What if North Korea isn't bad? what if it's a globalist media conspiracy to turn everyone against them?

What if North Korea isn't bad? what if it's a globalist media conspiracy to turn everyone against them?

what if everything we have ever heard about them is a lie?

some of the only ones left are syria and north korea (syria also doesn't like gmo's what a surprise)

hitler knew this, and you don't have to be a nazi to know your history.

how do we know anything north korea says is real? we only ever hear "CNN: NORTH KOREA SAID AMERICA SUX" and you all just believe that? I don't want to visit north korea and find out if it's true or not, but we have to assume that we have no idea if they are good or bad because we have never heard north korea speak to the rest of the world with their own translator, completely unfiltered and without our corrupt media.

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if North Korea isn't bad, communism might work, so it's a self-defeating argument

네 다음 종북 빨갱이 씹새끼


It seems like it's not quite as bad as we're told, but there's definitely something fucky going on in that country. The satellite images of it being dark at night and the propaganda videos showing norks sitting at powered-down PCs paints a picture of a place that doesn't really have its shit together but is desperate for you to think they do.
I don't know if I buy the death-camp stories I've read though, some of that shit reads like holocaust fiction. One story written by a defector describes prisoners having to sleep with masks to stop the rats from chewing their eyes during the night. Not impossible surely, but fucked if true.

What if NK was actually National Socialist?

Not really, communists assured us that what is happening in North korea isn't really communism.

what if we stay within the realm of what actually is, not what-ifs?

It never is. :^)

I don't think NK is a 'good' state, they are still communist and the average person there has a terrible life after all. However they are outside of the globalist control system and though reliant on China for survival do what they want.

After seeing what SK went through in the past few months with a conspiracy about their president being controlled by a secret society who would want to unify and join the 'free' world? None of their actions surprise me

I never thought they were bad tbh. At this point why would anybody think a country that isn't like by the Jew world order is a bad guy. At the same I don't know if their good guys I honestly don't know to much about them. But yeah I obviously don't believe the Kike propaganda about them.

nice attempt at derail shill ass pet fucker


The Norks aren't good. They're better than the kikes, but so is everyone else.

They're gooks. They might not play ball with the globalists but that doesn't make them our friends (doesn't mean we have to wipe them out either, of course).

China wouldn't let anything other than a communist shithole exist there.

Drown yourself, marxist.

This is one case where they're sort of right. NK started out communist but has turned into something weirder (calling it natsoc is probably too far, but nazbol might be closest, Juche is weird).

wtf i love north korea now

North Korea is bad because they want to do their own thing.

This is not permitted.

Does everyone see the rampant and almost instant counter-signalling against NK because "muh gommunidsm"?
Also notice that NK is highly nationalistic and one of the few countries without a central bank?

Think it's a coincidence?
Reminder that even kikes will renounce their own tools of control if it means turning a group against a bigger threat to them (even though NK isn't technically textbook communism).
No central bank = no direct control by kikes.

The shilling is real.

Anyone notice that you're obviously a paid shill doing the exact same shit you've done for years?


ITT: Holla Forums crying about their last bastion of starvism being wiped off the map

Has anyone else noticed how many of the people raging about NK claim not to want war, despite appearing to be VERY heavily-invested in making us hate NK and want it ZOG'd?

I mean, you'll see people make 20 posts in a thread raving on and on without saying anything worthwhile. Communism this, fat gook that, starving his own people this, anti-American that… they stop just shy of advocating military action, but will provide full justification for it. "Look, I'm not saying we should attack NK, but NK is horrible and evil, and is a threat that must be eradicated, and I will make 40 posts in this thread arguing for that."

I'm not sure if they are just shills prepping us for a future war, or if they are just aggressive autists who insist that everyone hate NK as much as they do.

North Korea sucks for a variety of reasons but I also see absolutely no reason to fuck with them.

What if OP isn't a faggot?

Oh wait, never mind.

Is halfchan having a server outage or something? What's with all these trash threads today?

Every last square inch of Best Korea should be nuked.
The starving people there would be better off vaporized than starving to death under commies.
Happy now?

Yep, noticed that as well. 2 post immediately after mine with knee-jerk defensive reactions.

And then you have one post below yours asserting literally the exact same thing you mention

It's pathetic astroturfing at it's finest.
Don't even give them the satisfaction of a (you)


We're probably not going to have a normal sort of war with the norks because that would result in the deeply zogged South Korea getting its capital blown up. It's slightly more likely now since all the cult shit might mean they're losing their grip on SK and hope to regain it in the chaos, but I still don't think they'll go for it.

The shills aren't even attempting to fit in anymore.


Why waste the nukes?
Why risk the Norks shooting their load all over the Sorks or the Nips?
Why excise what's basically a tumor from China's ass?
Why doom ourselves to a decade or more of Marshall Planning the remnants of North Korea back into the South?

There is literally no reason to do anything to North Korea, and whether some ant people halfway across the fucking world are living under communism doesn't fucking matter to me. Fuck you, kike.

Choose one

>>>Holla Forums

I have noticed it as well, unfortunately i think its mostly just aggressive autists that blindly support Trump, i actually share a chat room with one of these faggots who uninronically thinks its still part of 1488D chess or a greater game that is somehow going to benefit American Whites and Europeans
Not saying that I'm totally against Trump either, I still want to see the wall and support a lot of things he does but disagree with foreign interventionism

It's never a waste to kill nonwhites.
Who the fuck cares about nonwhites?
Because the other option is pulling our forces out and letting the North destroy the South. Not to say I don't want South Korea destroyed, I just want North Korea destroyed more.
So just ensure no rebuilding funds.

I refuse to give you shekles per reply.
Your handlers aren't getting money from me.

And that must make you furious

CIAniggers need to GET THE FUCK OUT

Yes. Yes it does. Gas all POC means gas them fucking all. All. Total. Entirely.

Holy fucking shit.
Look at all that projection.

Drown yourself, commie-lover.

They already have ballistic missiles that can reach Japan.
You want the world's 2nd largest economy nuked by some fat fuck commie for some reason that I can only guess at.

This, anyone suggesting war with north Korea due to killing nonwhites without destroying Israel first is a Kike/Shill or CIA goon.

There's a concerted effort, that's for sure. Here in the (((West))), jews own everything. There is no incentive to ever move on from capitalism. The military does the bidding of these jews and aggressively attacks other nations to secure resources and collateral. So, the controlled "left wing" opposition in the (((West))) reflects that reality – it focuses entirely on the most degenerate social perversions possible while never proffering anything more substantial than "duh White people gots all da money". It's a deliberate dead end.

You have to understand the situation purely in terms of jews and non-jews. If jews do NOT control the state and are largely restricted from the means of production, than a wholesale slaughter like we saw in Russia is desirable and good. If they do control these things, then such a place is good, wonderful, always correct, and always justified in whatever it does – with that authority coming from "world revolution", "God", or "international bodies".

A good example of this is the way things unfolded with Stalin in the USSR.

Lol, working overtime Shlomo?

We'll never know until, op. We could be living under the iron curtain 2.0 burger edition for all we know. All of the best Korea propaganda we see might actually be produced by worst Korea to make best Korea look worse.


Isn't abuse of the reporting system a bannable offense?

Drink bleach, please.

Never attribute to ignorance what is likely malice. The creed of Holla Forums.

It's most likely shills trying to suade Holla Forums into an unnecessary war.

You certainly care enough to want to actively kill them in their own countries before even our own lands are free of them. Priorities, you stupid fuck.
Fuck it, let it happen. It's not like the gooks in the South couldn't defend themselves anyway.

Said fat fuck commie is not a fucking moron and knows that a first strike would lead to >>9840592's wet dream. Also
Kike detected.

Zero effort.

too obvious
have a (you)


Always do the opposite of what Jews say. Jews want to send white men to fight and die in Korea.
Nah, I won't fight for Zionism or international capitalism either. The Jew is the enemy in all his forms.

Gooks, nukes and chinks aren't white.

