We're smaller than Holla Forums now

We lost around 400-500 unique ID's.

The fuck is happening? Are we losing users?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's ok user. Your party van will be with you shortly.

Holla Forums is Holla Forums , Holla Forums is just playing more video games lately

We don't need many men, we need good men.


Maybe we can finally get an uptick in quality as the cuckchanners leave.

HWNDU has fizzled out.

Also here's recent OC from Holla Forums

I'm new, got sick of the other Holla Forums becoming unusable over the past couple years. If anything, you guys should be growing as my old home rots in the sun.

all the shills are leaving, thats it

People are jumping ship.

constant bans for the most absurd reasons, i got temporal bans for nothing. I don't want to know how many people is banned.

is next migration happening?

Hopefully it's the shills and not real anons.

welcome newfriend

End of the shill raid newfag. The left's temper tantrum has run it's course.
Welcome to Holla Forums. Or go on to Holla Forums if you want to make more of these threads.

brit 118

polk 146

newbrit 63

could pol become the fracturate left?

Losing shills and bored 4cucks, thus why post quality has been steadily going up (your shit OP excluded)

The bo & mods are ban-happy fags, anons got fed up.

HWNDU is dying down, shills are slowing down after the Syria bombing, some people are becoming complacent after the election hype, that's it.

Just because I'm not willing to suck polish dick doesn't mean the we've become any less fascist or any less angry at the jews.

It used to fluctuate back and forth all the time. Maybe the shills had a team-building exercise today.

This. Cutting out the fat is necessary, but Im not quite sure if were cutting out fat, or leaving the fat and cutting out meat and bone.

Wait. Are you saying that sucking the Polish dick wasn't mandatory?

Halfchan's Holla Forums died a long time ago, and now it seems that fullchan's following the same way. Simply put, after the election, people lost interest with Holla Forums and i'd be lying if I said I wasn't too.

If we find another refuge that'd be cool but we've always been cucked in ownership no matter what happens. Not being nihilistic or being that ==ASSHOLES & GECKOS== faggot, but we've lost too much quality.

It is here you kike shill clearly sent to destroy the h'white race.

I hear you mate.

Yup, fat ass and loveless moonfaggot and Heil banning people for triggering their fragile worldview.

Half/pol/ actually increased in popularity after the election.

Hell Halfchan is actually one of the top 100 sites in the USA.

and ttbqhfam


we had a post about 4-500 new uids when the shilling started, now we have a post about them leaving. I hope the door kills you on the way out OP your demoralization thread isn't doing shit, your shilling did nothing, and I hope at least a third of your shill force have serious questions about their beliefs now.





Remember when we never said "this" until midway election?



Yup, it's autism son.

The election surge is finally dying down and there's fuckall for happenings right now. Hopefully the board will return to an acceptable quality, but I wouldn't count on it.

What happened to /hwndu/ anyway? I swear they were on the top couple boards only a couple days ago and then they dropped off a cliff. I wasn't following that shit but I've never seen something drop that fast.

Cupping Trump's balls.

Probably. Look at Holla Forums.











President Trump is pledging his undying allegiance to Israel and we're building a fence.


Shills are taking a break. Expect quality to go up.

I think the biggest problem is this board is simply not entertaining enough. Rarely do I find posts here that give me a laugh. Cuckchan's Holla Forums, as pozzed as it is, is simply more fun to read, and while that may be partly due to the much higher number of posters, the higher levels of autism here which manifest themselves as fun police quite often do play a significant role.

shia called off hwndu cause we won too much.


The mods permaban maliciously the bad goy anons. Look at the state of the ban page. They ban cuck spammers for a few weeks and permaban veterans for nothing.

Jesus Christ, are you this deluded?

500 shill ID's

Not a big loss.

Can confirm, am playing more of the vidyagoyims lately, regularly browse both boards, but I don't usually take any bites at the threads.


he's a shill.

Checked and kekked

Off topic in a shit thread.

Thank God. Hopefully all the cuckchan fags fucked off back to their hellhole.


