What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


and of course:


What the fuck lads.

Holy shit, it's real

Woah, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, Slate.


Imagine a world where Holla Forums runs the news.


someone tweet this at them, I just got shoad a few days ago

Are you tired yet?


What the hell kind of ruse-cruise is this?

everybody retweet this like crazy, the normie conservatives all hate Soros and if they see this we can get them on the #firekushner train

The tweet is real but it was worded in a different way. (Does not mention Jews)


And the article is pretty much.
Jews play both sides of every event.

Not bad for normie minds.

are you retarded?

Send this to these faggots.


Might be relevant, spread around.

The one I'm looking at does.

That's a funny way to spell hang in town square for all to see.


I only wish man.



They changed it

Some of these comments, though.

Fire = Fire in the oven

Still the same for me.

Enjoy a whole new generation of this.

You need to fucking kill yourself. This is the long game and if you act apoplectic.you are no use for a general nor a local sergaent.

That just doesn't have the same ring as "the liberal Jew destroying America" does it? They should change it back.


OP is a faggot here is the real tweet

Are you fucking stupid? Just above that post I was saying for people to retweet it because it is still very good for us. Just because I pointed out that it doesn't name the Jew doesn't mean that I think we should ignore it

Mine just switched.
The second WE know, it gets shut down.

I would shoot you rather than operate with you.

Read the thread dumbass. Slate changed the title because they don't want to be anti-semitic

OP is not a faggot in this case, that was the original tweet. You're just being retarded.


Everyone save it!

Fucking WEW.

Fucking niggers.


This is the face of cuckchan, user.

No, I just no from management and subversive outliers that ruin groups. In this scenario you just cease to exist.

They always post articles twice with different titles for more clicks. Both tweets are still up. Take a scroll down their twitter page and you'll know what I mean.

Chaos is for battle not meddling internally you filthy kike touched animals.

Another face of cuckchan I see.



Does his post make it feel like something is crawling in your skin?

Oh shit thank you I didn't notice that

Either Slate has had it, or they forgot that jews play both sides.


They are trying to attack Kushner I think

Still the original for me

>Soros has an entire wing on Snopes

Even as early as 10 years ago, that alone would have made a reporter's spider-sense start tingling.


How do I know that by the end of that program, he'll cuck out and save everyone anyways?

They sure are doing it in a dangerous way. Expect Soros to have a "talk" with Slate soon.


What reallity did I wake up in this time? Is that fucking Bonzi Buddy?Sonic is going to sensitivity training because he called a "guy a guy", wew.

Yes, I hope most know how social media works at this point for wanting it die but it doesn't prior to myspace. It's out there, is what matters. I live in their head.

No it didn't, there's 2 posts

That is reddit

Cuckchan is the new reddit.

And this is the new cuckchan.

and __:^)__ is the new Holla Forums

Oh, look at that. Trying to scapegoat Holla Forums on Holla Forums didn't fly so good so you try it here.

I wonder what we would be then


What in the H. E. double hockeysticks is going on, here.

I'll allow you to keep fucking up.

What did they mean by this tweet???

It's almost like kikes play both sides or something :^)

So do Germans.

The replies are just a few outraged liberals and a bunch of fucktarded chanfaggots. Pic related is damn nice, though

I had to triple check if I was reading it wrong, but what in the… S-S-Slate named the jew, and now thousands are potentially getting a micro-dose of truth. We memed something beautiful

As bad as Soros is, Kushner's (and Trump's) Chabad connections are much more damning.

Shut the fuck up retard, Holla Forums is what it is to this day and we always be the real thing, the cringe shit come from reddit. Take masonkike jim's little dick out of your ass.

I totally thought this was fake. holy shit it's real. SLATE. SLATE HAVE YOU AWOKEN?! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY!


What the fuck are you smoking? It's a well-known fact that 8/pol/has gone to shit. With faggot kike mods and their removing 90% of quality threads.

Killing them softly.

*and will always be

NOPE WRONG. still the same for me.

Curious how this all started just after the outage. How about you smoke a choke?



where the fuck am I and what the fuck is going on and why do I have a boner?

fug, forgot image

Curious why the ADL targeted infinity instead of halfchan, they must have assumed it would be an easy target with a smaller clientel, in their kikey shekel bags they ball brains.

Just more resolve.

I haven't seen any quality threads removed. One or two borderline threads maybe. Definitely a shit-ton of bait, b-tier, and leftypol-tier, and consensus-cracking threads though. I'm guessing that's what you meant by quality threads though.

Was this the work of /ourguy/? Did Holla Forums psy-op some journoscum? Does it really even matter?

The only shilling they do is make people get out of 4chan so they can slide it better, and you fall for it.

holy shit it's real

this has great meme potential. Need a png of a star of david to photoshop over this.