I remember just a few months ago before Trump's election, there were the occasional threads on Holla Forums discussion NK. Most of them were pretty neutral towards NK. Some saying they are based, some saying they have their faults but they aren't worth the effort of fucking with, and the handful of ravaging anti-all-things-NK.
Based Korea was a meme for a reason.

But then attention is back on NK with Trump poking them.
Then all of a sudden, waves of "muh communism" and "nuke the gooks" came flooding in without a semblance of natural progression. Notice how even now we have a dedicated shill with a total of 11 posts so far with no content other than literally

It's blatantly obvious this is a means to turn Holla Forums into their own wars for Israel campaign.

Fuck the shills.

The soldiers that will end up doing post-nuke cleanup are.
If you want to pick a fight with North Korea, you want white people to die in service of international Jewry.

NK is essentially a bitch welfare queen in the form of an entire country. The reason you hear about it in media is that it makes a good distraction. They will never have the balls to actually go to war, nor does anyone actually want to remove them from power. If ZOG wanted NK out of the picture, it would have been done long ago.
Did NK actually get the money to hire shills? I have noticed a lot more "Nooks dindu nuffin" faggotry ever since tensions started to rise again.

fuck off

Too fucking obvious, nobody here cares what happens to NK except desperate shills trying to use it to discredit Trump after their Syria narrative fell apart.

And it seems to me that they're the ones who want to pick a fight more than anything else.

Where do you get this moronic idea? Oh, right. From the jewish media. Keep saging, though.

It actually comes from their own Jew-installed ruling party

at least try to blend in

Would you be alright with wiping out a white country that run on communism and was controlled by whites?

Says who?

What if NK and all players on the chess board are masonic satanists, that allow demons to possess them for power and money in this short reality?


Sure, the Norks are fucking garbage. But if you seriously believe that their posturing is anything other than that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Yeah, and they couldn't even get it working. Fucking with North Korea is like fucking with Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc. Solidifying the Jew's power with goyish blood.

Would you be ok with wiping out (((white))) SJWs?



OP is a faggot shill
Then Kim-fatty needs to meet, IN PERSON, with Trump, bow down, and suck his fat American dick!

Get out, faggot.

Back to >>>/cuckchan/

That's not what I asked fucking side-stepping kike.
I find your lack of a response much more telling than anything else.
I'd hope any reasonable white man would say "No, I wouldn't be alright with killing whites even if they have an opposing ideology from mine."
But then again, you're pretty (((white))) yourself, right fellow aryan brother? :^)

Do you even know what the American media is?

What if the earth was flat, and gay frogs lived on the moon?

It's a mystery, who knows!

Says the entire Jewish media shilling against NK, the neocons in the administration shilling against them, et cetera.

They're shilling against it, because Trump. Are you even fucking trying?

The analogy fits, but you've revealed yourself anyway, let's see what other keywords they've given you to try and fit in.



This hole thread. As long as there been starving commies some place els i dont fucking care.

low-energy tbqh fam

Again, did I say to fuck with them?
It likely just is posturing. But I don't doubt that there isn't at least *some* desire to do something, if they had more power and clout on the world stage and militarily.

I never said to fight with them, but you're acting like an apologist for them for literally no reason because "muh based norks"

If you bothered to read the thread instead of hopping in to shill away with your wars for Israel narrative, you'd know I refuse to give (yous) for shekles.

I think your bot's broken

woops first part meant for

Wow, that's a rare right there. Never saw the oathy jawbreaker before. SAVED for great 'tism! Here, have an anti-dkmu OB in exchange.

Basically the most reasonable post. But nope, the shills have to double down the communism and nuking narrative.

Low effort

I just came to lurk and find out more about NK, but that's not happening with all the shitposting

Go look on Jewgle News, you stupid fuck.

Pathetic. How does it serve me and my people to go fight North Korea?
Answer me that, kike.

Just a few months ago anons tended to post about North Korea very favorably, calling it "Best Korea", and such. The sudden shift makes me thing there's either a conceded shill effort or there's been an influx of newfags. Considering that some of the posts, in this thread, seem like a straight up parody of nationalism, I think we're looking at a shill effort to make Best Korea look bad.

Sorry Mordecai, but you aren't getting money from me :^)

But user, North Koreans are ebil gommunists who starve their own people!!!!! (Japan and South Korea are densely populated in mountainous terrain and only 50% self sufficient on food too, they would also starve without international trade, but disregard that). ==Besides, don't you want to kill non-whites and spread (((democracy)))?They are very hostile to our white friends in Israel too!==

where did I say I wanted to go to war against norks? All I said they are a communist country, and communism simply cannot fucking work. No matter how much they stick it to the jew, they've failed already. Need I remind you how stalinism started?

What, parody of nationalism? Nonsense!

Nice one.

Yeah, I mentioned that earlier. Shilling is literally all they have. It's quite pathetic. Filter and report the the kikes and never directly quote them. That's how they make their shekels.
You don't have to suck NK cock to know that nuking gooks isn't in anyone's interest but the (((chosen))).

The answer is simple. Trump wants to go to war in North Korea because the Jew now controls him. Therefore, all the /r/the_Donald types who just want the red team to win are frothing at the mouth to go fight for Israel, just how they were when it looked like Syria was the target.

Also I think the boomers are getting flashbacks to when everyone hated communism and are now equating communism directly with kikery, instead of understanding that it's one facet of the dreidel.

Shill detected. Reported.

Go learn on /int/ for a while

If the countries in the region who are important trade partners feel that North Korea has become too much of a nuisance, and they are easily disposed of, then it would be better for all that they are disposed of. If it's part of a deal between China and the US for more fair trade, then it would be a reasonable move to make as well. It also never hurts to hunt Bolshevik ideology off the map wherever its found. Of course it won't do anything for you and your people, your tribe worked so hard to install them into power in the first place and create instability around the world.

BILLIONS saved YEARLY by no longer having to defend south korea.
Millitary assets and soldiers freed up for better shit to do.
Japan unleashed.
Better relations with China and Russia.
No fat gook constantly talking shit to us.
We can fucking go home.
My grandfather will rest in peace, knowing we finished the job he was sent home from. He just wanted to tell his daughters that the war was over. Killed a good thousand gooks and chinks, and got nothing for it.
RARE EARTH METALS! We get to pillage them to recoup expenses!
Amazing opportunity to test all the fun super weapons we built in the past 30years!
Dead commies!
ALL WINS! Praise kek! SIEG HIEL!

Okay, fine. North Korea has a shitty system of government, they picked the one type that's even worse than democracy.
Doesn't mean shit to me, though.

Hop IPs and try again. Maybe it'll work next ID :^)

or maybe he wanted to strongarm Sorks into paying for THAAD and assorted shit?

Not everything that is happening is an instant declaration of war, cool your fucking jets sperg

North Korea is fighting the hard fight against the rest of the world.
Their life is miserable, but they know they're at war with the world.They accept their life conditions.


Typical tricks Shlomo

Honestly, when haven't the redditcucks wanted to suck Israeli cock and send their families to die for Israel?

I don't think they completely control him right now, but I do think they have more influence over him than to be comfortable with i.e. any. The reason being that Trump didn't take the bait to go to war with Syria, instead launching some missiles, warning ahead of time, and not killing anyone. That's why I doubt he'll attack North Korea, despite all the (((media))) shilling and (((propaganda))).

All right, that all sounds pretty good.
But why do we have to go fight the war? Let the Chinese and the South do it if it's that great. Give Japan carte blanche to use that amazing military they're not allowed to play with.

Ding ding ding. There it is. The mask slipped. We literally had a thread pinned by mods showing that the sudden interest in NK was because of rare metals and drugs.

The fucking shills are blinded by their own fucking kikish greed.

The bad part is that the cucks coming from the_donald that are unity shilling actually don't believe that Holla Forums is anti-Jew and are trying to post examples of "good Jews" and Israeli nationalists.
Notice how the post is by an OP with an Israeli flag and new account and any comment that asks why an Israeli would be on Holla Forums and tells them to fuck off gets replied to with examples of (((good Jews))) including Nazi collaborators, this makes it easier for Holla Forums to become Jew infiltrated and subverted


I want to hate you, but you did a good enough summary of my post to make me smile.

Here you go, OP.

