ITS HAPPENING - Canadian Mortgage Company Crashing This World With No Survivors

It's beginning fags. The 2008 shemitah may have been an early meme, but it's finally happening. If no one has heard yet the Home Capital Group last week had a massive drop in its stock. This shitty lender then used pensioners funds and bailed itself out so that it wouldn't go under. Of course, people panic sold and nearly all of its deposits are gone. So here we go, it looks like the canadian housing market is about to blow up and infectother sectors.

h ttp://w

Hopefully the Federal Reserve won't bailout another foreign country and waste 16 trillion like it did in 2008. Enjoy the ride anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump and hoping for global crash

You underestimate the Fed.
However, there would be no better time to get mass support for ending them than now if they did something that.

More sauces for the happening, will keep the thread updated as the situation continues to develop.

h ttps://w

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I'm going to laugh when the leafs do exactly like they did in the states and the government will bail their lending companies out with tax payer money and nobody will go to jail for fucking over the average maple consumer.

Sadly, if the fed does decide to go be the massive kikes they are, I doubt anyone would notice. Very, very few people know about the 16 trillion dollar n loans they gave out from 2008-2011. Most people are only aware of the 700 billion dollar bailout. If people didn't flip the country after the bailout then, I doubt they will now.

Ending the fed would result in worldwide civil wars


Yes, and?

h ttps://w

Just so you anons know, this pension fund basically handed 1.5 billion from their fund to a failing mortgage lender. This pension fund has over 321,000 people in it that basically just worked their entire life to fund a company that is about to go under. Daily reminder to avoid pension plans at all cost.

Better sooner than later

Here is a chart comparing average home prices between canada and the us. As most of you are aware (or at least should be) our maple brothers are paying insanely high prices for housing and this bubble was bound to pop at some point. With a market where oil is saturated and new tarrifs being imposed on canada via the us, they are bound to be in for a good ole recession that will likely spread south and impact us as well.

Everything will be fine goyim.

Canada will just outlaw withdrawing more than X/month at a time and outlaw holding Y amount of cash. Problem solved.

Just you wait.

I bet something will hit the Australian house market soon too.
And that could create a dominoe effect.

You're absolutely right user, working on compiling sources for aussie as well so that anons with little knowledge of the situation can be kept abreast of the issues at hand. Sadly I think this thread will be pushed down and be forgotten so I am waiting to see how things go.

Please God let this be it. I'm so tired of waiting.

I want to believe anons

But I've been here for two years, and I've seen really convincing signs

I know it will happen, but I just can't feel anything when threads like these emerge, I've seen worse signs along these two years and yet nothing happened.

Hopefully, it's something this time

It's not just Australia and Canada.
There are many countries with a housing bubble. They barely survived the first recession so expect it to slip this time around.

We managed to survive that big German crash recently.
I think meme magic is literally keeping the economy afloat.

I bet you're probably referring to those china threads where people were watching 3% drops in the market. You may also be referring to the shemitah from 2014 (i think it was that or 2015 cant remember that meme). The chinese market crash was just anons getting worked up over absolutely nothing. I wouldn't holdyour breath just yet, but it is possible this begins to spread. And just so you know, the chinese are heavily invested in the canadian market so this can easily have impacts world wide. Just rememeber user recessions are always 7-10 years apart from each other. It WILL happen dont be discouraged.

Quite true, however, canada and australia are both very large bubbles that have direct ties to the global economy. It would take a lot of work to compile the information on every country, but ill see what i can pull off


I hope you are right because the next crisis is going to be 2008x10 and is bound to shake normies to the core. Dont forget we didnt have the refugee crisis shitting up our countries back then. Everything is coming together now.

No, it is central banks printing infinite money keeping the economy afloat.

Watch this from 20:30

Singapore also has a bubble from what I've heard.
Many asian countries are in a bubble.

That + meme magic using the media to calm the masses and stop bank runs, etc.
The media conditions people to buy buy buy now. It has to.

You cant keep that scam up ad infinitum, something will eventually break

We all knew this hurdle was coming.
Trump knew. The parties knew.
This is going to be the crash that everyone has been expecting for a long time.

Time to hedge carefully. Might avert disaster if enough people hedge assets correctly.

Many people are also well aware that super is a scam, many people have been taking precautions.

The lower classes will suffer though.