Mods ban all sorts of pure cancer and chances are you deserved it.


It's summer. Holla Forums is always filled with Reddit and cuckchan when summer comes. It'll pass, but expect very low quality threads in the meantime.

It fluctuates, goes up and down, but yes, we've lost people. We've lost some shills (this is only temporary, though), and some hobbyists and trolls, but we've also lost some genuine people, and it's impossible to know how it all breaks down.

Regardless, I'm sure you've noticed that some kinds of threads that were popular on here in 2014-2015 just aren't made anymore. If you follow the internet right outside of imageboards, you will also see personalities and accounts, even whole websites that just seem to fall off the face of the earth. The old White nationalist movement suffered the exact same thing apparently, with contacts and members of various groups just… going silent. Think about it, the number of right-wing groups formed in the 20th century in America alone must easily number in the thousands, yet how many of them could you name off the top of your head? 4chan was once pretty good, but the less said of its current state, the better.

I think you get the idea. For some reason, people just go dark,and I've yet to see this phenomenon explored in depth. I don't think they are suddenly becoming liberals, I don't think that many people could be disappeared by ZOG without someone noticing in real life, and if they just stopped talking to us to focus on some great project, what the hell is it?

In other words, people disappear, and as far as I know, no one really knows why or how. Maybe there's some promised Chan out there somewhere, teeming with brilliant discussions and dank memes, and we're just stuck here in purgatory with r/The_Donald, but I doubt it.

Leftypol is about 400-500 id's higher than normal. Consider that.

As long as we've got 300, we can hold this board.

Remember brit/pol/? How they would stay in their hugbox thread and only left to shit up threads about other countries only to return to their echo chamber? Then they got purged.

Well Holla Forums is like that with weeaboos except the board owner is a brit weeb. It's basically an extension of /a/ now, the only games that aren't Japanese that can have their own threads are ones that have had generals on Holla Forums for years.

The BO is a self-admitted kike and the moderators are self-admitted non-whites. Why would anyone WANT to come here?

Some have moved to endchan, .pl after the sunshine stuff. Still doesn't account for all the missing people, perhaps many people saw as it being a call to action. That talking and talking would only get you so far and now it was time to start doing something. Who knows. This board does fluctuate with users though periodically depending on what's going on in the real world so it's not too much to worry about. It gets back up there when happenings be happenin', oh yeah, also meguca is pretty good and /comfy/, just stay faithful kamerad. The flame of 1940 is alive as long as you keep it so in yourself.

I remember hearing something from the younger guys that college finals are this week. That's probably why.

if the post quality goes down, then it's just another forum and people have no reason to stay. perhaps that's the idea.

this week and next week according to my brothers

That actually explains it better than anything.

I am serious torfag. Aside from the French election in less than a week, I can't think of anything I would consider a happening going on right now.

It's too early for summer chimpouts, May Day was the usual communist nothingburger, Berkley Part IV fizzled out, and the American legislative process is about as fun as watching paint dry. All we get these days is rampant speculation about that kike Kuschner, a couple articles about Bannon being fired which always turn out to be nothing, and the usual back and forth between 'Trump btfo' and 'Trump not btfo' threads.

Nothing big is happening right now. You might have your own interests and things you think are important, but there's nothing right now that'll get all of Holla Forums riled up and posting.

The Trump folk finally got redpilled about the reality of western political systems aka ZOG and are abandoning ship once they found out that wasn't a meme.

This is what happens when mods ban nonsensically and claim any speech against Trump is 'shilling'. The board is destined to die now, and I say good riddance.

I leaved during the server shut down. Also the other Holla Forums is better organized since this one is full of threads that don't get deleted by mods. Very old threads that should have been deleted ages ago.

This is why the oldfags have all gone. Illiterate spics now infest this board, enabled by the mixed-race moderators and Holla Forums goons in disguise.

this board moves slower and has less shit on it to push old threads off like the unorganized 4pol.

this place became the_donald 2.0, look at the catalog, there is 0 real discussion going own about the abhorrent Spending bill and most of it is just pure shit.
when you dismiss any criticism toward Trump no matter how valid, logical or rightious as shilling or "blackpill", legit users will abandon ship, what is the point if this is nothing but a hugbox?

