Other urls found in this thread:

its kind of shit tbh

It was never going to be "beautiful". That was puffery:

Trump said a year ago it would be precast concrete. AKA ugly, but effective.

Kill yourself and stop shilling, OP.

Looks like some shitty fence, not a wall.

Besides, the Wall wasn't approved in the budget, this better just be some half-measure until then.

Pretty sure these pictures aren't on the boarder btw. I believe this is a trial build someplace else to demonstrate the contractor's ability.

This is just replacing the fence. It doesn't cover hundreds of miles that that faggot GOP refused to fun the coverage of


Spicer said Trump "just negotiated a spending deal" to build it.

Anything that keeps illegals and drugs out is beautiful to me.

Of course, the purpose is to be a wall, not a fucking tourist attraction.

That's probably what it is; but progress is progress.

Watch the press conference nigguh.

The contracting deal they have out actually makes consideration to aesthetics of the design of the wall.

Why not both? We need to look into the idea of patriotic graffiti/sanctioned artwork on our side of the wall. Maybe set up some areas in remembrance of veterans, maybe set up some in support of border patrol and the blue.

They're not building more wall, they're replacing old fence with new fence. If this is the wall then it was going to be 10ft before it got 10ft taller, because this shit is only 20ft tall.

Keep in mind this was supposed to be Obongo's budget. Lazy negro couldn't get it done in his term. Trump's budget is later this year. We're using Obunga's budget to kick-start the wall.

Ok, so it's not the wall. At least this will reduce the number of Mexicans for now

He literally says that they got money to put up more of the same shitty wall in places that there is fence or nothing at all. This is not THE WALL, this is temporary.

shills going hard in this thread already


WTF did you neet faggots expected!? The Great Wall of China or something?

You 'murrican overweight faggots elected Trump, not Qin Shi Huang, so lower your fucking expectations!

reported for being a faggot

Here they are, just like I said.
OP and his kike friends are playing you.

Of course it does, but that doesn't mean aesthetics will be HIGH on the list of considerations. They have to put that in the contract so that they can consider aesthetics, but it's still going to be an ugly wall overall. Pic very related.

Because that's more expensive and slower to construct.



look i made a taco wall

Well what I mean is, set up the wall first absolutely, but afterwards bring in the grassroots for the stuff I mentioned.

This is the wall before The Wall. The pre-Wall if you will.

Nice fence lad.

I'd love for that to happen but I really don't see government money being spent on them making the wall look beautiful

To any non shill anons watch the recent Spicer press briefing before freaking out. This is a temporary wall to stop as many shitskins as possible now, before the actual wall gets built

Retards at work.

Oh and let's add in the shills calling Trump a kike puppet as well. This will make the shill campaign much more effective.

shit would be secured before congress or the jewdiciary could blink

This is a shill thread for shill faggots.

Are those dragonstooth mines? I was reading about those last night but didn't look up any pictures.


With a touch of electric razor wire and motion senors we may just have something here

turning it into something with some aesthetics couldn't be that expensive

Everything raw looks like shit, once you get the structure up then you pretty up.

Might want to watch the press conference before going full retard.

Have the shills killed themselves yet? I've noticed they really cut down their efforts lately

Yea, I think those are the Soviet equivalent in the pic, though.

Are you referring to yourself?

Huh, they are. Funny coincidence. I watched a DoD training video about tunnels in Vietnam. In that video they used nitromethane to blow up tunnels, so I looked up that. Dragontooth mines used nitromethane too. And now you post them in this thread. Funny how these things work out.

Did you miss the word grassroots there? Let the people make it beautiful. The government doesn't have to spend money on it, just don't bar people from expressing their patriotism.

He has to because unless he started before the thread, he couldn't have either.

Only the side that faces us needs to look good. Their side can have pikes, spikes, and flamethrowers for all I care.

only 20ft? How fucking high do you want it to go?

I literally posted what Sean Spicer posted. Are you calling Sean a shill too?

I think that's pretty much his job, haha

I mean, Spicer is a shill in a LITERAL sense. He's paid by Trump to push narratives. "Press Secretary" is a euphemism for head shill. :^)



one step at a time user. patience not lack you must

At least 10ft higher. :^)

I have a feeling he'd do it for free though.

What the fuck did you mean by this then? My statement was inferred directly by the conference that the DHS ordered a steel replacement for the shitty fencing they had before.
It's obvious you're one of the "Trump is an kike puppet" posters since you think posting israeli related imagery with trump will divide this board even more.


Now try explaining that to that nigger.

Isn't Chuck a cuck?


You're calling people shills whenever the fuck it suits you. That's all there to it. If valid criticism is raised you'll have the same reaction anyway.

