Elite Occult Beliefs
Can we gather these in a single thread, preferably only with reasonably verifiable info?
Elite Occult Beliefs
Can we gather these in a single thread, preferably only with reasonably verifiable info?
Other urls found in this thread:
You faggots have two whole boards, /x/ and /fringe/ but of course those are slow and your mental disorder means you gotta signal to as many people at once as possible, that's why you come here.
Fuck off, esocuck.
First post worst post. Esoterism matters because if you don't know who controls you and with what tools you can't fight back. And yes, that matters politically, which Spirit Cooking should have proved to everyone by now.
I said it in another thread and I'll repeat it here:
Game of Saturn is now /fringepol/ required reading. The Sola Busca Tarot is a great example of a "self-authenticating" document. Basically, it directly ties the Venetian banking elite (who then later took over England) to what might be politely called "dark magic". Child sacrifice, homosexuality, world domination, it's all in there. It's a historical canary in a coal mine. You can use it to figure out solid information about the Venetians and what they believed. But how much that tells you about the "modern elite," of course, is anyone's guess.
Here's a link that gets into it, forgive the author and speaker of some of their leanings because the information presented is factually grounded.
https:// runesoup.libsyn. com/talking-the-game-of-saturn-peter-mark-adams
Of course OP, this really depends on what your standard of "proof" is. The Sola Busca is pretty damning all things considered, but it's also old. Most of what's out there is smoke and not fire when it comes to the actual belief systems.
For example, we don't even know what the Masons really practice anymore. The published statements we have from them tie them to the Templars, and thus early forms of Christian Gnosticism and early banking. However, they switched their primary mode of operation from the "Free and Accepted Masons" to the highly exclusive parts of the Greek Fraternity system after the Anti-Masonic Acts and public outcries over Masonry. For example, Ron Paul is "not a Freemason," which is technically true. But his wife is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, which is ladies' masonry. And he was in a Frat. So there's a good chance he's an actual Mason if not a "Freemason". And then you have the Mormons, who may or may not be fall boys a la the Freemasons. So those are the pieces that are available to the public to put together, which doesn't really provide a consistent look at a comprehensive belief system. And that's just for the Masons, who probably aren't the "top of the pyramid" so to speak.
he's into reiki and whatnot so not sure how seriously I can take someone like that but anyway will give his stuff a read
Watch Bill Cooper: Mystery Babylon, that will explain everything. Or just read Crowley.
Get a load of this faggot
Why read Crowley when we have Miguel Serrano?
There's actually at least three boards. tok
William Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse talked about this in 1990. Listen to his radio show he did back then, "Hour of the Time".
Even better, listen to the episodes regarding Bill Clinton and the Illuminati.
Not an argument. Certainly not a counter to my assertion that you retards come here purely for the attention because your own boards are shit and slow.
We know who controls us, you dumb cuck. Maybe pay attention to the boards you're trying to camwhore your beliefs on.
What the fuck is this, the Alex Jones Power Hour With Crowder?
It's the Jews. They worship Satan. There, I saved everyone a shitload of time. Now go the fuck back to /fringe/, you shit-eating fuck.
They worship Yahweh you dumb nigger. Im guessing you're a Christian? He's the same God the Christians and Muslims worship. And then (((people))) lie and say the Jews actually worship Satan or some other demon, to get more fucks to rally behind the same fucking (((God))), under a different religious title.
Jews have repeatedly admitted that they worship satan. They are in league with all these shitty esoteric societies, but let's turn away from the one thing that opposes them, God, and adopt their practices. What could go wrong?
Threadly reminder that Baal IS Thor. The jews and muslims worship El/YHWH, Christians worship a form of Baal.
Source : Your loose jewish asshole.
That book needs a reprint
You're stepping on jewish dicks OP. Good job.
Christianity is a fundamentally European religion.
This is a shill, everything he is squealing about like a dirty demon with his tail caught should be looked into if you want to know the truth.
you may not be ready for what you uncover.
Well, perhaps I struck a nerve, or OP did. Feels good man.
What, I wasn't appealing to authority there, I was making an actual goddamn point. If you were on /g/ that's the rough equivalent of saying, "give a fuck about zero day exploits." At this point anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows about MK ULTRA and KUBARK. You suppose the CIA just pulled that shit out of thin air? Where else would you find great material on influence and mind control than some of the world's oldest surviving cults?
You're an idiot if you think Jews are the highest level and not the designated sacrifice. Just look at the lengths ordinary rich people go to hide their assets and influence. You think the actual leaders of the world are going to have all of their very similar sounding last names on every globalist-promoting article out there? Do you have the guest list to Bilderberg or know who owns the Federal Reserve? The whole point of hiding your power level, is hiding it. So when there's evidence of higher levels, actual historical evidence, you can shit on it if you like. You can also pretend the Earth is flat, there are no dinosaurs, or even that there's no Pacific Ocean if you've never seen it. That won't do you a lot of good if you're trying to work with or avoid any of those things, however.
The point of being royalty is that you get peons to do shit for you. Go after the jews, sure, but don't stop until you reach the top. And you really shouldn't be surprised if they aren't who you initially expected.
Fine dismiss some of the best historical evidence we have of elite bankers actually making child sacrifices because the dude who wrote the book looks creepy. They basically signed those cards with their last names and wrote "HEY WE KILL KIDS" on them. That shit is more obvious than Pizzagate. We kill kids, we kill them on ritual dates, we believe this reinforces our deal with the demiurge who will allow us to create the next great Empire a la Alexander the Great (who's mom also worshiped Saturn).
The only real question is whether or not they survived to the present day and how much influence they have.
You are either a shill or a chatbot. There is no way someone can be genuinely this retarded. But go ahead and keep claiming that baal, to whom babies were burned alive as sacrifice is the god christians worship.
You never read the bible did you.
Kikes worship the demiurge
Crowley is a faggot, if you want a serious underpinning of western occultist thought, Cornelius Agrippa is the answer.
YHVH is essentially Satan. Christians are essentially right but have been tricked into calling "God" by the wrong name.
If Jews are the fall guy, who is the real threat then?
The Jesuits
Epicureans are pretty sus too
Honestly doesn't matter what meme they follow its all a game of power
I thought the Jesuit meme died a while ago. Do you honestly believe that Jesuits run the world?
Honestly doesn't matter what meme they follow its all a game of power
Cooper did a pretty good rundown on it.
He was named "the most dangerous radio host in USA" by the Clinton administration and got executed a month after 9/11.
Got a source on that?
Doesn't the word holocaust mean 'burnt offering,' in their language?
We at least have >>>/pdfs/426
even though cooper isnt 100% right in his own personal beliefs(kind of cuckish), nearly everything in that whole series is spot on and completely exposes the dark truth behind communities including ours, if you get through that shit you are gonna notice sooooo many more shills on pol than before. There are threads started by these kinds of people on pol that get hundreds of replies and are taken seriously. luckily none of the modz are going to watch that so they are not going to ban you for exposing them.
Oh noes! ==PIC RELATED!==
You have to watch this.
Its on the Copiale Cipher which was from a manuscript that was only decoded in 2011 with the help of an AI developed by the University of Southern California.
It details a secret occult ritual revolving around an EYE EXAM that allows new members to "see."
They were called the Oculists and very little is known about them, although we see the "all seeing eye" symbol used everywhere.
Who do we know thats obsessed with eye defects????
Same guy you replied to, different IP
I gave an answer to the question of what do these elites believe, not what is a good source of esoteric wisdom. Quite a bit of what they do and practice is derived from Crowley, certainly very similar prima facie.
Crowley is for plebs, the elites aren't Crowleyites, Crowley just took some of their stuff and put it in a format that transfags on Tumblr can feel magickal. Agrippa is a much more complete source. The "grimoires" the top families read aren't publicly available for the most part.
Saging not because this isn't a topic worth discussing, but because it's a much broader topic than can be easily discussed "in a single thread only with reasonably verifiable info."
I got banned for posting this on halfchan btw.
There are several occult threads going on, but for some reason they didn't like this one.
That mean youre unto something.
I don't like to defend crowley, the High Priest of all edgelords You cannot deny his skill at edgelording but he did name the jew explicitly as bloodsucking cannibals of Khazaria, only to have his words edited out of his books by the kike Israel Regardie.
FFS we know who they are.
==COHEN GADOL== The degenerate sect of rapebabies who trace their lineage to the Nephelim, the ancient enemies of our people, whom the allfather Odin himself led the WILD HUNT across the world at the end of the age roughly 13,000 years ago, to purge their evil from it, as everything burned around us. Praise be to our ancestors, for without their valor, we might still be fighting giants, rather than their degenerate halfspawn.
The entire purpose of Holla Forums is to seek out esoteric information to understand reality better, that is the entire process of being redpilled. Just as Holla Forumsacks adopt ideas, ranging from Kekism to memetics to politically incorrect truths about history, natural law, and the world in general, our greatest enemies adopt an incredibly perverse and evil set of esoteric beliefs and ideals, ranging from neocohenism to liberalism to Talmudism to communism to Satan/Moloch worship (all of these things tie into each other through (((usual suspects))) and other faggotry. To know your enemy and yourself thoroughly means that our victory is almost guaranteed. I do not buy any supernatural aspects of the elite's occultism but even if it is just LARPing they unironically believe this shit and will act upon it through their power structures which is most certainly significant and pertinent. Anyone who would dissuade you from digging thoroughly into our enemies and understanding them including their more bizarre aspects is a shill.
Why do shills want to know about Holla Forums's collective knowledge of the occult? This is the third thread I've observed just like this. Vague OP that basically just asks anons to put on display their understanding of the occult.
In other words, they are performing a risk assessment and trying to identify the worst offenders.
Look at this post if you don't believe me. OP is a shill.
Try and post sober next time, Varg.
How fucking retarded are you? Do you even know what epicureans are? Its not even an organized group it is just a philosophy of stoicism and moderation, stupid faggot.
Probably because Holla Forums figured out who kidknaped McCann and why. And they dont want that shit spread over there.
Pro tip.
It was the podesta brothers.
As funny as that is, I think that is just a coincidence and not a (((coincidence))). This is because those where to be two different sketches of the same guy. Even if one claims they just said that to put people off the trail, no one would've been investigating the Podestas for child-kidnapping at that point in time. At best, the original Brietbart guy pointed stuff out about Podesta in 20(13?). If I remember correctly, the other hypothesis based off of evidence was that the parents killed her.
This was probably the biggest thing to come out of the election research. I wonder how many shills got redpilled by it.
Then watch this and read about the 260 year old Copiale Cipher here. Its about the Oculists secret society.
It was only (((claimed))) that there was one guy. The sketches are a close enough fit to warrant the reasonable inference that claim is a lie by (((authorities))) to deceive independent researchers of the case.
Also, Podesta is likely a false name. PODESTA can be anagrammatically rearranged to spell PEDOAST, as in 'pederast.' Coincidences like that are not.
90+ percent of MK Ultra docs got shredded and the remaining leaks still describe operations with thousands of test subjects and extremely robust funding and organization. MK Ultra also never stopped but evolved into Monarch, and that type of mind control research was being investigated by Tavistock since the early 20th century. If CIAniggers only needed to study ancient cults there is no reason to go to the time and expense of MK Ultra. Techniques of mind control may have been pioneered by ancient Canaanite cults or whoever but they were definitely refined by CIAniggers.
Question. I'm a filthy atheist. However, so many elites believe in baal worship and other crap. I've also seen evidence of Kek's hand. The elite align their schemes with /x/ tier symbolism and timing. Is there something to this supernatural stuff? Or are they just retarded?
There's quite a bit to it. Read The kybalion for a very easy start.
Here is the translation of the Copiale cipher. It contains the rituals of the Oculists:
There were two witnesses who gave two different descriptions at different times when it was dark and they were a block away or so. The one person hypothesis is based on the similarities in both sketches, police assumed it was the same person, but the Podesta hypothesis is more likely and a closer physiological match, one witness likely saw Tony, and the other likely saw John. Portugal police are not exactly competent or non-corrupt considering how they ignored the mountain of evidence that the McCann's were complicit/conspirators in the kidnapping and generally worked to bury the investigation. Unfortunately there is no data putting the Podesta's in Portugal during the kidnapping one way or the other but Tony Podesta is a good friend of (((Clement Freud))), grandson of Sigmund Freud and convicted child molester.
Yes, but why are they interested in people with an eye defect?
The only grimoire I am familiar with is Abramelin the Mage. Do you happen to know of any others that they might be using?
What is the specific eye defect? I remember digging into this angle but posting McCann's eye color and some super spoopy occult eye symbolism is not exactly a solid lead… Was it verified that McCann had the colomba defect?
All benises are voided now?
Also, Coloboma is easily fixed with laser surgery or contacts, I remember reading speculation in the PG threads that McCann was kidnapped to harvest her eyes for medical research but the research value of Coloboma eyeballs as a cure for Coloboma is zero, especially since coloboma is already reversible with existing medicine and not really a big deal anyways. If Coloboma was the motive to kidnap McCann, there must be some value in Coloboma iris's beyond a cure. With that said, I am not sure I buy the spooky occult special eyeballs angle either, genetic markers are interrelated, and Coloboma might be correlated with other rare genetic material (((they))) want to exploit somehow, it would really help if there was a geneticsfag to help with the Coloboma/McCann lead.
Even though I consider Jones to be kind of a murican wacko my believes kinda align with him at this point.
See vid
I believe jews are trying to reduce the world to a degenerate state not just for the lulz but in order to allow evil forces from lower dimensions to enter this reality.
I have been going to a jewish run place that shall not be named that hosts large scale "anything goes" gay parties in combination with music that appeals to the lower instincts just like muh dick hip hop.
After going there I don't find the concept of human sacrifices all that far fetched anymore. There is a truly satanic vibe to that place.
I came to the invocation conclusion as I had read buddhist texts as well as atheist research on other dimensions / astral travel, in particular this guy:
Sure, its genetic and developmental. Doesn't it affect how the brain develops too?
Why would they bother encrypting a text containing their occult practices related to opthamology? Why call themselves Oculists and have a crest with cats related to cats eyes?
I'm not THAT knowledgeable on this stuff. I keep shilling Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy because I'm reading it right now and it's quite literally a tome filled to the brim with this stuff.
That's more or less my conclusion. Just don't get Omar'ed while you're tasting dicks for "research purposes."
The "occult" beliefs is there to shape perceptions,
just like in a game of starcraft you dont focus on the little things once the game progressed but rather the big picture.
And all that symbols and mantras are there to do exactly that.
Seems to me that just about all of the women I've met turned out to be sodomized by their fathers or family members.
Read this.
That's a form of magic user.
That's the point. Faggotry is where they get their power. "Pride week" is a buggerfest for harvesting loosh.
So that's what they did to me.
What we know is that Satan is at the top end of the enemy scale, and that the Jews are the servants of Satan. What we do not know is anything in between, or how they manifest. If we look solely at Biblical or Christian references we could be talking giants or spirits; if we look at similarities in the ideologies of various factions we have the Jesuits, Mormons and even certain 'New Age' sects that believe very similar things; usually centring around them being the 'chosen'/superior and everyone else needing to be exterminated/enslaved, with humanity brought down to some low-ish number population-wise, and of course featuring an entirely 'united' world - which should be understood as some diabolical faction being a tyrant over all others in the vein of the Protocols of Zion or the Beast/Anti-Christ of the book of Revelation.
Jews are always going to be our enemy, but they are not the ONLY enemy. Sometimes it feels as if Holla Forums forgets this. It is important that we try to figure out who or what is driving them so that we can better anticipate their moves and counter them.
No, because there's no such thing. We can speculate, but without docs and or video it's just guessing.
Guys referencing manuscripts from 16th century France and shit… Do you really think that's what they get up to today in London, NY and LA? No, it's the spirit cooking type shit we saw. Just depravity. No beliefs just coke and whores debauchery. Bunch of larpy fucking assholes who're probably 75% Jewish.
Of course he does, it's yet another kike trying to divert blame in the hopes that his audience is too stupid to recognize it
All you fags are getting it wrong, step up your game.
Name does not matter (for the most part) purpose matters. If a god has the same mythology but by a different name its the same god.
Great thread, have a bump. I will come back tomorrow with some worthy input.
Btw, kys faggot. This place is slowly degenerating to /polnews/ with no discussions of high value, and its because of cunts like you.
The (((elites))) are quite schizzophrenic:
For one, they say Jesus isn't real, never existed or was an overexagerated mystical man in the Middle East, and that the Bible is a lie.
On another hand, they do everything to fulfill the prophecies in the New Testament and follow all the principles that defines the Synagogue of Satan.
Firstly, they try to mention Judaeo-Christianity as often as possible and take every passage and every line out of context; they won't stop at creating context.
Then, they use the same breath to claim the Bible is anti-Semitic and Christians are bad goys, possibly some of the worst.
They are schizzos. This is also one of the reasons why legitimate pagans equate anti-christian folk to wiccans. In Europe, saying anything against Christianity is either conisdered satanic or wiccan. Obviously, when atheists are on the rise degeneracy follows.
Praise Jesus-Kek, by the way,
Sex magic.
Tell me all you know about sex magic. Namely semen retention.
Why retain it?
Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets
Just kidding, masturbation is sexually immoral, though as most young men of this day and age I am not innocent of it
In my opinion it is more like a self defence mechanism because the bitches that run around today are weaponized estrogen.
Do tell me more
I'll show you some real sodomization right here. Now kill yourself 9fagger.
That's what I said nigger. Yahweh, God, Allah, etc. Same god. I meant a the religious title (Christian, Muslim, Jew) is different.
Are you a shill, or just a Christian who's fallen for the Jewish lie? They serve Jehovah. God. This "Jews serve Satan" shit is a misdirection to get all the good goys to flock to their god. Christianity is Islam are both tools of the Jews.
i almost exclusively used to come here for all the esoterica-applied-to-elite-inner-circle threads. if you think discussing this stuff hasnt already led us onto some striking (((cohencidences))) then you havent been here long enough.
This should be in the PG thread [staged crimes and narratives] where it belongs. At best it is meaningful information related to child kidnapping, ritual abuse, blood rites, etc.,.
More likely it is /x/ and /fringe/ attention whoring on Holla Forums because they're lonely.
one fucking esoterica thread a week isnt going to slide anything of real importance. although i will admit this is a shitty one. i think we lost many of our /fringe/fags in the whole april fools fiasco. its a damn shame too. they were part of what makes this place a unique place to discuss things. nothing is off the table to us, and we want to talk about ALL of it. especially since there is significant evidence of many elites that worship the old gods and believe in this shit.
if you dont like esoterica, just hide the thread. but if you are complaining about important stuff getting slid, just take a look at the catalog. theres a solid 8 pages of threads about antifags and other lowly golems. if Holla Forums wishes to discuss esoterica in regards to the elites, then Holla Forums will. you, my friend, are in the minority here.
let's see
-lurking for a couple of years as an initiation ritual
-de-facto accepting noblemen and merchants alike, because everyone is anonymous
-not caring about their adherents’ Christian denomination, because he's shitposting anyway
-male-only groups might be hotbeds of sodomy OP is a faggot
Holla Forums is today's all-powerful Secret Society holding the future of Mankind in its grasp
No, this is untrue. The truth is in the Bible, and he truth is that these Jews worship Satan and Moloch.
So for those unaware Moloch is the one the Jews sacrifice children to. Remphan/Chiun is the name of the Babylonian deity representing Saturn. Saturn is represented by the 'cube' or hexagram; the symbol of the Jews is the hexagram, which is thus the star of Chiun/Remphan/Saturn. Essentially Satan = Saturn.
