Let's face it, not every man is meant to reproduce, chances are in ancient times you would have died in war. Your genes aren't the best either, which is why you haven't found a wife yet. But you can bypass the dating game, where your only options are degenerate single mothers and shitskin import brides, and instead have 5 white children through surrogacy!

Imagine having kids with a 183cm athletic high IQed aryan woman. Your crappy genes will get cancelled out, and you'll have contributed to the cause moreso than you could have otherwise, trying to play the losing game of finding a demure tradwife.

Imagine thousands of virgins who would have otherwise raised 1 crappy autistic kid from a degenerate already single mother, instead going varg mode and having 3, 4, 5 aryan kids.

Other urls found in this thread:



If you're not a beta nobody is telling you not to find a white wife. The world is your oyster, get a tradwife and have many kids. But let's face it, not every man makes the cut to be a varg and find a redpilled girl and have 6 kids, the normal way at least. Now men who otherwise wouldn't reproduce can contribute to stopping WHITE GENOCIDE.

Or you can grow some balls and become worthy of a wife.

This will piss off "Alphas" and their leftovers to no end. It will break the system and the jewish control they have over single mothers dependent on the state and the betas paying for it all. Be warned OP, many of the golems will come to this thread to say its degenerate when in fact they are the ones who allowed this all to happen.

No they don't. The kid is 50% yours.
would cost less to knock up a young impressionable 18-23yr old average looker from average family.
OP… get your shit together. Stop the self pity and do what you need to do to find a women that fits your needs. Stop trying to life hack.


Don't we have a r9k board as well ?

There are no shortcuts on the road to a strong and healthy society.


Woah slow down there bud you're on an imageboard

Stop forcing these fake solutions.

Are you really going to guilt trip a guy like this into false hope and embarassing himself in the dating game? Why not have him focus on being a good single dad instead?

MGTOW tells you to not have kids dummy.

I think this is just Plato-lite. PIc related.

See last 2 paragraphs.

I take it you have never known anyone that went through surrogacy to have kids. Because what you just said is beyond retarded. Reality is people can and will do this. You cant stop this and your fantasy world of "Only best gens breed" defies logic. In your world niggers have the best genes.

Ah yes, nothing better than low iq spergs with zero social skills or otherwise becomming single parents.
Pro-Tip: If youre too much of a lazy, pathetic autist to find a good woman to continue your race and raise healthy offspring with you werent meant to procreate. Get off your ass, read a book, lift something, quit browsing r/theredpill and find a fucking mate.

Toothless faggotry. You're an embarrassment.

Nice try, OP.

You seem really angry.

I didn't know making babies the traditional way (without labs) was so out-dated. If I'm wrong and that's the case, I'm sure you will be vindicated in everything you have said.

This attitude.. this logic… wow.


You're contradicting yourself. You know deep down there is a small minority of men out there that no women want, if you're denying this you've been watching too many disney movie retards. If they take your advice they're going to keep getting rejected until they get so desperate they import a bride from asia and make pitter pattering Elliot Rodgers. You really think that is better than being a redpilled single dad?

Exactly. Anyone who doesn't accept surrogacy as a vital tool potentially used in our interests is a traitor. Single dads are better than single moms.

Imagine thousands of men who can't reproduce with women normally, being single dads with 3+ kids instead of becoming MGTOW antinatalists.

I support this, we need numbers at this point. If you're out there and incapable of having the social skills to attract a woman yet redpilled on race and competent enough to amass the hundreds of thousands needed for a successful surrogacy plan in a foreign country go for it.

Holy false dichotomy, batman.

Also, how do women like that orange-haired monstrosity get pregnant? Do most men simply lack any dignity when it comes to sex? I don't get it – there's free ultraporn available on the internet yes, a kike plot that has to be far superior to sticking one's dick into a yeasty blubber cavern like that thing's snatch. Holy shit, my eyes burn simply imagining the smell of the staph bacteria growing between her fat rolls.

You guys really don't get it.
There are plenty of good girls out there and there is someone for you no matter what.
And as a man you can always bump yourself to at least 5/10 with excersize and diet.
If you can't be attractive, be scary as fuck.
Some girls will to for tough over hot.
Tl;Dr: if you can't find a white gf it's your fault and you need to lift and eat better.

How am i angry? I'm just stating what will logically happen. Also It's common for people to project what they are feeling on others. So lets just have a good discussion on the subject of OP. If you get upset over a little banter then you can go back to Reddit.

