Starts at 1:30pm EST, so get ready, post those waifus, fuck the gook, and let's see if Sean destroys another (((Narrative))) today.

Official jewtube:

Other urls found in this thread:,_Massachusetts

Also reminder the President tweeted this earlier this morning.

Which gook do you guys keep talking about?

The guy that gets triggered whenever he sees anime.

I'm sure he is just in denial, that deep inside of him, he knows that 2D > 3DPD

Are you sure about that statement Sean? Cause we all know it's you starting these threads you weaboo you.

Odds Spicer mentions Nyaa going down?

How do you know hes a gook, and what kind of gook doesn't like anime?

Off topic but I'm pissed about the commie nigger at UT and how "the motive is still unclear" lads. And now a video has emerge with him and some nog friends of his reenacting the slaying of whites at

I think he stopped gundum posting once we started suspecting it was him behind these threads all along.

We already know full well who was responsible for this.

Watch out for Taneli Daiz Vatanen
The public enemy of fansubbing #1
He is the main responsible for…

MX Media dropping honorifics
Leaking OreImo from ANN
Killing fansubbing in2010,2011,2012, 2013 and 2014
Hostile takeover of Commie
The development of the .H264 10-bit profile
Attempted assassination of Sakura!Fish
Successful assassination of Coalgirls
Successful assassination of ZeroYuki, Grumpy Jii-san, and Ken-sama
Successful assassination of Steve Jobs because Mac computers could not play 10-bit
Successful assassination of the authors of ‘Kaze no Stigma’, ‘MM!’, and 'Zero no Tsukaima'
Shutting down the NyaaTorrents tracker
Humiliating Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Shutting down
Shutting down
Removing loli and rape from TVTropes
Introducing Miura to [email protected]/* */, and constantly distracting Yoshihiro Togashi
The development of the future .H265 10-bit profile
Preventing KyoAni from adapting the continuation of FMP
Pushing to ban lolis in Japan
Hindering the development of VP9
Holding subs hostage and forcing people to use Commie.
Allowing Naruto threads on /a/.
Forcing Subdesu-H to hardsub and watermark hentai.
Imposing an anime embargo on Australia
Suggesting Rotoscoping for Aku no Hana
Convincing Anno to drop 2.0 subplots in favor of action to show off 10bit compression
Sabotaging official encoders' efforts in order to make hobbyists look good
The MPAA teaming up with CODA to stop you from downloading fansubs
Formation of the Austrian company Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH and Denuvo Anti-Tamper
Convincing Gaben to put anime on Steam
Formation of ISIS
Foundation of ADL
Assassination of Robin Williams and faking it for suicide
Attempted assassination of Aseylum of Vers
Simultaneous kill of Nyaa, MAL and HorribleSubs
Successful assassination of BakaBT
Successful blackmailing of Nyaa Administrator and consecutive shutting down of domain

Was is really him in the Gundam costume? Or was he the one taking the picture?
I want to believe

I'm sure its all just a coincidence, user :^)

It's amazing how one person can be responsible for everything that's gone wrong in the anime community in the past 8 years.


Fug less than 1 year of discovering anime and the kikes take a large source of it away now that bakabt is private

Kek I have no idea what you autists are discussing right now, but here's another smug anime girl.

The fuck is with that nose?


The Gook knows the truth

Although I'm glad I had just downloaded Macross. Also those idiots over at /a/ not having 1 main and 2 back ups

May day was a lot saltier then l was expecting. Should we provoke them some more? Maybe get a new flyer/sticker date set?

Ok i went to see why nyaa went seppuku and apparently there was a EU court ruling on the Kodi multimedia device(it allowed the users to easily view/stream pirated content), the problem with Kodi was that there were mods which specifically allowed the device to stream the illegal content(the device was created to be used in whatever way the user wanted) so the jews were pissed off and on 22 May 2014 Stichting Brein told the good Koda dev to SHUT IT DOWN(link to google translated dutch page about the shekelstiens victory in Netherlands - *bit-ly/2p5hCvG*) and now after Koda got shut down the law was passed on ALL MEMBER STATES OF THE EU.
Here's and article about that from one of the neutral people(*bit-ly/2cdNtFT*) in that article there are two links and both lead to the transcript of the ruling(((*bit-ly/2oUfXNF*)))(((*bit-ly/2qpjtzj*))).

Dude, gooks have always hated seeing anime.

