Plebbit dysinfo story of the day
Upvoted by yours truly the CIA. They're trying to shape consensus for a war methinks.
Plebbit dysinfo story of the day
Upvoted by yours truly the CIA. They're trying to shape consensus for a war methinks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most upvoted story some cuck about his viet uncle.
Nigga wut?
You can't take meth through your nose, fucking retards.
You made this post for this shitty pun.
You deserve a ban for that.
See screenshot upvoted with 45k votes to the frontpage - this shitty ((Vice)) story is an obvious manipulation attempt.
Come to think of it I should make a thread on ((Vice)) as well. It's a LE EDGY manipulation medium that makes zero shekels made solely to speed up the downfall of western civilization by spreading as much POZ stories as possible and molding millennial opinions.
They're trying to gain a foothold in China and Japan as well.
It's just a faggy way of saying I think. Not surprising considering OP had to be a plebbitor to see this. Ban worthy but an interesting PSYOP as well.
CIA plz go
Not defending Kim "I sell nukes to Iran and love the Klan" Jong-il
I should be gassed for mobile posting
I was indifferent to nuking Best Korea but if it'll stop these shit, pro-commie bullshit threads I'm all for it.
yes you can
Not sure how it's pro commie. They're halfway to Chinese capitalism already.
Yeah, this is pre-war propaganda. Even if it's true, what's the motivation for telling people about it now? It's war propaganda.
Halfway to 5 year plans, state price controls, no free speech and skimming grease off of sewer water to cook street food in?
mean while
idk what to believe from you kikes
Typical kike projection tricks Schlomo.
Ya and end up with a nosebleed, only "works" because its a form of amphetamine, has the same effects as amphetamine through your nose.
wow I didn't know that thanks for the heads up my fellow channer xD
so exactly the same except faster than pills
wtf are these retarders smoking?
I'm so glad I stopped wasting so much of my time on Reddit even if it was just looking for porn and shilling my website. What a terrible place it is and always has been.
Link or gtfo.
Why the fuck would we care that they're killing themselves? Surely there's a better cover story than that?
This is the most Reddit shit I've ever seen
That's not the intent of this propaganda. The intent of this story isn't to make us feel sorry for North Koreans because they're in poor health. It's to make us think they are crazed dangerous meth addicts.
Please try using your brain next time.
Am I supposed to be able to read the highlighted text in that 2nd pic?
Jews did 9/11. Never forget.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Again, why the fuck would we care?
Man, that's like the third reply I've received today from someone on the rag. Are you all synchronizing or something?
Are you the same dumbshit who always posts the white genocide copypasta?
I'm sorry, you're too unintelligent to help.
And in America we hand out opiates like candy and put our children on meth.
brb defecting
They do. Pyongyang residents aren't all upper-class, there are too many of them for them to all be upper class in any meaningful respect. But they certainly have access to more infrastructure than rural North Koreans.
Best Korea gives hope to all the small nations to embrace Nationalism and Socialism.
Best Korea is not National Socialist. Maybe you should spend some time learning about what National Socialism actually is, instead of being such a fucking pleb.
CIAniggers confirmed. It's amazing that people fall for that shit, but I guess you can't expect much else from a site whose community was astroturfed into existence.
Nigger its gaslighting. If youre going to shitpost at least be accurate
Because people are less likely to feel bad for them if they think a bunch of meth-heads?
Or would they want to "liberate" NK from this drug abuse.
Not sure it would work on liberals though, they already think that outlawing drugs is somehow bad.
Best Korea is close to National Bolshevism and Strasserism which is a form of National Socialism
Yeah, tell me more about how Cubans are great civic nationalists is great and Venezuela the greatest country ever, schlomo.
He was though, they faked like they had a reader base until they attracted others.
The NSDAP did not abolish private property. They were nothing like Best Korea. Read a fucking book.
North Korea is essentially Strasserism though, communists push shit like racial equality whereas North Korea believe themselves to be racially superior. I mean its obvious that the gooks aren't superior but that's besides the point.
He's a clueless fool who doesn't know what internationalism and cosmopolitanism is . Socialist Romania also rejected it like North Korea.