I've known many of single dads that have had a kid both ways. The ones who payed are stable and spend money on the kids future. The one's who have their leeching separated or divorced mothers in their lives always end up bad. I have even lost one of my childhood friends tot he stress that came with a broken women.

It's not hard.

Surrogacy tourism is a thing, it's half the price in Russia and even cheaper in places like India.

Russia still cost over $100k or so last time I looked into it and with places like India you might end up with a race-mixed kid.

Or how about a man she would actually be attracted to so she won't get a divorce in 5 years.

This is a war, a beta who does surrogacy tourism and pays an indian woman to birth him 4 pure white kids is a hero because he is using a non-white womb to make white kids. That leaves a white womb for your average white man who can have kids the normal way.

I don't know that. I don't know what % nor what reason they were deemed ineligible. Unwanted: I know there is a percentage of men who are convening them self to not try if this is how they are self-accessing. Very binary opinion when life isn't. Maybe you disagree.

So desperate… that they find a women that will marry them for opportunity or money– I guess. No need to go overseas to find poor women. Check out your local country bumpkin or trailer park.

Nothing wrong with single dads. Would condone over single moms.

Holy fatalist oversimplification. If you can make viable gametes you can reproduce. Human sexual hierarchy, if you want to call it that, isn't as simple as alpha/beta. Sometimes Chad gets stabbed in the back of the throat and Stacy gets raped and impregnated.

God knows I'd love for my offspring to be carried by a designated Anandamirudha who will give the baby a face full of intestinal worm eggs as the child exits the birth canal.

$100k is not a bad of a price to pay for having a kid. Most of the "betas" have wealth because they don't spend anything on trying to impress someone. So I can see this becoming a trend for most guys in the future.

Yes, but the NEETs would not. Why I said I support this if you're redpilled on race but financially successful enough to afford it.

Also that quip about dying in way pissed me off.
I've actually seen combat and I survived.
Yet op probably doesn't even lift.

This might work. I have a high IQ but zero social skills since my dad abandoned me and left to the other side of the world when i was 12. Clearly the shills are upset though, bump.

Hitler has come up with a solution.

It just seems incredibly stupid to me that you are essentially giving up on self-improvement for a easy cop-out.
For far cheaper you could learn psychology, and get some weights and hit the track.

The best solution for people with shitty physical traits, but have IQs would be to simply go kike mode and get money. You can just get a decent wife if you're financially successful.

Also human social interaction is learnable.
Completely solvable with a little effort.

Great plan.
Multiple judges have thrown these out in court and given the woman half anyways.

Seriously all it would take is 6 months of working out and even the ugliest guy here would be drowning in pussy, but oh no let's fucking create an abomination instead.

Got anything to back that up? I'm genuinely interested because I've never heard a thing to that effect ever.

I know psychology, I just can't apply it in real life because I immediately freeze up. My genes are fine. Both of my parents are charismatic and intelligent but I can't talk to new people without a high risk of autisming the shit out of it and then beat the shit out of myself afterwards every time even if that doesn't happen.

If you aren't a shill then I don't understand your logic. You are literally telling white anons not to reproduce because their social skills aren't up to par with yours, as if a white child isn't better than a nog or chink child in 100% of cases. Make your intentions more clear if you don't want to sound incredibly Jewish in your promotion of white genocide.


fucking chad. ha.

its true. The world is full of possibilities. Many of the outcomes can be better then you expected while others worse. A lot of it relies on playing to your strengths and everyone has different strengths.

The other part is choosing a type of woman that will accept you for your strengths (money, looks, body, intelligence, or whatever combination). If you don't even have money– why should you try and raise a kid solo?

No, I'm telling them to develop their social skills. Because it's easy.
I have literal autism and I still learned how to pass as a charismatic normie.
It's just a trick user, and the only person who is at fault is you.

Look for a girl that isn't a huge bitch. Also become heavily invested in your community and build a reputation as a stand up guy. If you're loved by your community you'd win a custody battle.

You're conning betas into becoming an alpha which is like swimming up a river, they will do all that and still will be unsatisfied with the single mothers in their league, that they'll be so desperate they'll import a midget chink bride. When they could have spent that time focusing on their studies and being an Enginerd or IT so that they'll save up enough to have 5 redpilled white children and be a Varg.

Why not just replace women entirely with artificial wombs?

That's obviously not what he proposed regardless.

