There are hundreds of these videos. The primary account that started the fad was "Renee M". Renee M was eventually found to be a member of a Christian/possibly satanist cult and was memeing September 23rd as part of her work for the group. This link details some of the information that was uncovered (it's from a fundamentalist Christian because they;re the only people who cared enough about this to look into it, but the information is there if you can get through all the MUH YUSHUA):
The Renee M account has since deleted all videos from last year's doom campaign and is now promoting 2017 doom:
Now there are threads popping up about September 23rd 2017 as the new doom date (pic related), as though no one noticed they pulled the exact same shit last year. And now, we have this thread promoting the (((Jonathan Cahn))) approved Shemitah theory again.
Why are they rehashing these old doom memes? Why the exact same date again? why not shift it by a week at least so people don't see how ridiculous it is? What was the point of promoting the chaos around these ideas last year, especially considering they ultimately source back to Christian/satanist cults who are, of course, always run by the alphabets?
My best bet as to why they're doing it in the first place is that they need panic loosh for some kind of ritual bullshit around the 23rd. My only theory as to why they are rehashing the exact same memes over again even though anyone with 2 brain cells can see that's what they're doing is that there's some kind of metaphysical reason having to do with the failure of the elite's former methods of control, intelligence gathering, strategizing, i.e., they've lost contact with their precious Molech/Demiurge/Yahwe/et. al. and now they literally can't think up anything new so they're just doing the same thing over and over and it's becoming more and more obvious. It's just like how Hollywood has become less and less able to produce anything new over the last decade to the point that now 80% of successful films are sequels, remakes, adaptations, etc.
Anyway, judging from the response I've gotten making posts about this, this thread is going to get shilled massively shilled, and they really care about this some reason. Have you seen anymore rehashed doom memes popping up again? Have you're own theories on why this is happening?
Nicholas Fisher
idk why but I suspect it has to be related to Fullford's White Dragons Society. The HAPPENING DOOM is a blueball pill
Julian Ramirez
what is this going to be? the fourth september in a row this shit contaminates Holla Forums?
Colton Miller
I would not be surprised if some serious shit goes down this year.
Luis Cox
I do enjoy how Fulford, Wilcox et al are having their strings pulled by the very elite they claim to despise. The Nine (and hence RA) were an op from day one. Of course, that doesn't imply good things about the motives of either gentleman.
That said.
There are some interesting astrological things going on this year. And the Economist declared that the powers that be want a new currency by 2018. So if something's going to happen to the economy that would cause that, they're running out of time. There are also increased geopolitical tensions which should be escaping no one's notice at this point. We had a Congressional meeting on Norks for chrissakes. We bombed Syria. Those are things that actually happened. Even if they don't seem like "things" they are significant escalations.
Holla Forums might have happening fatigue and feel like "it's not happening", but that's just because the "great happening" hasn't caught up to us yet. It's creeping along the edges. A country falls here, another riot is over there. It can all seem so mundane to the boiling frog. What this? It's not really hot, just comfy. Call me when it's FUBAR.
All that and then you have all of the major magician musicians pumping out things this year. Humanz is pretty blatant, and I don't imagine the new Arctic Monkeys release will be any more subtle. Twin Peaks is coming back after a 10 year hiatus, and Lynch is steeped in magic. Hell even Samurai Jack is pretty chockablock with esoteric symbolism. 17 is an important number, and some big things are going to happen. That doesn't necessarily mean September 23rd is going to be anything significant. But it does mean that this year overall has significant symbolism. It's more than just one sad group of Christcucks trying their hands at memery.
Henry Morris
Well these days they just copypaste zerohedge articles with lots of colorful text to attract all the desperate NEET's, who just end up repeating how much they want everything to collapse.
Landon Taylor
Because normies are always late to the party. Anchor this shit thread please.
David Hughes
To distract people from the truth. People like you who even engage with this and make a thread about it
Joshua Edwards
Ah yes, that one and only truth that you need to think about 24/7 or else you're a dumb rube. Enlighten us oh wise one. Wat is dur troof?
