Government of venezuela tries to change the constitution amidst heavy protests and repression Maduro, the president of Venezuela, just announced a constituent to change the constitution amidst weeks of protests sparkled over the self coup caused by the government allied tribunal by overtaking the legislative branch's responsibilities. This constituent is called in a way so that the people in charge of selecting the new constitution are the ones part of certain sectors, like the comunas and misiones.

Try to imagine a Obama who lost congress to republicans and attempted to strip them of their power with the tribunal, has heavy protests from the population calling for a constituent and leaving in charge of it people benefited by welfare and other gives, scholarships, etc.

And not only that, but after all the market distortions that they've cause through the years, the government announced the EIGHTH system to date to obtain foreign currency, with a price set by the government, going through whatever bureaucratic mess they require you to and at the end being unlikely to be allowed to buy the dollars anyway.
And if that wasn't enough, as if fixing the price of certain first need products wasn't enough, they want a general freezing of prices, because, obviously, when you can't battle a three digit inflation you don't do something sane like stopping printing tons of cash, but instead, force every price to freeze, what could possibly go wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:ónón-petrolera-seis-países-eeuu-y-china-la-cabeza,,,·uso-indebido-desproporcionado-la-fuerza/–a-funcionarios-de-la-pnb-y-cicpc.html,;n-de-Constituyente-en-Venezuela-02082017

these are from today, members of government funded paramilitaries(known here as colectivos) were caught, tied, beaten up and got their bike burnt

Oh, they only burnt a bike. Thought they were preparing a pyre.

Where were you when Venezuela had their own DotR

should have taken the tire off the bike and burned it around their necks
commie scum deserves to die

People blocked a street in my city as a form of protest. this isn't a point in which traffic would stall as there are no sempahores

Personal question. How are you holding up?

well, I study and work part time and my family helps me from time to time, though I did lose weight last year, just like (primarily my) father did. My parents have a hand corn grind that we use to cut costs greatly, as we use that to make corn meal and corn pancake meal that we have at least twice a day along with other shit like cassava and sweet potatoes and anything in season. A lot of people have been hit harder than us but we are still feeling it. the other day my dad's tire gor a puncture in an odd location(it wasn't in the tire thread) and luckily we had a 10 year old tire beneath the car to use it temporarily as we got the tire patched up. but basically if it went bust we are completely fucked because a tire is going by 150 thousand bsf and upwards (and this landcruiser costed 24500bsf 17 years ago).


to think berncuck was praising us 6 years ago still (last paragraph), and I do recall him backing up the sandinistas some decades ago. if you get that old and you are still a fucking leftist the only cure for you is death

Too good tbh. I hope they had a good may day.

Keep spirit brother and stay strong with your family.
We all know the evils of socialism. I promise you one thing, you will make history and shed the blood of the jews and communists, you will be turning them into ashes.
All of them.

I thought they were about to have a bbq. They are starving communists, after all.

Stay strong brother.

All the best to you and your family brother

Godspeed Simon /;_;

stay strong user.

how fucked is your blackmarket these days? even three years ago it seemed like a nightmare I can't imagine how bad it could be now.

have you seen this spic

some more photos from different parts of the city. Seeing one of the flags turned upside down reminded me of something that might be of interest to some polacks. Hugo chavez (the piece of shit the preceded and selected maduro to be president candidate before dying) changed the flag (added another star), changed the shield (the horse no longer runs to the right while looking back, instead runs and looks to the left), changed the name of the country from Republica de Venezuela to Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, changed the currency name and design from Bolivar to Bolivar Fuerte (strong bolivar) and slashed three zeroes from the currency in an attempt to mask inflation and trying to claim that it's strengthen the currency, changed the face of our liberator (Simon Bolivar) to add negroid features, even changed the fucking time zone from -4:00 GMT to -4:30 (though maduro returned it to -4:00). I won't even get into ministries name changes.

the site changed domain from .io to .org
the black market rate went down recently I guess no one is buying with all the ongoing protests) and is currently 4283bsf per dollar, ~700bsf per dollar at (government "auctions") and 10bsf (government, for food and drugs). As a reference, minimum wage was raised two days ago(there was a big march scheduled yesterday for the day of the worker), currently it is 200 thousand bsf a month, from which 1/3 is actual money and the rest is food stamps, so we are talking about less tan 50$ a month

more protests scheduled for tomorrow in different cities of the country. the destination of caracas (the capital) still hasn't been disclosed and it seems it'll remain that way until tomorrow

Awesome to see two commie fucks getting their just desserts.

Any idea what those mushrooms are? I think I may have the same ones in my yard. They appear to have a mycorrhizal relationship with this small conifer tree and come out during summer. ]
Midwest user.

Maduro is a dumbass but the population would just put another dumbass into power.

well, i'm no expert in mushrooms, but I reached the conclusion that they are poisonous because of the color of the spores, it looks a lot like another mushroom that is edible, I remember reading a lot of people in the us get poisoned(i think it isn't fatal but it'll wreck your stomach) every year

they are not just dumbasses, it is not being inept, it is systematically plundering and destroying the nation. Heck they entered saying the right wing wanted to sell the blood of the country by creating mixed(as in partially private sector invesments) oil joints in the country, and they did just now, except they replaced the process with something opaque and done in a way that we were getting a worse deal than we'd have otherwise gotten. and then you have disarming the civilian population while at the same time giving guns to part of the poor strata, destroying the judicial system in such a way that over 90 % of crimes go unpunished and with the result of having the murder rate increase 3 or 4 folds in less than 20 years, and that without counting the people dying due to a combination of malnourishment, long queues in the sun and general scarcity of medicine or by malpraxis of the shitty cuban taught "integral" doctors which graduate in half the time of a real doctor, but know less than a nurse(heck, I'd say they know less than any paramedic that has worked for 6 months) but earn more than a proper doctor. Second highest murder rate of the world, highest inflation of the world (as zimbabwe has their own little category that we might join soon: hyperinflation). They know shit is bad and it'll get worse, there's a reason they gave food distribution tot he military last year, and then gave them an oil company and made it so they can't be audited by civilian authorities, they know shit is getting critical and dont want to be taken down by the people holding weapons (beside their paramilitaries and militias). The damage done by chavez and maduro simply can't be measured and god knows how many decades it could take to recover


Excellent digits.
Well, it's generally not possible by spore print alone to determine the toxicity of a mushroom, but there's a good likelihood that it's not safe to eat based on probability. I'd say it belongs to the Agaricus genus if I had to guess- very meaty looking and would probably make good eating if it was confirmed non-poisonous.

The sheer lack of economic diversity in that country is definitely one of the reasons why the hardship is in a constant state of stagnation, but ultimately growing.
Another reason is that Venezuelans have not gone to work, instead participating in the demonstrations against the government at a figure of around 60%.

The inefficient subsidy and national assistance programs which they have in place should be be grossly overhauled, especially those regional appointments made in private and by means of fraudulence.
What's even worse is that country is an ethnic bomb shell, with many its neighboring countries weary of its bullshit and on edge considering the fact that their borders could easily become the new refugee frontiers.

here's one of the persons of the government that I hate most because of how cara e' tabla she is. she is the minister of jails

0:20 "I'm told there is a violent situation - the prisoners themselves call me" (which, 1: is illegal. 2: I'm pretty sure there was money allocated to put jamming devices in the prisons to make the cellphones useless)

0:35 "they told me a group tried to take charge of the prison"(the prison is already under the control of prisoners, this would just put it in the hands of OTHER prisoners)

0:50 "so protect the population(of the prison, from the rogue group) and reduce (read: kill) the (rogue) group"

this video is about this in which there was an attempt to change powers and 12 prisoners died and 15 were wounded as a result(at least officially). What I heard is that the new group of prisoners, who were brought from caracas were brought by her to cause this, because she wanted a pran (criminal in charge of a prison) to be more government allied, someone to strike a deal with if needed.

and of course she didn't say anything about 2 prisoners being eaten last year during protests in a prison basically they didn't join the month long protest, and the pran called el comegente(personeater, he was a hobo who was imprisoned for cannibalism 18 years ago) killed them both and forced the other prisoners to eat them as an example, at the end they were moved to another prison so they HAD to have realized two heads were missing, yet they didn't report anything at all.

whoops, forgot to embed. too late now

I-I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me user? grandmother shot her 9 year old granddaughter and then herself. One week ago one of her nieces hanged herself as she was diagnosed terminal cancer. The woman wasn't only in a tight economic situation, but her granddaughter was paralytics, suffered from convulsions and she couldn't find the treatment, diapers and creams she required and decided it was for the best to end her granddaughter's suffering and herself. I'll say it is unfortunate that the granddaughter survived being shot, now it'll be even tougher for her.

these are death I blame the government for, even if they didn't pull the trigger, this poor situation wouldn't have happened without them in charge. How's it that amidst the highest oil bonanza of our democratic history they managed to increase inflation(it is projected to be 700% this year) increased our murder rate several times, destroyed the public institutions that were in place, dividing the country between "you and us", destroyed the judicial system and managed to leave us in debt, and saying our gold reserves, mortgaging citgo, giving away our land and converting us in a narcostate. I could have been given absolute power over this country and have me try to destroy it and I wouldn't be able to sink it this low.

One thing you should learn from this is that there's no such thing as rock bottom for countries, they can ALWAYS sink lower.

Another minor murdered during the protests. shot in the neck (here it says it was his chest, but I've read otherwise)

also the general attorney keeps going against the government she was the lackey of the government until 1 month ago when she talked against the tribunal's coup against congress, at the time i thought it was premeditated so the government could say "there's a separation of power" but she has kept going even though internationally people probably wont give too much of a fuck about her, being their lackey she has aided them before so her hands aren't clean at all, but if she's turning against them it means she thinks there's a good chance the government will be out in the short or medium term and is helping now so whoever comes next is lenient with her. he was a reporter in globovision until the government, though a lot of fines, forced them to sell the channel do (((undisclosed))) buyer and "mysteriously" eased up on criticizing the government. He's saying leopoldo lopez, the most popular politician in venezuela who since 2014 has been in military prison for bullshit charges for calling for protests in 2014 and being blamed by the people the police murdered, was found dead, but noone else is reporting this so the most likely thing is that his account was hacked, still putting this out here just in case

Just a reminder to all Venezuelans ITT that everyone in your government needs to die.

If you let them live, they will try to do the same thing to you again on the first chance they get.
If you let them live, they will go on spread lies about you and your country - lies which (((the usual suspects))) will then transfer into history books.
If you let them live, they will raise their children to hate you and everything about you.

Get rid of the red filth and instill a culture of grabbing a gun the moment one hears the word "communism".

As a Colombian, I feel really bad for you guys. I hope your shit situation gets better soon. I would like to help, but our country is going the same way, since we are letting literal communist guerrillas into power.
Seriously, I'll pray for you to cleanse your country of those filthy pieces of shit while staying safe. DOTR soon.

moment in which a protester is ran over with a "tanqueta"

the car of the coordinator of Foro Penal (human rights group, mostly comprised of lawyers that aid those detained by political reasons)

and the car of the owner of a newspaper in zulia got shot by the police as he was parking the newspaper's building as it seems they had a wounded protester inside the building and the police wanted to force their way in, without saying anything beforehand. by shooting the vehicle the people who was accompanying the owner got wounded
happy freedom of the press day, btw

I think I should have said this sooner, but you guys should know that if you are reading RT that they have a heavy progovernment bias in their reporting, as the government has bought tons of wepaons and helicopters from russia, recently mortgaged CITGO to them and according to russia they were in plans of selling another helicopter or plane.

this message was meant to be sent about 40 minutes ago but the internet is too shit currently, and it keeps going out. at this time it seems that leopoldo is indeed at the military hospital, I hope he's fine

I'm still baffled at that, santos presented himself as uribe's successor and turned out to be a pussy

confirmed by marco rubio himself

THEY WENT TO THE MILITARY HOSPITAL, THEY DIDN'T LET THEM IN, NOW THE LAWYERS ARE SAYING LEOPOLDO IS NOT THERE, NOW NOBODY KNOWS IF LEOPOLDO IS ALIVE OR DEAD. leopoldo is the politician with the highest popularity and he being imprisoned was one of the biggest reason the 2014 protests got so big(to be eventually cooled down with a dialogue that brought nothing). If he dies shit is likely to get VERY real shit's being broadcasted here

friendly reminder that opposition in Venezuela is controlled by the jew

Why do people care about leopoldo

basically became a martyr as government imprisoned him for 17 years when he could have ran away to another country and live a comfortable life

go get gassed you fucking jew

How real we talking user? A real honest-to-God civil war or just protests round 2

the problem is the guns are mostly in the governments side, with thugs, uniformed thugs and militias. the opposition at large doesn't have gunsbut i could see shit getting radicalized and institutions being burnt. It's hard to say how real because there are a lot of guns illegally floating around and I dont know how hard people will try to acquire them or how people that have them will act. Also I have to correct, the sentence was 13 years not 17.

pic is the guy that got shot in the protests earlier.


So, just wondering, would a gunrunner make bank getting arms to the opposition radicals or is that just too far fetched.

But user, ((Radonski)) is a filthy jew and he's always trying to pop here and there for a bit of fame.

But you seem to be a good goy. Nothing to see here, my friends.

No jews here

i dont see this taking place in an organized fashion, if anything it'd be between individuals most exclusively

hi samefag, I guess your next line will be "not real socialism", capriles is a shit too, I don't see anyone advocating for him here, but if the choice is between him and anyone in the PSUV, he'd be the least bad option by far, chavismo is a destruction force that can't be measured.

He'd make bank if the radicals had any money to buy the guns with

leopoldo is trending topic in twitter. diosdado cabello (one of the higher ups in the government, ones of the biggest trafficekrs of oil and drugs as well) released a video with supposedly leopoldo saying he's fine, in his tv show. how did he know already people would want a proof of life? we still haven't heard from his wife who has been trying to get any proof herself. I doubt even most chavistas actually trust diosdado, here's the video

wew lad. Who's defending socialism?. This is Holla Forums you commie nigger.

The good thing about all this fuckery is we all win. One less socialist dictator and, if we're lucky, the bloodshed will cull the overpopulation in that shithole.

pic related is a visual reference, top is the supposed leopoldo of today's proof of life, bottom is a photo from a few months back. His wife has yet to confirm anything.

I also forgot to report that senators are calling for sanctions to venezuelan's politician over maduro's move of trying to change the constitution. the bill also includes an allocation of 10 billion dollars in humanitarian aid

talking about billions of dollars, that reminds me of the 14 billion dollars spent in cleaning the rio guaire, which is a river in caracas that doubles down as sewer, with untreated waters, the job was supposed to be finished a few years back, but nothing was done, the money just disappeared like magic. The only acknowledgement from the government(or more specifically the government's party) has been this tweet (which they later deleted) from the party mocking the people having the cross the human waste infested river to scape police repression

that's some reading comprehension, retard. And a country going to shit is in noone's interest, you know what that causes? immigration, you fucking retard

You need to sell some more 'orimulsion'

the theory that's been circulating around is that the false positive of leopoldo was done to distract from the video in which the protester got ran over by the military because there's no way they can wash their hands from this no matter what sort of excuse they can try to come up with.

This might be my last post from today as internet gets really unstable at midnight and until ~10am

this is why we are fucked, they will come back pissed of and with a bunch of guns.

y esos becerros merecen la muerte

I agree with that notion, but I wasn't there. they should have been made an example for the other pieces of shit colectivos

we wuz bolivars and sheeeeit

What I meant to say is why do people care about him before he was jailed.

Keep the faith, user; also
Don't let your memes be dreams

Do you atleast have matchboxes and cardboard tubes and fireworks? You can make grenades! Simply use fireworks powder instead of flash powder and follow this video's instructions:
Make the fuses by following this Video:
Now you have actual grenades to arm your friends with and to sell!

The video embedded here shows skills that will benefit your family in every way, including how to sprout seeds dry them and mill them into flour! How to dehydrate meat! How to make simple and cheap weapons! Lots of things, Mr. HUEHUE!

Come on Venezuelans. Kill the shit out of your oppressors. You have to win this and tell the truth to the world.

fireworks would be what's hard to find, I'm going to assume chinks keep them stockpiled somewhere, though

Well, starting with the fact that he's not old, chavez comes in due to discontent in the population with politicians (basically infants compared with the evil of chavez), as this by default writes him off from yesteryear's corruption. Unlike a lot of people currently holding charges while having absolutely no preparations for it and actually being just fucking military, leopoldo is well studied, he studied in the country but for higher education studied in burgerland, studied economy in kenyon and later got a master in politics from harvard and came back to work as an analist for PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela, the oil company). in 2000 he ran for municipal elections and won with 51% of the votes, during the 2002, he was one of the politicians that called for protests in a series of events that ended as a coup d'etat( acoup from the military, not from the opposition as the government likes to claim). In 2004 he ran again and won by 80%, by the end of his mandate in 2008 he was named the third best mayor in the world by city mayors and world mayors (your guess is as good a mine on how reliable are they in general) and won for the second time in a row the international transparency prize.

Basically a very efficient politician that is unlinked with corruptions of year previous and doesn't have a rabo e' paja (I can't find a good way to translate this but the intention is the same as when someone says that someone in a glass house shouldn't be throwing rocks), that is good looking (which of course help with women) and decided to stay and fight for his country when he could have easily gone somewhere else and live comfortably with his family .

looks like Holla Forums is shitting the bed again and ids are fucked, anyway back from a blackout. Lilian still hasn't been allowed to see leopoldo. Haven't seen much movement here or in monagas today.
the president of the FCU (federacion de centros universitarios) was murdered during a student assembly, two other students were wounded as well. according to the article on december 24 he was also shot, receiving two shots in his chest, one in his leg and one in his arm but ended up recovering, but not this time.

gov fuckers are hand loading marbles and shit into their shotguns and hitting demonstrators, also a pic of the amount of gas they are flinging .

An angle of the trucks that ran over a guy yesterday

Hard fighting in the streets as well

anyone else think its kind of weird shields are coming back as weapons of war?

ey kid wanna see a dead commie?

In South Africa they used to load batteries into their shotguns. moment in which protest from UCV(university in caracas) begins being bombed with tear gas


Defensor del pueblo (ombudsman, defensor del puesto: defender of his charge/position) was interrupted in Lebanon as he was doing a conference.

She yells "violence, my people are dying. they are killing us, where are the rights, Tarek? What rights?"

isnt this just another color revolution?
the CIA was ciclejerking around that country eversince they fucked with OPEC

t. leftycucks

no the ruling party is thoroughly operated by CIA drug running plants and soros tier communists shills trying to overthrow the constitution. The people are attempting to stop this from happening all while starving to death in record numbers. The average citizen has lost at least 30 pounds in the last year for lack of food and now the government is preventing the sale of oil to limit movement in the country.

since there is a plausibility of doubt id require something to back that up


Most of my understanding stems from talking to anons on Holla Forums, irc and /k/ who are currently residing in Venezuela, the fact is that if you want to combat communism as an idea venezuella is the textbook example that nobody on the left wing wants to even mention because of how terrible socialism has worked out there.

The president is rewriting the constitution to take all electoral powers away from the average citizen and place those powers into the hands of community communes which are run by the communist party or affiliate's and are the only source of support for the regime.

Those people protesting in the street are labeled as right wing radicals by liberal media, the situation may appear similar to events in the muslim world but it more accurately follows the recent events in Macedonia, with the communists far more open to use deadly force to repress the people.

There are massive lines to receive minuscule rations, all jobs pay half in useless local currency and the rest in ration tickets which can only be redeemed at government approved business's. Most international capital in the country has been seized and placed in the hands of the "worker" as in most communist countries. The current inflation rate is so high that most of the currency in circulation is useless as well, the best way to get anything is with american dollars on the black market. Debt is so bad that you can't call into the country due to phone companies being owed millions in back pay from the gov and gov seized business's.

The current vice president of the country is a muslim international drug trafficker

For the weight point

Protests just today on the doorsteps of the UCV (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Central University of Venezuela). Almost got gassed taking these.

I should also add that this is on Caracas.



They fucked up some poor sod with a direct impact from a teargas grenade too.

The president of a branch of the Venezuelan Federation of University Students (FVEU) was assassinated today by a gunman on a motorcycle, he was also the state transport secretary of the FVEU. The federation has been a long standing opponent of the socialist regime stretching back over a decade and is certainly major component of the demonstrations happening here
This was not the first time Juan Lopez was targeted but this time it was fatal.

fucking ouch but also kek.

Also, is it me or are the commies starting to kill more and more high-profile targets in shorter timespans?


that didnt anwser my question even closely

We should look at the civilian fighting tools and tactics used here and in Ukraine and even maybe the (((Arab Spring))) for ideas when it happens to us.

larger shields, something to take out wheels to avoid getting crushed, Molotovs seems to be quite effective, slings to toss back tear gas canisters, gas masks are a must and unpredictable movement in groups (venezualans got shut down at a highway cause they kept moving that way, while antifa managed to get into central portland by random and quick movement outside of the police perimeter)

I got fucked by a 2.5 hours blackout. Oppo called for an all women march tomorrow

and more from the ombudsman in Lebanon, people are making a ruckus so he can't rest, which is great


Force of impact on the tear gas canisters used by the national guard today

You can see these lads carrying the door off at the end of the video

pictured the tarek: ombudsman, maduro, cilia flores : maduro's wife, marisabel: exwife of chavez, freddy bernal: has one of the thousand positions of distribution of food so i dont what he actually does

Venezuelan anons need to start organizing hunter-killer packs that target police and soldiers. The basic plan is to surround a typical street cop on patrol and ambush his bike/car using molotovs and pipe bombs. Another approach is to have one guy be a distraction while 3 or 4 others attack him with a knife from behind. Take any and all weapons you find and use them to raid military armories and police stations. Dissolve styrofoam into your molotovs so they stick better to the riot/patrol cops. Burn tires to create smoke for cover to enable you to move into positions.

In addition to targeting police, target leftist civilians as well. Kidnap the families of leftists to raise money and negotiate for the release of your people. Murder them if they are particularly loud or in a position of power. Always reinvest the money you get from these activities into weapons and food. You want the average normalfag on your side, so use the food to buy influence.

Finally, the best way to deal with police APCs is to lure them into an ambush and ram them with a heavy vehicle, like a dump truck or bus, at high speed. Another tactic is to use massive amounts of molotovs as well like vid related, but I don't know if you want to use so much gasoline and not have it be effective. Finally, you can also take inspiration from muzzies and use trucks/cars to run down riot cops or soldiers. Just know that doing so will probably get you killed.

Next time be sure to kill those police officers. If you can't waste gas on them burning them, slice them up with knives or machetes. Alternatively you can take them hostage and negotiate for the release of prisoners. And don't burn the bike either. You can disguise yourselves as cops and ambush more of them, or use your disguise to allow rebels to gain access to police stations for weapons and armored vehicles (last part depends on how competent the political police are).

I'll add that your efforts will be recorded and can be used as propaganda against the left. Nothing makes them angrier than seeing their enforcers getting rekt by rightist civilians. It will also give hope to anons in Europe that they can still fight back, even without their guns.

National police are leading mass looting in the area around Valencia, here's an AC repair/production shop being looted.

Look, leftists….just stop pretending to think already. We know you can't

Just a question, why a civil war has not happened in Venezuela? Even cops are looting for food, that alone raises a huge red flag for maduro's regime

Mayority of Military and Police are vetted and only in their positions because they support the Socialist Party (PSUV). When Chavez got into power, he made a huge cull of the armed forces for any dissidents or radicals that may oppose him, this coupled with the fact that he made a pact with Cuba which allowed them to bring Cuban Officers as well as a constant reinforcement of troops to fill in for the military that was disposed of.

In the civilian side of things, the PSUV instated propaganda campaings denuncing the use of both Violence and Weaponry, advocating to Peace talks and other bullshit, culminating in a law being vetted to remove any and all weapons from civilian ownership. This means that the lawful venezuelan citizenship is completely disarmed at all times, in fear of getting caught by cuban police and trown into jail. This does, however, not stop the goverment from instating armed Militias called Colectivos (Colectives) that aid their police and armed forces as seemingly "civilians" with guns for repression of the population.

There's more shit i'm missing, but this is the main two things preventing a civil war in venezuela. If a mayor or near power (like a country) would ship in Green-Beret like trainers and weapons, the populace would immediatly switch and openly revolt against the goverment. Even now they are doing this with the "peaceful" protests that end up with this bullshit. That is, if the media apparatus is also destroyed, the mayority of the people here ARE brainwashed by TV and Radio, take those out and the riots you see now will triply in both numbers and intensity of combat.


the military were also given control of food distribution and an oil business that can't be audited by civilian authorities, the government dirtied their hands so they wouldn't want a regime change for fears of getting judged later

Reiterating my post above, Venezuelan anons need to form groups that take inspiration from the other guerrilla movements and criminal organizations and start killing political enemies and police officers/soldiers on sight. Even if they are unarmed.

Can the pipelines/oil fields be targeted and sabotaged?

The Oilfields are usually unmaintained pieces of junk that are barely still working because otherwise the goverment wouldn't get any money to fund their insane usage of riot-control gear and equipment. Easy to sabotague, also easy to repair unless totaled because they usually have to repair them every week for every single thing that breaks.
Needless to say, i do not think they can repair the actual pipelines themselves, though i do not think they use them much since actual oil trucks are the main means of transportation for the resource. The trucks are usually not protected in convoys so they can be sabotagued in their delivery by IEDs on the road or by roadblock-for-theft tactics, though there are currently several criminal gangs doing the latter already, for any vehicle they find and for kidnapping/ransom.

We, however, have no means of reliable explosive production nor the training needed to infiltrate said facilities due to them being guarded by the Military itself at all times. Again, external support is a must in a revolution on this country for it to be successful due to the current military power present, which has been able to crush any internal opposition due to being experts in unconventional and guerrila tactics and have stated themselves in full control of the population.