And by small fraction I mean 1-15% of their total followers, and still thats a big number



I like this. guess I'm going on a new music binge.

I get those too from time to time. I went through a classical phase, a jazz phase, a back to my formative years 90's phase. now I'm listening to country, yes country which I used to hate but it is the last bastion of white culture in the US, go to a country concert and it is 98% white women most of whom go to church

Much improvement

How long before Trump goes to a christening?

use mine with the 1111 get for meme magic powers.

6,000,000/ 6,000,000

It's good brain food. Swing classes are how you may find decent classical mates too. A little tip for anyone still on the hunt.

almost exactly the same here. cept I didn't go to country I went to synthwave.

they realized they were wrong and apologized to Sonic



Funny. Squirrel Nut Zippers were a big favorite of mine years ago.

They are attacking Kushner while at the same time mocking the right for their Soros "conspiracy" theories. Using Snopes as a Soros reference is very low energy though. Pol has proven that Soros has ties to most of the groups that have been protesting/rioting for the past year. Media doesn't want to upset their handlers though by reporting the Soros links.

small edit

RIP sides


The new current location of the Overton window:

Makoto is a qt



here's an mp4 so you don't have to use that.


are you telling me, the tweet varies depending on who views it?!

no, just there's two. one is pretty old but still there. the other is a newer one that is more easily found on their twatter.

The old one is still there, Slate just posted it twice. Keep scrolling, the naming headline was around 6 or 7 hours ago.

this is the new one
this is the old one.

They must have removed it from their timeline but the orig full link still works

kek, nah it's still there. check around 6 hours ago. fucking, gold.





They are two different tweets.
Kek, what the fuck is happening.

w e w

poor guy doesn't know about the real Holla Forums

Negan's meant to be a villain, but he's got a fucking point.
At that point in the show the initial outbreak happened years ago, when you're fat you don't simply stay fat. You need to eat a minimum number of Calories to maintain a body weight.
The amount of exercise survivors preform in their day-to-day lives combined with the limited supply of food would shed the pounds off any fat person in around a year. The bitch must be eating like an animal to still be that fat.

I've decided to actually give some clicks to Slate for this.
I want them to keep publishing stuff like this.

I even disabled ad-block.

sla te.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/05/02/george_soros_trump_nemesis_is_jared_kushner_business_partner.html

They are arrogant enough to think that sarcastically naming the jew is a safe thing to do. How foolish. I hope they keep doing it.

he does not understand that the person that posted that headline was likely not being sarcastic.

I wish Miller wasnt a kike :(


Id say we should make a thread just to inflate it, but their in house spies would see it and hold it against us in the board room.

Sarcasm is the new "It was just a prank bro!"

Tune in next week when Moishe sticks it to those ebil gnatzis by sarcastically explaining in detail just how massively over represented Jews are in government, finance, big business, media, and academia!

Cant remember what I saved the other ones under. Jews get angry when the goy forget they are being ruled over by Jewish overlords.

We already do according to that previous thread about how chans have taken over the culture and internet discourse.

It all happened so fast. Some might even call it, a Blitzkrieg.

Typo?? Same article goes on to say

If you look at National Socialist history, about the origins of the party, were pretty much approaching the 20s at this point.

Still too long

Fight harder then.

Wow user all that shining wisdom must catapult you to the highest echelons of human achievement. Fight harder, I never would have thought of that.

You wont vote them in this time. Too many non-whites. Just the 25 points alone will turn them off, number 7 alone would never fly. You better start filling sandbags, and hope the putsch works this time.

It shouldnt take that long anyways, considering they started with like 50 people around that time, where as if a real NatSoc party started, we would have thousands ready to join day 1.

That may have been true in the 70's but now people are too concerned that "Neo-Nazi" groups may be honeypots for the SPLC and the FBI. We won't get a lot of numbers.

it's okay, things are accelerating nicely.

increasingly people don't care. also we the fbi nao

Seems quite blackpilled of you. Honeypots for what? Whats illegal about a National Socialist party? I think there are a lot of coward larpers who dont plan on leaving their basements, and a lot of people who have already committed the rest of their lives to a cause, live or die. I dont think those types will give two shits about infiltration.

Just absorb that into your noggin.

DAP is like IE today, or some other group. IE is probably a bad example, given how aut-kike they are.

Sounds about right

Those alphabet agents never had a chance. I remember reading an FBI file where they were concerned about "ghost skins". Supposedly far right groups are infiltrating all sorts of high level agencies in government, and the FBI are extremely worried about it.



I wouldn't. Not really, no.

Hasn't removed as far as it shows on my computer.


I don't think it's going away. its over 6 hours old now lol.

the nose knows

Yeah, the tweet's still up. Interesting shit.