It should be understood that there was an element of Israelite society who committed great evil. They were supposed to be exterminated for their crimes, every last one of them put to death; but clearly this has not happened as the Jews still practice their ritual child sacrifice today. They no longer worship Yahweh, they worship Moloch and Satan.
Remember that in the Bible the word 'Jew' has been used in place of 'Judean', and sometimes even 'Israel'. Jews did not exist at the time of its writings, though the Pharisees did. The Pharisees are what became the Jews of today, and they featured as one of the main antagonists of the Gospels with Jesus calling them a “brood of vipers” and saying that they were “of their father the devil.” Today these Jews try to present themselves as 'Judeans' or 'Israelites', making out that they are the chosen holy people - but they are not, the chosen people are the 'Christians' - the word Israel meaning Biblically the Kingdom of God, not a place inhabited by Satanists and Moloch worshipers in the Middle East. The Bible is clear.
What a fucking world
Reminder these are the same people who say that everything came from one singularity, nothing is really solid but atoms vibrating, that the chances we are in a simulation are high and that multiverses are practically a certainty.
Don't ever make the mistake of believing God is real and Jesus was his son, and we shouldn't kill. Not in this universe you insane Goy.
that's basically what happened, and they have a very poor understanding of them too
its way before that, the Jews took it out of egypt with them and the templars found it at Solomon temples mount and brought it back to Europe
Bump in memory of the victims of elite occult practices. God, all the children murdered and exploited…drives my goy mind to near madness.
These sick fucks will be cast into hell after their fat, corrupt bodies break down.
Abrahamic religions are so devoid of any spiritual power that meme's have accomplished more. For that reason alone it is clear they are a tool of suppression. Jesus was a jew. Christianity is a reactionary religion to destroy European spirituality. (Satan is truth)
Jesus = Enki = Satan = See where this is going?
Jesus called out the Talmudites (i.e. all modern Jewry) as the Satanic parasites they are, drove usurers out of the Temple, and was killed for it by the same Talmudic fucks he tried to liberate his people from. Granted, the universalist/egalitarian views of Christianity are a major drawback but Jesus was one of the greatest anti-semites in history and the JudeoChristianity nonsense is kikes subverting the Church with revisionism and taking advantage of theologically illiterate plebs.
Abrahamic religions are real in their uncorrupted forms, Jesus was not a Jew, and Jews worship Satan/Moloch - he is their sustaining patron.
You're spot on with most of your post, but this part is a little off track:
Most people interpret "divide and conquer" in only the most literal, immediate way, e.g. splitting up a large group over ultimately irrelevant differences on minor issues or details. A large part of the D&C strategy in regards to religion is extremism to opposite ends. Christians are being shilled with peace and love for all, nonviolence is the only way, a Biblical lifestyle requires withdrawal from human society/governance because the kingdom of God is unearthly, etc. On the flip side, Muslims are shilled with a severely tribalist mentality, violence as the solution for any problem, and subversion of the democratic process. The weakness of extremist Christianity plays upon white altruism, while the violence of extremist Islam plays upon mud savagery. Neither are honest or accurate interpretations of the text and both rely upon a disregard for both history and reading the relevant holy book.
How far back do you suppose the "egalitarian views of Christianity" go? I'm not talking about the cherrypicked quotes Jews and their agents use to push that mentality, but rather when did the Christendom become best characterized by egalitarianism? Religious extremism as pushed today are fairly modern inventions.
Name at least 10 National Socialist Germanic Tribal practices relating to the Occult. Oh? you can't? go back to suck of baby dick and don't forget to bite at the end cause the others will get suspicious.
I have noticed that posts concerning the pedophile elite or elite luciferianism is strongly shilled here. In fact the attacks to posting on these topics is more intense here than at pol. What is up with that?
Makes me remember when FBIanon mentioned that Holla Forums pol is a limited hangout operation.
If people are going to spout out about jewish control of government and finance and then call anyone investigating elite pedophilia/luciferianism COINTELPRO then I call shill. Those that are doing this are working for the enemy.
Its an achille's heel, they know if solid proof ever comes out of (((them))) at their pizza parties normies will finally awake and purge en masse.
idk if that's jewish dysinfo but they were researching all kinds of stuff from tibetan buddhism to UFOs.
magician here. lurking this bread
totally not biased :^)
A fellow on the path of light.
Religion is now used as a spell to enchant the populace. Once it was far more glorious, containing all the wisdom and technology of the world. The Abrahamic religions were perverted from a root belief, and crafted to pit the world against itself: A spell to divide and conquer all those charmed thereby.
Read this and keep in mind that the original pillars were relics of a past advanced civilization, as is the Lost Ark of the Covenant which such pillars stood afore.
It gives a brief illustration connecting the symbols of pagans with Christians - As the Dead Sea Scrolls also connect them. The Reformation was the act which created the new false history of the world to separate us from our amazing past. Just look at the marks we left upon the world once upon a time:
The Babylonian Mystery Religion of the Elites also has ties to more ancient Sumerian mysteries, but these they despise since it makes clear the true nature of their beliefs. The creation story of the Hebrew Bible is an abridged form of the Babylonian and Sumerian form, including elements from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Moses was Mises, an Egyptian who studied numerology and ancient legends in Alexandria – If God inspired him to write the Hebrew Bible (old testament) that is where it was done.
The elites war against the descendants of the Gods who build those twin pillars and ruled the ancient world long before our current arc of civilization, before the great cataclysm and flood.
Elites claim that those enlightened pathological few who are less susceptible to emotion, who survive their childhood tortures, shall make the new world – A world of peace with and an end to world wars. In truth we had lasting world peace once upon a time. It the old world, those who were more apt to rule did – ruler-ship was an obligation, to rebuild the world after another older cataclysm. People did not envy the hard job of their rulers. The elites of today project their greed and abuses upon the ancient Aryan Godkings of the old world and thus despise them considering them brutal tyrants (as they are themselves). In truth the Godkings' benevolent and burdensome rule was overwhelmingly good not evil. Lesser magics were used to help guide the less advanced people and tried to bring them slowly up to the same level of the Gods.
A great cataclysm once again came and weakened the ancient world spanning civilization. Usurpers used this opportunity to seize control. They now seek to destroy the lineage of Godkings and replace them as "rightful" rulers, as their profane religion's doctrine of "intellect makes right" dictates.
There is much woo among the esoteric schools. However, there is much truth there as well. An ancient wisdom far older than that of the elite's bullshit second hand Babylonian mystery schools exists. Magicians are foremost masters of the self, and do not wallow in the animistic degeneracy promoted by the elites. Even the "Romans" made sculptures with small penises, representing subjugation of the lesser mind and exhalation of the higher mind. Naval gazing was once revered instead of reviled… study the connection to the ancient oracular tradition if one has not already. Plot Noah Ark and other important oracles on a map, and sacred geometry will reveal to you another universal truth.
Hitler learned of our true birthright. Having removed those who suppress our intellect it is no wonder the 3rd Reich excelled in technological innovations. However, Hitler was forced upon the world. An incarnation of Odin summoned forth in a controlled environment of destitution and suffering expressly to be destroyed utterly and defamed deliberately – A magical act to try and eliminate the last vestige of our will to persevere in darkest of times. He became aware of his own legend even as he lived. His ghost haunts us all. So long as we live on, he has not failed.
They are Luciferian.
This entire site is a masonic psyop to blame the jew. The real culprit is the illuminati (recruited from jesuits and masons and all sekret societies, many of who are jews, but jews are also a scapegoat)
Everyone needs to read this book gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=01428179C3C771A2833C7512A331E5FC
There's no evidence the earth is a globe. It's pushed onto us by masons, newton was a mason, copernicus was a mason, every picture you see of the globe earth is a NASA forgery, NASA are masons, they even admit every picture is shopped
Never trust masons
I'm not sure how you managed this.
Kill yourself, kike.
you've done janus proud there you masonic shill fuck
i also mentioned the jews, a lot of illuminati are jews, we are allowed to criticize jews here, i wasnt not criticizing jews i was just saying there are also other things in play, you're the one trying to censor me saying anything bad about the illuminati, because its muh jews
drink bleach cunt
So the fact that we, on a relatively fringe board, (correctly) focus on the jews here is proof that we're all masonic shills, but it's not the least bit suspicious that discussions of jewry are banned almost everywhere else, while it's perfect fine to talk about the Illuminati on any platform, in music, in movies, in best-selling books, etc.?
nice projection, you know everything you say kinda proves my point
yes either wittingly or unwittingly you are pushing their agenda by blaming just the jews when the high level of the jews that are really fucking us over are the illuminati jews
the fact that no one talks about the illuminati anymore because muh jews and you so butthurt about me mentioning them just means their plan is working if it is to use jews as a scapegoat
how about we stop arguing
jews = illuminati = jews
they will either keep ruling the world or get gassed
Holla Forums malfunction. Happened in other boards too.
Either replication of an old thread with a script or jtrig is back. probably both.
Jim Marrs has a new book coming out called "The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World", that, unlike books that identify the real enemy, hasn't been banned by Amazon and will probably go on to be another best seller like all the kosher drivel he puts out.
Niggers might have moved away from it, but the kosher conspiratards are still chasing Illuminati ghosts.
Jesus was definitely NOT a Jew. The Babylonian Talmud states he was the Son of a Roman Soldier and a prostitute
Elite here. We just make that stuff up to screw with you.
I suggest people not forget to study Arianism
Especially pertaining to the Goths, the Lombard's, Visigoths, and the THIRD REICH….
"In addition, if any writing composed by Arius should be found, it should be handed over to the flames, so that not only will the wickedness of his teaching be obliterated, but nothing will be left even to remind anyone of him. And I hereby make a public order, that if someone should be discovered to have hidden a writing composed by Arius, and not to have immediately brought it forward and destroyed it by fire, his penalty shall be death. As soon as he is discovered in this offence, he shall be submitted for capital punishment. … "
— Edict by Emperor Constantine against the Arians
I've read many, many occult books both recent and classical. I'd have to say if the elite are performing occult rituals they're not the kind of rituals that are released in popular form for popular organizations. If the (((tendrils))) extend then it's possible that some popular forms were pushed by the CIA, such as hedonistic atheistic satanism, or perhaps forms of theistic satanism, but there seems to be a large gulf between any satanism you read about and the kinds of satanism that are alleged.
When you hear of victims of Saville saying there were satanic ceremonies, those ceremonies don't exist in popular literature.
To me there are 3 possibilities
1) They perform those rituals to revel in their sadism but it has no occult spiritual belief behind it
2) They perform those ceremonies to discredit the witnesses because they sound beyond belief
3) There is an ancient and evil religion that exists among some of the elite
I suspect it might be 3. It's hard to imagine. And if it is 3 I think the religion is real. Not real as in right of course, but effective. I've had actual occult experiences, who am I to say they've had centuries of perfecting it and focusing it on pure evil?
If you want to understand their occult practices, you must research the Weeping Philosopher, Heraclitus The Obscure:
It will help if you understand at least some basic principals of alchemy first.
And also the cult of Dionysian Mysteries, who's initiates must pass a sort of sexual catharsis:
Soon you'll understand the implications of "trial by fire".
You should also read about the class system proposed in Plato's Republic, considering that the Club of Rome exists…
Apart from the whole part where it was created by jews in the middle east and used by jews to infiltrate the roma empire, sure,it was
At this point isn't illuminati just a code word for jew?
Have you tried asking? I mean, going by the stuff you made up about "switching from F&AM" you probably haven't actually tried learning something pretty basic
Except your own eyes.
I do love the "flat earth" joke, though, but we all know no one could actually be that stupid.
Government eyes lie, they don't belong to the people.
user, he is talking about the evidence the Greeks used (It was a pretty simple and dumb thing). Also, if its flat, where does the world end?
nobody can tell you what it is, you have to see it for yourself.
Pic related is NASA taking their 2014 astronomy picture of the day, and photo-shopping an aurora on it, then passing it off as "Hubble" imagery captured in 2017.
There's no evidence the Hubble satellite exists. Neither it nor any other satellite has been imaged in detail from the powerful ground based telescopes we have. The Hubble name is a part of the spell elites weave, so they keep milking the name and claiming SOFIA imagery as "Hubble". Most researchers don't realize the imagery isn't coming from "Hubble", not even the SOFIA crew. This is just an example of how compartmentalization makes grand deceptions simple.
Students of Greek Philosophy would note:
1) you've made an assumption that an end is required.
2) you may have assumed what the argument of your opponent is.
3) A fallacy of completeness. An alternate theory need not be required for a current theory to be bogus.
4) A possible fallacy of false dichotomy: An explanation besides current ball and old flat may exist.
If this were off topic I would leave it at that; However, elites practice an occult "enchantment" of the masses to keep the true nature of the world from them. I'll continue on the off chance that it helps some user fit another piece of the puzzle.
You may need to learn more about the Greeks then. Due to acknowledging the technologies of prior advanced civilizations…
…many Greeks didn't believe their own eyes, and expounded upon this at length, even creating the philosophy of epistemology.
The Greeks didn't believe the world is a round ball about 25000mi in diameter. World wide roundness was one hypothesis among others.
The Reformation era and its Spanish Inquisition burned historians and scholars who did not adopt their new view of history and eradicated views which caused trouble for rulers. The scholars copied and "corrected" the history of the world, then the libraries where ancient books were held (((coincidentally))) burned down. This is how modern history and science came to be bogus and many false dichotomies were created to enchant and misdirect the pseudointellectual.
The Greeks thought that some gods were tricksters. Some philosophers thought life itself was a joke. In the Egyptian philosophy, which influenced the Greeks, gods were representative of ideals and laws of natural phenomena. It is Kek who assures you can never be absolutely certain.
My point is this: You shouldn't trust your eyes. To confuse the crowd a magician loudly proclaims, "Seeing is believing", after performing a slight of hand. Just because you think you see something doesn't mean its really there. When you have learned to question absolutely everything, then you will be prepared to discover the truth.
For example, What if I told you: The "Greeks" often wrote in "Arabic", and Arabs didn't invent Arabic script? The narrative of Islam preserving science is BS to explain why we find some Greek writings in Arabic – they escaped the reformatory fire. What if I told you that much art belonging to Greeks and Romans was beyond their ability to produce, and some is of a level we can not reproduce today? What if the "Greeks" did not exist as you know them?
I didn't say the world was flat, just not to trust the eyes of others. Democritus, (who's name means "chosen of the people"), would say that perception through the senses is subjective. BTW, One should research his philosophy to understand certain ideologies of today's elites.
It may be pointless to discuss the nature of the world with those who cling strongly to a singular view, especially when that view coincides with that of the elites. A wise man doesn't leave the light of reason to argue in the dark with the unreasonable. However, here is a trail which may lead you towards the path of light. The world according to (((academia))) is a spheroid that is ~25000mi in diameter. The trigonometry of which would yield an expected drop due to curvature of ~8in per mile distance squared.
Steven Hawking allegedly agrees with this estimation and proposed an experiment to demonstrate that over 3mi (5km) of water there is an observed drop due to curvature of 6ft, as 8in * 3 * 3 = 72in. Hawking's experiment was performed by a TV crew, and it seems to match Hawking's prediction based on the modern globe earth model. However, no independent researcher replicating the test can find any of the 6 feet of curvature themselves:
You can replicate the experiment of ^ vid related without its laser. Use a map to find two points on a curved shoreline with about 3mi of water between them. On one point hold a flashlight a foot or two above the water. On the other point at the same height use a spyglass, binoculars, camera, sight or telescope to view the flashlight. If you don't have a partner use a stool and strobe flashlight as found in roadside emergency kit, or park a car leaving blinkers on if they're bright enough. If the earth is as curved as Hawking and the accepted ball earth theory claims then you should not see the light as it will be below the bulge of the curved water. If you see the flash light with a line of sight below 6ft above water level then the predicted curvature isn't there.
Indeed. Perhaps there is more to this world than you're aware of? You will never know if you don't first question what you've been told to see. If you really want to find out then I would suggest you start by performing the experiment I've mentioned above.
This is actually part of the occult beliefs of the elites: That much science including the true nature of the world should be kept from the masses. Knowledge is power, so elites don't give peons power. They want a populace who believes that there is no where else to escape from them. Elites have always known of the Americas. The romans tried to recolonize, and "European" descended whites were rulers in South America.
However, elites fostered the idea that you would fall off the edge of the world if you tried to sail too far. This was to keep people under their control. Both the current accepted 25000mi ball earth model and the prominent flat earth model now claim that you can not go any further than Antarctica (which is another continent that was extensively accurately mapped and known about, but which we only recently "discovered").
Elites have outlawed all civilian exploration below the 60th parallel; Meanwhile they continue to explore and colonize a surprisingly hospitable and mineral rich land…
Just as before with the Americas, archaeological evidence of prior occupants found there will be secreted away and/or destroyed if possible.
w-what the fuck?
It's magic, don't have to explain shit.
The other day i was thinking on the purpose of Jones, and i concluded he is the guy "normal" people thinks you are listening to when you begin talking about conspiracies. It's an appeal to the fool, as in contrast to the appeal of autorithy rhetorical argument.
While there is actual proof of a megafauna 12 000 years ago, there isn't much proof of that in the bible. The aryan history was sung, not written. It was sung for thousands of years, and for a reason.
It would not surprise me for several reasons:
1. Jews likes to hide in plain sight.
2. Jews are envious, expecting others to envy their "success". They like to show of, just like other arabs.
and to the third and most IMPORTANT point:
While giving the impression of having power, they gain more power. Jews are the masters of memeing. If everybody thinks they have power, they have power. If everybody imagines their wealth and success.. oh man, they project hard, even making the goy project for them.
You better start reading pal, he's one hundred percent right.
yes, but jews, mormons, muslims, etc. are all useful idiots/part of the power structure playing different roles.
I know about all those things. I don't think they have to do with it. I don't think there's a smidgen of greek in there, or Norse or Celtic despite the fact they sacrificed people
I believe it. And while this is UPG, I've seen them. Not good.
can you just ramble some more, it's kind of interesting.
I literally just noticed the first half of this thread was op talking to himself
seems like it was a site error
I began reading about the Nephilim, the offspring of gods son according to the bible. This made me think of the sogas we read in school here in Norway, and it sounded very similiar to the Jotul/Jotner, we have always refered to them as trolls. Fairytales of bignosed giants which lived in the middle of desolate mountains of Jotunheim.
The word Jotne or Jötunn in English sound very similiar to what old northern Germanic languages would call Ju þen, which is written Jude.
Do you know what the trolls did? They came and "ate" our children. Why does this sound familiar?
Good documentary on biblical shit and Zionism. Not a religious person but it does raise valid questions.
Reminds me of MGS4 where they use nano-machines and a host ai to communicate and coordinate non-verbally.
So… Jews used to be tall, and they've inbred with us, making them look more similar to white people?
I am not sure what to make of our closest ancestors, the Neanderthals and Homo Heidelbergenis, while looking at the evolution of human species.
The evidence i've seen of giants is questionable, which might be because it is not real or that if it was just a very long time ago. I'm thinking closer to the last ice age.
The athmospheric pressures was different than what came after, and it is argued that this is the main reason for the mega-fauna extinction. I think height is mostly influenced by diet today, and i'm not sure if a latent genome from the last ice age could provoke any significant influence.
Boring rehash of Nietzsche's ideas. Protip: there were no Jews at Jesus' time, although the Pharisees could be called their ancestors.
