WEBM Thread - Improved OP Video Edition

WEBM thread - Non shit OP video edition.

Have you ever entertained one single doubt about the truth of the holocaust?

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:






Gotta love a happy ending.








Holy fuck muh file size.








Last one for now I guess. Figured Id get the thread started off good instead of the last guy. Saged for repeated posts, not saging this post for a final bump.

this shit is gold. I haven't seen this one in awhile






And it doesn't even make any sense.
Asians are far more group orientated and their babies pass the test as well.

Do you have an unedited version of that?

How can people watch Hitler's speeches and believe the Jewish lies of there having been an extermination doctrine?
How can they not realize that the Jewish camps were the same as the Japanese internment camps we had in the US?
I miss you Hitler.

Reminder this is Holla Forums and not Holla Forums.
Post Holla Forums stuff not Holla Forums stuff.

Back to Tumblr.


idk man

Also, the logic summed up is - the security state makes people conform, which is bad, because then people act the same and have nuclear families instead of becoming whores and drug addicts, trannies and faggots.




Well that solely depends on what is defined as acceptable. Which narrative is the media pushing? Women belong in a family or women should push a career and become independent? Who depicts the media as the bad guy? The tranny or the guy that calls him mentally ill. Think before you post, newfag-kun. Foucault is right in many ways.



Africa is just one big nightmare.


Note the explosions down the left side of the right tower.

Social cohesion is necessary. Societal norms and conformation to them are necessary. We got to where we are by rebelling against the traditions we used to conform to. Foucault is the SJW's philosopher, his arguments seemingly give validation to their disgusting degenerate attack on society and what was once normal.

Well played.


i sencerly thank you user, i lost it when the song started playing.

this post: skip to 01:25 to get to the main part




Dust samples from Ground Zero show thermitic material and byproducts.
Start embed at 31:43 for relevant material.
Start at 34:40 to skip background on dust samples and get to red-gray chips (thermitic reactant).



This is
the best explanation of the tower's collapse.
Science based description with physical models to test prevailing theory.
Can you guess the conclusion?

we need a webm of this.



I'm not too worried. Maybe I didn't give the right impression but I was going for a Holla Forums is always watching type thing.

anyone always watching me will find themselves a captive audience to be made an ally. there is no other end.


and shift changes only increase the number.

Just semi related. That comes from a book with all sorts of helpful tips, its written by a Navy Seal from team 3, with other experience as an NSA employed spy. He knows his shit.

This is movie worth watching?

Well, I kinda just gave you all the best scenes from it into webms, but yes, you can download it from TPB and its called "Talk Radio". Its a movie directed by Oliver Stone, based on a true story.. about The Order, Robert Mathews etc.

His real name was Alan Berg, and he was assassinated for being a race baiting kike radio host in some specific state. The members from that state had mentioned how particularly aggravating he was.

Of note, Pierce had suggested that this particular kike might have actually been better if he was left to keep stirring the pot, and creating revolutionary sentiment in whites. He was an opposite influencer, he pushed his own side away from him.

Sounds interesting. Thanks brother.

Thats weird. Im pretty certain I posted a Trump video in that first one, but now its just another of the talk radio videos. I guess I mixed it up, heres the Trump one.




Now if only that video were seen as many times as "With Open Gates"

























I want to torture this faggots family in front of him before I light him on fire. I take what he says as a threat on my life and I don't take kindly to threats on my life.

every time I see this I can feel my pupils dilate and the bloodlust start growing.

I can't tell if I got most of my webms from you, or if you got some of them from me but either way, good on you mate.

It really does need to be spread more on veterans communities, I think it would sort itself out eventually.

Dear god, source for this please

And the same to you sir.












source delivered. blair cottrell

htt ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLcLJucwv7E




keks blessings upon thee


Powerful webm.





















Please tell me these aren't from South Africa. Im gonna reee.


I wonder if videos like this will survive for hundreds of years in some archive. They'll play them in classrooms and students will ask themselves, "what were they thinking?".


Especially now, all one has to do is go back and watch them and even with a small understanding of past events that we see effecting us even today. Watching his speeches and reading Mein Kampf always show that he wasn't merely a "persuasive" dictator, but the greatest leader of our time, and was absolutely right.



i cant watch them any more because i get too emotional and upset

never despair :^)







this made me feel reinvigorated to never give in to my enemies











Bostin random ones.









Thank god for australians





I got a lot of old election shit some newfags might find entertaining, so /wooo/ here we go!





That second clip… wait wat? Who is that Schlomo and why is he making so much sense?

God I love this man. It's too bad he fell for a disgusting thot who's going to take all his money and set space exploration back 10 years.

its been a long time since I've been in a webm thread, idk if this is new but this is fucking gold.

I've come to realise after a certain amount of wealth you just start regressing
It's different for every person, but inevitable. They go back to that "15, just got learner's permit, and feeling invincible" mindset.
No one should give that broad the time of day after she cucked Johnny Depp, but well, there he goes.
No one should give ol' crinklelegs Heather Mills the time of day either, but she's working on her third marriage after bowling over Paul McCartney and stealing half his money.
Some guys just get into that feeling, and then revert to thinking with their dicks after knowing better for so long.

Holy fuck, I didn't think it was possible to be that jewish. (Or that black.)

you should look up that new blobalist treasury sec guy, Lajos Bokros
he IS a living Happy Merchant

It's like someone spammed dis nigga so hard he said "hey, you know what, fuck it, I AM pretty fucking happy, imma roll with this."

is that boogie?


What the fuck, is this an MDE sketch?

ok post some Holla Forums/ stuff then

Why didn't anybody tell me this new Sonic cartoon was so fucking redpilled?

Fresh OC, proof that the commies are subverting education and that the Canadian NDP and Longshoreman's unions are pozzed!

Fucking wew lad

Here's their sad procession of cucks and freaks, and shitskins.

More Red Pills from the new sonic cartoon.

Bless that man, like many men the women will destroy them.


What's this all about? Literal communists in canada is normal

Mayday march of the Poverty Pimps. These guys actually like the DT eastside as the shithole it is, and get rich off govt grants to aid the area, but they're trying to make it worse, just not as visible.
This is more for the normies though who'd be horrified the communist party of Canada is allied with the BCTF and responsible for all the retarded strikes that hit every so often.

He has a pretty big jew nose.

Demonrats for Drowning Pool 2020

What the fuck is that? Milk?

No those are pictures of Hitler

that voice. the hair. he's a tranny now.

Impressive, probably some chan related writers.

Its a staged, intentionally strange photo.

The Religious Left

looks like you've already had it all mate

It's interesting to note how the Conservatives in the UK have had two female prime ministers but liberals have no praise for this fact.

No shit, just wondering what was inside of the jars.


Doesnt really matter, yes, its probably milk.

CTRL + F no gore
oh well.

well ofcourse it's staged. What? you let your jars of milk sit out?

He was not that much better when he was younger.


What the hell kind of sick propaganda is this?