I hope someone in the press has the tenacity to ask Sean the hard questions Americans want answers to about Flynn and whether the President has changed his position on the wall.

So H8chan is being autistic today and didn't allow me to post shortened links…well…
Back to discourses on seppuku this EJew ruling is important because "
1. The right of authors to permit the communication to the public of their works, protected by Article 3 of Directive 2001/29/EC, (2) may be adversely affected by links that redirect users from one website to another, if the appropriate balance is not achieved between respect for intellectual property and the free development of the information society. In this context, hyperlinks (3) represent one of the fundamental elements of the internet; they are essential for navigation through webpages and websites but they may also facilitate breaches of copyright." Coupled with "9 Article 13a of that law provides:

‘Reproduction of a literary, scientific or artistic work shall not include a temporary act of reproduction which is transient or incidental, and an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable

(a) the transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary, or

(b) the lawful use

of a work, and which has no independent economic significance.’ "
makes it so that even posting a magical thing called the HYPERLINK will get you in prison…So let me ask all of you which place has the most hyperlinks thrown around if i were to exclude the torrents?The chans ,all of the chans, plus they can enforce a law which states that no "thing" in existence can WITHOUT breaking the law stream/send anything legally without the (((official))) rights.
P.S. sage for off topic

Damn, I'm not even into anime anymore but that sucks.


Meant for

I thought that was spicer pepe

What 'plan' is he referring to?

Also: You have 54 fucking Republicucks - you can't 'make a deal' with 6 fucking Democucks?
I'm getting real sick of this shit - we gave this fuck everything he could possibly want, and he wants more. Newflash Don: Its very unlikely you're going to be getting MORE Republicans in 2018.

It would be 8 and we both know that you can't. If you think you can, then you've never met a liberal in your life.

You live in Weimerica.
If that's what's got you pissed, you're behind the curve lad.

>>>Holla Forums

He says he needs 60, which would not be 8. And if anyone could, one would think it'd be the man who wrote Art of the Deal (and never shuts the fuck up about it).

This is why this board is going to shit. That and all the redditor fags and the shitty mods.

Actually there is a solid chance that he will get more republicans come 2018. 23 democrats are up for reelection while only 8 republicans are so several chances to gain as opposed to lose. 2016 was supposed to be rough for Republicans and they were expected to lose their majority there but they greatly exceeded forecasts.

There are 52 Republicans in the senate you retard.
You haven't read The Art of the Deal

The gook is actually a goon, but changing goon to gook triggers the gook for some reason.

"Making a deal" with democrats means they want something you don't want to give them and instead of giving them all of it, you just give them part of it.

Leftypol doesn't read anything user.

Nobody can have this much destructive autism without having connections to literal Jews.

5 minute warning

That's just it lad - expectations proved dangerous to our enemies. You think they'll buy into such expectations again, or do you think they're going to mobilize to avoid exactly what you describe?
I suppose, just on the basis of greater opportunities, you could suggest that would be the case; but I have little doubt the Democucks are going to push hard not to lose any further seats. Any thoughts on where we'd be liable to have a good shot at picking up a seat or two?
Class I are all up in 2018 it seems.

Oh, you're right, the site I initially checked said 54, but it was talking pre-2016 election… Where the Republicans LOST 2 seats in the Senate.

Yay democracy, eh?

Again, this is why this board is going to shit.


No one fucking cares that you're mad you were found out retard.



Neat story kiddo.

Gook's still not here so you can be the new gook now. You're dumb enough to fit the role anyways.

I'm ready

I still don't really identify as republican but they have a good shot of picking up seats in Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia and that's just at first glance.

You really are exemplary of the cancer. Which mod are you? ;^)

As someone in the trenches here, don't count on it.
I'd have thought Montana or North Dakota. A shame we can't get rid of the more note-worthy ones, ie Sanderstein, The Injun, The West Coast Gun-Jewess, etc.

Any bets the media will ask about Trump tweeting about Andrew Jackson last night, or about a shutdown in september?

What's he planning in September?

just started

Its horrible living in CA pls someone help

Its going to be a September to remember.

The government is funded through September. He basically told dems to get on board or he won't sign anything.

It's starting



I know, I lived there 06-08.

There is no help that can be offered my friend. Get out while you still can.


Trump and Toomey both won, so there's a chance a Republican can win the second senate state seat there as well.