The South and Japan are basically fully reliant on the US for any sort of military action they are US protectorates. China's military is vastly overrated in its power projection capacity and it would be a huge embarassment for them to do it, a terrible signal to their other friends. That's probably why they're trying so hard to work something out with the US.

So the fact that happened straight after sending a carrier there has absolutely no bearing to the matter whatsoever?

You're letting a neat, but unprovable theory mask facts. You are no longer being a rational observer.

Someone get this hothead outta here.

>one out of every ten thousand or more Jews is tolerable I will admit that I like Steven Miller

Lets not go too far now, commie's jew or otherwise are fucking despicable. But if some gooks want to try it out and starve themselfs the other side of the globe, let them at it. They also get a few bonus points for enraging the jew just by simply been who they are.

Look, we know that's why they fight and exist in the impoverished conditions, but the fact is that even China is concerned about NK.
NK is fighting the rest of the world - but at what cost to it's people?

We need to balance the need for a state that is intolerant to the banking syndicate with the fact that their people are starving because of it.
Because it's supplies were cut when the iron curtain fell, it doesn't have sufficient supplies or farm land to produce them. It's form of socialism is outdated, slow in technological advancement and frankly unable to keep up with the technocratic world.

It cannot loosen it's economy for fear of subversion of the state from foreign traders.

NK proves that the only way to fight the jews is enter the fields they control - banking, media, education, government - and fight them in these fields.
Physical battle may be unobtainable nowadays.

Stanley Kubrick, that Chess Jew, and this one Jew I knew when I was a kid are all okay

Look, I get it. North Korea's situation parallels Nazi Germany in a lot of ways so some posters on this board are inclined to be sympathetic. And I get that South Korea is a pozzed shithole – but they did just take care of their succubus of a president, so maybe things will be better in a few decades.
But that's where the buck stops. Everything that Kim Jong-un does which is visible to the world is totally retarded. All of their propaganda videos are amateurish and immature as fuck; in fact, they remind me of ISIS. Ask yourself, if you believe that NK is "not Communist" or that their Communism somehow "works": Did Hitler ever act like Kim Jong-un? The answer is no, not even close. The nation is the work of fucking amateur authoritarians, and that's painting it with the brightest and most optimistic brush. Another thing of note is that Trump is the one trying to get these clowns to shut the fuck up (honestly, I don't think anyone should be able to posture like that on the world stage; sets an awful example) after they were left totally alone by the rest of the Western world since the end of the Korean War.

He was the only one to foresee the issues that they were creating for themselves.
Truly a man that inspires too.

Oh, the thoroughly pozzed, completely-intertwined-with-jewish-world-economy China is concerned about North Korea?

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Are you trying to say that Kim Jong Un DOESN'T like Katy Perry?

Do you have any first hand information on what goes on in North Korea? Or are you basing everything you know about them on what the media reports?

Juche is a deliberate step away from communism, otherwise there would be no need for a new label. They removed all Lenin references and are now for all intents and purposes a nationalist country.

U.S.A and China wants the rare earths in NK so they can keep producing goyphones and other useless junk that the normies use to signal their status.

When (((they))) couldn't push Trump into obliterating Syria completely, they targeted another country which is not owned and controlled by them. Just work on something else while they groom him some more through (((Kushner))) and (((Yael))) aka Ivanka.

Daily reminder shitskins of any variety are untermench and will be gassed.

I'm basing that on what I can check myself - satellite imagery of the night sky, for instance, which shows NK is a shithole, with the main reason of it being a shithole is their multitude of bureaucratic bullshit listed on their own fucking site ( korea-dpr.com/political.html ), all of this screams communist user


Look at who's placing troops where. Do you see a massive US invasion force? I see marines, but hardly more than we routinely station there. Who's army is on the Nork borders? Not ours! China, south korea, and Russia. Russia is there to prevent escape, China is there to steal the northern regions that have the natural resources hahaha, they get to be occupational forces! No accountability! and Japan is just coming along as a threat. "Either China occupies you, or Japan gets their collar removed!" and well… the south joreans are going to get cucked here IMO, though I bet they'll get most of the cities somehow, just for stability's sake and ethnic concerns.
Our job, the USA's anyhow, is to show off all of the superweapons that we were unable to use until Trump ordered for declassification of related tech. The last time the USA released tech like this, it was when we sent all the stealth bombers to blow up Iraq in Desert Storm. I'll never forget being a kid in Florida and watching them fly over from Texas to bomb the fuck out of Saddam. My brother even helped with that one. rofl, joins the airforce for cool job, fixes AC units.
Oh, one more added bonus. This will strengthen the business caste in China while lowering support for their regime. Lots of dead chinks from occupational attrition, propaganda backlash from "aren't the norks our friends? Grandpa died defending them…" while the funds from the minerals get siphoned off to Buddhist businessmen who are moving to support the dalai lama, hastening the anti-islamic efforts in southeast asia.

It's usually the "evil dictator killing own people" argument and "we must liberate them". They would have liberated themselves long ago, if they wanted to and if there wasn't the sword of ZOG imperialism above their necks.

"Rare earths" are not fucking rare. There's mine tailings full of them all over the western world since Roman times.
Refining them is expensive because the smelting process is toxic as all fuck.

Tell me user, we've wanted to liberate ourselves from the jew for ages, how come we never did?

It doesn't. Nazi Germany had much more freedom within the nation for productive reason.
Plus it had sufficient farmland for their nation.
Plus it still managed foreign trade.

North Korea has no parallel. It is by far the worse abomination of a state in human history. Far worse than soviet russia. Worse than most of our fiction. Hell if they could medicate people to control them - I bet they would.

People join the army in order to feed themselves, not for patriotism.
Even then, the whole country is smaller than the south koreans in physical build. The people are skinny in soccer matches they play etc.

If you need a state intolerant to the bank syndicate - NK is not the correct method.
Compare it to Iran which is by far better than NK. Iran didn't go ridiculous with the orwell. It's very hostile to foreign states, but not the individuals (unless they think they are undercover agents).

China indeed may be returning back to it's old ways of oppressive aristocracy.
But Jews might start to worry that they're dominating too much globally.

Understand that norks are crap and dumb as shit, but the real reason we are after them is encirclment of Russia and Iran. Removing best korea is removing another potential ally of Russia and Iran from the table.

Syria MUST remain. Norks removal however is a big sign for Russia that the US needs to be put in check immediately and not figuratively.

user, do you remmber where you are? Liberation propaganda is for normies. Why should we give two fucks about that?
Fuck yeah, I love being American again!

North Korea is pretty fucked if you ask me, but yeah a lot of what we hear coming out of there is probably BS. I don't think that there are peasants eating eachother or their recently deceased for starters. I think it's more like the height of Stalins Russian, everyone is on the brink of starvation except party members and they keep broadcasting that the place is a paradise and the country is strong,

But hell yeah 100% (((they))) want the Norks pacified and Korea reunified, that way they could bring the entire peninsula under the thumb of the Goddesses cult. If only fatty didn't have a god complex and stopped doing his most efficient Tropico run I'd like him enough.

Juche is literally authoritarian slavery.

A machine that literally forces it's citizens to produce at gun point. Communist Russia had that treatment in Gulags, but not statewide.
Juche is like one big Gulag. Unless you are a state official, you live under the barrel of a gun.

Recreational nukes are illegal.

Who is "we"? Bunch of autists on image boards. There's your answer. The only attempt to stop jews was made by Third Reich and it failed, sadly.

So, kind of like ZOGmerica?


You seem to forget that Europe during medieval times sometimes resorted to cannibalism when people were starving. These were reports from the citizens of those nations themselves.
It is not as unbelievable as you think.

Like the giver.

Shh. The little ZOGlings don't want their illusions shattered.

"we" as in "the white man" user. Surely there are more than enough of white men to stop the jews right here, right now. So how come the white man never did?

Just because you have a choice of your bread and circuses now doesn't mean the norks are any more free than you.

If enough people see the memes on the chans and actually commit their life to fighting within the system on the agenda promoted on the chans, we are doing more than you think.

