Is there an alt-left?

Is there an alt-left?

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Leftypol isn't the alt-left?
Honestly, if there is, we should kill it before it spreads.

The alt-right creates a philosophy around misreading Nietzsche, the alt-left creates a philosophy around misreading Stirner.

Alt-right is a retarded buzzword

There's a facebook group calling itself the alt-left, is a closed group so I have no idea what's going on in there, I assume is an autistic-normie circlejerk just like all other fb groups.

Holla Forums is the alt-left. Prove me wrong

Protip: You can't

What is the alt-left? Show me it. I don't want to be defined by an abstraction.

>>>Holla Forums

They're anti idpol and antisjw leftists apparently.


'Alt-left' is redundent. The Left is already alternative by definition.

All niggers should be killed?

Is not like that, is more like sjw's are cancer because they distract from the class struggle which is like the only thing that matters ever.

It is a form of reductionism if you ask me, like oppressed people really do exist, it's different from the "omg men are spreading their legs on the bus and that triggers me, also the word trigger triggers me" mentality of sjws.

Ah, but you don't think maybe there's a left that is part of the system, a false opposition that finds itself agreeing with the system more often than no?

Like there are "leftists" who are voting for female Palpatine, let that sink in.


fucking ew. =(

it's a joke


this is definitely what people who support hillary clinton post on facebook

except that facebook group is literally a joke

this board is a bad joke

your point?

Wow ebig rusing my friend haha

no, there are people who call themselves alt-left who aren't left though.

We left

no. we aren't fucking retarded like the right.

we just have different ideas on how to reach a system where the workers own the means of production so there are different leftist sectarian groups. but there is no "alt-left" because we are not ideologically bankrupt.

I'm all for taking potshots at anarchists but this picture doesn't really reflect their views well.

Anarchists are usually in the tradition of asking what's the point of supporting S█████ over Trump, there would still be a state and we don't need one, man.

But alternative of right is left.

Nothing to see here folks

2 and 4 are tl;dr and therefore unfunny

The people calling themselves alt-left are turd positionists.

skull size strikes again

"why can't we be cool like the alt right and get called alt"


Hello newfag, please cease posting until you learn how imageboards work

There is an alt-left, but it's called "Reading a fucking book"

And lots of commies ignore or denigrate the unique forms of oppression with this shitty class reductionism.

They are not misreading Nietzsche, the Friedrich had the alt-right views of the 19th century


…all of which can be resolved through class struggle.



Fine, I'll bite…
No shit, you gotta protect yourself. Security by obscurity. Don't give me shit about "being a coward because your face isn't attached to your words/actions" remember where you are right now.
Ad hom, not an argument
Said no anarchist ever. Anarchism is not marxism; we aim to smash the state, not capture it.

Gonna guess this is because women are generally shorter and more socially liberal.

Women are the engine of mainstream conservatism though.

prove yourself right

Protip: you can't

Lurk more newfaggot.

Engines need fuel, the fuel is the sexual repression and confusion of the far right bringing weak beta conservative men.

kill yourself my man

I like how all of the arguments of the right are literal ad hominems

alt right has the best humor

alt right needs a better analysis because whatever they do makes much more sense than what the liberals and old republicans are doing, and is obviously going to be a major ideology in the coming years


Where are you from? You literally have to be American to get it, it's drenched in culturally contextual irony. That's what makes it political


yeah im gonna have to go ahead and say id rather analyze a historical movement than call them "angsty autistic manchildren" thanks tho

happened in the 30s in italy and germany


I think it's really shallow to compare the alt-right anywhere close to 20th century fascism to be quite honest

if only we had imageboards back then, we could have stopped nazis, stalinists and neoliberals

The only analog to the alternative right is three lefts

sure feels good being a tall leftist

Go jump off a cliff.