Ethan Foster
Ian Watson
The kosher conspiritard crowd has always been yet another distraction from kike tricks.
Dylan Perry
Hunter Allen
9840045 (no (you)s for shills) As if there were anything interesting in the entire catalog. That is some low effort shilling. Ta√i$t0ck needs it's September loosh.
Colton Sanchez
Didn't Kek signal in that one topic about Pepe in the sky that he was leaving until September?
Nathaniel Thompson
Based solely on me wanting to stock up on non-perishables (which is never a bad idea) which I specifically stated was "just in case," the wife now thinks I'm a paranoid sucker. So, yeah, fuck all the shills and rabbis who started THAT little debacle.
I wouldn't put it past them to run a false-flag a year prior to get people to roll their eyes the year following, but I'm not going to tell the wife this time.
Christopher Barnes
How could I ever forget
Jayden Moore
I must admit, that's the most optimistic I've ever been about dying.
Isaiah Bell
½chan are discussing this too as a xian thing.
Some are saying Mecca will be glassed by Iran.
Others claim Israel will increase its land.
Ethan Cooper
Ryan Cooper
John the Relevator was hardly a modern "Evangelical." He's the single most Gnostic part of the New Testament. It amazes me that Christfags get so into him, while completely ignoring or dismissing the Nag Hammadi or the rest of the non-canonical texts. Also, they're hardly the group with the right tools to make any sort of predictions based on it. They don't even understand the underlying principals at all.
Literalism is a plague. A plague, I say.
But at least someone in that community finally realized that there might be astrological data in Revelations. If only they'd apply that to the rest of the book.
Anyway, this thread has a delightful amount of sage. Too much knowledge going on in Holla Forums tonight for you, lads? This shit's important. Just look at Hillary's dumb logo. Or the significance of the number 93 from United 93.
Jayden Campbell
Caleb Price
Its just kike disinformation, a ruse to keep people distracted, and to discredit people who might be concerned about other issues. Its like how they get people to believe in flat earth, or that its all just a game and it doesnt matter what youre doing on earth because there is some after life which this life is a test for, and the test is if you let your race die. Its that type of stuff.
Josiah Lopez
The essence of shemitah is to let the fields lay fallow for two years to allow them to rejuvenate themselves, so you can keep working the same land.
It bothers me a little that this event corresponds to the election of a pro-industry, nationalist, pro-military president whose primary promises were economically centered. The Jew knows it can't live the life it wants if it kills its host.
Elijah Jones
I was around for this back in 2015. At least it made sense then because it lined up with the shemitah. I remember seeing the pic from OP's post as well, but for 2015. It was a good time because it prompted me to tighten up my happening prep.
Christopher Wright
>and she, being with child, cried
Luis Garcia
Jeremiah Morgan
They've been doing this for years. I remember listening to Alex Jones in like 2008 and people were calling all of September saying that the economy would crash by September 23. Strangely enough, every time there are major crashes in the stock market, they seem to come in the end of September into October. It has to do with astrological alignments but I haven't had time to read up on the specific astrological significance. Maybe there's another user here who can explain the specifics better.
Carter Hernandez
Colton Morales
You're hearing about it again because it's a cyclical event. It lasts for one year, the last year of a 7 year cycle, and then an extra year once every seven cycles (one year out of 50 years). September 2015 to September 2016 is the last year of the 7 year cycle: 2008, 2001… while September 2017 is the end of the 50 year cycle: 1967, 1917… If the internet is still around in 2022 you will probably be hearing about it again.
Michael Thomas
Just FYI, modern NT scholars refer to him as John of Patmos, because he was in exile on the island of Patmos when he wrote The Revelations. You'll get better sources if you google for that phrase.
Also just FYI, the beast with seven heads and the whore who rides upon its back is a veiled reference to the Roman Empire, taken from the image of a common coin with the goddess Roma reclining on the seven hills of Rome. Note the "beast" below her, which is the mythical she-wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus. John of Patmos was writing these letters to the eastern churches in veiled language because as an exile, his epistles were subject to censorship. The book of Revelations is a specific prophecy about the fall of Rome, not any modern state.