Why are the lefty/pol/ tankie kike spergs and the "race is a spook" shitskins allowed to chimp out freely ITT?

Fucking read the post moron.

Literally who in this thread has said "race is a spook?" Surely you can point to some examples. After all, you're totally not being disingenuous or anything, right?

Plenty of commie shills urging everyone ITT to support based commie gooks and lecturing people on how we as European people need to unite with based niggers shitskins gooks and mestizos to fight the jews. I am not sure if you are lefty/pol/ or one of those shitskin mongrel ironlarper nazbols who have been shilling a lot here lately but either way GTFO

I wouldn't be against conquering them and taking their resources if it was done quickly and competently and the industries/resources were nationalized and used to benefit the American people but that isn't going to happen.

I happen to notice you neglected to point out a single example of anything you claimed, but I'm sure you have plenty more irrelevant pictures and unfounded accusations to distract from your lack of an argument.

Honestly I wouldn't trust the satellite imagery either unless you've got a direct link to one. Google maps among others have been found several times editing the images to hide military bases and other shit like that.

Who cares? North Korea and their people's wellbeing is not our concern or problem.

Which part of anti-globalism and ethnic pride exactly is cultural marxist?

Yeah, no i don't really see anyone here doing that
Also saying the Jew benefits if you destroy North Korea is not promoting racemixing or multiculturalism nor is it the same as saying you cant remove all lesser races and enemies after getting rid of Israel first

Nobody is saying support them. I don't care if they're fucking ultra commies, they're no threat to us and there's no good reason to send our men to die so the elite can profit.

OK here we go

First post third wordist nigger loving nonsense. Muh based brown "people" who are against zog and imperialism

More third worlidist lefty/pol/ crap. All gentiles including based niggers gooks and muslims need to unite against white male capital- errmm I mean jews!!!!

I could go one but this is already extremely autistic go back to your containment board/forum

So you're saying that if someone doesn't want to go to war with North Korea, then the only other option is being pro communism and pro shitskin? Am I reading this right?

You are not even trying at this point lefty/pol/ commiecuck.

You apparently missed all those "North Korea is national socialist and based" posts. Scroll up

Plenty of shills pushing the narrative that race is irrelevant and we must all unite with third worlders to fight zog

Agreed but the shills go another step and try to portray North Korea as a national socialist state.

I have been living in China for years. It's a fairly based country actually but even Holla Forumsacks believe all the media shilling about industrial shitholes in the middle of nowhere.

Some is probably true when it comes to North Korea.

And your counter-argument is?…

It's not my fault if you are too retarded to understand the difference between leaving North Korea alone and shills on Holla Forums lionising and praising communism.

Witness to these quads

Where's the argument?

My point is that Holla Forums is a National Socialist board and all of you commie neckbeards will get the rope.

White males are no longer leading capitalism either, the elite are subverted and overwhelmingly Jewish and that is why Israel must be destroyed before whites can fully rise to prominence, even the working class in capitalism is now mostly chinks and non-whites
In order for capitalism to fully benefit Americans, it needs to be in a society free of the Jew and the Jew will benefit at any opportunity to gain further global control

Not claiming they're national socialist or based but someone saying that is not the same as approving of racemixing or multiculturalism with the Norks
I know that Holla Forums uses this tactic but i haven't seen anyone actually say this and most of the criticism about foreign intervention in north Korea seems to be genuine ITT

Yes. Just like Best Korea you filthy heeboo gook.

Best Korea is literally a meme that's almost a decade old, I just think you're fucking new.

Well you managed to surprise me, I'll give you that.
What do you think I'm basing my predictions on? The only big difference here is that the chinks won't give two fucks about "muh human rights" which will lead to great lulz and dead gooks.
I expect the chinks to be the ones doing the mining. Have you looked into the divide between the business elite of China and their government?
Here is a cucked newsource, but it is raising valid points. archive.fo/DEwUH
These are the people making the money off of it, and the commie government will foot the bill. This will increase unrest in china, as their military is forced into an occupational role, draining their resolve and budget.

Thanks for the (((education))) devoid of any sources.

Literally only the "NK is natsoc" guy matched up with what you're saying, and he posted a single sentence. I wouldn't say that adds up to a vast Holla Forums conspiracy. As for the rest, you're basically just saying that anyone who so much as utters a word defending ZOG's enemies is a "communist and pro-3rd world."

Also, I sincerely doubt that anyone in this thread likes or wants to live around nonwhites, we just don't loathe them as much as you do, apparently. You are correct that there has been an effort on someone's part to open us up to "based non-white allies," but that's not really what's going on in this thread.


Don't forget throwing babies out of incubators and yellow cake uranium.

Most of whites do not know about the jewish threat, they think it's just a religion, when in reality jews consider themselves a race, a God's chosen race, that's put on Earth to rule lesser races. Only few social outcasts even know about this. Every time in history, when jews got kicked out, the jew hate was more main-stream than it is now and people were better informed about their parasitism and blood sacrifices.
No there's not enough, and if there would be enough, the collective anger of white man hasn't yet reached the boiling point to drop all civility and turn jews to ash. The words "dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed" must be repeated again and again, until we revert to barbarism, only then there will be decisive action.

Do you honestly believe that or are you trolling and memeing right now?

Obvious shill is obvious.

I did go back and reread it but i read it correctly the first time and didn't have any misconceptions when i posted

So how exactly does this benefit the average American and the white race, and even if the US stayed totally uninvolved in a regime change or Korean war that is still putting a massive amount of whites at great risk for negligible benefits
Unless economies are massive changed which is unlikely, a Chinese depression or collapse is likely to negatively impact the US and result in the US likely trying to economically stabilize China
Also China leaving a power vacuum would be the perfect invitation for the US to instigate more (((regime change))) and wars in Asia/Europe that lead to dead whites, unless the US government was decucked and the neocons/kikes and libfags were removed.


North Korea might be shit but it's objectively better than (((South Korean))) talmudistic matriarchy.


I said this before on the board. Just like they tell us Russia is bad, Iran is bad, gadaffi and saddam hussein are sooooo bad. And it turns out they're really not.

Everyone on this board needs to understand we are under the effects of a heavy disinfo campaign. You are aware of this. But that doesn't mean you've identified and removed all effects of it yet. YOU ARE STILL UNDER THE CONDITIONING in at least a few areas, although you've begun dismantling them. What do you think you know, and how do you think you know it. Reexamine everything, especially if it was taught to you by or agrees with the opinions of the State.

I'm not saying NK is a good guy. I'm saying (((they))) are painting NK as a bad guy with heavy handed propaganda, the same way they did Russia and Iran, both of whom we now know as, if not good, at least not cartoonishly evil and not really our enemies (rather, enemies of der juden.)

Now, I'm not gonna vacation to NK anytime soon. It's probably more a case of yet another poverty ridden backwater who just happens to oppose a Rothschild bank for their country. They're basically Nigeria, but with a reason for the (((media))) to have been sicked on them. I also don't think NK is a threat at all, and at least some of their opinion that the west is controlled by evil powers is substantiated.

Insofar as I care, NK can stay over there being isolationist. idgaf. I have no reason to help them, no reason to war with them. Kikes see a pile of shekels yet to have their king's image stamped upon, and they want to invade this last free state and add it to their slave list. Don't believe jewish lies, anons.

Also their military can't do shit. At worst, they solve our commiefornia problem for us, but I doubt it. I highly doubt it. And SK is still worse, basically the jew of asia. I hope NK nukes them. I would kek heartily. Otherwise I give no fucks about a backwater full of midget chinks on permacut.

Not even your attempts at ad hominems make sense, Schlomo. None thinks NK is good because it's communist, we think it's a country isolated, embargoed by the ZOG and slandered by (((mainstream media))) because of duce's similarities with National Socialism.

C-communist! Go back to Holla Forums! Reported!!!

t. autist

Holy shit how new can you be?

Friendly hint for the newfriends: Holla Forums is not where you come to post as if it were opposite day. Norkistan is a shit tier country run by a feudal elite of commie party cadres, and I can assure you that even the most ridiculous "can it really be true" claims about them are, in fact, true - communist regimes really are pathetic. Lots of anons here have lived it.

