Jared Kushner Didn't Disclose Dealings With George Soros


Its time to get this kike and Princess Ivanka out of the WH for good.

Other urls found in this thread:


About time, I want him and Ivanka out. Bad influence on Trump

My only worry is that Princess Ivanka is gonna try as hard as she can to keep him in.

Can this guy get any worse? Holy shit.

But wait it gets better. The Office of Government Ethics practically forced Ivanka to be hired as a government employee. So now because of that, she is being subjected to ethic and conflicts of interest.


the kike has got to go and soros needs to be brought up on treason charges.

Soros is already getting fucked big time in Poland and Hungary. If anything Hungary is gonna get him first.

Didn't Putin put out a bounty for him or was that fake?

Kushner is a giga-kike and this information needs to be spread to everyone who'll listen. The foundation of Kushner's parents has donated millions to various Israeli and West Bank organizations. Kushner and a few of his siblings sit on the board of this foundation. Kushner also sits / sat on the Friends of the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), which provides support to the Israeli military. This kike NEEDS to go at all costs. Jewish influence is too strong within the White House. Too bad Trump is best goy.


And drumpf is coming to pass a bill that looks like something obama wrote up, wait he did.

what does it mean if Trump doesn't fire him completely?

Remember that both Kushner and Jim are affiliated with Freemasonry.

Part 1: archive.is/NlVOe
Part 2: archive.is/AxgBy

/polk/ board

We should get another hashtag going, kikes will try to sweep this under the rug. The very fact that the left will ignore this proves the kike is in it with them, and that the deep state type cunts are controlling Trump through Kushner.

I have no doubt in my mind Jimbo was getting paid off by Kushner

Fake unfortunately.
But maybe one day…

Meanwhile Trump does nothing aboutnit and continues shilling for israel and doin what neocohens do

After this image surfaced, not really.

Precisely this. Kushner is only a drag on the Trump administration and liberals aren't going to eliminate their guy on the inside. If we can get him out of the White House then more influence Will be in the hands of Bannon and Miller.

Any suggestions on a good hashtag?


I have a few questions about this. Trump is, it's assumed, highly redpilled. He was even the one who started the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" meme. So he had to know that:
and lastly

Another hashtag could be helpful if we found something catchy. The real question is whether Trump himself is compromised. I've had my suspicions at least since AIPAC


the word is getting around:
Jared Kushner disclosure form left out stake in tech startup Cadre …
MarketWatch-1 hour ago
Jared Kushner left a lot off his financial disclosure
New York Post-4 hours ago
Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter …
Business Insider-3 hours ago
Jared Kushner Reportedly Failed to Disclose Stake in Real-Estate …
New York Magazine-2 hours ago
Jared Kushner didn't disclose stake in Cadre, $1B in loans: report
The Real Deal Magazine-5 hours ago
George Soros, Who Pays Every Trump Protester Personally, Also …
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-1 hour ago

Will he get the Flynn treatment?

That's a good one. #FireKushner is still effective as well.

[citation needed]

That meme started organically as an argument that would pop up in 9/11 discussion, the official story says fire burned the tower down, and that embers went through the windows in tower 7 to burn it down, too. Thats impossible, because jet fuel cant melt steel beams, is the meme. The actual full blown origin of that however, is that there were pools of molten metal for days (I think weeks actually) afterwards, found in the wreckage. Jet fuel can weaken steel beams until they give way, but they can not - melt steel into molten pools. Thermite type stuff does that.

It means Trump is either a pussy, a traitor or has a gun to his head.

Thanks for the infograph, I was looking for it.

They aren't his only bad influences.

Pretty sure that he isn't the "top advisor".

Indeed, check these out user.

Flynn was outted for less. Ots time for this kike to get gone.

FFS, he's the one who wants to tear apart the government, (((Kikebart))) references aside.

By whom?

topkek, it took me a while to grasp but that was quite a smart move by Trump.