Was it holding a grenade?

Are the flags gone? people don't like samefagging

Banning me for hating on anime and calling it cucking to a foreign culture drove me away from here. Asians are not honorary aryans, racemixing with a chink or jap is as bad as racemixing with a subsaharan african baboon.

Because 99% is without merit.

Such as?

Thanks for proving his point.

Trump could slit Kushner's throat on livestream and you faggots would still complain that he didn't hold the knife right.

What does that even mean? If its 99% surely you can pull something more eligible outta your ass.

topsmart there
the rest of this thread is literally the muh board speed fags back on Holla Forums that insisted recruting from halfchan and reddit was a good idea and if those trap lovers found the balls to tell cocksuckers like OP to fuck off i see no reason for me to not do the same

So fuck off OP

I… have.. no.. idea… user….

not waiting for the full story. Like many youtube comments on a (((breaking story))) and here. They end up looking retarded when they have to change the narrative.

Back to endchan faggot.

I'm not that user, faggot. I'm just saying that a segment of anons will never be satisfied with what Trump does and will bitch and moan endlessly regardless, and I'm not referring to the obvious shills, I mean actual anons with permanently sandy vaginas.

Such as?
The echo signifies a jew, wrong usage. Empty words all around.

Then why the fuck you chiming in retard, fuck off back to blowing Trumps cock none of this shit holds any weight. sage for double post.


I never said you should go to endchan, all I said was that people have.

Show me an article of Trump not written by a jew.

no wonder people think you're a goon. And if it drove you away, why are you still here?



There is never not a good time to post anime.

you mean how this place was and normally is besides during the election season?
I'm fine with this place being at a good, but not absurd size.

Alot of anons should use the next 4 years to prepare for the future. Get gud with computers, learn a trade, go to school, exercise, store goods, practice pitting the ace…ETC

Here's the way I see it.
In 4 years:
In which case we reassemble to help the GEoM get reelected
In which case we all can agree democracy is done :)

Fuck off back to where you came from strawmaning sperg.


shills got tired.
i'm thankful.

If you don't know we elected Trump to oversee the complete destruction of the republic at this point, I don't know what else to say to you. It was him or that crusty cunt, but either way this country is over. Pull your head out of your ass, war is upon you and you still think peace was ever an option

Obviously so

Need a new script lad.

I've been watching the board total active users since the second exodus. It's always hovered around 2800, occasionally breaching 3000. Now it's 2000. Any of you guys saying it's nothing are delusional. We've lost a five hundred to a thousand users. Where did they go?

Regardless if it was a good choice or not, (Personally I don't like endchan, not really flavor. Too blackpilled) the Sunshine thing did not go over well for a lot of anons and I could see pragmatically why with the nature of our political beliefs that would rub lots of people the wrong way. In the end we're more than just a URL, imageboards are subject the same cycle of entropy as anything else. I love Holla Forums but we're not tied to this ship if it sinks, as it has been from newfags and reddit as we weren't tied to 4chan as it sank. National Socialism must live on regardless of this.

Let's run through your predictions.
Delayed by at least a year, prototypes are being built but still we have no assurance it will be funded next budget cycle.
Sabre rattling with Syria, Iran, North Korea, siding with John Mccain and the other neo-cohens regarding preemptive strikes on the Middle East and N.K, indicating we will be enaged in another banker war within 2 years, if not based on his advisors' words than based on the debt bubble that needs perpetual police actions to fuel growth.
There's no fix, we're so indebted to the Federal Reserve that the only thing he could do is liquidate the entire country to foreign interests. There's always the Bush option, which seems likely. We'll be in a police action or war within 2-3 years.
He hasn't drained the swamp. He has over 50 Ashkenazis in his cabinet, Steve Mnuchin being perhaps one of the worst as he worked for goldman sachs.
They're all married off to jews besides Baron, they had him trapped for years.

yeah he's totally going dictator mode bro

That's the exact number of professional shills we've been plagued with this whole time. Also board refugees can fuck off

The bunkers, or the TOX group.