Posting musical webms


is that sam hyde?

ew why is she soaking her feet in the milk? wtf

Its hard to tell, pretty sure a lot of its mixed. I think the rapist was from congo from memory. Looks like middle/western africa tbh, maybe some in Sudan which is like north east, kinda near Egypt. The whole continent is shit, you wont find a good country there. Niggers didnt even have the wheel until Europeans showed them, except for a few select areas in North Africa, and Somalia.

But yes, South Africans are extremely hostile to foreign blacks, because they want all the white mans sweat and blood, they dont want to share it with other niggers. They brutally murder pregnant women etc if they are foreigners, its not just whites they like to torture and slaughter.

Milk being a racist symbol had it's origins in Nazi Germany. This recolored photo demonstrates Hitler's wife (Eva Brawn) metaphorically illustrating the "strong white roots" ideas that Hitler used to rise to power.



I miss Jonathan Bowden.

idk but I love that shit.


fuck that's a lot of snakes

Fuck me, that was inspiring.

How far will they have to drag us down for equality?

that bitch's face.



your webm is borked. what're you doing?

awwww ye, always love me some gondolas.

top kek. Something to remember whenever those faggots from Teh_Bohnald start talking about North Korea being a shithole.
Daily reminder this kind of shit literally only happens in Africa and China, everywhere else is CIA lies
and also by Belgians in Africa
this is one other reason nazis have to be the ultimate ebil, Tanzania under NS was an absolute fucking paradise by comparison and moderately civilised, akin to deep south american negroes from the bayous and shit. No way do you want all your hard-bought propaganda undone by seeing the ultimate ebil civilise a buncha coons.

The ones with all the burnings are Nigger or Niggeria I think. Introducing them to Christianity basically only did one thing. Made them believe in witchcraft.
You don't even need to prove that shit in a court or whatever as you would in Amin's Uganda, just point at some bitch who has an odd-looking foreign object, say it's a "satanic idol" and they burn your ass for wandering around with a PSP or a selfie stick or some shit.
As crazy as it sounds Africa is so fucking bad that a literal cannibalistic madman increased the civilisation level of a country there. (granted he was a pro-white cannibalistic madman, having a much-documented obsession with Scotland and their wars against the English. It's also a crime against humanity that his nice Saddam-esque palace got squatted by street-shitters after he got kicked out, it was modeled after the Edinburgh war memorial outside, which he had mistaken as being the manor)

It really is a cult

Endless Jess

I am astonished that people can be so condescending and out of touch with the people they claim to represent.

This is literally more exciting than a lot of action scenes in recent movies.





Only a jew would figure out how to jew their own god.

the bitchs face when she realizes talking and whyining doesnt make you equal

bumpin the webm thread

Fucking great webm

reminder to dub all deportation videos with this music





can't into mp4s, anyone got a webm of Blair Cottrell?





How have I never seen this before? Fucking classic MDE right there.

Never stop fighting.

thats some primo quality webm user.
webm unrelated, but its rude to post without one imo.



Need sound.

I think I saw this movie on jewtube but can't remember the name

JFC Holla Forums get it together

Addio Africa

Damn… dat ID and get… self checking with more snackbar fun








Election night salt is my favorite


Saved #2 as "Irish Revenge"




that nigger getting knocked the fuck out was glorious kek

Post file size limit is 12MB, you can post more than one file at a time.

Too bad it must have the budget of an after school special, that shit is animated like the CGI scenes of a late-90s videogame.

The thread was going so nicely and you just had to shit it up with your Holla Forumstard garbage.

Judging by the narrator, Planet Earth.

Don't worry comrade. I'm sure the Politburo can find a way to make things much worse.

That was my understanding but what episode in particular.

Not sure who that schlomo is but not all Jews are communists. The communist r selected Jews just have a terrible habit of killing all the capitalist/ free market K selected Jews.

It's reached the point where there are pretty much no young pureblooded K jews.

Stefan molyneux is 1/4 or 1/8 jewish for example but his experiences with his mother have pushed him into the good goyim basket like the rest of us.

You've got to realise that this whole communism vs capitalism thing is an extension of r/K epigenetics.

As a Man, when you are capable of accumulating resources (i.e attracting a mate and having lots of babbies) it suits your genetics to be K selected. You benefit from freedom.

To understand why the Jews adopted communism despite being so smart you have to look at the historical context. What was the drive?

Back in places like Russia from 1815 till the start of WWI there were still monarchies and authoritarian regimes (less authoritarian than the developed world today tho) and these regimes lagged behind the rest of Europe during the staggering increases in wealth caused by their minarchist societies and economic freedoms.

This meant that for the jews they were lagging behind the white man in economic development and there was jealousy there. There was also Jealousy to native Prussians because during their authoritarian regimes stronger farmers were genetically favoured in the lower classes. So Jew brains didn't serve them well in the gene pool.

Communist Jews were basically that nerd in the class getting cucked by jocks and plotting their revenge. This is also why "Conspiracy theories" are common deflection words from the media.

Fug, posted in wrong thread.

Judaism is communism. Communism is Jewish.Jews were executed in extremely large numbers in the war because they all became communist partisans and guerillas, set mines off in Ukraine etc… when the time comes, they all unite.

There are no good Jews. Races are inherently different, and Jews by blood are parasites. There is no argument in favor of Jews, the rare self hating part-jew is like a unicorn, and still only acting with himself in mind. Bobby Fischer, for all the things he said about Jews - was doing it out of SPITE. Out of REVENGE. Listen to his words, "They did X to me! Y to me! to me to me to me!"

What about the world Bobby. Jews are all the same, and yes he said they will destroy the world or whatever.. but it was about him. All Jews are the same.

So then in context of Moly, just look at his video where he shit on some nice guy who contributed, because he only gave a dollar. I guess charities should start setting up machines that only take donations over a dollar at cash registers, because 15 cents here, 20 cents there, who needs that garbage right? Only terrible people give pocket change to charity.

I also heard, but it was not confirmed, that someone donated 14.88$ to him on a stream and he refused it, and then insulted the guy too.

Fuck lads, I wanted to be a clown masked bank burgler dude.

Time to fucking die.

At the time I thought that was just about the Florida vote but they would have done that shit anyway.
Thinking back most libs said "bush did 9/11" as a way of saying "moslims dindu nuffin"

added some appropriate music to it.

fukken saved m8

this one's always a favorite in the webm threads.

Africa doesn't need money, it needs a dozen nukes.

I'll contribute. Maybe some dupes earlier in the thread but I'll just dump my folder.















Have you actually played the game? Not being a dick honest question.

If you listen to all the types, read all the shit laying around it paints a completely different story. Its like seeing it from one perspective but getting little bits of information that inspires greatness and sympathy for the Germans.

Nah, I like lions. Maybe some kind of biological weapon, like a disease that the Africans spread themselves.













And that's all I've got that isn't a duplicate.