Defending the norks is a lot like the faggots defending the USSR. "It can't really have been all THAT bad, can it? Must be propaganda". No, it really was THAT bad.

At least try to make it look organic when hopping IPs to shill you commie sperg

I'm not quite sure what we're arguing at this point, to be honest. We're opening up natural resources, cutting our military expenditure in the region (read, saving several billion a year and freeing up military assets for areas that are more important), and getting the gooks and chinks locked into a bloody war with each other, and all we have to do is drop bombs that are nearing their expiration dates. I don't see any negatives here at all.

You're not from an imageboard. Tell your boss to reassign you, holy shit.

i love their labor camps

Keep screeching. You haven't presented a single argument since you've shown up in this thread. Every allegation you make, you can't prove, and no one else can disprove. You're either a plain and simple retard, wrestling with his own personal demons using others as proxies, or a bad actor intentionally poisoning and confusing discussion here. Considering your incompetence, I'll assume you're the former.

I would ask you to point to a single post of mine wherein I actually defended or promoted communism, but since we both know you can't, it would just be a fruitless endeavor.

"What if?"
you ask like its a question. We know for a fact that they aren't "bad" assuming "bad" is even a thing. They are nationalist and racialist as fuck. No jews or international banks in their country

We have similar set ups here in the US.

Top kek, this is getting amusing

Which will be mined and sold to us by the Chinese
Not going to happen, if anything we will further expand our military in the region and are already in the process due to island disputes and the US is going to try and continually contain China by surrounding it with military bases and undermining any country friendly to it
The US isn't likely to just sit on the sidelines and only provide air support to south Korea in any kind of realistic scenario, the US might tolerate a operation coordinated with China to remove the Nork government but that still largely doesn't benefit whites and it leaves China in a more politically stable position without having to worry about Kim. Also if it was coordinated with the Chinese i doubt there would be many Chinese casualties, most would just be gooks.

I must check dubs!

Admittedly, that post does look retarded now that I look at it again, but surely you must understand the point I was trying to make. The anti-NK lads constantly imply that everyone who questions their pro-war rhetoric is a communist from Holla Forums, and often follow it up with "reported," whether they actually reported anyone or not, and even if they've already "reported" the same poster 5 times.

So, sure, it was a cringey shitpost, but it's not shilling.

So, if we manage to accelerate the process of dekiking china, and we get them to play ball with the flips and work with us in the region, what's the real problem with them fortifying the south china sea a bit? As long as they don't try to tax traffic in the shipping lanes, I don't care too much. On that topic, there is a legitimate need for SOMEBODY to have a proper patrol there, since the moment the Islamic state falls, the survivors are heading to southeast asia, and we know damn well what they do there. Piracy, it's a fucking mudslime tradition, and they've been gearing up for it. They can do more damage there than anywhere else, and the buddhist businesschinks are well aware of it, and so are the flips, hence he posturing but lack of action. I think this is actually the next move once we fix relations between the japs, flips, and chinks. Pic related.

That starts by removing Israel first
Not likely, there's a better chance of them blending in with the remaining Sunni Arabs
Also ISIS isn't going to fall unless the US destroys Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and most Sunni Gulf Arab states which simply isn't going to happen and an easier way of wiping out the survivors would just be to let the Shiites/Iran handle it.
I don't disagree that Mudslimes like piracy but i don't think piracy is suddenly going to appear after ISIS is destroyed, if SE Asia was unsecure enough that piracy was profitable it would already be happening.

Chances are that it can't be so bad, otherwise the transition of power to a 20-something year old guy wouldn't have went this smoothly.

user, take a good look at the situation ok really I don't have time at the moment, been working on my truck between posts and it's time for lunch, apologies for the copout. in SEAsia. The piracy problem has been there as long as the mudslime problem, and the islamic state is openly telling it's pawns to go there for the past four months. It's not a new problem, it's one that's going to grow.
Sunnis and kikes go hand in hand, yes we must remove both, but one thing at a time. We have to keep them fighting in a quagmire until we can tighten the noose. I doubt we'll remove them from their homelands until we can remove the diaspora.
Whole new can of worms there. I think, as did Hitler, that the key to the region could be a Suffi uprising. The Suffis, mystics of the seven rays and the Midnight Sun, established strong ties with the Thule society and helped to orchestrate the alliance of Indo-Aryan peoples in the region with the Reich. It can be done again, with enough destablization. inb4 autistic fantasy, let me fucking dream. Serrano also pointed to this, and having studied their mysteries a bit and the link to the blacksun and the green flame, being the highest ideal of the sufi cause, I'm inclined to agree with him.

Historically yes, but security has only been getting better and piracy overall in SEA has been dropping
Yes but i think a enlarged Shiite crescent starting with a stabilized Assad is the best way to eventually destroy Israel. A strong pro-Shiite/Iranian leadership in Syria is the most likely way to keep it from becoming balkanized while also not becoming a western puppet. If the SDF and US advisors were to occupy parts of Raqqa for example, a pro-Shiite government in Syria would likely be much more tolerant of Hezbollah or other militas attacking said SDF and advisors, also if there was a pro-Sunni government in Syria then Iraq would be more likely to crack down on PMUs which i don't want too see.
To a large degree that happened already, a lot of ISIS leadership came from Nasqhbandi Sufis and the Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi order is a Sufi sect that was originally Saddam loyalists, video related. Not necessarily relevant but the Baath party also had quite a lot of connections to the Nazi party as well and hid a lot of them like Alois Brunner from the Jews and UN. The Sufis are on their own too politically irrelevant to really have any effect and are largely allied with the Sunnis, even the Ibadis are more influential



You know they run their own news services and have for years, right? They have their own English-language sites and shitpost on twitter on top of that. If you have a jap proxy (they region-blocked their jap-hosted English language news service lel) you can even read it direct from the tap in English.


Whenever (((journalists))) report on NK, the footage is highly dubious. Nothing has any verifiable source.

Who knows how it's really like to live there.

The fact that (((they))) want to go to war against NK should be telling enough. It's a good thing that Trump is clumsy. Not quite Bush Jr -tier, his vocabulary and rhetoric skills are slightly better, but he did a terrible job justifying the strike on Syria, of which there was no investigation by the way, and once again the only reason to agitate toward NK is that "they're bad".

(((Google))) satellites.
(((Media photos and videos))).

You question shootings in America, you question whether the rulers are all puppets working for the same group, you question the 6,000,000 ;_; - something that is often illegal to do.

Yet swallow up what (((they))) feed you about north Korea, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, etc.
The supposed "axis of evil", as defined by Bush Senior and the rest.

Axis was also what they called Germany etc.

They said the same thing about Cuba, this is leftists trying to co-opt conspiracy culture and use the language to confuse sensible people.
"What if THEY are lying to you?"

Here's the thing, they ARE lying to us about NK. They want us to believe they are a joke, some benign aberration worthy of mockery and some wildcard that can't be understood. What they don't want us to talk about is how they are the exact same as every other communist government, down to the fucking letter. Starvation, shitty military, concentration camps and all.

Leftists didn't want us talking about Cuba either. They talked a lot about Venezuela right up until it fell apart, now it's nothing.

We are being lied to by the media, by the government, by "them." But it's that they don't want us really talking about North Korea and how it is a perfect standing example of what happens under true socialism.

Gaddafi is another thing entirely, you can't pretend they're related. He was taken out because he was well on the way to establishing an EU of the Middle East. He was just charismatic and brutal enough to pull it off eventually, I think.

Best Korea -> Nuke them, they are enemies of israel - our greatest allies!!!!

Within a couple of months.
Is everyone kike mindwashed? Stop watching tv completely - stay away from the mainstream news sources, and don't go to alex/the kike/Jones either.
Try to obtain facts and think for yourselves.

Holla Forums should fund trips to north Korea to learn about it directly.
When did (((America))) first start hating korea - communism, or before?
Anyone have historical insight into this?

Back to reddit.

Ceausescu the great national bolshevist conducător approves of juche so clearly it must be good.