Fuck you and your libshit dialetic. North Korea is completely destroyed thanks to communism. Racial superiority means nothing when your race is dying from starvation.
Learn the difference betwen the Strasserist and the Hitlerist faction of NSDAP.
North Korea has absolute garbage soil, they were always dependent upon trade for food throughout history. The kikes prohibited them from trading with anyone because they wouldn't play ball with international banks and then proceeded to blame them for not being able to produce enough food.
Are we being raided again?
You are an absolute imbecile, South Korea is a massive food net importer and utterly reliant on their trading partners to keep their population fed.
Are you saying that they should own a private central bank, kike? The thing with Best Korea is not that they're threatened because they're commies or gooks, but because kikes want to destroy them since they are one of the last places on the planet without a kike in charge of their state. They can be commies all they want, they are fucking gooks in the bumfuck nowhere without any logistical capability to project power anywhere. It's not white man's duty to go there and die for gooks who are not over communism and much less so for some kike's globalist ideals.
Best Korea also has huge problems with electricity ever since they couldn't import petrol anymore. This pushed them to complete disasterous dam projects for hydropower which further worsened the farmland situation by flooding what some of the arable land.
Agreed, if the norks actually believed in improving their race they wouldn't be transforming themselves into cave hobbits through a program of mass starvation.
A truly NatSoc North Korea would wage war against their aggressors and fight to the last man in an effort to prove their superiority, they wouldn't grovel in camps over scraps of food. Their rulers have placed their own comfort over the advancement of their people time and time again. That's not leadership, that's Mr. Han's island with their nigger bodyguard being Dennis Rodman.
I was agreeing with you, faggot. That should be obvious because I wrote "Agreed" as the very first word. Stop being triggered, we need to get the gommie apologists out of her.
Murricans are retard, and after Trump the propaganda doubled-down to try to god the US into a war.
This more fits into the "zany Asians" meme, like Jap panty vending machines or Japs not having sex or Japs licking each others' eyeballs or whatever.
I have no problem with war with North Korea since I want to kill some commies. There'd probably be a ton of western antifa retards flooding over to defend their precious Norks
You can scream kike all you want you're still not going to fit in Shareblue.
Most people here are arguing against interventionism in north Korea, which isn't the same as supporting the north Korean state. Its possible to be against war with north Korea and whites dying while also recognizing that the north Korean government is shit.
If the south Koreans and Japanese or Chinks wanted to deal with the north Koreans alone without involving Americans or Europeans i wouldn't give a fuck but the globalists wont allow that to happen.
Yes, which is why I said, jews taking North Korea for its ore or natural deposits is really bad, but its not like it is going to improve on its own. Being against interventionism right now is not a problem with the act itself, but with the obvious result.
Just because some neocons want to spread their kiked up system to another part of the globe doesn't mean we have to suck at fatboy's kneecaps either. NK is shit, and it's such shit it's not worth wasting a dime on. Their only use would be provoking them to the extent that they launch nukes at Israel. They're totally expendable, if we're going to use them, use them in a way that's beneficial to us. None of this changes the fact that they're shit-tier gommunists. No
is going to change that. They're fucking hobbits, nigger.
Addendum: they can nuke California too. They'll kill our gommies and we kill them. Net result is fewer jew-brained gommies in the world and that's a positive development if I ever heard one.
Why do you give a fuck what economic system North Korea has?
On this we can agree. I don't give a fuck about these brainwashed commie chinks, but two wrongs don't make a right. Their country has lots of problems, obviously, but the USA is not one to point the finger, thats the point. I assure there are no security cameras at every corner in the DRNK, on the USA on the other hand…
I mean, you can, but it's way more fucking dangerous than just smoking it. Trent Reznor almost died from snorting meth.
Not just any economic system, an economic system conceived by a fucking kike to advance kike interests. Gommie GTFO and take your shekelmaster friends with you. Neocohens and gommies are two sides of the same shekel.
and what exactly do you think this obvious result is and why it would be negative?