They heavily overlap today, but originally and ontologically they are different power groups.
You will find it exceptionally hard to sustain this assertion.
Nietzsche and partially Savitri Devi. Old and boring, nothing of substance.
Well said. Some darker bands with members into the occult also drew this connection, e.g. Electric Wizard's "Saturn's Children".
To my eyes the horizon appears perfectly flat.
(Heil Hitler)
Subjectivist bullshit. Magical practice very definitely follows rules, although those rules are far removed from profane normalfag experience.
So, you're just going to call Nietzsche and Savitri Devi, who i in no way based my statement on, boring? That's you're only bullshit autistic argument? Not payed enough to shill any better, or something?
Watch a ship go over the horizon and see if it disappears top first, or bottom first. You unbelievable retard.
I've done it personally, various times, with a good zoom. Try it someday for yourself, you might be surprised. Believe your (zoom-)assisted eyes instead of gullibly following your "science" "authorities".
It's the other way around - what argumentes do you bring to the table when stating that Christianity is a Jewish scam? The proof of burden is on you.
Now you're just lying to me, or you haven't really looked.
So you have seen the bottom vanish first? Or watched the tops of skyscrapers crest the horizon as you approach a city?
This series was the single most eye opening thing I've ever heard.
Cooper has a lot of other interesting stuff on his radio broadcasts.
Behold a Pale Horse is also good.
Video related is something that I like to recommend. Occult behind communism.
Secrets in plain sight is also a good video: youtube.com
Daily reminder for newfags that flat earthers are a CIA psyop to shit up occult threads.
They ALWAYS come. So don't reply.
forgot the video
Need to read Crowley because (((they))) read Crowley.
You are the one lying if you assert you can see curvature with the naked eye. Even according to the globulist model it would not be possible.
Do it for yourself. Don't believe me, or anyone else for that matter. Get yourself a high-powered camera and go to the sea. Do the fucking experiment yourself, I triple dare you. You cannot call your self scientifically-minded if you refuse to see for yourself.
Shills like you are the psy-op, regularly popping out of the woodwork when anyone starts asking questions. GTFO, it's clear as day you people are getting nervous.
Stopped fucking watching right there.
Done it. Many times. Hell, i've aimed a high powered telescope down too. It let me see the surface of the moon quite clearly, yet i was unable to see South America when i tried it at the beach, like you imply would be possible.
Not to mention every time i rent a plane it becomes easily visible. And most importantly, any time i drive towards a city, and the tops of the buildings appear first. But you've probably never left your own home, let alone driven from Abu Dhabi to Dubai.
So basically, if (((you))) have to lie about something like that, why do it?
What exactly? I mean this as an open and friendly question. Are you familiar with Bedford Level style experiments?
Down to what?
Fascinating, isn't it. Is the moon a luminous object placed under the firmament or a real, physical body?
Don't be daft. Obviously atmospheric refraction and the law of perspective have to be considered. That's the whole point - that any perceived curvature is due to perceptive errors of this kind.
That's not the point - this is the very optical illusion I am referring to. There exists a real debate over what the actual visibility limits are in terms of distance. The question is what and how you would perceive the tower in that situation if you had perfect zoom at your disposal.
This short article by astronomer Andrew Young could interest you:
That ad-hom is unbecoming of you.
Jesus Christ's name binds and banishes demons encountered in the astral plane.
pick a side and only one.
I think it's pretty well known at this point, even among normalfags who used to deny it as tinfoil hat. Remember what Nixon said about the grove for example? Something about being gay as hell? To me when it comes to how the elite is obsessed with the occult, either they're right and that's why the elite and probably Holla Forums recently are so successful or it's just the money or memes made them go nuts.
Before you get hounded I'll second this.
Because if they leave Christians to their own devices they will turn the Bible into a source of pride and then Christians remember the Kikes killed their lord. Remember most of the Old Testament is just shit the Kikes stole from the Sumerians in the first place who may or may not have been white depending on who you believe. The Kikes turned their back on and had Jesus executed as a heretic. The Whites embraced him as their lord and savior.
He guides me beside still waters.
Debates about religion and theology aside, Jesus Christ is a supreme master of all yoga. This can be ascertained by an examination of the life of the historical Jesus. His body was perfected in human yogic attainment (supreme Buddhahood).
When perfection inhabits the temple, the temple becomes perfect.
Basically this. Try getting a kike to put their hands on a bible. I remember hearing my dad saying he once handed a jew a bible and it recoiled and hissed at him.
I don't have saved images of this, but I know that at least the pedo elites believe in alchemy, because the city of Washington DC is built in the shape of a human sacrifice transmutation circle. And the pizzagate thread investigators found out that the corners of the transmutation sign that is created by DC's biggest roads, they were the locations of comet ping pong and the other pedo dungeons…
So, perhaps these kikes actually believe if they sacrifice enough children at these specific locations on the circle, that they will be able to create a Philosopher's Stone.
Fucking Kikes that's not how it works. Fucking soulless rat people.
Yeah I know, but it seems to be how the heebs THINK alchemy works. They're basically just turning it into another practice form of black magic. And they're serious enough about it that entire cities have been built into the "correct shape" for large scale human sacrifice.
This is why Thoth said REEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT OF MY TEMPLE! Kikes were never supposed to know about alchemy because they'd just do dumb shit like this with it.
technology comes from THE OTHER who have been trying to convince mankind to create a gateway for hundreds of thousands of years. worshiping knowledge and illumination is the antithesis of being human, try staring into the sun.
THE OTHER feed on humans, in preparation for their arrival, they have systematically:
it's possible to communicate with them, and that is generally how all of our advancements in science are made. there has been a fifth column of humanity since the very beginning, hellbent on opening the door at all costs. they believe immortality is their reward. better to die free than live forever as a slave.
their true nature is both unknown and unimportant. when you see a monster you can fight it, obey it or die.
its both, anyone can use the knowledge for evil, but the kikes have had it the longest
jim marrs calls out the jew all the time
Okay, enough is enough.
I read people state that YHWH and YHVH are the same thing and that both are also Moloch. I read that the Jews worship Moloch/YHWH/YHVH/El/Elohim. I read that the Christian God is actually YHVH. Now I read that YHVH is essentially Satan? Not God now, but Satan? I don't get this stuff. I haven't actually researched it but I know consistency when I see it and your statements do not fit.
Type A civilizations require a mercantile tradition (suppressing combat, elevating commerce)
Egypt, India, China, can feed itself doesn't expand, often collapses due to external problems.
Type B civilizations require a martial tradition (elevating combat, suppressing commerce)
Rome, Greece, Persia: cannot feed itself, does expand, often collapses due to internal problems.
No historical human civilization has survived the transition from one type to another, attempting this generally precipitated collapse.
The Anglo-American Empire and it's major provinces Western Europe and the Japanese peninsula are shifting from B into A for the past 70 years.
China and India are attempting to shift from A to B with limited success, South China Sea, Pakistani border relations for the past 20 years.
It is too early to tell if modern technology can be the bridge to allow this shift in culture to occur. All there is in this world is Power. Civilization is a 10,000-150,000 year old mechanism for gaining power. Your question regarding the supernatural needs to be understood in the context of human history. Understanding mass belief of a group of people, can give you predictive and directive power over them. If you tap into a pre-existing belief that is deeply held, and you modify it to your benefit, you can now create favorable conditions for yourself to gain power.
In the present day, a belief in infinite growth and progress (which is failing, and we are playing no small role in eroding it) is the only glue that holds society together. Market sentiment and perpetual mercantilism is the labor of the world, with small exceptions the traditional roles of builder, artisan, farmer, shepherd, soldier and been replaced by the banker, merchant, businessman, salesman. there are of course still all of those former things, but they have lost the essence of their craft, completely reliant on technology as the ultimate crutch to their lack of experience and skill. When this belief evaporates to the point world order is threatened, an alien contact scenario will go live, either extending mercantilism or reverting to martial combat on a global scale. Alternatively virtualization or total war will be used as a pretense for depopulation and recolonization of the land in a post-economic neo-feudalism, where the majority land owners are the new nobility.
In 300 AD the then present day belief was in Pax Romana, the Imperium. It was also coming apart, due to B to A transitional failure. A philosophical approach to find a solution lead both backwards in time and sideways in culture. The Semitic peoples had survived for at least 3000 years at that point, bragging that they had even outlived the greatest people of all time, the Egyptians. An offshoot Semitic cult was selected as the basis, it had enough in common in belief structure and contradiction to perhaps survive beyond the coming Roman collapse. Sideways, they looked towards the freshly colonized barbarian tribes of Europe. Strong men and women with deep seated traditions and beliefs, unique and indescribably old. The Romans had built their entire pantheon of Gods from a very practical perspective, they simply renamed all the Greek gods and claimed them as their own. This would probably work, the Europeans were strong and would survive and perhaps contribute to the destruction of Rome. As a parting blow, Christianity was created, an admixture of pagan European neolithic beliefs, traditions, cultures and customs, and an offshoot of the Semitic religion, which had survived as a slave religion to both Babylon and Egypt and would presumably survive under Europe.
I call them Semitics because I don't think modern Jews have anything in common with them, at least no the Ashkenazim who are essentially opportunistic half-breeds who piggybacked onto a religion to avoid christian usury laws and practiced inbreeding to retain their wealth for 1000 years.
Everything you've read online is essentially a psyop to dip the toe into the water for the receptiveness of "alien contact scenario" as I listed above. They have to find artifacts on Mars, hint at a progenitor human civilization or some alien one, have it coincidentally re-appear and reshape world religions and so on. The Power analysis I gave you is a far more accurate representation of what is really going on. At least on the surface level.
Did it have to though? Were there other suitable alternatives? Who were the researchers into this approach? Who designed this "parting blow"?
Finally, everything I've read online is just a psyop? What of pizzagate? Do you accept that they use children in their ritual practises and if so, for what purpose do you think it is? If those kids aren't moloch sacrifices then what's their purpose? Sadistic fun?
Also, I appreciate the response. That was interesting. I still don't see the connection between YHVH and Satan though.
You're wrong here. Polytheistic "gods" were not "gods" in the monotheistic sense of the word where everyone obsesses over a single all powerful deity.
Polytheistic "gods" were just spirits of every single fucking thing in nature and human mind that was given a recognizable shape for the sake of easier comprehension and learning in tribal societies.
They were essentially symbols that meant the same thing. It didn't matter how they named it since human mind and nature is universal all over the Earth.
The monotheistic "God" in one way ALL those spirits combined in a single deity for the sake of convenience. In it's essence it's the elevation of man on the throne of godhood through purification of one's mind.
In the context of bettering human psyche it's far better than the schizophrenic polytheism where you were encouraged to better yourself in a single area. f.e. warfare and Mars.
The problem with monotheism as in all powerful tools is that it's very easily subverted since you only have to define one God for the people.
Similar to how today information flow is controlled by the media to control the narrative of reality.
The elites just have to encourage the weak minded plebs to project their innermost desires and maluses on a deity so that IT can take over all of their failings in life.
This is in my opinion what Kali Yuga is all about.
And once we break free from these shackles via means that were supposed to trap us even more, our civilization will go to the next level.
Your assertion that monotheism is semitic in nature is FALSE. Monotheism was thought up by Akhenaten who was Egyptian. And Egyptian pharaos were Western European by blood!
Semites merely adopted monotheism and put it on struts of their bloodthirsty war gods.
For the European man, monothiesm is just an evolution or rediscovery if you follow the Atlantean pre-deluvian civ theory of consciousness.
Yup. Bedford was a fundie moron who thought the Earth was far smaller than it is.
The horizon, obviously.
The latter.
Ayup. But you know that's not an argument on your side, right?
Only amongst idiots. Human vision at peak performance operates at around 6000:1. It is also an actual demonstration of what Bedford fucked up.
Aye, but that doesn't make it wrong. Next time you're in the UAE, watch the Burj Dubai rise up from the desert when you're on the highway. Or you could see the curvature on the flight there. Or you could try any of the basic experiments the ancient Greeks and Egyptians used to determine the size of the planet with remarkable accuracy, assuming you have a highschool level mastery of geometry.
t.eyemeltinglypowerful laser fag
and 100hrs+ PIC
The earth is not flat you fucking retards.
Anyone with even mid-pleb grade 'high power' lasers and sea can prove this.
Let alone watching ships or chartering a private plane.
These faggots have never been out of their country so can't comprehend something like the Burj Khalifa. That fucker is same height as the plane after taking off and climbing for a minute.
These dumb niggers have no idea of optics or Brillouin scattering, Rayleigh scattering etc.
I hate t.sciencefags who credentialshit on arguments but this is just fundamentals of light and electromagnetic spectrum bullshit.
Re: topic at hand though, it seems once you get to the elite levels things thin out a bit to factions, each with their own little spin on the same mostly kike ritual revolving faggotry, they all mostly love eating babies + people and the fluids from them.
Can you elaborate on this? How is it "purer" to have one God instead of many? How is it that one God is symbolic of Man seated on the throne of Godhood? Surely, if one sees a single being as being responsible for all, rather than anthropomorphise it, it's more likely that it'd be seen as some kind of force or being?
Finally, did the Polytheists not believe in Jupiter or an equivalent to Jupiter, the God of Gods?
at no point do i assert this. unawareness reaffirms your lack of general competence.
satan is another angel in the pantheon of catholicism. if you're looking for a religion worship metals. maybe this way future generations won't have to start at stone again, the exp grind takes millions of years.
user that's Hermeticisim people have been doing that since Ancient Egypt.
This. Communication is achieved by exploiting mathematics so that the ritual/incantation/etc can be self-interpreting for those entities which have the key. It's why science and occultism have always been attached to each other, developing in perfect orthogonal parallel. The swastika represents this intersection of spiritual and material truth. In everyone there is not only the material embodiment of the soul, which is perishable, but the potential to house an eternal spirit that will act through that body, similar to how a computer program operates through the computer's physical hardware.
Most humans are mortal, well-trained animals. 'Goyim' is derogatory but still accurate. Because spiritual things are utterly beyond them, they can only focus on appearances. Without religion, which is the intentionally constructed embodiment of spirit in material social reality quite similar to technology, they would never even begin to suspect that there was more to this world. In other words, for these people religion is itself the fruit of knowledge, but since they are mostly material this simply makes them sensitive to possession by spirits. Religions might be thought of as mass industrial processes for installing thought patterns in the masses that can then be exploited by the adept magician.
It is the destiny of Holla Forums to go meta on this reality, so that we transcend all currently existing orders of power and can manipulate their root social matrix from above and below. Because we embrace the swastika, and do not base our powers on the separation of truth from itself, we can incorporate what truths and powers we need from the demons without worrying that the demons will subvert us in the process. Light pierces all darkness, darkness cannot exist without first separating itself from light.
The East and the West are used to counterbalance each other, so that power can swing back and forth like a pendulum, all the while preserving the energy involved with that pendulum swinging. When the West rises, the East wanes and vice versa. The current occult leaders do not understand this, so they don't realize that by connecting the East and West through auto-escalating techno-commercial cybernetic growth they are undoing a key foundation to their power. Their only hope is to eliminate whites, who carry the knowledge of previous civilizational cycles in their blood, so that they cannot complete their knowledge by observing the reflection of their yin in the East's yang. The Jews are exacerbating Chink supremacism so that they ruling Chinese elite will do everything they can to destroy and eliminate whites before they realize they are destroying the other half of their spiritual knowledge. This spiritual knowledge has survived over the millennia, in part, because it was separated and dispersed to separate parts of the globe, and the potential of their reunification is part of what heralds the End Times. This has happened many times before, and it has always ended in cataclysm.
What I still do not know, in all of this, is whether all humans ended up as we are, diaspora Hyperboreans, or if some of those humans did escape. I do know that the present cast have been doing everything they can to delay the end from happening to them. Curious thing is, we also need this end to be delayed, so that we have the necessary time to transmit this message globally and it can be incorporated into the respective racial consciousnesses of the various human nations. We have a few different options before us. What option we choose will depend on which truth we decide to believe.
This. They plan on giving themselves an extra imperial cycle of approximately 200-300 years by perverting the present religions into a single abomination. They've actually done this a few times already - Christianity was a reboot of the slave morality that the Jews received from Egypt. However, it's not very likely to work anymore, because they've already done this a few times and religions like Christianity are becoming too complex in division and history to really use it as a vehicle for transmitting a single truth to the masses - it must be reincorporated by each individual sect in their own way to work, and the more numerous the sects the more likely they are to rebel against newly imposed revelations.
Kekkism is just one of their potential vehicles to achieve this a one world religion - they don't like to put all their eggs in one basket. They'll later incorporate together everything that works out without too serious of contradiction. That said, I think we should take Kekkism for ourselves.
Right now we have a little more than 7 years in which we can continue to build up our knowledge before the bad times come.
Calling this out for its importance. Just to be safe, it's worth requiring any entities you meet in the dark to swear on Jesus Christ's name that they will help and not hinder your goals.
I have been thinking a lot about the "satanic" practices of the elite. From my understanding of paganism, white magick counters dark magick. Are there not practitioners of white magick? The reason I think they are so powerful is their ability to use the "will" of the masses to further their agenda.
Magick is generally as powerful as your ability to "will" something to happen. There can be no doubt that what you want to happen might not happen. You SEE your will happen.
Since these people can send propaganda to the masses (rituals at super bowl and VMAs etc), the people watching these events and supporting them are giving their will to "the greater bad" without even realizing it.
Lurk moar faggot, I already know how to cast spells but that shits degenerate as fuck so I'm staying away from it before Satan recruits me to his army and I won't live forever in paradise. That would be shitty enduring this absurd timeline and then not even getting my reward at the end.
That's not entirely true. Kikes didn't start using the Hexagram openly until the 19th century. Other groups such as the Hindus, Aryans, Egyptians, and so on were using it long before the Kikes arrived on the scene. They probably stole it specifically to trick goyim. The reason it is used by the kikes for ritual sacrifice is because it is the key to reaching higher levels and communicating with higher beings. Kikes are spiritually cut off they have no Mer Ka Bah so the only way to do this is to harvest energy from children. They are in the most literal sense of the word parasites.
Irrelevant. Contemporary experiments based on his take NASA's official numbers into account and still show no curvature. There are literally dozens of videos on Youtube available showing this.
But how exactly does that support your point?
How so?
That's not the point! Of course we perceive that way due to various optical effects. The point is if you would still perceive it that way if you had optimal zoom available from the beginning.
That is my argument, because I've flown (as a passenger) dozens of times to all parts of the world, and I've never seen curvature. Not once.
All based on the assumption that the sun is huge and far away. It's a common myth that Erasthotenes proved the earth a globe.
How so?
And? What does that prove?
They are quite competent, but political influencing is another matter entirely.
It's not so simple, because at the same time it is an axiom in witchcraft that only opposites can create. Homosexuals of both genders are considered magically inert.
Well said. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than the Jews, although they obviously occupy an important place in the whole scheme.
Completely antitraditional bullshit. Names (e.g. the true name of entities) are hugely important in practical occultism.
Laughable, sex magic goes MUCH farther than mere retention.
Man, power lathes are really… well, powerful. Never wear rings and always stay focused.
Complete and utter bullshit. GTFO, you're either shilling or talking out of your ass. They are VERY different.
Good post, you speak the truth, with excellent biblical evidence.
Perhaps in your timeline, in mine Christianity and Islam were/are the dominant, all-encompassing spiritual paradigms for nearly two millenia.
FE might be completely false, it's just that we don't have any reliable evidence. Fake NASA pictures and data do not count.
