Why is the Empire... bad?

I get that the Empire is run by a psychopathic megalomaniac and his gimp boy toy, but other than that what exactly does the Empire DO that makes it bad?

It just kind of seems like any other form of government to me, and supposing the prequels are still canon it doesn't seem altogether much worse than the Republic was either.

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It's a puppet regime for the Sith

It segregated the aliens from the humans and made Coruscant as well as the upper echelons of the military be white.

Well the death stars must have been a colossal waste of money

And..? What exactly are the Sith doing with this power?

Yeah but why are they bad?

So it's about taxes then?

Up until the point the Death Star is used to blow up a (shitty) planet (that nobody really cares about) they kinda don't really do anything actually bad at all other than draft people into their army.

And speaking of that, the Empire's army seems to serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever in the absence of the rebels. The rebels are absolutely the only group of people that they ever fight, and it seems to be fairly heavily implied that most of the rebels are defectors of the Imperial Army given how much stolen technology they use.

Kinda seems like the "rebels" are the dickheads ruining the peace of the universe to me.

They aren't compared to the corrupt bureaucrats that are the rebels. Besides, have you ever heard of the Yuuzhan Vong? If those guys are canon (they should be) then the empire was the galaxy's last hope of a unified force that could possibly defend it.

If I can channel Lucas, the issue is the price of eradicating the corruption of the republic was the loss of liberty. The Empire is authoritarian, within its sphere it will make sure its citizens are in line. There’s no redress if the Empire decides it doesn’t like you. And that its run by a hate and anger junkie means it seeks to cultivate these things.

The fact is the sith had a point about corruption and ineffectuality in the galaxy. The question is, is what they offer an improvement?

the answer is yes

They are controlled by the sith. The sith breathe poison and kill babies and shit. Pretty much shoots down any justification of the Empire.

The stormtroopers go and fuck up pirates or criminal cartels or locals acting like retards. The protagonist of TIE Fighter’s world was saved by the Empire.

Yeah but there's two of them and they literally can't be killed by anyone that isn't a Jedi because of prophecies and shit. And also, even if it wasn't for the prophecies, they are clearly very very very inhumanly powerful individuals and any hope of any number of regular douchebags actually offing them is clearly extremely weak.

Hell, before Luke shows up the sentiment of most of the Rebel soldiers seems to be "we're fucked, there's nothing we can do, let's just suicide bomb the death star and hope people remember us as martyrs"

The empire is fucking obviously bad, only brainlet Holla Forumstards think it's good because of "muh stability" and how similar it is to their nazi masturbation fantasies.

Empires are great.
When we talk about the glory that was Rome, are we talking about the Roman Republic? Fuck no, we mean the Roman EMPIRE. Do we remember Napoleon for his commitment to republicanism? No, we remember him for being a triumphant, conquering emperor. Is China the oldest continuing civilization because of its traditional commitment to limited, divided government? Hell no, an empire built that wall. Does America rule the Earth because we have checks and balances and indirect democracy? No, it was the American empire that put a man on the moon and military bases across the globe.
Stop being a pussy, join the Empire!

My Nazi masturbation fantasies feature more stiletto heels and smoking.

Expanded Universe fag here. Don't expect me to source, but from what I remember the Empire had no problems with enslaving nonhuman worlds as a workforce for their massive projects. The worlds on the outer rim that weren't enslaved were taxed for little to nothing in return. The Empire was overstretched, with the Moffs having personal control of their own slices of the galaxy. Imperial higher-ups were often corrupt and lazy, abusing their power. Many became warlords and squabbled for control when the Emperor died. The Empire also had no qualms torturing/killing civilians without good cause, and financed the Maw operation to churn out superweapons to use on non-military targets (they more or less had full control of the galaxy apart from the criminal elements, who they had dealings with anyway).

Yeah, nobody cares about your fanfiction, nerd.

And the Republic was a puppet regime for the jewdi, with thousands of shitskins and ayys being their puppets. Imagine how expensive it must have been.

There was no liberty in the Republic either. Amidala had to beg thousands of shitty ayys for a permit to do something on Naboo, even though it was none of their business. Ayys from far end of the galaxy had the power to decide about policies on distant planets they've never seen. Under Sheev, everyone was free to govern their own planets as they please, as long as it didn't upset the galactic imperial laws.

This is just shitty fanfic about oppression olympics - ayylmao edition. The same kind of thing Bioware did in tortanic. Somehow their Empire was comically incompetent and corrupt, and yet instead of falling apart in a decade's span, it was still somehow the all power supervillain. Garbage libshit writing.