It's theater. Bannon is a neocohen masquerading as a populist. Nobody involved with Kikebart (or Goldman Sachs) is on our side.


Your comment is good, but you unnecessarily discredit yourself by posting that image. That image was used extensively by very blatant intellectually dishonest shills for months. People will see you using that image and ignore the TRUE information in your post.

Same thing goes for all you other commenters who have taken to using "DRUMPF".

It sure is Meguca in here

Kill yourself nigger

I don't care which version he's running. If he wants the government to implode, that's awesome. You fuckers still need to grasp that words and actions may differ. If he's masquerading but doing actual shit, that's good, not bad.

What good is he doing?

So the OGE knowingly approved her, even though she never signed any paperwork. Now this gets even more interesting. OGE knew for a fact she didn't sign any paperwork, yet they still approved her for the job.

In light of how the Trump administration has been staffed and how its priorities are unfolding, there doesn't seem to be anything "intellectually dishonest" about it at all.

(((MSM))) constantly runs hitpieces on him, saying how horrible he is for promoting cuts on the goverment funding. True or not, he spouses the correct idea.

There is nothing intellectually dishonest about this post:

However there was a great deal of intellectually dishonest shilling using that image in the past year. A lot of it was done by schizophrenic flat earther Sinead. Not every argument against Trump is a good argument, there are many intellectually dishonest arguments. And many of those intellectually dishonest comments were posted in conjunction with that image.

If you want to be effective when communicating a message critical of Trump, don't use that image. You're only sabotaging yourself by using it.

Having trouble following the post IDs, fellow oldfag?


You don't have any content to your argument. You don't like the image, but the image has been accurate thus far. The logical takeaway there would be that you're the one being intellectually dishonest.

No, I noticed that you weren't the same poster. I was using "you" in a more abstract sense there, anybody who uses that image will unnecessarily discredit themselves. I'm sorry if you found that phrasing awkward, but poor phrasing doesn't negate my point.

And he also reads Evola and camp of the saints.

Real estate deals are very often used as legitimate business covers for illegitimate dealings. You think Jared Kushner was only paying for the building?

Publicly televised execution for treason when?

Have you forgotten the fact that Trump has whored his daughter to him? And the mountain of things which solidify that the American government is absolutely jewish?

…..this must be a joke.

Furthermore, I AGREED with the contents of that post. I was offering helpful advice in conveying the message. If anybody want to effectively communicate that idea, it will help post images used extensively by shills. That's not intellectual dishonestly, that's just common sense memetics. Images carry associations and reputations, the reputation of that image is that it's used by shills.

Unfortunately, never. Trump will stay loyal to this kike, even though he's just an in-law.

>it will help to not post images used extensively by shills.

That was fake news. He said that Putin was inspired by Dugin, who in turn was inspired by Evola. That's the extent of his "Evolianism"/

So did William F. Buckley Jr., so I guess the National Review and the Neo-Cohens are /ourguys/ too?


I wish I could say I disagree.

The gematria of his name is disconcerting and confusing. I can only say I suspect there is much more going on behind the scenes than we seriously suspect.

1) Good guy theory

Jared Kushner is the leader of the Illuminati, but he wants to bring it to an end. This is in opposition to many of the most powerful factions and interests operating in this world. He is using his inside knowledge of mind control programming, and its extent, to change global conditions for the purposes of achieving this individual goal. This requires him to work through many MC victims, helping them to realize their own origins and giving them the tools necessary to use their powers for good to banish Satanism.

2) Bad guy theory

Jared Kushner is the leader of the Illuminati, and he is the Anti-Christ being set up to oppose the true Christ of the Second Coming. He will use Trump to systematically impoverish the global masses. Artificial famines, wars and rumors of war, nuclear false flags, staged alien invasions and/or meteors, etc. Things are about to get VERY interesting. Just when the masses are at the breaking point, they will offer a false salvation, a deal with the devil meant to enslave humanity to the Jews/Reptilians/Greys whatever for eternity.