Interesting information, but then it goes full snowflake in the end

Wanna know a secret? The kikes respect the shit out of NatSoc, and apply many of it's tenets in Israel

The difference is that NatSoc seeks the ability of a nation/people/tribe/community/family/person to create and maintain itself, while Jews want to enslave the goyim to do it for them


Good god man, I have tears

Kikes have the laws in Israel not because of NatSoc but because they've always followed those laws regardless of having a piece of land for themselves. The only time they don't follow those laws is when it allows them to gain economically. Like marrying into the Rockefellers. It's basic insular tribalism the difference is that kikes are fucked up genetically from all the actual inbreeding.

Yosef Tzvi ben Porat

Statistically speaking…

dog mayor

I really need to go back and rewatch that one…


Does that first one look fake, or is it just me?

I cry every time.


guess where this one's from


Could you post the others parts of this if you have them please

Have another /comfy/ vid.

In the "mini" prequel "The Old Blood", they even humanize a natsoc soldier by having him just peacefully talking with a fellow soldier about family and being scared for the future. Very surprising, coming from Swedefag developers. Cool your autism.

Better action scene then most of what Jewishwood can make.

Holy shit. I worked for Diebold via a temp agency to put together their new ATMs for Wal-Mart.

No idea they also made voting machines, or that they were retarded.

Do people seriously drink this shit?





How does this even happen

I hate to be that goy but what's the sauce for teh song in the second webm?

this fucking kike infuriates me.

No, dumbass

Kentucky fried movie - probobley kikes

Churches are the only remaining form of social organization that non-elite white Americans are allowed to have.
This Executive Order could be huge.

An example of why this amendment was created in the first place.

They fear this.


Dude, I have no idea either but it almost sounds like the Allman Brothers



I can't tell if that's real or a joke.

What the fuck is with the stupid filter.


The rootless tree falls.

What did he said?


I looked the Klan guy up and it turns out he's legit. From the way he talks you can tell he isn't acting.

Yeah, as soon as he delivers his message you can tell he's not acting. But i can't help but see him as dumb for exposing himself as much as he did, he was a regular on the show and let himself be mocked by that mudbaby and by the kike. He could've been trying to promote his message, but still there's better ways to do it.

Yeah it's fake as fuck

Google must be burned to the ground. Fuck mass surveillance.

What ever happened to him? Didn't the get screwed over by carpenter brut and his label?

The only other part I have has already been posted in the thread above.


who's the jew talking about Mien Kampf and the Bolshevik jews?


I get chills when I watch this.

Have some brain food.



wtf is this jew garbage





I didn't know neo was so redpilled.

What's going on, little faggot? Afraid of seeing blood? In a chan board? He even spoilered it FFS.

Does anyone have that Paul Joseph Watson Jews and hollywood webm?

The quality is absolute shit because of the MB limit.

Higher quality on Jewtube if you're a pixel autist: youtube.com/watch?v=BKoalZCSMPE

the limit is 12mb don't be a lazy nigger


Since when? I thought it was 8MB?


I like how 73% of this thread is literally the same guy, 288 posts in one thread that's some dedication hat's off


Milk? Yes. White people drink milk because they aren't inferior shitskins. Milk that some autistic retard stuck its foot in for some meme image? No, and that retard should be punished for wasting the product of hard work like that.

We are eternal



Planet Earth II Episode 1

That's cuckchan you're thinking of newfag.


Thanks for the WEBM.

Thanks mate.

Your post backfired, now I'm going to post even more gore, to show everyone in this thread what happens when your nation is overwhelmed with shitskins who don't give a shit about your feelings or moral values.
Besides, my posts are all spoilered, if you don't want to see it reality as crude as it is, don't click it, nobody is forcing you.

Here's some more…


1 min 35 is from brazil, from a gang initiation I saw on deathaddict.

since Next goofus.

some people just love their dank webms yo.

I hope he's also backing this shit up at honeypotchan, 5 a post.
honey'd or not, 350MB makes for a great repository with proper proxycondoming.

2nd vid I left the dl filename on in case someone wants to pick one or the other to leave, plus has the date.

oh look, it's gex fleeing a bunch of clinton-worshiping youtube an heroes!

exactly that. He was a complete madman, but fuck, when you see what he had to work with after they were "freed…"
I wish I remembered offhand where he said it, but he warned the western governments about sanctioning him for 'human rights crimes' (for once they were real crimes) because his people "were a bunch of knuckleheads and you had to cave a few skulls to even get them to work" or something to that effect. (actually I think the original phrasing was "do something other than eat or fuck") It was, quite literally, the only way a stable government could function in Uganda back then. Even if he were sane he had no real choice. Well, eventually the (((UN))) enlists neighbouring Tanzania to throw him out, installs a puppet, the puppet is a pussy and gets killed, and they all become retarded again.
probably one of my worst pre-redpilled 'pilling moments' realising there are entire countries full of people this fucking retarded and (((we))) are trying to "free" them and "bring them democracy" ….and modern weapons.
It's pack-animal tier intelligence, they only listen to the biggest brutest gorilla in the room, and lord help you if he is just as stupid as the rest too. (of course this goes for most of central africa and below as well)
found a good quote on that by William Stevenson
>There is no doubt he has the gift of leadership; his control of his soldiers — most of them from his northern tribes — comes largely from his tall stature, his great physical strength…and his Fuhrerlike rhetoric.
Just being the local Big Guy seems a bit more important there though, than talking to people that can't really listen.

Wow, it was worse than I thought. rofl
>Yusuf Kironde Lule was president of Uganda between 13 April and 20 June 1979. His name is sometimes spelled Yusufu.
nice pick (((UN))), barely over a month before they went all Muslim Brotherhood on his ass.
>Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa QC was a Ugandan lawyer who was Attorney General of Uganda from 1962 to 1968 and later served as President of Uganda from June 1979 to May 1980. At his death in August 5, 2010 he was Uganda's only surviving former president.
next guy got away, but didn't do so hot either. Trend continues (one guy only lasted two days before being shot) until the original Amin ousted comes back 6 years later. What a ride that must've been.

Probably means the ones like Maajid Nawaz (Repressive Left coiner guy who keeps getting into trouble in the UK for speaking against other muslims) not the Dearbornistanians, since they're in the same breath as a bunch of Christian representatives. CAIR didn't respond well to it so I suspect it didn't include who they wanted.

No idea. I grabbed it off of an old webm thread on here.

The Germans only succeeded because they had stolen Jewish hypertech

God damn he delivers some sweet chin music.

It's fake.

dafuq, some kind of initiation? He looks pretty fucking calm for someone that got an ear lopped off.

noice dubs. Also gotta capture that executioner alive and put him to work dealing with the commies at Berkeley, that was some pro-tier angling. Barely any spray behind them.
Speaking of spray, lol that lingering shot on the spray can. We need to steal that as a 'roach removal' gag.
Now I finally know where those funny memefaced deadguys came from too.

that's only cuz it's fash-based. The alternative is South Korea which is basically a cleaner Shadowrun without the mercs or any good sense.

interesting, didn't know there was accelerationism previously. It's hard to catch up on WLP with so much content.