Here's one example where the woman cheated on the man, divorced him, and still got the prenup thrown out.

No shit. These "high IQ" types who lament a self-diagnosed autism spectrum disorder fail to understand that if they truly are so intelligent then they should be able to construct an "emotional/social interaction emulation layer" with their spare cognitive capacity. It's not like interpersonal interaction is some mystical nondeterministic quantum process.

Someone intelligent would simply read an explanation of body language and then begin to consciously observe it & respond accordingly. Yes, all this is far more work than a normie brain needs to do but you're "high IQ", amirite?

It's the intellectual equivalent of someone with a BMI of 60 claiming their obesity is genetic and they had no ability to alter their fat-fuckedness.

No I want people to strive to become the Ubermensch because I was able to have success.
It's way easier as a man to improve yourself than you think, and the only one in your way is you.

I started with learning body language and it all fell into place.
Normies cannot into body language and go by feels so it's a huge advantage.

You kind of sound like a leftist, some are incapable of what others can easily accomplish.

Tons of online pick-up artists talk about how to spot a submissive girl. They are out there. Not every girl is a "queen bee" just as not every guy is "alpha".

God help us if some of these Anons are battle strategists.

Is a true statement.
Jesus Christ just be autistic about mastering other people and becoming an Ubermensch.
I'm telling you that your basic videogame is actually harder that human social interaction.
Normalfags aren't even very good at it.

I don't really have any issues socially, I fully support those who do pursuing these means though.

It's just that even if you do suragacy you should still improve yourself​.
There is never a reason to not improve yourself.

So you went to some kike psychologist and told him you make weird noises at home to amuse yourself so you could get NEETbux? Forcing myself to become extroverted and charismatic is a nigh-impossible endeavor.

Plus, your obsession with "mastering" and "manipulating" other people is incredibly Jewish. I bet you think manipulating the goy slaves into doing work for you counts as labor.

I don't have autism and I can read body language just fine. Also I said that I have a high IQ, not that I'm some sort of super genius.

Mate I'm 185cm former military and not autistic, I don't need advice from a "reformed" beta who thinks he is a self-help guru.

I have a cousin who has hypogonadism, aka he has woman hips, no testosterone, looks like a eunuch and probably has a tiny dick. No woman will ever want him, he's a great guy though and is in IT and makes decent money, i'd rather have him be a single dad than fucking embarass himself by reading PUA crap and thinking he can LARP as an alpha and a woman will love and respect him. He should devote himself to raising white children instead.

No I was diagnosed as a kid because I couldn't talk, was fat, and had no friends until I was 14. Now I'm 26 and you would never be able to tell I have severe autism.

Also if that's so what branch?

Persuasion and manipulation are two different things, one of which is inherently psychopathic and malicious. If you can't grasp this then maybe you really are on the spectrum.

Sure but why attempt to improve yourself in a direction that you aren't geared towards anyways? Let's take an extreme example for a second, let's say Tesla was alive right now. Should he drop his research and spend his time trying to master interpersonal relations to potentially attract a mate or would everyone be better served by him spreading his genes while simultaneously focusing his effort on inventing? Before you say that noone who would do this would be on the level of Tesla I'll remind you that he was so helpless when it came to women that he ended up making a waifu out of a pigeon of all things, if he was alive today he'd be the type with an anime bodypillow probably.

Acting like its the most complex thing in the world. Literally a better chance at solving world hunger.

I think it must be

Global report.

I'm just trying to push people getting their shit together. Take it or leave it.

annnnnd here comes the spamming shills that should be directed back to the containment zone of the internet.

user, I'll put it more simply: you are socially impaired for no other reason than your own choice. This is not a difficult capacity to learn/introspect, even if you have to consciously execute it at first, and normies do not.

…but go on being the intellectual equivalent of someone that tells themself there's no way they could ever be fit, and that getting below a BMI of 60 is an impossible task unless someone is a "super athlete".

What a gay, jewish thread. White men need real wives and mothers. Simply claiming that you are too inferior to pursue one out of laziness and social avoidance is absolutely pathetic. You reason like a jew, you divert the blame from yourself while clinging to some sort of esoteric autism that disqualifies you from interacting with women.

Make no mistake as to who are behind this proposed futurist trash life for our children and wholeheartedly reject it. It is up to us to win the hearts and minds back from women, before these jewish anti-human ideas push them even further away.

I'm just nervous around people if I haven't known them long enough and tend to keep to myself.
Also, why should I try finding a girlfriend when modern women are all ruined?