Original members, the most paranoid of us– and thus tend to be the most significant, have fled to various bunker sites after the "hack".

Holla Forums is boring lately, where are the social media polls to skew? the livestreams?
not much is gong on and what is going on doesn't have much discussion aside from calling each other shills and cucks

I agree
Its looking like our wishes will not come true (by Trumps own intention or by stonewalling from elitist puppets)

I will wait till 2020. I'll give him his 4 years. Or till THE HAPPENING. Whichever comes first.

New people are still coming though, like me. This is actually the first chan I was ever introduced to. A friend got me on here now I cant leave. I bypassed reddit and 4chan, never been to either. This is my first and last stop.


half the posts in this thread are bots

Nearly every day there is a new institution, cabinet member, or news anchor that helped Trump get elected get attacked by coordinated MSM Holla Forums is oblivious. I suspect the 8ch hack and similar downtime with 4chan is also related.

Your friend is a cocksucking faggot who can't follow the first two rules bucko.

Trump and brexit happened, hard to keep track on remaining nationalist politicians in europe due to language barrier. The interest in politics is mildly satisfied for the time being. It'll come back tho

Holla Forums fluctuates. Sometimes we gain 1000+, sometimes we lose it. It's literally nothing user. We have had this thread a dozen times and we always gain them back.

Sage because this topic never seems to die.

the mods killed it namely imkampfy and therealmoonman

So? The core base is here with the main bulk of us forever. Nazis, Christfags,weabs and lolbergs vs the world
Come one come all into the hurtbox!

user, many of the sudden influx of UIDs was due to intense raiding at the time; especially after April Fool's Day, there was a massive shill raid campaign. Some user casualties may have resulted from some anons being affected by the defeatism and concern shilling, but the more goons, normies, and others that come this way, the more they end up getting redpilled, and in time more end up becoming one of us.


Im glad their gone, we still have a few stragglers though.

am I the only one that's never had a problem with the mods? I don't know what you people are doing to get banned.


We need to start advertising this place all over the internet to bolster our numbers!
Also, toning down the nazi shit would be a smart move so we can get more people in our movement!

this user gets what this is.

post gore. I don't know why we stopped posting gore to get rid of shills.

Don't talk about that.

What do you expect? Self-improvement threads are deleted and any criticism of Trump is deleted. Who would stay?

The election is over and Trump is another Bush/Clinton/Obama. Everybody went back to their circuses and welfare. Show's over. Vote, win, lose. The American dream, our Republic.


It's because of a purity-spiral enforced by Trump train dummies who came here during the election to talk about muh politics. A couple years ago fucking GATE was the most engaged series of threads, there were esoteric threads and deep conspiracy threads constantly, there were tons of high quality posters in all these threads. Now these topics get saged by low IQ politiposters who honestly believe that those threads were never part of the culture here because they're complete newfags, and also hate those kinds of threads because they're idiots with mainstream worldviews. Board was taken over by dumb dumbs. I don't know where the good posters went so I'm still here lurking mostly. Wish I knew.


it happens after every election. pol got really active before every election and then died off after wards. If anything, it means the shills are done.

ur an faget
is this good enough quality for you?

I see.

I wouldn't trust /polk/
They unironically use "Long Live Holla Forums!"

/polk/ believes the mods are banning users and driving them away.

I don't trust Holla Forums because it popped up less than a day after all the /newsplus/ shills went away.
/newsplus/ doesn't even have ads anymore, the ads just go directly to The Pisswater (Jim's news).

Can confirm. Everybody I know that age is currently hermiting themselves with textbooks.

That's a boy, isn't it?

ITT ban dodging shills trying to blackpill and act like they're one of the "we".

Go shill your dying board somewhere else.