Is it possible for you guys to hijack an oil truck and use it for fuel? Do they carry crude or gasoline/diesel? If its the latter, you can use the truck to gain leverage over the local pop and have a nice fuel source for molotovs. How do Venezuelan cops operate? Do they patrol by themselves or do they only work in large groups?

Do you guys have access to matches or fireworks?

Oil trucks have been hijacked but the criminal interests have a solid monopoly on it far as I can tell. Molotovs were used quite effectively against police vehicles but its a limited resource and fireworks tend to go everywhere and set buildings on fire, which really only negatively effects the local populace.

shit that sounds pretty damn bad, like out of a dystopian novel

Good luck, user.

Oil transported is usually Crude. Refineries are very few on the countryside and are usually very close to an airport or simply aren't used if not.
However, gasoi/diesel is transported back into the country from both Sea and Air, which also neccessitates the use of trucks. I do have seen them transported too without protection which could be a potential target for theft.

Cops operate very close to eachother. They have Alcabalas (Outposts) in every mayor chokepoint of each city with usually 4-10 cops/national guard units stationed in each. They usually do notnever patrol by themselves, always in groups from 2-3 in a Humvee-equivalent or a Copcar to even entire convoys of 20+ effectives usually in vehicles but also on foot. They are also utilize fast-moving Motorized Bike units for quick support and scouting purposes in urban zones, which are also given to Colective forces as well.
You usually see big concentrations of police forces in strategic locations like Parliament, Vicepresidency and Tribunal-alike buildings. Needless to say the same is for Military bases. They communicate constantly with U/VHF radios on standard military channels, though most, if not all, of it is NOT encrypted outside of codephrases and thus can be heard by simply having a radio that can tune in on that frequency.

Low-end explosives like fireworks are not rare, they're just incredibly expensive. The mayority of them are held by Chinese thrift shops and only bought out to sell on celebrations. Matches and Bic-styled lighters are incredibly common and not that expensive to adquire however, but adquiring lots of them is difficult due to mostly being sold by ambulant sellers and kiosks which have a low avaibility of the items themselves, unlike dedicated stores which do not even sell the things.

Seems like the Cubans are the obvious targets. Just take potshots at them or use IEDs. They'll leave in a hurry.

If weapons are scarce maybe use piano wire to behead careless Cuban motorcycle cops and military officers?

Doesn't seem like mass protest is going to do anything except make you a target for Government bullets. /library/Anarchy%20Folder/Political%20and%20Government/Freedom%20Fighter's%20Manual.pdf

Low risk sabotage techniques here courtesy of CIA. Since tires are expensive maybe just focus on destroying the regime's wheels to bring the government down faster. Lots of things a single user can do without relying on collaborators.

Alright, so it seems the situation isn't as bad as I'd thought. Since I've gathered that people there are willing to use violence against police, these tactics shouldn't have too much public backlash. Since the cops operate in groups, the use of explosives will most likely be necessary if you wish to recover equipment or weapons. You can also ram them with trucks or cars. This technique should be very useful if they are on bikes or on foot. You'll also need a small group (around 10 to 15) to work with.

First, steal or buy some fireworks. Remove the blackpowder in them and pack them into brass or steel piping, and wrap some shrapnel around it using tape. Make about 10-15 of these devices and hand them out to the men who will be ambushing the patrol. The fuze can be made from a string cover in petroleum jelly or a matchstick, but this method is very dangerous and not reliable. If you have access to pyrotechnic fuzes like cannon fuze or something used to set off fireworks, I would use something like that instead. You want a consistent fuze.

Second, find a way to ambush one of those bike units. Either ram them with a car or use pipe bombs to injure the driver. Upon the bike stopping, with a group of 5 men per bike, kill the officers and take their shit. Take. Everything. Uniforms, badges, guns, etc. Use these for later operations. Utilizing the guns you just acquired, start killing more police and criminal gang members for their weapons, equipment, and money. You can also kidnap and extort leftists/cops/criminals as well for extra cash. On the radios, look up how to make a spark gap generator and use it to disrupt police/military comms during an ambush. These are relatively easy to make and are a bitch to find once deployed.

Match heads can also be used as an explosive, provided they are of the strike anywhere variety, but have less velocity than BP. Bic lighters can be taped to the upper portion of a molotov bottle's surface and provide some shrapnel to an otherwise non-frag weapon. Do you guys have access to ammonium nitrate or urea nitrate fertilizer?

Finally, the fuel trucks are important targets, since they serve as the military's piggy bank. Try to steal or destroy as many of them as possible. The upside to stealing them is that they will enable you to provide for the local population, getting them on your side.

If you are going to be damaging material, you'll want to aim for shit like pipelines, powerlines/power stations, radio towers and fuel trucks. Tires are expensive but the government gets priority. Its far harder to replace power lines and fuel trucks.

You need to go after the resource that is in short supply. That sounds like tires and vehicle parts to me. They have too many people, so killing people is going to be less effective as a tactic. The regime lacks cash to buy things like tires. Go after tires, windshields, radios, computers, things they have to use Foreign Currency to acquire. Ideally you want to deny them the ability to shoot, move, and communicate.

Very good points. Maybe look for unguarded sections of fiber optic cable or key portions of the power grid leading into their broadcast stations. If you can jam or mess up their ability to do TV and Radio broadcasts the Regime will lose support much faster.

We have been using those since 2014.

Muh (((protests))).

If you're looking to kill a group of cops and recover their equipment probably the best way is to line a fairly narrow road or alley with improvised claymore mines. You could lure in one of the cycle groups and effectively shower them with shrapnel all at once.

This is a good explanation of what it is and it's use.

Of course this would be highly illegal and should only be considered if you're desperate.

We have enough reasons to protest, try to do some research or atleast read the thread before you start showing how new you are.


He's most likely some assblasted commie upset that rightists are discussing ways to blow his soldiers to pieces and tear down the corrupt government he shilled for endlessly.

I have questions about the protests. How did everyone organize in the first place?
Did it just start with a couple people or did a group in general just assign a date to start a protest?
Do protesters still grow their own supply of food?
do you guys go out a protest and go back home?
What is yalls plan for a new ruler after this? You know other countries are definitely going to sweep in and try to put other puppets into power there?

Those shields are absolutely fucking necessary.

This is fucking apocalyptic.

Are the ids broken again, or this is a thread of inmense samefaging?

So, Venezuelanon, I spent ~3 hours revisiting the possible scenarios.
Of those, most of them end with you dead, some involved the fact that you might be a socialist spy laying bait here, and in others you were FBI/police laying bait for evil white terrorists (expats like myself can be targets too).
As an effort of extreme larping I am going to write some stuff for hypothetical playing game theory, of sorts.

Ok, framing before else. First I will outline, then add some:
01 - Anything you plan to do, don´t post in here because spies.
02 - Any direct confrontation with paid bandits, police, military and enemy civilians will escalate.
03 - Before starting this, you need to move your family (and loved ones) outside of the area of effect. They will be leveraged against you.
04 - If you are serious with all your wasteland no exit country, and don´t plan to bail like a rat, you should become an idea. Because you probably will get maimed or killed, and the idea must follow on.
05- You must start alone.


By expats I meant 'gringo' staying south nearby, but whatever.

01 - "Anything you plan to do, don´t post in here because spies".
This is a public mongolian tapestry enthusiast board, readable by anyone. Which means any plan will be sent in cleartext to your adversaries. The date of your post and the motive will map your real identity. Yes, you can take any 'ideas' that we can throw in, because game theory, and as such you should remember the prisioner´s dilemma. Your people are not revolting into bloodbath mayhem because of that dilemma, and you will get betrayed because the 'not-reacting-yet' people have a better bargain in this time of the 'game'. That is the reason why you have policemen and military alligned against the people, because the govt bargain is better. You are only one between many, and if you care about your fellow people, you should care to avoid their deaths, or maiming. In the same line of thought you should consider anyone around you a spy, and avoid at all costs to comment irl to anyone about your plans, until the stage you start recruiting indirectly. They can talk about it openly, but you can´t. That is the first rule. Your actions must lead. You must recruit by the consequences of those actions. The people will fill in the blanks.


ID's sorta broke after the last site maintenance

Fuck. Again?


02 - "Any direct confrontation with paid bandits, police, military and enemy civilians will escalate"
Hypothetically in our larping game, if you leave the bodies, cars, and witnesses behind, there will be a recollection of an event, which will be read by the adversary as confrontation. Your current adversary is layered in 'main head', 'secondary echoers' and 'bargained traitors'. They will defend their position by blaring high any confrontation by doubling up the censorship by violence. Therefore you don´t have any valid moves (all end with you dead), which means you have two ways to reduce their attack: war of attrition or guerrilla warfare pitching groups against each other.

You are only 1 guy, and maybe you could believe attrition is very different to guerilla, but here is what you can do: a subtle mix between them.It means raiding the adversary stockpiles and/or poisoning them. It will be 'easier' to start with the bikers because (from all the vids around) they seem avid of whores and booze, but they travel in packs, so there must be a whoretown/house they go to fuck in solitary where you can leave a propane gas opened, fuck up their bikes, or 'leave a stockpile of rat poisoned bottles' near them. You can infect the whores with something too, but I have no idea how.

Use some clothes as bulk, beacuse all the fat people seem to be on your adversary side, while the thinners are your side. Or wear a fake beard, moustache, paint your face with burn cork, each time different. Also, do this alone, in the night whe you are sure they are past drunk. Maybe if you plan thoroughly you won´t get caught, so to avoid probabilistic chances, do it sparingly, like once in a month in a town that is not where you live.

03 - "Before starting this, you need to move your family (and loved ones) outside of the area of effect. They will be leveraged against you".

The larping continues.
At this point you should be doing the 02 part, without no one knowing about it.

So, you must be aware that someone will rat you out, and eventually the bargained traitors will grab and torture you, to level up and be near the second step of grace. If they don´t obtain a 'valid' confession, they will torture you, and if you don´t budge they will torture your loved ones because revenge and to prove their masters that they are good goys. You will be thrown to fake jail until you rot, and maybe the traitors will show you gore of your parents, becase their reasons.

You must evac your loved ones away where they can be lost inside faceless numbers, moving them away as 'refugees' using another names, with the story that 'come to me when I set things up, wait for my signal'. But you should tell them that you plan of doing 'something', or they will start to send messages and your name will be known. Maybe some of your family wants to go with you. Up to you. But friends like normalfags will recoil and betray you at the sight of torture. It will be better, and easier if you travel in pairs, but you must imprint in your pair about the sure chance to get caught, and that he must follow your lead. And to run if they catch you. It is fine if you recruit people at this point, but beware of spies.

How to find spies? Tell them secrets, each by each, 'to you only', each with different setup and wait for the ambush. You will have to tie them in a tree and leave them if you find a spy.

04 - "[…]you should become an idea. Because you probably will get maimed or killed, and the idea must follow on".

As I wrote before, actions must tell more than discourse.
At this point you have some loot hidden around, especially weapons, but being a solo target against trained adversaries, you are outnumbered and worst, have snipers in higher grounds. You will be using the number of people at protests as weapon. Here is where it becomes dangerous, because escalation.

The focus will be on capturing adversaries, not killing them (because you need to keep the people in the 'we are the good guys' (that is why you started poisoning the bandints). Killing scared selfish policemen will hurt that self image that people still have. And if they get killed you won´t get any information from them, like where are their stockpiles of ammo, water and food. You will need the uniforms and props to raid them.

Duties roulette:
- You will have to taunt at least 1 policeman into being flanked by the mob, and lost inside their numbers, bag him.
- Provoke the protester mob to zerg rush
- Flank trucks and set their tires on fire
- Cut the escape route of the police
- Climb the sniper´s position and take their guns
- You still have firefighters? set an empty building on fire
- How many police traitors stay in their hq when a lot move to crush the protests?
Et al.

They expect a mob, not a solo saboteur.
While the adversary forces are focused in the mob, you move behind their active focus, and do whatever you can to move the mob and flank them, while you loot their guns.

05 - "You must start alone"
Remember to wear some kind of disguise each time you perform in public (you can paint your gas mask, or shield, or bike, or 'armor'), but you can use some symbol. Be creative. Because when they get you (and torture, or kill you) the idea must be grabbed so someone can wear it again. If you work alone, or in a leadership position, the 'duties roulette' can´t get in the spies hold or lost by torture by any of your followers.

Extreme larping.

It started as peacefull planned protests that asked the mayor of carcas for permission and was put down with an innapropiate ammount of force, then from there it has been a mix of people just coordinating between each other and major politicians organizing dates.
Second, it started as a protest against what op posted.
Protests in general are happening in cities, most people from cities live in buildings, we dont have lands to speak off.
Peole do their best to grow little windows and rooftops gardens, but it isnt enough at all.
Thats normally what happens, yes.
Think of it as the population employing wear and tear tactics, since by the time they crack down one protest, 2 more have popped up in neightbouring sectors.
Our equivalent of the congress would take on administrative duties until an election is held and a new president elected.
Whatever happens, it will be an improvement over thegoverment pillaging our country further into ruin.

What do you think of
plan of just flat out killing police officers?

It seems like a pretty bad Idea since if you do start doing that they will retaliate with more lethal force and just start flat out killing people in death squads(or do they already do that) instead of firing and hitting one or two people. Also someone would have to kinda do suicide run with charging them with the car.

Another question is what is the main governments plan? are they playing the waiting game to see how long it will take to wait out the protests? when will they go to more drastic measures (if there really could be a worse point at this rate)?

good luck with all of this.

As a majority Holla Forums user, do you guys still have your vidya? or any kind of entertainment for that matter?

Barquisimeto-fag reporting in, stay strong brothers and remember… better dead than red.

What about calcium nitrate?


The only way it would work is if we were prepared for the escalation of violence with weapons and supplies, wich we arent.
The most we can do i exhaust the goverment forces and keep the country off balance to further fracture the goverment (they are having a lot of in-fighting), keep making preassure that ends up with the goverment paramilitaries killing national guardsmen and viceversa (it happened in my city, i was there when it happened and turned tail when gunfire started) and having the international community keep preassuring.
How should i know?
I think they are waiting for them to die down, but we have been at this for more than a month and the violence is increasing day by day, i dont think it will suddenly just stop.
They are already doing that, their paramilitaries go out at night and start sacking areas where most of the population is from the opposition, burning cars and residential buildings and killing isolated protesters.

Well i only have my 2006 laptop and my nintendo DS to kill time with, lately im playing a bunch of x-com and modded age of empires 3.

He pisses me off so much.
And thanks man, here in san antonio de los altos we are doing what we can to distract the GN and lower the preassure in caracas and los teques.


Sounds like plausible plans. I'll translate them and send them to my colleages.

High larp, but high energy as well. Blood must be shred and an idea must be put inplace of the faggotry pushed by the PSUV-controlled media "opposition" that still advocates for peace treaties and anti-violence bullshit.
I'm starting to think about something with the 7-star flag…

I still sometimes play Red Alert 2. Computers and consoles, specially the old PSX and OG XBOX are still a common thing to find in a household, though actually powering them is sporadic due to blackouts. Internet is also completely shit and there aren't new connections made because the goverment can't upkeep its infrastructure.
I still haven't found any actual hardcore groups for gaming in CCS, most are just lolDOTA, MMO or facebook flashgame thrash "clans". Very few people know about Doom even in the geek/nerd heavy communities.

Hello, (((JJ Rendón))), how is the weather in Miami?
Is your buttbuddy Henrique Capriles (((Radonski))) OK?ón

Holla Forums fucked up and is handing out repeated IDs all over Holla Forums, you fucking leftist scum.
People like you will be killed in my country when the time comes.

There's a maintenance bug that keeps making IDs in the entire thread change to the same ID newfag.

Also pic related.

Sorry for debunking your JIDF narrative over Venezuelan events. I'm not leftist, don't support that Maduro commie, and don't support the Venezuelan (((neocohen))) cuck opposition backing the (((protests))).

Oh, scary, scary. How nice tough guys you are, (((Allup))) and (((Carmona))). Now, go back to suck the jew-circumcised cocks of your IMF overlords, mastercucks.

Here we see AD/COPEI cuck shills and their intel of fail trying to make damage control. As intelligent as hacking with microsoft/firefox.
Video related.

Sure, theres nothing wrong going on in venezuela, everything is fine and these are all jewish lies to take down the totally not failed socialist goverment.
We actually live in venezuela, you piece of shit, we have to deal with the consequences of the things you support, go die in a hole.

Also, you have no fucking idea what youre talking about, you idiot, youre mixing different parties, politicians and factions inside the venezuelan politics, you piece of shit.

Considering you are a Venezuelan nigger (redundant), chances are high of you dying first by a jew sniper and putting the blame on Maduro.
Enjoy your numbered days of your life wasting your existence by being a pawn of the jews, nigger :^)

When will their government be overthrown?


good goy, good goy.

Who knows?
All we can do is keep fighting, nothing will get solved if we wait for someone else to do it.


Ignoring previous posts only makes you a bigger nigger.

You don't have any arguments to even reply anymore? Sad!

These fuckers still believe in Chavez, just not this new fuck. They deserve everything that happens to them for thinking socialism works. Bet they wished they had guns too, but if you give your freedom away for some security, you deserve neither.

You are so fucking clueless about what is going on in the country.

the hitlerdubs of unmasked your jewish tactics of frauding the elections by putting illegally three corrupt jew-loving congressmen from Amazonas state.

Prepare yourselves to be purged along with the rest of the niggers and jews, jew-loving nigger.
You can gas yourselves, still ;^)

When are you going to kick out the socialist in your country?

How fucking desperate can you get to mask your shit, Holla Forums?

Read the thread.

Get a load from this nigger :^)

Explain this to me, Holla Forums, how can the opposition parties commit electoral fraud when the goverment is in charge of the electoral system and the military guards all electoral centers?
I want to see what kind of mental gymnastics you will use here.

JIDF and the army of niggers getting even more and more desperate because of that hitlerdubs .

But i have, it is impossible, i want you to show me HOW such faud happened according to you.
You are the one making the accusation, you need to provide proof.

Earlier another user attempted to get an answer and he never got one. The claim was made that a certain US alphabet agency is actually in support of the current government in place but so far, I've only read what sounded like personal views on the matter. It goes contrary to what they've been doing in that part of the world for a long time so yes, I am skeptical. Cuban involvement would also basically mean they're (at least temporarily) on the same team as the US, which is doubtful at best.

Also if you could avoid getting killed that'd be great too. It's good to have a couple anons from there posting here.

Well there aer romours going around today about cuban troops arriving to the country, since a venezuelan navy ship just arrived from cuba and a bunch of goverment buses were seen leaving the port shortly after.

So how many soldiers/police are there fighting for Maduro?

I bet that your "natives" term in
is an euphemism for the easier-to-understand term "jew-puppet", huh?

Ok, this has to be bait.

Let me look up how many soldiers are there on the FANB.

Allright, There are 250.000 active soldiers in the country with 1.000.000 reservists, i dont know how many police officers are on his side and the number of paramilitary gangs known as colectivos is unknown, they can also draft all the male population from 18 to 50 since we all have to sing up for the military reserve census in order to study and work.

You think Maduro would become that desperate? Wouldn't seem smart to force the males, many of whom hate the current government, to be trained and given guns.

I (an user from outside Venezuela) made the claim and truly I might have made a mistake, I was mainly coming at it from the perspective that the vice president and high ranking members of the establishment are known drug traffickers and the VP has connections to al-queda and has family connections to the Ba'athist international community. I don't think CIA involvement on either side is really a mainline issue anyways considering the actual standards on the ground.

Not to forget this

"Maduro on Monday said that he hopes the number of militia members will reach 500,000 compared to 100,000 currently. He said each new member would be equipped with a gun."

Many of us have been trained in basic stuff since all venezuelans have to go through "instruccion pre-militar" (pre-military training) before graduating highschool, so the training part wouldnt be that hard.
But yeah, drafting would be stupid seeing how much of the population has turned against the goverment, not only that, but countrary to the armed forces, the average civilian hasnt been indoctrinated or received any of the shit military personel get.

Can venezuela be saved?

We have faced doom before and bested it, it is only a matter of time.

Your first post was accusing him of being a "rich" kid in America so that was obviously the reason he hates Maduro now you're trying to pass yourself off as Holla Forums with frequent references to people being niggers and JIDF. You couldn't stand out as ass annihilated Holla Forums more if you tried - find a better hill than Venezuela to die on.

Do you only find meaning in death? Nothing to live for? That is great m8. This whole thing is caused by a USA embargo of Venezuela that no one is talking about. Starving them like the British starved Germany in WWI.

tbh if a place falls this far into anarchy, we should just get a crack squad of anons together and take over. In a setting of complete disorder, where the largest authority is shitty low IQ mestizo biker gangs, how hard would it honestly be to steamroll them? It'd be Hernan Cortez 2.0. Hell, in the modern era, just look at the Rhodesians vs the bantu nigs.

For fucks sake Holla Forums, we have been going to shit before the low oil prices.

user stop being so retarded, venezuela is a country populated by more than 30 million people and its armed forces are the best equiped and trained in south america alongside chile.

What's the geopolitical situation like in Venezuela? What's stopping any of the bordering nations from swooping in and taking over? You say they have an impressive military, but I seriously doubt that's the case if people are starving in the streets.

Since Colombia doesn't really have a great deal of money and Brazil doesn't really have a great deal of money neither of them want that many displaced Venezuelans in their countries. Hell Colombia even used to have a fuck ton of it's citizens illegally immigrate to Venezuela to take advantage of the formerly better situation there.

Colombia's military is built only around fighting the gurillas, they have no way of stopping venezuela's su-30s, tanks or artillery.
Brazil is too far away to deploy effectivly and their naval forces are useless againts air attacks.
No one else around is really relevant unless it is the US.
And the food crisis is recent, venezuela had lots of money going in for years throught chavez goverment, and has been a military power in south america since the 30s.

Hey. I wrote the larping there.
I talked with my elderly dad, who is a retired Ranger (inb4 works for Nintendo) about this.

He told me the same, that if anyone in that situation (without food, containment cells for abductees, water) shouldn´t take people alive and leave, because you will be transferring and concentrating enemy forces in your camp, so it is better to leave bodies behind as deterrent, to flag territory as taken and work against their morale. But those are rules of engagement (according to him) from when he was into his career, mentioned in his manuals about counter/insurgence (those short books about helping rebels with foreign military tactics that we all read eventually) that describe ambushes and sabotages.

The problem with his approach: comes from a position of a trained and stocked group of people, with a military complex behind that can rescue them when all fails (includes the sacrifice of the rebel pawns). It plans of kicking the beehive until it cracks using local forces. This guy is alone. The moment he start leaving bodies behind it will call for extra APCs, troopers and snipers, and play the narrative of Maduro´s govt. and paint a big target on him, and since he will be 'unknown' the wrath will be placed over all the opposition populace as a show of force in the next demonstration. Maduro´s puppets in the region will show the insurgence as 'foreign helped terrorists' and call their allies for a genocide of the opposition.

When the backlash arrives, the insurgence should have weapons to fight back their planned genocide. But for the mean time, they don´t have the weapons so they need to lower the attack of their adversary (weapons, logistics, ammo, vehicles, personnel, food, medics, communications). If he starts now leaving craters and bodies behind in the open, without looting the adversary first, will press the adversary attack into genocide territory.

So, he must start with the softer targets, not in the main central city, to loot them and maim their attack vectors. Full ahead frontal attack is for when he has an army of his own.

Is as i expressed here
We are in no way able to defend ourselves from a escalation in the level of violence, not because we lack the balls, will or inteligence, but because we lack the leadership, equipment and supplies.

I´ve seen/heard some old vids from there when this all started, and they are cuban soldiers.
Cuban deployment is standard in this situations where a socialists 'dream' needs to be protected with blood in the streets. Happened south in Chile at their exact scenario in the seventies (they had russians too). Cuban soldiers (biker gunners, truck bed gunners, snipers) are like the Hizb´Allah gunner/support personnel that gets deployed around for shia muslim allied territories (country backed support militias). Their involvement should be noted as paid mercs or assist for solidifying the socialist system.

Another way to press their logistics is to 'redistribute' the food stockpiles to the opposition, and arm them to defend it, developing controlled towns. It will spark a civil war though.

Again, we have nothing we can use to stop the army.
The national guard we are trying to handle, but the actual army there no way we could stop.


I'm from Maracaibo, things are pretty chill here for the most part, although, there is still lots of protestors. And a kid got shot and killed today in one of the protests in Pomona

Those arent people from the armed forces though, those are policemen.
All militarymen wear green except for the sea commandos wich wear black, learn the uniforms man.

Also, post pics of the people detroying the statue of chavez and setting fire to its crotch,

Sure thing. Though, I don't have all the pictures, this is all I have.

My bad, brother.

Yeah its fake, pic related its the guardsman that got injured, note the different uniforms, equipment and look (there are FAR too many negroids there for it to be venezuela).

Yeah its confirmed, what wasnt here, thats from the dominincan republic.
Told you man, there are far too many negroids for it to be venezuela.

(((Chomsky))) must be so proud of his ideal.

I did some research, turns out that video is from Capotillo in Dominican Republic.

You don´t need to stop (or fight) the army, just the opposite: you have to win the army to your side. Instead of protesting the police, go and demostrate in front of your coward military, at their bases, and throw them coins. Ask/shout them asking why they are not defending the people. Soldiers have family, right? Are their relatives hungry? You can press them to switch sides, because they are wronging their own families.

At the same time, kill all Colectiveros bikers that you spot around and take their shit.
Don´t attack the military because you will need their tanks and artillery at your side.