Especially the second paragraph.
Should be reposted often. People here and elsewhere are beginning to think for themselves, but are still founded on the lies they've been fed throughout their lives.
Start reading pure history, or as bare and factual as you can - even statistics, population/gdp/racial distribution/resources.
Go back a hundred years or two hundred years.
You will start seeing patterns.

Avoid basing your opinions on opinionated articles or 'records', one way or another.
Figure it out on your own, ask others if you want pointing in the right direction for information sources.

All Holla Forums shills who want to suck off North Korea.

The left and communists shit in our beds and then proceed to ignore it. They cannot take responsibility because they are so mentally ill. Worst of all they think they are helping everything with their destruction.
I see North Korea as an experiment that the jews control to see how people respond and function in a country sized prison.

North Koreans are the cleanest race untainted by all.

pretty much all this. It's stalinism + NS-ism, but jUNior is kind of a fuckup gifted with a great state by birthrite.
So in a weird way it's come full circle back to a bad monarchy.
Norks are bretty interesting that way, they've handled the 4 major anti-democratic systems in a single century, but the transition has been so seamless between each one it doesn't look much different on the outside.
They still have some of the best propaganda though. If it weren't for the (((UN))) making it illegal to do business with them I'd rec all nip countries in cultist-chan korea shut down and move north. Ditto US animation companies.

You have to
the privilege to live in the 3 largest cities.
So yea, it is pretty clean.

Basically they got stuck in the 1950s as people say, but they ignore all the good parts about being locked in the best time period
They won't "advance" until they go through the checklist and figure out an advancement isn't "(((western))) influenced"

not familiar with a nazbol's stance but maybe that works.

But communism. Everything in North Korea revolves around Kimmy boy.


In communism religion is replaced with leaders. That's why they commies always praise them, they are forced to but still.

I don't know man. North Korea is a weird case.

Norks should adopt East German uniforms they were so fucking good

That's just part a dictatorship and authoritarianism is not mutually exclusive to either side of the political spectrum, same goes for cults of personality. Most Communist regimes are authoritarian but not all authoritarian regimes are communist.

I am going with a big this. The jews want N.K. to be brought into the fold. I Don't fucking care if they are baby eating child rapists (like the kikes), I would support them over the fucking whore of babylon that controls our nations any day of the week even if to only piss off our own elites. NK is nothing to America.

But to Russia is could easily be another go move. Personally I am 90% sure if Hillary was elected they would have nuked us on either christmas or inauguration day. No other way for them to have a chance at winning a future for their people and considering everything they were moving and setting up at that point it pointed to that as an serious potential happening. But Trump stopped that cold and caused everyone to take a second to rethink. But if Trump cucks out, no reason Russia shouldn't go ahead and initiate first strike now.

Otherwise the future becomes even more precarious and their position less secure as the encirclement continues unabated and further moves will undermine the stability of the nation itself by our elites. Russians don't have to give a fuck if they are facing off against a world hell bent on charging into their nation again in a quest to enslave them. Why not deliver hell itself to your enemies first. And nation of radioactive impact cracters is preferable to what jews do to your people and nation anyway.

Their calendar counts from the year kim il-sung is born instead of using the gregorian calendar or current year whatever gook calendar worst korea or china is using.

They also invented their own time zone just to spite the west allegedly.

I wouldn't agree normally but Hitler dubs say otherwise.

Those helmets were fucking trash.

Video would leak out if it was a paradise. This is the information age, doofus.

Trump and Putin are on the side of whites, but they're consolidating power. These big moves take time.

How did that work out for them?

Literally the next generation stahlhelm you faggots

Important Documentary



I remember this one. I was struck hard on how correct they are.

That's actually South Korea, they have robot cops they're trying out there. Basically tiny AI-driven tanks that don't comrpomise, just tase the shit out of you for Jaywalking.
If that Clintonian cult hadn't been busted who knows how that place would look in 4-5 years.
If anywhere is going to launch Skynet and push out Hunter-killers it'll be them. Hell, that last one looks like a fucking Armoured Core
Only some the HKs will be 'sleek' and in cutesy pastel colours.

And, as mentioned the country already is a prison, the "concentration camps" are almost all collective farms. If you're looking for le ebil nutzees camps, that's still the south. There's a sork meme that goes something like "There's only two types of people that go to jail in South Korea. Drug abusers and political dissidents."
The fancy pristine prisons are for misbehaving westerners, their own populace goes to the Oz-like brick shithouses full of torture racks. Norks just Holla Forums Pot ya six feet under for misbehaving, they ain' got the time or money for that prison shit. The only people that get prison are generals and their (Or Kim's own) relatives engaging in wrongthink.

They'll deflect debris pretty good, but aren't as good at bullets as 'the classics' (iirc they removed the inner part to make it cheaper to make)
It makes sense since a majority of the combat would probably be artillery-based if it were US vs Russia back then.
weird that star wars never explained that that I recall, since I remember now the Stormtroopers' heads were shaped like the classics while their vehicle commanders wore

this post deserves one of those brain memes but I can't be assed.
Norks are no threat and they aren't really communism. You can tell who the shills are in this thread really easily. Look up Juche.


durrr sorry about that

Not the next-gen Stahlhelm exactly, it was an extreme simplification of the traditional helmet, since after the M42, basically all the simplification that could be done within the traditional shape had been done, so this shape was developed to simplify the stamping procedures. It was however rejected, allegedly by Hitler himself, for being too foreign looking, (I guess a bit like how the Americans never adopted camo in the ETO because it led to friendly fire incidents).

Also, they were adopted by the DDR specifically because they didn't look like the traditional Stahlhelm, and because they looked a lot like the Soviet helmets, for political reasons mainly, but also for identification.

Watch tis

Very interesting. Be well user.

4d chess
4d chess
4d chess

A communist country that can't even feed its people. How fucking retarded are you? Go back to leftypaul, shitskin niggerfucking kikefaggot

butthurt shill
butthurt shill
butthurt shill


Reminder that the thread has remained up because the BO is a jew and the mods are nonwhites.


This really makes me want to learn more about North Korea. I guess exposing the realities behind the nork regime goes against the (((narrative))) in a way they don't want us to spread.
Thanks shills, you are wonderful truth detectors in your own demented little way.

What confuses me the most about NK is how much the media is pushing for war with them. Jews invented Communism, they want Communism so they push Communism where they can. And yet, for reasons we don't know, those same Jews are demanding that we wipe what appears to be a Communist country off the map.

OP you are a faggot.

These aren't white people we are talking about. These are slanteye gooks who are perfectly comfortable with a complete lack of humanity. Take all the sociopathy of normal communism, and add strong dash of asian cult control mechanisms (that even jews are jealous of) over every aspect of society, and you have a neverending nightmare state. Take the cult like BAMN, and apply it to a whole nation. North Korea is the fucking end result.

Just because globalists find them convenient for posturing and propaganda, does not mean North Korea is in any way, shape, or form good.

huh, pretty nice doc. also reminds me that the fauxsteppen famous Laibach went there.
liberationday.film/ rollingstone.com/culture/news/cannabis-and-the-sound-of-music-what-laibach-learned-in-north-korea-20150825 archive.is/cKfNy
well, that explains the lack of uprisings from outside the military.

ah, well there I go overthinking things, I should've known there wasn't a practical reason for the helmet modification. Good ol' gommies.

You have to understand, communism is just a control mechanism for jews.
Communism without jews not only has no value to a jew, but is also in fact an obstacle.

Not to invoke leftist rhetoric here, but it isn't really communist. Socialist yes, not communist.
If you mean "why do (((they))) call it communist then want to destroy it" then I assume it is because they want to play both sides. The Right has power right now so screaming "muh communist diktatoship!" is a decent way to get brainlets to support military action against.

