I think real life organizing to counter AnTiFa is a great idea. I've recently heard about AnTiCom.info to counter and organize. I was genuinely curious as to their motives so I emailed the folks behind it and they sent me this pastebin of their credentials so to speak.
Seems legit. This could prove useful for those interested.
If you don't want to go yourself, and normalfags are interested in attending this could be a great means to gather resources such as camera footage etc for oldfags to sit back and analyze. This could have a ton of uses user. Even if you're scared of the sun.
Chase Ramirez
If you can't go outside and join groups unless it's a Holla Forums group or Holla Forums organized meetup complete with cum-brownies then that's your problem. I've been apart of local groups for years now but a group based out of and around Holla Forums and image board culture is nothing but an IRL circlejerk with added possibility of being V&. Join your own fucking local groups or start one yourself you dumb fucks. If you want to LARP-shitpost then go to cuckchan for "le Pol maymay meetup fun times :^)", niggers.
Jordan Murphy
Cameron Jenkins
Daniel Phillips
You've moved up the list.
Josiah Adams
(checked) Quads confirm a ton of asshurt neckbeards who serve zero purpose in life are moaning in agony at the thought of people actually winning the civil war they claim to want
Alexander Murphy
Those digits speak the truth. The age of purely online activism is coming to a close.
Hudson Butler
Sure, lets meet up, tell me where and I'll make sure to be there with a bunch of friends :)
Zachary Howard
Nathan Hall
And which word did I spell wrong, faggot? Or did you read it so fast (because you're autistic) that you're misreading?
Jaxon Hernandez
Checked and Correct. Whether or not one individually goes to such events its important to organize. The white race is dependent upon action. The enemy is organized.
Eli Barnes
Tell me where and when you're going to be. I'll be there and bring more friends to help with the cause! :)
Nicholas Edwards
People like you serve no purpose in image board culture except to d&c Faggot
Nathaniel Hernandez
Good going, dipshit.
Tyler Peterson
(waste of dubs) Fuck off. Filtered.
Jacob Carter
Aiden Wright
TOO TOO TOO read your post you fucking d&c faggot filtered
Joshua Jackson
Neo Nazis are fags tbh. Literally suck dick in prison and are covered in degenerate tattoos.
Camden Price
Jesus shit you're autistic.
Joshua Gutierrez
Sounds like a blast.
Oliver Ramirez
Skinheads aren't National Socialists, and those aren't skinheads. Those are pony fucking faggots.
Kayden Rogers
Jace Martinez
Reminder that AntiCom is run by sodomite lolbergs.
Asher Jackson
But if you never hand out your identity to every faggot who asks for it on Holla Forums then you're not actually supporting the cause!
i know rite, we'll have fun at the meetup, haha :)
Ryder Sanchez
You can be Mr Pink.
Elijah Garcia
Blake Taylor
Why am I Mr. Pink?
Samuel Sullivan
Totally unrelated btw.
Sebastian Price
to be fair user, you did use to instead of too. He's just too autistic to explain it properly.
Asher Smith
First eric clanton got run down by Holla Forums, now one of their pet niggers has murdered someone at an antifa riot. The soros kikes are desperate to gather names from here.
Austin Kelly
This is worse than Chanology.
Camden Morgan
Just join Proud Boys, they already have a wide network.
I was apprehensive at first, but everybody in my local chapter is a "haha free speech amirite" lowkey fascist/NatSoc. NOBODY from any chapter I've interacted with likes Gavin. Nobody communicates with him and overall he isn't a part of the equation.
Honestly I'd rather belong to an explicitly AntiCom group but Proud Boys basically already fulfills that role and has decent numbers in most cities already.
Cooper Harris
Who said anything about mentioning Holla Forums irl you kike
David Scott
looks like ancaps.
Justin Ramirez
Did you miss their whole Rohmsputsch? They got rid of the faggots, and now 85% of the group is NatSoc.
Hmm. Interdasting. My IRL group operates a "legit" front organization as a "young nationalist Trump Republicans" which allows us to operate with a greater degree of freedom and occasionally obtain support from politicians, so I guess it makes sense that others use the same tactics.