City protests will go nowhere.
Go demostrate in front military personnel (not cubans, or bikers. Military).

They exist, a girl I dated a while ago was fair haired with green eyes same as my family on my mothers side have very European features, but of course they're a dime in a dozen and depending on the area.

Bumpity, because funs.

explaining the image, a few months ago the government started outing in public institutions the slogan:"Aqui no se habla mal de chavez" which translates as "we don't badmouth chavez here". whereas what's written there is "In maturin(the city) we badmouth chavez".

There's also information going that some military troops came from cuba, however, I think this is fake and spread by the government to demoralize protestors

i honestly dont have details of the military, i think our military might might just come from all the junk we bought from china nd russia while other coutnries spend much less money in military equipment. And what's stopping neighbor countries from swooping and taking over is because muh international community, bein expelled from OAS, a greatly reduced number of economic partners etc.

well, psx,ps2 and ds are commonplace. Personally, I was able to get a 3ds(whcih I left stored until it could be pirated) for 1600bsf after the first price cut which was on 2012 iirc, right now a single dollar is almost 5000(if it didn't reach it since the last time i had internet), I've been playing a little of stalker the past few days to blow up some stress

during my down time I've thought about why the secrecy with leopoldo, but I honestly can't think they killed him, the government has been careful to what they say to trump because for them he's unpredictable, his secretary of state was the ceo of (I think) exxon when chavez decided to fuck them over, and lilian, leopoldo's wife, reunited with trump like 3 months ago, unless they are banking of thinking USA will do nothing at all I doubt they'd want risking getting a response from them (and I don't see why they'd kill him, he has been in prison for 3 years, he isn't currently a menace)

another information that's been rolling is that 85 GNBs were detained for being against how the government is doing things

this message has been delayed FOR HOURS thanks to fucking cantv

Are there friendly neighboring states that will send little green men and help in exchange for working with their "interests"?

Over the years I've grown to be a skeptic about these kind of rumors; while not entirely implausible, I gotta this REALLY does seem like bullshit used to demoralize/give hope to the common populace, just as with any looting warnings, SE OYEN RUIDOS DE SABLES, super seekret leaks by mario silva, among other things.
I mean, if you wanna do subversive actions against a country's population, you don't ever reveal the what, where nor the when; you'd be a shitty kike-backed commie if you did so.
I'm aware most of the govt's lackeys are dumb as a bag of rocks, but the higher ups ain't stupid, they've got foreign advisers and if by any chance some sort of direct cuban intervention (more than there already is. I mean, come the fuck on, battalions of starving caribbean manlets invading our shithole?) would be asking for EVEN MORE trouble than they already have.

Now, I'd say those 'rumors' about the government using freed prison gang bangers as shock troops for looting/repressing protests is far more likely than cuban soldiers invading our soil en masse. In fact, I think that's actually what's happening in Falcon and Carabobo: Round up some prisoners, promise them freedom/cash/drugs/whatever frivolity those niggers are fond of and make em break loose on opposition-majority neighborhoods; remember, these people are sociopaths on par with stalin and would stop at nothing to keep their clutches in power, the downside? They have to be very careful about it. Same goes for the rumors about Leopoldo Lopez being dead, they need the guy alive and basically he's the posterchild of Venezuelan political prisoners, killing him is bad business… Unless of course, some nigger jailer/diosdi wishes to satiate their sadistic impulses with Leopoldo and goes overboard with the tortures.

Nope. It´s true. It is standard response from socialists when faced with unrest, and there are lots of first person witnesses. Odd that you don´t know about them…

Venezuelans only chance is making the military uneasy, to do some demostrations with their tanks.

well, excuse me for not being omniscient. caracaschronicles published a very interesting article

also, I just found out the devil's excrement is back, good to see the author didn't die, though he isn't writing as often as I'd like, with the things that are happening the last post being from over two weeks ago is too far old. have had problems with internet so I have to use BAM now, so my id should be changed



I saw that shit, I hope they can delete all the records, and hopefully they don't have any backups. would be glorious


Nice thumbnails.


Interesting tidbit, recently it seems 85 officers from the armed forces rebelled but were detained.

You beat me to this, it's ridiculous to say the least.
Oy vey goyim, we must share this land and stuff, cuz communists
Hand out documentation that you actually own this land, and it must date back all the way some pre 1850
Only problem, there were no such documentation that old….
And what happens then?
The same as in any nigger country
Niggers move in balkanize these massive productive farms into small parcels of land, basically a lawn, a tiny lawn

sigh… And do niggers even know how to farm?
Ofc not! NOTHING is grown
We're looking at some Rhodesia tier shit here. Niggers movie in and produce nothing but feces. But…..

COMMIES! Fucking let them starve



Thanks I needed that, man shit like this drives you nuts

as I don't have much news at this time I thought I'd share something not as relevant some family members of padrino lopez(minister of defense and lets not forget high ranking military)are speaking out against him, and I can't blame them, padrino is an uncommon surname, but easy to remember because of how much of a motherfucker he is and the fact that it is also a word(it means godparent).

Anyone from monagas hear? I was told that today before dawn (~2am) a caravan with 40 cars including polimaturin passed by raul leoni avenue with no known purpose, I can't help but think that they ar ebringing people here because of the protests, at least, is the only thing I can think of. anyone else care to chip in their theories?

his peers played one last time for him in the cemetery. What they are playing is the national anthem

I overlooked this, from what can be heard from this
"to pierce a damned cara e' beta(hard to translate"
"I would like to have"
"an Iron dagger"
"to behead a damned guarimbero"

the president of our congress met with us vicepresident yesterday

so, long story short, CIA starts another color revolution against a broke country that fucked with the IMF and OPEC, but its okay because theyre socialists?

Yeah, because we have NO REASON AT ALL to be pissed off, theres nothing happening, everything is fine, we are all CIA.

you already said that

also, venezuela fucking founded the opec with other 4 countries. By the way you worded your post I can only think you are a fucker from leftypol trying to stir shit, as you make up your own bullshit and answer yourself, paga y se da el vuelto

you have just asmuch reason to be pissed of as people in any other shithole, where agitations and clashes arent happening because its not in the US interests

noone anwsered the first post.
because its pointing out the issue with color revolutions.

venezuela got BTFOd by OPEC for trying to raise its oilprice, a move that was most fondly supported by the US

and im not from leftipol, im just making an argument. it was the same shit as it was with ukraine.
a bunch of posters on here jumping on the koseher wagon just because the (((good side))) had the right symbolism.

Anons here defend NK but not Venezuela and they're not wrong. Venezuela is actually a bunch of commies and not ethnonationalists. NK is ethnonationalists. We support ethnonationalists in Venezuela, who are currently rebelling. This is not difficult to understand.

venezuelan's oil barrel production was 3 million a day when chavez came in, currently it is 2 million, the price of oil at the time was 12$ . we are much much worse now, somehow, i bet it was the cia too. And a couple of posters here(myself included) ARE venezuelan, venezuela isn't shit because the oil barrel is 50 bucks(it was much lower before) but because of failed macro and microeconomic decisions on top of the plundering they had.
and I don't even know what you are talking about being BTFO by the opec when venezuela begged them to reduce production to bring the price up(funny how they talk about speculators here but they are speculators themselves) and opec complied

Holla Forums pls go

Read the thread, stupid.

At this point I don't get why Maduro doesn't try to change anything. If he keeps his retarded commie shit he will be out before the end of the year. He could easily say "eh, that didn't work, let's try something else", it isn't like commie countries didn't do before, the Soviets did and so did China. And there's no way he doesn't know it will happen, he can't possibly be stupid enough to think toilet paper will start raining down from the skies.

besides embargos, boycotts and vetoes, the oiltrade of a country can be hit hard indirectly with supply contracts, which ensure that a given country will only buy oil from one supplyer. in that case it desent matter at what price one country is selling a barrel or how much it produces annualy. it was how the US and sudis wanted to cripple iran and saddam.
saddam was taken out with force after he decided to trade oil for euros, while iran switched to oil trade with russia and china.
before that saudis and the US attempted to lower the oil prices to rock bottom to bring iran to its knees, but as iran just adapted the move only damaged the saudis and the US, which led to an oil crisis.

while the countless macroeconomic and social descisions effect a country on a big level, the main factor in the economy of an oil-producing country is the oil market, which is not limited only to oil prices, but also said trade deals, embargos and descisions in organisations like OPEC

Yeah, the "venezuela is only failing because of oil price manipulation" is just bullshit that crypto-communists use to justify it. There are plenty of countries where the economy is almost entirely based on oil. Norway, the gulf states, etc. Last I checked, they're not having major issues. Norwegians aren't eating each other in the streets and forming biker death squads.

the thread sais very little about US involvement

i guess euromaidan was full 14/88 too right?

I never said there was an oil market conspiracy. The point I'm making is that the lowered value of oil isn't sufficient to explain the economic collapse of venezuela.

Not all oil is equal. You have heavy oil and light oil. Heavy oil is much more costlier to process. Venezuela sends it to the US for processing if I remember right.
Venezuela like every other oil-rich country could have avoided the problem anyway if during high prices they didn't spend all that money on hookers and blow but invested on something else, anything.

see to get some understanding how to destabilise an oil country besides the oil prices

because he was backed, and they have been banking into the intergalactic ham's popularity(which is only so because he died before oil plummeted) so that'd be going against everything they have used up till now ad they have chavez now as some sort of deity.

la ignorancia es atrevida, we have the whole fucking continent to trade with(which we sold cheap oil to in exchange of political favors like OAS votes, specially with tiny island countries), hell, america has been our best client as they are basically the only fucking ones that pay the full price for oil.And again I will remind you that oil prices were ~12$ when chavez came in and the situation wasn't like this.

heck, I know you don't know about this, but im annexing it so you can see it, see that pile of black material? that's coque, a byproduct of oil that's being piled up on puerto piritu 8locals call it los medanos de coque) coque used to be exported before(I think out main client was japan)but then the dock broke for lack of maintenance, so some pdvsa higher up went screaming how we will stop basically gifting away our riches, that we would process them ourselves!and you see the result, someone's pocket is getting very heavy as they have a contract to have their machines used to pile up the waste and contaminate the surrounding population all in one, another victory of the revolution!

You want to know what country has meddled with venezuela? cuba, they tried to invade us (like they did colombia, for example) through machurucuto but were repelled, ever since he has tried to get his hands on our oil, the only foreign backed protests were el caracazo, sparked and fueled with guns from cuba, and when chavez was elected they were left in not only by the front door but with a blowjob as well, we did great deals like selling them oil at below market prices, and exchanging shitty cuban medics for oil, who would in turn create medicos integrales comunitarios who graduate faster thanr eal medics, earn more than real medics but know less than a fucking paramedic, cuba lo unico que ha hecho es chulearse a venezuela gracias a chavez. chavez also made deal with the ELN and Las FARC(which is why uribe hates the government so much).ón-petrolera-seis-países-eeuu-y-china-la-cabeza

Chavez made his damnest to nurture mediocrity, it is not only the MICs(medico integral comunitario) but they cut funding to proper universities to make universidades bolivarianas where you get subpar professionals along with revolution propaganda, also changed the INCE to INCES because now we are socialistas nojoda and ofcourse the change of name came iwth a propaganda change, changed shit like acude for mision robinson, of course, more propaganda. they changed the scores systems for middle school from A,B,C,D… to regular,good,very good, excellent and prohibited las carteleras that used to be placed outside classrooms and would show the better achieving students of the class, also took control of the university admissions so they have to let in whatever the government sends, so people who would not be allowed in(or would have had to wait a semester to get in) due to poor scores now would be forced in in the already underfunded unervisities(because all the funding goes to the bolivarian ones)

also, reminder that chavez gave a replica of bolivar's sword to mugabe

i know how oil refinery works, here we call that black stuff asphalt.
and i dont defend the goverment here, im trying to find out who else is involved in this thing, because in the modern world such things dont happen with zero foregein involvement.

i dont doubt your social and education system has become a mess, venezuela isnt the only place where things are taking a turn for the worse.

i must also point out that i dont speak spanish so sorry for any inconviniences

Part of the motivations for the protesters is to kick the cubans, muslims and druglords back to their shitholes and take back venezuela for venezuelans.

He wont, at this point the venezuelan state does not care nor want to improve things, they are just looting as much as they can before they fall so they can fuck off and live like rich oil barons.

We are fighting with rocks, stick, molotov cocktails and wooden homemade shields againts armed policemen, military personel, paramilitary units and millitia, i dont know what world you live in, but if we had any funding at all, atleast we would have some weapons.

someone gets shot after being set ablaze and then hit in the arm and dies. Did getting hit in the arm make things worse? yes.was it the cause of death? hell no.

The government never stopped selling and buying oil from USA, even after they fucked with exxon(and rex tillerson was its ceo at the time) and conocophillips(I'm porbably forgettining a lot more)

the only embargo I can think of was in 2006, and it was an embargo for weaponry, and the government just switched to buy military equipment from russia and china.

Venezuela never had a shortage of partners, even USA itself. The situation between usa and ve was never anything at all like usa and cuba if that's what you've been trying to imply.

this is the letter the government sent opposition coalition regarding the constituent I just want to remind pol that according to the art 347 only the population can call for a constituent by a referendum, of course, what the constitution says never hindered the government(like how the military is supposed to be impartial). I could come and ask why the government wants a new constitution when they never even obey the current one, but I won't fake naivety, it's just so they can either disband or greatly reduce the power of congress so they can pass shady deals without their approval.

theyve been circlejerking around venezuela and cuba for decades and creating color revolutions all over the globe.

you dont know how color revolutions work do you? its not the same as afganistan in the 80s

You still have no idea of what is happening, you refuse to read the thread, you refuse to read the things people post to show you youre wrong and you keep implying we are funded by the CIA, why are you still here and not in Holla Forums?

quite a system you have there

That's the point of protesting, to change that system not to defend the interest of opec.

the entire thread only talks about what the locals know and whats happening in the street.

we didnt just go with it in euromaidan and arab spring threads.

you really underestame long term effects of oil trade dont you

So youre going to ignore the entire history and economy of venezuela prior to 1998, cool.

Either youre extremely ignorant and too new to research for yourself, or youre a leftist.
This isnt the first time this happens last time was in 2014 en 42 people died.

They'll be dead weight when they start using real bullets

Atleast they stop low velocity proyectiles that have actually killed people in the protests, see

The main point of the protests is because the goverment instated a coup'detat against the Parliament because the TSJ revoked all power from them and blocked a re-election vote from happening at all, instating a total dictatoship, rather than a psudo democracy with rigged votes. This is ASIDES from them wanting to illegally change the Constitution and ASIDES from the rampant fucking famine killing thousands of venezuelans and ASIDES from the super hyperinflation where 1$ that costed 25Bs.F four years ago now costs 5.000Bs.F, ASIDES from the rampant gangs and criminals running amok the countryside because police lets them ramming the country to the top lists of kidnappings and murders in the whole world and so on ETC ETC ETC.

Infact riots happened back in 2014. And 2012. And 2006-8. And 2004. It has just been ramping up since Chavez was fucking elected.

Oil trade being slightly more restrictive due to prices wouldn't have starved to death a country that was primairly a tropical agricultural powerhouse. Only Social-communism or Socialism taking the land from the farmers and giving it to niggers/cuban military does this. You must be fucking retarded to believe this is all happening JUST because of the oilfaggotry and this is the first line of defense of leftists to denounce anyone calling out for what's happening in this failed state.

You are arguing in circles ignoring everything that everyone's saying on this thread, as this was pointed out before.

I know. I'm just saying that one it escalates from riots to an actual civil war the shields will be useless.

Its the best we have at the moment.

this guy gets it

Of course i'm woke. I live on this shithole. I should have left long ago and i deeply regret that i have not.
The best i can do is send warning.
They will undermine your nation from the very root to the toppest echelons. They will make your family scroundle on the sewers looking for rotten pieces of old stale bread among the rest of the populace if they can.


This happened today, a group of national guardsmen refused to put down a protest and instead escolted them through their planned route.

I sympathize with you user, but humanity has a painfully short memory and has to re-learn its lessons time and time again. The horror must be revisited in order to fully grasp its depth. I pray you survive it.

For what reason/ against what threat is the military so well armed and so large? Is it basically a gibs program (like the USA, when it isn't fighting wars for the Jews)? It sounds like the large army program predates Chávez so I assume it's not to chest thump against yanqui imperialismo. Argentina has the Falklands I guess to explain why it needs a big military….

The bright side is that my people will hate socialism after this is all over.

This has been a thing since the 30s, venezuela is very militaristic and lost lots of lands during the 19th century due to foreing meddling and our internal strife keeping us in civil wars.
We are outnumbered by brazil and colombia, so we compensate by having a better equiped armed force.

admitedly, I dont know how ibg is our army, but i think a lot of its current size is because of chavez, if it was above latinamerica's average it was probably due to castro's attempt to invade us in 1962(iirc). the size of the military isn't to protect us from a foreign invasion but to protect them from the population pretty much. also 2 generals were apparently removed from their position(I guess they disagree with this shit)

But thats all bullshit.
The venezuelan military build-up has been a thing since the 30s, and it is equipped mostly to fight other armies, hence their equipment.
If they were only for population control, they wouldnt have so much heavy equipment in such vast queantities but be like colombia, and have many soldiers lightly armed.


what I think is weird is that the side with the weaponry to do real damage lacks the will to do so and the side with the will to do damage lacks the weaponry to do so.

m8, we have more than 40 dead country wide and more than 130 injured in a sector (not even the entire city) of caracas alone, they dont lack the will.

So there is hope, but they acted too soon.

Reminder to you: throw coins and money at the feet of the soldiers, and call them cowards and sellouts, for abandoning their duties to the people.


Needless to say that while our army is well outfitted it's poorly trained, not to mention that morale is at an all time low.

color me surprised


What is the point of communism if all the people are starving and revolting? I mean, what good is to rule a barren wasteland?

Venezuelans put these fucks in power, let them reap what they sow. They were all very pleased with the free oil money until reality struck.

that's like saying america wanted hillary because she got more votes than trump, a lot of people voted for chavez? yeah, that's what happens when you let everyone vote, as the average person is retarded. neither I nor my family ever voted for la plasta roja.

I should make the note for anglos and spanish talking people alike, 1 billion != 1 billón. 1 billion is 1 and nice zeroes, 1 Billón is 1millon * 1 millon (twelve zeroes) and so on, a trillion is 1million³(eighteen zeroes)

one of the students wounded at this assembly died today as well Trump was talking with peru's president about how to deal with venezuela's situation, normally I'd have ignored this, but it caught my attention that he didn't talk with santos instead who is right beside us, I think colombia even has more us military bases than peru(if peru has any)

and some protestors destroyed another chavez statue

Actually, was more pathetic.
The opposition of venezuelans abstained from voting or voted blanks (just like at France). They thought it was a 'demostration' vote because elections were rigged, and all looked like shit.

that happened in congress not the presidential elections

You probably mean the 2015 elections (blank votes, abstention).

I'd establish a constitutional republic accountable to the people to her, if you know what I mean.

lib cucks are already calling it "Fascist Authoritarianism" instead of socialism

No, that did not happen in 2015.

that did not happen in 2015. it was in 2005's congress election in which the turnout was merely 25%(less than half from the one before it)

ONG denounces that the government is judging some protesters in military courts they kicked out from a restaurant the venezuelan ambassador in spain meanwhile maduro's family are taking parachuting classes from gringos

when something like this happens I always remember chavez' hypocrisy "being rich is bad"

Today, protests in Altamira and Chacaito, Caracas. Couldn't take many pictures due to battery dying but there was also repression in the highway bridge and Las Mercedes. Will post what i got.




I'm filled with anger, I'm fucking MAD three venezuelan doctors drowned on the trip back from trinidad as they were getting medical supplies not available here for their patients, all this while the government keeps pretending the "bad guys" are the protesters, all while they keep stealing, all while the economic situation worsens by the day. AND NO TRADITIONAL MEDIA HAS REPORTED IT HERE BECAUSE MOST OF THEM ARE BEING STEPPED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Communism is seriously the worst fucking thing that can happen to a fucking country, you only have to look at cuba, russia and ukraine to see this shit is the best way to kill your population and lower the standard of living for everyone and apparently the fault is in an oil spill because hte fucking government can't fucking even keep the only fucking thing that fucking brings money in fucking proper condition, the same reason there was an explosion at amuay that killed 40 people (and this year there have been at least two fires)

Hey man, post the shit about the puputovs, that could help pollacks against antifa.

I dont think Holla Forums actually takes audio(and I don't know if i can just rename it to pdf and hope it fools the upload system) plus most of pol don't know spanish. I'm going to sleep for now and tomorrow I can just do a transcription of the relevant information.

Yeah, webms have audio here, our you can just link the twitter videos.
The important thing i that with a single shard that pierces the skin, thats somebody taken out of comission for weeks, its like ranged punji sticks.

thats a dude

Why do you say that? a good historical summary of commieshit powergrabs starting from lenin


That is Holla Forums. They normally just scream kike/shill and rant about the Jew that's living underneath their bed stealing their bananas.

Go to your own board you autistic shitskin.

You stupid beaners are flooding the front page with autistic garbage no one cares about. Yes we get it, you're idiotic morons who were dumb enough to follow kike commie rhetoric, and now you're begging for help and attention because mami es meme won't cut it anymore.

Dealing with you retarded beaners is like dealing with a bunch of effeminate twinks who have very little grasp on how to not be so much of a burden on the world.

Colombia needs to return to its former glory by invading Venezuela.
Gran Colombia when?

so the rundown, out of nowhere (allegedly) protesters burned a bunch of shit in different states (I don't want to say falseflag, but…) (this one in particular is pretty suspect as maburro was callign the same day to have the guy's bus replaced by the end of the day, all seems like a pr stunt) one I'm actually 99% sure was protesters)

maduro started attacking trump, calling him weak. This after months of making sure to not step in his toes, I wonder what the reason for this is. (let you be reminded that they donated 500 thousand dollars tot rump inauguration, probably to avoid sanctions to high ranking officials, and that's what senators are currently seeking, this is the only thing I can think for a 'retaliation')

The minister of health was taken off her position "coincidentally" a few days after they released the first epidemiology bulletins in two years that revealed shit like a sharp increase of death of stillborns and the fact that after having eradicated malaria 6 decades ago there were 240 thousand cases along with shit like diphtheria which had also been eradicated

also puerto la cruz/barcelona/lecheria's gas stations are almost all closed, same with maturin's, there's no gasoline (or at least no gasoline distribution). Any other venezuelan lurking that can report the situation in other states/cities?

well well, would you look at that? national police destroying a building unknowing they were being recorded. this, of course, with the intention to blame "right wing terrorists". Thankfully there was a video camera set this time.

hey burgers, how much info do you need for ICE to investigate a request? I want to start posting the descendants of corrupts here that are living in the US of A with ill obtained money. Francina del Pino, daughter of Eulogio del pino, living in Phoenix, Arizona (president of pdvsa)
María Waleska Vivas Mendoza, daughter of rodriguez araque(though judging by her surname it seems it is actually his wife's daughter), ex minister of electric energy and currently ambassador in cuba.

there are also a couple in australia, canada and spain, anons from there can tell how easy it'd be to report and possibly get them deported?
María Waleska Vivas Mendoza, daughter of rodriguez araque(though judging by her surname it seems it is actually his wife's daughter), ex minister of electric energy and currently ambassador in cuba.

there are also a couple in australia, canada and spain, anons from there can tell how easy it'd be to report and possibly get them deported?>>9919279

I guess one could charge them with unjustified use of force if they wished to.
Seriously, shoot to kill you fucking chimps.

the wife of "one eyed" andrade, lives in wellington florida. andrade is an ex-military, ex-chavez bodyguard, ex manager of bandes (banco de desarrollo economico y social de venezuela/ bank for the economic and social development of venezuela). though it seems he might already be investigated by the fbi


what sort of cancerous screenshot is that??

Maduro is literally a kike, the world needs a kike purge.

another one down, it seems he was shot before dawn, 16 shots. What's been circulating is that it was an order from the chavista governor vielma mora, as he was one of the most proactive protesters, at organizing shit and moving people a 16 yo teen was murdered today, the building of the PNB(policia nacional bolivariana) was set in fire in retaliation because of this and other things in thread is that you can't trust the military to do the right thing when push comes to shove, make sure to get your firearm while you can, and get some practice. Who knows if you'll ever need it, but if you do, you have to be ready

Gov forces are getting fucked up on an urban level now as their forces are stretched thin compared to the hordes of starving jungle monkeys.


Because all their problems are self inflicted, leftynigger. ship coming from venezuela intercepted with 5.5 tons of cocaine

If us you mean the us if it gets any worse than it is now you need to look at actual combat tactics with guns and shit. not commie protest playtime.

Just buy rare pepes. Rare PEPECASH is the only way forward for these people.

because people have to work to get food? it was the same in 2014, protests stopped after 3 months because people did not had more money

this, the only government is in Bogota

in san cristobal a month ago the gas stations did not had big problems, but the last two weeks the queues are longer than the protests, but we still have petrol

So how likely is it for Maduro to stay in power? Do the protesters have any hope of ousting him or can he linger?

Is Maduro's army that brainwashed by him? I have to seriously wonder if they would even be able to stop hordes of rioters from overthrowing the government

The military is still deathly loyal to him for some unexplained reason. What needs to happen is for the military to finally get fed up with Maduro oust him in a coup. That's how it worked when the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt.