Drown yourself.

Stop LARPing as Tony Robbins dumbo, you're derailing the thread and projecting your loser past on us all, when in reality you're autistic and can't sense the nuance of advanced thinkers like us who are wargaming.

Get out.

I don't get it. Working out only hurts the first week or two.
That and learning social interaction from scratch gives you and understanding of it that der normie can never match.

Give up and kill yourself if you dont have the answer

You are why I stockpile tannerite.

On the pro- single father/ surrogate parent thing– I see mostly 2 posters: those who have no interest in trying harder in life (bucket of crabs effect on others) and those who are constructing arguments around outliers.

Only way to truly fix things is to exterminate the kikes and shitskins, then replace women with artificial wombs.

I don't mind people using surrogacy, but they should still be the best they can be.
"No man should remain a amature in physical fitness"

An autist beta who devotes himself to IT or engineering and makes lots of money is trying hard and succeeding. If he has 5 aryan kids through surrogacy he'll have achieved more than anyone in this thread.

Why are you leading him on as if this is all because he is socially awkward? You ignore the fact that many men and women today have issues with long term relationships. This is what puts most men off to even trying to find someone. Becoming buff or having many people like you will not solve the fact of the high risk right now to people wanting long term and stability. I know many of the the "Alphas" people talk about in this thread and after some years i end up helping them because their Girlfriend accused them of something or the wife took everything. Thank God i have apartment i have them stay in till they get back on their feet. People like you want me to just stop helping my dumb shit "White alpha" friends. But good thing they are not all like you.

I'm not ready to give up on traditional baby making. Not yet anyways.

That's fine, but he should still work out, learn how to be charismatic and get a gun.

14 words, that's why.

So you literally are a degenerate shit-dicked faggot who just wants more fags around. Thanks for clarifying that

You're acting like he would even need advice from you. If you don't have 5 aryan children you've failed compared to him and should be taking his advice instead.

Think that what they meant by good women. So do your part in finding a good woman to procreate with user!

Is there a single study that verifies this, just because single dads are essentially a nonexistent phenomenon and single moms are a massive problem doesn't mean you can just assert this.

This, women are fundamentally interested in STATUS and your ability to PROVIDE and PROTECT them. Why do you think old ugly rich assholes get tons of girls? Women aren't attracted to muscles and abs the way you are attracted to tits and ass.

Does 2 count?
Forgive me if I've only been married 21 months.
It takes time to make kids.

laughed so so hard. those shades.

Clearly there's no other way to go about doing this, such as simply selecting a subservient partner since you're so socially competent.

I don't even know how you think those two things are comparable. I never went by your logic saying that I had to be intelligent to be socially adept in real life situations. Using your analogy, this would be like me saying that I'm a "super athlete" but I have a BMI of 60. You are creating an entirely new and false line of reasoning and then tearing it down. In essence, nice strawman argument, kike.

Because he's Jewish.

Fine, have mechanical women with artificial wombs. Robots with simple programming can still be used for sex, won't be manipulative or emotional, and won't be swayed be kikery.

Not really. I just broke my wife. We dont talk very much. She spends most of the time with the kids and takes care of the house. I work all day (while shitposting from my phone) then I come home fuck her and go to bed.
Not a bad life if a little boring.

Wouldn't 98+% of world hunger be solved if we gassed all niggers? It's not like the world lacks for enough food for the current population — it's just niggers nigging tends to get in the way of feeding the starving (again, who are primarily niggers).

I'll lean on *you* for alleging I took a position I never endorsed. Do you make & destroy strawmen as a hobby?

Is she white? I thought you only manipulate non-whites?

Sounds like a healthy relationship, glad to have you here giving people advice.

That's pretty cool you've got a wife who was down for having kids right out of the gate user.
Yeah not all modern women are ruined, go to a non-pozzed church and you'll find plenty of traditionalist girls.

Anal. I fucked her ass every time she shit-tested me.
Eventually she stopped.
Also yes it's very healthy. She never questions my authority.

you forgot china. You'll have to gas them too.

I found mine at a gospel study. I'm not a Christian but good girls will throw themselves at you if you seem just a little edgy. For them you might as well be the devil, come to tempt them to sin.

I'm just pointing out whats happening in the real world and trying to do my part to fix it. Thats why I'll support surrogacy to increase the white population. If men cant find or get good women they should still have offspring. Only the jews want white men to fail in any and every advantage they are given.