Kinda makes sense though that larpers would want to larp in a fictional setting too, like an metalarp

You're just mad the Empire has all the hot girls.


they're not, I thought about this for a few minutes

basically "they're nazis in space and they're the bad guys because they're bad and people can't vote"

star wars = reddit

The Empire is bad because its run by the Emperor.

They wrote themselves into a hole, not sure what George intended but in the Disneyverse the Empire are evil because they do cartoonisly evil things like blow up their own planets for no reason.

The Republic was incredibly corrupt, used cloned slaves as cannon fodder and fought wars to stop their member states from going independent so I don't see anything noble about restoring them, maybe George's attempt to show the conflict is circular.

The ring theory is even deeper than we thought.

The Empire was never "evil": it is shown to be ruthless against its enemies, and grandiose within itself. Just like the roman, austrian and british empires before it. And the original trilogy has plenty of sympathetic representations of its members.

You have to learn and recognize jewish culture, when you see it. The idea that an opponent has to be smeared and destroyed to the last man, is quintessential in the fanaticism of the chosen ones, and shows their contempt to their neighbours.

Not an argument fam

Hey guys, new here! Just saw this thread on my frontpage and was wondering if you could weigh in with your thoughts! Was suggested to come here and get input, big Star Wars fans, right?

Thanks! Here's the link:

Stories in the old canon were filtered. Everything had to be approved by George Lucas, or came from ideas of Lucas. If he wanted some things done differently because he thought it didn't fit with his vision, it was done differently. Enjoy your Disneyshit, because if any Star Wars content is bad fan fiction, it's that. Bet you've never even read the old canon stuff you uncultured fucks.

The opening crawl calls them the evil Empire, genius. Can't you read? Evil.

This is a board for movies, you pathetic geek. Star Wars is a movie series. And when I want to read, I read real literature, not churned-out garbage dedicated to telling the backstories of Background Alien #357.

Give me an example of your "real literature" so I can laugh at you. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I can also safely say that the Dark Horse Aliens comics and subsequent novel adaptations are the only good sequel to that movie. My point is, if you love a franchise, you want to know the possibilities. Sometimes the expanded canon is better than whatever cashgrab sequel Hollywood shits out.

Tell that to the Republic!

Fuck off, it's a board for real Amerimutts who watch movies, not read some faggot shit.

Watching mobies is the definition of an Amerimutt though

Here is the reading list that I put together, thoughts?

I've seen this before but

lol, this guy's actually defending spin-off merchandise from a sci-fi franchise as quality fiction

Have you read any of it? The impression I get from a lot of people on it is they just parrot opinions about there being a book each for explaining every little detail of the movies, or the Vong War being out of place, or it being fanfiction, without any first-hand experience to judge by.

So was the Republic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Huh. Well I recall this as lethargic garbage about shallow and awful people. But maybe this guy just has different tastes than…


maybe in the dark, if he closes his eyes and mouth

Nigga you ain't me

Karamazov is god-tier though

I came to this thread to tell you that your taste is shit and you're a pleb, then I realized that I agreed with almost every book in every tier you posted. This is an uncommon _chan occurrence.

The Fountain is better than Atlas Shrugged though, just saiyan.

Reminds me of some fantasy book where a previously maligned oppressive ruler occupied the throne of godly ascension to do nothing with it just so that no one else could shit up the world with its powers.

This is inexcusable. So either you never read it and are a pleb, or even worse, you are in a cuck shed.

Quiet sweetie, the grownups are talking.

The grownup is with your wife right now.

The Remnant was honestly the best faction from all Eras. That said, Pellaeon and Thrawn should've taken complete control over the Emperial Remnant forces in 8ABY.


Investing public funds in the galaxy's military industrial complex. They provide jobs and help clones be all they can be.

The Empire literally did nothing wrong, the Jedi are religious zealots and terrorists.

and jews and shitskins

That's what I said/

Well… that kind is… you know… genocide.

And they also blown that old Jedi worshipping city in Rogue One, so it's not like that was the only time they fired the Death Star.

not an argument

Alderan was a rebel planet, and given that Leia was planning to take Obi Wan there, it was arguably where the rebels had their political base of operations.


Well, it is canon.

Does it still justify killing the entire population of a planet because of that? I mean… this was clearly evil on their part.

you can't choose your own cannon aspie



back-stabbing each-other for power and control.
its actually not their fault, its the force.