Took me awhile to find that, but Yosef Tzvi ben Porat. Name isn't familiar to me so that means there are now three pro-HH rabbis in Israel. Dafug is going on here?

ayylmao never seen that clip on Hitlory Channel.

>Samuel Jacoff
man, and I thought regular jews were cursed enough as it is already.

That was some exceptional baiting by Bourdain there.

It's not propaganda, it's reality!
They really wanna go back to that shit extra hard
salon.com/2000/11/22/weimar/ jstor.org/stable/10.5406/j.ctt18j8xjt
tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00918369.2016.1273715 >Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: First Theorist of Erotic Age Orientation
newyorker.com/magazine/2015/01/26/berlin-story Look at how these are written. They are PRAISING IT

one thing that kept me from bothering with that game was seeing

They always make you wait so long artificially in between attack opportunities. At least in Serious Sam you only need to do 'the puzzle' once on Ugh Zan, and then you can whack him normally before his regen reactivates.


UPF 2020.


Not in Germany it isn't. 110 really is not that fast, you just have to be focused.

i heard about cargo cults, but i thought that it was about primitive people worshipping something powerful they didn't understand.

turns out it was just another WE WUZ kind of shit. not about fear of god(s) but about envy and victim complex.

not to mention that if what the vid says is true, this bullshit erased whatever tradition they had.

is there a more unworthy race than niggers?


Fuck that webm hurt.

Anyone have a webm of the Thai guy hanging his infant daughter then shooting himself on fb?

he's probably not white
not taking anything away from the points he makes tbh


Did the Jews Kill JFK?

Is it stated in the recently declassified documents that Ben Gurion ordered the assassination of JFK?

Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper (2005)


rofl, shkreli is great man. dude got so much undeserved hate. good man, excellent shitposter.

idk why he put the weird filter on
this is the guy in the vid though




lol Holla Forums took a dump and all the ids turned the same.

Stupid and incorrect. Gore is a part of Holla Forums it is posted to ward off newfags, the fact you don't know about our goreposters outs you as someone who doesn't belong.

this. I dunno when this stopped being a popular method of outing shills but it needs to come back. it drives them crazy. indeed when it was verboten on 4/pol/ is when things really started going downhill there. we do not have the problem of ultra kike mods that will get rid of the natural immune system of the board taking care of kikes on this board.


Putin looks like Mr. Rodgers dressed him

I was never a hateful person, really. I was always a nice person, I didn't hate anyone - least of all Jews.

They did this. They made this happen. They made me like this. And I will never forgive them for creating in my heart an environment wherein such hatred could take root.

What the fuck was that bitch at the beginning even trying to say?

gave me a giggle


I think it should at least be political gore.






Whenever I download that flowchart, it's compressed to 660 KB and looks like shit, is it the board or my browser?

Gotta love that shit. Use "Science!" but get problematic results, so spin that hamsterwheel in your brain to come up with some mental gymnastics bullshit to explain why the results you get totally aren't what you think, and that you shouldn't believe your lying eyes.

That's right people, little kenyan niglets don't recognize themselves in the mirror because of their collectivist culture! Of course!


DBZ abridged wishes it was this funny

some OC

It can be, user. If we do it.



I made this video that combines them

Anyone have that webm of the soldiers talking about sending people over to the soviets just after the war.

Well, just give them 10 minutes to work out a way to turn themselves into the victims. Something like;

"He was obviously privileged enough to have light weight metal and carbon fiber prosthetic limbs which game him an unfair lower weight advantage. The other men were shouting encouragement louder at him then us women. As a child he was probably encouraged to do strength building sports whereas women are put into other sports like knitting and cooking. I was on my period. I'd had a pregnancy scare that morning so was not 100%"

I know that feel. we're gonna have to kill them all.

You where too young to remember the "diebold voting machines stole the elections for bush" memes back then.

hang on user's gonna go hack myself into some money.

No, he's an enemy of their gang and they filmed him saying to never send any more men to their area and that he's going to be cut in pieces. t. Portuguese


Whatever breed of untermensch SJs came off of. They basically do the same thing with crappy (((pop culture media))) like trying to kill a jew writer because he confirmed a preferred shipping couple wasn't lez.
"Melting pot melting pot wooooo NO ONE IS UNIQUE"
10 days later:
https:// www.dailydot.com/parsec/fandom/ouat-shippers-twitter-fight/
http:// www.tv.com/shows/once-upon-a-time-2011/community/post/once-upon-a-time-swan-queen-138316970768/ yes, this shit even reached 'official publisher' channels popping up in their own entertainment rags.
OUAT is to normie lez/feminist cunts what Steven Universe is to autismal tumblrinas. Even down to yelling at actresses for not portraying their own characters correctly.

I wish I could remember to do that shit when I find this stuff, (I was the one that made that big-ass post after a humanities class dropkicked it into my own junk) but I just legit get so triggered that I just frenzy-arc a quadrillion articles about it and forget the infograph/images part. There's a yankee that worked with him too that I forgot about.
https:// zagria.blogspot.com/2014/02/stanley-h-biber-1923-2006-surgeon.html archive.is/7D1J8
Interesting thing about this guy, he's got a son that's a rabbi, but is against circumcision. I never understood what prompted him to start up the jew arm of the anti-circ movement til I dug (((Gay Rights Activists))). Now I get it. It's pure shame. It must be some weird way of his trying to atone for his father being that colossal faggot-enabler.
https:// unitedcor.org/from-humanistic-rabbi-to-humanistic-chaplain/ archive.is/qfGFT
http:// intactnews.org/node/168/1341064800/humanistic-judaism-increasingly critical-of child-circumcision
theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/17/us-jewish-parents-question-circumcision archive.is/nkEPu
He might be a kike, but no one deserves a legacy like that, holy fuck.

No one really noticed how fast Clinton went on the attack unfortunately. I feel like she may've had some ties to Valeant (who were getting the same shit but for legitimate reasons, $300 pentagon hammer type shit) and that she told them to blow his ass up to cover it. Shkreli's case managed to flood all mention of theirs back over 30 pages. Just seems such a…. (((Coincidence)))
If it hadn't been for Citron ratting them out they would've been able to reach a settlement nice and quiet I bet. Enough waves were made they still had to go to court though. Plus he had some really good reasoning behind his 'gouging' it turned out.

toppest kek confirmation.

wish they hadn't fucked up the spinoff, that was a really great universe.

I think you hit it right there. They're faggots that got banned from half/pol/ which is why they don't know.
Only ones I'm completely against are those "crush" vids, all but one need to be blitzed from the 'net with the final one being evidence attached to any post about that name. I find it unconscionable because bitch profited handily off that shit and only got a slap on the wrist. 2 years in prison for $800,000 fuck, sign me up. Can't believe
Anyone got the sound version of 2nd? I deleted the wrong one it looks like.

kek'd at the american dad one.
I don't know why I like that theme song btw, Macfarlane's normally a shit but that was a decent effort.
Also the only one I actually had is the takbir cat, needed some space for a leak and they had to go. So nice to have a temp place to get them again.