This is 100% true. And with a church girl your don't have to be that edgy at all… just a pinch. then add a lil and presto! Family starter kit.

I wont get too involved here but it really pisses me off to see you blame your alleged success/incompetence on your absent father. My dad left us poor and alone when i was 11. When he left he was making good money, had a good career. I now make more than he ever did, support myself and my family and would never do that to them. I am /fit/ and have fixed every other aspect of my arrested development. There's no reason for you to not acheive the same, except for your choosing not to, to believe in an ((easy)) solution instead of humility, accepting that you have understandably dropped the ball, and need to get on the track of self improvement.

It takes time but commit to fixing yourself if you truly want to be better. Stop relying on jewish technological tricks to secure the future in your mind. Everything gets better the moment you take personal responsibility for every facet of your situation.

What good is it to produce children if you are a social retard who could never be bothered to learn the skills necessary to negotiate with people? You wont even be able to attend to them to raise them, let alone demand respect and tradition from them. Regardless of their genes, you would probably be making niggers.

I hate that is. But it is.
People are pretty simple in that classical conditioning does indeed work on women and operant is god tier due to their suggestibility

I've been going to church for a long time. Don't deceive young men into thinking just because some one go's to church they are good. Why do you think many go? Because they are really good people or because they think by going they will be saved? They may find a good women but it will still be a crapshoot.

You allege you are irrevocably damaged:

Your premise was rejected, especially if you're "high IQ". You then claimed you'd have to be a "super genius" to learn social skills. *That* premise was rejected as well. You apparently prefer to wallow in self-pity rather than apply your self-described ample intellect [citation definitely needed] to solve your problem.

Far from being a strawman, in your case the analogy to being a fat fuck who refuses to believe there is anything that can solve their self-inflicted obesity is quite apt.

Well just regress the whore to childhood and go from there.

So, the trick is to treat women like pets, right? Could that be applied to any social interaction by thinking of everyone as lower than you?
How would you know if a woman actually loves you? Or is love long dead?

can't because i'm a manlet

As much as I hate to say it, yes by being genuinely (not false, bravado will help but confidence must be based in fact) superior to other people will let you treat them as complicated pets.
But you must never underestimate people and you must be genuinely superior to the other person

The great leap forward was a retarded idea, but that famine was 60 years ago. Are you alleging that china currently experiences substantial structural famine?

Also most women will never love you.
But you can make them desire you.

"I wont get too involved here but it really pisses me off to see you blame your alleged success/incompetence on your absent father."
"I now make more than he ever did"
" to believe in an ((easy)) solution"
"It takes time but commit to fixing yourself if you truly want to be better."
"Stop relying on jewish technological tricks to secure the future in your mind."
"You wont even be able to attend to them to raise them, let alone demand respect and tradition from them."

Holey shit stop spazzing out, Let him have kids you defeatist.

They are impressionable. Most cook and clean. God, do they want babies & marriage! Some legitimately think they will go to hell if they divorce and can quote all the scripture about serving their husband.

I've been going a long time too.
We have come so far together.

Let those who want to use such things use such things, but let them also know that it is not the best way.

Well shit. Is it that hard to have love? You might as well treat women like fancy onaholes in that case.

Kek, you really are an autistic lazy jew

It's more like a follower. You can make her do things. It's quite useful while the boys and girls grow.
I guess the only bad part is mine is a little simple.
She has no knowledge of politics, science, weapons or the desire to learn.
She prefers to spend her time studying cooking and reading hellraiser and the Marquis de sade.
She is also a little unbalanced and morbid.
Laughs at my racism and keeps telling me that the day of the rope will soon come.
She was bluepilled until I got with her, but she doesn't fully understand beyond Nazi=funny and non-whites are not really christians.

Lot of my buddies have wives like that. Makes it really difficult to make casual conversation at the 4th of July parties.

It's mainly the idea of in the event that I do get a wife whether she genuinely loves me. How do you find that in this day and age? It goes against my principles to have a wife simply to knock up. I want one who actually has love, passion about hobbies, interest to learn. One who has some damn life in her.

You don't understand that men feel love differently then how a women feels that emotion. Get your concept of how they feel love out of your head right now or you will fail in a long term relationship.

There is hope for us yet, brothers. Just make an genuine effort, and never take the blackpill. Invest in yourself, physically, monetarily, and intellectually. We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. We have a right to exist.