Oh shit the body swap will happen soon, Soros is getting ready to jump to the next body, he has chosen his new shell.


I wonder if Slate means:
George Soros, the LIBERAL Jew
George Soros, the liberal JEW

Or they remembered that Jews play both sides, and this is the play?


Oh they're working on that lad.

You guys need a drop shadow to make it stand out more.

What the fuck is even happening any more?
Are we leaving the Berenstain universe and entering Borkenberger?
Is the wired bleeding into reality at this point?
I swear I feel like we're in some kind of godforsaken episodal.

post yfw jared is so loathsome that he's incidentally redpilling the normalfags on jews


I have to deal with bluepilled leftists all day and this article back in april has started a chain reaction. Bluepills that eat up the russian conspiracy the media invented are now seeing jews as the connecting dots. Let me break it down for you if you want to have bluepilled leftists naming the jew:

Now that is genuinely 2 spooky 4 me.

Hung with their own rope…


Nice digits

Bonus: They changed the photos in this article. I wonder (((why)))

So the new current location of the Overton window is the oven window, metaphorically speaking.

My fucking sides

Duuuuuuude…..I fucking love this country shit. Sciencefag that failed here, now I found discipline, resolve, and enough passion to make shit happen in this timeline. also almost died in 07 btw I build houses now….and listen to country all day. My waifu was giving me shit because I was a death metal guy when we met….and I recently realized and explained that I'm just happier now. We need to bring back the rebel yell. Also more confederate pepes…..preferably reeeee'ing. And I can't even begin to try and tell you guys how amazing it feels to actually want to have children and help save my race after living most of my life as a nihilistic little shitcunt. Holla Forums will rule the world someday my brothers. Perhaps not in our lifetime, but at least we can bring down the jew and give our progeny a world to build anew without that vampire suckling upon them. Here's to toasting in some catalytically epic bread.

Berenstain universe is weird.

Rolling for emojis to be confirmed as coon runes

One last time

Honestly fam, I think this is a new shill tactic. Their new "reddit spacing" interjection trying to splinter us. Here's rolling for you death faggot.

Can you hear that? The screeching noise that the Jews are making?
That's also the sound of the Overton window slowly grinding right.


Confederate and old west cavalry cadences get me fucking hard as diamonds. I love to drive around blaring the Bonnie Blue Flag.

So you're saying that Trump having Jewish advisors is somehow worse than Soros actually being a Jew? That's some liberal logic right there, shill.

Maybe It's just me, but am I the only one suspicious that Slate of all people put out an article like this?

I feel like there is a secondary purpose for them doing this.

Could be absolutely wrong of course and a bad goy got out of containment

Also I just found what seems to be a copy of the article on fox news that slate quotes from the wall street journal


Skimming through it, it seems to have alot more information on Kushner's business connections

Hope the information helps

The question, I am wondering is why are they attacking Kushner?

Is it just because he is a Jew, who they consider a traitor, or is there something else important regarding him?

I don't think we have been in the Berenstain universe since over a year ago user


I think you got the wrong user dude.i never got on anyone for reddit spacing. Nor did i use it.

It is interesting, but the increasing violence Antifa is doing right now mirrors the actions of marxists and anarchists in America who got increasing violent after WW1.

The result? The so-called First Red Scare.
Immigration was restricted, commies got BTFO, and America swung very isolationist.

The future is going to get interesting.

and when you're online then


Heinrich Luitpold Himmler was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (and a Jew)

Nobody add any more images to this thread there are 88 images


You sure about that user?


Slate is hungry for clicks, puts up controversial tweet. Posts on pol. Gets a shit ton of hits, 3x higher than normal. Switches tweet. Pol essentially tricked into giving Slate UV's.



He stubbed his toe

tbh i fucked died several times

What is with the posters in this thread saying "Pol"?

Bluepilled people see him as nothing more than an unethical connection to money groups. Since he's jewish and kushner's connections to trump amount to essentially all of trump's jewish connections, they are slowly seeing it as a jewish problem rather than a rich white guy problem.


What the fuck is with this timeline



ayyy good theory man

Silly kikes.

she could just be a very fucking lazy survivor who somehow still gets 2000 calories a day despite not working



This thread is a travesty the entire article is making fun of people who trash kikes why is this stickies

Slate are morons. They think it's okay for them to sarcastically name the jew. They don't understand that even naming the jew sarcastically is good for us and bad for the jews.

Rest assured that whoever called that shot is going to get a stern talking to by the jews. They fucked up big time.