Oh man, always fucks me sideways niggerball has worse injuries than football/rugby for some reason. What are you stupid fucks doing?!?! DON'T. SKIP. LEG DAY.
Also that's an amazing accidental akbar.

while some of that was off, one thing I didn't think about that should be brought up more is that the vast majority are the r-selects.
Also Yosef Tzvi ben Porat for reiteration since I didn't see this post when I answered it before.

Yeah, I lost the other parts, but they're probably on YT anyway. Makes a really good case that Kerry was (((Deep State))) and to disarm the anti-war elements of the DNC under Jim Webb (which he unfortunately didn't recover from allowing Comrade Sanders to enter the ring) he virtue-signaled his way through the primary. From what I watched of election clips back then he was the democrats' McCain, shit candidate blocking the nom and taking the dive intentionally. Wexcellent show the Bushes put on.
I love how when I explain the electronic voting machine shit to foreigners they just gape in awe because they all still do it by paper since it's short, simple, n sweet.
"But can't they be tampered with?"
"Well, yeeeeah that's kind of the point!"
When I get into how every single state does shit differently, ho boy do they tune out. Must suck to suddenly learn even if your country is doing things right, its true fate is decided by bamboozled retards across the ocean.

top jej, now that's "out-jewing the jew"

haha I forgot I had this Billy K one.

conspiracies u s

found I'd burned this onto an old game CD for some reason earlier in the day, talk about the shortest hyperpill in history.


Huezillian off duty cops doing what they do best.

Huezillian on duty cops this time.

Being a cop in Brazil seems awesome since they seem to just kill people for a living.

I did always want to try that trick from Tropa de Elite where the cops bloody someone nose and put a plastic bag over their head so they drown in their own blood.

Glad you liked, call me edgy if you want to, but to me watching human scum being executed like pigs is very satisfying to me.
Here's some more.

no blood?

NIggers think they have it bad with the police? These officers don't even give a warning before shooting.

That movie was shit.

Requesting for more brazilian police



There usually isn't with small calibers.

Pic related, beginning of all problems.
(((People to keep track of the sales)))
Could be much better.

That movie was great - its casting was shit.

The book seems to have been much more interesting…



You forgot the "sacrificing babies to dank demonic entities".

Is this real? I thoughts cults were about explaining the world and your place in it. This cult however is centered around a victim complex. I don't think I've ever seen that before. It feels like some kind of CIA psyop which some gullible people took seriously.

This shit is so pozzed.

too lazy to webm


Here's an oldie. 4pol on Star Trek.


And their wives, and kids, and the poor whites, and anybody lighter than a moonless night.

I almost want to go through the rest of but that would take longer than I have left. What a gyp.

It's garbage, go through it if you want but I did and it wasn't worth it imo.
It's a kiked left wing perspective on history.

Even the megakike next to him doesn't want to agree publicly, all traitors/Jews.

No, this is real life. These are the true ambitions of a women who was told that marrying a black man and being a single mother is heroic, deciding that the ancient discoveries in mathematics made by her ancestors are pointless and hard because she wants to live free of responsibility in a state of selfishness and satisfaction of her primal urges rather than something higher. This is the real mindset of a country of people, of the world even. I don't know how we're going to get out of this shit but I know we just fucking have to.

Redpill me on Decolonization; was the West actually stupid/ideological enough to think it would work or was there more to the story?


People in the mid 20th century were a lot more bluepilled than leftists would have you believe. Remember that America surrendered itself in the 1960's. The average westerner did not want to confront the issue of race, but Rhodesia forced them to. It was a thorn in the side of their mindless trance, as it provided a demonstrable example of white society being better. It is for this reason that they had to be destroyed. If people wouldn't fight for their race in their own homeland, why would they care about their race in a country they couldn't even find on a map?

Wrong song. That's about Australians in Vietnam.

>Advance technologically centuries in front of the other races because you are genetically superior to these losers. racism.
>Take pity on these backward and primitive losers.

Eventually our grandaddies generation got sick of the incessant whinging of these monkeys. After forcing these regions to develop against their will, one day, someone decided that black men should run the black man countries i.e. that we should give our African colonies back to the niggers. And white people went along with it because they were afraid of being accused of racism.

It's at this point that things started to go really, really wrong. Do you know what happens when you put niggers in charge of a government? Look at modern day Africa.

Let us simply say that the history of independent Negro Africa is a less than happy one.

My distant ancestors, from the time of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, were more technilogically advanced than the niggers from four generations ago. Let that sink in.

Some OC fresh out of the oven and will hopefully be good propaganda for normies. It is a rendition of the Band of Brothers intro but instead of Allies it has German soldiers shown.

Requesting someone to encode the video into webm.

this needs to be mixed with that stop it bear porn



oh filters king, what will he scream at next

Anyone have sauce for this guy?




The spirit of the nation is strongest when it is united with the spirit of God, anons.

was meant for

Following your logic, why don't you start posting degenerate porn "to show how bad it is :^)". Degenerate.

Were you two on vacation or something? The "288 posts as one ID" was some bug related to some dumb shit codemonkey was doing. It affected a lot of threads, turned all IDs up to a certain point in the thread to be the same one.

That was the other game, and technically that was only for the magic mechs and other fake shit that doesn't exist now, let alone in 1960. :^)

Hi Holla Forums, it's called "get good". God forbid a vidya makes you think and use your brain instead of just mindlessly wandering between cutscenes. I'm sure Doom would have pissed you off relentlessly because you had to run through mazes and find keycards to get anywhere.

Just like Holla Forums posts pedoshit "just" to ward off "normies", right shekelberg? What is it with people like you and finding ways to try to justify being a degenerate? Part of the superiority of whites is NOT degenerating to the level of these disgusting shitskins, NOT reveling in depravity.



Still mad about it ?
mate if you don't like the content I'm posting, just don't click it, it's not like I'm not warning about the content of the post.


Autism in black people must be prevalent.

This nog is having a seizure somebody help him !

Those poor, helpless jews. Why do us white people always hate on them for

Nogs commonly swing their arms and sway their bodies when presented with a situation that confuses them. This is normal behavior and normally not cause for alarm. You only need to worry when one pulls their pants up because that usually indicates he's going for a sucker punch.

The rootless tree falls.

Isn't there a clip where they try to shame Sonic for calling boys boys and girls girls?


It's The Black Keys - Weight of Love
From their album Turn Blue

Got these from Twitter, Second is great for normie redpilling.


how kind of the 2nd robber to go out and die there


Thank you!

You can see some of it in the white shirt hue, there's a pixel or two in the red shirt hue that resembles blood.

G. Edward Motherfucking Griffin

Anons, can i get context to the one on the right? Was this like an anti-isis meme?