Just because some neocons want to spread their kiked up system to another part of the globe doesn't mean we have to suck at fatboy's kneecaps either. NK is shit
It doesn't mean you should like fatboy but you should be against benefiting the kikes, like i said before i have seen very few people actually supporting the north Korean state and those that do are mostly being facetious
In reality CA wouldn't be threatened by nork ICBMs if they even had them, north Korea is surrounded by more ABM systems than they can produce ICBMs and while they can threaten south Korea and possibly Japan they represent no threat to the mainland US.
Kikes take control of North Korea and explore it out for their own self interest.
North Koreans still live in a hugely dysfunctional place, yet now answer to another (((overlord))).
Its not pure because communism stresses equality which North Korea quite clearly does not. North Korea stresses racial unity and following a strong leader, so its superior. You seem awfully attached to capitalism, you also seem to think that all races are more or less the same or something as you think they should all use the same system.
Kim il Sung stated that Marxism is obsolete and they no longer follow it. You are just replying to a clueless cretin really.
He sounds like a globalist cosmopolitan internationalist moron. Norks can do whatever the fuck they want to their own country, none of my fucking business even if it ends in disaster for them.
No one said any of those things, this is exactly how a shitlib argues - you put words in people's mouths and then proceed to argue against your own misapprehensions. Stay in pozifornia with your pedowood masters and await orders from NK mini-sun rising in the west.
Just go.
Stop trying to imply you are a National Socialist.
Go and stay goed.
Keep thinking races are equal and should do the same things you dumbfuck, we're obviously not and should not.
Kill all commies and nonwhites. There's no problem with that.
The problem is that this allows the globalist Jews more economic control where they previously didn't have any, any war with north Korea also likely involves whites dying which benefits the Jew as well.
Outside of favoring Kike/neocon interests, its hard to find an actual reason to justify war with north Korea and there are few realistic scenarios that don't end with whites being unnecessarily killed.
Three account shilling, nice job. Nowhere did I say races were equal, now three clones have implied I said such a thing. If you're going to shill under three separate accounts, at least try to have three different reasons to disagree, not one reason that is identically wrong in every case. Stop samefagging.
Do you have this much of a persecution complex? You quite clearly think they should have the same system as us despite them being a completely different subspecies.
This, and I'm almost willing to say that this is the same shill from all the other threads related to north Korea who also accuses everyone else of being a gommie shill and comes up with the same asinine arguments, same syntax and sentence structure.
You're obviously using more than one ID. If two people come up with identical made up arguments that can be found nowhere in what their interlocutor said, it's pretty obvious they're the samefag because they share the same fucked up headspace. Go back to Holla Forums, tell them you're out and apply your exit bag.
Fuck off and take your
bullshit with you. No one's buying it. You're the same shills who keep coming in trying to sell Marxism as NatSoc-friendly. /yourself
If you were familiar with dynamic IPs you would know that they do, its a browser cookie that stays unless you clear the cache and even if you get a different ID there is still a (you) next to the name and replies
Try harder, faggot
Download dash chan.
Which is totally useless if you're running two browsers with one connected to a VPN, which is exactly what you're doing. Two people don't misattribute the same nonsense to the same person by coincidence. Same made up argument… same fag.
Still with the persecution complex.
Nice try, Moishe.
Silly kike globalist yank stooge. The way some not white,non internationalist alligned nation half ways around the world engages in it's domestic policies is of absoute no interests to a National Socialist just don't interfere or try to undermine our own nation,sphere and policies, feel free to do whatever the hell you want to your own nation and people. National Socialism is about some fucking some world wide revolution like that jewish Marxist-Leninism , each nation,people and race have their own path as I said earlier mind your own fucking business.
Since you are clearly familiar with samefagging/shill techniques, for that matter what proof is there that you aren't a samefagging shill who is paid to consensus crack any anti-intervention narrative about the norks?
What exactly are you accusing me of missattibuting?
Except you're just stating some baseless bullshit because you have a persecution complex.
That I 1) believe races are equal (I sure as hell do not and never argued anything remotely resembling that) and 2) that I ever said we should intervene in NK (I sure as hell did not, I distinctly recall saying exactly the opposite; but I am against the idea of suggesting norkland is fucking NatSoc). You're both arguing against someone who cannot exist except in the same deluded head.