I am a gainfully employed kiwi sheepshagger ya dopey cunt! go back to the_donald

Still not tired of winning

Can we actually make that happen


No you cocksucking faggot. No one is going to fall for your shitty tricks.

You haven't explained your kike posts ITT.

shills just add volume to the thread, since they always lose

gold plating doesn't go on until the end

Commit sudoku.

This would be very difficult to anyone to climb, especially since that plate at the top is at least 5 ft.

What are we putting on the ground on our side of the fence/wall? That's going to determine the lethality of any fall off the top. 20 feet seems pretty safe to climb down, doesn't it?


Just an extra step perhaps
rope hook for top 5ft

Wake me when we get to the real thing.

Build it the fuck high and build it the fuck deep. I couldn't care less about what the thing looks like

"Okay, we got the House, the Senate, and the White Houseโ€ฆbetter just shit all over the base and roll over for the Democrats."

Its over. We got taken. Trump stuck his finger in the air and figured out which way the wind was blowing, then said whatever he needed to for the win.
He just wanted to be President. It was all just bullshit to get there.

sounds like you're describing my sex life

The High Five interchange in Dallas is 120 feet tall, but I agree that 70 feet is ridiculous. We need 80 feet to hit 99% lethality from falls.

did you know that FUCKING DRUMPF is a ZIONIST KIKE SHILL who is OWNED by PUTIN and KUSHNER is actually the PRESIDENT?????????????????????????????

Kekd irl


Lel, some of the shills didnt get the memo.

That's actually a great idea, but I think all of that money has been spoken for as Alphabet Soup black budgets so it wont be used for shit to make the country safer.

I still want the original plan of stealing the ri9 grande and putting that behind it


Is the US incapable of building a wall taller than chinks could in the 1600's?

Back to r/The_Donald with you, nigger.


What about crowd sourcing it? I be tshitloads of Americans would fork it over if don handled the finances like he did for that veterans group thing. Or further, why not just invite the public to help break ground. Have them do all the heavy lifting of ground clearing and digging channels with hands and shovels, make it a party where they sign a waiver and get to bring rv's out and work all day and party at night. Have the army engineers corps hand le the logistics of it. Would make opposing it damn near impossible and also push forward the time table to am matter of months, depending on how much smaller contractors were willing to contribute, and how big our concrete making capacity is

Holla Forums

No, that's not what I'm saying. The chinks had criminals and commoners to build theirs for free. Ours will cost cost a lot more. I want a 200ft wall as much as the next guy, all I'm saying is in order to get a budget for it doubt it's going to be as grand as everyone imagines it.

Why does every OP on this board have to be over the top up to eleven overhype of something? Spicer showed these images and said Trump approved budgeting to "build these," basically. That's not the actual wall itself under construction. As much as I approve of Spice and his directness, I'm not counting my chickens until we literally have billions of dollars already locked in contracts for a wall that is being built as we speak.

Speaking of which, last time I heard about any actual progress on the wall, there was some kind of competition going on between architects in some southern border town, there were 20 different prototypes slated to be built side by side along the border to protect the town, and reports said Trump would use this little prototype competition to determine what style/structure the wall would actually use when it got built for real.

you got it all wrong user
Letters of Marque and Reprisal to be issued soon. you really think that RWDS is just a meme? that wall is to protect the shitskins from dudes like me. and there are A LOT of me



not a dick, just thorough. 10' on top then another 10' underground too


I get this too sometimes, like, we're in some type of weird sync.

DOJ just said 25% of federal inmates are foreign born, we don't lack the free laborโ€ฆ we lack the will.

I was thinking more along the lines of he statement to the Mexican president saying he was going to make it 10' higher for being disrespectful

mao has nothing on the ferocity of NatSocs who have had the fuck enough

Why hasn't anyone made a thread on this, yet?

Using prisoner labor for public works projects would be a bad precedent. Law abiding American workers should not be made to compete with criminal slave labor.

If you want something to do with all the prisoners, here is a better idea: hang them.

I support that 100%
gallows are cheap and rope is cheaper


Trump said the door would be beautiful

There's not exactly anything we can do to stop them from doing that. I doubt there are many who are actually bothering though. The best course of action is to ignore it, to avoid inadvertently publicizing that idea.

shutup it's beautiful

TOP KEK I called it hours ago.

Tell me, shills: What's it like knowing Holla Forums knows your narrative before you do? You're doomed!

I'd go on tourism to see that.

Do people really think buildings and such look beautiful day one? Come on, you need to make sure it's functional first.
Go look at any house being built. It's always a mess until the very end when it all comes together.