What was his tax plan?

Bad and good are a point of view, user.

>Well, it is (((canon))).
Yes it is. But we're not talking that canon are we now?

Kill yourself. That shitfest was when everyone realised that the EU was jsut being whored out to whoever wanted it, regardless of actual merit.

Honestly Star Wars could be made great again if the movies showed both sides in a neutral and fairer light. The Empire should get more then 1 major victory at Hoth or not-Hoth for that matter. Better to make the war a desperate act for both sides, then this one sided bullshit where the "good" guys are going to win no matter what.

They're bad for the same reason the German soldiers in Raiders of the Lost Ark are bad. Because we're told they are. Literally the only two reasons we're given to hate the empire are them blowing up Alderaan (A planet we never see and its destruction is vaguely similar to the nuking of Japan) and killing Luke's aunt and uncle (probably for good reason since I don't see why they would have killed them if they simply co-operated). Asides from those two things, we never get to see how the galaxy is any worse with them in charge. Especially with the Prequels being a thing, we get to see that the galaxy barely changed after the Empire took over.

Just because some kike can suddenly write steaming piles of shit and call it canon, doesn't mean we all have to accept it or even consider it.

So it would be a good society for Humans since it puts Human interests first sounds good to me

Terrorists/partizans are what the "Rebels" were.

The sequels should have shown the republic as a weak miserable ( starvation and impoverishment of most people except the elite), ineffectual, and corrupt government.
In essence Space communism.

Yes, corrupt, unstable,ineffectual governments are better because it claims there is freedom in their propaganda… I suggest you move to a third world country (african one would be best) to see how nice it is there….
communist are stupid >rebels" are the dickheads ruining the peace of the universe to me.


a planet that is harboring millions of terrorists/ therefore is in rebellion against the standing government are enemy combatants there fore eliminating said threat is not genocide it is a preemptive strike. Rogue One is non-cannon nu-war shit.

Empire strikes back and the first part of return of the jedi should have had huge losses for the rebels and major victories across several worlds for the Empire. Endor and the second death star space battle should have been the rebel's last gamble to try and win against the imperials.

Also for Indiana Jones it makes no-sense for Indiana Jones to hate Germans aka " nazis" which were generally liked by the US in the 1930's. The US was trading wit the "nazis" up until 1939-40, Hitler was man of the year on time magazine, and hailed as a miracle worker for saving the German economy, etc.
The Germans in Egypt for raiders also doesn't make sense as Egypt was held by the British at that time who would not allow a foreign military into their jealously held colony, therefore at best Indiana Jones might have run into a a few German archeologists (no soldiers or military stuff) that were part of a British dig….

Liam Neeson is hands down the best Jedi, and the only one that doesn't have his head -completely- up his ass.

Granted he's still addicted to that vague Anakin-related prophecy, at least he doesn't sit in a council seat and tell other people how to live their lives all day.

Need more info. Is it a planet that had civilization on it already and THEN the rebels moved in, or was it just a space rock until the rebels colonized it? If the latter, yes most definitely.

Ugh racist much

Historical inaccuracies are another good point but my main issue is that we the audience are also given no reason to hate the "nazis". The movie expects you to already have a deep hatred for all things nazi going into it and ignore the fact that most of the men that Indy kills are just normal guys doing their job. You don't need to be a genius to see Indiana Jones (at least in Raiders and Last Crusade) as a Jewish power fantasy and it makes perfect sense why Spielberg dislikes Temple of Doom and didn't care about making any more Indy films after Crusade. Because unless the films are about Indy killing Germans in gruesome ways, he just doesn't care.

This isn't just me being Holla Forums either, it truly disturbs me how much of a hate boner those films have for Germans, especially since they take place before the supposed "holocaust" even happened.


Of course not the jews expect everyone to be either jewish or communists.
The only reason we are given is that why Jones decides to murder a bunch of Europeans in British controlled Egypt is because he wanted the loot that was dug up? Making Jones a murderer, grave robber, and the bad guy of the film.

I specifically like Temple of Doom because its not a repeat of "ebil nazis" again. I although I found it baffling why they dumped a kid into the film.

Since Tatooine was a shit-hole far away from law and order maybe Uncle Owen didn't pay his protection money to the local crime family and was made an example of?
Think about it he kept Luke on that farm working rather than letting him leave….