A despot is smart in that he treats his military very very well. Soldiers get food and money well after the regular population goes broke and hungry.

in merida some protesters broke into the police to break out other protesters (it is a good time to remind there have been about 200 civilians processed through military courts over the protests)
it is hard to say, I'm hoping to an appeal of emotion for the armed forces. what I do know, is that as long as the protests continue they have to get tired at some point, they are a lot less. some groups have been releasing info from government and government famiies living in the evil empire, canada, australia, europes, etc. showing how they live cheerfully and without a worry with the stolen money while people here suffer, which should help fuel the protests. So, admitedly, I have no fucking idea if this will get him out, but it's better than doing nothing.

the military are in charge of food distribution, the military were given an oil company and it can only be investigated by military authorities. The hands of the upper echelons are dirtied at the very least, and i can assure you they have a couple of moles within the troops to detect any insurgence.
and ships are inspected by the government authorities and the militaries, this didn't just "slip" through

I've been hearing rumors that the National guard's ranks are being bolstered by cuban troops. Can anyone confirm?

This is a picture of earlier today, a group of protesters managed to strip a police officer of his shirt, and amongst his documents, they found a cuban ID.
We werent bullshitting you guys.

damn man, and I was about to say it was probably mostly hysteria from people who (understandably) didn't want to think their fellow countrymen, the ones that according to the constitution must be impartial and are tasked to protect the population, would act this way but that I wouldn't find it strange if they did have cubans.

It's good to have some confirmation

also forgot to report that there have been several blackouts today in lecheria (venecia/casas bote c), puerto la cruz (at least pozuelos) and barcelona(unspecified). I'm also in barcelona and thankfully no blackouts here today. is this problem local?(lecheria, puerto y barcelona are a clusterfuck of 3 cities in one) or are there blackouts in other states as well?

i want more vids of commies getting btfo

They are taking out key social network nodes.
JESUS CHRIST I'M MAD AGAIN, maduro sad "we are the jews of the XXI century" because of the fact they are being ousted with the corrupts' location being shared and some of them being booed out of whatever place they were(generally fancy restaurants). This hasn't been mentioned in the thread, but the government used the signature from those who signed against chavez to fire them and deny jobs(for those who weren't already public employees), so they fire for political reasons, steal money to the point there's ana cute scarcity of food and medicines, go to fucking enjoy their stolen money in their evil empire and they are now the fucking "victims" because they can't eat in peace in a restaurant, jesus christ, there has to be some sort of limit on how cara e' tabla someone can be. So maduro is right, they are the jews of the XXI century, they do great damage to a country they have any power on and then try to victimize themselves, exactly like jews, this, of course, isn't what HE meant when he said it.

did you watch this?

The goverment suspendd all constitutional guarantees last night and the country efectivly entered martial law, everything is closed in my city and people are desperate trying to find where to buy some food.

I was told this is the same guy and that he was covered in shit (but the photo is too low quality)

The documentation and uniformare of a PNB, not a national guard.
Besides, hes not black enough to be the guy in the ID, look at him, even his name looks african.

hmm, yeah, i think you are right, the other one should have a darker skin I've been hearing reports about this from some time, there must be some psychotic higher up ordering this

Shit's getting serious

call me a psychopath, but the situation is so fucked that it's just hilarious at this point
people are starving to death and fighting pitched battles in the street and I find it funny
what the fuck is wrong with me

you've embraced the chaos
there is nothing wrong with you

Cucked gamma, tbh. You embody your own tormentors this way. does anyone know how to avoid wsj's paywall? I found a translated article about it and a lot of polce and military are getting tired, there's one that says for the past month he has had to wake up at 4am, is given a boiled carrot or potato and is sent to where protesters are, sometimes until midnight and when he comes back dinner in the cuartel will be an arepa, with butter if they are lucky.
for news contrasting with this is the fact the government sent 2600military to tachira which is veeery far from the capital but have given a lot of trouble to the troops and serve as moral support for the rest of the country, one protester and a 15 yo teen that apparently wasn't even protesting were killed today by the police in tachira

something something freudian you want to fuck your mom


not defending chavez or maduro at all, but you just described the usual zog puppet. Just like macron in france, only third world style.

If you see a real benefit on letting the jew rule you over maduro, fine, but don't be deluded. It's still a downward spiral.

not linked to corruption is also laughable. guy has cia's written all over his forehead.

now, now. this is Holla Forums. We're all against commies but don't try to push for the zog puppet as the alternative. He'll fuck you hard in the ass just like maduro.

There has to be a third option.


why, because he ran for mayor twice? because he called for protests? because he was imprisoned?it really doesn't seem like you actually know much about venezuela, so you being so against him seems rather odd, specially considering it's all unsubstantiated, really, do you have anything to say to support this beside your gut?
and honestly, reddit spacing isn't doing you any favors
this post didn't want to go through for some reason, had to deactivate 8chanx because "file already exists"(even though i wasn't uploading a file), is Holla Forums shitting the bed again?

If anything the only ZOG puppet in Venezuelan politics would be Capriles Radonsky, which everyone writes off as irrelevant nowadays, asides from appearing in token pro-opposition protests getting gassed by randomly trown grenades.
Leopoldo is legit grassroots and has shown competency on his jobs as governor and assembly diputee despite gov cutting funding and support to him during those times, he is currently residing in jail for no reason other than being a political enemy and nobody knows exactly where he is. There is even a rumor he is dead, yet the media doesn't want to say anything about this.

Remember that anyone who isn't liked by the goverment in here is labelled as an extremist right-wing CIA spy traitor of the Bolivarian revolution. Virtually anyone who doesn't drink the goverment's kool aid, including their mother and their dog, is called this by PSUV, goverment-influenced media (both in-country and international) and leftist shitters who think this isn't real commu- i mean real socialism.

The latest national numbers:

this guy has been hacking different government databases(it seems they might as well be protected with paperclips) and found and published the list of military that got house appliances

so the sanctions passed and assets were frozen, according to what i read the judge of the tribunal with the most assets in USA had 1.5million dollars worth of them.

One of the green cross medics got ran over today by a hilux that was being escorted by bikers (so basically confirmed it was a chavista), the green cross are doctors and medicine students that are in some cities aiding the people getting wounded during protests.

Shit is heating up, heavily armed military (?) forces are using some heavy stuff

At least they have free socialized medicine to take care of their wounds:)

I think you misunderstand that this is full blown dictatorship level communism enacted by an extremely unpopular ruler, not bernie fucking sanders.

looks like the Venezuelan wildlife is too dangerous for riot gear. they should try bombs or rat traps or something. it's unpleasant, but so is overpopulation. too bad the government is too incompetent to weed its own garden.

t. leftypol

Commie soldiers need to be executed on sight
A commie is a commie, no matter his position

berncuck was still defending venezuela up until 6 years ago at the very least, he also defended the sandinistas. the left is a mental illness that if not eradicated early on becomes terminal

Fuck off. An 18-year old drafted under threat of incarceration or worse is not on the same level as a bona-fide communist.

doesn't excuse the ones that are using glass beads or using the tear gas bombs as ammunition or running on protesters

If you shoot people for the commies, you're a commie

Told you faggots to buy rare pepes.


Agree. Ethically speaking it's a fucked up situation.

Remember that should they activate the draft one day in the US.

Oh shit, when will the actual fighting start?

Why exactly are they not using real weapons yet? how long do you reckon before they start?

The moment the goverment starts using the actual army is the day a civil war will start.
Not only would it be a massacre for the opposition since most of us are unnarmed, but it also will show to everybody that maduro's goverment is ilegitimate, a dictatorship and going against all law in the country.
For the moment they are only using the national guard and police as anti-riot and the paramillitary milltias to shoot up isolated protesters.

yesterday's act in support of the constituent, very few people, and it probably even includes public employees. at 0:45 they can be heard chanting "we are majority"

a few days ago a lieutenant said his soldiers wouldn't point their guns against protesters and ripped his carnet de la patria. the carnet de la patria is a plastic card that started circulating this year(so nothing in the constitution speaks about it) that is meant to facilitate access to the clap bags(bags with food sold once a month by the government to a number of families), basically think of a gibs card. well, the lieutenant was detained for ripping his, go figure.

Anti-government protesters set an alleged thief alight and a university student lost his life as Venezuelans marked the 50th day of demonstrations.

maybe they should have commented we have the second highest murder rate of the world and that since chavez came in our murder rate has become 4 times more than once it was, that there's 90% impunity rate and that the people that to get incarcerated (and aren't sent to a prison controlled by a pran where they'll just keep coordinating crimes outsides) they won't get reformed, they'll come out even worse . Of course, trying to paint the opposition as violent by the omission of facts is more important than giving the full picture.

Email leaking seems to be in style, what about attacking that way?

If they are running pirated copies of everything, and are thus not patching regularly they are vulnerable.

So this stuff might still work:
one of the "express" magistrates(called that as they were replaced ahead of time because of the opposition's congress victory as the process of changing magistrates for the TSJ was due during current congress' mandate) died of a stroke, also sister of one of the ministers

Oh ciber-attacks are a thing m8, so far, plenty of data of goverment supporters and military personel has leaked.
3 dead today in barinas. since a few days ago clashing started in lecheria, about 20 wounded today in there alone. I had heard reports of someone dead in lecheria but havent found any news about it, I assume they are talking about this girl

meanwhile the government extended the "expiration" of the 100bsf, this is the SIXTH time since december they've done this(in december they gave 3 days to recall all the 100 bsf bills which were roughly half of all the bills circulating because the government said usa was paying NGOs to smuggle them out of the country and that they were making fake dollars with them, they also closed the frontiers with colombia and brazil so they wouldn't turn them back in, at the time a dollar was like 4000bsf so that means if they made 10$ bills with them, as an example, it'd be the equivalent of 400 100bsf bills so there was fuck all reason to return them if that was true, the government announced they'd roll out new bills but when they, of course, weren't here in 3 days they claimed it was an international conspiracy, extended the margin to return them to january 20th and kept increasing them since as there's not enough of the new bills to replace the 100bsf ones)

I was told that it's cilia's birthday and they are going to throw the party in punta de mata, monagas. Make sure to let anyone you know near there there about it, anons

Time to get the weapons out, come on. Nothings going to change with protests.


there have been 7 murdered during protests this week in barinas. And after a good day of murdering and wounding protesters the police goes and joins the lootings caused by the chaos

so the government is launching yet another forex exchange system and they say it's going to neutralize the black market for forex exchange

this shit a thousand times, you can't expect something born from market distortions to go away just because you are implementing a new market distortion, mugabe level of economics, this is why we have the second highest inflation of the world(only "beat" by zimbabwe)

There were several students wounded by police in today's protest, some inside the university. One of them is in critical shape after being shot in the head.

they are using live rounds, another guy got shot in the leg and it went it and out of his leg, breaking the bone. The authorities are seeking them in the hospitals, but the medical staff is hiding them(this happens in every protest, they go to hospitals to see who they can snatch after a protest) to protect them. and here we see the level of malice of the military, they took his violin and smashed it, just because.

It seems the government is also using different units beside the normal PNB AND GNB(police and military) like the DGCM which is why there have been more victims this week

I was just notified that augusto just died. I hope this isn't all in vain

he had to be drove from the hospital to a clinic to make a tomography because there was no equipment to do so in the hospital, and didn't survive the trip back. the dictatorship kills you directly and indirectly

I'm hearing about ciudad bolivar again, they had 15 students detained and the commandant (w/e the name of the charge) of the police told to release them and was saying if the governor wanted someone to take him instead, but that he'd free the students

As a dumb fuck who still lives in a shitty country after all this time, if i had to deal with this kind of shit i would just take off elsewhere, why don't you?

This sadly is the mean level of stupidity around here these days

Fair enough forget i said anything.

Death toll in Venezuela protest violence rises to 56

they took off the police's billboard. Also sharing what happened during the operation and the state of the hospital at the time (I feel too lazy tot ranslate somethign that'll just be ignored, but so people with some spanish knowledge have an idea of how bad things currently are)

Cuando llego a la institución ya el joven estaba en malas condiciones clínicas; proyectil único en cráneo. Recibido de mano de residentes y especialistas de primera a pesar de las deficiencias hubo mucho esfuerzo humano. Comento esto porque en la institución no hay recursos de "ningún" tipo, los pacientes generalmente compren "todo".
En el caso de Augusto se trabajó con las reservas que teníamos los residentes y la colaboración de los estudiantes.
Cabe destacar lo siguiente:

1ro) Carecíamos de manómetro en emergencia para trasladar al paciente para realizar Tac (Tomografía axial computarizada, un estudio de tipo imagenológico) perdiendo tiempo valioso en buscar un único manómetro en la dirección del Hospital para toda la institución.

2do) no había guantes, gasas, compresas, jeringas, jelcos… Estos insumos fueron donados por las reservas de los paramédicos de primeros auxilios, siendo partícipes para realizar la atención. Hubo un momento que no había una compresa y el joven con sangrado activo en región craneana, sin poder cubrir la lesión, sin guantes ni más nada poder atenderlo

3ro) El ventilador portátil para el traslado a la clínica estaba sin una batería funcional por lo cual la respiración fue a través de un ambú.

4to) Sin electrodos, de manera tal que hubo tiempo perdido en buscar cada implemento.

5to) La emergencia estaba sin medicamentos, sin Atropkna, Adrenalina, siendo buscadas en los diferentes servicios el hospital, todos los presentes corridos hasta un 4to piso para encontrar todo lo que fuese indispensable. Personalmente fui por electrodos, compresas, adrenalina, buscando lo que era inexistente en la emergencia, prácticamente "todo"

Y en síntesis:

•Se contó con diversos especialistas de las diferentes áreas (Cirujanos generales, neurocirujanos, urólogos, médicos internistas, oncólogos, traumatólogos, infectólogos pediatras, anestesiólogos, endocrinólogos; en su mayoría profesores universitarios que formaron a muchos de los Médicos contemporáneos, todo tipo de eminencias de la zona colaboraron en la primera línea para socorrer al herido; además de residentes de cardiología, especialistas en general incluyendo los médicos internistas de cabecera. Estábamos sin nada para atenderlo, el recurso y esfuerzo humano era con lo único que se contaba.

•Hubo momentos tensos, el ministerio público quiso colocar párales cuando fue trasladado, sin embargo,
Los estudiantes se deshicieron de estos.

•La madre del estudiante llegó con una crisis hipertensiva y estábamos sin antihipertensivos; ni siquiera había silla de rueda en la emergencia, tuve que buscar una del área estéril del quirófano para poder llevarla al consultorio, ya que ni había como trasladarla y la señora además nunca pudo acercarse al cadáver.

•El Joven falleció a las 07:24pm tras 50 minutos de RCPC (Resucitación Cardiopulmonarcerebral) avanzada

•La noticia fue dada por el Dr. Cabello a sus familiares.

•El ardor de corazones heridos e indignados, entre lágrimas y gritos. Gritaban "asesino" que retumbó en todo El Centro.

•La tía del difunto estudiante, una licenciada en bioanálisis muy competente y lo que mencionaba era desgarrador, una bioanalista, una señora preparada.

•Tantas cosas qué decirte, algunas que desconozco, quizá estoy quedando "corto".

• Mañana 25/05/2017 se realizará un plantón frente al hospital.

•En vista de las circunstancias y que soy residente allá, me puedes identificar como colega anónimo.

looks like augusto's mom died today a few hours ago because of a stroke

Honestly, read marx.
The death and desolation of entire earth is his end goal!

looks like I have to…correct the record. augusto's mom isn't dead, I talked with a friend who is acquaintances with the family

the last auction from the old DICOM was 726BSF per dollar, the new DICOM will be within the range of 1800 to 2200bsf per dollar, 300% devaluation in a day, and the black market rate will only go up. it doesn't matter how much dollars the government has(which is very few) when you are exchange something for under the real value while having to jump through bureaucratic hoops your demand will always be bigger than whatever you can offer
and you see some officers washing their hands off this deal saying that the one oppressing protesting are doing it on their own(which really isn't a valid excuse)
I want to see some heads rolling, it'll help with the abuse situation

so after zurdakonducta(commie program on government owned channel) published a video of guatemala where a mob lynch two people and saying it was here and that they were protesters lynching chavistas(when in fact they were murderers for hire that killed 3 people in the community and the mob beat them up so bad that even though they were rescued and sent to hospital by the police they still died) and changing a document so it looks like the gringos are paying some high ranking opposition for the protests (and all this with bad english) whereas here is the document they used as a base a 4 decades old declassified document about argentina, they are now being investigated by the general attorney for defamation and terrorism

I didn't expect this to come out this badly formated
o after zurdakonducta(commie program on government owned channel) published a video of guatemala where a mob lynch two people and saying it was here and that they were protesters lynching chavistas(when in fact they were murderers for hire that killed 3 people in the community and the mob beat them up so bad that even though they were rescued and sent to hospital by the police they still died)
and changing a document so it looks like the gringos are paying some high ranking opposition for the protests (and all this with bad english)
> whereas here is the document they used as a base

a 4 decades old declassified document about argentina, so they are now being investigated by the general attorney for defamation and terrorism


people should start archiving these, the government has taken a couple down
like this " Colectivos del gobierno disparando por el centro de Caracas 10M"
and this "Guardia Nacional Bolivariana arremete contra un motorizado que sólo iba pasando Caracas 10 Mayo"

also, let this be a reminder to NEVER EVER let your guns to be taken away, whereas it is virtually impossible for a law abiding citizen to legally own a gun, thugs have them, the military has them, the president created a special police body that is controlled by the government contraire to municipal and governor police, they have a fucking militia, and they have an "unofficial" militia which is basically poor and uneducated people who were given a gun to "protect the revolution"

Maduro playing the piano + some Twitter reactions.


great banter.

This video also shows how unoriginal they are, putin did the same thing like 2 weeks ago. and it's clear maburro can't play for shit. What a waste of good piano.

the video is from lecheria, anzoategui

found it from another angle

I don't know why I didn't find this sooner
a lieutenant that was infiltrated in the act of tribute for one of the people murdered by the military was found out(he was recording the people there) and was beaten to death and his bike burned(the article doesn't show photos of his body, if I find any I'll post them)

the supposed victim

just passing by

ok, so time for some good old conspiracy, apparently the cause of death was a bullet, however, the neighbors and a journalist that was there claim there was no shooting during the act, it's also been reported that when the PNB(national police) found him he was still alive. so, if he really did die from a bullet it is easy to see to figure out he was martyrized

cesar pereira got shot yesterday with a glass bead in the abdomen, died today, he was 21 yo.

video is unrelated to the event but shows GNs M.O

from one of the doctors that was treating him:"perdió toda la sangre pero logramos reanimarlo en la emergencia y pasarlo a quirófano. Ubicamos el vaso sangrante y los vasculares pusieron una protesis de la Arteria iliaca izq. Pero comenzó a sangrar. No tenia factores de coagulacion funcionando.
Que tristeza.
Estoy orgulloso de todo mi equipo emergenciologos, intensivistas, cirujanos vasculares y generales , personal de enfermeria, Banco de Sangre. Fuimos uno solo funcionando a la perfección y logramos reanimarlo, ubicar la arteria y poner una protesis pero era demasiado. Sus factores de coagulacion nos jugaron en contra."

so another death that could have been avoided had they had proper medical supplies, he wasn't coagulating so he lost too much blood and the hospital didn't have coagulant agents(SHIT THAT USED TO BE PRODUCED HERE). communism is death and misery

That isnt even from venezuela, stop spreading misiinformation man, learn to identify uniforms. and another one. a DGCIM was found at the tribute for cesar pereiras

then you must have better eyes than I because they look like GNB to me


do you think ZOG is on the ground playing a part in this? I personally get sick of incompetent mestizos down there and "yanqi go home,"but ZOG's record suggests they are probably are on the ground, though in what capacity no one knows.

They already confiscated…was it a Ford plant? ZOG was on the verge of invading Suriname over less. Does ZOG have any assets left there big enough that they'd result in the 5-52s tipping out a few cities?

Also, where is Oliver Stone now, that scumbag rat Jew who was a frontman for this regime for so long? Where is Sean Penn and the rest of the line of Jewish rats? Just like South Africa, once the turn over the ship the rats flee.

The plant that was seized and dismantled was a parts repair factory. ZOG is most likely still working on propaganda supporting the goverment forces and Collectives are likely to be trained by ZOG's cuban branch. I do believe ZOGs still have the Gold and Silver mining assets under their control, while they are disguising themselves as chinese, at least until the populace realizes what is truly happening in that sector of the economy.

I have heard little of Oliver Stone or Sean Penn, care to provide more information about them?

are you in venezeula user? If you are will search it for you and lay it out so you don't have to waste data. Stone and Penn are both jew fucks, were at Chavez's funeral, Stone did a film about him and if he was any more fawning he'd have dropped to his knees and sucked his prick. Let he see what I can find quick:
Here you go- "Mí Amigo Hugo"

Have to go now, there's a protest today near my sector at 12 and transports are guaranteed to be blocked before 8:00. Yes i am in venezuela, he was the one to make that horrendous film? Crist. Be sure to post more info about them if you can.

silence from ex-worshippers is just them not wanting to admit they supported failure, as they say, success has many fathers but failure is orphan. As far as logistics and juicy commissions go, most of our weapon come from russian, land military vehicles come from china, most tear gas bombs from brasil and a few other regional countries. beside the fact that the government is the entity that most exports i can assure you there's palm greasing at every transaction as they are all inflated in price.

about propaganda, there's some cine funding shit here from which most movies are mediocre or mediocre propaganda(just a handful films here and there that are worth a shit), but the most that has been spent in a single person was probably João Santana, which was the one in charge of 2012's campaign (when chavez was deadly ill, and as such SUPPOSED to be banned from even running) that costed 35 fucking million dollars, and i dont mean 35 million dollars in advertisement, billboards, etc… 35 millions for joao alone, though that was never paid in full as they stopped paying after chavez died.

the government has also spent some sum of money in propaganda in usa(it'd be good to see who were the ones paid to shill in there) along with some projects like oil 4 joe to gain indulgence, they have been represented for a trial in which they sued for the state of the economy…. and for the narconephews of the first dame, so looking at who accepted to defend them would be interesting. And recently the government struck a deal to lobby for citgo(the oil refinery in usa that they have both as a colateral for bonds and mortgaged for a russian loan). also our central bank just sold PDVSA bonds to goldman sachs valued 2800 million dollars for 865 million dollars (so they paid 31 cents per dollar), phenomenal deals the government strikes for dah people


later i'll have to source this, but I was told their justification to this was that they trusted "venezuela would get better", that's like beating up a sick man because you know they'll "get better". the money is obviously going to be used for the elections and dicom, if maduro succeeds, what little political power there's against him will be forcefully banished with a fraudulent constituent, if he gets the boot venezuela has a bigger burden to bear.

in better news "el chino" carías died during a gallbladder operation because of some complications that resulted in a stroke, seems like his death would have been perfectly avoidable had the hospital had proper supplies, in an interview ~2years ago he was asked about how he felt about his victims and said you stop caring after you kill 10 persons.

and in more government allied criminal news. valentin santana, escaping the law for 10 fucking years now even though he has appeared at several PSUV(government's political party) rallies now, he has 3 capture orders, 2 are for murder, and now he's launching himself as a constituent congressist

the electoral council website has been down since yesterday, looks like a DDoS attack by opposition groups(as i understand the candidates for the constituent have to register through the website, between yesterday and today, that is, if they weren't there from the start….) well, here's the source for the quote

some venezuelans also protested the purchase at their headquarters

also, the inscription shit wasn't yesterday and today, but today and tomorrow (the website is still down)

today a worker got shot in the face at close range with a tear gas bomb

a ~13yo kid got shot in the abdomen

a video and some photos of the opposition rally on ciudad bolivar

looks like jap jews didn't want to lose their time at the piñata and pulled a goldman sachs.

Does anyone know how to get around wsj's paywall?

I have seen some pictures of protesters having cross shields with VZ-LA on them. What do they stand for?

Google translated:

When I arrived at the institution and the young man was in bad clinical conditions; Single skull projectile. Received from hand of residents and top specialists despite the deficiencies there was a lot of human effort. I comment this because in the institution there are no resources of "no" type, patients generally buy "everything."
In the case of Augusto we worked with the reservations that we had the residents and the collaboration of the students.
Note the following:
1ro) We lacked a manometer in emergency to transfer the patient to perform Tac (Computed Tomography, an imaging study) wasting valuable time in searching for a single manometer in the direction of the Hospital for the whole institution.
2) there were no gloves, gauze, compresses, syringes, jelcos … These supplies were donated by the reserves of the paramedics of first aid, being participants to realize the attention. There was a moment that there was not a compress and the young man with active bleeding in the cranial region, without being able to cover the injury, without gloves or anything to be able to take care of it
3) The portable ventilator for the transfer to the clinic was without a functional battery so the breathing was through an ambu.
4to) No electrodes, so there was time lost searching for each implement.
5to) The emergency was without medicines, without Atropkna, Adrenalina, being looked for in the different services the hospital, all the present corridos until a 4th floor to find everything that was indispensable. Personally I went for electrodes, compresses, adrenaline, looking for what was non-existent in the emergency, practically "everything"
And in synthesis:
• Specialists from different areas (general surgeons, neurosurgeons, urologists, internists, oncologists, traumatologists, paediatricians, anesthesiologists, endocrinologists, mostly university professors who trained many contemporary physicians, all kinds of eminences Of the area collaborated in the first line to help the wounded, as well as residents of cardiology, specialists in general including general practitioners of the head.We were without anything to attend, the resource and human effort was with all that counted.
• There were tense moments, the public ministry wanted to install paralegal when it was moved, however,
The students got rid of these.
• The student's mother arrived with a hypertensive crisis and we were without antihypertensives; There was not even a wheelchair in the emergency, I had to look for one of the sterile area of ​​the operating room to be able to take it to the office, since there was no way to move it and the lady also could never approach the corpse.
• The young man died at 07:24 pm after 50 minutes of Advanced Cardiopulmonary Cranial Resuscitation (RCPC)
• The news was given by Dr. Cabello to his relatives.
• The burning of hearts hurt and indignant, between tears and cries. They shouted "murderer" that rumbled throughout the Center.
• The late student's aunt, a very competent bioanalysis graduate and what she mentioned was heartbreaking, a bioanalyst, a trained lady.
• So many things to tell you, some that I do not know, maybe I'm getting "short".
• Tomorrow 25/05/2017 there will be a stand in front of the hospital.
• In view of the circumstances and that I am a resident there, you can identify me as an anonymous colleague.