Besides, it's not THE WALL. Just more temporary stuff. See

Go LARP somewhere else Stormfagg!

the faggotry and butthurt shilling ITT is hilarious

those are pictures of the current wall retards

spending just got approved to start the building process of the new wall. if you've been following this you know they are going to have a demo with multiple contractors to demonstrate designs and actual ability to build the wall, then approve one, get designs for the border, at least in areas that aren't already cliffs, mountains, and ravines that are impassable, and then build the whole damn thing.


That is the weakest bait I've seen in a loooong time. Nobody feed him, for fuck's sake, he doesn't deserve it.

These are old photos from the shit started under Obama. Why tweet this trash?

as usual OP is a faggot

Let's build a huge wall and, to ensure it stays up forever, we can turn it into a monument.

Put in a series of panels with 6 gorillion Jewish names so the kikes will think it's a Holocaust memorial instead of a kill list for DotR. Put up more panels with some made-up nigger names and say it's the slaves Lol, 10 times more than the Jews. Never forget!, when really it's just a list of everybody who's passed through prison in the last 10 years. Put up another one with a bunch of spic names and say it's a monument to Mexicans who've died trying to get across the border. Purposely leave a lot of blank space for that one, and make every 27th name Jose Jimenez.

Niggers, spics, and Jews will all think it's hallowed ground, so the Democrats won't dare knock it down, while regular white people can have a good gloat as we walk by it and get our pictures taken at the reflecting pool filled with the tears harvested from deportees' children.

This is just mending spots in the previous "wall". The real wall prototypes are being built in California for inspection, testing, and judging next month. I'm guessing trump will have the final say in the pick. I believe it's narrowed down to 5 prototypes.

What will be next? Also I noticed they finally dropped the chesscuck buzzword that kept exposing them in every single thread kek

Double dubs of truth.

Shills and childish faggots will never be satisfied. Pay them no mind.

According to the comments of this video the administration just sent over text message, "muh lowest numbers EVER" is what's next.

Well he said it was going to be a great beautiful wall, any will do I suppose if it works. He was talking like he was going the monument route, yet again he is a business man. He was obviously trying to get the idea sold, which is a given.

Whats the word on it being paid for by Mexico too?


double dubs getting checked

and those aren't even pictures of the wall or of demo walls. that's the old wall. I'm so excited. today has been a good day. slate named the jew and the wall has been approved. hot damn the only way today could get better is if i got to go to the gun range or go get milkshakes with lauren southern or something.

comfy. as. fuck.

checking those trips of lower taxes for extra comfiness.

Dub dubs reconfirm.

I'm assuming the "mexico will pay for it" promise/threat is either going to be a) through Mex's remittance, considering their fucking spic invaders have siphoned off hundreds of billions of dollars from our economy over the years, and/or b) threatening them with tariffs and trade chokes. Mexico is barely hanging on by its fingernails, and much of that is due to the USA economically speaking. The country is dangling over the side of a cliff, clinging to a rope, and Trump could simply threaten to snip that shit or else.

.45 in your post suggest you go blasting some shit user

Ugly walls are good walls.
They have that sense of dread and dreariness that's great at demoralizing people

Does that mean you guys are getting two WALLs?


It checks out

for the umpteenth time, those are pictures of the old wall that is already built. either from when it was being constructed, or from repairs.

checked mate.

I am mad. Mad at how lazy leftists and shills are. Mad that we handed them a year of Chesscuck memes and they couldn't be bothered to do anything but slap some new text on our memes and

Pitiful. I want the JIDF back. I want Dynacorp back. I want Applied memetics back, I want a better type of shill, and I want them to give it to us.

5D Chesscuck masterrace.

They're all dead.


What's the fucking point? Why do you have a frontage road on your highway?



Boy it sure got quiet around here after this shit was confirmed.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

on a side note, chess is fucking awesome. its old too. way old , older than Atlantis. It represents the battle between Cain and Able (two rival brother kings) and the wrath of Cain which caused the great flood. its a really cool story how it evolved too

You mean Cain and Abel

And despite that, Go has orders of magnitude more depth than chess

Still some leftovers to deal with.

You know that Sam Hyde talk where he talks about how people just repeat shit they hear on TV? It look like you, newfag, just regurgitated something that you don't really understand.

At what point was I shitposting nigger?
I stated that the current crop of shills is sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking sad that they had a year of Trump/chess memes at their disposal to use against us, and FAILED. hundreds of OC at their fingers to blackpill us with - and they shit the bed.

The Chesscuck meme was hilarious because ALL the shills started using it at once - just like the MSM would do (and still does).