Because without accepting gommunism their southern cousins managed to become even better goyim.

dat works too.
https:// www.ou.org/life/inspiration/the-stories-behind-south-koreas-love-of-the-talmud/
http:// www.thejc.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-features/48771/why-south-koreans-are-love-judaism
Of course, like commiefornia and jew yawk all their people were turned into fucking pussies, so if the US had ever left they'd be overrun in an instant superiour tech or not.
Norks are a golem they could easily lose control of, while soskypes are such good goys they're accepting the pozzing of their entire entertainment industry and even bizarro 'backdoors' on their PCs (which auto-shutdown when you're past curfew) without batting an eye.
The SKs have adopted the traits they want most in a 'cattle race,' in other words.
One of the plans Japan has had since the 80s is to actually reunify it while leaving the norks in charge, because the southies are useless virtue signalers.
They were pretty bad even before they discovered the Talmud though. Previously they'd adopted jewdayold Christinsanity and their most popular religious figure was Sun Myung Moon, former owner of the Washington Times and pet neocon gook.
>In 1982 The Washington Times was founded by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate associated with Moon which also owned newspapers in South Korea, Japan, and South America, as well as the news agency United Press International. The political views of The Washington Times have often been described as conservative. The Times was read by many Washington DC insiders, including Ronald Reagan. By 2002 Moon had invested roughly $1.7 billion to support the Times, which he called "the instrument in spreading the truth about God to the world".
note the bolded part as well, he was key to many CIA infiltration groups posing as "journalists."

>The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, founded as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, and commonly called the Unification Church or Unificationism, is a new religious movement founded in South Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon. Since its founding, the church has expanded throughout the world with most members living in Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and other nations in East Asia. It has sponsored other organizations and projects over the years; including businesses, news media, projects in education and the arts, and political and social activism. The church was led by Moon until his death on September 3, 2012. Since then, his widow Hak Ja Han has assumed the leadership of the church.

>Unificationist beliefs are derived from the Christian Bible and are explained in the church's textbook, the Divine Principle. It teaches that God is the Creator and Heavenly Parent, whose dual nature combines both masculinity and femininity and whose center is true love. The Blessing ceremony of the Unification Church, a wedding or wedding vow renewal ceremony, is a church tradition which has attracted widespread public attention as well as controversy. The church has engaged in interfaith activities with other religions, including mainstream Christianity and Islam, despite theological differences.

So basically if you meet Asians that proclaim to be "anti-communist" but are suspiciously communist in behaviour including degeneracy promotion and promoting "open borders" and racemixing it's likely to be one of those fuckos.

http:// www.paulmorantz.com/cult/escape-from-unification-church/
>A weekend of exercises and -lectures continued at Camp K and then he was back at Boonville, during which Molko became increasingly disoriented and despairing of his future. On his 12th day of continuous group activity Molko was told for the first time the group was part of the Unification Church. While confused he was told the deception was necessary because of all the bad stories about the Church. He agreed to stay and try to work out his confusion.

>That night he returned to Camp K, where he remained for approximately five to seven weeks of “advanced training.” The same regimen and structure continued. Molko’s parents flew in from Florida. They stayed a week, but saw their son for only a few hours, and only in the presence of Church members. The parents urged him to come home briefly, but he refused. Molko — who by this time had been taught that his parents were agents of Satan trying to tempt him away from the Church — was confused by the visit and remained with the Church.

>After more advanced training at Camp K, Molko was deemed fit to go to the city to sell flowers and “witness” for the Church. He donated $6,000 to the Church.


wtf i love gommunism now



I don't think anyone is denying that it is a third world shithole, just that maybe they want us to think they have their shit together because if we didn't (or, if they didn't have nukes) we would invade instantly. Perhaps they're the porcupine, wanting to be left the fuck alone in their squalor

You can learn a fair amount from interviews. The community spirit sounds a lot nicer, comparably.




You can see that the people are normal enough, with expected quirks. It's interesting to see how death and the details of it are quite easy to deal with in regular conversation. Talking about flies gathering around a child just before it dies and the like is indicative of normalisation. You can't help but wonder if he is trying to go into more detail for the sake of the presenter, however, which is why this kind of source isn't infallable.

it didn't. they did rid themselves of the jews, even though it was for a short time.

we need to drive out sub 80 iq faggots like you with a stick

Manlets are always bad

I forgot what site that was. Welp, there goes the rest of the night.

Found a nice vid showing one of the farms.

also found a completely kek screenshot. Hah.

Anyway their gulags are different than Russia's in that the punishment is "a bug not a feature," they don't have enough food for their own law-abiders so you can imagine how you get it. Everyone gets a single cornbread square per day, that's it. But the focus is actually work not punishment. If they never got sanctioned they'd probably run them more like Joe Arpaio's li'l tent prison. The only "bad" one is "Camp 22" which is for those that run afoul of their infamous "3 generations of punishment" thing, where you're basically like a dark-skinned dothead, one of the 'untouchables'

Behind that in line for 'worst' is of course their coal mining camps. Which are currently shut down because, well, 111dchess. But as you can see from (((Amnesty's))) aerial photos they're definitely all designed around working your ass off, probably because they legitimately do need the manpower. Ignore the shitty (((Amnesty))) text at the top btw, it's probably wrong. Never trust (((yanks))) to report on "camps" anywhere accurately.

IIRC, Park had a private jet in DPRK. From gookanon in one of the gamergay threads on Holla Forums

Should be noted all the bad "images" started with a series of drawings made by "possible unnamed camp escapees" (How did they get to the US? Why would Russia risk trouble with them and China by not sending them back as China does? Yeah, the drawings appearances from the early 80s' up til today don't add up right.) and not actual pictures, or descriptions from accurate sources

so if you're primarily supposed to be working why would you be as mistreated as the images imply? What purpose would tying someone to a pole and beating them serve in a work camp? How would they have kept China happy by shipping the required amount of coal if "every day more than two dozen people died by nightfall."
Those camps would be empty pretty fucking quick! These prisoners also did not come from Camp 22, the only place these would likely occur.

When people actually infiltrated NK to get images of the camps, they found lastpicsrelated, as opposed to the nazi-serb-croat-gaddafi-hussein-tier camps you'd expect. (boy, these all sound familiar don't they.)
If they hated the inmates and wanted them to die, why would they give them proper clothing in the winter?

basically another CIA shell(shill)game, like Iraq, but easier to get away with due to their own information blackout. http:// www.prwatch.org/books/tsigfy10.html http:// www.prwatch.org/node/4517 https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_(testimony)

(it should also be noted the more well drawn pics were made by a prisoner that conveniently located a CNN liason in SK before anyone else, even local news, after a supposed 250 mile trek from the camp they "escaped" from. If they really did that, they should get a fucking Hollywood movie for that level of brass.)
It's pretty shit, yeah, but I bet it's still not as bad as living in Africa outside the rationing. (and even then, if you're born in the wrong area there you get less food than a Nork anyway. Thanks Mugabe!)

That doesn't mean don't invade, of course, like I said Un is kind of incompetent compared to his dad. But following the JSDF's battle plan would be the smartest idea, rather than 'bring down the wall' and then fuck up both halves at once like with Germany. Let the remaining norks run everything instead of the softheaded artificially techboosted SKs.

Still a commie who needs a case of chopper fever

where have I heard this one before

Also why are selective people in these clearly drawn white? Specifically the officer and the guard on the right in your third pic, the family also in your third pic, and the guy doing the kicking in your first pic.




China won't really take action against MOAB use, since they're not nukes.

North Korea is of ebil gommunists? Don´t you hate gommunists, Polacks?

These filthy yellow insects refuses Western Democracy and they have mass starvation, have rape camps where babies are eaten alive by school girls on meth! The Open Human Right Society Observatory said so!

I really hope all the retards who want war with North Korea are shills. We don't need more white people to die for (((banking))) interests.