You mean the calculation by Erasthotenes? Based on the assumption that the sun is huge and far away . Really. Look it up.
This. It's astonishing how many "modern" inventions were received during dreams and visions.
And spirit/consciousness!
This, both are true.
Ignorant drivel.
What do the rabbits mean?
Could be related to MKULTRA/MONARCH-style shenanigans. Apparently they love to use Disney and/or Alice in Wonderland imagery.
This whole series is required to understand the symbolism of the NWO. If you don't want to sit through 40+ hours of Cooper's voice, some anons typed up a transcript of the whole thing. I can track it down if anyone is interested.
If nothing else, at least take note of the books and authors he lists in this show (and be sure to add "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike to the reading list).
The Bill Cooper meme is growing.
Got a pdf?
Once you spot them, they will flee to their burrow.
Rabbits avoid your headlights.
Rabbits burrow holes under your garden. They consume your crops.
Without predators, they become a plague.
Ever get the feeling you're watching the most horrific piece of theater concocted in human history?
Though I use the term "human" loosely.
Probably somewhere, but my main digital library is temporarily inaccessible at the moment. You should purchase physical copies of some of these sources if you can. PDFs are always secondary sources.
I could swear that my pupils become squared when I try to focus in many ways.
Like a goat :^)
I also used to walk like I had hooves as a kid, neighbour was spooked by that (it was ligament issues)
I also have red skin and horns.. pic related.
Underrated post.
Psychologically, "sex magic" could definitely "exist". But that's merely the effect of the act on the psychological state of the person, then the trail of effects that that state causes on that persons activities.
If you have enough of this occurring, it will effect the way society thinks and acts.
That's why porn is so dangerous.
The thing is, that rumour may have no grounded founding at the start of it's occurrence. BUT, after it was produced, stand alone complexes occured where people joined thinking that the society did this form of activity.
So, there is most likely ritual practice now, because people are stupid and thought "that was the point of the society".
I bet freemasonry started off innocent. God knows what it's like in it's current state. Only specific people know the inner workings. The people on the outside may be unaware of what lurks beneath.
Retain to keep your masculine energy. Rid yourself of it in a woman to give her some masculine energy. Ridding yourself of semen in any other way is treating it as literal garbage.
Note, I didn't believe any of this until I had multiple women begging me to cum inside them. It's euphoric to them – the boost of testosterone and the act itself.
To understand the relationship between the Scottish Rite and Lucifer, you have to understand that they don't view things like the room-temperature-IQ evangelicals or edge lord Magicians. Lucifer is a symbol that personifies the force that drove the awakening of man, our knowledge of the world (see Genesis 3), and the strive to become like gods. But to the Adepts, Lucifer is just a foil for older symbols like Osiris and Baal and probably the sun gods of the Babylonian and pre-Sumerian Mysteries, whose symbolism is heavily represented in Masonry. So, in a sense, they do "worship" Lucifer, insomuch as they worship the human striving to understand the universe and to control it, as to become like god.
I know that some worship things that way.
But some are suckered by this initial rumor of hideous ritualized acts of sacrifice etc. These people eventually carry out this form of behavior because they think that this behavior is how they ought to act.
That would also explain Clinton right of the bat.
People underestimate the power of telling a rumour, myth or slanderous lie. Sometimes they lead to acts that fulfills that rumour, myth or lie. That's the problem with these secret societies right now. People went in thinking that this shit was to occur. They were eager to make it reality.
Why would you want to live forever in a stagnant and boring paradise?
Because he's not a masochist.
It's a pity I have no paradise though.
I have no heaven. I just help others obtain theirs.
Sure, but something permanent though? I mean, I could get wanting a little rest stop between lives like Devachan, but to permanently remain in one place like that, even if it was pleasant beyond imagination, I just can't get. There is just no story without a conflict.
Do not seek the truth of our existence if you want conflict. You will find something that will upset your POV on the world.
Oh, well then what is it and how do you know it is the truth?
Wait a minute, why don't you believe you're going to a heaven?
New tor, my internet is fucky today.
One reaction leads to another.
But all to a specific plan of events dictated by the system we're in.
That system is infinite. The story is infinite.
But it is still embedded in the fabric of things, dictating our will.
You are but an actor in a play, given scripted lines without you knowing it.
You not knowing about how these lines are fed into you is the ultimate craft of our existence, but when that facade drops - you see that will is tethered to the universe. You are the cog in the machine with an algorithmic system that is tuned to reply a specific answer to things.
That is the truth.
There is a monist nature to things that cannot be ignored. The monist nature is the absolute structure of our reality. The coding in the program. The absolute authority.
The dualism we interpret is forever constrained by this monist authority.
It is ignorance which gives us will and paradise.
But it is also ignorance that gives us emptiness and torment.
At some point you will find a place where heaven and hell are meaningless. You act knowingly as part of the machine. Some hate this. I feel ok with this, I can't really describe how this feels.
I have this sense of striving for balance and yet flexibility.
Philosophy is directly tied to politics.
Politics is the application of philosophy. Philosophy discusses the house we are in, the house that we want.
Politics is the renovation process.
I just realised… why is there like 100 posts from one single id?
So we have no free will and the nature of the universe is deterministic? I suppose that could be true, but how can we know?
I find that idea quite comforting actually. I'd actually be fine with it if what you are saying is the truth.
Something similar happened in the Antediluvian thread. It could be a glitch or a really dedicated user, who knows?
Satan is a memetic curiosity.
While the catholic church made the final construction, the meme was developing for a long time.
The Zoroastrians had a similar "evil diety" in discord with a "good diety".
Then you can also think of how this reflects "ying and yang".
But the dualism is the delusion. The reality is that one god or fabric of everything makes it so that both exist.
Good and evil are both subservient to this greater "force" or "entity".
It is both conscious and unconscious. It is both active and yet static in it's rigid progress.
It's more complicated than that.
As people, we don't have will.
Only through god do we have a will. When we acknowledge the story, we see ourselves as both a person and as god. A harmonious relationship.
You begin to become the hand of god, rather than your own personal will.
Your will is inescapable from god's and god's will is put forth to others through you.
But how do we know god has a will?
This is not the general Christian understanding. Christianity is inherently hierarchical, and God is the start point of all things. He created everything, and He saw that it was good. Where there is Order there is Righteousness, thus to be righteous is to follow the natural order of creation.
Essentially God is good, His creations are good, and so long as they act according to their purpose, and follow the natural hierarchy of creation; everything is good. Thus it is for Man to obey God, just as it is for the plant to grow, the tide to come in, the Earth to rotate, and so on.
The problem comes when one disrupts this natural order of things. In nature this results in chaos and devastation; the introduction of a foreign species can disrupt the food chain, and rather than having a sustainable equilibrium where for instance the fox and rabbit populations wax and wane endlessly and always survive - they all end up to dead to the new super predator, which then itself will die due to having nothing left to eat.
With Mankind this comes in the form of disobedience to God. The first act of disobedience is the fall of Lucifer, and then the temptation of Eve. Rather than obeying God (don't eat from THAT tree), she decides to upset the natural order with disastrous consequences. Homosexuality is another example; God created our bodies with a purpose, and to sodomise the human body is to mis-use its parts - and is thus sinful, wrong and 'evil'.
Evil is simply the absence of good, not a force in and of itself. Brutality is simply a misuse of justice; violence the means to an end that is neither good nor bad, but its application colours it. The negro acts as a criminal because it does not use its violence to bring justice, but rather to upset the natural order. If we obey God and follow the natural order of creation then we do good; if we do not follow God, and do not follow the natural order of creation - then we are evil.
As if 98% of people who pick up The Book Of The Law have any idea what the fuck they're reading.
Well, that's true for most mystical texts, e.g. Revelation.
Although, to be fair, he had a good and nuanced voice.
And rightly so. Not only was he very knowledgeable - albeit not regarding the JQ - but also died a true hero. RIP, Bill.
Superficial psychologism. What you say is ALSO true, but real sex magic is ipso facto metaphysical, supernatural. Nice ID, though.
No. They didn't just magically spring up somehow. Read a book, e.g. Pike if you have the chops.
Those are true.
More psychologism. No, Lucifer is real and a person. Saying it's only a "force" is superficial.
Those aren't "symbols" either. They were (or are) real, personal gods.
Thinking that this was paradise, or that what things are about is "fun", is pure luciferianism.
That's not mystical, it's political.
Most Freemason symbols are just them LARPing and as people who learned the hermetic teaching. Most of them don't actually understand what any of it means. Hell all of those symbols in pic 2 are just ripped off from ancient groups.
The Hexagram is probably the most misused symbol by them and is mostly Kikes trying to convince the Goyim it is evil and shouldn't be used ever. It is really powerful and if whites figured out how to actually use it the Kikes know they would be fucked.
Please provide arguments for that assertion.
And there are plenty proving him wrong, when using actual numbers. Maybe go try it yourself?
That i wasn't able to see the next continent, as your model implies should be possible. But i guess the goalposts will be moved here.
The mirrors placed there by the Apollo missions are a start.
As in, when considered, they support the true measure of physics.
Because the base of the building is below the horizon?
Then you're just lying. Either to me, or to yourself. Why is it that only you and the few dozen other flat earth idiots are incapable of seeing what everyone else can plainly perceive, and scientifically demonstrate?
You know what we call an assumption we can prove as true? Evidence.
Eratosthenes was also able to work out the distance to the sun, and thus it's size. This is shit we can still prove, and more accurately.
Since when?
This Roman Sestertius coin was minted under the reign of Vespasian: AD 69 - 79. That's his face on the obverse side. In the hierarchy of currency the Sestarius it was roughly equivalent to a Dollar. The following description is from the auction site that sold this piece:
Church tradition puts the authorship of The Revelations. at around AD 81–96. So this Sestarius would have been in circulation for several years by the time it was written. Newer scholarship dates Revelations to the reign of Vespasian. Either way, the author reasonably expected his audience to have one of these coins in their pockets.
Consider the following lines from Revelation 17:
It's clear the woman represents an evil city:
All of the above is just one example of the hidden symbolism of The Revelations of Saint John. This last book of the bible was a metaphorical message to Christians across the Roman Empire. Using coded language it predicts the coming collapse of Rome, and the punishing of its rulers. Christians were not the first to anticipate and desire this. Throughout its history Rome had weathered many uprisings of its subject nations. The revolt of Mithradates is a good example. The Empire had sophisticated counterintelligence and secret policing. One of the tools it employed to suppress rebellion was widespread censorship of books and letters. Revelations was written in esoteric language to evade this censorship.
A good book scholarly work dedicated to decoding it is The Book of Revelation: Its Introduction and Prophecy (Intertextual Bible Commentary) by George Wesley Buchanan. A diligent google search will also turn up a lot of commentary on this subject.
Wrong, the modern experiments are based on official number by NASA and IAU, the alleged circumference being roughly 24,900 miles. Using high-powered lasers and GPS - still no curvature.
Of course not; the law of perspective still applies, and a host of atmospheric and optic phenomena make seeing beyond a certain distance difficult without using a strong zoom.
Begging the question. Provide evidence that those reached the moon in the first place.
That part I don't understand; what do you mean "by the true measure of physics", and how is it relevant?
I flew about 30 times as a passenger during all my years, and I repeat, I never perceived curvature. Not once.
Eratosthenes could not possibly have known the distance and size of the sun given the lack of tools of his days. He took the a priori assumption of her being large and far away - which is valid as a though experiment - and based his calculations on that. It's a common misconception that thereby he proved the Earth round.
Because Pike explicitly references the fact that the higher rungs of Masonry, specifically the Scottish rite, venerate Lucifer.
From the beginning, when he was still the highest of the angels and the Light of God.
Thank you for the explanation. I don't doubt at all that considerations of secrecy played a role; you asserted much more, though, namely that Revelation was exclusively meant politically, and not at all prophetically. This, despite the very interesting contextual information, you did not show.
Besides, insults and appeals to majority don't exactly strengthen your argument.
Okay, can you explain in more detail? Honestly curious, only read about semen retention so far and practiced it, wanna level up so to speak.
Are you retarded?
It was political prophecy. In the ancient world there was no distinction between race, religion, and politics. John of Patmos was prophesying the end of the Roman empire. That's what Christians (still mostly Jews) wanted to hear. It would have been good for them if Rome was consumed in war. The purpose of the Book of Revelations (really a series of letters) was to inspire Christians with hope.
"Be of good cheer. God has told me he will destroy our great enemy." This was Revelations' message to these 1st century Christians.
I assumed you meant the book contained some kind of metaphysical or magical knowledge. This is what I would deny. I also deny any claims the book is a prophecy about our future. It was a prophecy for a very specific time and place.
If you meant something other than this, I don't know anything about that. Please clarify if you did.
Because that's the number one arrives at when examining the circumference scientifically.
Except yes. Besides, GPS literally couldn't work on a flat earth model. Not to mention the satellites necessary being incapable of orbit.
Then why can no zoom in the world see below the horizon?
Well the mirrors are pretty good evidence. A powerful enough telescope will show you the flag, too.
That the earth as we know it just couldn't work on a flat model. We'd have no weather, gravity, or seasons. Never seen a flat earther able to explain hemispheric weather differences and the Doldrums. Coriolis is another big one.
Again, lying to yourself or to me. Or you just weren't observant.
Why? He had the tools necessary. That's like saying you couldn't build the Coliseum without modern tools.
Agreed. Everyone already knew that. He just worked out the size.
Except he doesn't.
t. Someone who has actually read Pike's work.
Source? Because it ain't the Bible.
Normally i would concur, but when the opposition are a few people who ardently reject scientifically proven evidence, insults are entirely warranted.
I would concur that it was - and still is - ALSO this.
When you mean that, in the acient world, ethnicity was usually inseperarable from religion, and that legitimate polities were based on that foundation of shared "ethnos and cultus", I would agree.
Yes, I am of that opinion.
I would posit - and I don't hide that I come from a Christian point of view - that those two are not necessarily in contradiction. The conditions of the second coming in some ways seem to reflect those of the first; Revelation was about their Rome (I would agree), but it is also - at the same time - about our Rome, i.e. the so-called NWO.
While I don't disagree with the surrounding political considerations - which in many ways reflect those of our own time -, I'm a bit surprised by your exclusivity. Even the most ardent materialist or denialist historians usually concede that Revelation, independent of its truth, is a key text of Christian eschatology and metaphysics.
While I don't like to cite Wikipedia, just take a quick look at the breadth of interpretative aprroaches:
Posts old gore that everyone has already seen in 2007.
Ok you are clearly showing your newfaggotry. Lurk moar faggot and stop being naive.
Dem dubs don't lie. Praise kek
Busted. It's a goddamn kike shill thread. Rev up your sages user and Report
You keep using that word "scientifically" as if it would magically and instantly grant you authority. The big, overarching problem with the "science" regarding the true shape of the Earth is that all those involved in the globular and heliocentric model - from Newton to NASA astronauts - were and are Masons, from Pythagoras onward, perhaps the grandfather of Masonry. Honest question - and I promise I would not make an ad-hom out of it - are you a Mason?
I am of the opinion that satellites indeed do not exist, and that GPS works by means of triangulation based on radio towers. That's why GPS doesn't work well in remote regions, and why one never hears of satellite problems related to space debris and micro-asteroids, as should be the case in the allegedly densely "populated" Earth orbit.
I posit that, given a powerful enough zoom and perfect atmospheric conditions, one could.
Begging the question. What is your evidence that those alleged mirrors are there in the first place?
Come on, now. Even according to NASA orthodoxy that would be BS.
Well, the Earth simply IS, independent of our theoretical models and attempts at explanation.
"Gravity" is indeed a highly questionable concept, and how would weather and seasons be a problem?
In a planar model of Earth there are no hemispheres and thus, no hemispheric effects to explain.
Please explain how those, in themselves, are an argument for the globular model.
A highly controversial concept in relation to the topic of Earth sciences. Please don't take my reference to Wikipedia as an insult; it's just the quickest overview I can present without the two of us reading books or articles side by side. Take a quick look, especially at the Talk pages
Again, come on. To the naked, but also to the telescope-assisted eye it is by no means self-evident that the Sun is a huge and far away celestial body. That's an assumption, however justified it may be.
Could you sustain that claim? (forgive me for being imprecise, "round" isn't the correct word, as the Earth is also round - not spherical, but round - in the planar model)
That which we must say to a crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.
Book of Enoch, which goes into great detail regarding the Fall and the subsequent actions of the fallen angels. I consider it canonically binding for every Christian, even if only the Ethiopians included it in their official Bible.
> getting 99% of the way there and then falling for believing in literal dragons and moon gods
buy a telescope, faggot.
Philosophy is tied to politics, but I can guaran-fucking-tee you that the kikes making the decisions don't do it out of a belief in some god of evilness. You're falling for a psyop.
Revelations is so incredibly specific to first century Rome it's ridiculous to map it onto any modern scenario. Especially when people people get into the literary details.
Anyone can predict an Empire will collapse in strife. They all do.
If there's any way in which the prophecy of Revelations applies today, it's in how poor a predictor it was. Saint John was expecting Rome to fall within a generation. But it took over 300 years. In the modern era Christians are still using his book to predict a collapse just around the corner. So far they've all been wrong about the timeframe. Just like John.
The only people I've met who take hope in Revelation's message of THE END TIMES are low IQ members of the underclass. People bitter at how their lives turned out. They want to watch everything burn while having coffee and cake with Jesus.
The death of your host society is also an extremely Jewish thing to long for.
It gives a frame. That this isn't just feels, it's something empirically tested.
Why would that be a problem? Of course scientists are going to join scientific groups. Alchemists had their schools. Any discipline does.
Yup. Is that meant to matter?
Yea, couldn't work that way. You see, we have radio triangulation towers. They're not great. Most of them are being decommissioned due to being superseded. Pilots still have to learn how to use them, of course. Which means we also learn how they operate. It's actually an argument against a flat earth model, since the radio waves emitted give errors over a large enough distance due to shape of the earth. If it were flat, we wouldn't have those errors.
That's just because there are fewer satellites in remote areas. Garmin isn't going to pay to have one on a path which doesn't get used.
Figured. But why hasn't anyone?
Bouncing a laser off them. It's an experiment anyone can do, and most highschools do in like Yr10 science.
Naw, this ain't a Japanese horror movie. Anything which IS can be explained.
Only if you haven't studied it. Vacuum experiments are a good start.
Couldn't have seasons without the earth tilting during it's orbit. And you couldn't have asymetric heating the way we do on a flat model.
So you've handwaved pressure systems? Or have you just not considered how high/low systems are reversed per hemisphere?
Why would there be a band of calm air around the equator on a flat earth model?
But another one you can observe when planning a flight, or firing a rifle over a large enough distance.
Perhaps. But you can conduct experiments to gauge the size. Lumens is a basic measure, but i forget the rest they've used to work out Sol.
Not without a time machine, but we don't have anything to the contrary. Plus, their whole lives were done by stars, by which system operates on an orbital model. Some just got it wrong about what was orbiting what.
Not from Morals & Dogma, which you claimed. And not actually from Pike. It came from a magazine written by a French anti-Mason much later. You can tell because it doesn't use Pike's style, it contradicts him, and Pike would know there were no 30th or 31st members.
Nope. And you picked my favourite three books. Unless you got a fantastically wacky translation, i guess.
You'll never convince that nigger, because he'll just keep adding ad hoc changes to his argument to warp around any rebuttal you could produce. It's the typical example of someone convinced they're smart despite never actually putting in any effort to understand the math and science behind the current models of reality.