I'm curious about the colectivos and the non-riot police, are they wearing vests or plate carriers at all? I'm wondering what level of armor protection the government can afford for them.

well, isn't that handy? I thought it'd just be preserved with the paywall text as well, should have actually checked

they do have vests, and something in the front of the leg that goes from feet to knees, that is the military, colectivos have ajck all because they are civilians, and militias haven't been used as far as i know(or they aren't using their uniforms). Though, as you can see with pic related, they don't have proper equipment for everyone

nude photo from the daughter of the commander in chief oft he military were published(the tweet was deleted, I guess they feared getting in trouble and getting their account closed) but also published other photos, they are living in madrid, daughter of padrino lopez(commander in chief) is the one on the left and the daugther of the other military is the one in the middle


That's good bantz.

Absolutely nigger.

"VeneZueLA". It's just the name of the country.

That might even be a San Pedro/Wachuma. What a waste of psychedelic material.

They dont have the same uniforms, not even the same patterns of clothing nor the same green.

people from maturin, it seems the government is mobilizing its people for tomorrow. I'm told diosdado will be coming to the polideportivo at 9am, people in the city should try to show him some love…




no, the video was clearly here, they have both PNB in one on the shields, and you can see how the nearby store is CANTV(plus the shit in colombia happened about a week later)

ppl were posting a vid of soldiers beating up some kids 2 months ago and saying it was venezuela. where did that come from?

I don't know. I also don't know what video you are talking about

I was sure I had it but can't find now.
first thing I noticed was the soldiers were carrying ars
pretty sure venezuelan military/riot police don't use whatever gun they want.
probably a lot of the stuff we are seeing is fake



can't say I ever saw that video(and I haven't yet, because internet is too bad currently to let me load it)

and there's plenty of stuff to go around, with mostly the military going more than overboard from both this year and 2014 the only one who could benefit from spreading false videos would be the government to later point out how the videos that are going around are fake

I'm sorry you are blind, user. I'm annexing the things I already mentioned

no more chiabe


again, are you blind? PNB is a police body that doesn't exist in colombia, and cantv is a fucking telecommunication company chavez expropiated and now is a piece of shit.

we also have bought tear gas bombs from colombia so it wouldn't be odd we've bought shields from them(or buy from the same source)


I think it's funny that the ppl in venezuela are fighting to be free like the ppl in colombia

When someone samefags this hard there's either an agenda or high levels of autism

look at any thread that is as old as this and you'll see the same thing in all of them, it was a bug in Holla Forums's side that made every post the same id

go fuck yourself colombian faggot, it's funny that it is fucking santos that wants to pardone the terrorists and give them legislative power, commie sympathizer like chavez and maduro, he ended up being NOTHING like uribe(which has his faults too, but at least he fought fucking communists instead of bending over to them). I hope you've enjoyed the cheap oil government officials and military have smuggled into colombia, because that'll hopefully change when these niggers get out and someone stops huge ass subsidy that only helps smugglers, along with the illegal mining that is going on bolivar

That's not how any of this works, dipshit.
Venezuela also produces the world's worst oil. It's sour. It's explosive. When you refine it it produces explosive byproducts.

No one wants to buy shitty, corrosive, explosive crude oil. Oil from them is not competitive globally until oil prices are way higher.

I hate you lefty fucks. My family left a commie shithole, I refuse to let you turn the USA into one.

this one is fake too. can't remember where it's from but the guy was a criminal. it has nothing to do with the riots in venezula.

all I'm saying is the traitors in venezuela will lie so don't believe everything you see on twitter/fb

the video

what? don't they believe in capitalism anymore?

I really don't think that was meant to fool anyone into thinking it was here, at least, I don't think it was that way. And yeah, I know not everything in social media can be trusted, to begin with a fake can creep everywhere, but even more so when traditional has a short leash so they don't publish anything worth a damn(also pretty ironic that tweet from telesur talking about media blackout when that's also what's happening here, the state channels didn't even broadcast the last public ministery announcement), telesur main's sede is in caracas, and even though it was supposed to be some sort of joint latam channel as far as I know the main funds come from venezuela

that's politics for you. it's obvious a lot of people wouldn't want the deal with venezuela mortgaging citgo to russians to go through, because for anyone with half a brain it's obvious the government doesn't care to get more debts they can't get out of if it means staying in power and stealing for a little longer, which means that eventually citgo would go to russia and russia would have power over a refinery in usa, so the weird thing would have been if NO ONE in senate complained

venezuelan opposition don't trust the people to vote the right way.

well if you ever wanted to oust yourself as a shill, you've accomplished your purpose. the constituent process is shat on by everyone sane because, for starters, there was no consultative referendum like in the ANC from 99(and even the REFORM of 2007), so they want to pass a constituent without carrying it legally, as you aren't even asking the population if theyw ant a constitution(like you are supposed to, and that they are avoiding because they know they can't win); secondly they are imposing their terms, in which the election isn't universal and direct, if a democrat called to make a new constitution and singled out people on benefits to go and give their votes a higher value than the rest of the population of course there'd be a shitfest and this is why the process is a goddamn joke and is being called(with good reason) the prostituent.

but hey! at least I can vote for a wanted murderer!

this was a pro government march with opposition protesters coming up from behing and causing trouble.
the ppl that jumped into the river were traped between the pro government marchers and police

it was the court that dismissed the subversive congress not the government.
3 equal branches of government.
so why does the opposition need to lie?

maduro said he would find a way for the opposition to have input but they refused

the court that had judges changed months before opposition won congress with two thirds of all congressists. And lie about what? why would anyone want fucking input in this? yes, let me ask you what tool you'd rather I murder youw ith, look how democratic I am! why didn't they do a consultative recall?

and this is the peak of bullshit, the only people near la guaira, beside the people who jumped, are the police themselves, the people protesting there are opposition

but i guess you are also going to claim the gnb was shooting at the pro government protesters

the psuv's protest didn't even go through there

and unless you prove you are venezuelan I refuse to debate someone who tergiversates even one of the recent biggest protests in the capital, as it is clear you are doing shit in bad faith

and for completeness sake, the naming of the new magistrates wasn't done due law, it was a desperate attempt from the government to retain power as they knew they had lost congress>>10023967

the opposition said the government dismissed congress.

the opposition doesn't trust the ppl to vote for them. in december there will be a vote for what government the ppl want.
why does the opposition refuse that?

who appoint the judges and when?

still waiting for that proof, shill. and you are asking me about stuff that has already been addressed in my post. go back to >>>Holla Forums

the fight is over control of the oil.
you sir are a traitor and fool.



venezuela has a higher standard if living and it will get better if you don't give everything away now.



Higher than what? Higher than Canada?
Are you retarded? Theres a slight difference of three zeroes between a billion and a trillion.
The country is being ran into the ground by commies right now, give what away? Only thing they have is their lives. I wonder how ling till the commies come for that too.

Are you retarded? Theres a slight difference of three zeroes between a billion and a trillion.
they all fell went went oil went down


go suck marxist dick you cum-guzzling cuck shill, you are fucking mind poison that can sit there twiddling away while people are suffering

I'm pretty sure codemonkey fixed the samefag bug so you're a samefagging namefag who apparently doesnt have enough braincells to form coherent sentences. Add that to the fact that the actual person living in the shithole thinks you're a commie so I'm pretty sure hes right and you are one.
In conclusion. You're the gay faggot here and you need to go to Holla Forums or better yet, kill yourself.


if you lived there you'd know about hording.


As a colombian, I gotta say you have to ignore the commie faggot. Also he's a namefag, which is the worst cancer.
Hide and report.

I had vowed to avoid you in light of not only ignoring all the information in the thread, tergiversating facts that proves you debate in bad faith, demonize right wing anything that makes you reek of leftypol, and not only completely ignorign the point of the people you are arguing with but even though of your limited knowledge of the situation it's obvious that you already made up your mind and you aren't seeking to expand your understanding of the situation but regurgitate government propaganda as gospel. But now you go and fucking make fun of my and a fucking millions other venezuelan's situation, I'm fucking waiting 104 pounds right fucking now, I was robbed twice (and was able to scape once) last year alone, fucking hell, I'm using glasses that aren't my formula because I have no money to buy new ones. There's no proper supply of food, there's no proper supply of medicine, and I see people dying of preventable illnesses every time I go to the hospital for my brother, we became the country with the second highest murder rate and the fucking highest inflation of the world because of reckless printing of money and tried and failed macroeconomic policies and expropriation and ruining of business. Every fucking metric in this government is a net negative except internet speed because they fucking got power in 1998 when internet was at its infancy, there's a lot of information in this thread if you actually want to the full view of what's happening and not what the fucking government itself is giving you.

Really, I do invite you to come to the country, I'll even rent you a room for 100$ food included(but no internet because since 2 years ago there has been no infraestructure to buy and place new landlines so I'm using broadband limited at 4GB a month which I obviously cannot share), but do tell me your nationality and first name, just the first name, beforehand, so I know not to wait for you to arrive if you get murdered in maiquetia

there's seriously no ignorant that pisses me off the more than someone who tries to claim venezuela is in any way, shape, or metric "good" after the kleptocracy came and stole as much as it wanted, obfuscated both international deals and construction works within the country, ran on a campaign of rejecting mixed industries from the opponents claiming it was akin to selling our blood, to then to the same shit but for worse terms for us, destroy the basic industries with fixed exchange rates and expropriations, gave away guns to the lower class while removing guns from the general population, gave the food distribution to the military to have them bought and even gave them oil industries that can only be debugged by military authorities, created the blackbox of fonden, injected money to it that was untraceable and could have been used for ANYTHING

any metric you want to use to compare with the past(a point in time when the fucking oil barrel was 10$ and we were in much better shape)

economy? you could buy a landcruiser in 2000 for 24500000 Bs(24500Bsf), today, a fucking tire is 150 to 200 thousand bsf, around 2010 a jeep cherokee was a little over 100 thousand bsf, and at that point those who had enough to buy new vehicles couldn't choose the color of the vehicle "es lo que hay". the dollar went from 580Bs(0.58Bsf) to OFFICIALLY over 2000Bsf, and at black market at over 6000Bsf, that's a devaluation of 1 million percent, where the bills long ago started showin a second letter.

in education it is also worse, you have a lot less teachers because their wage is misserable, they removed the board of honor that was used to prize the top of the class of their respective class, they obfuscated the process of getting a scholarship(this isn't the right term, as public schools are free, is like an extra allowance)up to 3 children from poor family would get this with minor paperwork in the way, there was breakfast at school, and a quarter of milk, now most schools don't have a food service and to get the scholarship (if you even get it) is through prosiletist medium because the government has to go and suck itself off as if the money was coming out of the politician's pockets.

In health aspects hospitals are free(like they've always been) but available beds get reduced by the day, and the hospital is free but most medicine is not available at them, good luck even finding the medicine, anything rarer than ibuprofen you are going to call all your family to look for that shit, this along with malaria of the rise(which had basically been eradicated), along with yellow fever(not the fetish) and mal de chagas

The message was too long so I had to split it [1/?]

In food, well, you can see the huge lines for food after the govenment destroyed the basic industries, and you also have the fact that most people lost a lot of weight last year, I see a lot of parents doing sacrifices, cutting on meals so their kids can eat a little more, some of them are already skin and bones

security? the murder rate went from 18 murder per every 100k inhabitants(which was already a high metric) to 70, and impunity rate went to 90%, why not be a criminal when it's easy and odds are you won't go to prison? and if you do go to prison there's a chance you get sent to a prison ruled by another criminal(we call them pranes), and of course the people who are sent to prison are never worked to get integrated into society, unlike la pica who used to hold lotto events with shit mate with the inmates, and even taught them to make furniture so they fucking had something to do after getting out beside robbing someone again and being sent to prison.

in social aspects that of course is going to be affected by the worsening of education and economic means there was also shit replaced for the worse, like acude which was an alphabetization plan and was replaced with mision robinson where people came out with functional illiteracy if they were lucky, and replaced los simoncitos which were free daycare for poor people who had no means to pay for someone to look over for their kid while they went to work to madres de barrio that gives them an allowance just for having a kid and being poor without taking into account whether they are working or not and doing something useful

for getting anything done in any public institution you have to wait months if not literally years if it has something to do with education paper validation or have to go and bajarte de la mula and pay up, the infrastructure of everything is getting worse, roads, public schools, hospitals, sports center like el polideportivo, parks(with or without animals), etc

literally the only "positive" metric the government has to offer is from seniat which is the body in charge of collecting taxes and that's because they always surpass the money they had previsted to collect by ~200%, of course, what they don't say is that they collect so much more money compared to what they were expecting due to the high inflation in the country

the prospects for the majority of venezuelans is surviving with their nails as the rope slowly tightens around their neck, and the conditions worsen as pdvsa's production fall even lower, infrastructure decays without getting repaired, no effort are made to restore national industry, at the very least the food one, and the government keeps piling up on debts by selling bonds at 30% of their fucking value (all this while still stealing in the process, I'm sure). The amount of money that entered the country is ridiculously high and there's nothing left to show it ever came here.

I'm probably wasting my time, because as I said, you didn't come to pol, and you didn't come to this thread to actually know what's happening, you just came here to puke your prepackaged messages from the government and give yourself a pat in the back for helping spread the word of the revolution! and being on the right side of history!

I'm basically writing this for the rest of pol that comes by and have some information about this shithole, you need to look back at the mistakes of other people to avoid them yourself, venezuela is a living example of failure to avoid(even though its failures aren't new, it at least serves to ratify that it was no bad luck, it was the policies, stupid). And remember, fight for your rights to bear arms to the end and remind everyone that number of guns doesn't equal violence as switzerland proves with one of the lowest murder rate of the worl and about one gun per every 3 persons(and immigrants, ALL IMMIGRANTS not just refugees, are banned from owning them)

hey, I've wanted to know a colombian's opinion on the subject, but never see any colombian threads coming up to ask. but what's the consensus on santos? he seems like a commie sympathizer to me, and is probably getting money uner the table, I mean, seriously? letting las farc with a slap on the wrist and giving them legislative powers? WTF? you don't fucking dialogue with commies and commies DON'T dialogue, the only time they do is because they are against the ropes, they wanted to dialogues because (or as far as I know) uribe fucked them up hard and reduced their power considerably. I'd be interested interested in hearing what you have to say in this affair(but if possible try to contain it to one message as to try and not derail this thread further)

Without the explanation, I can't tell if I'm looking at a crime, a protest, or something the sub-80 IQs do for sport.

quality write up, capped for later use.


I have respect for anyone who fights for what they believe in (whatever that may be). It's much better than sitting in front of computers, whining.
These protests/riots/revolution will, in any case, be heavily suppressed in the Western media to prevent the docile goys from getting any ideas.

thanks, user. Looking back I noticed I missed a couple of things like domestic gas, water and electricity services but that should still give you a god rough idea of what's up here.

And we know the big majority of politicians are hypocrites, however, when you have your whole almost 2 decades shitting on usa, claiming they are trying over 60 magnicide attempts, shat over "capitalism"(even fucking saying it destroyed life on mars), and heck even coming out and say that "being rich is bad" and antagonize anything that remotely smells like right wing (even if it isn't right wing, because being against them is enough to be categorized as such), in this condition of perpetual shitting of ideologies, economic systems, countries and wealth you'd think they would fucking place their family with stolen money in other places other than fucking usa, canada, australia and spain(and I know these aren't the super right wing the government likes to claim, however you don't see them moving to any of the allied countries in the region like cuba, nicaragua and bolivia, nevermind the fact that hacer cola es sabroso and they should be staying in the "happiest country of the world")

Kill yourself you leftist trash,.

Tu país es un puto meme. Lo siento mucho.

dime a dozen
Ubiquitous; so abundant or common as to hold little or no value. In Los Angeles, waiters trying to become famous actors are a dime a dozen. That bird might be a rare sight where you come from, but around here they're a dime a dozen.
See also: dime, dozen
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
(a) dime a dozen
Fig. abundant; cheap and common. People who can write good books are not a dime a dozen. Romantic movies are a dime a dozen.
See also: dime, dozen
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
dime a dozen
So plentiful as to be valueless. For example, Don't bother to buy one of these-they're a dime a dozen. The dime was declared the American ten-cent coin in 1786 by the Continental Congress. [First half of 1900s]
See also: dime, dozen
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Death IS the Great Equalizer, after all.

the people who get censored as easily as whats not shown on fox/cnn/msnbc are already too docile to do anything even if the police came to their house without a warrant to arrest them for wrongthink

Americafag here. I'm very impressed with how Colombia has been doing in the 21st century, and am very excited to some day visit your country. If I ever become wealthy, I also want a second (or first!) home in your land. I hope to see you guys send commandos to Cuba, black-bag the aging former FARC guerillas who retire there, and then bring them back to Colombia.

Then, the old FARC fuckers will be whipped shirtless in public squares, spit upon by their victims' families, and, finally, hung.

Actions speak louder than words, and, this will tell FARC how we deal with them. These actions should be followed by a new peace treaty proposal to FARC, which will lay out specifics as to which of them may or may not be permitted to continue wasting oxygen. And, no, they will not be guaranteed any representation in government.

Dos Santos is a fucking leftist pussy for not doing the above. The way you can be sure he was being WAY too easy on FARC is that the commies on the nobel prize committee were so happy about his negotiations.

I think you guys mean "diamond dozen".

The guy you replied to is Venezuelan, not Colombian. Even so, you are right that FARCs need to be rounded up and hung under a tree, they are the fucking scum of the earth and are way worse than the current venezuelan PNB and GNB in repression and killings.

Todos los países hispanos son memes fracasados.
El imperio murió con la guerra de sucesión.

fourth fucking blackout today. Meanwhile, the government already released a jingle for the constituent. Tomorrow there's a march coming out from Udo an passing through other universities(that'll hopefully join us) to the electoral council

Venezuelan National Guard (GNB) destroying parked bikes, probably to impede the movement of the populace.

Older women gets tear gassed while shopping at a mall

telegram use telegram

How are these spics still fat after (apparently) starving? I swear they have goblin genes.

Easy to make a short description of what is going on: Shit's getting fucked, guerrillas are getting seats in congress and the president sucks their cocks. Elections are coming up next year but every single candidate is shit, either corrupt or progressive or both.
People don't want this though, Santos only has an approval of 14% (likely media manipulation because nobody likes him except shills and government workers). Uribe's candidate could probably win, if he endorses someone.

There is a slight hope for us dude, there is a nationalist party coming up. I have joined their newsletter, and they usually make events and group activities. Everything is going slowly but it is much better because we don't rise suspicions. Soon I'll be participating in their events, as well as recruiting more people.

The worst scum should suffer, but the average guerrila guy should be simply shot and left to rot. A bullet is cheaper to use and more efficient. Colombia has been known for its multiple DOTRs, I'm sure a new one will come up.

It might sound weird, but the longer you eat without the proper daily nutritional and caloric intake, without really starving, the more your body will try to hoard and store energy/calories in the form of fat reserves.
That, and I bet most of the stuff left to eat or affordable with what little money the average venezuelan has is filling-but-fattening crap.
Also don't forget stupid niggers always get fat because they eat like shit.

I'd let her seize my means of production, if you fellas know what i mean.

Control frontbottoms calorie intake, take her without hesitation and give her children sufficient amygdala stimulation and you have the makings of a white family.
Miss Taytay will give you resentful half-castes who will feel more kinship to their brown cousins than you.

even if that hamplanet lost the weight it has shit facial genetics and that doesnt even go into the fact that retarded leftists are mostly that way because of brain damage. that being said its just as bad throwing away your genes in the fetid cesspool of mestizos as it is to put them in irreparably damaged whites.

you also have to take into account that the average venezuelan lost about 17 pounds last year, if you were obese, then you are still going to be fat fuck 17 or 25 pounds later.

something i've noticed, at least in anzoategui, is that the majority of protesters are young people, 30s and 40s who are people who HAD THE CHOICE to elect the fucking president and elected the red diarrhea you rarely see, I mean, there are people like that protesting, but one would expect them to be at least half of the protesters but they are like 20% if anything

PNB robs an asphyxiated woman, fucking pieces of shit niggers

mmm do you have some intresting things to read about the amygdala or some tid bits? I read the kikepedia article on it.

r/K theory
news article about shutting down parts of the brain makes you a liberal

pic related is from jonathan haidt's work

Thanks sage for off topic

I have some questions about Venezuela.

Where is the regime ideologically? Are they communists or just cynically trying to hold onto power and keep the system afloat? Where is the opposition ideologically? Is the opposition largely unified in ideology or a coalition or different ideologies?

The easiest way to get weapons if to set up an underground organisation and structure it like a criminal mafia. You can use your organisation to offer services that bring in revenue like security or other services the state is failing to do. Once you have some revenue use it to bribe police and military for weapons. Once you have weapons you can use them to bring in even more revenue. Don't challenge the state directly it will get you wiped out. You want to use your organisation to build loyalty with the people such are conducting charity and expanding your organisation. If you get enough people loyal to you and the state isn't threatened enough by you to wipe you out you bide your time while you grow, waiting for the state to continue weakening and waiting for the right moment to strike. And when you strike you have to go all in committing every resource you have because there won't be a second chance. You don't want your organisation officially involved in anti government protests. You want to bide your time, expand your power and resources and conduct clandestine activity that weakens the state. Your purpose will be to build your organisation into a non threatening power bloc and if you do it right and if you are powerful enough to challenge the state will not mess with your organisation unless it has no choice. Your purpose will be to accumulate resources, power and loyalty.

It may seem impossible right now but if you do this right you will be surprised how much you grow in power and surprised by how much the state will weaken.

And read the book Siege by James Mason. It tells you how to do exactly what I am talking about.

And you don't want to recruit for your organisation by going around declaring that you intend to overthrow the government. You want to recruit to your organisation with the promise of money and resources and protection. You want everyone in your organisation People will flock to your organisation and you want the thought of people being separated from your organisation as being as bad as death. And if anyone fucks with your organisation by robbing a member retaliate brutally.


Vid- Journalist talks about how the PNB took their equipment
Img- Journalist hit with rubber bullet

GNB robs another journalist

PNB (Bolivarian National Police) attacks congressist (a member or adherent of a congress) and reporters

gnb's CONAS division(the unit that is supposed to be for handling kidnapping aka they have jack shit to be doing at protests) firing firearms(against the constitution) journalist from tvvnoticias talks about how the police robbed them from their equipment
-indidividuals on top of the magistrate's roof fire against protesters

el honor no se divisa venezuela owes 955 million dollars since last year defense minister said that he "doesn't want to see any other national guard committing an atrocity in the streets", this must be why they are stealing phones and cameras….

daily reminder

You know she could just be tanned right? without seeing the face you can't be sure of ethnicity.

I was today in the Caracas Av.La Victoria highway protest. The police changed their weaponry and are now using 37/38MM cartgrides of tear gas. They were previously using 35MM so it's obvious they still have plenty of funds and are aided to adquire stronger gear now, probably by cubans or bolivians.

They also changed tactics, instead of forming a Roman-tactics style shield wall given the lenght of the highway itself, they decided to only use Motorized Bike units (10 to 30 bikes in a group) in hit-'n-run attacks where they launched tear gas and fired at protesters who went and hid inside appartment buildings. They are now targetting civilians who have nothing to do with the protest who happen to be there, they launch canisters directly into houses and appartment building windows to try and flush out people and arrest them in the streets.

There was also sighting of SEBIN forces clad in black-grey camo sporting Lethal munitions apparently on full force on the end of the highway, i sadly did not manage to get there to gauge the situation but they are also transporting themselves in motorbikes.

I did not bring a camera in fear of it being stolen, the area was entirely swarming with police and colective forces and i saw them directly targetting reporters now. I managed to find the first two pics related and bring it back, it's the gas canisters they're using now. They are also using traditional grenades and other types of munitions, but this was the most common type of cartgride i could find.
The third picture comes from a reporter from El Universal, of the highway being filled by motorized police and tear gas.

there have been dozens of reports of torturing captured protesters, even I don't doubt they happen I haven't commented on them due to lack of hard proof, but it seems someone in the force got a hold of this picture and didn't like it, so he leaked it

second and following images are about how an opposition deputy and the people with her were attacked by the colectivos(pro government paramilitary) and one of them proudly saying they'd attack them again if they come to "their zone"

yesterday in parque cristal, march for the fallen

remember how I talked how the process of designation of judges was dubious at best? congress said they'd start the process to designate new magistrates

red cross raised their flag after the pnb came to repress protesters, and as they usually do started firing to apartments as well and this time even the red cross building got a tear gas bomb shot at them

conatels wants to get rid off internet anonymity, it must be eliminated the "soonest and most urgently possible" 50yo man dies after being exposed to tear gas. died of a cardiac arrest.


Is it just a chaotic day of the rope over there or are the protestors winning ground and organizing?

it's hard to explain. protests themselves are semiorganized, but the bulk of them are pacific(and the majority of them still get does with tear gas bombs, specially in the capital) after deaths and detainment started also did violence and people who came to fight back with gas masks, throwing rocks and returning the grenades, a couple of armored vehicles have been burned, and a couple of officials have been wounded(mostly infiltrated into the protests recording the people participating on them, special mentions to event that were to mourn killed protesters like sosa and cesar). These waves of protests were triggered by the tribunal(whose judges were hastily chosen by previous congress after the government lost the election) usurped the power from the opposition's super majority congress. the general attorney who is a commie and was up to this point doing the governments bidding turned on them(I, and almost everyone thought it was a move form the government but it's clear now that she wants to detach from them, and she must have a very good "insurance" as attorneys have died by a lot less), as the public ministery turned on the government, the government started doing express trials to protesters with military "justice" which only aggravated the situation.