By embracing he chesscuck 78D chess theme I WANT to see what these low energy low paid fags have to throw at me. They have no talent. They have no bantz and they have no memetic ability. We are being shilled by the D Team and I am offended.

That's okay, it's kinda cute watching them struggle through the smoke and debris. Also cute how they didn't even research and started calling the "wall" shit without even realizing this is just the newer fence.
Seven years and nine months left of this. I'll never get tired of it.

You had me convinced for a real good goy up till thenโ€ฆ
nice try tho :'^)

God forgave Cain and gave Cain protection from retribution. But when word got out of God doing this for Cain, mankind's fallen mind twisted "God had a particular interaction with a specific someone" into "God will have this interaction with everybody." This twisting led to the earth-filling violence and continuous sin that caused the flood. After the flood, the first thing God does is remove protection from retribution for murder by instituting the death penalty for murder.



which side is the israel side? the side with lots of trash on the ground or a little trash on the ground

OBAMAS TWO ILLEGAL WHAT!? TELL ME DACA IS GOING AWAY. TELL ME THE FIRE IS RISING! I need more winning, but I can only get so erect. this is a conundrum.

All of that land belongs to Israel, goy, they just haven't taken it yet.

Executive orders most likely

We recently discovered how to make roman concrete again, why don't we use it instead of portland?

I just had to update it for today.

Ted Cruz was the real hero

Hell the Romans were superior wall builders, 15k troops built Hadrian's Wall in just under 5 years that was a far more effective than the Great Walls of China. Mind you Hadrian's wall was a different type of wall, it was built to control travel and trade between the borders of the Empire.

ffs, this is the already built wall. it's been there since bush.

read the fucking thread. pics are the current wall.
he's saying "hey we got a deal thats gonna let us build the border wall." and then being cute about how he words it by saying "these" and posting pics of the current border wall.

why is this so hard for people to get?

how and when? It was posited that it was volcanic ash from that region.

Did someone create the exact mineral/chemical mix in a lab?

now this an example of ironic shitposting, but not over the top.

Two illegal supreme court nominations

Who the fuck knows, they're both sandnigger semite trash.

It's a start.
But it's not treating the (((disease))).

the side with asphalt. israeli law requires that all thoroughfares be built to accommodate the weight of tanks

I want to know what that line about Tel Aviv says.


It should have never come to this,
yet I can't get myself to take a break from Holla Forums


If we're building a wall we might as well make it look nice.
Any job worth doing is worth overdoing.

user this is just the updgraded fence. The real wall can't be covered by the 2017 budget, and is going to have to wait until the 2018 budget in September for funding. The only reason we even got what we got now is because Obama fucked up.

true and thank you for the correction, my bad

underrated post. you are right on user

Jewish music is catchy


Probably this:

Trump considering move of US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Also interesting, My first thought was Oil, but it doesn't seem so. However, very relevant to TANAP as a globalist agenda to oppose russian oil transportation interests:

My local radio station has a Jewish program that comes on every Sunday and I listened to it a few times to hear what they were kvetching about (everything), and I found it interesting that their folk music is actually pretty high quality, or at least tickles my musical sensibilities in ways that I don't really hear from other music (speaking as someone trained in music for a time)
Classical is better though, all roads always lead back to classical.


Pledges on Immigration
- Cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities
- Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions
- Implement new extreme vetting techโ€ฆ
- Suspend the Syrian Refugee Program
- Create support program for victims of illegalโ€ฆ ???
- Expand and centralize the popular 287(g) partโ€ฆ ???
- Issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who areโ€ฆ for any crime, and they will be placed intoโ€ฆ removal proceedings
- End catch and release
- Hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents
-Restore the Secure Communities Program
- Triple the number of ICE agents
- Build the border wall and eventually make Mexicoโ€ฆ (pay?)
- Sunset our visa laws so that Congress is forcedโ€ฆ (to) revise and revisit them
- Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa trโ€ฆ
- Propose Passage of Davis-Oliver bill
- Immediately terminate Obama's "two illegalโ€ฆ ???
โ€ฆ to pass "Kate's Law"
โ€ฆtion of ISIS/National Defenseโ€ฆ
โ€ฆ pay more for joint defenseโ€ฆ
โ€ฆ(sub)mit a plan to defeatโ€ฆ (ISIS?)
โ€ฆ to defeat ISISโ€ฆ
โ€ฆ(Syr)ian Refugees
.. Tel Aviv to Jerusalemโ€ฆ
โ€ฆthe Iran deal
โ€ฆ on White House Officialโ€ฆ

These shills will always find something else to concern shill about, even if every single campaign promise he made is met.

Ten bucks says you're that spic from the Native American thread

Appreciate the link

Welcome to Texas.

