The Neofeudal Corporate Overlords

The Neofeudal Corporate Overlords

With the progress of technology and consolidation of industries a new breed of neofeudalism has appeared.

Corporate overlords like Jewgle that nickle and dimed me a couple years ago and laughed at paying more than $11 an hour with 11 month at will employment contracts to avoid paying benefits of any kind.

Management was full of women who had zero empathy for anyone and only cared about themselves while squeezing more and more performance out of people cause Jewgle needs an extra trillion. I view women as their goodest goys these days.

It seems college throws one right into their machinery, which is why they love college so much.

I'm convinced that colleges these days aren't valued for whatever skills and concepts you could learn. The smartest guy I know dropped out of high school and taught himself enough about tech to run his own company. Colleges are valued by the elites now because having a diploma from one of those institutions shows that you're more likely to have been molded into their ideology, or at worst that you've learned that you need to shut up and obey when their ideology conflicts with your moral code, or even common sense for that matter.

There is also the huge debts part in the US and the UK.

That sets the scene for corporate enslavement.

One of their biggest lies is telling 50% of the population belief that the middle class is actually in the middle of the pyramid.

This brings up an interesting idea. Why don't we create our own corporation? Holla Forumsack Industries! We can specialize as a Think Tank, Propaganda network, and Arms producers! We could quickly become an incredibly powerful force, all be rich, and take over the world without need for an official homeland at first. We will conquer our own land and be a true Fascist state, where the corporation exists for the people.

The reality is even worse than feudalism. At least in traditional feudalism, the subjects were regarded as the property of their Lord. As such, certain standards of protection and care were taken to ensure that life was at least bearable for his subjects and the land was preserved, as it was the economic engine.

This is one reason I'm amused people are so resistant to the concept of monarchy. It's the same deal we've got now (and that we're always going to have), but instead of the hierarchy being cloak-and-dagger with slinking Ashkenazim at the top and completely oblivious goyim at the bottom, it's 100% explicit who calls the shots, and those who misuse power are held accountable. Now, we can engage in regicide to get rid of an oppressive sovereign, but can we do to shake off the fetters of Jewish international finance, the new ruling class? NOTHING.

Sorry to disappoint you user, but i am not on the bottom of that list.

great idea at first, and we should absolutely do that in a clean world
but Holla Forums's greatest strength comes from Chaos and its greatest defense comes from being a mist of nobodies located nowhere
if we assembled in a formal structure, "Holla Forumsack industries" would need to become solid and lose much or all of itself in the process, and we would gain a terminal vulnerability to attacks, while for now (((they))) can only flay their sword against a cloud

Ya don't understand, goy. Honest business is for the shmucks, while the Chosen rent-seek.

If you're wasting your life producing things that other people actually need, you're a loser. Buy up slums, launder money in art dealings, lend at interest for no-risk income to the other bozos who're working their asses off! Ids free money!

I was living in Thailand for a while to escape first world oppression and the only reason their monarchy worked because it was hot enough there to sleep outside without blankets.

Most people there are poor as fuck, which is why their women have a penchant for whoring themselves out. Earn in a single night what you'd make in a couple days of hard factory labor.

Now you might say it's because they're dimwit azns but the tales from feudal europoor were not exactly pleasant either.

We have to claim power at some point. You have a better idea?

… Don Jr?

As all things "neo" it is worse in all dimensions than the old one.


Communism is roughly the same except a virtual absence of luxury goods for people that aren't in the top 3-4 tiers.

I meant neofeudalism is a (((marxist))) term.

Also this guy literally posted a quote from a (((socialist))) anti racist activist. This thread reeks of lefty/pol/ shilling



You should create your own small companies and hire like-minded people. People from Holla Forums should do the same if they are in the US. Nothing prevents them from starting a business and working together in a manner similar to a commune. If you want to take out profits and divide them amongst workers, then you can. Businesses operate on budgets.

good image, OP.

most people aren't that impressionable. i bet that a lot of people in college aren't as brainwashed as they seem.

jews want a racial hierarchy with them at the top.

Whites want a white nation with slight heirarchy based upon ability, regulated by law.

Leftycucks want zero hierarchy because they can't compete. Strong people want a more or less flat hierarchy so they can be left alone. You should analyze things a bit more.

Desperate people will pretend and keep their mouth shut to get a job though which had become a problem all on it's own. You don't need to be an sjw just be cucking out constantly.

At least the original form was honest

Holla Forums detected
and there is nothing wrong with feudalism, prove me wrong