Did he electrify the sign in the first webm?

Anyone got summoning meme magic.webm?

Nobody saw the rare Arnold? Come on guys your slipping.


have a whole new respect for the hue, atleast they do police right

/r/ song

user, is there another vid with "Seig Heil"? I've been looking for it since it was posted years ago and all I ever get is "Hell March"


its just niggers user. victim complex is their way.

what in the goddamn fuck are those parents doing?

Hear hear, am I right?


butt-hurt commie detected.

Babylonian Class system brought back and spread by Prussian crusaders.




Spoilered for degeneracy but not graphic or pornographic


Need some long-forgotten classics here


A friendly reminder that Trump plays msm like a fiddle

Wait so what does this do? Dim the lights or something? A timer for them to turn off?

The Jews are prevented from doing a bunch of shit on one of their religious holidays. The day is truly a day to do fuck-all and they are so dedicated to it that it becomes counter-productive to becoming sloth. Therefore they find these religious loopholes.

They are forbidden from shutting off a light switch even, so what this thing does is rather than break the circut of electricity (like a traditional switch does) it diverts the current so the electricity is still flowing in a circut but the wires to the lights are cut off.

This is what the Jews do to themselves! What insanity.

were they always this gay?

Furries weren't always gay. They came out of the 1980's Anime community then went their own way. But even in the Geocities-era of the web (arguably when their fandom "truly" started) they were still hardcore fetishists like Doug Winger (whom /d/ considers their kind-of Grandfather). Then you had moralfags like the Furries against Yiff movement which was laughed at by people even outside the "Furry" movement.

not a furry. I just like to study the early developments of the Internet. You should. A lot of /cow/-tier material lost forever as well as tech plisosophy there

Multi-embed posts when, Freemason Jim?











Is this video of Human trafficking in Syria? There is reports by the Syrian government that outside agents have been using the civil war to harvest organs, do you think the Jews are involved?


That fucking kike. If anyone seeing this wasn't "antisemitic" already it would make them so.






I'm angry and disgusted and everything else.








Better version

Trump is apparently supposed to declassify the remaining JFK Assassination and Warren Commission documents. Assuming he doesn't hold back anything tbh he's probably ZOG'ed enough that he will we ma get some interesting things.

Sometimes I want to believe that they know what they're doing and have to hide it as an anti-thesis but in reality they support it.


Do you use the metric system in Germany? its 177km/h

If you dont, you are a mad man

Awesome Wemb

Thanks for ruining the thread

Trump may be jew'd in many ways, but goddamn it, I just can't hate the man yet.


Translation is completey wrong.

Not sure what to make of it. On the one hand it's obviously made as satire or parody, on the other hand it's neither funny nor inspired nor in any way particularly worth the time it takes to watch it.
Either way it just ends up confusing Amerilards who can't speak Nazi.

I love that speech, mainly becuase everything he says is so positive.


lmao classic

You have no idea how Webm threads work, do you?

Trump going to that jewish shithole building during the primary may have seemed like a "ha ha ha, take that you nazis" from the shills and goons, but his presence inevitably brought forth the angry liberal golems gone off leash to attack jews.
It did more to help us than hurt us.

So fucking childish and edgy



From which book, article or speech was this quote lifted from?

If you whine for the hundredth time I swear I'll stop posting things you don't like.

Damn dude, got any more of those chinks getting manufactured?

Nigligent discharge?


can someone post the bill nye ice cream sexuality parody vids? i saw them in another thread and didn't save them, and now I can't find them.

Industrial machinery really has superhuman power. A good reminder for the screen workers how dangerous industrial jobs were and still are.

I feel like this is almost exclusively a Chinese problem because of some crazy universal mandate always trying to cut down on their numbers.

It's the Chinese, they're always so damn reckless with industrial shit as it is.

I remember watching this video in china of a giant drop hammer being used to forge something or other and they were just using forklifts and dudes with pry bars to position it under the hammer. Not only was it fucking dangeroo it was wildly inefficient.

Why do i get the feeling this is the polite canadian version of a race war

Also does anyone know the name of the song in this webm?

A lot of the trouble is down to the Chinese not being big on worker safety, not having worker unions and not caring much for general maintenance even less so for maintenance of common areas.

Remember hearin from a guy who lives out there how the exteriors of apartment buildings are often dilapidated but the interiors richly decorated and full of the latest gadgets, but because the exterior is considered to be not their property they don't give a fuck.
This tends to apply to companies and company property. Since the ones running it don't consider it theirs.
Hell he had one horror story of a light in an elevator that had been broken for five years because nobody would chip in a couple of dollars for a new lightbulb despite the entire apartment building being full of fairly wealthy folks.

In short chinks are not human.
They have no love of life or even things.

I saw one of these billboards for the same thing. I felt like doing the same thing, but there was a office with security guards next door.

6-7 year old kenyans are equivalent to 18 month old whites.

This is the first time i called you a child. Even thought you should be able to gather that information by looking at your Mexican birth certificate.

That bitch will learn what she has created and then it will kill her.

Fucking done with my antidepressants, fucking done with alcohol, it's gonna be rough but fuck drugs.

pretty sure that communism destroyed what little humanity they might have had to begin with.

now the nation is filled with hordes of husks, completely devoid of spirit.

Not user but maybe this is what you were looking for? Sorry not very good with embedding/posting

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUJZRRQwIpw

Does anyone have the original video of this?



Glorious. I'm pretty sure the juden losing some control of the sjws like that is probably Chaos Theory in action.

Fucking Cummo. How the hell is that faggot still working?

Porn degrades everybody involved. The man, the woman, the watcher. I hate that I watched so much porn in my life and sometimes still do.



cool vid.

1930's and 1950's on the right. Then it goes complete downhill and slutty, especially onwards from the 80's

90's was literally the most degenerate


The sort of conformity he was against was conformity to the moral law. It resulted in him dieing of aids.

Oh yes, here he comes again, unfortunatelly for you user, I don't think you can reach the (100) necessary for me to stop posting things you don't like.
Oh and by the way, keep shooting and you might finally hit the target one day, you already called me a mexican, so try calling me a kike next time.
I'm waiting for (you)
t. not a mexican underage kid

FUCK, I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND THIS SINCE FOREVER. Thanks user, I remember seeing it last year, but then it was taken down and I couldn't find it anywhere online.

Porn is a disease, a really crippling addiction, in some ways worse than the chemical drugs; I might even call it a form of psychological and spiritual warfare. Here is an older, but still very relevant article from Counter-Currents:


an oldie but goodie. Got more, will post more when can.

Kentucky Fried Movie??





kike mexican under ages kid

Why are jews so cheap?

They all turn into one super jew then morph back.

Techno WW3

Yes, here you go user. Enjoy. also I did not add the filter, it was like that in the mp4


Yuri bezmenov warned us about people who are demoralized in a corporate society like the US who are essentially bored and have nothing to find in happiness, so they rebel against anything all the while, the ones who will gladly subvert anything, are only too happy to oblige them in their idiotic destruction.