And this is only because Neeson shaped the character against Lucas' will. During the filming of that scene where they part with Shmi, Lucas threw an autistic fit about Neeson daring to interact with Shmi instead of just turning his back and taking Anakin. That antic is known but I imagine there was far more autistic screeching coming from Lucas.

Owen's old man bought himself a second wife, this is the kind of values he taught to Owen. The Lars family were indirect supporters of slavery.

YES! It’s about time someone pointed out how problematic the Owen family was. Parenthood reinforces bourgeois power! Marriage is slavery!

Exactly my fellow yid.

Shalom my fellow chosen israel needs open borders because diversity is a strength and israel has not yet learned to be multi-cultural ….

Oy get a loadda this anti semite here. The jewish people need their homeland to he just us jews.

A "homeland" for any group of people is an obsolete idea, israel is not going to be the monolithic society it once was…


Agreed. I really like Temple of Doom too and one thing I realised when rewatching it recently is that it's the only film in the series where the villains are clearly bad and Indy is actually a hero. He even gives up the artifact in the end voluntarily, unlike the other films where he loses it to circumstances out of his control.

Also I really don't mind Short Round. I think one of the best things about the movie is how much suffering Indy goes through throughout the story and the fact that he has to deal with a troublesome kid and a whiny woman ontop of fighting cultist is just so funny to me. The scene in the trap room is the perfect example of this.

I'd even argue that Raiders of the Lost Ark didn't explicitly say the Nazis were inherently bad. Indiana Jones outright says "Nazis. I hate those guys." It seems to suggest they're more of a rival group than an outright evil entity.

empire is reich in nazish, and the reich murdered millions of jews.

That line was from Last Crusade. In Raiders, Indy is told to go after the Ark because for some reason the US army is afraid of what the Nazis might do with it. Indy doesn't believe the Ark is dangerous until the end of the movie but still has no problem murdering any German soldier who tries to takes it away from him.

The nazi hatred is a lot more prominent in Crusade though, with even Henry Jones Sr speaking of them like they're monsters, despite the fact that the US didn't have any reason to dislike Germany in 1938.

Temple of Doom's fucking great. It has some of the best action sequences in the trilogy. I don't understand why anyone has a problem with it other than muh annoying characters (who weren't actually that annoying), and muh racism (which wasn't actually very racist).

Short round was a bit annoying for me I'd cut back a little bit of him here and there but it just seemed a bit random to drop a little kid in this movie.

I said I liked it user

At best he Jones should have a friend/colleague turned rival, German archeologist… similar to the French guy they killed off in the first film (they should have retained him until the last film). "I hate that guy he keeps stealing my thunder…" type of thing ..

The Holohoax, remains to be proven…
Reich ≠ Empire the way it is thought of in English… It refers to the unity of German lands (rather than foreign multi-ethnic ones as seen by other "empires") Prussia, Slisea,hessen,etc.
Also the Empire is more like a mix of fascism + British authoritarianism (pretty sure Lucas was going for Anglo angle) than "nazism".

Probably a lot of American tourists in Germany in 1938.

I know. I'm arguing with the consensus of it being "the bad one".

Anti-nazi propaganda had been in full swing since the Nazis first rose to power. A lot of anti-nazi three stooges shorts are from the 30s.

Even beyond the (((obvious))), the Nazis were the alternative to Soviet-style socialism at a point when people thought capitalism was collapsing. There were heavy propaganda efforts by media figures to glorify the Soviets and demonize the Nazis. It’s no surprise that intellectuals in America with (((friends))) like the Joneses would be anti-nazi.

Shit. I'm a dumb nigger. Please excuse me.

I guess eye witnesses, photo and video evidence and the numbers tattooed in my grandfather's arm isnt enough huh? retard

Because it sends shills to post here.
Empire = Disney.

Eye witness….. hahaha still looking for that giant electric chair that can electrocute thousands of people a time? or that pesky train car that would slam into the wall at full speed and chuck jews into a large oven?
Photos/videos which show what? People suffering from typhus (allied bombing was a bitch) as well as thousands of healthy people as well.
Tats for interned subversive populous….. indicated that only that they might have been interned in a camp.

You goddam nazi bastid. My grandfather was gassed twice and killed on a masturbation machine at age ten.

literally another torture device, thanks for proving my poing kid

Because we are told they are.


You know nu-wars will have camps and "oy-vey remember the 666 gorillion moment". Charismatic as hell face actress will save the day.

why did hitler imprison but not kill jews and what manner of work were they doing and why

Wow this list is pretty good.. I think I agr-
Neck yourself.