As the protests continued, and shit was basically in a deadlock of sorts, the government threw a fraudulent constituent where they, yet again, used the constitution to wipe their shit, not only is it illegal for the president to call for the constituent, but also made up rules to elect the members of the constituent congress by sectors which goes against the constitution, in which vote is universal and direct(all of this, of course, to have gerrymandering in their advantage), I considered the constituent might be a red herring, something to pull infront of people and later cancel as to cool down the streets, but at this point i think they mean to go through with it.

with the constituent you not only make a new constitution but you also remake the structure of the government, so they can simply do away with congress and the public ministery.

here's how the constituent process works: the president, the congress or 15% of the electorate trigger the process, the first process is to call for a consultative referendum to determine if the majority of the population and wants a new constitution, and THEN the process to elect the constituent congressist can be carried. the government is not only doing away from the first step but also rigging the rules of the elections in their favor.

congress is in the process of chnging the judges who were placed heir position with no due proces, but if the government actually cared what the law said we wouldn't have this problem to being with.

noteworthy events from last year: opposition tried to go through a recall referendum in which if the goverment lost the president has to be removed from his position and new elections be carried, but that was only if it was carried before a certain time point as otherwise the vicepresident would take office according to the law, after delaying the process as much as they could throughout 6 months, the electoral council just ground it to a halt which sparked protests. the government offered to dialogue with the pope and oher agents interested in overseeing the dialogues and it ended in nothing for the opposition beside cooling down the streets. The only thing I recall the government actually carrying is freeing a handful of political prisoners(and they've made up for that many folds with current arrests)

some magistrates have already turned against the constituent, some relatively low rank military, and one of the judges is MIA, went to spain and has already missed 2 sessions, it is a matter of seeing if the tsj stands with the government long ago to carry with the constituent.

-colectivos looting businesses in merida.
-cop in merida shot and killed, it's presumed it was by a colectivo as they have been seen carrying guns.
-one of the colectivos was grabbed by protesters, beat up and had his bike burned.

This is being tried in the USA with the Article V Convention aka con-con aka Constitutional Convention aka Convention of the States. There is approximately 100% chance they'll remove the Bill of Rights if the convention happens.

yesterday in los verdes, CONAS(a branch of the military that is SUPPOSED to act when there're kidnappings) entered all the residences illegally, and shot and killed 5 dogs just because. and if you don't open the door they shoot at it. they also destroyed and robbed the cars.

that's the bills that grants the right to bear arms(among other things) is it not?wasn't that passed by the founding fathers?

national guards skipped the red light and got lightly hit by a car, they were booed by the people around, so they started shooting tear gas bombs. el honor no se divisa

and national guards stealing phones(again)

Seizing the means doesn't work when you realise the average Jose can't figure out how the machines even fucking work.

Communism is a capital crime.

pdvsa(government owned oil company) truck was trafficking 780KG of cocaine. The drugs were found because the driver crashed into a house. now the ultra fascist right wing will come and bad mouth the socialis of the XXI century! but what they don't know is that pdvsa found a cocaine well! elchiguire is basically our version of theonion

maduro tells mario silva(who already ratted out a lot of the government as the corrupt they are, im surprised he wasn't tossed into the trash) to investigate twitter venezuela for the deactivation of some oficialists accounts (no, there is not twitter venezuela). basically the government has a lot of bots to retweet shit and get hashtags to trending topic, they noticed the unnatural behavior in a lot of accounts(read: bots) and disabled them.

general attorney is trying to get the "express magistrates" removed.

pedro carreño, officialist deputy is trying hard to get the general attorney disabled imprisonment, a committee to check her mental health… you name it

today at udo anzoategui the protest was an informative one, halting the traffic to get into buses and explain why the constituent is illegal and why they should care, it was met with mostly receptive attitude, however, a lot of t he population really does know nothing about the constituent process. oy vey, twitter marked us with an "x", like the joos

I guess we know what that Goldman Sachs money got spent on.

another 17 yo(fabian urbina) killed at today's protest in caracas. Another 19 yo(edgar carillo) in comma. dozens wounded and 3 more wounded by bullet: marcel añez(28), freddy torrealba(18) and manuel torres(20) GN using firearms today

Holy fuck this was just one truck, imagine just how much coke these government-backed subhumans must be spreading to the rest of the world.

a fucking lot, they also use planes(and also use planes to for FARC members) and boats(which they also use to smuggle oil). really, one of the biggest reasons for the heavy subsidy in oil is to smuggle it into other countries to make a killing themselves

wellps, I'm reading fabian's mother suffers from cancer, one of the reason he protested was due the fact they couldn't get proper treatment for her

more photos from today

and now this is fucking weird. the government owning up for their murders

Why the fuck would these subhumans kill dogs?

because they can. the only reason there aren't more dead is because they've generally used control gear, there have been relatively few dead(just under 100 including in lootings) because of this, but not for lack of trying, which is why there are thousands hurt the tribunal accepted an antejuicio de merito for the general attorney(the same one that has ~36 members being requested by the general attorney because they have: forged credentials, there wasn't due process in their naming and heck, the current president of it was convicted TWICE for murder). the document soliciting this trial was given by a government deputy this last friday requesting her to ber eviewed over her conduct these past few weeks(read: since she started doing her fucking job), the president of the tribunal convened an extraordinary meeting where the only point to discuss is the general attorney, they are completely transparent, and this is very very bad

and if you are wondering why they didn't wait until next month for the prostituent to disolve the public ministery along with congress, here's why "the public ministery will investigate corruption, drug trafficking and security forces"

order to capture military who ran over protester denied by the tribunal, they justify their decision saying it would violates his constitutional rights…

the judge in charge of the decision(jorge alejandro timaury alcantara) just so happens to be registered with the PSUV(partido socialista unido de venezuela, government's party)

municipal councillor, after stealing vehicle, aims at military. Registered with the PSUV too…

it is a good time to remind that the cognress is what can take off the general attorney off her charge and the ones that can designate a new one, NOT the tribunal

the president of the tribunal(the same one with 2 murders on his back) denies the motion that the death of fabian urbina(shot and killed with live ammo) was due to the improper and disproportionate use of force….·uso-indebido-desproporcionado-la-fuerza/ PNB died in a gun fight against GNB, the PNB were also part of a criminal band(security forces being robbers is not uncommon)

this information right now is unverified
1) En el Sucre Potencia los delincuentes mandan: tienen que explicar lo de los 11 muertos de Carupano y lo del Motín en Cumaná
2) 10 Delincuentes fueron abatidos y 1 Policia perdió la vida en el hecho.
3) 4 de los abatidos estaban Sentenciados y pagando Condena. Cómo se escaparon?
4) Que hacían unos delincuentes solicitados y otros de la misma condición en un Bus Yutong de la Misión Carnet de la Patria?
5) La información que manejo es que estos delincuentes eran utilizados para reprimir manifestaciones en Caracas.
6) Cómo premio los sacaron de Fiesta el Domingo y se encontraron de madrugada con una Alcabala de la Policia del Estado.
7) El Gobierno Potencia tiene que explicar cómo es que el Bus Yutong lo cargaban unos delincuentes. Quien se los presto?
8) Hay gato encerrado tanto con el Motín de la Policia en Cumaná, como con el enfrentamiento en Carupano
9) En pocos momentos daré los nombre de los abatidos en Carupano. El Gobierno tiene que explicar este hecho con la verdad

what seems to have happened: criminals were moving in a yutong bus(imported and controlled by the government), they weren't just using it as anoter passanger more, but they had the bus themselves. 10 criminals were killed, 1 police officer as well, 4 of the criminal killed were in prison after being sentenced… or that's where they were supposed to be, yet they were killed in a bus by the police. Another mystery for the revolution…or it would be if it wasn't known a lot of prisons are directly controlled by criminals, which is why you don't have a breakout report, i wonder how many sentenced are out as if nothing had happened

What, Venezuelans are resorting into cannibalism now?

no, however last year there was a protest in a prison in tachira, 2 prisoners for whatever reason didn't want to join in, and elcomegente(someone imprisoned for cannibalism) was asked by the people "organizing" the revolt to kill and dismember them to use them as an example, they were fed to the other prisoners who didn't want to participate. eventually the prisoners were moved to another prison, the government of course didnt fucking report that there were two person missing and the family of said inmates only found out what happened through the other inmates there was a looting of a rice truck in my city, here it says police "controlled" the looting and they took some of the looters away, but what it doesn't say is that they themselves were looting, and they won't be punished for it, either dhl has to suspend operations in venezuela temporarily, this is because of the seniat. The reason is clear, so that people in the exterior can't aid with resources like medical supplies to treat the wounded from the repression and other things like gloves, vests, tear gas masks, etc.

the public ministery uploaded a document with the list of murdered during protests

I'm hearing to the cadena(forced broadcast through all national channels and radio) and they are broadcasting constituent propaganda, im hearing it from my phone(radio) but they broadcasted vid related, jesus fuck
at this point the jingle has been broadcasted 4 times at least(I'm not listening from the start)
somehow forgot the current year and said the constituent is going to be july 30th of 2016
because the constituent is illegal, they dont want to "help" improve your constituent process they don't want the constituent, the constituent has to be preceded by a consultative referendum to ask people if they fucking want a new constitution, which they didn't because they know people would say no, so the process is illegal.

I can't stomach this shit anymore, I'm turning it off

well, I lied, I must be fucking masochistic, he's calling about a "great" civic-military march, im already expecting to see 80 buses coming out of this city to caracas like last time to try and make it seem like they still have support, so pena for public workers forced to go.
He made a promise in name of chavez to stand there in 2021.
now he's advertising to el mazo dando, propaganda program from the vicepresident from psuv. congratulating them saying it's a national and international hit, that there are people in europe tuning in before dawn to watch the program…..
now he made more changes to the cabinet, he gave a ministry to another military: carlos osorio. but I didn't catch which one, I'll check later
another change, the popular ministry of work, I don't know the person who was placed there but it doesn't seem to be a military.
the cadena seems to be ending, president says he'd be willing to dialogue with trump, so they can see how their heart is, how it beats.
another military giving a ministry. transportation ministry.
a lot of worthless shit and the cadena is finally over, over two hours later

So these daughters of high ups in military are out of the country partying with a tranny?

It's not Brazil. But it makes you rethink that olympian's claim that his party were robbed by people in uniform (security guards).

Seems all we outsiders can do right now is to support them by propping up the price of rare Pepes. But the time will come for vengeance. These countries like Cuba throwing money at them are foolish. The government is going to fall and their payoffs won't come.

it's the other way around, this country has been paying the tiny fucking islands. the cumulative population of the countries that voted against on the OAS is 17 million people, that's cheap oil for you. Cuba doesn't receive as much from us now, which is why they basically ignored us when obongo opened up to cuba. but we used to pay them for their "professionals" like doctors who came here mostly to teach "medicos integrales comunitarios"(people call them mic), they graduate in less than half the time than a real doctor, know less than a nurse(heck, they know less than a paramedic that's been working for 4 months)but earn more than doctor(which is not saying much, our doctors have hunger salaries, sometimes even going BELOW minimum wage) and work less hours, they are mostly useless at best and a liability at worst.

Now, explaining the minimum wage part, whent here's an increase they have to wait for their contract to be reworked and then, several months after they get retroactives for those months of delay in getting their new wage, which at the end means they are being robbed considering the very high inflation in the country.

doctors earn like shit, teachers earn like shit which is why universities for them are fucking empty, police earns like shit and it is all too easy to matraquear(ask for money out of civilians) or outright join a band, chavez et al didn't only destroy venezuela but severely undermined the idea of being able to fix it quick by destroying the pillars of society which are security, education and health. They also removed things like carteleras that were board hanged outside every classroom that showcased the top of the respective class, which was simply an incentive to work a little harder.

So well, back to point, the ones getting money are them, not us(as a country). Comprando conciencias is what we call it.

as I said before they are calling for a "great march" as every "great march" they announce they are pulling dozens of buses from every city with public employees to go to caracas and make it seem they have support, some groups seem to be coordinating to block the roads for the buses, though this would be hard to pull mainly due to the fact that the buses go out very late at night

well, I've been internetless since yesterday so im now using mobile broadband and even then it's only 4GB a month, so I won't be able to update this thread as much

That is right, it irks me a little bit when people say "this government can't do anything right, it's useless" when the opposite is mostly true: they were always thinking of using the country as a money making scheme, the Cuban gibs could be seen as appeasing to have them tutor them on how to get away with it. The political/citizen backlash could be cushioned by the massive leftist bias worldwide, diplomatic backlash was dealt with money, the will of the masses placated with hunger and fear.
Here's hoping they find a way to sabotage the buses themselves, this is an scenario that would probably put them up against SEBIN/GNB with carte blanche, their marches are 'spottier' than ever with how little people they have.

Also, this is somewhat obvious to Venezuelans in general but here goes: on actual ministries -not the random ones they made to keep themselves cycling - it's said that on their best state, city or whatever have you, they lose with a little over a quarter of the votes at best.
This is another thing I imagine the international media is misunderstanding on purpose: the constituent 'elections' would be a debacle that would make Germanies' electoral system blush; with nothing but state approved indoctrination centers and politically sponsored locations being able to process votes.
It reminds me of the hundreds of irregularities that went on at the election of the Assembly, with most if not all election center volunteers wising up and not letting random mobs pull fishy last minute voting.

Jews are getting crafty

should have parted out the bike, taken what gasoline there was.
waste not, want not.

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

depends on how quick you want your quick rundown to be, the government has 2 decades being complete and utter as, destroying productiving by forcing something as mundane to business as forex exchange through their bureacratic hoops and a fixed exchange rate, along with constant printing of money and having power centralized by having the different institutions of the government acting as the limbs of the executive power, this only lasted while the oil was "expensive"(right now it is stilla bout 7 times worth more than it was when tehy got in power) and so everything is crashing down as they expropiated a lot of businesses and ran them to the ground(as importing is an opportunity for them to steal easily) and now most everyone lives to buy food basically, lots of people rummaging the trash and people burning what little savings they had to eat well(though in a triple digit inflation economy savings aren't a good idea), shortage of medicine and 90% impunity rate for crimes along with one of the highest murder rates of the world, they blocked all attempts for a recall referendum last year to let the population vote if theyw anted to remove the president, so this year when the illegally-designated magistrates of the tribunal(elected literally after the opposition won a super majority on the congress but before they took possession, irespecting the margins given by the constitution, forging qualifications and even have someone fucking jailed TWICE for murder as the president of the tribunal)usurped the powers of congress(which is a coup d'etat) people went out to protest, the public ministry along with the prosecutor general(which up until that point had done the government's bidding)turned against the government, there's thousands of wounded and detained in protests and we're nearing triple digit dead, as there was a deadlock the government launched an illegal constituent process(as it has to be preceded by a referendum asking if people want a new constitution) in which they go against the constitutional rights and they replace proportional representation with a "sectorial voting" where certain (((sectors))) can elect more members, the intention of this process is first and foremost remove congress and public ministry and add more commie shit to the new constitution.

TL;DR commies desperately trying to cling onto power

The peak of irony. Government gifting through Citgo 625 000$ to Houston for the celebration of Independence day

Spain investigating money deviating money from pdvsa to Spain and Portugal

Yesterday's marches. Government vs opposition (who have been out almost every day)

They recently invented those things called "paragraphs", perhaps they didn't reach Venezuela yet… check them out. They say they can massively increase readability.

for anyone willing to put a minimum effort into learning anything there's already a post that goes a lot more in depth about the current situation of venezuela

ok guys, potential happening going on, a member of BAE(brigada de acciones especiales)- part of the police- hijacked a cicpc helicopter, hanged a banner with "350 LIBERTAD" in it(libertad meaning freedom and 350 being the last article on the constitution, which calls for civil disobedience when the constitution is being violated by the government) overflew miraflores(equivalent of white house) and tsj's building for a while, and eventually threw two grenades at tsj. 2 videos were released with the pilot of the helicopter speaking and 4 people behind him fully geared, unfortunately I can't upload the videos right now because my internet is not only pretty slow right now but disconnects every few seconds, so I'll translate the important parts:
and unfortunately that's what i was able to download, I have 2 videos(1 minute each, it's one video that's being distributed in parts) but I don't have everything, unfortunately. there's always the chance this is a pote de humo from the government to justify one upping violence because muh "coup d'etat"(they've literally claimed dismantly over half a hundred coup d'etat attempts…) but if this is all a ploy, it's the most elaborate they've pulled thus far

I got the other videos(they were 5 in total) but internet is still too shit, so a translation of the important shit will have to do for now

This is staged by the government.

it's important to say that just today maduro said

what couldn't be achieved with votes will be achieved with weapons
and the same day this supposed insurrection appears… will see if it's true or not

it very well could be, although his point seems to be to get all or most of the FAN with them, probably to force the government to leave without any further combat, this is how I interpret this, at least. now, whether or not he means what he says and this isn't all staged… it's all up to debate

freddy bernal says miraflores is in total normalcy coming out to say this kind of shit just makes me all the more suspicious


Cuando van a tomar control del petróleo de Maduro? Sin eso no tiene con que pagar a la policia.

i0m the one the providing most of the latest information and i've had no home connection for two weeks, mobile broadband gave out 2 days ago, and my phone's data plan(which im using right now) is only 50mb a month so this is probably the last post from my part before we can move.

I'm gonna revisit the "coup" call, initially i thought that it was more than likely a falseflag from the government because the same day because

so about being left undisturbed: the government pulls so much shit out of their ass the military probably didn't know if this was the government's doing or not, which greatly delayed response

about the radar losing them, it's probably another case of corruption, budget allocated but equipment never bought, or damaged/old equipment

the shit about the coup from the tribunal might be a coincidence. then about the helicopter hijacker we have the following information from the other VE thread and also this

his brother was killed in a mugging 2 years ago, he also sent his kids to mexico as over a year ago one of them almost got kidnapped. Knowing this I very much doubt he's aiding the government in a sham, but there's yet to be any follow up action

also the government wasn't even the one to find the helicopter, it was a farmer

sorry for triple posting and even though he found and reported the helicopter he was taken into a MILITARY tribunal

S the owner of the lot where the heli landed is being taken to military court? holy shit they're just looking to save face
Poor bastard he's gone.

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this guys made a mistake, the article says the hijacker's brother was murdered two WEEKS ago, not two years.

maduro announced yet another minimum wage rise, a 25%increase, the fourth one this year alone. comprando conciencias we call it…

and what the fuck is up with these spam bots?

Today protests on UCV today (4th). Sorry for absolutely horrible quality, only had a phone on hand at the moment, will upload revelant pictures only.

Planton/Barricade posted on the entrance to the UCV (Church side). Police are right on the other side, about 120+ on foot and unknown amount circling around the area on motorbikes, they are launching gas grenades and shooting beanbags every 2-3 minutes since 1PM (Protest lasted until 5:40PM)
Situation was dire, it's not displayed but at least 4-5 guys were hospitalized today from getting hit directly by metal gas canisters. Very few people had gas masks or even face protection, only clothes and rags to cover up.

Amount of ammunition and types of munitions used by police today. I should also note that police started picking up cartgrides and containers before they left, this is about a fourth of what was left on the streets. The Blue+Red shotgun shells (fourth image) are indeed lethal mutitions, lead-based 12g 00buckshot, only few of these were found but it should still be noted.

At around 2pm, Protesters had enough numbers gathered to try and take over the police line at the Gas station. They rushed in with shields and molotov cocktails and managed to push back the police forces for at least 10 minutes before being pushed right back by a police counteroffensive with motorbikes. Before the counteroffensive, the protesters managed to get one of the police bikes burnt to a crisp and that tire is the charred remains of where it used to be, it was taken out of the scene by police when they pushed back the protesters so i could not take a picture of it then.

Huh, it fucked up and selected another image for the fifth one. Anyways, here's the burnt tire near the gas station.

for the second time congress was attacked by colectivos, and watched by the widely unmoving national guard. Some journalists and deputies were hurt. Cabeza e' mango, presenter of zurda konducta(tv program on state owned channel, and being investigated by the public ministry for spreading false shit, someone already talked about it in this thread) is claiming he was the one who brought the colectivos to congress

in other news, maduro says public employees MUST participate in the constituent: "no excuses". he wants to make a list of all public employees and organizing a way to mobilize them

video from the start of the week, it is an officialist march, speaker is upset over the turn out, is saying that they'll pass a list at the end of the march and whoever isn't there can go to hell, some unintelligible things and then he says that they don't know who he is. Basically even people on a payroll don't want to come to march for them.

so some news from today

government will do a simulacrum of the ANC on july 16th… the same day the opposition announced the plebiscite for a few days ago

as a refresher, the government wants to get rid of the general attorney as she is no longer doing her bidding, the tribunal is trying to
knowing this, they still went through and named a vice attorney and tried to get her in the public ministiy, but the workers of there didn't let her in. so, today, she smuggled herself in by hiding in a car's trunk, I'm not making this shit up. she was then kicked out the building after being found out

as noone else talked about it, maduro decorated the militar lugo(who is also implicated in kidnappings, the biggest profile ones being the fadoul brothers kidnapping) for mistreating the president of congress last week, in the first attack to congress where colectivos also caused trouble while the military did nothing of use. 480 other guards were also decorated for "protecting the country" what a fucking joke leopoldo lopez, opposition leader who was put in prison during the 2014's protests with a sentence for 14 years has been given casa por carcel(he is imprisoned at home). this seems like a damage control action after what happened in congress, it moralized the opposition and angered what little supporters theys till have, as the government pushed hard him being a "monster" and pinning the murders that happened during 2014 protests on him.

let me tell you a story, pol, I'm surprised I recalled this when I heard she was launching herself to the constituent process…

in 1994, a girl aged 18 killed 2 persons with a gun and sentenced for 30 years. What happened? she stole a check from her father to buy a cat, his dad found out about the missing money and told her to get it back, she tried to return the cat and get the money back but the people who sold it didn't want to, so she killed them both. She got 30 years in prison, the crime was committed on the 94, before chavez got in power, but 9 years in, maikel moreno(who's currently the president of the tribunal, and went to prison TWICE for murder) freed her. And now she's launching herself as a constituent deputy, another gem joins the fry….

governor of tachira(psuv) vielma mora proposes to not let people who don't vote in the constituent participate in DICOM, the only legal way to exchange our currency for another(good luck getting another currency even if you participate, though). “Hay que poner una clausula: empresa, industria o persona natural que no vaya a votar el 30 de julio, no se le otorguen más beneficios del DICOM, porque es injusto que les estemos dando dólares a la derecha criminal y terrorista”.

hector rodriguez, deputy(psuv) and chief of the constituent campaign says they'll know who voted through el carnet de la patria(carnet of the fatherland). they are also discussing a law to "freeze" prices,
because as we know, freezing prices increases production and actually lowers the price of said products
jesus christ, what's fucking next? "Recordó también que en los próximos días,discutirán una ley que pudiese conllevar a la “congelación de precios”.

“Vamos a discutir una Ley de precios justos, que congele los precios"

the government tried to buy votes with some bags of food on barrio la lucha and the neighbors turned them away with cacerolazos(banging pots and pans as a form of protest) and slogans

This has probably been mentioned ITT or at least a similar event. This video was uploaded recently (33 minutes ago).

I think the only thing on the thread is one from lecheria in which a firework was aimed and successfully shot at the military

the chief in security of the morgue was fired for giving information regarding a protester's death to the public ministry, it's clear that he was killed by a military but you still need the forensic analysis to wrap things up and do thing with due process, but the government doesn't like due process

candidate to the anc was murdered in a public act, sounds like gang crime, honestly, there were other candidates there but only he was targeted, he was also the president of "Frente de Motorizados José Leonardo García de Girardot." which just sounds like a government approved bike gang and even had a mote(which is something criminals tend to get): "cara e' pizza"

Don't mind me just leaving this qt 3.17 here

Victoria De Armas (20 años).
" Si analizo todos los conflictos que afectan mi vida, llego a la conclusión de tener problemas superiores a mi edad.
Mis amigas se fueron a varios países y mi novio partió a Madrid. Yo trabajo en un negocio familiar, sin embargo, el dinero no me rinde. Cada día que pasa es mas difícil cumplir mis aspiraciones, por eso salgo a marchar con mi familia, porque deseo que Venezuela mejore".

Every couple days I check this thread (and some other news sources) and it keeps re-affirming my belief that the Venezuelan people aren't going to take care of business. It's regrettable and I hope to see that change some time.

the left is vomit inducing
not only does this guy misrepresent the opposition, calling them righ wing as an attempt to demonize(as unfortunately the only party in MUD that'd i'd call right wing is vente venezuela whereas the rest are unfortunately just a lot more right in the economic scale than the current government, but still not something I'd call "right wing"), but also kinda explains why the situation came to be, and removign a lot of commentary from the author I'd say this is the closest to the truth I've seen by a clearly leftist author. So he says the situation is fucked and kinda has the right idea of why it's fucked but then finishes the article with

so the left failed, yet fucking again, let's regroup and think on how to implement it again! the hundreds of millions that have suffered throughout the world don't matter, just a stepping stone to reach our utopiaTM. The left truly is sickening, one of the most (if not the most) damaging ideology in the world

They'll starve and die if they don't.

conatel is forcing media to not call what will transpire on sunday 16j as a popular consultation… and I'll remind that cne called for a simulacrum of the constituent the same day the popular(plebiscite) consultation was called, I mean, everyone here knows there isn't separation of powers but it is always good to remind people.