Jared Kushner played a leading role in the digital media strategy, which was effective in turning many thousands of young men into dedicated shills for the entire election campaign. Also, curiously, many of these young men I know this was experienced by many others here were somehow completely blind to Trump's clear flaws, especially his associations with Kushner himself. Interesting, that we were all blind to the very person running the digital media campaign, which would have obviously most affected us.

'Make America Great Again' was pure hypnotic mind control trigger. The word 'great' Masonry makes a big deal about 'Greatness'. Don't believe me? Just check out the gematria associated with it.

Could be a deliberate means of Burning Kush. What happens when the kikes focus fire on own of their own?

Merely a coincidence!
(((Sorros))) just invested in Jareds real estate venture because it was a good business opportunity, not because it bought Jareds loyalty to the lefts cancer.

it's solid cover for Trump. his beloved daughter Ivanka, who he dotes on, gets targeted and wifed by the kike-iest of kikes, complete with direct Soros ties and indirect rothschilds ties. Trump knows the game, so instead of trying to root out the mole, he keeps him close, allowing him to keep a close eye on him in the process. if you know there's an enemy spy in your midst, it's often better to avoid exposing/removing the spy and instead feed the spy disinformation.

this lines up with a lot of the (((noise))) coming from (((sources))) in the WH, such as with the now-nearly-forgotten "Bannon is done" narrative, as well as other (((leaks))) that have come from the WH. Trump could very well be feeding Kushner and a few others most likely false info, or else leading them on much in the way he leads the media on to their own demise. remember, the God Emperor is a master at giving people enough rope to hang themselves with.

if what I say is true, Kushner won't be "out" per se, but he will be relegated to a largely ceremonial role, probably with an official sounding title but with little actual power. meanwhile, Ivanka will be kept busy chasing her tail about any number of inane and ultimately unimportant causes, with the occasional equivalent of an empty airfield being bombed should she turn on the waterworks and fail the "doe-eyed child" test again.

trump is likely much more aware of this than any of us. why not just keep kushner close so that he can keep an eye on him at all times? and in the meantime trump can be gathering enough information to justify removing him when the time comes. you have to be strategic about these things. not everything can just be brute forced by one man right out of the gate

Straight off to the helicopter you go.

keep your friends close, enemies closer?


Time to stop lad.


t. nu/pol/

Kill the kikel in every way regarding business. Leaving them to spin more 6 gorillion lies is suspect but making them feel the strife and scared of what being a true white male is a cocktail party.

Dont you have some other place to be meguca?


what blows me away is, every fucking time the US military does jack shit to protect the United States

Here's an updated version

NatSoc ideals are older than Hitler yet very Germanic. Look at all the nations of great banter that have been muted by modern politics. The children are a beehive already learning from imageboards.


Why put kushner in any gov. position at all? oh wait…

((( )))

Kill the animal from every front. It is not human.

Please you fucking nigger, your bait is stale.
Maybe you would have a better time at one of the Holla Forums honeypots.

I should have known…

You may as well be regarding niggers as on par with yourself. Kikes are much worse, direct thieves of culture. Ruin them wherever they attempt to get a foothold.

Something wrong lad?

There is nothing more smug than being a proud German male. With community level culture that the nips still covet. They will never be close to this. And what me and mine are doing. It has flared all across the world and they cannot contain it.

I already feel the warm blood on my hands. Where are the psychers?

I don't know, you tell me.

My name in the gematria literally translates to Adolf Hitler for the first result. Feels good man.

Well that first infograph falls on its face because, in opposition to what it claims will happen, Trump denied the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Fuckin kikes man. Time to boot that backstabbing yid. Ivanka has to let it go or she's going to sink herself too.

Bon voyage, kike goblin!

Gematria is completely bogus dude. It means absolutely nothing. There are an infinite number of words or phrases that map to any given number. You can make it say anything you want. Those websites don't do anything but reflect what other people have already searched.