But yesterday(?) Spicer said emphatically

"En-faw-cing the law"

I like these crossover episodes

I'm just fucking infuriated right now. He's getting cucked so fucking hard here and he's STILL going to sign it. Then Trump says we're gonna have a government shutdown in September? Well why the fuck don't' you do it right now?

There's a chance, but again, don't count on it. Eastern PA - and most of the urban zones - is a demographic trainwreck.

Lurk moar.

B-but the shills told me there will be no wall!

Stop being such a basic bitch faggot.

It was a negotiation, that's supposed to be his strength. He caved on wall, EPA, sanctuary, foreign visas, endowments for arts, foreign aid, climate research, funding obamacare, and got 18 bil of planes and boats…. that is embarrassing. Worse, it shows his real aspiration to be a military President at the expense of working families.

Bakabt has been useless for a while.

Explain Toomey winning the one senate seat then.


Because let's be real dude - we likely won't see it in September either.

The shills should have been telling you the wall doesn't really matter. The 2020 census is going to be very eye-opening to some of you.

Nice talking points faggot. Kill yourself.

Thats why deportations are important

Stopped reading and reported right there.

Wew the bants


Lots of give up, it's all over in here. Four months into his administration.

Fuck off back to endchan you black pill cunt.

What about the H1B Visa's Ryan snuck into the bill? Pelosi and Schumer we're literally gloating about how much they fucked over the GOP.

This guy reminds me of Gil from the Simpsons

What about you suck starting a shotgun?

Nice dodging the problem. Ryan is fucking over Trump.


Reminder this is the guy that was asked if he was okay with africans starving overseas due to budget changes and he said the changes would occur without even flinching.

Trump train. And he won by less than 100k votes.


More cancer.
So far in posting on Holla Forums today I've been accused of being: endchan, leftypol, goon/gook, and of course the old favorite, Jew.
These baseless accusations are becoming more toothless by the day.

It's actually just a goon but became these threads' running gag to call him gook since some newfag or typofag called him that and he threw a shitfit in response.

Jesus Christ, he really does.

Everyone knows Ryan is a useless establishment faggot.

In that case have some more smugs.

Holla Forums has gone downhill ever since the site got hacked. TRS/Richard Spencer shills have been showing up in droves.

So why won't Trump force him to step down

Dems confirmed for cucked.

Eh, the site has been going downhill since the election. In our victory, we attracted many vermin, and they've set up shop.

Very good band.
Red pilled before most.

Mulvaney's not fucking around.

0.20 dem shekels per 1.00 rep shekels

Top Kek


Puerto Ricans confirmed for fucked.

He's great

Fucking election for the Senate isn't until next year. Only senate election is in Alabama to replace Sessions. Also only five congressional seats up for election.

Dems called the FUCK out. Holy shit I want separate briefings with Mulvaney.

They have another sort of base? Is he basically admitting the mudfolk who vote Blue aren't actually left-wing, just gibs-hungry?


Overblown as he got fewer votes than Romney. If anything voter turnout was depressed because the public viewed both him and Clinton as shit choices. Voter turnout is also depressed in midterm elections and historically this favors republicans.

Really makes you think.

Oh yeah, well the mods lost data on the banned IPs. But I look at it this way, more goons to trigger with smug waifus, more yids to make kvetch into an oven, more TRS/CTR/paid shills to sharpen the debating knivesw upon.
Find that silver lining user, it helps to withstand the blackpill.


Fucking dropped like a tonne of bricks.

Out of similar shows only Yukikaze worth its shekels.

D-did we just see the wall?


Because the Republicans in the House of Representatives are responsible for the election of the Speaker of the House but you know that.

(gee I wonder why)

Who did?
Dude, laughable. Voter turnout was 'depressed' because neither candidate was Black.
We shall see I suppose.

Wish it was 10 feet higher tbh



the real wall comes later

Kevin McCarthy should have taken the speaker job. He would have saved us from Ryan.

Holy shit these faggots.

Why save a thumbnail?


I don't. Sycophantic retards have flooded this board, to the detriment of the community. Kek blesses the truth-speakers. Cry moar faggot.

It's sorta already starting, that's the prototype in Commiefornia, They made a point to start the construction of the wall there. I also think it's near impossible to judge Trump by what he says or what it looks like he is doing judge him by what he has done nothing more, when shills come at us remember the wall is starting, Bannon is still in, we are still at peace with Russia worry about nothing else.

