We need to have Barbara Spectre Doxxed and Murdered

Here's the gist of my proposal.

We doxx the shit out of this evil whore. Doxx her living quarters and work address. Doxx her route to work. Doxx her organizations.

Then we also try and fish up any comments she made that could be construed as anti-muslim. Plaster them all over the internet. Make it so easy for everyon to find. Essentially, get a chimpout going.

Then we get an agitator to have her surrounded by muds and let her get raped and killed, as is deserving of this evil bitch.

At this stage, there can be no qualms. The conitinued existence of Jewish whores like her and Jewish rats like Soros is a detriment and problem for us all. They need to die.

Thankfully, if we can play our cards right, we can create the hit in a way that the parties to blame officially are the mudslime terrorists.

So what say you, fellow user?



sage goes in all fields

Also, go fuck yourself FBI

Shill just go, please.

Never seen a more obvious FBI thread.

wtf gtfo diy

Ms. Spectre, please. You're already old as shit anyway, why not let you stick around and watch the total ruination of the Jewish plot to finally enslave humanity once and for all? You deserve it for being such a cunt.

Kill yourself my man.


She's just a puppet.

For those of you who might be lacking an understanding, the OP proposed you murder her and the suggested you take part in information collecting with the stated intent of murder. If you participate, its conspiring to kill someone, a felony. Dont do that.

Forgot to sage.Nuke the thread, I dont think anyones falling for it anyways.

Why are you fuckers not saging?


No, but she is just a single representative of a jew organization filled with jews doing the same thing.

Sweden? Some shitskin immigrant might give her a free flying lesson after some hot sex. No need to shill, mr splc.




t. totally not FBI nigger



FBInigger ITT
2 funny 4 me.

Jesus Christ how dumb can you be? Is this the kind of retarded shit McVeigh fell for?

this is true

Come on mods.


Oh brother do they even try anymore? What's wrong all the senior out busting commies?

This is illegal.
Illegal things are bad.

Go do it yourselves fucking FBI nigger.

1599 my fellow anonymous poster also not employed by the federal government! Hale Adolf and sing hail!
We should MURDER everyone right now and post our plans on pol haha that'll show those persons of the Jewish faith (which we don't like)
dont listen to all these shills in this itt lol they're just LARPer virgin nerds who will never know how fun it is to KILL JEWS and be real Nazis like us, but I hope some of them will come around and join us by contributing their detailed plans on how to commit murder - a crime worth committing since this is a person of the Jewish faith who we don't like according to my notes

Anyway toodles!

not doing that g-man

nice try fbi

fuck wrong image but whatever

Sure thing FBI.

CIA is a bigger guy than you, FBI.

Hi FBI. Instead of ldoxxing this lady, why don't you just go and find your own ISIS waifu like this useless cunt:

Always a bridesmaid never a sex slave *sigh*.

We here at Holla Forums are great believers in equal opportunities for all jews, not just Specter.

Reminder to you nigs to sage and report