This thread got shilled real hard, lot of neocohening with a bit of Holla Forums sprinkled on top

dafuq dat filename

http:// www.cnn.com/2014/10/27/opinion/north-korea-prisoner-human-rights/
http:// www.theblaze.com/news/2014/02/19/eight-sketches-of-life-inside-north-koreas-prison-camps-that-will-haunt-you/
http:// www.reporterlive.com/2014/02/18/82999.html
they're taken from the news orgs and (((UN))) themselves.
I suspect some may not have even been drawn by the prisoners they interviewed, just given to them, but that'd probably have thrown me over the word limit and it would technically be (((baseless speculation of a coincidence))) so I didn't add it. I figure Nork's supposed "war crimes" speak enough for themselves.
A bit of a slow burn compared to Saddam though, I suspect for reasons others pointed out, making them an eternal boogeyman to other (((interests))) in the region, they'd have more of these images come out every few years from "escaped prisoners" since the 80s but never do anything but condemn and sanction. (hell, it could be the sanctions were coming up to be voted on and they needed an excuse to keep them, but I don't know how to search that kinda stuff up)

It always comes back to fucking this, I swear: irishexaminer.com/viewpoints/analysis/fog-of-war-the-lies-that-lay-behind-ww1-283223.html archive.is/gsj29

Ever since the belgians trolled the congalese into doing it to themselves, it's all been a part of jewish lexicon when implicating goy of crimes with jewish tricks. Hell, maybe part of the reason there are so many NS-seeming similarities is because of them getting pissed at all these (((MSM))) lies and going "hey, it worked for that Hitler guy."

If I knew a way to get the anti-US-imperialist news lefties looking into this shit, I bet the ones with "white" koreans might be found out to have been drawn by jews. (or possibly "jews" since there's so many good goys readily available to the south)
It really makes no sense if so many of these prison camps do farming to be cutting off everyone's limbs at random or beating them til they can't walk. How would they get what little food they have then? Their self-preservation instincts are slightly better than the Chinese.
The 'kicking into ovens' picture is especially funny. I could definitely see that being pepe'd.

And then there's the
picture which is just 1800555comeonnow tier.
The only believable one is the 'starvation' one but then that's like "really dude? everyone is fucking starving there not just the prisoners. People that aren't in prison have to do this too!"
Also something else that sent some massive alarm bells ringing was a story I found in one of these sites somewhere about a corn cob rolling into a pile of manure and the person still eating it anyway. While I don't doubt they're hungry enough to do it if such a thing happened, that seems way oddly specific and I can't really buy that without a photo. But it would fit snugly within what we know of (((their))) scatophilic obsessions. And the animal husbandry and agri areas are kept separate so they don't wander in and eat the food being grown, so it's like "what rube goldberg tier insanity led to corn from a wall-separated section of this camp landing in a manure pile on the other side?"
Something in the media narrative has always stunk, and it's not the manure pile.
I should also mention some of those stories don't quite fit with the mentality of Juche either. While China uplifted them they're not quite Chinese/Viet Cong tier themselves. When the Holla Forumstards troll their youtube videos they get really pissed at animal cruelty. The norks will turn away in disgust at that "gook boils dog alive" clip pretty fast, and start banning like crazy shouting about degeneracy. While they probably started this path two generations ago originally to differentiate themselves from their southern cousins, kneejerk contrarian as they are, they do hold firm on 'only eating them because we have to not because we want to,' even the defectors that become 'westernised.' If you try to find any 'animal cruelty' stories about Korea, all that comes up regarding the North is they have circuses. All the crazy Chink-tier festivals only happen on the southern countryside.

Juche is proof that national socialism is possible

Just a sidenote: those antifucks everyone hates are communists. I hate the norks just as much as I hate the cubans, the venezuelans and every sort of communist fucktard that pushes his sick and twisted ideology.

The jews taking norks' land is as bad as them having it. Two wrongs don't make one right.

Nice analysis, user

I wonder how much fun the shills had with this thread?

Reported for continuing to support communism.

So fucking SAGE it.

The amount of oy vey the goy know, COMMIE COMMIE COMMIE SHILL SHILL SHILL,

But OY VEY what if it's someone from TRS! In the name of G-D, we have to keep these goyim divided as much as possible!

All we know about NK is what the (((media))) is telling is, I'm even willing to believe NK is almost empty (ghost cities and areal photos at night) or something weird like that.
Hell what if it's a testing ground for new weapons ?
And even if it's full of commie gooks why are they a threat to us ? Because they dont have a CB ??
What advancement would it be to whites to nuke NK ?
Then nuke China, NK is nothing compared to them

Focus on the kikes instead of warmongering with them you fucking faggot shit

I'm kind of on your side here in that I don't trust media to represent the actual situation in Best Korea at all.

However, something occurred to me recently while playing Worms Armageddon (a vidya) before faggots lunge on me for playing vidya, I'd like to stipulate that I rarely play senpai and then only socially and that was that it is almost impossible to have an adequate defence and that the best military approach is almost always pre-emptive - coupled with good diplomacy. Was thinking that the same probably applies to real-life when you consider how weak America's infrastructure actually is. For example, look at how much damage such a small org such as WikiLeaks has managed to wreak against the US power structures. Holla Forums - similarly.

Now, another thing that makes me think North Korea is probably a shithole is the fact that they do not have a even voluntary NKIDF. If my country was getting shat on the likes of which North Korea is currently, I would definitely be doing all I can to counter the propaganda online. So the shit we here about internet censorship probably sticks. The argument could be made against this that Libya didn't have an IDF either - and we all know that wasn't what we were told it was. I have no real argument against this except that internet shilling wasn't as big in 2011 as it is now.

I support the Finnish.


the real redpill is on south korea - as has been exposed recently




You do realize capitalism is an enemy of National Socialism too right?

And so is communism, in fact even moreso, you retarded leftcuck


Not really. The conclusions are different the revolutions was falsified.

North Korea is closer to an NS state than America or Europe

Yes really and North Korea's state is pure judaism. It's the jewish vision for the rest of the world, it was created by Bolshevik jews and it's still one of the last bastions of Bolshevik ideology.

And North Korea is nothing like an NS state, this is a classic Holla Forums tactic. NS states empower and protect their citizens and culture, North Korea degrades the culture into worship of jewish marxism and enslaves the common man to the jewish state.

NS is not isolationistic, like NK is

True but America and Europe are a far worse incarnation of that degenerate vision of the world.

How did this get 300 replies? There are no bad guys. Jesus, are you 12?

If you actually believed that you would have moved to North Korea years ago. North Korea is the Jewish dream for the west, and the jews use degradation of the society and culture to move us closer to that goal. We're nowhere close to as bad as they are. North Korea is centralized degeneracy in its most pure form.

My point is not that it's an NS state dummy

Learn to read:

Except it isn't, it's the polar opposite of a NatSoc state, it's a jew created state.

Can't say I agree with you. As far as I know they kill fags, have a better traditional environment (though starved and retarded) and have no immigration issues like we do.

It's closer to NS than the west but it's (obviously) fheck lot far from the ideal

Fucking ISIS is closer to an NS state than homo cuck sweden

They don't kill fags, but there's more to NatSoc than fags and degeneracy. They don't have immigration issues because nobody wants to move to that shithole. What you have is a top down erasure and destruction of the culture directly by the state apparatus and replacement with jewish ideology. A replacement of the individual with the jew created state. Any deviation from this is punished by death. This is the polar opposite of a NatSoc state. Just because you think they're cool on one or two issues doesn't mean anything, you're playing typical Holla Forums games with your surface understanding of NatSoc. Hitler wasn't the biggest fan of the Soviet Union, maybe you should read up on that.

The point OP is trying to make is that we don't actually know anything about NK, besides what the (((media))) tells us. If they're lying about everything else, what makes you think they're telling the truth about NK? What does a satellite picture about night-time Best-Korea actually prove, other than they're not wasting electricity to light up skyscrapers? The US had undetectable spyplanes capable of photographing moving vehicles with enough resolution to know who manufactured it in the 60's, you're telling me they can't provide photographic/video evidence about these atrocities? How do we know the "north-Korean" twitter account is actually run from NK and not Tel Aviv? How do we know the "North-Korean" news broadcast floating around the web isn't just South-Korean propaganda? Where is the evidence, besides "the media says it's true"?

We know plenty about them, that's like saying we don't know anything about the Soviet Union. They were a Soviet puppet for their entire existence, nothing changed.

Yeah, because there was E V I D E N C E.

Might i add, the CIA and Israel knew plenty about weapons of mass destruction in Irak too, how did that turn out again? Not to mention Libya.

If you still trust western media and intelligence agencies on their word, you're fucking retarded.

[citation needed]

I don't give a shit about NK, but if you're interested, pls go while you still can, soon it will be all ogre