Shiiiiieeeeet we're winning so much that we're gonna win twice.

These retarded leftist arguments about the wall. What are sensors? What are cameras? This isn't the 19th century anymore.

The Jew is speaking

"If it takes a shutdown I'll have to problem with it"


Jesus christ, Mulvaney is the best kind of autistic. He doesn't give a fuck.

I sincerely hate democrats.

Mulvaney is getting fucked tonight

I thought we were getting concrete and rebar…


Godspeed Mulvaney.

End catch and release





I'll take something now while we wait for the official wall.

Smallpox beds confirmed for the spics in budget.

sit back and watch user, you can't predict anything trump does for better or worse what happens happens

Who let the jihadist in?

This guy just doesn't have time for their shit.

They should have labor prison sentences for illegals, where each time they get caught back in the country after deportation, they get a longer sentence.


Nice to see you in the Spicer thread, postal-user.
probably time to apply to UPS

MSM believing faggots just got btfo

it's a tall steel fence, hopefully a real wall will follow but i don't expect it.

don't even try user, this place is worse than the_donald nowadays just look at the posts "CONFIRMED CUCKED/BASED!" "BTFO!" filled with Reddit lingo, cucked on DACA? 8D chess! Healthcare failure? 8D Chess! Signing a clearly Jew Spending Bill made by the cockroach Ryan who keeps fucking over his Agenda at every damn step while Trump says and does jackshit? 8D Chess! everything that is not completely positive is deemed BLACKPILL or SHILL, there is no real discussion, no thread really digging in the disgrace that is this spending bill and it's just a hugbox to some and the few who actually try discuss anything get throw together with the real shills who get exactly what they wanted.

This guy is on fire. He needs to fuck his wife immediately after this in the bathroom.

The leprechaun is giving the press hell.

I'm marking 2 spaces off for this one

Jeesus H. Christ this guy is decent.

We're watching the foreplay before the conception of his next child live.
Best Timeline Ever.

Actually, several of my predictions came true since the election, but that's beside the point.

I never trust government mouth pieces though, Trump's or anyone else's. Because they lie so fucking much, with no accountability.


Its pure cringe.

Mulvaney gonna give his wife twins today.


That's my point user, what they say is bs that goes both ways when they say something based or when they cuck, it's nothing to lose sleep over we'll just have to see what happens regardless of what this faggot says, what I do care about is the footage of the wall being built just to know they have started on it have proof that it has been started and are saying that it started gives me good feels

This guy's such a badass. I predict Spicer will be emboldened by this spicy appetizer.

I think I heard his wife orgasm .



Would you kindly leave with your demoralization posting?



I'm fucking convinced the shills on here are these same faggots asking questions. It's word for word.

Mulvaney preparing the knife.

No. Fuck off, you sycophantic faggot.

"Are they always like this Sean?"


Trump got fewer votes than Romney did.

Are they always like this?


Mulvaney's wife just orgasmed again.

I kinda like this faggot

You've posted 22 times in this thread and its been nothing but sycophantic ball-cupping and redditor-tier shitposting.
What a surprise to realize you're also the OP.

I love how Mulvaney is tearing into them.

No, he didn't. Trump got 62.9 mil, Romney got 60.9 mil… At least, according to kikepedia.

Yeah and you're at 23, to the filter you go.


And I actually said something.






Guess I'm mistaken then. Could have sworn Romney got more and it was just that Clinton did even shittier. Maybe I'm thinking about just women's votes instead.


filtered desu


Surprised she somehow didn't throw gibs for niggers into that question.


About time they called out Reagan's amnesty.

Token nigger

holy fuck didnt he just answer that?

Jesus fuck, April was one of the concern shills on here. Fucking incredible.

The wall would pay for its self in one year by keeping the illegals out.

26 ;^)

Haha, yeah, that's no surprise. Fucking pussy.

They need to call it out louder.


Why are these kikes and boons even picked so often for fucks sake. Choose a different one each time.

So the Steel Wall is permanent and we may or not get a real wall?

what? seriously? without those shit towns there won't even be needed a wall, cut every government entitlement the alien scum uses and they won't even want to come.

Easy she shows off how nice the Admin is while at the same time demonstrating how dumb and envious niggers are.


Are they fucking retarded? There has been 10b sitting around that Kang Nigger never spent on border security. Allocate money wherever the fuck you want, there's still going to be a wall. That and the 35% tariff.

wtf was that niggerbabble about?

