I want to see this movie just for the butthurt

I want to see this movie just for the butthurt

Oscar-winning screenwriter David Franzoni recently agreed to write the script for a biopic of Rumi. Although he said it was too early to begin casting, he would like Leonardo DiCaprio to play Rumi, and Robert Downey Jr. to star as Shams of Tabriz, the spiritual instructor of Rumi.
The news was not taken well by users on social media. Using the hashtag #RumiWasn'tWhite many criticized the preference of casting a white actor. Iranian artist Shahab Jafarnejad drew a cartoon depicting Leonardo DiCaprio as Rumi which quickly became popular.


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That would be hilarious, and probably kino to boot.

Looks h'wite to me
But DiCaprio is a non-flexible actor, it will be unkinoesque

I want Sean Bean to play Martin Luther King Jr.

So now the race of actors matter again? Niggers in medieval Europe is good because race doesn't matter, but if a white plays someone not 100% aryan it's wrong because race is super important.

people from that region are relatively white due to being sort of isolated, theres mountains all around them.
Zoroaster was said to have come from the same area.

That's pretty damn white. Whiter than Sweden and most amerimutts.

The Persian people are widely considered to be Indo-Aryan. They are widely known to have originates as white settlers from Europe as evident by the Indo-Aryan Languages being traced to Indo-European languages. This was never really something that was an argument, and some ethnic groups from these areas my even call themselves "White" (White Syrians, White Iranians.etc). They all have European facial features and many have pale skin. The difference between Northern Pajeets and Southern Pajeets is like night and day in more ways than one. They're like the Mexicans of the Old World

Is this the Dank Zone?

At least Mexicans are Christian. There are more Muslims in Britain than in the United States despite the US being much larger and having an overall higher population, really makes you think

Why is everyone on this board so racist?

>Posting (((Varg)))

People talk about "white-washing" but the way people talk about where people come from as if they always looked like they do now is pretty naive if not outright lying. Like how people say Jesus was a dark, olive skinned guy. There probably was people like that in that region, even back then but the native Syrians, Pakistanis, Lebanese, and all that region have groups that are pretty damn white.
I think the Arab Expansion led to a lot more people moving through that region especially from Africa and it's only a matter of time before they mixed.
Same as Greece and Italy, I read somewhere that Mark Antony was in Egypt to buy Nubian slaves to take back to Italy and i guess they were freed at some point, as that wasn't that uncommon.
I've only briefly looked into Manichaeism but the spread seems pretty relevant for more of those people heading further into Europe, it probably happened before. The Greeks called anyone from that region Thracian, but i'm pretty sure it was just a blanket term for anyone north of Greece, i might be wrong about that though.

Jesus was a Galilean. Pic related is a modern Galilean loli. Whoever says Jesus wasn't white is an idiot and a revisionist

The Mahound Worshippers will rage again especially the Sufis who are contrary to Occidental beliefs totally violent.

Important post 9/10

I got the area where Thracian's come from wrong

This is why I didn't awarded 10/10 but really great post

Manichaean churches and scriptures existed as far east as China and as far west as the Roman Empire. It was briefly the main rival to Christianity in the competition to replace classical paganism. Manichaeism survived longer in the east than in the west, and it appears to have finally faded away after the 14th century in southern China.


I find that kind of funny because i'd never heard of it before i looked it up

Sir Alec Guiness was cast as the Middle Eastern Prince Faisal in Lawrence of the Arabia. But it helped that he was made to look like the prince as much as possible and worked on his arabic accent too. He met several people who had known Faisal who actually mistook him for the late prince.

He doesn't even fucking look like him
He looks like Robert Downey Jr.

FTFY, still it looks reasonable
DiCaprio - Rumi is a gigantic joke


Actually Manichaeism is really close to Early Christians sects mainly Marcionism it will have a resurgence with Catharism.
Few people know but Marcion was the first to build a biblical canon in response to that the Fathers of the Church created their own but included the Old Testament.
But the tension is still palpable. Following the OT makes you a Judaizer and the contrast between the vengeful paranoid psychopath god and Jesus Christ, the contrast between Law (see the definition of legalism in religion) and Faith is irreconcilable.
Other things that few people know is the repartitition of the different faiths ante Islam.
Lot if Buddhist centres in now Saudi Arabia and Yemen

Varg's a small guy

Also as you seem interested in those subjects, my area if research is about the Gospel Q


Adolf Von Harnack is also a good read

But still waiting for that Polish film or Eastern European about a witch in the countryside.


Yes. The Indica strain of marijuana has it's origins there. Sativic marijuana is more closely related to hemp.

Bless is this country confirmed.
I mean the area the people nowadays are shit.


it's about time Biiiihhhhh

Why? If he didn't have superpowers I don't care.

I'm still not fluent enough in niggerspeak to understand that yet.

What about the superpower to impregnate lolis?

There have been implications that the destruction of Zoroastrianism in Persia and its gradual replacement with Shiite Islam was part of an effort to weaken their people's identity.

makes you think.