BTW the shit they are building in Dallas RIGHT NOW is completely insane, blows that away

Yeah if they ever fucking finish it.

Do you think the republicans in congress will uncuck themselves by then? I don't see why they wouldโ€ฆ

This is what they need to build in order to ensure that construction of the actual wall is not interrupted by cartel guerilla warfare.

I want a bunch of Latinos that voted for him to go paint on the wall "Latinos for the God Emperor!" in the blood of SJWs and illegals.

I love you!

Idiots don't realize how this is gonna help Latin America in the long run.

please think about it

Will the wall become Trumps Gitmo promise? Remember when Obama promised to shut down Gitmo and never did, despite emptying the fucker out?

You know how they say that it's not the fall that killsnyou, it's the sudden stop at the end?

We want it high enough that it IS the fall that kills you.

It's like your post got stuck in a vortex of time itself, and was spat out weeks later.

they'll never finish it. you guys are doomed to eternal traffic. drove through there once and was stuck in traffic for an hour in the middle of the night.

lol video games are a partly Jewish invention

meant to say "how much"

Pretty catchy chiptune but I don't get your post - explain further

A wall within a wall.
It's like wallception.

Will this stop those tunnels the cartels use from being effective at all

in b4 some smartass tells me HURR IT'S A WALL, IT'S ABOVE GROUND. First of all gas yourself, second I remember reading it would have features designed to, at very least least make it more difficult for the cartels to build drug smuggling tunnels etc.

Ken Silverman

Mulvaney addressed that shit too homie. Should watch the press briefing before asking questions.

I think the wall will be built, but, we keep thinking it's going to be some Sci-Fi fag thing. It's going to be big enough to keep POVs and people out, yet allow the BP to monitor what happens beyond the wall.

Good enough.

I hope JIDF was reassigned and issued those hilarious IDF diapers, then all died in the desert litterally wallowing in their own diarrhea.
The image is hilarious.


Shills have been all over the place today and the lying media is lying harder than usual, if you can believe that.

Did something happen today? I know the crooked crone spoke on some shitty show and faggy kimmel is being played on a lot of airwaves but things seem to be amped up a bit. Even the lying media is quoting cuckservatives like rush's show as a means of sowing discord amongst the normalfag right.

Watch the briefing homie. They got ripped to shreds by Mulvaney for 40 minutes, and then Sean blue-balled them and just left, ending the briefing. They're fucking pissed today.

Tunnels are an expensive investment. To get the most return on their investment, tunnel owners will move the most profitable product through them.

Tunnels are used for drugs and cartel VIPs, not for masses of farm workers.

implying applied memetics had any clue what they were doing

Interesting read. Too bad I don't know a lot about video game history but apparently Quake is way better than DN3D and Carmack is way more talented than Silverman but who knows.

probably cause the budget bill got through today and the Dems didnt get their Obamacare bailouts, so now theyre panicking with the realization that it's gonna collapse and take them down with it

Goddamn this is gonna be a good week.

Trash. id games were better. Q3A was the last good FPS ever made.

Still remember typing in the registration code off of the back of cd case for that game. Good times

Not to be a downer or anything, but most of that 120 feet is empty space.

I hope you guys do realize that the concrete thing Spicer linked is a levee flood protection system along a riverโ€ฆ. It's not a wall. See through walls are not acceptable.


Carmack did suck Jew cock back in the day too.
Zuckerkike wasn't his first BF.

That would be cheaper and much more effective.

Do you mean 12 feet thick?

I know about the proposals, the examples in the tweet are shit and disinfo. I haven't seen any real details on the proposals other than larping and government mumbo jumbo.

Who are you trying to fool? Yourself probably. The vertical columns with a solid section on top has been a border fence design floating around for years.

Losing some weight there Kushner?

Pull your head out of your ass. This is not a "levee".

I'm gonna watch that. I caught a glimpse of that while on break at work. I'm seeing now that (((they're))) cutting all of his talk down except to one part in the presentation where he described something with his back turned. They're so blatantly dishonest that they can only focus on something that isn't a gaffe but call it a gaffe and skip the entire explanation he gave. We're almost to the point where they're never going to ever talk about the press briefings because they can't risk what's said going beyond that room.

See this is the kind of news that the lying media isn't even reporting on. Didn't see or hear a peep about this at all today. All I got to hear even from cuckservative radio was "muh kimmel." I've got a gut feeling that the cuckservatives are going to make the case for the standard fare lying media and go full cuck - full controlled opposition since no one cares what the lying media has to say.

And once we reach that point, people realize the briefings are the best source of information, and we just keep winning.