I am just completely detached from the human condition.
I simply know she probably doesn't love me.
And if she does I don't care.
I am only feel now.
I exist to protect and provide for her and my children, as well as to help work to eradicate the kikes.
Such is my life and when the kikes are dead I'll be satisfied.

ok but
if you didnt wife her when she was 12 and have 2kids/year then in comparison whites are slowly going to lose anyways

That's fair enough. Also if any of us are suffering from potency issues, fertility treatment would be fair.
We need numbers, and quality to turn back the tide.

Posting slovenian qt3.14 :)

The absolute younger you can get her the better (legally). She will grow on you more if you are all she has ever known as a partner. That doesn't mean you have to be young either. It means she needs to be. Young women already idolize older men. Will she love you? Most women can love anything and anyone as long as they don't have feminism telling her she doesn't need anyone.

What to look for:

Where did the confidence in those type of girls or women that isn't shit or won't divorce you come from? Though should be females under 20 to increase the chances of non-divorce. Trying to see what constitutes a "traditionalist".

Whites have money (alternatively the ability to work hard and make money), science, and superior genetics on our side. We can win, we just need to put in some semblance of effort at combating white genocide. We are good at literally anything we put our mind to. Right now we are just half assing making kids. Blame degen society.

Unrelated, fuck them bumplocking this thread. We have to talk about something when there aren't any happenings going on.

If I had to guess, there are anons thinking about who they know that has gotten married with success in their lifetime. And deducing why the marriage was a success. All the cases I knew of loving dedicated wives on a sliding scale from "TRULY devoted and loving" to "is Happy enough" come from small town girls. Society is the last place to reach those social outskirts. Inversely, the worst women I have knows were from cities.

I didn't say that I didn't intend to be successful. I'm an engineering student and will likely make more than both of my parents did combined.

Blogpost incoming:
Before my dad left, I went to a small as shit school with my entire class of 6th graders adding up to a grand total of 7 kids, all of whom were fucking weird. One became a furfag, two were a closet homosexual christfag and his sister, another two were (((drama students))), and the last was a literal autist. Leaving this school for a middle school for gifted students, class size was much larger and everyone for the most part was normal. My dad then left that year and I had nobody left to teach me how not to be awkward and socially withdrawn. Nobody pushed me to not spend every day playing PC games, etc, etc, and now I'm here.

I used the cliche "muh dad left me" card because it was semi-accurate and it meant that I wouldn't have to write a shitty blogpost. In reality it wouldn't have mattered if he had stayed anyway because he was basically a WoW NEETanon, but at the very least I would get advice better than I did from my mom who said things like that to get a girl to like me I just need to "buy them things and call them pretty."

I taught myself social skills in my mid teens entirely through Rust and modded minecraft anarchy servers.

I'm an asshole.

Kikes have made it near impossible to find a woman that won't make my life hell. Would I prefer that over not reproducing, I guess? But there's a third option here that I can turn to if I have to, and it's far better than telling white anons to just "not reproduce" if they don't have the means to do so the traditional way. Raising a child with a woman I don't care about would be torturous.

I disagree with the idea that "excess cognitive capacity" would correlate to an increased ability to "learn" social behaviors and subconsciously express them without effort, particularly when you are no longer a child and these things come naturally given the correct environment. For example, an adult trying to learn a new language will never be 100% fluent or even anywhere near the level of fluency of a native speaker. My remark about being needing to be a "super genius" was off-handed and meant in the spirit of "I can learn anything instantly no matter what it is and immediately apply it to everyday life," something that doesn't exist.

100% truth. They are surrounded by degeneracy 24 hours a day. It should come as no surprise. If I had known better in the past, I would have spent more time wandering rural Europe visiting smaller towns and trying to meet based qts to wife up and bring back to the states with me. I'm lucky enough to travel loads and by far the best girls in the world are the purebred white Europeans. Much better than the genetic garbage that comes out of the US, and yes I am speaking for myself in this case as well.

Yeah just think of it like a scavenger hunt. speaking of rural– Sporty and nature loving girls are usually pretty chill. And by pretty I mean VERY. A lot of them outdoors types don't wear make-up though. I have a bro who won't touch a girl with no make-up on and 2 others that don't give a fuck. If she does a lot of physical activities is usually active in bed. Biggest downside is they may wanna be outside doing shit way more than Anons that sit in front of the computer exclusively.

A qt3.14 to do outdoors stuff would be great, I'd give up being a basement dweller for that.