Oh I know. But I actually get a kick out of seeing what bullshit they come up with when the cognitive dissonance hits.
His forgetting (ignorance of?) pressure systems is a new one to me, so that aught be fun.
What, in your opinion, are those 99%, and where would I be wrong? Honest question.
Are you claiming you are able to see those alleged moon mirrors with a commercially available telescope?
That is a very strong claim, given that not much is publicly available on the innermost beliefs of said elites. Kushner, for example, is said to come from a highly orthodox Jewish background; that implies at the very least SOME metaphysical basis for his actions.
Yes, I understand that this is your opinion.
Be a bit more humble. Those topics are deep and broad; the very concept of time, history and their relation to God need to be taken into account. It's an easy cop-out to feuerbachiacally throw out the bay with the bathwater.
Ad-hominem, and not generally true. Very intelligent and erudite people like e.g. Jay Dyer (to mention a contemporary with a web presence) and many more have expounded on the different levels of interpretation of the Bible.
Only of you are an humanist, i.e. if the center of your thinking is Man.
I have a degree in a hard science (whatever that's worth) and had great problems myself coming to grips with such a radically different view from today's accepted one.
Give me a moment, I will respond to you in a separate post.
My favourite one is always gonna be
Explain this picture
Lucifer, Osiris, Baal, etc arent/werent literally real. They're fictional characters used as allegory, like all the other thousands of allegorical symbols in the Mysteries.
Im being sarcastic to make a point. The lunar rover, mirrors, etc. are all visible with large telescopes. Its a silly thing to argue.
Not really, diffraction limits are a bitch. You'd need a telescope with a gigantic aperature size. Far easier to verify with the laser, or get a smaller telescope much closer in.
The Kikes had a pantheon and YHWH was a Sun God.
Imagine I make some fiery Holla Forums posts fantasizing about the demise of our political enemies. These fantasies come to nothing and we die without victory. 2000 years hence people read my archived posts, translated from our dead language, and say
"Oh well George Soros and Barack Obama did perish after all. And besides, user's writings were really about the death of evil elites in all times and places. It's a valid prophecy."
Their generous interpretations don't actually vindicate my shitposting.
Accuse me of Ad-hominem while you argue from authority. Which is fine. You're defending your faith.
If you want nice, high res close ups of the moon, youre in luck
No, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Kikes have stolen many holy symbols and made them symbols of their satanic religion. In a similar way to how Holla Forums takes images and makes them Symbols of Racism.
Funny how all these different peoples lasers have been bouncing back (since the 1970s) from the one location on the moon NASA claims to have left a mirror.
A little philosophy inclines man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy brings men's minds about to religion.
Hundreds of thousands of Europeans belonged to fake roleplay 'societies'. Though it cannot be denied that such an organization can allow any group of men a clearer path upward.
The only society today that matters is the order related to the jews who now effectively control mankind off the back and with the anus of their global financial system, and I suspect that the REAL secret society(s) that are active today are prompt in distributing disinformation to hide themselves.
They know invisible control of society is securest.
Very likely that there is only one society that actually matters and that ought to be the focus.
Studying the esoteric and the Mysteries and philosophy and coming to the conclusion that there are literal deities, and the allegories are actually literal stories is like spending so much time studying a painting you start to think it's a window.
But after the first taste in philosophy, you never go back to literal interpretations of doctrine.
Kind of like discovering the Holocaust never happened, then later realizing it should have.
It will still always be a story made up by other people to get things for themselves. You like it for your own reasons.
Disinformation on the internet and chans, that is.
They know what Holla Forums is by now.
I like this analogy. I'm stealing it.
Here I agree. Sense (i.e. empirical) knowledge isn't the only and not even the most important source of knowledge, but it is a source. I'm 100% pro-science, but an ardent enemy of scientism, i.e. the veneration of science and knowledge for their own sake (= luciferianism).
Advance in the sciences critically depends on the faith and confidence I can have in the data and observations of other scientists. As soon as secrecy, hierarchy and hidden oaths - strong aspects of Masonry by all accounts - enter the picture, the science practiced by persons belonging to it ipso facto and inherently becomes unreliable. There can be no science withouth transparency. I don't even say that from some metaphysical point of view, but from a methodological one.
Yes, but I promised I would not make an issue out of it in this particular instance.
That's not true. Radio towers get build in ever greater quantities, and they get bigger as well. Related are also plans like Google's to even take radio transmissions to blibs and balloons.
Yes, of course. They are the only thing we (or you, if you are a pilot) have, after all.
Which errors exactly, and how would those be a result of Earth's shape? Unreliability is a matter of signal strength, that's why they build radio towers e.g. in the Amazonas or the Gobi in the first place.
GPS is a geopositioning system owned by the US government and operated by the airforce; commercial considerations don't apply for them, especially given that it would be their very geostrategic purpose to have eyes on as many regions of the globe as they can.
Largely due to the internet and the mass availability of things like lasers etc., more and more people start asking questions and conducting their own experiments.
Theoretical models, however useful, should never become gospel. In a very real Godelian sense, any set of observations could be explained within radically different paradigms. An extreme example would be Muslim occasionalism ("God instantiates every cause-effect relationship in every instant, by His own will").
There are no vacuums in nature.
In the planar model the seasons are the result of the sun periodically spiralling to different heights. I will look for a good image to illustrate.
I don't purport to have an answer for every single physical phenomenon. All I'm saying is that, if I start from a zero baseline and take the globular and the planar model side by side and add up the evidence, arguments and counter-arguments for each, then the globular model is not nearly as strong anymore as it is presented to us by so-called authorities in school and the science establishment.
Those two you mentioned remain question marks for me regarding both models until I learn more.
I was not able to find a reference to pilot training instructions which include the coriolis effect in the context of air navigation. Being a pilot, could you provide me with some source?
It actually seems to be a matter of debate if and in howfar the Coriolis effect influences long-range shooting. As a quick reference please take a look at the following Straight Dope column:
Agree, that's why I think that it is by no means easy to decide what the null hypothesis is in that case.
Agree, only that by "orbit" the ancients meant a radically different thing than modern astronomers.
Come on now, that is a blatant lie, and I am very cautious with that accusation. If you have read it you know quite well that it specifically mentions Azazel, the archangels, the Fall, the Nephilim and much more.
I'm unable to refute that on the spot. It is not forgotten, though, and I would like to return to this point after having found the specific reference.
What exactly are you referring to?
What exactly?
Yes, I'm aware that this is your opinion, but how do you sustain that? I would concede on the point of Baal, which is a title ("Lord").
Please sustain that claim.
I'm very sure you read that on websites, articles, or heard it in school and university, but have you, personally, verified it? Even if you don't believe a word of what I'm questioning regarding the globular model, please believe me that NASA is a deeply masonic organisation from top to bottom, from its very beginnings. Take EVERYTHING from them with a huge grain of salt.
Cannot be true. If the sun were always moving along one circular track, and only varied in height, you wouldn't get it shifting off zenith on the equator.
Show me your proposed flat earth, I want to see it. Here are the things I predict are going to be irreconcilably wrong with it:
The fact that:
There is no amount of geometry butchering that you can do to reconcile the night sky as observed at two different latitudes with a flat earth.
Any source for me to read further? I agree, though, that some heavy inversion is going on, the same way they tru to instantiate inversion on the sexual plane (the whole feminism and trangender agenda).
I agree, but beware that you didn't provide an argument; you simply restated your opinion in other words.
I did cite him as an authority, I only mentioned him to counteract your claim that Biblical metaphysics are the exclusive domain of losers and low-lifes.
They are both NASA sources and ipso facto unreliable due to the masonic nature of that organisation. Please also respond to
If they offer a path to power, they are per definition not fake.
Jews are AN enemy - a very dangerous one -, but no the only one. The National Socialists persecuted them equally.
Don't get me wrong, of course there are allegories and symbolisms. But it is an unsustainable claim to say that's all they are. There are real, spiritual beings, like angels, demons and certain gods.
No, empirical means it can be retested and verified. It's not just a sense.
Well no. That's what science is. Nothing to do with the scientist, but with their methods. If you can retest it and get the same answer, it's golden.
On what grounds? Are Newton's Laws invalid because he met with other scientists each month?
Agreed, but that's not really relevant here. Pertinent datum have all been transparent.
It actually is. NDBs are going extinct. VOR/DMEs will be next.
Very different things, bro.
Specifically no. Like, hilariously no. Seriously, go learn how an NDB transmitter/receiver works. Even a VOR. They both have nothing on what GPS can offer for myriad reasons.
The obvious being that they become weaker when confronted with the horizon. Much like ships navigational equipment. But they also have a fun error resulting from bouncing back off the ionosphere. Which is why if you try to use VOR too far away, it'll send you off course.
Not to mention that because pressure differences can affect the waves just enough, you can watch an error change, then go back to the same one as you crest a particular part of the globe. Very minute, though.
Unreliability is also due to terrain, but that's a different matter.
And a bunch of private companies. Nothing stopping you from doing your own.
Okay, same question.
But they can be, when you prove them.
Well, space is a big one (pun intended).
And i meant vacuum chambers. Artificial ones.
Especially when it BTFOs your theory.
Pics related. But that's just two. Any CPL/ATPL level will cover it under correction errors.
True, but it's still a consideration. Just that it can be easily cancelled out by wind/pressure.
Not that different. They couldn't have navigated or charted otherwise.
Yes it does. But nowhere does it say "lucifer" (small L, because not a name).
Just one of those things about checking sources.
Ok, I get that. But you still haven't explained how you think the stars work.
According to various planar theorists the seasons could be explained by the sun periodically changing height and cirumferential radius, as in the picture. I would honestly like to hear your opinion on that.
Yes, this would be the case. Any ideas where we could get neutral sources to see if that is the case?
It's the other way around; first we have to establish a baseline at zero and from there try to objectively weigh the arguments for and against both of the models. Does the planar model have unknowns and question marks? Yes, of course, as does the globular model.
No, that does not follow. It all depends on the size and distance of the stars.
Agree, the so-called pole stars conundrum. One of the few arguments in favor of the globular hypothesis which cannot easily be refuted.
Good catch, thank you, although of course it doesn't touch the point.
It does. The point is that your model of reality is self-discrediting pseudoscience, and you easily fall for troll images that confirm your biases.
Well, then, we have two hypotheses:
Literally why the fuck would you prefer the latter? You can't even explain why the stars move around the night sky the way they do, something people have used to navigate for millenia. You're fucking retarded.
I see you're using the "flat disk centered on north pole" model. Explain this flight:
No, verifiability has nothing to do with empiricism. Empiricism, from Hume onward, is simply the doctrine that all knowledge stems in one way or other from the senses and that there is no knowledge outside of them.
Luciferianism has various aspects, on of them being the search for knowledge and enlightenment for their own sake, as can be seen for example in the quasi-religious veneration of science among the atheism crowd.
Replication critically depends on the reported methods and data being trustworthy. For that I have to believe those other scientists; how can I trust them if they are bound by secret oaths to secret hierarchies?
This is a general problem, not only related to Masonry. It also applies in the case of Chinese research (highly unreliable, although no Western scientist says it out loud) or e.g. publication bias, i.e. that positive results get published more than negative ones.
If those "scientists" (I put that in quotes because being Masons, they cannot be transparent, and not being transparent they can ipso facto not be real scientists) are bound by secret oaths and secret hierarchies - yes, they most definitely are highly questionable.
You can assert that all day long, but the very point is that it's unverifiable. You and those masonic scientists are oath-bound; it's the very definition of intransparency, i.e. unreliability.
Irrelevant. I don't care about specific technologies, which, as you rightly say, change all the time. Fact is that one doesn't have to invoke satellites to explain the existance of long-distance communication and navigation.
What is different from what? I claimed that radio installations (to use a more generic term, which might include designs like Google's radio blips) are built in ever greater quantities, in large urban areas of the so-called third world, but also in remote areas like the Amazonas.
Not pertinent to the point that GPS is primarily a military system. Its very point of existance is to have permanent observation and navigational capabilities in even the remotest zones of the planet.
Disagree. Perpetual open-mindedness is one of the very founding premises of the scientifc enterprise. Of course one can simplify for didactic purposes, but privately or in the lab a scientist must be able to throw down even the mightiest theoretical tower in an instant, at least as a thought-experiment. If not, it becomes religion.
I deny that claim.
I know, but highly artificial lab conditions do not exactly provide an unambigous argument when none can be found in nature.
No, it doesn't. It simply is a data point whose relevance for either the planar or the globular hypothesis I will evaluate when I know more.
Don't just throw some pictures, cite (please) the relevant parts, at least in essence.
No, because the perceived position of the stars remains the same, of course. It's the explaining models that radically differ ("huge, burning gas balls out there in space" vs. "luminous, non-physical objects close to Earth").
Agree, it's a title. Same with Jesus, who was the Christ.
I concede that point for the moment.
Please don't just repeat assertions; provide arguments and observations against or in favour of either the globular or the planar hypothesis.
Irrelevant ad-hominem. The point of that picture is that an astronaut who allegedly died in an accident returns a few years later under a different name. The number of years is an error I readily concede.
That is not true. The globular model is strong on some points and weak on others, the same as with the planar one.
Perception of and navigating by the stars is one thing, explaining their course and nature another thing entirely.
Why do you have to resort to insults when discussing differing hypotheses on an anonymous image board? Simply close the thread if the topic perturbs your tranquility.
No, not necessarily. I'm simply collecting and testing evidence in favour of or against either hypothesis. I'm sure there are different planar models, the same as there are different globular models - I'm sure you aware that according to the current globular model we're living on an irregular oblong spheroid.
What exactly are you referring to?
True National Socialists subscribe to the Horbiger doctrine and Hohlwdttheorie.
You mean the ones you'll reject as disinformation propagated by the conspiracy of shifting goalposts?
Do you deny that NASA is a highly masonic organisation and that the heliocentric globular worldview has been heavily pushed by Masons (and also Jesuits) from the 16th century onwards?
Ok, flat earthers, this might interest you.
pic rel is a pharmaceutical company in croatia, called Pliva (literal croatian translation = "it swims"). Logo is pretty suggestive
Today its mostly owned by Israeli company Teva
I check your dubs of the Astrophysical Conspiracy Without End, and raise you the cosmology of Gay Niggers from Outer Space.
There is no flat earth model that can:
The flight I linked is impossible in the flat earth image you posted, which is the most common and the only one with any attempts at rationalizing the motion of the sun.
1. These so-called flight plans are just propaganda from the five-hundred-year heliocentric conspiracy
2. You've never flown this path yourself, so how do you know
3. Oh you have, have you. Nice try, you devil-worshiping Mason.
Thus you are refuted.
Kekked and checked. I'm actually undecided regarding the question of the true shape of the Earth and see the whole issue as a kind of epistemological mirror; how much one really KNOWS instead of relying on hearsay.
Globulism and planarism at least share more or less the same reference frame, but Horbiger's theory is still really out there for me.
Thanks, very interesting. Subtle allusions in pop culture and corporate and institutional imagery abound, e.g. the UN logo.
As mentioned, that IS a good point and would definitely seem to weigh against the planar model. I strongly object to that point being decisive, though - dozens, hundreds of observations have to be considered to accept or reject a model, and most common arguments for the globular hypothesis are easily refuted or are not conclusive.
Explain this one, especially the word "consistent". Distances don't randomly change on a planar Earth, either.
"Impossible" is the wrong word, perhaps you meant "inefficient" or simply "longer". The issue of flight paths in the globular/planar debate is quite complex and offers support as well as counter-arguments to both.
An example is the Coriolis effect mentioned by the poster above. If the Earth spins underneath the plane while it is in the air, it should make a noticeable difference if one flies with or against said rotation. Yet, when checking flight times I find the following examples, starting with your Johannesburg-Perth one (based on travelmath.com):
Johannesburg to Perth: 10 hours, 51 minutes
Perth to Johannesburg: 10 hours, 51 minutes
Another example:
Tokyo to LA: 11 hours, 28 minutes
LA to Tokyo:11 hours, 28 minutes
Identical. How is this reconcilable with the globular model where the Coriolis effect is said to be in effect?
You're facetious. Those two -
- are valid points, after all.
2 entities lot different than each other as Baal you fucking retard is connected with Enlil, Moloch, Hubal ,Yahweh , Allah not with fucking Thor from the Norse Pantheon you turbo autismo.
Even though the same stars vary depending on where you are on the globe?
And that pic doesn't account for seasons being reversed in hemispheres.
It is literally about experimental sciences.
That's on your interpretation. But sure, what's the issue there?
For replication? No you don't. You can just replicate it to find out if they're telling the truth. Scientific method, nigga.
You don't have to, and this has nothing to do with what clubs they might be in.
Unrelated matter pertaining instead to things like funding. It has no bearing on the science itself, or it's replication.
So there are literally no scientists ever, according to your prejudices? Because even an NDA would nullify them, it seems.
Once more, you're obsessing (wrongly) over the man, rather than the method.
Except not. Newton never said, "Oops, user thinks Masons can't say random things for some reason. Better not tell anyone about the Laws of Motion."
You brought up radio towers. I pointed out their flaws. Forgot to add they wouldn't work for cars, either, due to terrain. Never had a radio channel drop out?
One does, though, since other methods don't work like you think.
AM/FM repeaters are different from navigational towers.
Because they're cheap, and are playing catch-up. The remote Andes don't need 5G like the CBD of Tokyo. They only need low bandwidth.
It is, though. Not just because it's not just a military system, but that non-military installations are a large part of the market.
Irrelevant, but yes.
That doesn't mean entertaining every dumbarse idea which gets shat out. Once things are codified beyond all possible doubt, you can bank on them. 1+1=2 and so on. Yes, other ideas can be discussed, but obviously they get broken down with their flaws.
Oh, i figured. Next time you're on a flight at cruise height, go open the door and tell me if you don't "believe in" space after taking some deep breaths.
But they can be. Your argument is flawed.
I don't have them sitting in front of me, sorry. But basically if you follow a set heading without correcting for Coriolis on an N/S path, you'll end up off course as the earth shifts beneath you at a different rate to the ambient atmosphere (!).
They literally don't, that's the entire point. Sirius (!) remains in fairly the same spot, but all the rest move.
Christos was the title. Jesus is the person (avatara). Lucifer is an adjective. Actually look at the context in which it's used. Even in the shitty translation of the (((KJV))).
It isn't weak, people just choose to ignore
Pretty sure NASA wasn't around in the 1500s.
And 3. Explain weather.
1+2. Nothing stopping you from flying those paths. So no, you didn't refute him.
It does. You're forgetting that weather is a thing. Coriolis isn't that massive of a force, though, since remember that everything on the globe is already moving. Along with the atmosphere. It's the "firing a bullet from a moving train" thing.
It seems so, yes.
I don't seem to see the issue… during "northern summers" the sun moves in a close circle, thereby leaving the outer, southern zones colder, i.e. in winter. And during "northern winters" (what a globulist would call the northern hemisphere) the sun moves in a wide circle, leaving the center colder.
No, empiricism is the philosophical underpinning of what experimental sciences are in practices. They are NOT the same. One can be an empiricist without ever conducting once an experiment, and one can be a good experimenter without being an empiricist (e.g. Newton).
Putting Man central in one's thinking instead of God leads ipso facto into error.
Regarding the methods, yes. But the consecutive gathering of data and the subsequent model building very definitely depend on if I can trust my forebearers. That is precisely the issue with Chinese research, or Russian one during the Cold War! One simply cannot trust their data without endless re-checking, so what's the use of publishing their findings in the first place?