I never implied this
again i also never said this
You sure as hell did act like they should have the same economic system as us. The only reason to think this way is if you're under the false impression that we're the same. If you're not then you should realize that there is no need for them to have a similar system to us.
I said no such thing. I said they're not NatSoc, they're fucking communists who don't give a shit about their own people. You made a false equivocation that because I suggested that they're communist that they must instead become capitalist, as if those are the only two options.
I made no such proscription. They can be whatever the fuck they want, if they nuke California and we nuke them back and the net planetary gommie loss is high, then good. If they nuke Israel, good. We don't need to be in their shit, but we also don't need to try to sell them as some NatSoc country as Holla Forums shills have been doing.
They're not. They're a shit-tier gommie country full of starving midgets, they're the Cuba of the East. Even if we did want to fuck with them we'd gain nothing out of the deal. Fuck them.
You seem legitimately flustered about North Korea. What the hell are so you analy devastated about the Norks, excessive uncontrollable asshurt is legitimately a kike trait.
If you're just an autist obsessed with semantics and maintaining the doctrinal purity of NatSoc ideology that's fine but you come off as a blind Trump fanboy that gets butthurt about any criticism which has been quite noticeable after the_cuckald fags start pouring in
Also Saddamist Baathism is the best NatSoc variant
I don't give a damn about Norkfags, but I refuse to let you faggots sully the reputation of NatSoc by falsely attributing it to them. Their practices are so dysgenic in a matter of decades they've turned themselves into a hobbit shadow of their southern neighbors. You think that's racial progress? Maybe if you want to become an ass spelunker. Fuck off with that noise.
They aren't communists, you sound like some boomer faggot whose political knowledge of economic systems doesn't go past capitalism and communism.
Yes I'm an autist, normalfag. GET OFF MY BOARD REEEEEEEEEEEE.
That's interesting considering I was one of the very few people from the very beginning telling cock monglers here not to get too attached to The_Cuckoled because it was established and moderated by a bunch of fucking zionist kikes; and to this day T_D fags on here still deny it. jcm267 is a fucking kike. It was to be used as a place to dispense semi-redpills about race realism and nationalism, nothing more.
The whole support for a North Korean/Syrian war feels like an Op by the democrats to crucify trump for getting into another war 4 years from now.
Notice how the same people who attack Bush over Iraq now support another war?
Syrian Social Nationalist Party is better really
Not really, everyone I know that hated Bush either voted Trump this past election or at the very least refused to vote Clinton and are against another conflict.
says the one who suggested that if one is opposed to communism that they're advocating for capitalism. Who's the boomerfag now? At any rate, whatever they have it is most assuredly not NatSoc, and whatever it is, it's not working very well for them now, is it? They have not improved their race by any measure. Between the two countries, sorks are taller, stronger, have a better military and are more successful. There is no doubt if we let them fight it out without any proxy games between the US and China, the Sorks would roll them.
Because your retarded ass was insistent that they weren't remotely close to strasserism when they quite clearly are, the refusal to acknowledge that they are and insistence that they're commies makes you seem like a capitalist.
Again this is because Korea is a shithole where you can't effectively grow food and has historically always depended on trade. Just as South Korea still relies on trade for food Kikes cut Norks off from trade.
The SSNP is based but would never be able to gain widespread support outside of Syria/Lebanon due to opposing pan-Arab movements, the Syrian branch of the Baath party was also much more pragmatic but Iraqi Baathist is more rigid, more documented and frankly more interesting due to being at a near constant state of war. Also the Iraqi Baath party represented a very real chance of conquering the middle east much in the same way that Hitler planned to conquer Europe and would very well had a chance of doing so if the US didn't force Saddam out of Kuwait after it was annexed by Iraq and the Baathists represented a real chance to get rid of the Saudi Kikes and Gulf Arab monarchies.
Reminder that the Iraqi GDP/capita was higher in 1990 than it is today and after invading Kuwait Iraq had a national GDP larger than Saudi Arabia.