I didn't know they put levees in deserts.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

No ya fucking dingus, I meant width

So a woman doesn't have wide hips, she has long hips? And a wide ass?

I can get behind this.

Depth/width/thickness are interchangeable and terms vary depending on the symmetry of the geometry.

Your mom has a wide ass.

Apparently this limo is wider than it is long. Who knew!
You must have an incredibly low IQ.

I think it's a fairly good idea for nationalists to play the pro zionist card because (1) it is good to give your enemy somewhere to retreat to and (2) it disarms the kikes antisemitism argument and (3) we can nuke it from orbit later

So which would you use to describe the thickness of a wall? Length? Height?


Apparently not you

Every time Israel expands its territory, it builds another wall. And they're so poor we need to give them billions in aid. And yet we can't afford a wall.

Okay, call me a shill if you want to, but the facts are on my side moron.
1. Spicer tweeted with three pictures, two fences that are see through and have no concrete, just cheap steel fencing.
2. The third picture is of the Joint Levee-Wall project in Hidalgo County, Texas posted on the c&bp website last year.
3. Hidalgo county is near the gulf and on the border with Mexico. It's down river from a large reservoir and upstream from the gulf that could flood much of the place out.
>goo. gl/maps/uvhVFbca4nG2

Fuck you people are retards that can't do basic research.

He's saying they can build those on the boarder you fucking retard.

Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa

Just like they can violate international law, bomb civilians, and use illegal weapons with no repercussions. They operate on a different moral and legal standard and everyone just fucking accepts it. It's disgusting.

Just pointing out hypocrisies that other countries get shoa'd for doing.

Yeah, because they'll build a concrete levee system across the border at a cost of $380MM per 30 miles. /sarcasm
It's bullshit PR and they didn't do research that took me five minutes BEFORE they posted it. Which means they're acting in bad faith or they're just retarded. Either way it's disappointing.

Top fucking kek.

Implanted tracking chips in illegals when?

Second picture

you goddamn nigger. it's a wall and a flood levee. any basic google search shows they use it as a border wall.

now i know you don't belong here cause you have no grasp of the cost of illegal immigration compared to the cost of the wall.

also, the metal there is thick as hell and driven down deep. they're fucking I beams dude.

Whaddya mean, it is a memorial
A *pre* memorial

That's probably what became the VOICE program.

Neat, I haven't heard of that one.

But user an illegal can butter him self up and slide through the bars!

The wall is great and all, but when will Trump make anime real so I can save her?

Sean would only shill against Dippin' Dots for free imo

Nice, but I want 30 feet. Pure concrete except the top 10 feet at max. preferably only the top 5 feet with bars

Well if you mom has a wide ass she must also also have a long ass if she's normal.

oh and not to mention the cost of that particular part of the wall is also offset by the cost of flood damage if the levees aren't built, and assumed increased economic growth from new usable land and increased productivity without disruptions to businesses.

ffs think a bit before you even try to shill. its like arguing with a child that understands nothing and thinks about nothing.

If you think they're not going to use that database to track us too you're woefully mistaken.

Yes, I understand that anything is better than nothing. I wasn't making an argument on cost, I was pointing out the obvious. They're showing us examples of steel beam walls because the alternative would cost too much. We all know that the republicans are going to give as little funding allocation possible toward wall construction. They'll just settle for the see through metal shit.

I'm just pissed that we're going to see a bullshit "wall" and not some quality American engineering there. Though, what did I expect with Schlomo, Jankel, Moische, Leib, and Herschel running around in the White (Jew) House?

Somethingg must be done about the traitors in our government.

concrete will have negative ecological effects as well as necessitate fancier engineering for the foundations. I beam pier style construction is fast, cheaper, will last longer, and is actually harder to get through.

there's sections of the border that are just sand. you're gonna have a hard time digging out the sand to make a proper foundation and ensuring that foundation doesn't let the wall fall over or lean. lot quicker to pound i beams in and then weld them at the top.

see above. it is the best engineering for the job and no i don't want to spend a bunch of money on spics that could be spent on education. that's the whole damn reason for the wall. make it effective, make it cheap, make it last. i do not give a shit what it looks like. 99.99 percent of the country will never see the wall. so no one cares what it looks like except you apparently.

Pull back some of the troops from the 200 countries they are occupying and put them in permanent garrisons on the border. We are being invaded. Fuck this keystone cops shit.

dunno why no link. see that post.

Holy Fuck
That video had to be one of the most retarded things I've seen come from TV.

why is this thread (and many others) copy and pasted word for word here :


I noticed this a week ago when googling for an archive link, and noticed that a thread I had seen here was post for post copied there. Now this one is. What's this all about?

