. They may be humorous, but this isnt a joke what were doing. You dont like it? Fuck off.

These macros are way too comprehensible for that.


Can we have other types of jew memes with different pictures of jews? I really love this meme idea OP.


If you guys want to use an online generator, memedad is good. No watermarks.

fellates has 2 l's.

I think the hashtag #JEWISHPROBLEMS may be a better hashtag.

its more direct.

When the goyim discover you perform circumcisions using only your mouth.


Best ones so far, this is a very good idea

#justjewishproblems doesn't exist on twitter.

you need to add the hashtag #JEWISHPROBLEMS and #JUSTJEWISHPROBLEMS to get this trending.

Oh my! This is a great idea, there are so many problems that we face as jewish people.
I'm talking about when the barrista doesn't speak yiddish lol, do they even go to school, oh my!



This one is good.



When people ask why israel doesn't have open borders.

Well fuck, should we get this shit rolling on halfchan?

I tried to get someone to make a thread earlier but no one seemed to think it was that important.Cant do it, personally.


I can start it if others are ready to brigade it? Halfchan block proxies?

They have always blocked tor, and thats all I have. Any other free ones Ive tried were pre-banned or wouldnt work, or captcha wont load etc. I dont have a paid proxy, thats what you need and most of those are banned too.


Get in there cunts.

Kikes are shilling already I guess, or maybe thats just how bad it is now, over there.

Requesting reinforcements.


Requesting this and "When you can't Mossad the Assad"

coming right up


Its working, here we go. Can we think up a secondary hashtag to mix in with it?

We really need a jewish related hashtag or event to hijack


Orthodox jews are least troubling jews of them all, its leftist commie jews who keep giving us grievance

They will censor the tag before it can trend if we dont make it happen in a short amount of time, cuckchan has to blow it up.

I have to leave in a few mins… might have to rinse and repeat in a few days time.

Maybe we wait for something to trend and then we hijack?

That would be our best bet. I'm going to clean some of these up too. Some of them are kind of inconsistent and I'd like to get them all redone on the template without the getty images tag

Yea, try to post the best of the bunch, theres like over 50 there, can leave the not so great ones out.

I wonder if it would be better to just shorten the hashtag to #JewProblems

Its a play on "Just X things"

Ahh ok, didn't catch that. I'll leave it the same then


Thanks, user.

I used the pic without the getty images tag and made the font slightly bigger and moved it more towards the top and bottom. I can save this one in gimp and just change the top text to make them more uniform

When you reach the end of the Talmud and realize

Re-did this one with the new template

Here's the template with the #JustJewishProblems already on the bottom


If we keep cramming the word "goyim" into these and spread them around, the normalfaggots will be forced to look it up. Then they'll get a nice fat mouthful of redpills.





Oooooh I like these. Have a bump for FUCK KIKES. DEATH TO ALL JEWS!!!




For you.


I mostly agree with you but "Can't Stump the Trump" has far more reach than "Gas the kikes race war now". The former transcended to generic pop culture and babyboomer republican and tea party facebook groups, the latter is only a known meme on the chan sites.

Cant stump the trump is empty and meaningless, this exposes kikes. It shouldnt take reading books on propaganda to put that together.

Fuck off, Chaim. This isn't cuck/pol/. Your bullshit is as see-through as glass. Your day is coming…just remember that


when someone assumes your name is Moshe every time you try to shill, but your name is actually Yeshuda

Fucking antisemite goyim always thinking they've found me out

Here is the video that goes to this one. Some drunk jew talks about how goyim are just beasts that were made to be jew slaves.


I provided legit propaganda for you dumb nigger
Do whatever you want, if you find a target audience susceptible to it then great.
I'm just gonna point out that cuckpol doesn't even do meme generator

The meme's are easy to digest, simple to make, and familiar to Normalfags. Anyone seasoned might find them cringey, but not everyone is ready to partake in the dank memes like Ben "Kike on a Pike" Garrison or Moonman.

Also what's with the ID's being the same for most the thread?

It's meant to be another take on the #Justgirlythings that have already been edited.

I think it's a bit of both.

Is that just directly jewish related "donations" or something? Her campaign was $1.4 Billion all told.


Made a more caption friendly blank …


Another great blank for captioning…

Thanks! There is a lot of good shit here. I wouldn't be surprised if these make their way around really well. They are all true, as crazy as they are, and it's the sort of thing to really pique someones curiosity if they are not already wise to it.


Imo cut off the "if their only …" part, otherwise perfect

God bless you user!!


nobody made a BERNIE Sanders ONE YET
no refunds or whites can't into poor

What did I miss, an entire thread where one guy is arguing with himself

English is not my my first Language, so tell me if this is good enough or if there's any typos.


You need to get the fuck back to Reddit.




Lousy meme. People won't take it seriously if you use a fucking Rabbi in the image you retard. You have to use a rich banker Jew, some billionaire in a suit, greasy curly hair and ugly hook nose. Rabbis are not the ones in power.


Posted some of the memes to 9goy just to see reception (prob get banned)

This is only half true. Yes, the fat cunt bankers and Kikewood pedophiles are the ones pulling the strings, but the rabbis are the ones teaching them all about their foul demon worship.