Dumbass, read:

all they are doing is making a connection between soros and kushenr obvious for the plebs. their message is lost because these people already know soros=bad so most people reading it will see kushner=bad


They're calling attention to the fact that Soros is a jew, and they're mentioning jews and nation wrecking in the same sentence. It doesn't even matter that they're sarcastic because once you learn Soros is a jew, you can't unlearn it. And once you're introduced to the meme of jews being nation wreckers, even through sarcasm, that's an idea you won't lose.

Kek whats the number on the shitpostein bears universe divergence meter now?



Here is the link to the main article archive, if none of you niggers have posted this yet.

Also, why do suddenly start listening to lying kike run media sources when they happen to say things we like? We're talking about people who claim to be able to debunk virtually ALL George Soros "right wing conspiracy myths". I am dissapointed Holla Forums. Don't listen to Jews, even when they shit talk about other Jews.

Although, you guys are right, this does bring good publicity

Wanna count the minutes until half of them misteriously start to disapear?

I hope this thread stays so I can cap this tomorrow.

We don't listen to them, nor will we even read the whole article… (At least I won't.) But every time they connect jews to evil, and normies who actually believe them read it, we get one step closer to winning. So thanks, leftist faggots. Keep it up.

The truth points to itself.

yeah, I laughed a lot also. thread was super serious, then boom - fag joke. I'm not mad. I will not be reporting this post. (Coulda used a spolier)


Soros funded Kushner's Cadre real estate venture.


What did he mean by this?




Though its a funny and subconcious truth by the kikes that greenlit this title there where scare quotes that where meant to be in this post.


George Soros, "the liberal Jew destroying America", is also a Jared Kushner business partner: slate.me/2pF2mJ5

Probably meant to write insignificant

Will some hero please edit george soros' Wikipedia article with a citation from Slate

Fucking capped. Top fucking kek.

Because we aren't a pack of hamstrung fags.

Aside from the obvious, what's going on in this pic?

Satan we don't have a meter, it needs to be made first.

False premise. Kill yourself low-IQ nigger.

So we need two stickies for the same shit?

What goddamn timeline is this anyway?


No, they're going to lose all their material possessions and have their family lives demolished.

If they're good goyim who made an earnest mistake, they'll probably get one warning. But the score will be laid out very clearly for them.

Hope you got one hanging up somewhere, user.
You know blacks don't know what in the hell they are. You might as well hang a few up.


Found this, a re-enactment of the origional Yell. Imagine using this at a battle with antifa!


Did…did we jump timelines?

I had a realization not too long ago.
I tried to figure out what Holla Forums really is. While we espouse fascist and natsoc movements of the past, these are from a gone era that won't ever truly return. We can model ourselves off of it, but our culture and demographics are now so radically different that any movement will look different.
We are a product of post-modernism, even if we rebel against it.

Then it hit me. Holla Forums is postmodernism taken to its total extreme and then turning on itself and destroying itself. Think about it, think about the absurd nihilism of board culture in general, the ironic anime, the gore, the smug shitposting concealed in layers of irony. Think about the origins of Holla Forums, about chan culture.
The post modern was taken to such an extreme that we saw ourselves in the mirrow for the vile horror that we had become, and immediately turned ourselves back at those who made us this way in so that we may destroy them.

There is where you're wrong. We're also not just some rebellion against postmodernism. All of this is trash and it is recognized as such, and a return to the traditional way with traditional culture and demographics are strongly desired and lifted above all else as the most important goal. There can be absolutely no capitulation or yield to anything less.

And nihilism is for retarded cucks

daily reminder ivanka is jew now too

Reminder they made an episode dedicated to making fun of Chris Chan.
Sonic Boom cast /ourguys/ confirmed

Whatcha playing, user?


Oh yeah, this is something a lot of people forget. It's funny how it repeats itself here.

they too a nice jab at the autistic sensualized fan-fiction too


Have a look at /polk/ and see what I mean.

I can hear Chris Chan's autistic screeching from here

That was surprisingly good.

is this that add on that replaced "white" with "jew" and "black" with "aryan"?

That's actually pretty funny.


the children who watch this have no idea.

What do you think Spencer and Duke are?

gay and kind of lame, also associates with (((TRS))) and pushes muh altright

gambler lizard boogeyman who is a tool of the jews to discredit people

Wew lads.

I heard Hitler was, too!!!!!

Even if we succeed, a later generation begin the cycle anew.

"Georgia Mom With Misbehaving Son Turns to Local Cops to 'Give Him a Scare'"
Misbehaving niglet had police faux arrest him.

Friendly reminder that Soros and the rest of the Diaspora is supposed to become hated by the People.

Which religion are we talking about it here?

judaism/satanism as always

It's not my board, neither is it failed.

It's just higher quality Holla Forums. It's what 8/pol/ was when we first left cuckchan because of faggot kike mods. And guess what, they're here now.

What is this thread about? I need to read up on this shit.

I second this.