Odd way of spelling NATO 7.62x54r

We're going to need a lot of troops on the border while the wall is built anyway.


based! le praise kek :) habbenings galore! what did you mean by this? checked and keked!

Nobody gives a shit about the ecological effects. They should install a giant 10 mile wide minefield on the border, scatter our depleted uranium, and all toxic manufacturing waste just south of the border. Fuck those spics.

Yeah it's cancer, but funny.

I did have a giggle m8


Why hasn't anyone checked these dubs?

How is that inventing videogames, the military invented videogames you D&C double nigger

That was built way earlier than that, and they kept adding sections to it.

The reason it "took so long" was due to the fact that they later kept deciding to add more to the wallyou fucking nigger faggot holy shit I can't stand it when nu/pol/acks try to LARP as /his/torians gas yourself especially if you were browsing that Wendy's shill thread you dumb, hormonal faggot.

A lot of people worked on the build engine you kike.

Video footage of this new wall being built or OP is a fag

Back to the fake iPhone factory with you, Chang.

That's called synchronicity and it's no joke. You thought all this meme magic/hermetic/occult stuff was just larping? Sage for off topic though.
look into the occult seed if you're ever curious

there they go again, cant stop being children for 5 minutes. I love how they are this stupid, once the system isnt protecting them anymore, they wont change and their own dumbfuckery will be their end.
Also, they should be charged with interfering with an investigation for spamming ufo shit.

They will track everyone with biometric database. Already in place but not as widespread.

This. Anyone has the pic where it said that Afghanistan and Iraq were practice for large scale biometrics acquisition??

Well, we all knew the FEMA camps and wall was going to eventually happen. I wish I would have saved the thread where we agreed to play yugioh there.

Pleaseโ€ฆ enlighten us the engineering behind how your wall is supposed to be. I assure you no one here is going to make fun of you.

Because that would be terrifically stupid. Too early for that.

1) concrete looks beautiful if you get the right people
2) concrete would deter digging from below or breaking through it, BUT ineffective to wall climbers (which is most of the time)

I would move as close to the border as possible

Why stop there? Trump should build eastern and western walls to keep people from swimming into the US illegally.


ayy lmao

Oy vey, Trump really is Le G_d emperor, "we'll build that wall, it will be the best wall ever, it better look good because it will have my name on it"

Anyone here worry about the freemason and jewish controlled Trump scam being perpetuated against the guillible goy on Holla Forums and every so-called jew wise nationalist board online?
Not to mention the non-stop astroturfing of false consensus for the jewish trojan horse of Trumps presidency is being shilled for so hard, to the point that everywhere outside of Holla Forums, people are asking why Holla Forums no longer exposes the jew, but now promotes the jew in every country's political process from Gert Wilders, to jewish newspaper editor Steve Bannon through to zionist fraud Marine le Pens FN.

Anyone questioning why Holla Forums is now pushing for and promoting every neocon kike in world politics is called a shill, by the myriad of jews that flood these boards with pro-kosher conservative poison each and every day.

what a faggot.

Nobody's allowed to criticise Trump or you jews shilling for zog politics every day on Holla Forums, hence the tor posts.

Are they hiring?

But if he doesn't nuke Israel RIGHT FUCKING NOW he's a neocon zionist puppet :^)

and use their bodies for filler in the wall

We funded this fucking shit way back in 2006 under bush.

Trump is just building what was supposed to be built in 2006.


awesome. I'm fucking psyched.

Soโ€ฆthis is like a PRE-Wall? Just replacing the literal fence we had & filling in the holes before a more solid wall gets built?

We're up to our shit heads with shit bricks on this shit wall Randy, we gotta listen to the liquor to get out of this one.

Moshe must have had a meeting with jewish HR about him slacking and only getting 2nd or 3rd postsโ€ฆ.

The aesthetic that it looks impossible to climb to the dumb beaners. Not the aesthetic that it looks nice for your pansy ass.

at the very least it's a good start, and it'll get the shills really buttmad

we're just leaking a bit of pre-wall out before we wall all over her southern border



Pics are of the current wall, yes

But the wall pictured doesn't currently cover the whole border.

All over the place we have the crappy and falling apart short sheet metal fence.

Add to that the lack of levees at rivers to prevent wetback crossings. That's another thing the bill provided budget for.

Watch the press briefing, you blackpilled slime!

No, it isn't the wall, but everything above is an important and necessary step to securing the border. With it, Trump can begin mass deportations that would be ineffective otherwise as MOST illegals would simply come back. This, like Hungary's fence is to stop MOST of the problem. The wall should stop even more of it, but this is what he could get funding for now. Art of the deal.

pls b in london


Those who reply aren't better.