There's obviously a lot more meth use in the US and it's terrible that there is any, but you're comparing a country of 25,000,000 gook dirtfarmers to a country of 324,000,000 burgers. Absolute figure comparisons are worthless.
lolwat? I didn't mention Strasserism a single time. Who do you think you're arguing with?
They should have fought to the last man breaking out instead of allowing themselves to be cut off and become a dysgenic hobbit nation. Might as well do it when you know anything else will destroy your people, your race, or your ideology over time. Instead of dying for the sake of advancing their race, they chose to engage in delusional fantasies about being superior while every year their manlet status intensifies. It's embarrassing.
reddit is really the place to look if you want to monitor disinfo. it's probably one of the most important propaganda outlets, behind news aggregators.
There are a bunch of drug related DPRK stories lately. Like the one claiming they are responsible for the synthetic opiates that are showing up all over as replacement for heroin, even though less than 6 months ago that was claimed to be due to China (which is more believable).
These Gen X retards really rustle my jimmos at times.
A few people used to have webms of this video. Maybe some user can sift through and tke out good parts as they seemed to have stopped circulating.
It's called "the cleanest race"
Nastiest rail I ever had was some flaky fish scale meth mixed with pure mdma
I've seen this narrative before re: NK and meth. It reminds me of stories (((they))) often post about drug-addled amphetamine-popping Nazis. If future propaganda hits about savagery induced by drugs (eg: murderous soldiers showing no mercy and slaughtering civilians or surrendering soldiers, marathon massacres taking place over long weekends, etc.) you can assume it's just another cog in the propaganda machine. Propaganda used to just be explicitly racist, now that's not "nice"as if a war could ever be so they say the enemy's monstrous characteristics are due to drugs or brainwashing. Not sure why this needed its own thread though, CIA lazy posting their work here?
I don't know if the amphetamine-Nazis is completely a myth, though. Tough war fighting for the survival of your race and I'm not sure if doctors back then knew as much about its future debilitating effects.
Pervitin (amphetamines) was certainly used by some Axis troops in WW2 but of course its likely that some stories have been exaggerated. Also this isnt really that uncommon, the US Air force still issues amphetamines as well and it was commonly given to troops in Vietnam.
I don't know what they're smoking but I'm getting high off those digits of freeeeedom!
It's quite a lot of progress for them to make all things considered.
Fucking reddit.
North Korea is just a huge distraction racket for the benefit of corrupt politicians in South Korea and other East Asian countries. Whenever some high-ranking bigwig needs a convenient distraction in the news cycle, they pay a bribe to North Korea for them to do another missile test or some other crazy but ultimately meaningless shenanigan.
CIA fugged up here.
Are you telling me in 80 years they haven't gotten so high they dropped a beaker onto an electrical cord sitting in water while smoking a doobie?
Our listening stations would definitely pick up that shit and probably suspect a small nuke test.
I don't care how military-precise you run this shit, because even professional businesses fuck that shit up sometimes. And they certainly don't have any robots to utilise like SK., go help that hippie bastard dig, there's a lot of spook shit surrounding them. They also have ties to (((ISIS)))
The eyeball thing is actually from a comic series. It's Suehiro Maruo's fetish. Yeah, I don't get that guy either. He makes other nips look like plain jane yankee normies.
He also made one of the funniest guro one-shots I've ever seen. Two teenage boys abduct a loli and convince her a stick of dynamite is a dildo.
That's some goddamn Ugandan-tier trolling right there.
Shintaro Kago is just trolling with his crazy Co-Prosperity Sphere manga, but Maruo actually means most of what he does.
I'd still rec giving Laughing Vampire a whirl though, it's very '60s underground' (as well as Mr Arashi's Freak Show)
lotsa spooky shit, lots of suspense and gore, crazy 'classic nip' artstyle, no true heroes (protagonist is a 14ish year old nationalist conscript that was vamped in the 30s), most side characters are meant to be target practice or food for one side or another. Quite nihilist. This is the good kind of grimdork. Also every so often artsy as fuck drugtrip dream sequences, both freakish and non-freakish.