Also it fucking breaks my balls to know people who won't vote on 16j because they fear losing their job, goddamnit, it is one thing to participate in the sham of the constituent(which I'll still criticize)but the fucking voting from 16j won't go through government hands and the voting books will be burned after counting the votes to appease the fear of the books being taken to make a lista tascon 2.0, and they still won't fucking vote out of fear, this shit is upsetting. My aunt has worked as a teacher in apublic school for over 5 years and they always make her go to political rallies and whatever the fuck they want out of her, for this they didn't give her a position in the school but rather have her hopping between contract and contract, that way they can fire them by not renewing her contract and there'd be no "foul play" to track, and of course they want her to vote in the constituent on july 30th, but not only will she vote in the popular consultation(16j) but she won't vote in the constituent.

and if you think about it, it isn't in the government's best interest to fire public employees who don't go vote, let's say 1 million doesn't go to vote, and then you fire them, it's not only the noise it will generate against you, but you are also directly giving a lot of people another, heavy, incentive to go protest

Although there aren't many replies to this thread I wanted to thank Venezuela user for sharing these pieces of information. it's sad that this matter is quite unknown to the general public.
what are your expectations for the july 16th popular consultation?

I expect a considerably higher turnout than the one for the constituent despite the menace from the government towards public employees and to everyone who receives some sort of benefit from them(public employees being ~4 million out of ~30 million people). the popular consultation itself won't mean much, it's not like the institutions controlled by the government will take it into account, however, ther esult from it will not only validate the application of article 350(civil disobedience towards institutions over the violation of the constitution) but it'd also validate whatever they want to do, which is as of yet still unknown, but a general strike isn't out of the question(how useful this would be, I don't know, as virtually all the hard currency the country gets comes from oil)

the passport of the director of the public ministry was annulled as he was going to fly to Argentina to to represent the Prosecutor General in a meeting of the Ibero American Association of Public Prosecutors and guess what else the government did? you guessed it, the sham of a deputy prosecutor general designated by the tribunal(who can't designate deputy prosecutor generals), the same one who hid in a car's trunk to enter the public ministry flew to the meeting of the Ibero American Association of Public Prosecutors, obviously, she was denied access.

oh yeah as no one seemed to report this
the national guard didn't let congress carry on with their scheduled session. but before I continue let's recap:
opposition won a super majority on congress on december 2015, government said there was fraud in amazonas, thisw as done just to disable the deputies representing said state, in all this time it was neither proved nor the cne organized new elections, they are happy leaving a whole state without representation if it means the opposition won't have a super majority, even if they do this by illegal means. It seems recently some deputies from the government decided to switch bands, meaning that even for those following the government "logic" the opposition has again a super majority, as I understand, even if the tribunal was elected following the law and the people in the position had the credentials for their positions(both false for the current tribunal) that the congress would then have the authority to remove them, hence they blocked the congress session….

Brazilian here. I remember when our senators from the opposition tried to visit him in prison. Shortly after they arrived in Venezuela, the colectivos surrounded the vehicle and made them turn back before they could get even close to the place. The Workers Party tried to frame it as "squandering taxpayer money in tourism", since they always supported Chavez and Maduro, but also sent their own party members in congress to visit their "bolivarian" friend and take some pictures with him to create the narrative that everything is in perfect order there. Marxists are psychopaths no matter where they are, never forget this.

Also, for those living close to our border, I recommend you guys try to get help from our soldiers directly. The Brazilian army essentially do whatever it needs without the government even knowing, and most of our soldiers are brave honorable men who despise communism and are trained to help those in need.

If ever there was a time for White people to roll into Venezuela and just start massacring all the non whites it would be right now.

Make Venezuela White Again!

how long will the guerrilla war go on for?

and yet more menaces, constituentist and ex minister ricardo molina, during an ANC act of campaign, "warned" pensioners that if they were to not vote in the constituent process they might lose their benefit(pension). The government truly doesn't have any faith in the constituent process, it is disgusting how much they are trying to manipulate people to vote

forgot the link


I agree with you that they'll starve, and I think that's potentially as little as a year away depending on how the government wants to play its cards. I really think the government still holds all the cards. I hate to say it, but, it's true.

Good point about the borders. If Colombia weren't currently ruled by a leftist, I suspect they'd already be helping arm people. Might still be possible to get help from within Colombia anyway; it's actually in their national interest for the commie regime to go away, preferably quickly and decisively.

There's always the problem of seizing the means of production, most people don't know what to do with it. They're idiots. It's like giving a CAT scanner or an aeroplane to a burger flipper. Sure they cost millions of dollars but do you even know how to use or pilot one? So first thing they do like typical idiots they start selling it in a get rich quick scheme like all revolutions and then wonder where all the food went later on like those niggers in Africa who were given seeds and farm equipment. They ate the seeds and starved to death because they're retarded niggers.

I think there's a logic to those events that you're missing. When Chavez took over the country, his attitude toward the oil industry was that he wanted to underinvest in it - which helps his budget in the short term and hurts it in the long run. As the production capacity gets decrepit, a socialist state will try to loot what's left to buy off its thugs. They KNOW this will impoverish the nation, but, their plan is to blame their political enemies and then sic thugs on them.

In the Africa situation, the conqueroring government (e.g., Mugabe) KNOW they're wasting productive capacity, but the thing they're trying to maximize is the short-term payoff to their loyal thugs. Again, the plan is to use the disaster that arrives soon after as an excuse to blame and attack enemies.

Politics is a very different game when it's about building a thug army and paying them with loot. But it's a very common thing in world history.

That's the point. They're retarded thugs and the commies always pray for their loyalty not knowing they're the useful idiots who will be the first against the wall because the thugs hate bourgeois leftist pretenders.

The thugs themselves are often borderline retarded. The leaders understand exactly what game they're playing. Mugabe, for one, is VERY successful at it. His people are poor, but he himself does whatever the fuck he wants. There are some people in his country who are pissed at how things have gone, but they're either cowed into submission, or, killed or driven off if necessary. He's got the right people bought off, or if you want to look at the flip side of the coin, the people he's got bought off are doing exactly the right things for him.

Zuma, I'm sure, hopes to achieve something similar. He's well aware it'll be destructive and bad for the economy. He doesn't care. He sees a president-for-life as his neighbor and realizes he might be able to pull off the same thing.

The Venezuelan communist regime must embrace this same logic to survive. So far, they have gangs of ignorant commie peasant thugs patrolling the streets, and there's no effective opposition to them. All they need to do is keep that situation up and Maduro can do whatever the fuck he wants. Chavez died a billionaire and left 10-figure amounts of wealth to his heirs; Maduro can pull that off too, at this rate.

right now there are 2 sides of thought of the anc:
some, myself included, think it is real , the government wants to get rid of the only institutions with power that are against them, marxistize the constitution while they are at it, legalize repression, remove autonomy from universities and basically just drive the nail through the wall, good lucking getting them out after, plunging dissent into defeatism.

then there are the ones who think it's all a bluff, a bargaining chip against the opposition, the problem is if they throw it out the window they'll alienate their already reduced base of support, on the other side I can't see the government accepting anything less than cooling down the streets as part of the deal which would be even costlier for the opposition as far as alienation goes, not only that but a sizeable part of chavismo are just people voting scared of stopping receiving what little benefit they have so they'll "support" this regardless.

the problem is officialism is divided on the issue, and the constituent only deepens the division, so it is a question of where the military power sides in this whole issue. If the government does go through with the anc and the military(or a part of it) doesn't fight against it, the only thing I can think of at that point is for congress to have a transition government, consider the executive, the tribunal and the electoral council unconstitutional and seeking international support while preparing general elections, but chavismo won't just sit idle by if this happens…

we'll see what happens next week, by next week the popular consultation will be done, and next week the naming of tribunal magistrates should be made, we'll see what happens.

government increased the money people with the carnet hogares de patria receive from 70k bsf to 100k bsf, weil said it best with this cartoon…

Holla Forums has poster ID's you know. There was no reason to reply to

there was a glitch at the time that made all the posts from the existing threads the same id, if there's another thread as old as this one it should show the same problem.

also, off topic, but I know a part of pol is interested in self reliance and diy, I would like to know if anyone have good resources about making your own oil press(if you have several upload them all as a lot of material is impossible to find here, so better to have a plan b c and d)

if anything I've gotten a good laugh with the constituent participants, convicted murderers, non-convicted-but-with-warrant-for-murder, some transfaggot launching himself through the student sector when looks like he's 40, and some faggot that proposes to somehow import and export without using dollars(and when people say "dollar" they actually mean external currencies in general, it's just that the dollar would be the most commonplace)

maduro is trying to bribe everyone, now 85% wage increase to PNB and CICPC

and to ward off the thread from more leftypol niggers: maduro wants gringo investors (good luck with that when recently they declared they'd expropiate oil companies )

already voted, have been coming and going giving the trip to people who don't have a car. there's a lot of people in the points I've passed through. I went through some of the constituent simulacrum points as well and they are fucking empty. Reporting from maturin, monagas

Reminder for immigrantfags to vote. There is no excuse. very nice

meanwhile at the simulacrum pic related…

reports of colectivos shooting at crowd participating in the popular consultation in catia, 2 dead and several wounded, this plague has to be purged and made an example of meanwhile the pnb does nothing at all, they have to be hanged along the colectives there's a 10yo girl among the wounded…

the niggers that shot at the crowd, this colective group is called fundacion mision sucre

and a journalist who was covering the event as kidnapped

correction, while the journalist was interviewing some people participating in the process, he was attacked by some people, the car he boarded was from someone who helped him and took him to a hospital .

another correction it seems there was 1 dead and 4 wounded

her name is xiomara scott, 61 years old, worked as a nurse in a hospital


it is an interesting read, but I respectfully think it should go to a more general socialism/leftism thread, this would be more of interest to the general pol user who are least likely to know about the foro of sao paulo as it's mostly a SA thing(important, nonetheless)

At this point the places who don't have people waiting in line have closed down so the counting process should be starting, let's hope for a big turnout

chavista major tried to steal voting books from his city using colectives, 1 dead and 6 wounded as a result

meanwhile government media comments on how successful the constituent simulacrum was!but…what's this?this guy to the right looks familiar. would you look at that? the constituent is to powerful it can bring back dead people. He's robert serra, who died on october 2014

with 95% of acts scrutinized, the result for the popular consultation is 7186170 votes

polite reminder to hide and report CIA threads.

vete a mamar guevos Holla Forums

As someone who optimistically woke up and went to vote, I think that the number was drastically smaller than I envisioned. At least it's not enough to make a dent against the constituent as only around 7m of 30m actually participated uin the process.

Why do they even bother with a constitution?

we got twice as many votes as the people who participated in 99's constituent process, the biggest hurdle was that the government knew how to play it. Unfortunatly the only thing they are good at is negative.

there were 1/7 the number of polling stations compared to the last elections, there was only a 2 week notice, conatel banned media from reporting the event(and they only really covered near the time the results were to be announced, when it had already finished and they called the simulacrum for their shit the same day to confuse the population. this along the defeatists, and the people on public positions that fear being fired(along witht he people receiving some sort of gib and being menaced as well).

So even if I'd liked to reach 8million votes, 7.5millions(counting the 5% that wasn't scrutinized) is definitely not a bad number.

the next step is removing the illegal magistrates from the tribunal and we'll see what congress does next(which I hope includes replacing the LONG expired rectors from the cne)

not for obeying it, certainly. they've violated the constitution too many times but right now the international eyes are on them so they can't just illegally dismiss congress and the prosecutor general, they can't risk losing investment now that the country is so wrecked , so they are going with an also-illegal-but-with-a-surface-not-as-murky process to remove them, this is what the constituent is really for, while they are at it they'll give more power to the government and remove the autonomy of public universities.

pi is 3.14 you uneducated nigger

this image has been circulating, as far as I can see it hasn't been adulterated but someone with more experience in this field could give their input.

It is a bill from bicentenario(used to be a successful super market chain called exito until the government expropriated it some years back) saying simulacro de voto, or vote simulacrum, implying it had something to do with yesterday's simulacrum, so people are saying people who bought yesterday at a bicentenario had their data added to those of the simulacrum(to buy at bicentenario they take your prints)

this reminds me of a story in which stalin ripped the feathers of a chicken let it down, just to see it still following him around for the grains he was providing it. I don't know if the story is true, but it's a good analogy for a lot of people in my country.

also I'm just reading that the opposition said there would be a session tomorrow (well, like every other tuesday where the military don't block access to the parliament) and the actual naming of the magistrates of TSJ will be this friday.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he was using the numpad and just mistyped**

it's already 17 and the fortnight (as I understand this is the translation of quincena) of the workers, active and retired, from the public ministry hasn't yet been paid

the HR ONG provea was menaced by the secretary of the PNB

Trump warned that if the government were to pull ahead with the constituent against the population's wishes that they'd take economic measures(sit and see the government retroactively justify the shit economy over this if they carry out with the constituent)

supposedly 4 PNB and 4 GNB who participated in the unjustified beating of Gyanny Scovino (who I'll assume is from italian ascendance) were detained. However, after he was treated on a local health center, and is currently under custody and awaiting court-martial to boot, on what charges? god knows

it is VERY odd seeing the EU doing anything about, well, anything. they say they haven't discarded economic sanctions were the government to continue with the constituent process
has the EU actually issued sanctions to another country like that? I can't think of any

an old woman reported killed in valencia during protests and, uhm, a civilian was killed in lecheria. the information I have, but I'm not sure whether or not it's true is that he's part of a collective, so he'd be the first to be killed as the ones who have been caught in the past have been, at most, beaten and left tied while their bikes burned.

> the public ministry cited the president and vicepresident of a company with irregular contracts with pdvsa, one of the companies the nonebudsman has his hands on

editor in chief of el carabobeño was hurt by GNB and isn't being allowed to be taken to a health center

delcy rodriguez, chancellor until a few weeks ago when she renounced the position to participate as a constituentist, said in a constituent campaign that : "nos moriremos de hambre pero seguiremos aqui defendiendo la patria""we could die of hunger but we'll be here defending the fatherland", it's important to note that the government's definition of fatherland is government….

it seems maduro wants to declare a state of shock(estado de conmoción) . with this the constituent would be as good as fucked, but it'd also grant power to the president to enact laws even if they contradict previous laws, the only thing the president can't change are the right of life and torture prohibition(not like it's respected), laws that would be valid until said state is passed. However, he needs to be backed by the other institutions to do this……

the cadena is in a loop for some reason, shit is repeating, it seems that it might not be live for whatever reason, when they always are

Wait, because i do not understand, why they want people to vote? Will it change anythink?

see the intention of the constituent is remove congress(which has an opposition super majority) and the public ministry/prosecutor general(who was with the government until 3 months ago when the tribunal issued a coup against congress) and centralizing power even more.

The constituent process is a way to sort make it look like they are being removed lawfully(even though the process was called illegally) because their other option is trying to name a deputy prosecutor general(which they can't do, but still did) and remove the prosecutor general(which they also can't do, but they don't seem to want to do due to the noise it'd make), so they are trying to force as many people as they can to the constituent process to legitimize the process.

which is why they starting threatening public employees, pensioners and people who receive benefit from the government to participate in the constituent and to not participate in the(opposition's) popular consultation along with launching a simulacrum for the anc the same day. And the opposition is legitimizing the naming of the new magistrates for the tribunal(who are occupying their post illegally)this friday, there are 11 days left until the constituent and the risk for the country just keeps increasing. the guy had been put in prison for robbing…

also the president of the electoral council is calling the media for 6pm(2 hours form now) for some announcement, calling off the constituent? I can't think of anything else, honestly, but it'd be odd to do it this way

280 detained and 6 dead protesters today.

Venezuela's diplomat before the UN, isaias medina, renounced denouncing the government's unconstitutionality, the systematic violation of human rights and crimes against humanity

valentin santana / leader of criminal gang (colectivo la piedrita )/ fugitive from justice /constituentist ( ) is telling his group to redouble security and that anything that if anything were to happen to him he's blaming the CICPC (as if he was some sort of upstanding citizen that dindu nuffin)

and lastly, one of the murdered today, shot at blank range by the GNB

and forgot this one, brullerby, illegal psuv mayor(the actual elected mayor was tried in a political trial last year along with maturin's mayor and replaced by apsuv councilor in both cases) was detained by the cicpc as he was looting along collectives, it is said he also had a firearm, this was obviously done to later blame protesters

I wonder what's happening with CICPC, even if it didn't act as a direct appendage of the government it did its bidding from time to time, and collectives were mostly left untouched. but they now seem to be cracking down on them. Orders from the government seeking to get rid of collectives as now they are as useful as used condoms? or are they acting on their own?

Commies got what they wanted but it turned out that it doesn't work. Again.

congress swore in the magistrates

mercosur tells the government to restore the constitutional order and to cancel the constituent

GNB keeps breaking in illegally into residences

the phone from the journalist magically appeared in the hands of vtv(state channel) presenter hands,as if it wasn't clear enough collectives work for the government


the military seems to be getting really great benefits these days…

as usual, public employees forced to go to whatever the government wants to pull out of its ass

and I don't know if im overthinking this but CICPC captured 5 police officers at public ministry's request over the murder of 2 protesters in los teques

maduro is asking to the business owners for "another chance with the constituent", as if 4 years of destroying the country wasn't enough

maduro also said: "don't forget this, the new economic model is going to amaze the world"

well, they already started, SEBIN detained one of the magistrates named by congress

annexed some metrics of comparison between the illegal tsj and the new tsj

I think this would be a good time to a report of sorts for the current (macro?)political situation, but first with the recap:

so what's the scenario right now at the governments/officialistic side? from the government itself there are 2 groups:

The radicals that want the anc to be carried to destroy dissent, ignoring the effects economic sanctions might have in the country as they themselves only care about remaining in power this faction includes heavy hitters inside chavismo like diosdado cabello and el aissami who swim in very murky waters, with businesses with drug and oil trafficking and(in the case of aissami) collaborating muslim extremists and giving venezuelan passports to muslims to bypass the US ban on them(when it was still on effect).

The moderates, the one who might be left on a slap on the wrist if regimes were to change and don't want to get into anymore trouble, they want a negotiated exit, and this group divides in two, the silent one which voice their concern only within the group and closed doors, and the vocally dissent which consider themselves "chavizmo critico" and is mostly comprised of people who consider themselves"chavistas pero no maduristas".

Then there's the coalition of opposition political parties, which is also split:

One side wants to negotiate the take down of the constituent along with getting congress' tsj legitimized by the government, governor elections(which should have been last year) in exchange with cooling down the streets and letting the government finish their term(so the presidential elections would be in 2018). However it is very likely this would cause rogue groups of civilians, something that is already happening as a part of the population considers they are collaborating with the regime by taking soft actions and giving them time, and could end up ugly.

The other side wants maduro out as fast as possible, the popular consultation wasn't only done to legitimize the naming of the tsj and putting pressure on the government, but also on the first side, they want maduro out and are aware the population wants the same too and fear that sitting to negotiate for anything less than maduro resigning after 2014 AND 2016's FIASCO (where the government got what they wanted but didn't keep their part of their deal) would end with people haphazardly taking the streets besides being political suicide.

if you ask me what's more likely to happen, I honestly don't know, but I've outlined the general situation for Holla Forums

I received the information that they'll be raiding lecheria tomorrow again, at 3 am, and this will be exclusively by GNB and CONAS agents, so beware. I'd say I trust this information by 75%

FOR Holla Forums
I don't know how far USA's sanctions will go(this along possible measure from EU, and MAYBE canada by how critical they've been) along with countries of the regions kicking venezuela out of mercosur(the only ally inside being bolivia), but I do know they don't like the situation one bit, in particular, cirgo's affair:

To renegotiate some bonds they couldn't pay, they of course increased the bounty, but also gave half citgo as collateral(which isn't worth the value of the bonds but w/e), and later, to ask for more money, they asked rosneft and mortgaged the other half of citgo.

As you may know, citgo is an oil refinery and if you know that you also know that rosneft is owned by russia's government, so of course, USA doesn't want the russian to have it (even if demofags screech that trump's administration is controlled by putin). USA has a very real fear Venzuela won't be able to pay its debtors, so it already stated that they wouldn't let russia have citgo(iirc this was said by senator rubio) and Russia seems to think the same as USA as, according to reuter, they're discussing their collateral and wanting to change citgo with oil fields in the country.

São Paulean here.

I lived in Venezuela for over two years.

Shit's fucked.

i assume those soldiers sell those toiletries for a significant profit

that is obviously a water pistol
those are obviously small water bottles

well, even a bunch of palestinians who were brought here with a scholarship from the government thought the same, and left after a few months, and this was 2 or 3 years back when stuff wasn't this bad(I think the only good thing chavez ever did was curse israel)

well, when they get shit for free it's all profit, though right now tp supply isn't as bad as it was last year. The funny thing is that I think that the male guards also get menstrual pads, 100% meant for them to resell

Again, the government is trying to sully opposition's name by saying they are in dialogue
and maduro said members of opposition asked to delay the constituent to participate in it

which, unless there's a troyan horse, is impossible:

don't assume their gender, bigot

well, there IS a "transfemenine" candidate to the constituent . However, I doubt he got surgery, not only because of his looks and how costly the operation would be, but also because he wouldn't be going for the student sector, he'd be going for the suicide sector.

I was going over the thread and this
made me remember this, yes, nigs gonna nig, but I want to point out niggers' obsession with jesus and violence, it can be seen in the pics of that post, and it can be seen in the article with:

there's some very twisted belief about god from nogs and I'd like to know if there's been some sort of study about the region of the brain in charge of this sort of thing. Chavez too declared himself bolivarian, catholic and marxist. Even though marx was both against bolivar and religion

Sorry for crapping up this thread with my negativity, but who knows, this might be a positive for someone.

Worrying about the constituent, Maduro's religion, and even the Supreme Court is worrying about the wrong stuff. What you need to worry about is banding together to physically suppress communists. The US broke from England over far, far smaller complaints than what you guys are worrying about. It's past time to complain; past even time to tar and feather. The fact that there aren't already large armed anti-government militias shows you guys have missed the boat really badly.

Your interest in governorship elections should mainly be focused on "how does this help the war." Interest in corruption in the army should also be focused on what impact it has on the war. Problem #1 is people didn't declare war years ago. I guess Venezuelans don't mind communist dictatorship badly enough to do something effective about it.

Just my 2c. Good luck.

no, worrying about the constituent would bring is worrying about the right stuff, if it were to be made, depending of what were to happen just after, there could be a civil "war". war into quotations because when very few people on one side have guns it'll be more like a massacre.

Army should be taken out of the equation as far as taking down maduro goes, I'm not saying everyone in the military supports the government, not at all. But the government has "sapos"(infiltrated) and a few officers (even retired) have been detained, the majority before even attempting anything, so the chance someone else will do anything is slim.

A war when only one side has guns is no war, is just a massacre. So I'm hoping it will be avoided altogether by the anc being cancelled at the very least.

the very best case scenario is the anc being cancelled(or "postponed"so the government can save face)and for us to keep protesting and not get complacent with that victory and going home

I'm not disagreeing. Essentially, though, what you say amounts to saying the other side already won. Which I also agree with.
If cancelled, Maduro can just devise a new tactic which the opposition will be unable to do anything about. What's the opposition going to do?

I'm not hearing much about any of the opposition doing anything that makes any difference. The situation as it already is, is WAY past unacceptable, and, leaders should have already been strung up because of it. The regime can probably keep this up for quite a while longer. If anything changes, it'll just be the people already inside it struggling over who gets to rape everyone else.

That's just my take. What I was trying to say is that the government is illegitimate, so, having protests over the exact form it's taking is missing the point. It must be overthrown. The communist militias should, at a minimum, have been treated as common criminals; now that you're on the precipice of existential crisis, they really just need to be killed. You're basically saying it can't be done. If that's really true, non-communists should all flee. You'll just get worn down and picked off gradually at the government's convenience otherwise.

I wouldn't say they've already won, they are on top and have the strongest weapon, yes. But the weapon is a double edged sword and it's still unknown if they'll actually risk brandishing it with the internal and external risks it poses. the spaniard zapatero came again to try and mediate between the parties(which in the past has been a rotund failure) and his term for the opposition was cancelling anc, regionals(governor elections) on december this year(funny how the government can arrange a constituent much faster…) and presidentials 2018 in exchange for cooling down the streets, supposedly the only party that accepted these terms was un nuevo tiempo(and honestly, they've seemed like a troyan horse for a while now) which means it's a no go as everyone one else rejected these terms. Terms that just means status quo, burns the oppositiontoward its base, and, no dobut will make a good part of the population feel helpless(there's such a thing as learned helplessness).

Recently one commie militia was killed(though I think it was accidental) and at this point people still leave them just beat up and tied, the population at large doesn't want to murder (which might or might not change with the constituent as all the stakes get higher) and the opposition doesn't want to call the shots either.

So basically right now, the best case scenario for the country and the population is a negotiated TRANSITION which isn't being offered right now, unfortunately I have no idea how likely it is.

Also, most important post of thread. If the troops turn, it's over.

Ahem, let's try again:

Also, most important post of thread. If the troops turn, it's over.

Who else thinks we need a new thread?

as the new thread got deleted…

so, yesterday US sanctioned 13 individuals, including the vice president

the government responded to it with prizing them with replicas of bolivar's (our liberator) sword. The replicas have long lost their symbolic power as they have even been gifted to dictators, like mugabe, but I guess achieving to be the only country with higher inflation than us is worthy of congratulating…

One of the sanctioned, the minister of jails(or was, until she resigned to become take part in the constituent), responded to the sanction with a middle finger and telling "yankees" to go to hell. Though she didn't seem mind spending her illegally obtained dollars in universal studios in years prior, seemed to enjoy it almost as much as taking photos with prison pranes

tanqueta*(armored vehicle) burned by the neighbors of chachopo in merida, as it was passing through and was going to timotes, which is still mourning the death of a guy killed yesterday during a protest. The officers got their shields, helmets and tear gas bombs taken from them and were forced to continue their way by foot.