This is why Yahweh made a Jesus. Because he was done with these faggots trying to workaround the rules with technicalities and shit.


Seems legit.

British Police

Everyday I grow more excited to kill colored people



He's right, have some standards. This isn't Holla Forums, there is not reason to spam retarded shit just because it's a weebum thread.



being this is Germany, they should add the 2020s with hijabs



Got a story

kek, sounds about rite to me too really.


Only just realised I posted just 5 and 6. (I never had the other 4 unfortunately

I feel like that's why it's important to get greco-roman style artful nudes back into play, at least on a local level, eliminate the inherent need to seek degeneracy caused by puritanism. Pissants like Ashcroft caused us to yield important cultural fields and now they're wholly owned by (((them))) and the non-porn could be considered even more degenerate really (like that navel-gazing BS "Brown Bunny" that Cannes went wild for that was nothing but dada-tier shitposting they took as 'serious art')

Either that or ruin peoples' enjoyment of it by bizarre and irreverent association psychology (basically achieve the effect of Clockwork Orange utilising the element of surprise instead of complete immersion) so they can't see or hear x actress without also thinking of y non-sexy event/movie scene.

I don't know if it's Holla Forums's op but I've noticed a ton of shitposting on pornhub with normal YT vids getting porn-y titles already, or people taking porn and putting ridiculously goofy jew music over it like Weird Al and Adam Sandler but with almost the same title/tags as the original. Something like that, but as a concerted group effort to really mangle the search results.

Pornhub's mods seem to be trolly enough that they enjoy the effort so they probably wouldn't realise what's going on and just let the site get shit up.
You even see on the comments underneath those people going "FUCK that was so ridiculous I lost my boner what the fuck man" "what the fuck is that music, I can't fap to that!" etc

As one site gets garbage'd up, spread to other sections of "the (((mindgeek))) hub" and see if those mods are stupid enough to allow it too. (x-tube, tube8, redtube, etc)
Porn-loving normies seem to have absolutely no patience so it will cause enormous under-the-radar anal devastation (and not of the kind they're seeking)

I haven't been b& myself, but it's a solo effort so the mods were too lax to do anything. They may or may not react if they figure out it's a plan of attack though.

wow, what channel was that aired on? That would probably account for some of those mysterious bodies that would be discovered when I was a kid that no one in the whole province recognised. Also found what may've been some of those weights a couple times diving, but nothing was attached to them.

Anyone got the german one where the guys from the woman's group have to come back around the wall and let her walk on their backs to get over it? That one was insane!
Think it was around 4 minutes, was from some tv program meant to promote them iirc.

Are Finno-Ugrics actually mongolian or is that just maymays?

mondoweiss.net/2017/02/activists-ambassadors-university/ archive.is/06a99 pamelageller.com/2017/02/columbia-zionists-racists.html/ archive.is/Hp5KB
algemeiner.com/2017/02/09/student-activist-columbia-u-turning-into-war-zone-ahead-of-scheduled-lecture-by-israels-un-ambassador/ archive.is/4cjgo
It's been gaining ground rapidly since then, it's good to remember that a lot of antifa crosses over with "electronic intifada," and their aggravation with Trump seems to have caused them to breach containment and spill out from Oberlin and Columbia. The anti-zionist protests are getting as hairy as the alt-reich protests.

the nice thing about him being such a hothead is the way they're going the deep state is liable to piss him off enough that he pushes Bannon into the FBI or CIA and the fucker rips everything wide open.
Domestically the FBI would actually be better since that would expose all the (((tricks))) done over the years to get our people and other races' nationalists sent up the river. Planting CP, knocking someone unconscious then discharging a firearm and making them palm it, 'lifting prints' to place on a burglary investigated elsewhere…. All the crooked shit that happened under not-so-Freeh would just destroy the agency forever, and just cause mass social upheaval (also their ill-fated attempt to get in on the drug-running scheme ala the CIA with Whitey Bulger that they botched by killing too many innocents on his behalf)
With trust in the feds ravaged, it'd be a simple enough matter for a RWDS petition (I mean actual signed petition) to take hold, with a lot of general righties and fash falling in since normies wouldn't trust anyone else to handle that agency. I mean Comey's virtue-signaling ass aggravates them enough, but then to know the agency had all these unpunished agents involved complicitly in crimes and frame-ups, ho man!
…Hey, a man can dream, rite?

found this one on FJ, pretty good goybook-safe-postable redpill.

don't use perturbator shit for this, he's a libfag and is inferior to Lazerhawk and Mega Drive

carpenter brut*

a few might qualify, Genghis really got around in that part of euroland.

Don't let it all out just yet!
Looked through the thread and didn't see this one.
And to salve the pain…..

top kek
the mirror test is a load of shit in either case though


that would be so fucked in my commo wagon but entirely doable in a lighter car, especially considering that the highway is a straight line

I wish I was a brazilian cop

I wish I had been born in the 30s.

I don't understand why nobody ever talks about the failed German revolution of 1918
Was run whole by jews too

have some oc fam

Just learned that the Hammer in the Soviet emblem symbolized the German proletariat. Judeobolshevism was meant to be an internationalist revolutionary world conquest from its inception.




Was Sammy talking about himself?




Not only is mister officer extremely limp wristed, but those citizens are unusually well behaved. I was expecting them to gang up 20 to 1 on the cop.

I lost it so hard when the music hit.

A bit late, but thanks user. I had to find it myself.

Here's the updated video, in two halfs. Glad someone liked it.

Second half

dude that's an australian vietnam war song

Fukken saved


New OC

I see that you want some more, allright then, have some, we still have 50 posts to go.

This stuff makes me want to stop eating meat. How could spmeone be okay with this?



>>>Holla Forums




Why don't they use one of those punch things that stabs them in the brain to kill them instantly first? Brutal disregard for primal suffering.

You have to eat meat, user, or you'll turn into an emaciated homosexual fruitcake. You shouldn't be eating conventional meat anyway, you should be really picky. Beef/lamb must be organic 100% grass-fed, dairy likewise plus also non-homogenized with as little pasteurization as possible, fish wild-caught preferably small fish low in mercury. Good poultry and pork are hard to find but you want organic pasture-raised/heritage if you do go there. Best to raise chickens yourself though.

I know the mods have a rough job dealing with trolls and fuckwits from /r/the_donald, not to mention Holla Forums, the JIDF, and kike shills who never seem to go away, and I know that these arseholes often try to shit up music (and other culture) threads but seriously, wtf?

Imagine that there is a group of people and a handful of the people in this group are arseholes. Imagine that you are in this group and that the arseholes are starting to piss you off. Now imagine if the mods came in, decided that they didn't like the arseholes any more than you do, and that, rather then punish the troublemakers, they were going to punish the entire group, especially you, in response.

That is literally what is happening here. And it is bullshit.