Don't play dumb. You know full well that Masonry is much more than some club.
Bullshit. Accurate replication rests on accurate publication. Publication bias is a HUGE methodological problem, and you know it.
Possibly… I stand by my claim: one cannot be a scientist - bound to truth and transparency - and at the same time swear secret oaths in secret hierarchies. It's an oxymoron.
I deny your assertion; objectivity is the highest good of science, but in the end, in the specific circumstances of your specific research project, it all depends on you - your truthfulness, your scientific integrity. Whatever Man does, there is Man.
Newton was a… highly interesting character, as I'm sure you would agree. Definitely not an empiricist (which is a good thing). Still, I stand by my above-mentiond premise: having been a Mason, all his output is at least somewhat suspect.
You provided some interesting technical specifications and explanations (thank you for that), but I remain unconvinced for the moment. At this particular moment, the issue doesn't lend itself easily to support either the globular or the planar hypothesis.
Agree, but since your example was mathematical, I feel the need to point out the difference between eternal (synthetical/mathematical) and revisable (i.e. empirical) truths. The shape of the Earth pertains to the latter and is therefore under scrutiny as long as new data and evidence enters the picture.
Come on. As a pilot you know full well that thin atmosphere ≠ vacuum. And I stand by my claim; there are no vacuums in nature.
Why did you single out Sirius that way?
Roughly agree, although Jesus was not just an avatar, but THE Son of God.
What is your criticism of the KJV? I read the translation by Luther.
But Masons were. The same Masons who later created NASA.
Meh. Weather in itself, as a local, often very hyper-localized phenomenon, does not lend itself easy to either of the two. Climate science is a huge computational mess. Undecided, in my book, same as with the satellite vs. tower issue.
Kek, pretty sure he meant that sarcastically.
I would agree, but now the whole issue of the Coriolis effect has become somewhat muddled - if it's negligible, it does not necessarily support the globular hypothesis; if it's non-negligible, it should show its effects anywhere from air travel to long-distance shooting
I want to return briefly to that point. I was surprised how quickly and specifically you responded with that retort, like you already had that answer pre-planned. Do you regularly debate Anti-Masons?
In howfar does it contradict him?
How do YOU know that? Statistically speaking it's unlikely you're a 33rd "dirty dirt", indeed, so while you of course have read your books, you technically CANNOT know this coming from a lower level within the hierarchy.
Another name for the local bath house is the masonic lodge. You see, when you you shove your tubal cain in a little boy's arse, you suck his lifeforce. I mean, these orphans and sick kids are just going to die anyway, amirite? Why not do a little poopdick for energy points. The fairy tale about the sky daddy is just a myth, goy.
the star of davids (what i believe) original meaning is the unification of male and female, and by extend generally polar opposites. its basically another version of ying and yang so it makes sense you would find those two together giving the meaning, but weird given the history of its origins. only later was it used for a symbol of saturn, and judaism. rothschild used it back on his store back then and made it later a jewish symbol.
One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made. Now if you mix 2 things they mix while building a vortex or a spiral, and i believe this is meant with the spiral symbology, and indirectly the the star of david and the yin yang symbol.
A lot of japanese culture seems to reference the spiral, wether its naruto with uzumaki even meaning spiral and the spirals all around the anime, ranma 1/2 has a technique based on a spiral, and not to forget tengen toppa gurren lagann which is all about the spiral beings (humans) kept underground, in the dark by the antispirals, the (((elite))) out of fear that the spiral being destroy everything out of accident. is this maybe why the elite tries to hide spirituallity from us? because they fear we would fuck it up? or just that we would fuck (((them)) up?
satan meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own, an agent of god sent to test us and occasionally do gods work like the killings of the first born if i remember was done by satan. later on people thought "if satan does evil, and does so in the name of god, and god is evil too" and they rewrote it to satan being an enemy of god. this very world is ruled by satan, by obstacles, which it abuses to corrupt us.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil. Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
either way a lot of the symbols also seem to derive from sunworship which makes kinda sense seeing how they see the unification of things as holy and magical with the sun being a huge fusion reactor. i believe transgenderism is a perverted form of this, trying to unite male and female in one body
urthermore the black sun in pic 3 isnt so much in meaning our sun. while our sun is the material source of life, giving heat and light for plants to grow enabling all the other life, the black sun (as i believe) is the spiritual source, the divine spark, the source of our divine concioussness. probably the holy spirit.
yes, earth is hollow, and the nazis are there most probably building UFOs
or if that thread is gone if you look
Okay. How?
Which wreak hell with the day/night cycle, and superheat the "centre." Then for the reverse, it couldn't match up to appropriate emissions of heat. Not to mention, why is the sun just hovering in such a model? And why in such a way?
It doesn't do that, though? It leads God's creation to be central.
Only if you're too lazy to gather the data yourself.
Because if it's right, then there's no issue. Or if you can successfully build off it anyway.
False, but that's tangential anyway. What associations are people allowed to have, according to you? Like, if they can't associate with peers?
No? If the publication gives flawed methods, then it'll fail. That's generally not the problem.
Yea? Why not? And good to know we're off Masonry, at least.
But it can't. Idiot savants do remarkable things, but they wouldn't meet your particular requirements.
Why? And go on then, prove that he did something wrong just because he was in certain clubs.
Shocker. I figured no amount of logic would change that.
Only according to you. No new data has entered the picture to suggest otherwise which can't be explained logically.
What happens when it thins out to nothing?
Because it's a key point flat earthers can't resolve.
Again, po-tay-to/po-tah-to.
It was a shit job. Very kind to Jews, and got a number of things wrong.
NASA was made by Scottish stone workers?
What about globally? Why would cyclones die if they cross the equator? How do the doldrums exist? Why are highs/lows reversed in the hemispheres?
It does. You just have to be able to measure it.
It's a pretty common meme. Nobody ever bothers to check the source, so they keep posting the bullshit.
It contradicts the beliefs he espouses in M&D and Esoterika.
By being a member? 33rd isn't actually exclusive, and the A&AR publishes more than most. In the USA, it starts at 32nd. Being the head honcho for a few terms, Pike might have known that.
I don't know. The issue remains unresolved for me at the moment.
Only if the sun is to be thought huge and far away. I think she is much smaller and nearer than assumed.
For the moment, I go with the biblical account; that it was put into the firmament.
No, it's a fundamental difference. The doctrine of empiricism is a humanistic one; however capable one is in conducting experiments, ultimately error will creep in due to faulty premises.
That is precisely the error. The created stands inferior to the creator, and pursuing or even venerating the merely created leads to abominations.
That's not how the scientific enterprise works in practice, as you, of course, know. Science is build on incremental advances based on ones forebearers; thus it is crucial that those be absolutely honest and transparent. Nobody has the time, energy and funding to verify everything from the bottom-up.
But that is the point - than I cannot trust you, or those state scientists. Of course I can exactly replicate (which is suicide, publishing-wise, but let's ignore that for the moment), but then, what was the point of publishing something in the first place?
Pragmatism, another humanist doctrine. Glittering artefacts and machines for pleasurable living are very useful (after all, I'm posting this through a computer), but they don't justify a theory of knowledge by themselves.
No, it is not tangential. Normal clubs don't have secret oaths and hierarchies, and IF they would have them, I would criticize them the same way.
Associate you can with whomever you want; but as soon as you're oath-bound, you answer to an hierarchy (or perhaps you personally don't, in which case your oaths of secrecy were not meant seriously). That doesn't make what you say wrong per se; but it casts shadows of doubt over all your actions and motivations. That's way people are distrustful of Masons in the first place.
No, Masonry will never be oof the hook as long as it exists, but what I said applies wherever secret oaths enter the picture. Yes, that also includes large part of the MI/NASA complex, not only in the States, but also in other countries, of course.
Why? Ipso facto; he swore secret oaths, this is in itself reason to guard doubt.
As with "science", don't invoke the word "logic" as if it would give you some instant authority.
I deny the existence of "space" as such; there is no "out there". Sooner or later one hits the firmament, and what I could gather from Operation Fishbowl and similar attempts by other countries, even nuclear weapons cannot destroy it.
Agree, I concede that this observation seems to weigh in favour of the globular hypothesis.
No, that's a strong categorical error like the one above regarding empiricism. There existed and exist many avatars, but there is only one Son of God - Jesus Christ.
Could you expound on that? Honest question.
Those are general concerns and questions of climate science which are still
Don't play dumb. Masonry and quasi-masonic societies go way back and were highly influential in the founding of NASA (and apparently various other "space" agencies).
But can you/we? That is the whole point; if we cannot measure it without reliably excluding influencing variables, the C.E. does not unequivocally support the globular hypothesis.
Do you have been confronted with the allegation of luciferianism before?
Could you be a bit more specific? Just trying to understand the influencing lines from a history-of-ideas point of view.
Insufficient. Masonry is a hierarchical, pyramidal structure characterized, among other things, by the compartimentalization of knowledge and responsibilities and the swearing of secret oaths. Of course one can read books and articles, but from an insider perspective I doubt that you have verified for yourself what you said regarding the grades 30-32.
What do you mean by that?
Probably… but me (as an outsider) and you (as a relatively lower grade - I assume) - we have no way of verifying the truth of said publications.
What starts at the 32?
Might have known what exactly? Sorry for being nosy, I don't want to infringe on your oaths, but I would like to learn a bit directly from a Mason instead of relying more or less exclusively on outside sources.
Even if it were small and close, that it's a sphere(!) orbiting above would mean that it has a 360 degree range of influence. To provide the level of heat it does, it would thus melt the centre. Or are you imagining it to be more like Icarus from Die Another Day?
Still doesn't cover the how. What's stopping it from falling? What's powering it?
Only when used by humans.
Nah. And [email protected]/* */ Sounds like fear.
True, but it's verified by the steps you're starting with being workable, and building upon them. If they don't, then you go back to where they do.
Only if you keep proving them wrong.
How. That's what peer review is. If someone is wrong, they get found out and fixed. It's not the be all end all. They just learn from the mistake.
So that people know what to try and replicate. Duh.
Kinda do. Literally what else would you do? Base subsistence?
Neither does Masonry. And not all clubs adhere to your particular views.
That would depend on the oath.
Yea, doesn't mean they're right to be so.
Only if he did things wrong. He could have been in some secret bakers guild, and stumbled upon the laws of motion by accident whilst trying to bake the perfect apple pie. Doesn't make them wrong, or give reason to doubt.
But you can go out there? Just because you haven't done it doesn't make that untrue.
It's a definition thing. Or perhaps just to do with your church. Jesus was the Avatara of God, like Krishna was the Avatara of Vishnu. Born of flesh (of Mary and Joseph), but filled with the Holy Spirit.
Thread unto itself. Tl;dr is that Rex Judaeorum was made to King of THE JEWS instead of King of Judea. Made the Jews the "chosen people," and put in an extra "lucifer" where it didn't belong. You're best off comparing it to an older Orthodox of Catholic translation. Or just learning Latin/Koine to see the originals.
Which we understand to be caused by rotation of the earth (Coriolis) and magnetic draw.
I'm not. You just don't understand the structure of Freemasonry. Makes sense that Florida Masons would be involved, though. Scientists have usually been attracted to scientific societies like that and The Royal Society.
Yes. It's observable in weather patters. If you know how to read synoptic charts, have a look at the way pressure systems move. Wind also spirals as it ascends. So you can check a TAF/ARFOR and see 3000 160/10 and 5000 180/15 then 7000 200/25.
Plus with shooting, if you get a calm day, then have a long enough range, you can watch it deviate from the otherwise correct zero.
Yea. People fall for the Taxil hoax all the time.
You're better off just reading the books themselves if you can get through the classical English. Basically, being commentary books, he discusses his own beliefs, and they're the opposite of what that French meme says.
Will post my patents when i'm next around them. But suffice to say, it's no secret how the A&AR operates, and you can buy ritual monitors which are used by Valleys from their website. The NMJ is different just because they're a clusterfuck which keeps changing.
That in America, 33rd is an admin role. You can get it for service to a Valley, be it on the ritual team, or the secretariat. It's not a degree, but an honour.
The ones we use are probably a good indicator.
The A&AR. The system you know as having "33 degrees." Master Masons join it, and are immediately 32nd degree SR members (which is different to Freemasonry, as Freemasonry only has 3 degrees).
How the system works. That guys join at 32nd, so there were no 30th or 31sts there.
Don't be. Never be sorry for learning. And it in no way infringes upon my obligations. The Obs. only apply to the secrets, which are the tokens/salutes/passwords.
tfw only people who've taken copious amounts of psychedelics understand any of this to be valid and true.
and so on…
The people who run the world are hiding in plain sight. The public is just ignorant and blind. They will send you down rabbit holes and endless distractions and you will never find the rulers and their methods, even when they are in plain sight.
The public is too disorganized, fragmented and divided to rule themselves. They will never escape the maze of scapegoats and distractions.
I'm not sure if the sun is a sphere, or even it it is a physical body per se.
Good questions. I would like to hear the opinions of astronomists on this who are able to step inside the planar model for a while, as a thought experiment.
By whom else?
>Nah. And [email protected]/* */ Sounds like fear.
Yes. Abominations like the Sowiet Union, or western-style technocratic corporatism - they all flow forth from humanist doctrines like egalitarianism or utilitarianism. Faulty premises always, without exception, lead to error.
That's not how it works in practice. Everybody's busy with his own small project and relies on the published research; nobody has the time and funding to exactly replicate, and once a faulty baseline article is exposed (as appened e.g. with the Korean cloning researcher Hwang Woo-suk a few years back), all subsequent publishings - hundreds, in that case - go out of the window or have to be painstakingly repeated, with dozens of careers compromised.
PR is not the in-depth review many people take it for. The rough methodological setup, a quick look at the statistics section, a quick glance at the references - that's all it is. And for good reason, in highly cut-throat fields like e.g. Biomed you most definitley don't want to help you peers competitors.
The technology per se is not the problem, on the contrary; but building a theory of knowledge on it is. That's pragmatism, or techno-darwinism if you like - in other words, humanism.
Interesting, albeit incoclusive data points. I'm reluctant to invoke climate science in the first place; it's much more complex than you make it out to be, including the examples you mentioned, e.g. doldrums. There are very many competing paradigms and computational problems in that field, which repeats itself e.g. in the whole global warming debate. What specifically are you referring to by "magnetic draw"?
Not sure about that. The Snopes article referenced above, but also a few others I looked up on the web are undecided; there seems to exist a lively debate in the shooter"sniper/ community if the C.E. is relevant for shooting or not. I remain undecided on that issue for the moment.
Problem is that all the evidence NASA puts out is highly doctored. Photoshopped images, "astro"nauts in water (with clearly visible air bubbles), timed movements to coincide with the movements of zero-g-flights, clearly recognizable green screen projections… I don't believe anything from that organisation.
When those bakers guard secrecy and swear secret oaths - yes, I would very definitely critizice that also. Can a member make discoveries independent by the order? Yes, of course - but there will always be a shadow of doubt over him and his output. That's the reason why even people who aren't into conspiracies instinctively recoil when learning that so-and-so was or is a mason. Everything automatically becomes suspect, especially given that it not only has the secrecy (as e.g. in the defence complex), but also employs the whole quasi-esoteric imagery and mythology.
No, that reeks of perennialism and New Age. I know there were and are many inspired individuals, but Jesus Christ is THE Son of God. There is, there can only be one.
Very good points, I share this opinion, especially the INRI part.
Agree, as an outsider or a lower-level member it's hard to pierce the veil of secrecy.
The so-called Taxil hoax gets more confusing the more I read about it. Details like that allegedly he had joined a lodge with intention of quitting, and the whole masonry vs. catholicism row in itself. I get the feeling of some psy-op going on, because while I think the RCC is built on faulty theological premises and its hierarchy subverted, the net effect was a weakening of Christianity in already strongly secularizing times.
I deny your claim that masonry is anything resembling a scientific society. I don't want to repeat myself, but scientists don't swear secret oaths and surround themselves with quasi-religious ceremonies and imagery. Or, perhaps better said, they CAN do this, but it infringes on the very transparency and independence good science requieres.
I remain sceptical.
Wasn't an insult. Only saying that in an hierarchical, compartimentalized structure the lower rungs can per definition not know what the higher ones are about, published material etc. nonwithstanding.
Those publications are a good indicator of what? Not of the truth, that would be a circular argument.
Sounds like sophistry. "Freemasonry" is the overarching category, which itself is divided into various rites, on them being what you call the A&AR. And didn't you mention above that there is no 32nd degree?
You mean Pike joined as a 32nd and "jumped" 30+31, or that those grades don't exist in the first place?
Aight. What is it then, and why couldn't it be what it is? And you know we can observe it, right? With high power telescopes.
That's the joke.
Error? Still sounds like Abcedarianism, which is an affront to God.
So yea, that is how it works, when it needs to.
Didn't mean to imply it is. It's an awful process which can be won by the highest bidder. But it can still be used to find flawed methods.
Why? Like, is God going to start handing us mana to subsist on if we shun all desire for knowledge and advancement?
A term more usually reserved for the entirety of global climate affairs. And whilst i could bring up the gulf stream, I was mostly referencing meteorology.
Haven't seem much from NASA like that, but plenty from NASA critics with tosh shopped in. Besides, i wasn't referring to NASA. Nothing stopping you from chartering one of the old U2s to go skim the atmosphere for a while.
Absurd claim. The man could have been sacrificing Jewish children to Mohammad on weekends and it still wouldn't have affected his findings. You see, science isn't about the man, it's about nature. We just use it to find out how nature works.
Guessing you're a Baptist or something, then.
Wasn't arguing that, old boy.
You could always go ask. Not like there's a shortage of books on the subject, and most lodges are open to the public apart from meetings.
Not that confusing. He was just a dick who wanted to piss off both sides. He was a man who needed image boards to troll.
That's fine. But it's still the truth. You can ask any member.
Perhaps. But Freemasonry, even with the appendant side bodies doesn't work that way.
What we do. They're literally our instruction manuals, and they've been available for purchase since the 17th century.
No, just how it works. There's Freemasonry, then some people liked to add their own fanfics so we end up with side degrees. They're not Freemasonry, they just require members to be Masons.
No, i said no 30th and 31st (in the Americas).
That. Master Masons (3rd degree) join at 32nd and have the 29 degrees conferred by name. Or if they're lucky, they'll get to watch them performed, or on video. It's just to do with the aims of that organisation.
I don't know what the sun IS, materially speaking, but it appears to me as a luminous, moving body in the sky, much closer and smaller than what is offically claimed. Of course you can observe it using telescopes, but that doesn't answer your question per se.
What do you mean by "Abcedarianism"? All I'm saying is that when thinking proceeds from putting Man central (i.e. all modernist philosophies - rationalism, empiricism, materialism, utilitarianism, progressivism, pragmatism, socialism ad nauseam), error and also evil creep in. Just look at the state of the world.
On a long enough timescale, and given honest and integer scientists with suficient funding, I would agree. And just to repeat, I'm not against the scientific endeavour per se; only against putting it on a privileged pedestal, venerating it for its own sake (i.e. scientism). So don't accuse me of luddism. Technology on its own plane, as tool of Man, is of course a boon.
I posit that weather is clima on a micro-scale, so all the methodological concerns of climate science (which are huge, as can, on another front, be seen in the global planetary warming debate) apply as well.
I won't insult you by posting videos - everyone should speak for himself - but there are literally hundreds of videos out there absolutely destroying most everything put out by that agentur.