*tanqueta is not the proper term for this vehicle, but that's what most everyone here calls it

avianca and delta airlines announced they'd stop flights from and to venezuela, other airlines have also already left the country

today was the closure of the campaign for the constituent, maduro addressed trump(as "mr emperator") and manuel santos in english in which I can only classify as a political stunt given the fact that maduro was a chancellor, and as such he should have a minimum of english knowledge. Also, you might notice the takes are rather closed, so I took the liberty of sharing a photo where you can actually see everything

avianca and delta airlines announced they'd stop flights from and to venezuela, other airlines have also already left the country

today was the closure of the campaign for the constituent, maduro addressed trump(as "mr emperator") and manuel santos in english in which I can only classify as a political stunt given the fact that maduro was a chancellor, and as such he should have a minimum of english knowledge. Also, you might notice the takes are rather closed, so I took the liberty of sharing a photo where you can actually see everything


Hamburger here is it even possible to arm yourselves? It sounds like your going to have to hypothetically start killing the goverment and their subsidiary forces and stealing their gear.

(In a self defense situation)

JUST IN: State Department orders family members of U.S. government employees at Caracas embassy in Venezuela to leave the country


Wew, lad

Fug. We regime change now.

A man can dream, user

sorry, there was a blackout yesterday and afterwards I didn't want to come and explain something I am not completely knowledgeable about, but here goes

the government made it very hard to own firearms legally, which would increase their price. However, as they've bought a lot of guns, and most people are going hand to mouth and as such have no money to buy them(and it's not unusual for officers to be killed by thugs to take their gun) the cost of guns is very likely cheaper here, but arming the general population would just be a pipe dream. But arming a handful of groups? that's completely possible.

The problem is as follows, the groups directly fighting against the PNB and GNB have destroyed the guns they've got their hands on. And anyway, if you were to start taking from officers, you'd have a limited pool of them to grab from on each march(just taking everything wouldn't be feasible) and you wouldn't be able to start using them right away, as you'd have to have enough to arm a couple of groups, and give them at least some handling and aiming instructions because if you went and killed some of them like that, they'd just go full force claiming they are murderers and not protesters and losing that chance, as thus far the government's strategy has been: wound and detain as many as you can, with some deaths here and there to scare the population but not have the international community saying "WE MUST DO SOMETHING".

the civilian sector with more guns is the one of store owners, I wouldn't know how many of them have a gun, but when you fear your store might get looted firearms become an investment.

if the resistance's thinking will change after the constituent we will have to wait and see


the minister of interior, justice and peace(yes…) announced from today to august 1st public manifestations are banned, otra raya mas para el tigre. Of course this isn't something that SHOULD be enforced if law was followed as public manifestations are a constitutional right.

let's recap a little bit, violinist got his violin destroyed by the police during a protest in may(he got one gifted to him afterwards).
then on july 18th he was detained for doing nothing, he was just playing his violin, he was released
he was then hurt 4 days ago by the tools of the police.
and now he's detained again

Colombia won't recognize the results of the constituent


government of the united states claims that aissami(the vp) had 500 million dollars in usa


GNB vehicle crashed into another, killing a civilian

electoral material has been burned in several cities

airfrance also suspended flights to venezuela until august 2n

EU threatens with sanctions for high ranking officials if they don't stop violence, free political prisoners and stop the constituent. This would be great, bye bye swiss money

the illegal tsj removes yet another mayor, they are ten now, all opposition, ofc. Gives him 15 months of jail for "disobedience". Already cited another mayor

Old woman was beat up by GNB during protests. "El honor es su divisa"

Maduro's wife's sons went to spain and spent between 30 and 40 thousand euros(roughlt between 1500 and 2000 months of minimum wage), as always, centralization of power and giving more and more assets to the government only results in more corruption

Good, no one should, but, REPRISAL against the government for even trying it. Up to and including extrajudicial killings. Stop recognizing the authority of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they do. Resistance should be organizing and seeking intelligence cooperation and aid from Colombia.

I guess we have to pass 700 first.

fuck off, user was providing info.

Well, today I went out to survey the city, found a group congregated at the GNB comando in las cocuizas, they were just cashing out selling their country. The government is paying 200 thousand bsf(a minimum wage)for those giving them a"1x10" list, which is a list with 10 people for the government to come pickup and move them to vote tomorrow, utterly disgusting.

I got back home to find no electricity, an hour after when it came back I was notified the there were burst blackouts(4 or 5 of them in succession before settling for the longer one at the end) and that damaged the pump that supplied water to the whole urbanization, now, 10 hours later there's water at some capacity, but only the fronts of the houses are getting any, it isn't reaching to the back of the houses or the upper floor.

more electoral material burned around, there are some places where a lot of the electoral centers were abandoned by the cne and some that were never installed to begin with, the idea is to have few places and have photos taken to show all the people voting!.

normally you'd have voting books to check if the person voting in your center is meant to vote there, but they aren't going to use them, so they can vote anywhere and however many times they want.

the violinist was also hit and had his hair burnt by the military, or so is denounced

as much as colombia doesn't want venezuela to go to shit as that'd mean a venezuelan exodus from which a significant amount would go to colombia(besides the one that are already there) , expecting them to equip and train dissidents from a different country really doesn't seem feasible

>>10315402 also, it actually happened that some "plan republica"(in charge of protecting the electoral centers) were jumped in and beat to take their guns, I can't find news for this but if I do I'll link

this is just a rumor, as unless you could read minds this would be impossible to prove unless they said it outright, but it seems they want to set diosdado as president of the constitutional congress, but from my part it'd also make sense to put escarra as he's probably the only lawyer in this whole sham

it was actually mentioned that there was a bug at the time on 8ch that made all the messages have the same id, so those are actually different people(if there's another thread up as old as this one, it should show the same problem)

it is well known guards are in cahoots with collectives (government paramilitaries) but it never was this blatant

now in merida resistance "conquered" a PNB commando(not sure if the right word), freed the protesters and left the police jailed

Why does his M4 look papier-mache?

recently a bunch of firearm wielding niggers in support of the government drove around a little town to scare the population, and I'm pretty sure those were fake as well. Leftists love to pose

They're all about looks and aesthetics, aren't they? someone's gotta be doing all the stuff for them if they're posing this much.

maduro:"the right-wing already has their (prison) cell. The first objective of the ANC(constituent) is tot seek peace and punish the agents of terrorism"

lo prometido es deuda

I was surveying the city. Sime electoral centers are closed, without militaries and just a handful of people sitting there and telling the few people coming to go vote to another center. This is done to try to congregate voters in less places and make it seem like there are a lot of people voting. However, the picture is clear, there are a lot less people than there were in the popular consultation and congress elections. Important to note I was surveying before 11am as the government told their "base" to vote before that hours, probably so they could localize and move to vote those who hadn't(so, most of the carnet de la patria holders still given the turnout)

for some reason the files weren't uploaded

more photos

supposedly el pollo caravajal, psuv deputy, ex head of DISIP(now known as SEBIN), drug trafficker and has even worked with las FARC. The same one detained at Aruba 3 years ago, in a case where surprisingly Venezuela pulled stronger than USA and they let it go, I don't know what venezuela offered aruba, but the point was the carvajal knew to much to let the gringos have him.

well, the point is that he supposedly was raided and they found guns in his house, that is the excuse. He recently spoke against the constituent, and so that's the reason, they want him under control before he rebels.

Also, her sister(mayor of caicara) reportedly left for mexico as this happened

top kek, after maduro voted and had his carnet de la patria scanned it said it was annulled or didn't exist
this guy takes credit for it >

explosive in caracas damges 3 PNB bikes and 2 civilian bikes

13 murdered in the last 24 hours.
government has placed snipers in barquisimeto
and caracas

Don't worry. An official announcement will say 9million 'patriots' voted

one of the murdered in tachira is 13 years old.
catholic fathers in merida ask the PNB to stop the killing >

peru won't recognize the constituent
argentina won't either
and panama
it's weird mexico hasn't explicitly done the same

I think they'll go with either 9.x or 10 million votes

Pic is the turnout for some of the government businesses by midday

people burn landing tracks on merida to avoid the landing of more planes with military

14 murdered today thus far

there's uncofirmed information that in ejido, merida, 27 persons have been killed by government forces. I repeat,t his is unconfirmed, and I hope it isn't true

When will you fucks start a civil war already? We want to close our borders with you because you ayayay spics are fucking up Roraima and Amazônia by increasing criminality and prostitution exponentially there with your refugees. I hope we can weaponize them and send them back as rebels, we're more than full already.

jesus christ, how can anyone lie like fucking this?
"the process will be extended to 7PM because there are a lot of people on queue", there's fuck all anyone voting, the numbers going around is 1.5 million with ~25% of the votes being null, they don't know how to try and attempt to inflate the numbers, looks like theyw ant to use images and videos from all elections as well

sorry brazil, but everything is harder when the only sane institutions are politically castrated by the rest of the regime and the brute force of the military(or at least I have the impression that your institutions seemingly work due tot he ongoing investigations on corruption)

Preto, the situation here is like this: we have that guy on your picture that is being held high and above as the saviour of the patria, yet he'll get his hands tied behind his back as soon as he gets the election done. There are not enough congressmen and executive-branch officials with a mind like this guy. We had in Rio his son compete as governor, and though he had an awesome record of double the votes he was expected to in his first important election, and his brother had record votes, it is not enough. People are not woke. What is going to happen is a huge clusterfuck. The Venezuelans are still at bay in Roraima, you have no idea what is going to happen when they reach Sao Paulo/Rio.

I know this is Venezuela thread, but by talking about its biggest neighbour, I'm letting Venezuelans know; you can't expect Brazil to help.

Personally I(and I don't think anyone else) is expecting anything from brazil, but them officially not recognizing the constituent would have been nice. I'm hoping that after tibisay drops the bullcrap of the "official" vote count I'll see more of us in the streets, and that along with international pressure be enough for them to decide to call it quits…

It won't be. Communists never relent when they have power. You're going to have to violently remove every single Marxist.

well, it worked with sandinistas, even though fidel wanted them to remain there anyway, we will see how it plays out. I don't want them out due to violence, because out side is mostly unarmed, and stealing enough guns to have a viable army would take a long time. Though we'll see what happens on the explosives front, there is this
suuposedly oscar perez(helicopter hijacker) might have his hands on this, having actual experience backing the resistance is invaluable but thus far he had done nothing of note(though he might also be behind an explosive set like a week ago, now that I think about it)

from the same person who came saying that today's turnout was unseen comes "there have been no death related to today's election" . Words fail me

European parliament won't recognize the constituent either

Costa rica won't recognize the constituent either

opposition announces that 2.5 million voted in the constituent, or 12% participation

What I informed earlier about el pollo caravajal's raid has been confirmed

paraguay has talked about telling the government to not do the constituent but they haven't explicitly said they wouldn't recognize its results. But they say that expulsion of venezuela from mercosur is imminent, so it's implied

Chile won't recognize the constituent either

Spain won't recognize the results of the constituent

Wtf I love Maduro now

DGCIM shot against PNB and GNB

At least 2 GNB officers wounded
- -
15 murdered today

oh shit nigga, I heard that here in monagas they still had electoral centers open until at least half an hour ago, 4 hours past the closure of them(and that was after EXTENDING it for "massive queues"), it seems that diosdado cabello, one of the biggest fish to fry in this revolution, had fucking lost. The government only cared about participation so the big shots didn't do too much publicity for themselves, and due to screen limitations the machines didn't show the names of the candidates, just numbers, so goddiven's hair lost and they are desperately trying to see what they can do to get enough votes to win. Top fucking kek

forgot to say, this info rolled a while back but apparently la mascara slash el amiguito de todos slash el hijo de maria(the mask/the friend of everyone/ maria's son) is winning against cilia (maduro's wife)as well.

his spot is embed related and his proposal was to be able to buy CLAP bags on credit?

called it, tibi finally decided to come out out just in time to announce the results just in time to denigrate the national anthem(for those who don't know at 12pm and 12am media has to play national anthem), however they didn't even let it play through and interrupted the anthem to have maduro to run a chain and call about muh imperialism.

Tibi's result was 8 millions, as I had already called

Then rejoice, because they kinda sorta did just that:

Sacaron mas votos que chabe en su peor momento y mágicamente se recuperaron de la contundente coñiza de la asamblea nacional hace 2 años.
chiabe bibe la lucha sige

A lo mucho votaron 3 vikingos piedreros con sed de miche: "Si va compa, vote que yo le pongo la botellita."

tu eres de hispachan,se quien eres!

We're so fucked I can't feel mad anymore.

adding to this. You know what's funny? after this event with "historic" participation, queues of people that forced the cne to extended the voting time fram…. I didn't hear anything not one fucking firework in celebration for these unseen numbers, this magnificent victory!fuck, No one i know in guarico, anzzoategui, sucre, merida,tachira and caracas heard anything either, not a fucking pip.

Also something I should have mentioned at midnight, but I couldn't take tibi's and maduro's bullshit anymore, was that even by midnight they didn't know how to sort of straighten up the the fraud:
she did NOT give the number of votes by state
she did NOT give the percentage by which the candidates "won"
and she did not fucking give the percentage of null votes

vid related, all THE PEOPLE congregated for such important victory!

m8, it was obvious they were going to cheat already, I don't know why you are feeling down from the obvious outcome.

I fear the opposition will have to split up its coalition, right now, this is THE MOMENT to change the cne rectors(who have long been expired), the comptroller and ombudsman due to their proven corruption and the president due to calling for this process. But with accion democratica, avanzada progresista and un nuevo tiempo inside the coalition this is very unlikely to happen, at such they such break off, call for the aforementioned measures and convoke people to the streets to show their support of this(well, dreaming is living)

Yeah, it was obvious. I'm not talking about this specific election, though, but the situation in general. maduro was added to the OFAC.

I think USA hasn't outlined what the sanctions will be, I think if they stop selling us oil would be more damaging for us than to stop buying us oil

the military police took both leopoldo and ledezma(both had house-for-jail, leopoldo only for a few weeks). Ledezma had released a video today talking about the things the coalition had been doing wrong(and I honestly hope they split and form a new group for the ones who want to name the institutions that should have been named months before). It's presumed they'll be sent to the military prison again, I guess with the constituent they somehow feel all mighty now.

Well it is a low level civil war already with IED's coming more and more popular. Or atleast videos of IED attacks in Venezuela showing up with increasing regularity in liveleak. If things go like they did with ISIS, infiltration of armed forces will follow, after which assasinations might come.

Ofcourse, the fundamental difference is that ISIS had Mossad backing and support probably. But from gorilla warfare perspective they did quite a few things right.Hi NSA, DHS and other alphabet-soup friends

Already happening in San Cristobal, for what I've been told from relatives there.
Honestly, shit can't hit the fan soon enough.

uk also removed the family of the embassadors from venezuela

spics get so riled up so easily, the CIA must be loving this



the carter center finally said anything against the electoral system and is against the constituent

A doctor from my city died of malaria, she had finished her 7 years of study, and by law she had to do the rural, which means the doctor has to sped 1 year working at some rural area. She was 12 weeks pregnant.

Malaria was something that was heavily curled before this regime, but it's been years since I last saw a fumigation job being carried. went from 44 thousand cases to over 250 thousand according to reports of public ministry(after 2 years of radio silence), ironically, I tried to get the report, and, usurprisingly, the whole site is down

On WHO's report for 2014, 37% of all the cases from latin america and the caribbean islands came from venezuela

forgot the link

Imagine being a bodybuilder in Venezuela right now.

Shut the fuck up, illeterate favelito. The Federal Police and the Army are already making plans to seal the border once shit breaks down. Plus the Brazilian Embassy in Caracas already asked for all Brazilians residing in the country to leave.

He's sure to run since the Supreme Court took too much of their time by caring too much about their banana politics and too little about their actual enemy, Bolsonaro. Now he's too popular, second in (((polls))) and influential to the point where if he's touched the population will flip. Plus he managed to find a party to make his, it has even made into the news already. It will be named PRONA.

Which is why there is something called ELECTIONS, dumbass. Recent polls even showed that over 80% of the people are going to vote for outsider candidates, plus Bolsonaro has founded a right-wing party/movement literally a few days ago and it is set to do a massive blitzkrieg throughout 2018, regardless if he wins or not the elections. I'm not even going to mention that he has literally over a million NEETs and teenagers fanatics working to him for free. Unlike Trump or Le Pen (had she won but france is too cucked and always has been) he has and army of outsider candidates for all spheres. All is set to victory next year.

He ran as a mayor candidate and he didn't won because another sectarian candidate decided to run as well and since Rio is the homeland and capital of his pagan-tier Christian sect stole his votes. As a result he didn't win but scored literally twice what the polls indicated, other bionic candidates stole votes from him because people thought that he wasn't going to win due to the fake polls. Although I'm fairly certain after that happened and the Trump elections people couldn't give a single shit to them today, even moreso when shit is breaking apart and that all traditional establishment oligarchies are set to die in 2018.

They are waking. Bolsonaro is leading in Rio of all places. It's like Trump leading in California but worse.

They won't. These places are literally thousands of kilometers away and people are'nt very friendly to foreigners and let alone commies.

Stop being delluded and reading shit like G1 or Uol.

it's sad to see lula so high up

That was before his conviction, it's way lower now.

chilean commies beat and rob venezuelans protesting the constitutional fraud in front of a venezuelan embassy in chile

what the fuck is up with leftist and wanting to take someone else's shit.

Also, it seems USA will hand more sanctions to individuals, the new list seems to be about 50 persons. I don't have any hard sources yet, so I guess I'll leave it as a rumor.

european parliament president asks to freeze assets and deny entry to venezuelan officials

good to know

I wasn't expecting this, but smartmatic itself is calling fraud. by 5:30pm(closure is at 6pm) there were 3.7 million votes, this likely includes the votes carried the day before the election(but I'd guess it doesn't count the votes after election) and as they can only see the number of votes and not their validity they include the votes from people who voted several

also, I'm just throwing this out here because I don't know why, but the government approved 56 billions bolivares destined to smartmatic, but we already had the machines, so it couldn't have been that, and we also paid 40 millions bolivar to some company to check on the machines, so the smartmatic payment couldn't have been for that. so what gives?

they also aren't leaving any chances, the managers of smartmatic in the country left already, I guess this is why they didn't announce the fraud right away, they didn't want the same treatment the US mormon received

ok, I should correct what I said, the data of the cne was acquired by reuter, so that 3.7 figure is from them. Smartmatic said there was fraud and that there was AT LEAST a 1 million votes discrepancy

tibisay la obscena was going to talk at 12pm, it's already 12:12 and still nothing. I guess she'll either blame smartmatic(we dindu nuffin), or call them traitors of this revolutionary process!!

This is so fucking hilarious I can't even concentrate on my damned work

1 million voters discrepancy. NOT votes.

Now let's see how many of those voters voted more than once

unfortunately smartmatic can't see that, that ball is on cne's court, and they didn't have ink, voting books or nonpartisant witnesses, so we know the answer to that

I had to go out for a bit, and I can't find anything about what tibisay said, it seems she only gave the credentials to the "winners" and decided to completely ignore the fraud that was pointed out by both smartmatic and reuters

pol neocon

What a funny world

"the services of smartmatic aren't determinant for electoral results" so we care going the cara e' tabla route

Poor Doggo

so, collectives have been besieging congress since the anc, and at the end it was the guards who took the parliament for the anc

Director of CICPC monagas renounced because of the ANC(constituent)

Maduro delayed the illegal installation of the constituent congress, it was supposed to be tomorrow, but it was delayed to friday for no known reason

Maduros asks 30 years(in prison) for opposition against the ANC. Also backs the results saying the process was transparent(and no, the results haven't even been uploaded to cne's page yet)

The illegal tsj sanctions yet another opposition mayor (and with this dirty cne and tsj a part of the mud wants to go to regional elections, no words)

Tillerson( who by the way was the ceo of exxon when chavez fucked them) says he wants to create the conditions or "we can return the government processes back to their constitution"

though my problem with what fitzpatrick said:
He says america won't recognize an hypothetical parallel government from congress, that they prefer to keep the dialogue with maduro, and this makes me think one of the following:

At the end it'll probably depend on what they think would allow for better stability in the country, whether we are eating shit or not is of no concern for them. At lest, these are the two things I can think of but wouldn't mind hearing someone else's opinion in the matter

man fired after 5 years of work because he didn't participate in the ANC fraud
the government cares not that he has a physical discapacity.

Enemies of the revolution must be purged, I guess; it is time to IMPOSE PEACE, PEACE, PEACE!

Prosecutor general says they started investigating the electoral council rectors over the fraudulent results, and that one of them is tied with odebretch.

Also said that her daughter and grandson were kidnapped recently(they were already recovered).

information is going around that the collectives won't take the congress building because none of their representatives won in the ANC, top kek. This is likely why shit was postponed by maduro.

And you won't find this on the news, but my brother talked with other doctors, and almost all of the postgrades residents(35) were "dismissed" from a hospital in caracas because they didn't go vote, and replaced with MIC(medico integral comunitario)who are one of the worst things to happen to this country, they graduate in less than half the time of a real doctor and know fucking nothing, they are a liability and doctors have to clean up after their mess constantly, the mess affecting their patients of course; they are so shit I'd rather they got money for not working because at least they wouldn't be directly damaging someone's health.

Almagro is calling for an urgent meeting in the OAS about venezuela

the NGO pana voto collected coercion to vote from more than 30 governmental entities

comptroller in-habilitated another opposition politician

Here it can be seen how divided is the opposition regarding the regionals, but it seems the "no regionals" side has more weight

Thanks for all the updates I swear there's a blackout on this in the states

SEBIN outside ledezma and leopoldo's house, probably trying to plant shit on them

CICPC killed 5 collectives

the opposition mayor of libertador, merida, replaced by councilor after sentence of the illegal TSJ

pic related is the nigger that killed the 13 yo boy in capacho (iirc, he shot him on a building's roof with a sniper)

makes it easier for me to find relevant news as well, because there are so many sometimes it becomes really hard tof ind something that is a few months or even a few weeks old

Too many cianiggers in that part of town user. Unless you're data-mining or a kike that's planning on supplying both sides.

which the cianiggers will probably eventually start doing once the langley boys feel the time is right according to their playbook

Ukraine 2.0. Orange revolution 3? The US has been fucking around in South America since Escobars' days. What makes you think they've stopped or pulled out ever? You really believe the shit the US media says anymore? Just look at the track record. Trump is irrelevant when it comes to the running of the underground, be it drugs, trafficking or whatever the fuck is on sale or there to be stolen. Look at the fucking presidential yacht and the amount of coke coming in, nevermind what country it's from. This is the US playbook on a soft sell. Syria, Iran, Afghan/Middle east was a hard sell with many complications involved. Create a power vacuum, place corrupt men/stoke fires, divide and conquer. Zero fucks for humanity given.

definitely, let's just see:
chavez created a lot of mixed enterpises, meaning oil fields where transnational worked along with pdvsa, this meant less money received by a given amount of oil, but more money in the short term because the output would be higher, as to have more money for gibs to have the population at his side.

Also set the price of the dollar as having fixed exchange rat eon the hands on the government allows for easily stealing.

expropriated a lot of land and enterprises and slowly(in some cases not so slowly) withered them away, requiring more imports(even if it'd mean problems mid to long term), meaning more currency exchange, meaning more money for the government(at the cost of the country).

disarm the civilian population at the same time you give weapons to people in los barrios so they become a paramilitary at your service when you want to scare the opposition without having the violence directly linked to the authorities.

All of this while destroying the judicial system ending up with one of the highest murder rate of the world.

All of this along with uncontrolled printing of money, and fixed prices for products causing high inflation.

And after all the ingredients in this recipe shoot down a recall referendum to kick the president out with votes, then beside the fact that an illegally named tsj declared majorly opposition congress in contempt also go and do a coup against them by usurping their powers, then when protests start star wounding, detaining and killing protesters as well as processing hundreds of them under a military court as the public ministry will no longer do your bidding(nevermind that said civilians had to be presented over a civilian court). However, as these measures were insufficient to cool down the streets, Illegally call for a constituent where there was no previous consultative referendum and also had a sectorial vote where they declared people from x sector basically had more votes than other, for example people part of the communes had an extra vote, and people studying in government universities had more representatives in the constituent than students from autonomous universities. And along with the illegal election go and threathen public employees, pensioners and even business owners to go vote in a process where there was no ink, no voting books and no control whatsoever over the validity of the votes, extend the electoral process even though the electoral centers are empty because even with the threats few people went to vote and announce an inflated result that even your base won't belive(results at haven't even been published in the electoral council's website) and due to all of this a lot of countries in the region and in europe decided to not recognize the results from this process, which puts pressure into the government.

With all of this information it is very easy to figure out that this is the work of the cia; trivial, in fact. You only need to connect the dots to figure out that CHAVEZ WAS PLANTED BY THE CIA TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY SO USA COULD COM AND INTERVENE YEARS LATER……………..

hundreds of cards of the fatherland found >
they were dumped along with electoral material, and they were issued….the very same day of the fraudulent elections and then disposed off


Thank you for reminding us that some people here are just fucking stupid.

Media lefties are unwilling to admit where leftism leads to. Venezuela should actually be one of the biggest news stories in the West right now, with daily coverage. This problem goes back to the 1930s when the New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for deliberately lying about the Holodomor.

how come color revolutions only ever happen in states not allied to the US?

Sorry that your commie paradise is as always failing.