Mods, your response to these people is just but it is also a vastly over-proportionate response. Banning individual posters is justified but banning entire threads is not.

When I first encountered Holla Forums, many a year ago, there was a thread in which Holla Forumsacks were discussing their favourite European meals and someone was shilling Stroganovs. There was another thread in which an expert on the classics was telling us about the Roman on the Bridge, the poems of Lord Macaulay, and why we should read Livy. At the time, we had regular threads in which we celebrated European culture.

Fast-forward a few years and we cannot even discuss music without the bans being handed out. This is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Mods, you need to stop acting like arseholes. Punishing individuals is justified. Community punishments are not.

When culture threads become popular, you should ban the small handful of troublemakers who are shilling and not punish the other people in the thread.

Back when 8/pol started we perpetually had huge classical music and painting threads and 8/pol attracted lots of cultured high IQ white men. The shitskin mods here now ban all European art and culture threads, this place has degenerated in Holla Forums tier stupidity.

Since European culture threads began being banned here over a year ago, I have made over 200 post in a painting thread on 8ch.pl.


You can post music threads on 8ch.pl/pol until we get some white mods here.



Fresh out of the oven, and cut less than minute ago.

tl;dr - Hans has 28 years younger Algerian wife he met over facebook in Fedora group, his daughter is pissed off.


Where is this from?

Last time that webm was posted an user explained that it isnt a grinder for edible meat. A grinder that is used in the food industry does need to have standards main one being stainless steel. This is probably just to get rid of the animals and turn them into fertilizer

Gore allowed?

Also new thread?

anybody have the election night webm that's played to the initial d music "I wanna be your hero"?



Gratefully appreciated

That Alex Jones one made me piss myself

I can't believe some people believe he's a troll.

That's a hell of a troll, spending 10 years of your life on an OS only you use.

Postan OC

what's the marching song?

That's pretty fucking gay change the song holy shit.

It's called Erika.

it's some weak shit tbh but it works well in this context. good work user. fuck the haters.

cool concept with the three "screens", but change the song

those animals are already dead

I've had this saved for a fair few months now. Unless you can prove to me that you made it back then, than I'll assume you're talking out your ass.

Even this version, same name was posted to Jewtube late last year.

Nope, but incredibly butthurt faggots will call you a kike, underage, mexican, edgy, shitskin and Holla Forumstard for posting it, but they really can't do anything but whine (and they whine a lot, believe me) since gore is not forbidden here unlike cuckchan.

start posting dead trannies in every thread if you have them. The goons are being really annoying lately.

I think the only people who have a problem with Gore would be those who may simply find it distasteful. Given this is a political board and despite the issues with new users; many (or perhaps the few) may merely be attempting to maintain the level of discussion which we had much earlier in the life of this site and board.

Gore does not add to discussion, is not politics and neither does the neigh endless spam of faggots mutilating themselves which you'll find on ANY thread dealing with the topic of those biologically defunct. It just takes up space.

Triggering goons so they get mad and fuck off always contributes to the quality of discussion.

Here, let's try it out.

Bullshit, the level of discourse has fallen dramatically since the board started with that secret club crap (I hate to use that terminology, but currently it's the only way I can think to refer to this naivety). There used to be threads dedicated to the attraction of the audience and conversion of the sleeping masses, now you say to turn them away with gore?! You drag down any way to propagate the good message, if you react to "goons" you switch topics to one of far lesser quality.

Not to mention, many of those who come to shill here or simply to spam do find that the vigor of our poster base changes their worldview. So to say "There newfags all over the place, better post gore." you damage the board growth itself.

This has been the first time I've ever actually begun posting on this board… But I get it now; its you.
You're the spammer, you're the shill and YOU are the discreditor.

Checked for truth

I think this is the one

Stay triggered.

You're being a real cunt bud.

Anyone got that idi amin webm? I am not talking about the one when he is on the boat laughing.
Its where he shooting guns and parading around with the military. It also got some music in the background.

Check the dubs on this! I had seen this guys other collections but never watched the whole video to see he had a nazi room, very cool.


they really are beasts. they really don't deserve to live in our world

Cuckchan is still gimped to 4MB VP8/Vorbis only (no sound outside /wsg/gif/).

Fuck. That one was good.



wtf? who is this guy and what happened to him?

moar pls.

NVM, I found out it's Dr. Ray Hagins. That webm gave the impression that he was silenced for saying that.

new thread when?



Bretty gud. Postan the first .gif I ever made

I wasn't a fan of stephan before, but if they keep throwing people like this at him daily I might start watching. It's no wonder he hasn't killed himself dealing with this sort of thing. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy.

I hate to be "that guy" but the qoutes here aren't even real. The sources they cite are very vague, no page numbers or specific publishing dates.

Let me start with the first claim
There is no real source for this even when it was originally claimed in the book "They Didn't Listen, They Didn't Know How" by Olwen Davies (pg 682, published 2013) it only says "1936 broadcast" but the quote is almost a direct copy from research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/niemals.htm which says

The times is a newspaper but there are no reports of him ever saying this in the newspapers, every time I reverse search it the quote leads to discussion forums but NO evidence of the paper is actually provided.

"Germany has become too powerful. We must crush it." (Winston Churchill, November, 1936 speaking to US General Robert E. Wood)
There is no source of him saying this anywhere, and it appears to have originated here: biblebelievers.org.au/nl709.htm (ctrl + f to find)

"This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." - Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939 broadcast)
There is no source for this either, I've looked and its just coupled with the other quotes, there's no broadcast, newspaper, anything at all that quotes him as saying this other than on discussion forums with no extra evidence other than "radio broadcast 1939 (autumn)

There is no evidence for this quote, its also not a statement Churchill would have said, both because it was inaccurate and because it would have contradicted his longtime position. But even beyond that, Churchill was a Nobel-prize-winning author and a longtime journalist who spoke with just pride of his grasp of English. He would've never used awkward phrases such as "conquer sales markets" and "without doing one shot."

This quote is from this "Foreword to the second edition (2001)" to Propaganda in the Next War (1938). This foreword was written by David M. Pidcock. He doesn't give a source for this other than saying "as Winston Churchill pointed out to Lord Robert Boothby." I can't find any sign that this second edition was ever published. I even searched the volumes of "The Second World War" for it and found nothing.

The end part about Roosevelt getting the navy to attack Germany before a state of war was declared is true. I am not pointing out the falsehoods in this to "demoralize" or "shill" a kosher opinion. I am putting this out here to make sure that no one here uses false evidence. If we allow ourselves to be set up like this, our credibility will be lost.

It's part of the National Socialist Morality to be honest, remember that

I don't doubt that Churchill and the Americans were focused on eliminating Germany for economic purposes, germany was becoming the economic powerhouse of Europe at the time. The WEBM after this is not wrong at all, and there are extraneous sources to back it up. But please, if you guys do have legitimate sources to back these quotes up I would love to hear them.

now THIS is shitposting