Syrian branch is 'freer' but you couldn't get a "welfare system" like Saddam's so efficient without implying everyone on the line from you to him gets a whuppin' if you fuck up.
Their petrowelfare system was rated better than Sweden's, except people actually fucking worked. (mostly because they had a gun at their back, but still.)
One of the things we need to do when we get control is make PNAC and the neocons go down as "Worse dan dem nutzis" to the normies. They fucked up a lot of good systems the world over, then claimed they were based on gommunism to make them seem unworkable to normies that might otherwise decide a new path was in order.
I also like that Maruo implies FAST motion by redrawing the entire character almost, without a 'fade' or 'blur' effect it makes it really freaky looking by making it appear like they have multiple arms, eyes, and mouths.
Source, faggot or this sounds more like claims of "Iraqi soldiers throwing muh babies from incubators", video related
If anything the Syrian branch was far more socialistic
You can make amphetamines in relatively safe conditions if you have access to a proper laboratory setting with fume hoods, condensers, and the like. I imagine the norks do.
I don't think you know how to ingest amphetamines.
It's possibly that NK is making what the west refers to as "meth" - amphetamines are traditional medicine and are relatively safe compared to the psychotropic shit we hop our jarheads up on.
Almost all soldiers in WWII were on some form of stimulant and most people stateside weren't concerned with amphetamine use as it wasn't a popular street drug for niggers to sniff and go on crime sprees on in order to pay for more.
what is the big pharma meth that americans toss at their kids like candy?
Adderall/Ritalin. It's amphetamine-salts not pure.
still can get you pretty fucked if you're not a regular user.
Not a very enjoyable high if you've ever had a genuine stimulant.
It an especially retarded narrative because you'd expect all these psychotic drug-zombies to be killing each other just as much as the enemy in their supposed bloodthirsty murder trance.
Of course they'd also be completely dysfunctional as soldiers as well, unable to carry out orders, properly maintain weapons and equipment and so on.
Holla Forums - ero guro discussion
as far as im concerned, the way adderall and all of its variations are prescribed nowadays is just as bad if not worse for society than the meth use in the us. meth-heads are generally pretty useless anyways; the lowest of our society (with some rare exceptions) is consumed by it. but adderall is prescribed to like half of our society. its so bad that college kids will go through their whole scripts in a week or two while studying for exams. then theyll buy more at incredibly inflated college black market prices so that they can take it for the exam too.
(((they))) have convinced our societys best and brightest, that they cant succeed unless they tweak out on amphetamine analogs for weeks at a time. the dosages that are prescribed for daily use are designed to cause mental and physical dependence, as well as tolerance. so then, after it stops working, you go back to dr drug dealer and up your script.
once you are thoroughly addicted, it is VERY hard to stop, or even cut back or take a few days off. especially since insurance companies cover most of the cost. the choice is: either take your free government happy pills, or take a fucking week or two off of work to allow your serotonin to replenish. and NOONE ever does that. take a look and compare the difference between brain scans of a sober person, and one who takes amps for a prescription. amps fundamentally change how your brain works. they turn you into a fucking zombie that doesnt eat or sleep, but instead, works until they cant even see straight. after a few months on high doses it will even change your personality, making you into a calm zombie with it, and a crushingly depressed blob without it.
fuck the norks. we need to address our own amphetamine problem. and we need to stop letting parents and teachers and doctors forcing children in primary school to take amphetamines to combat "hyperactivity" (ie: being a normal fucking child). if your kid is fucking off in school, its likely because he or she is too fucking smart for the drivel that is being taught. change the childrens curriculum, not their brain chemisty
It's somewhat believable to me that they have labs supplying the yakuza, who are mainly made up of ethnic north koreans who still have ties to the country but drug issues are extremely unpublicized in Japan, either because the salarymen and truckers they sell that stuff to stfu because they don't want a death sentence and don't lead degenerate lives like white methies or because it barely exists. (I'd go for the latter)
I bet these hypocrites drink coffee
Dont be a retard. Its a normal country. Atrocity propaganda, on par with antinazi one.