If Ashkenazi Jews were a separate race from the rest of the Europeans, then why not Slavs and Finns? I think there's quite a decent amount of visible genetic differences too between Anglos, Germs, Nordics, and (especially) Paddies. Then there are Italians, Spaniards, and Greeks that obscure the line between Europe and Mideast.
If Ashkenazi Jews were a separate race from the rest of the Europeans, then why not Slavs and Finns...
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make that thread on cuckchan
Jews fuck over Europeans because they're goyim. Jews have a sense of exclusion and work with Russians to push communism so that the gullible goys starve themselves.
Divide Et Impera, Stupid Goym.
My intention is the opposite of divide et empera, I'm questioning the bizarre racial exclusion.
And Holla Forums doesn't?
Why aren't niggers Europeans then? You're not making sense.
Go to the QTDDTOT
Oh look another divide and conquer thread.
Fuck off you filthy anti white kike.
Enjoy your ban, cuckchan. Scottish and Irish are nearly the same, youre retarded. Makes no mention of Welsh, the most distance of the isles. That picture is an anti-Irish propaganda poster originating in home rule era, when England talked about giving Irish people Canadian tier control over their country. The Unionists distributed propaganda, and that was it. Youre literally pushing anti-white propaganda.
If I had the choice, youd be executed instead of just banned.
Kikes are Kike Supremacists. Europeans just want nationalism; confederation/decentralization instead of federation/centralization. Anybody that shills supremacy instead of nationalism is a globalist on par with kikes.
Exclusion is fine. It's when you support the imperialism of one over another when it becomes a problem. Then you become just like kikes.
Because all the European groups are clustered together more closely with each other than the ashkenazis - which are somewhere in the middle between some of the mediterranean whites and northwestern semites like the Lebanese and Syrians. Furthermore, the extremely tribal, dispersed position of the kikes, their control of the financial system and media for the gain of their own bastardized race and their high intelligence makes them an existential threat.
This is a 2013-JIDF tier thread, you nigger.
Finns are not pathological parasites, they're just grump and stoic.
Besides, the other whites kinda WANT the finns to be white.
Because jews are from the middle east and Irish have lived in Ireland since at least Roman times. One is European, one isn't.
1) Because Slavs and Finns are Europeans.
2) Because Jews have 0 clay in Europe, ergo Jews are not European.
Half of what makes Jews what they are is their cultural training. Hebrew school. That's where they learn the dual morality, the in-group language and shibboleths.
The other half is what I call "the Jew Gene". It's a trait that makes the person a scheming, underhanded cheat by nature. I know four Jews who were separated from Jewish culture at a very young age; either by early parental divorce or being orphaned. These Jews never got the cultural indoctrination. Two of them got the Jew gene, and are stereotypical Jewish shysters. It's just their nature. The other two are normal working class people who behave decently.
It's actually kind of sad to see what happens to Jews with the Jew Gene who don't have the cultural training and tribal connections. Like watching a leech pulled from the river, dying on a dry shore. They're always running pitiful scams that never profit them anything. One ended up in prison. The other is a 45 year old man living in a basement with the detritus of his failed schemes. You can tell the Jewish behavioral traits don't work if they're not in a group. They need swarm tactics for the parasitism to be successful.
All four of these people I know look like Jews, with the hair and facial features. But the behavior doesn't seem tied to the other physical traits. I think this is how cryptos work, where you have Jews who don't lookl like Jews but are totally kikey in their behavior. They have a gentile parent they're lucky enough to get normal European features from, but the Jew Gene slips in there, giving them the ability to jew in stealth mode.
What's with all the shitty non-Holla Forums threads lately ?
-take the surrogacy pill
-ashkenazis are not a separate race
-look what plebbit said Holla Forums
Is this the new face of Rach's "Slavs aren't white"?
Are jews even human? Let alone a seperate race
because slavs are much closer to other europeans than are jews.
also, other europeans and slavs all descend from the same proto-indo-european race. jews don't.