What you hear as "jewish" is just shit they ripped off along their travels through eastern europe. Same thing with "gypsy" music.

Would be perfect time to squeeze them. Facing elections two months away, Republicans would be up against the wall to deliver a budget everyone who voted trump likes. They have no excuses not to get itndkne, and if they fail, trump has time to go nuclear and endorse hard line nationalist replacements for all of them.

if the mexicans are running away from all the mexicans, why dont we put mirror plates on it?

lol completely out of nowhere
all because I told you to shut the fuck up in the other thread
that's not me btw. I wonder if you'll think of me everytime someone tells you to shut the fuck up or call you stupid from now on. I hope you do

Constructionfag here.
If Trump can't get the money to build the wall at the Mexican border, the next-best option would be to help Mexico completely secure its southern borders. A complete wall cutting off Guatemala and Belize would be much better than an incomplete wall across our southern border. Guatemalans and Hondurans are far worse than Mexicans. Mexico would help pay, too. Mexicans are bad, but they're not Guatemalans.

20 foot tall fence. wtf is this shit??? 1 guy could still got to home depot buy a ladder and be over "the wall"

The well needs to be a actual wall,40 feet high at least, with maned observation post, cameras and razor wire.

Trump needs to bitch slap anyone that stands in the way of any of this.Get it done now deliver no excuses.

Also where are the factories, I want my fuckken job, like now!

Did you not even watch the speech? He pointed out that they had that small wall in a few sports, and it is what border control prefers, but it is not "the" wall. They will be building this small wall as a temporary solution until the real wall is built. The wall will be in the 2018 budget and they are in fact pushing for 21 billion for it. What we have now is going to be a small defensive measure stretched out with a small budget in order to stop some of the immigration. Along with more detention centers so we don't have to do this catch and release shit due to lack of space to process people

You are either a bad shill, or to lazy to read the thread nor watch the press briefing. Either way you have to go back to your containment board, cuckchan



Trumps wall will be EPIC




You just know that some faggot is going to turn the mexican side into a mural, right?

it does look like shit though


Like North Korea that has to send their own people to shitty countries to harvest evil money for the state?

Watch yesterdays press briefing. Later there will be small sections built so Americans can choose which wall they think is the best. That has been known for weeks now. As for funding that was covered extensively in the press briefing. We are getting funding for the wall in the 2018 budget. Due to obongo being a lazy nigger and not doing his job Trump was able to take a bite out of the 2017 budget. That is where this recent secondary wall comes in. The only thing that has changed is that we get an extra wall.

Does this mean that the real wall won't be built until 2018?

It's never being build, you stupid fucking goy.

FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that was the plan. The difference is that now we 2 walls, one for now and one for later. That way we can stop more shitskins before the actual wall is built

now we get*

I hope leftists commit suicide off the wall as some sort of protest. I mean we are in a phenomenal timeline, but I can always hope for more icing on the cake.

Trump is a judeo-Freemasonic hoax

Okay thanks for clarifying,

Wow, he's not literally HItler. You convinced me. #ImWithHer now. Hillary can make a comeback next cycle, right? She can still win, right?

Ask him about the lemons user.


Trump is an American President you fucking commie. Go "criticise" your own government and leaders, you cock sucking faggot.


Here's a thought. Maybe he should be dissolving the part of the system allowing those illegals to be hired in the first place, instead of simultaneously going easy on "Dreamer" faggots and selling even more of our agriculture out to foreign nations on the advice of the Monsanto shills that he corralled into the USDA in the first place?

I appreciate the strawman shitposting, but it doesn't change the fact that Kushner is a perpetually assmad giga-kike that crawls around the White House like the slime he is. There also isn't much that is going to change the fact that he has direct links to Blackstone, a pet Rothschild finance group, and his bizarre associations as far as Cadre is concerned. Just because the shills have been escalating Kushner's potential threat way out of proportion doesn't mean he's not a rat that needs to be cleared out.

that wall is exactly what I am expecting.

intentionally burr all the beams on all sides.

wait. i thought they were supposed fire walls at the border jumpers not just put a wall in front of them.

This. Drugs and cartels won't stop; the human flood will.

It's one battle won out of many; goddammit it's beautiful, Fuck beaners.

I guessโ€ฆ I guess Ill just kill myself.

Go kill yourself you fucking chink; this is why Japan is the only good Mongoloid race.

I'm not even the nigger who was giving you shit. But it is your fault for calling attention to your race (or lack thereof). I'm glad you have no lack of that trademark sense of self-importance though.

The first one looks really effective.

The same people shilling about it's looks are the same ones saying Mexicans can just buy a ladder. They're moving goal posts.