Mulvaney literally just explained. Wall comes first to stop the leaks, and then the rest of the water gets scooped out.

Ooga booga drugz and sheeeit.

Jesus Christ you people are truly fucking garbage.

I can't wait to see you fucks when the census comes out in two years.

Going after the sanctuary cities is hard, to be fair, but its gotta be top priority… Then again,

*smacks lips*
Yous be sayin we be spending billions on a wall wen wes be starvin in da hood?

The way we run the town has to change

Yeah, I'd agree and it involves a lot of rope.

And the award for the dumbest fucking question of the day goes to this faggot.

Daily Fucking Reminder
that this is the real problem:

A man can dream…



Wouldn't most Americans agree a shutdown would be bad?

Wait the Feds not doing anything is bad to Americans? This fuckwit has never been outside a campus or his gated community before, even the streetapes like government shutdowns.

Apparently the DHS saw a bunch of examples and liked the steel wall the most for these reasons.
1.) As hard to climb as a normal concrete wall.
2.)Safer for border patrol because they can see through it.
3.) Just permanent as a concrete wall.
The only negative with a steel wall are the aesthetics



If you can't deal with the present demographic trends, which requires deportation of legal citizens, what you said jokingly is actually true.

17 ended… 2018 has just begun. The fucking mick is ready for his whiskey after this press briefing.




Did Sean just fucking leave?


Okay, that was actually funny as hell.


S E A N !




Holy shit these autist shouting



best part


No bingo today lads


KEK!!! Sean ignored the press and walked away!

They were all just SPICED!

There needs to be more respect in journalism.

I'm at least 5 minutes behind everyone else so I don't hear the screatching ;__;

Tip top Kek what the fuck was that about?


You too.

Sean left to watch some /m/


Jesus Sean just blue-balled them so hard.


and ethics, don't forget ethics.

Wew, my morale has certainly improved after that.


God those dipshits are infuriating

but needed, i expect a full out war on them by Sessions and he is trying, but not the WH.

a true wall will make the scum FEAR the crossing and that alone will reduce their numbers and will to try it, but going after entitlements and Sanctuary cities is more more important.

That was spicy AF. They way they were screeching reminds me of CARLOS!

Sean just walked away.

cucked hard, lugenpresse is in its death throes

Kek. Beat me to it.

It really is a room of overgrown children.

I never expected Trump to be Hitler 2.0. He is a civilian and beta towards the military zog. If this wall slows immigration down enough to buy time for redpilling for the eventual civil war then its good for something.

Deal with it faggot, we're getting a wall.

Sean was probably pissed at them because Mulvaney had to ask if they were always like this.

Who's idea was it to make the pronouncing of Sean like Shawn? They need to be put in detention with relatively sour lunch.





Hey Sean post some gundum pictures pls.


Could just as easily be seen as boiling the frog alive slowly.


Nah, you know what's ACTUALLY needed?
A 10 year moratorium on immigration into the US from anyone but ethnic Europeans.

I'll be called a shill or black pilled or whatever, but this is a hard fact that EVERY MOTHER FUCKER ON THIS BOARD AND IN THIS COUNTRY NEEDS TO INTERNALIZE:
Illegal immigration IS NOT THE PROBLEM.
Its minuscule comparative to what is already here legally.

You let in 4 million spics. They each have 2 kids, on average.
Now you've got 12 million spics. The new 8 million each have 2 kids, on average.
Now you've got 28 million spics.
Etc etc etc.

Its not the ones squeaking over the border that are destroying our fucking demographics - not that those verminous fucks help, mind you, but still - its the ones that are already here and have been here since, in some cases, as early as the 1960's/70's. If you can't or won't tackle that shit, the rest of it just doesn't fucking matter - and at present, we don't even have an administration in office that can have a genuine discussion about the demographics.

Instead we have someone luring people along with the prospect of halting illegal immigration, while promoting multicultural America at every opportunity. I realize that's basically the platform Trump ran on, but it doesn't change the fact that the present condition is not a solution, its a holding pattern, and if we can't coopt that into it being a stepping stone - ie, if the person who follows Trump isn't MORE like Hitler, as opposed to less - then, again, we're screwed.


Kek too bads theres no audio.


You're in your early twenties huh.

Early 30's.