I disagree, but at this point we're just repeating our assertions. You insist on the scientific process being independent of the individual; I say what Man is cannot be separated from what Man does.
I cannot shake the impression that you are wordfully trying to distract me - which of course I cannot I prove. I also get the impression that there are hidden hierarchies within the official ones, and that, if you are indeed a higher-ranking mason, you learned about the true shape of the Earth during one of your initiations or will do so, if permitted. By your writing style I recognize you from an earlier interaction here; I'm sure we will meet again. Quite a few masons regularly visit Holla Forums, especially on topics like this.
So a star? Because it is actually moving. Just doesn't appear so in relation to us.
They believe that it's evil for one to try and learn anything, and that only knowledge given by God directly is acceptable. Very flawed philosophy, like you're describing.
It's not venerating, though? We don't venerate tape measures (or insert other basic construction tool) for building, but you couldn't construct anything without them, making them a requirement only a fool would shun.
Oh, it absolutely is. Don't get me wrong. But Met. can be studied individually (as it were) without worrying about global warming or whatever. Like, it's only movement patterns which are pertinent to the discussion at hand.
Haven't seen one yet capable of doing that. Besides, i said YOU could go do stuff to see the truth.
Because it is. If Einstein hadn't come up with the Theory of General Relativity, someone else would. People like Fermi and Newton are respected for being the first ones recorded for their ideas, but because these are basic truths, anyone could actually discover them at any time. It's not about man, it's about nature. Man is just recording it.
Nope, just pointing out truths. You can find them anywhere.
Then why would we bother with the official ones? Unless you mean the joke about the secretary actually running things.
Lol, I mean, yea, but not the way you want it to be. Due to the discreet scientific nature of many of the degrees, the "surface of the globe" does get mentioned a bit.
In my own perception, it's the Earth that stands still and the Sun that is moving. I cannot answer what the physical basis is of its movement along the firmament.
Well, as mentioned I flew as a passenger in commercial flights various times - without perceiving curvature-, but as a civilian I don't have access to space to verify for myself the vista at higher altitudes. Actually quite similar to Antarctica being closed off to private initiatives.
Relativity and Newtonian gravity are neither discoveries nor simple truths, but more or less convoluted and valid models. I harbor great doubts regarding both. Even then, fact-gathering and model building is not simply "Man recording" - an outdated epistemology even in hardcore science circles (who are infamously incapable of reflecting over their own work). Constructivism a la Maturana is where it's at, strongly emphasizing the role and importance of the observer-object relationship.
The concept of hidden hierarchies is not controversial in itself. As described e.g. by Victor Suvorov AKA Vladimir Rezun in his "Inside the Soviet Army", the Soviets liberally used doubled and secret hierarchies, to have redundancies in wartimes but also to deceive western intelligence analysts. I can really recommend the book, very captivating and agreeable style:
I might believe you… but then, I have no way of verifying that.
I suggest you fags watch this.
To add something, the total system perhaps IS more or less globular; the firmament forms a hemisphere above a planar earth, and perhaps the subterranean parts also form an hemisphere. So when royal or masonic imagery show a globe (i.e. the globus cruciger), they DO reference truth, but related to the Uni-Verse, creation in toto, not specifically the shape of terrestrial Earth where we move about.
Usually a terrible thing to use. That's how we end up with all kinds of errors, like autokinetic and leveling issues.
Then why believe it? Btw, firmament just means space.
You do, though. With surprising ease.
It isn't. Some parts, being owned by dickish countries are difficult, but people go there all the time. Trouble is there's nothing there, and it's a challenge to get to.
They are, though. They may not be 100% perfect due to technology of the time, but we can examine them now to be found accurate enough.
True, but you're ascribing it to something unnecessarily. Like, you're thinking a lot more of Masonry than what it is. Not to mention, being charitable registered organisations (remember, there is no global Masonry), every penny has to be accounted for, and open for public scrutiny.
That's just money wise. Hierarchy wise, it's not Scientology. It's a voluntary organisation, where the rules are pretty loose, and the "higher ups" don't have a lot of influence.
That's making even less sense.
Well yea. They knew the earth was spherical (for reasons stated above). It's a Roman symbol relating to Pax Mundi.
did someone already saw something like this?
I found it in a castle i inherited in France, hidden in a secret compartment of a reading desk, alongside with other oldass papers.
I'm jelly bro. The realization that you'll never have a castle is a blackpill in itself.
Is it a pin, do you have any pictures of the back? The fact that it's not center on the "crescent" leads me to believe that it was repaired, or just added on later by an amateur.
Would you like a free translation of those manuscripts sir?
pic related, it say ARTHUS BERTRAND PARIS
it's a well known and reputed jeweller and medal crafter house in Paris, they are the ones the government hire to create the Légion d'honneur medal since Napoleon. So to me it's not repaired and meant to be like this.
why not, but i think they are mostly ancient notarial acts about land and different possessions owned by this branch of my family in the area.
This is the closest I can find. sword positions match, as does the cross in the center. Lacks the crescent and skull though. An earlier variation maybe? Any idea why the top portion of the cross would be bent back like that?
bump for the sons of the widow
Hey, look at it this way…
fuck off kike
Holy shit, you just posted what I've been trying to figure out for a while. This medal (the 1917 one) has been with my great-great-grandfather's stuff forever and no one knew what it was because he died of some horrible lung ailment.
Saging for blog, but thank you user.
You can't possibly have been here more than a day or 2. Stop trying to turn this place into cuckchan. Before all you cuckchan migrants there would be 4 or 5 threads on esotericism every time you checked the catalog. This has always been what sets 8/pol/ apart. Spend some time lurking.
The elite and the Occult…people will call me a degenerate, so be it. When I was very young, went into a rehab in Arizona for opiate addiction (can prob guess which one..well, there are 2 big ones in Az now). There was the lead singer of one of the biggest rock groups in world, at least 2 billionaires (one in natural gas, one in airplane manufacturing). Just about everyone there but for me was a millionaire. Guy who ran a very big auto-insurance company, who explained "oh, we fuck everybody…it's mathematically impossible for us to lose money!" The daughter of..probably one of the 3 most famous US artists on history (she later drank herself to death at her estate in the bahamas, I read, which was a shame). Guys who made money by buying a piece of land as residential and using connections to have it rezoned as political. Mafiosos. A US fighter pilot who had cheated on his 54foot 11, nymph-like wife and he absolutely went off on the guy and made him cry in front of the entire fucking groups .Mormons. Lots of Mormons, usually in for "sex addiction," but also pills. A mormon will never have a drink or an illegal drug, but in their world, if a Dr. writes it, even if it's fentynal, it''s ok. A Jew doctor who owned a brain clinic on the West coast. That would bring him a sample box of 80 mg oxeyes, and a few hours later the fucking box would go in his trunk. They'd come back next week "oh, thanks for giving so many of our samples away, looks like you need more, here's 2 boxes for this week!" (God knows how many ppl that jew killed operating high on his own gear.
Lots and lots of fucking since almost 50% of females there for "sex addiction." Rich families would sent their daughters to try to cure them of coal burning since they didn't know what else to do. So you had all these sex addicts hiding in the bushes, down by the pool, in a doorway, in the laundry room, wherever.
Now, to the point of the post, pedos. The place also treated pedos. On family days, sundays, the pedos would need to have a "minder." There were two while I was there. One was an old Jew lawyer who had been chasing young boys (13-14) and was looking at 4 yrs and he was fuckign terrified he might get tanked right there.
The other was even bigger piece of shit, as he preferred genuine..like, toddler age. At one of the "family days," he'd go and sit his pedo ass right near the families with his "minder," and one father was bouncing his son or daughter up and down on his knee. the pedo asked his minder "can you ask him to stop that please, it's making me excited.."
Pedos were universally despised. No one would sit near them, talk to them. Those in their small group) they were bound not to reveal info) would come out of the meeting to the smoking pit and begin with "I think I want to fucking vomit.."
Now, I'm not trying to "clear" anyone, maybe it's a thing unique to pedos.I got close to the Mexican natural gas billionaire, and he made no secret of his love for coke and whores and he had a helicopter on the roof of his house in Juraez (family was supposedly tied to drug smuggling in ships they owned). So, all I can say is, I got that close to "the elite," and I never saw any sort of tolerance for pedos. Take that as you will.
I'm forgetting a bunch of interesting people…if you do the math, it was about 11 years ago, you can find out which major lead singer was in rehab. And when I left, I was follow right in by a major "Conservative News Radio Personality" who, according to friends still there after I left, would get the headlines from the morning papers and do his own little version of his own show.
There's also something called "Survivors week" where they turn off all the lights (I know, it sounds queer) and you are meant to…I guess tell what's really bothering you at the bottom of your soul. There was an ER doctor from AZ who was Queer. A CEO of an oil exploration company whose wife had cheated on him. God, the fucking stories I heard there could fill pages and pages.
Most prominent memory through will always be of the little red head dressing down the f-15 pilot. Short and with long red hair, but not with "dwarf proportions," she looked like a really beautiful elf or nymph. And she was quiet and desire at first until the therapist kept urging her on and she just exploded on this motherfucker going all the way back to the night of the navy formal when he left her there and went home home with a different girl, to the whores he had in every port.
I wish I could recall more. Oh Lisa, the daughter of artist, had bipolar and brought home a put belly big one day. She let the place, got drunk, and was back 3 days later. If you are young (I doubt insurances cover it anymore) and you are semi good looking, it's the best time you will ever have in your life.
And I think this is as close to the "elite" as have ever gotten as far as CEO's of fortune 500 companies, billionaires, etc.. spilling their innermost shit, and I didn't hear anything about "the occult" and pedos were absolutely ostracized by everyone. The only person I ever saw try to speak to "ped"(that was his name) was a former nurse who really didn't seem ike she belonged there. Toward the end of his stay, the rich mexican billionaire (who ended up calling in his private plane to get him out early0 said to me "I cannot stay here anymore…" and he gestured to an obviously say person who seemed like he had the AIDS… "the are sweeping the streets!" He also used a pseudonym when receiving mail, was married to a former miss…not "miss mexico" but one of the provinces or whatever they have there. His daughter was about 16 or 17 and one of the 2 or 3 most attractive girls I'v ever seen up close. He traveled with 4 bodyguards for his family. He was not allowed a bodyguard for himself during his tay, but he insisted before he would come that taller bushes be planted in certain areas.
(I know, this is taking on definitions of blog post, I'll shut up now…but people, esp alex jones fans types, are always talking about "the elite" and "the 1.10th of 1%" and want some sort of a look into their life…well, here you go.
also, another status signifier among the "elite:" laws mention that you have been skiing in both hawaii and New Zealand. I never knew there ever was skiing in either of these places, but they reference it often among themselves, as if it signifies that you re in a certain caste.
it's not because you own a million or 2 that you are part of the elite, there is literally millions of millionaires around the world… Especially since the money value drop non stop thanks to illimited QE…
Being part of the elite is about the ones who have been initiated to the mystery school of babylon, the brotherhood of the Snake.
(if people are bored and don't care, I'll shut up. If people want to hear more, will go on. During the Wed before you leave(you leave on a friday) you are taken into the desert by some old hippy to give you what is meant to be a 'spiritual experience." I spent most of my time just out of site feeling up a 31 year old divorcee, but still paid attention. During entire thing (they are also very big on 12 steps) there is a big focus on ""spirituality" rather than " religion."
Unless they were just hiding it really, really well, the wealthiest people there seemed to have zero interest in "the occult" or anything spiritual. O course, they don't let you watch TV and limit what you can read to the shit they sell in the store. So, you'll see…a guy who you know from your group makes $50 mill per year plus bonus and runs this massive fucking company running around with a book for plebs by a douche bag like "eckhardt tolle" or that fucking trash "the four agreements" by some deranged spic claiming to be a "toltec shaman."
So, in closing, if there is an "elite" interest in esoterica or in pedophelia, I spent 5 weeks living among them and hearing their darkest secrets and never heard anything of the sort.
Which, of course, my simply inability to find evidence doesn't prove a thing, but at..where I went and noe a new place in Nevada meant to very popular, they do basically the same thing and I've yet to read f anyone coming out of one of these places saying "wow, I was in a group with 2 ceos or with a rock star and these people are some scary fuckers.."
Again, I'm not an apologist, not claiming that my own experience is universal, but I saw none of what Jones seems to claim /;the elites" are into. And these people have not just small private jets, but 767s that can do dallas ft worth to hong kong nonstop. They have houses on jupiter island where they keep their 90 foot yachts parked outside their back door.
These are certainly the " elites," and I didn't see any eerie shit other than what you'd expect from very rich.
(this picture is from about the time Tiger Woods went there. That's public knowledge, in press, so no violating my non-disclosure. the bushes near the pool is where the fun thing happen at night if you can connect with a female "sex addict" who isn't skanky and gross).
LASTLY- if you should be wondering how I came upon the shekels to afford $40k for a month, car accident and some dumb twat ran a red light, sent me down a fucking embankment into swamp, concussion, broken lunars, ar, ankle, etc… And I started on 5 mg percs and end up on 80 mg oxy. Thus of the $50k I was awarded (I only sued because the fucking hooker had the balls to SURE FIRST when she ran the fucking light!), $45 k went to this stay at this place. Yes, was interesting and got some decent pussy but fuck me…what I could do with $45k shekels. Could literally travel entire world).
Haha checked.
In a way you already did.
The reason the pedo is shunned in that establishment is because you need a different set of connections. The elite of the elite are all those things and pedos also murderers too because they serve a certain power.
also, am secretly longing tell more stories about degenerate gamblers who lost tens of millions, all kind of mormon insanity, fags in these places, daughter of a European royal family(she was even more impt than the fucking best known musician…probably on earth at that time, so imagine her shekels)who had a female bodyguard/minder who would watcher her constantly, esp in the morning when she did her laps in the pool….one of the nieces of the Shah of Iran who, unlike the Euro royal, would tell her story of hardship to anyone who would fucking listen, of leaving her grandfather's mansion, the chanting outside, etc…
I've made up my mind to write a fucking booking, even if it brings me no shekels, rather than just blog post here. It's too fucking interesting not to. The Orthodox Jew sex addict. The fucking sex addict from Northwestern med school who ALWAYS had to wear his surgical scrubs as if trying to show he was somehow "better" than the people around him until I called his ass out on it.
Also called out the "rock star." Was in the common room with some girl whose pants I was trying to get into. Just laughing, bullshit, the usual flirting. Suddenly, he began to clear his throat VERY loudly. We went on. He proceeded to it again even more loudly. So I turned to him and said "I don't care who who you are, don't give me your fucking rock star attitude."
He was shocked and taken aback, apparently no one had ever spoken to him like that in a very lon time, he didn't know how to read. Finally, he came over and shook my hand. And from then on I got on splendidly with him. He didn't like to skate hands, but he'd go out of his way to "fist bump" me with the big Iron Cross ring on his finger, which was fine with me since it raised my status among the females and got me better pussy.
Yes, ashamed to say, even at that tie in my life, even when one tryst was grounds for dismissal, my mind was always on pussy…..
I remember first picture. You or someone else used it to make user shut up ("stop talking" type of threat) in a very interesting thread some month ago. Can't remember what the thread was about but at the time it felt like you killed the conversation as if user told too much. If you inherited a castle it makes it even more fishy.
Sage for off topic, but if you were in the right and happens to remember the thread a small explanation to why would be appreciated. I hope that we are all on the same side, generally speaking.
yes i remember this thread, and you are correct i was the one telling to the other user to shut up, but it was only larping from me, i used the pins because i think it come from an important lodge, but tbh i've no idea of what does it mean and where did it come from. It's why i'm asking here.
I can't tell if the other user was affraid by my larping threath with the medal or if he stopped to post because he wasn't browsing the thread anymore.
I'm glad my interest in identifying random objects has helped you user.
When I reversed image searched it it came up with a archived cuckchan post of the same image zoomed in. I didn't bother looking into it as it was the same image, but you might be able to sate your curiosity there.
OK, well and good, but where is the evidence for it? As Dr. Pierce used to say, "I'm not much of a believer in conspiracies that cross religious and ethnic lines"
I use my example because if people were going to blurt shit out unwittingly, that would have been the time. Many of them were DTing from Booze, coke, benzos, ambient, opiates, you name it. Many had just fucking gambled away tens of millions of dollars and lost their family fortune.
Also, the CEOs I met (for example, the car insurance CEO( was ceraintly not she about sitting around the smoking pit at night and explaining how the math works, how people are selected based on race, color of car, neighborhood, etc… and all the stats are grinded together to, in his words, "ensure we can't lose."
You had people just served with divorce papers who were fucking fuming and had their entire lives up in air and had their wife threatening to take away visitation with kids due to…a DUI or whatever. As I said already, there were 2 billionaires there (that I know of). Guy ran a family company that by itself controlled all the natural gas going into mexico along with a=all of South America other than Brazil. Also had his own fleet of oil tankers and was rumored to be a drug smuggler, and owned numerous hotels. About 6 months after, a friend and I went to one of his houses to see his estate and (of course his wife wasn't there) but his mistress was, and were invited to pick any weather of us wanted (other than his obviously). This would seem to be how the "elite" live.
I was on the dude's property, had numerous conversations with him, and none of the "alex jones" pedo, snake, whatever else came up. Given this guys wealth and his connections (and his ethnicity, one of the only—I think THE only– very, very wealthy Mexican who LOOKS Mexican), why would he not be in on..whatever jones and whoever are saying is going on?
Not denying that "something" is going on, but my contention is that it centers around Jews like Epstein, like those 2 fucking likes who were using the Israeli embassy in brasil as a child brothel, then taken out of the country before the brazilians could arrest them.
you may or may not know, sex slavery was LEGAL in Israel up until ~ 2012 (I'll show you a commentary from Israel TV to prove it). The Eastern Euros are led there, generally under false pretenses. Then the Jew pimp takes her passport, burns it, and tells the girl he "owns her" now. If she resists, she is "Broken in"by violent gang rape. Another fun fact– Orthodox kikes say heir religion prevents them from using condoms, so these jews spread STDS to these girls
In the rare cases where a Jew is arrested, the Jew receives a mysteriously letter on her prison bunk with her family addresses threatening them if she testifies. If you think I make up or exaggerate any of this, see the book "The Natashas" (if the Jews haven't purged from Amazon yet) which talks about the Jewish White slavery business in Israel. Let me see if that video up still. IF you watch, PLEASE download and SAVE so you can REUPLOAD, as th e Jews have been deleting anything that tells truth about them. THANKS.
Thanks for clarifying. I don't remember exactly but I think he had already posted most of what he meant to, so it's probable he just stopped browsing anyway. Just curious because the pin looks interesting.
Might check it out, but it is probably some crossposting as there were some discussion afterwards trying to decode the pin. Not surprised if it traveled to other places.
please anons. it's not hard. if you don't know how take 2 mins and look up "yt, DL, (whichever os you use). do it. don't assume someone else will do it.tht's what happened with the piece audio and we lost many of them.
and this one is even more impt. it's the "smoking gun. please. save.
really? i'm interested if you remember someone was able to determinate the origin of this pin. i don't think the previous owner would have hid it if it wasn't important for him, in a way or another…. there are painting on each wall of the castle probably worthing more than a new bmw /piece… all in plain sight, but why do hide the pin ?
user, i…
Dark Researcher found this during the Pedogate investigation
Not sure I buy this. If you really did a lot of research, can you walk me through the metadata and confirm that it checks out? The Ukrainian Nationalist-Russian conflict has been particularly brutal for fucking over 100 years.