Yes, the banning kikery is off the chain.

Honestly I've been hanging around the other variations of Holla Forums more because here if you even slightly question what Trump is doing you either get banhammered or have the entire board jump down your throat and accuse you of shilling. Since the Syria bombing and a lot of other moves he's made I've been more than a little confused about WTF Trump is doing. I'd like to be able to actually discuss this topic rather than get heavily censored. That's why I havn't been hanging around 8/pol/ very much anymore.

Thank you user. These threads actually look good at first glance.

Its hard to get too motivated about one particular flavor of jewish shill winning over another flavor of jewish shill.


Same. Election is over, and things on Holla Forums have become boring as hell.

Actually something huge is: no one can afford to protest and/or they have new jobs thanks to the Trump bump. Either way I can take the peace.

pretty much this. I have become a lot more skeptic about .net/pol/ after the syria strikes and the hack. Been hanging around in the bunkers a lot. Discussion quality has lowered enormously in the last year.



Pulling off nails is always the one thing that gets me.

Its an argument because all the freech/goon/autist-retards from April Fools 2015 used it as their rally-cry

How about eye mutilation/injury? that and children are the only ones that consistently get me

So tell me, what do you think of the current state of Holla Forums then?

Dude elections are over. Holla Forums was always massive and would normally see-saw with Holla Forums.

I stopped posting here because anytime I criticized Trump for something I had my posts en masse replied to being called a "kike" or a "shill". Of course nobody ever offered any counter arguments, they just kept spamming "kike" and "shill" all with obnoxious sages too. So, yeah I'll enjoy posting on the other alternative Holla Forums's that exist that don't have a paranoid schizophrenic problem.

Get out, kike shill.


seems like it has been happening already. little rays of quality poking through the shill swarm cloud.

what is going on with those men hanging on hooks in the second webm?

1. who da fuk cares?

2. I came here for truths and debate not popularity or virtue signalling.






Some shill contract ran out.

There are a lot worse ways to die than a 50 cal.
Most natural causes are worse, in fact.

Left where?

People are more interested in lurking and discussing *VIDEO GAMES* (jewish garbage) instead of news and politics.

That's the real problem. But trust me, i get it. I play vidya and have other degenerate tendencies, but im self aware.

Don't worry, people that are really serious won't lose focus. The people that just come and go are just interested, but not serious. They won't be anything for help.



The last ten people on this board will be 8/pol/ oldfags calling each other shills and telling themselves to go back to cuckchan, plebbit, trs, and gaia. Seven of them will be nonwhites.

A lot of chan users are on reddit's The_Donald. People have only so much free time. I think there was a migration

Its clearly that shill group going home, ya dummy. We were at this user count before we got flooded in April.

Which is why post quality is absolutely atrocious and mods are deleting so many posts and banning so many users that there isn't a single interesting discussion on the entire board? Maybe some shills left. If they did, it's because they've accomplished their mission. This place is now home to the low IQ horde who invaded during the election. Really though, the shills are still here, probably in even greater numbers now, herding around the dumb sheep like they do on /r/conspiracy, 4chan, and other platforms they've ruined/taken over.

Pretty much.

Nigger, you have literally zero clue what Holla Forums is. Sure, we took on the "reinforcements" and did what we had to in order to win the election and push the overton window to the right; the posting speed is about like it was back in 2014 as I recall. It's comfy.

Stick around fam. This happens all the fucking time, it's a cycle. We'll have another spike come the next election cycle as all the kikes shit themselves at our doing. Meanwhile we'll be able to plan more efficiently.

Here's your (you)

Many moved to .pl and endchan.
People are just annoyed by Trump and his connections.

Same, until yesterday when I got banned for a week for a Trump content "dump x template thread" (reason for ban)
Even if I did deserve a ban, which I don't feel I did, it shouldn't have been for a fucking week.
These fucking jews

Maybe the mods should stop banning people with wrong-think?

what would that be?

Yeah, you can than the gay faggot trumpcuck mods for that.

Wew lad