Sad thing is you're not even going into all the shitskins that come in legally every single year. Trump has said nothing of halting that, instead simply saying that he'd make sure the wall has a big beautiful door to let the right ones in.

Best post in the thread

I'm disappointed that none of the reporters got to ask Sean about Trump and Putin agreeing to build safe zones in Syria, but it was still hilarious how he walked out.

Yeah, apparently Pence decided to stop down in Australia on his way back from Korea.
Guess what?
He's bringing something like 1,250 boat people back with him, apparently it was a deal Obongo made with the dingos, that we'd take in some of their extra debris.

Its just… This is so dumb.

I think they already boiled the frog. White flight is soon running out of places to hide. This is a turning point

Eh. Good sentiment, I'll give him that.

He's trying to get the worthless republicuck niggers in line just to fund a fucking wall. It's going to take a lot more work to start dismantling the legal immigration insanity.

I like this duo

Nah, lad. The frog is dead when its boiled.


Alright, now I'm going to earn that blackpill'd title… I frankly don't think its possible to do.

The combination of a democratic system and a rapidly de-Whitening population will not allow it. It makes sense, in a sickeningly traitorous sort of way - if you're one of these verminous politicians, and you look at the demographics, its understandable that you'd come to the conclusion that you have to suck brown dick going into the future, or else you'll cease to be relevant.
I genuinely fear the outcome of the 2020 census, because its going to rough folks. Real rough. We're going to get a nice clear view as to how bad things really are - and its going to hurt.

The most important bit is that whites are already a minority of new babies being born, we're already past the point of return through political means.

I'm saying that the time to leap out is now. Each of those illegals are manpower, and in war you fight for every single inch. Whites will radicalize when white flight no longer works and the shitskins will become increasingly hostile regardless of the kikes effort to boil the frog.

Not going to happen imo. Well reach a Venezuela tier civil crisis before the zog gives up their plan to eradicate whitey.

Can't disagree with that.

That's about the long and short of it, yes.

I will grant you that, in a sense at least.
Thing is though, should it come to legitimate conflict, a literal taconami of spics will flood across the Southwestern border - the wall will mean nothing, because the spics will control that territory and will 'open the gates' as it were.
So, yes, getting them out now ensures the absence of their manpower in an immediate, direct sense… But once things kick off, if they do, all those same fucks will just flood right back over into San Diego, so it won't matter all that much.
And then you've got this shit:

Why does anyone think that "the american people" want the republicans to work with the democrats? We want them imprisoned, not worked with.

Or perhaps you weren't thinking at all.


Official wall theme.

Did anyone catch Mulvaney saying that they're putting down the new replacement walls today?

Because people are still trying to push this failed 'unity' bullshit.
There is no unity here. We are not one people, we are not one nation, we are enemies with opposing and conflicting interests.

Problem is, that sort of rhetoric at present will not get you any support from the masses - and in this broken pseudo-republic, the masses rule.


Is it this?

And they said the wall would not be build.

When the shills march to the ovens, they'll complain about the ovens not being hot enough.

Yes, it's a 20ft tall steel wall. That anti-climbing plate at the top is probably 6 ft.

These will be fighters not economic refugees. No one will want to immigrate to a collapsing warzone. These fighters will come either way.

Time to cross off another node on the


Note the construction worker in the picture of
Assuming he's a manlet, that wall's still pretty fucking tall.

That's what the wall would look like?
not very aesthetic tbh.
If that's 10 feet higher then what would the original wall be, 10 ft?
disappointed tbh

The whining makes my blood boil goddamn, act appropriately for what you're supposed to represent.

That's why we rope them first.

It isn't aesthetic, but it's more functional than a concrete wall. See

No, this is a basic addition to improve security before the big beautiful version gets put up. This is all using Obama money.


Its really not though, there's pretty big gaps in those poles and if I can shimmy up a pole a spic probably can too.
This one's a good point though.

Hence the 6ft (maybe 5ft) steel plate at the top.

The beautiful thing is that leftists wont be able to graffiti it into a sjw art peace like Israels walls

This must be the levee wall.

Pretty sure those are temporary walls to prevent the illegals from pouring in while the real wall is being planned.


The best part is pic related. being able to smugly look at the illegals on the other side

I fully agree, I saw them live. They know what is going on.

It's okay user I'm living in this hellhole too. The Trump March in LA yesterday was a silver lining. Rope mestizos when?