No user, Trump said that jetfuel can't melt steel beams literally the day of the attacks right after the buildings collapsed. not sure if he was the FIRST to say it, but he was damn well one of the first. Find the interview trump gave to the MSM on the day of the attacks.

The fucker needs to be purged!

Top story on the Times of Kikestan right now.

fuckin hell, I can't tell what's shilling and what's not anymore. Trump is a step in the right direction especially as compared to jeb, hillary, or obama, but eventually we need to stop waiting and actually find a hitler to put in office.

3456892975663599898745643456892975663599898715948984948984948984944564345689298984947566359989874564345689297560900023130112001246359989874564364345689297566359989874564345689297566359989874564345689297566359989874564348984948984948984942223534555689297566359989874564345689297566359989874564345689297566359989874564345689297566359989874564D chess, Trump is still our Hitler.

Just go chew on a powerline already.

Applying gematria to just any name willy-nilly won't mean anything. The difference is that we have a lot of reason to believe Jared's name was chosen specifically for its associations in gematria.

1) He's a Jew
2) He's born to the elite
3) He bought the building at 666 Fifth Avenue for way more than it's really worth (as in, he was paying for more than the building)

In Jared's case, priors strongly suggest that his name was chosen very intentionally, as a way to signal to others savvy with gematria. At the very least, it should be seen as a lead.

How long has your asshole been sore for now? The Republican primaries?

Hey leftypol

I sure hope that's not coincidence. DESTROY ISRAEL! NUCLEAR IRAN!

Why do shills say that Kushner owns Holla Forums when the mods sticky anti-Kushner stories?



Every chan hates the Holla Forums board. MODS=GODS

even the anime one


Gematria? No. It's a standard kike name. Gematria is completely bunk.


He's the real president it seems. Good luck. Too bad Trump has dementia and can't go it alone.

By our digits he shall be thrown out on his ass.

We need to push this to the normies, emphasizing the jew part. Don't have to be completely anti-semitic, but plant the seed in their hatred for trump and the antisemitism will follow


This jew might be the worst human on the planet.

Predictable as always.

Quit being a whiny niggerfaggot ban evader and just go to the fucking board dedicated to your pet topic.

As predictable as a broken record.

Read the art of the deal faggot. Considering doesn't equate a follow through and implies he's stringing them along.

If anyone sees reddigg defending this, please link it here so we can pile in.
we didn't vote for kushner + soros
Ivanka (didn't vote for either) wants to let refugees in like clinton

T_D willhate those faggots if they learn that

It is user, it is.

Okay idiot shill, let me explain how they use gematria.

Gematria is not in any way mystical. It is a mathematical device for coordinating between the elites. It is a way for (((them))) to slyly indicate what a specific person has been prepared for. It isn't as if Jared's parents picked his name, and then coincidentally it turned out to have these associations - they knew ahead of time it would have these associations in gematria, that's exactly why they picked it.

It's only bunk if you think it's supposed to be mystical. Hiding stuff in plain sight like this is their standard modus operandi. What do you think good guys at FBI were trying to show us by leaking the Pizzagate shit to us?

So to repeat, where you have a

1) Jew
2) born to extremely wealthy elite parents
3) who (((coincidentally))) ends up in a position of great authority
4) and just happens to own the building at 666 Fifth Avenue

You have a lot of evidence to tell you that a gematria of that person's names will be… illuminating. Elites do not choose names for their children on a whim. The names of their children are invested with meaning, unlike your own or any other nigger's.

God damn it it never ends

So? George Soros is also a business partner of Donald Trump's (Soros invested $120 million in Trump Tower Chicago), Peter Thiel was one of Donald Trump's biggest campaign donors (Thiel donated $2+ million to both of Trump's super PAC's), and Goldman Sachs has a very close relationship to Donald Trump (Trump has hired at least 5 different high-ranking Goldman Sachs executives for his presidential administration, including the president/COO of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn).

This is not very good shilling.

I never noticed what a scrawny little fuck he was, how do you reach adulthood and look like a twig? I had more muscle mass when I started middle school. Also

more info on Cadre?