In the Gulags, if you read Solzhenitsyn, who started every major revolt against the Jews running the gulag? Ukrainian ultras. Putin has been very anxious to portray the Ukrainians as "Nazis." Thus the reason for all the pomp and ceremony of Victory Day and "The Great Patriotic War each each Year.
When meanwhile, if you read Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago," everyone who came back from the front, whether Ukrainian partisan or simply became a German PWE, got a tenner. I'd need to to be walked through the metadata before I believe. It's a bit too fucking convenient that pedo shit would just happen to be found on the server of the Ukrainian Independence Movement, which the Russians refer to as "Nazis."
This fucking issue is way, way too complex for even Russians themselves to unravel. Solzhenitsyn's best solution for solving it was to hold binding referendums in every area. Undoubtedly, some would be left unhappy but that's life.
You have the original founders of Russia who arrived and founded Kievan Rus', in modern day Ukraine. What should happen, that's for Ukraine and Russia to decide and tUkraine should–under NO circumstances–be permitted to join NATO as McCain and that other closest fag Lindsey Grahmn wants, since they apparently don't want to die without starting a third world war.
As for this shit, unless I'm walked through the metadata piece by piece, I just don't buy it.user, give me your email address and some basic info and I could very easily make you out to appear a pedo, and I obviously don't have the resources of a state security apparatus.
And while I don't believe Russia meddled in the ZOG election (they didn't have to….and they are, no matter what view you take, winning now anyway, the ZOG is completely crippled as a Geo-political force as this shit drags on), the FSB certainly works to advance the interest of Russia with regard to thing like Ukraine. That's is their stated mission, why they get paid.
Did you know when (((Jeffery Epstein))) was arrested from his PedoIsland compound, they found professional grade dental chairs?
What kind of sick shit was that crooked nosed kike doing? Was he torturing them? Altering their dental records so they couldn't be identified after he raped and murdered them? Don't forget Bill Clinton has spent weeks at a time there.
This foulness and corruption shall not continue for long.
The flat earth thing shows how some people just can't be redpilled. For the longest time i wouldnt believe it, but now, it is completely obvious. I see clearly now, and everywhere i look i see masonic shills defending the globe.
You don't neccesarily need to start with the flat earth thing; you can start with learning more about masonic symbolism, because the masons will literally shove one of their symbols in your face while saying the world is round. You have people posting for YEARS going on flat earth videos arguing with people, as if a hobby like that is something anyone would bother with.
on the left is what the world is supposed to look like now in some new primary school books. They say the world is "like an egg". Now tell me, even if you still believe the mainstream conception, is the earth closest to a ball or an egg?
bitches be curved, but the world is flat
Hitler was a freemason half-jew british agent who with the help of the illuminati created nazims to destroy Europe and take over the world
If we didn't win the war, we would all be speaking german now lmao
The fuck kind of Mormon primary school are you attending?
What is this youtube comment section-tier trash
Masonry is Judaism for the Goyim.
Take a hike, kike.
Alright, saved it an as .mp4 on my hard drive. 144 MB.
9 dimensions of space in mathematics
Perhaps in modern parlance, but that's not the traditional or original meaning. Most encyclopedias reference Biblical cosmology, i.e. that the firmament is a type of structure above the atmosphere, often conceived of as a vast solid dome.
How? Honest question, and I mean space in the common sense, not just high-altitude flights.
Yes, but you cannot just go there nilly-willy on your own. You need a license and need to enter through specific, supervised points and are not allowed to leave predetermined routes:
Every model, even the craziest one (and planar Earth isn't the most "out there" by far), can coincide with SOME observations. Can gravity and relativity describe certain phenomena? Yes, of course. But I'm highly sceptical towards theory relying on convoluted, highly artifical experimental setups conducted by a caste of scientific high priests.
Oft repeated, but I remain sceptical. Not only the Hebrews but other cultures as well did not, as far as I know, posit a spherical Earth. I.E. ancient Egypt, the (pre-)Incas, the Chinese, and also in the Greek case I doubt that globulism was widespread among the literati.
Agree, but mundus ≠ terra.
Thanks, will take a look. Btw, do you have an opinion on the Copiale Cipher?
It's an archaic form of German, but interestingly, on page 69, it mentions the Scottish Master/Scottish Rite as "eine gantz neue erfindung", ie. a completely new invention. Thought that might interest you.
Interesting, thanks. More or less to be expected, though; after all, there is not much reason to mention esoteric topics at rehab sessions. Second, within the elite one should differentiate between the "mere" financial/corporate elite (which, as you say, are often very deracinated and materialistic) and a "priestly caste" who is a priori and by definition much smaller in number. Nonetheless, thank you for that glimpse into that world.
These people don't always want to talk business. That, and they often speak of it using the exact same words as we use, only they know the hidden meaning of those words, in the same way their symbols pervade our world without anyone being the wiser as to their meaning.
Do you know how many MSM articles are actually directly about occult happenings? Way more than you'd think, you just need to know how to speak their language. Here's an article that alludes to occult happenings.
Of course not. Just imagine you're watching the news of a 1984/They Live society - literally - and then you might start to see it. Whenever you have that many world leaders concentrated in one place, you can bet innocent blood is being spilled. It's essentially like vid related.
t. parselmouth
ex-fringe user here
Count Emmanuel Malynski - The Occult War - The Judeo-Masonic Plan To Conquer The World
You're welcome
You can leave /fringe/, but /fringe/ will never leave you.
Thanks for the link!
(nice trips)
Ditto, thanks.
Is that a Harry Potter reference? Never read the books/watched the movies.
Most of esotericism is jewish/kabbalist. That is what happens to white culture though, so I always took it with a grain of salt and sought out the roots and historicity of occult traditions. I'd say that politics and archetypal psychology has replaced the traditional hermetic culture, but fundamentally the only differences are operational and the effects on the individual (singular or collective) are the same. I tend now to focus more on the manifestations of behavioural modes and their processes in the semantics of politics and sociology. There's a lot less filtering and pondering, and finding authors/bloggers/speakers/creators who have had similar or exact epiphanies/awakenings as myself is both a thrill and a promise that have surpassed the fictitious reality in which most social problems originate.
Yes. I don't know how else to put it. I can just… understand what they really mean when they say things. It's like wordplay but once you can understand it you can't even stop yourself from doing it either. It's all normie words, they just carry extra meaning. Imagine you put on the They Live sunglasses one day, and you noticed it is literally all around you, being spoken by people every second of every day, it's literally everywhere if you just know how to see it.
This scene is basically Gospel truth, it's not even funny once you really notice it.
Actually most esoteric stuff is NOT Jewish, and most of what Jews have they just corrupted and stole from others. Jews are more likely than other occult groups to use their advantaged knowledge for open exploitation and gain against their fellow humans, whereas other occult groups prefer to keep a much, much lower profile. Jews are just so kiked they don't care that their own kin are often killed as recompense for their occult evils which most Jews don't know about just like everyone else. There are non-kiked streams of occult knowledge.
I disagree with the premise that kabbalah (qabalah, cabala) is Jewish per se, in the talmudicpost-babylonian sense. Much of it should properly be called hebrew or israelitic and is not per se "dark" or evil. The whole "sitra ahra"/qliphotic stuff is another matter, though.
Even Pierce and Oliver were a bit more clever than to chalk it up to Jews and Jews alone.
One way to think of it is this: yes, your image is right, many people who lust after the power of the jew will invariable find themselves in one of a few goytraps. Marxism is one, sexual degeneracy is another, but Babylonian Talmud Trauma Magick the the one we're talking about here. The idea is to send those who are interested into this dark underworld and tempt them into blackmail.
Because these blackmail power networks are _VERY FUCKING REAL_ it's really handy to know the framework in which they operate. So long as you don't get caught up in the esoterics and keep some Jung nearby, the rabbithole isnt all that deep.
the background sound is fucking amazing. anyone know the source? i want to ramble into my mic while having that as background music and put it on youtube.
Nice word-smithing.
Pfff ridiculous… the rabbit hole never ends, that's the whole fucking point. There is ALWAYS a deeper level; thinking otherwise is falling into hubris, i.e. another goytrap. Especially given that you mention Jung, who is by no means the be-all and end-all of symbolic and esoteric analysis. Do you even Manly P. Hall?
Because they simply didn't know, and thus didn't have a word for it. It's like the day/eon issue for Genesis.
Balloons are the easiest way. But there's nothing stopping private ventures.
You wouldn't hit too many roadblocks, though, beyond the ability to get there. Licenses and such are because of the people taking you there.
Only until those observations are scrutinised. Ie. You can observe that Apophis swallows the sun each dusk and Osiris rescues it, but when you actually examine it, you see that it's just dropping below the horizon due to global rotation, and it's quite possible to stay within it's light for the full cycle.
Unless you're talking Event Horizons, then those are in no way convoluted. But that's back to my point of you being able to test it yourself. Go drop an apple on your head if you still doubt gravity as the "technomancer caste" has recorded it. Skepticism is fine, but a lot of what you're putting forth is laziness.
They may not have known the size like the Greeks did, but most of them could plainly see it was curved. Due to their navigational requirements, or just by altitude/beach observations.
Close enough for purpose, though.
Haven't really looked into it. Kinda neat, but if it's just Masonic rituals, then it's much ado about nothing.
All right, while many of your answers appeared evasive or obfuscating to me, you helped me in organizing my mind and clearly conceptualizing the different types and validities of evidence surrounding the planar vs. globular debate. For that I want to thank you, whatever your true motivations may be.
I want to return to one issue, though, and that is the question if or from what height it would be possible to perceive the alleged curvature. You said -
- and also basically accused me of lying when I referenced my observation that I was never able to see it with my own eyes, while you, and above all as a pilot, asserted the contrary. An unsatisying he-said, she-said situation. So I typed into Google I detest all those smug insider references, the name, the Gmail logo, the "playstore" sigil… but alright, that's not the topic "from which height is it possible to perceive earths' curvature?"
It's astonishingly difficult to find consistent answers to that seemingly simple question. I synthesized more or less the following:
- Commercial aircraft: normal maximum ceiling of 13.7 kilometres : no apparent curvature thus completely impossible to perceive curvature even from the highest mountain or structure!
- Concorde's ceiling: 18.3 kilometres: reports are inconsistent. Some couldn't see the curvature, even though they were looking for it. Some pilots thought they could see it. One nice quote: "Some passengers could see it after several glasses of champagne."
- U2 pilots could generally see the curvature at 23 kilometres, and SR71 pilots could definitely see it at 25.9 kilometres. Only those don't serve me much… pilots like these are sworn to secrecy and probably masons themselves
Fascinating, and confusing…
From what I could gather those… oculists considered themselves a kind of meta-lodge. It appears they had full knowledge of all the masonic keys, procedures, signs and symbols then current in Europe.
Initially just mocking such a mindless viewpoint, but that somehow diverged into a genuine debate.
That's correct. It's something people have seen for millennia, but apparently evades you.
I'd say go see it yourself, but apparently you have some kind of issue with your eyes. But you can easily use points of reference at the beach (as in, a big beach, not some small inlet) to see it start to drop at either side just enough. Not to mention the horizon(!). So if those don't serve you well enough, go to Abu Dhabi then drive to Dubai to see how it works.
Not about the service ceiling. Just the Vne and Va. Hell, they still are, which is pretty crazy.
Probably. Continental Masonry has always been better. More alchemical and occult. They were just a bit paranoid i guess with that cipher. But still good to have.
I have the OST and this isn't on it. Is this the OST from the PS2 version (Which had superior cinematics), is this from the game which shall not be named, or is this an original from Revision?
To be honest anyone who hasn't been indoctrinated by academia is capable of processing this and coming up with their own opinions. I dropped out, got a GED and continued my education outside of (((academia))). I can see how what Alex is talking about can be applied to Esoteric Kekism and the prophesies surrounding Kek and his battle against Moloch.
Yes, and for that I want to, again, thank you. For myself I came to the momentary conclusion that I could integrate everything discussed - everything - into a "masonico-planar model of Earth", if so desired, with only one exception: the afore-mentioned polestar counundrum. That's the Big One. All the other issues (satellites vs. earth-based, horizontal dropping, flight route mysteries etc.) are resolvable.
No! And please really take note of the following, excuse the bolding: it is definitely, absolutely, 100% impossible to see curvature from below ca. 14km. Even the Concorde pilots (i.e. the highest climbing commercial airplane ever), could never unequivocally confirm it. And I repeat, that automatically excludes every mountain and structure on Earth! I scoured dozens of pilot/jetliner forums during the last days, and that is without the slightest doubt the common consensus. So please stuff the "you're crazy" or "just climb on a mountain" shtick. Do I accuse you of lying? Yes… otherwise, how do reconcile your statements with those of literally dozens of pilots whose testimony contradict yours?
Tentatively agree. British masonry is much more political, much more intimitately integrated with the intelligence/Westminster complex and Think-Tanks like Tavistock, and of course with The City.
Don't know… my question is, against whom were they ciphering in the first place? Merely the uninitiated… or inverted lodges trying to appropriate their knowledge?
I cannot answer your questions.
Which… *audibly but somewhat apprehensively clears his throat* - which game would that be?
Nature of the beast on here. You never know how a thread will turn out.
Except for those who regularly do so? Just need a broad enough view. Ie. Horizon to horizon.
Dunno. It was one of the first things i noticed when learning to fly, and every time going to the beach. The just slightly perceptible drop. And again, that's excluding things going over the horizon.
Kinda the opposite. UK Masonry goes to great lengths to avoid it. Legit Continental Masonry does too, but isn't so fearful of having ideas overlap. Then there's fake French Masonry, which is actually involved with politics.
Same as always: non-members. Some members have always taken the obligation of secrecy excessively, and ignore that our ceremonials have always been freely published. But ciphered ones are actually good learning tools, as well as good symbols.
Flat out wrong. Not sure if a lie or simply an optical illusion. If even Concorde pilots (!) could not unequivocally confirm curvature, anything below 14, 15km is completely impossible. Especially that laughable beach BS.
There are dozens of pilot/flyer forums on the web, e.g. those two, most of them confirming the above-mentioned numbers, many by pilots themselves:
Your assertion clearly contradicts the observations of dozens, if not hundreds of flyers.
The already discussed Aristotelian illusion. Powerful zoom or telescopes invariably bring back those apparently below-horizon ships. Here is one short example (sorry for videoposting, only as an illustration), there are many more on Youtube.
Laughable. There are more than 40.000 masons in The City alone (i.e. the center of power of the UK), and more than 800.000 in the entire United Grand Lodge of England (according to their own numbers). Even the Queen regularly sports masonic imagery.
Thread theme: Spiracy and Sirius' "Illuminati".
Height actually has less to do with it. You just need wide field of view. Thus beach. Altitude makes it easier, is all.
But that one seems to be asking about the black out curvature (where you're seeing above the atmosphere, rather than just the curve of the earth). Something like only U2 or Blackbird pilots would regularly see. You might want to check your sources next time.
The thing about crossing your fingers and having it feel like you're touching two things at once?
Not really. That boat is pretty close in. The only thing in front of it was some wave (which you can see, waving). Go to a harbour with liners departing, or the UAE and try that "technique" to see how well it works.
So? How does that contradict what i said? There are members everywhere. Doesn't mean regular Masonry involves itself in politics like the GOdF does.
Source? Because whilst She is considered patroness by virtue of being our monarch, She isn't actually involved with the Craft itself. You might be thinking of the Duke of Kent.
The Black Nobility
Inbred European Aristocracy
Live in complete secrecy
Forsake their identity
Say they're Divinity
Say the blood of Jesus
Flows within us
Ignore all laws
So Earthly
Only come out at night
The sun
Burns their sight
Men in masks
Their only tasks
These men are beasts
Who eat children
At their feasts
Hunt the Sons of Abraham
As they sleep and dream deep
Far more advanced in technology
Than we
Masters of genetic engineering
Perpetuate the Ultimate Crime
Corrupt Dream Time
Use it for sin
To kidnap children
A Cult of Serpent Worshipers
The Snake of Eden
The real Synagogue of Satan
Been operating since before
The Civil War
Made a River of Agony
Out of the Anishinaabe
A punishment
For helping end slavery
Lined their bodies
All down the Mississippi
That Black Nobility
Live in old colonial hide outs
Or in underground cities
Is real
Hidden deep
In the African
Some Lords of the Black Nobility
King of Hearts Lord of House Orange
The Black Baron of Belgium of House Wettin
Easter Bunny Lord of House Savoy Italy
Troll of Toronto Lord of House Nassau
Laughable. You just keep on repeating lies and deceptive half-truths. Of course you need a wide FOV, that's what makes the argument from height so compelling, because even the most open beach does not nearly have the FOV as a high-flying plane. So to repeat, if even from a Concorde curvature cannot be unequivocally confirmed, no beach and no mountain on this Earth permits it either.
More lies. They are clearly discussing the viewing height, in addition to the atmospheric color. There are literally dozens of forums and Q&A-style sites. Just type into Google "from which height does the curvature of the Earth become visible?" and read to your heart's content, may answers being from pilots themselves. It's really obvious at this point.
More obfuscation. The boat was clearly "beyond the horizon", to use globulist parlance, and zooming in brought it back, thus the "just go to the sea and see the boats disappear" argument is clearly false, or at least highly debatable. The wave issue is secondary to that.
Give up, it's very transparent at this point, although you probably swore an oath to never ever give up in discussions like these. 40.000 masons in The City alone ipso facto means they're involved in powerful networks and positions, or do you honestly posit they're all street sweepers and low-level clerks? Of course not.
I'm aware that the Queen and the Crown itself "reigns from the shadows" so to speak, i.e. she has real power, but prefers to form an outer shell of "meat shields", what others call "the government", to evade what happened in France and elsewhere. So when you slyly reference her "merely symbolic" function, you re actually reinforcing that point. She isn't stupid, of course - on the contrary…, and very crafty, but her entourage regularly gives it away, as e.g. in this foto. The crown (i.e. the physical object) and the veiled Egyptian regalia are another dead-giveaway.
To resume: in a typically masonic fashion you are working with half-truths and deceptions based on typical human weaknesses (laziness, pride, fear of ostracism etc.), although I am really grateful for giving me the opportunity to meet one "live", so to speak. At the same time I am pleased to note that the Spirit of Truth, what many call the Holy Ghost, really cuts through all obfuscation, even if it takes some time to verify and put on a solid foundation every argument and observation. Thank you again for helping me clarify my mind on the planar vs. globular debate. I'm still not ready to form an overarching conclusion, but that will come in time.
Here is a very interesting and well-researched article for you or anybody else interested in the topic of the Queen's metaphysical affiliations:
Yes, and it helps, but isn't required.
No, seeing above the atmosphere can't be confirmed. Did you even read the pages you linked?
Which was the key point. The change.
In that video? It clearly wasn't. you could see it bobbing before he zoomed in.
Find one with a tanker (because of scale) which is heading away from shore, and then you might have a case. But as it stands, it's lazy research pretending to be substantial because they rely on people like you not knowing the science.
Just because you think something doesn't make it true. Your arguments seem to come from Knight's debunked "The Brotherhood."
They probably drink at similar pubs too. Are those pubs facing your scrutiny?
Not even. (((Parliament))) has the control, sadly. A situation which needs fixing.
Your conspiracy nonsense doesn't overrule the very real situations from Magna Carta, through Glorious Revolution, and Crown Estate.
That's not entourage, that was Her Majesty touring the Royal Masonic Hospital in London, where the nurses wear those buckles.
Well no. Your doubts don't impact the truth.
And dropped.