What are you doing?

Didn't you notice that it never stuck?
Just fuck off.

Knowing about those ties it's more likley that he'll stay inside unless the Don decides to wipe the board completly clean.
And depending on how much influence his daughter has on him, that might be next to impossible.


Someone post the Cadre infograph


Ivanka: "Yes Trump and I had sex" (Wheter it's true or not, it can be devestating)

Maybe this is the blackmail on Trump and why he keeps that Sephardi Kushner onboard.

Chabad out. Orthodox kikes out. Christians in. Trump needs more Christians instead of kikes around him.

Literally Hitler, nice!


>We're not locked in here with you, kikes
>You're locked in here with us

I've thought that maybe he can't get rid of him for no reason without looking anti-semetic, so he put him in positions of power and made him responsible for things that no human being can reasonably be expected to succeed in. That way, he has a valid excuse to eject him when he screws up in virtually everything he does. What's more, is that Jews don't like the spot light. They like goys to do the work for them so that they aren't outed with the inevitable push-back; Trump has turned Kushner from a potential puppeteer into a fall-guy by putting him in the spotlight.

Trump reeks of controlled opposition from here to Tel Aviv


This requires two stickies why?



Horseshit. A 999 saved my life.

Wheree's the lastest Fresh Oliver?
orr are you still to buttblasted by Trumps win?
Guess beating the chessmaster at his own game proved to be a bit too much for you .

Aww imkikey you know bans don't work when you have tor :^)
I would might of been annoyed if this kike board wasn't dying because you turned it into mitchells timeline.

When drumpfcucks come at me I give them one of these

Good infographics, but the point they push is retarded.

Even during the early primaries, no-one believed he was literally hitler. Or anything more than a stepping stone for that matter.

get fucked malfag


And therein lies the problem…

Made a better edit cause I am fucking bored.

Pretend I'm doing 4d chess and you'll love any stupid shit I post :^)

Pretend I'm doing 4d chess and you'll love any shit I post :^)

Pretend I'm doing 4d chess and you'll love any shit I post :^)

Lemons maltard, the lemons.


Why do some Holla Forumsacks defend Bannon? None of you faggots knew or cared about him before the election. He's as scummy as the rest of the staff. He doesn't want to "tear apart the government." Take your pills and go to bed.

You have to go back.

the_donald wants you back

Hey faggot,

guess who else """reddit spaces"""?

Huh, really makes you think.

Friendship ended with Trump

Now Hitler is my best friend

miller is a good guy who wants to stuff up the press' lyingmouths.


People that cry about civic nationalism are the same retards without an ounce of foresight. They are on step one, crying that they can't go straight to step five saying that steps two, three, and four are the end goals. In other words, leftycucks stirring shit up and plain ol' stupidity.

Civic nationalism is just the White Wale of conservatism. Civic nationalism is what he conservatives have been for the past 100 years. It's not groundbreaking. It's not pushing the overton window. It's literally the same shit that reagan and the cuckservatives have been spewing since forever. It won't lead to ethnic nationalism. It will just lead to a nationalistic brazil full of mongrels and mudbloods.

I really didn't want to have to fight a civil war /pol./ I just wanted to be left alone to tend to my business and raise a family eventually. Why can't they just fucking leave us in peace?

They're too greedy and cannot allow a single person to exist that is not under their control. The hilarious part of this is that their very greed is their undoing since the only people who would sperg out enough to fuck with them are us, the very autists who would've been content to have been just left alone to live in comfort.

r u being ironic…


normies now from the beginning (pic related). It was forbidden to talk about it here. This is (probably) the last place to talk about it. Now it is sticky because everybody else knows and there is no point in banning people for talking abuot it…Think about that….


forgot pic.

Trump Adviser Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose Startup Stake
Investments show ties to Goldman Sachs, George Soros and Peter Thiel as well as a number of loans

President Jerry Kosher and Ivankike run the country now. Sad!

Check those dubs. :^)