Good link to have archived here before they scrub the web of this after the crash

Trying to get some good sources put together for a glimpse at the canadian bubble but it is very difficult. They are trying extremely hard to downplay the issue so it mostly just comes down to speculation on people with some going far enough to say that "hur dur you wont know till it busts". Sadly that is just advice to people who refuse to look at current trends and cant see past their greed. Will keep looking though i may pass out before i can finish


No; it's going to bust very soon and the American premeditated civil war will breakout at the same time. The point is to have us fight each other instead of lynching the kikes in DC


If the government properly studied memetics, they could literally avert this crash.
They need to raise consumer sentiment.
They may be able to simply "drain the debt pool" and pretend it never existed. Then memetically condition to avert the adverse reactions to that.

Zuckerburg and Google need to play a part in this. The media is the tool that needs to be used.

Around 13% of our GDP is Rent.


Oh wow Canada's housing market is crashing? Oh gee I guess the world is ending. Don't know why but some group is trying to restart the exact same doom memes from last year. First it's SEPTEMBER 23RD DOOOMMMMM (didn't this exact same theory with the exact same date pop up last year? Didn't FUCKING ANYONE WHO WAS PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL see this shit peddled for months on end, and then watch as NOTHING HAPPENED on the 23rd?), now it's "Shemitah 2.0! It's really happening this time!". I don't know what the point of this is, but if you're one of the (seemingly rare at this point) anons who came here before the Trump train, you know as well as I do that this shit is being rehashed.

My guess is that there's some kind of metaphysical reason having to do with the failure of the elite's former methods of control, intelligence gathering, strategizing, i.e., they've lost contact with their precious Molech/Demiurge/Yahwe/et. al. and now they literally can't think up anything new so they're just doing the same thing over and over and it's becoming more and more obvious. It's just like how Hollywood has become less and less able to produce anything new over the last decade to the point that now 80% of successful films are sequels, remakes, adaptations, etc. What's certain is that you should stop playing into this shit and see if you can figure out for yourself why this is happening.

Oh No. It's retarded
Top Kek user. Until you know who your masters are and learn to see beyond the theatre you'll never escape the plantation

They could also redefine the currecy as a specified integer relative to a rate of inflation.

The masters probably see what can be done. That's why Trump is there.

The conflict is a narrative. But a necessary one.

Filtered for D&C and being an enormous faggot kike shill.
Gas yourself

Alternatively - the government can talk to producers and suppliers, work out what is produced, what needs to be produced and fix the prices in a more controlled manner.

I'm 75.66% sure Trump is a kike puppet. That's growing more and more so daily. If he's not, and he's fucking Batman— he needs to kill the Joker(s) behind the Fed.

I read his post and thought…..
noooo nobody can be this blind, how the fuck did they find this site and thread.

Truth is most people have no idea what we are dealing with or witnessing come to pass.

Well hello there Tavistock. Your post would be better if you at least tried to provide a reason why I'm clearly a shill. My post is factual. September 23rd and the Shemitah were the exact same memes spread this time last year.

I am not saying that it wont bust extremely soon (especially with the fear in the canadian housing sector), I am just saying that you often have people saying "its impossible to see a bubble until it pops". This is a common phrase to hear when discussing the aussie housing bubble because investors dont want to admit the truth.

filtered for trying to shit up a perfectly reasonable economic thread. The canadian housing bubble is about to burst but you're being an idiot and saying its d&c. Even if this DOES NOT ripple through the world, this is huge news for canadians and chinese investors. Go fuck off and kill yourself. I advise any other posters to ignore this faggot and continue the discussion without distraction.

one of these threads, again

There are many Canadians who have enjoyed the boom and bought houses in America. They're going to need those US dollars so there will be a run on the housing sector a bit, but with all those jobs America has been getting, there might be plenty of buyers where we'll barely feel it.

What? Where did I say that or anything even remotely implying that. I said it's fucking nothing. And it is. And the inference to the Shemitah is stupid, which anyone who has been following geopolitics and conspiracy to the slightest degree for more than a year knows.

y'know, if you want to fit in you should make some less repetitive posts. I know you desperately need anons to filter me since I made the only important post in this thread and this entire thing is of course fucking nothing, but at least be creative.

Kikery doesn't come into it. There is a syndicate of banks and corporations that are trying to prepare us for this crash. They sought direct control of the government.

We now live in a psuedo-capitalist society. A technocracy where the government and corporations are entwined in order to manage the means of production better.
While the banks are "separate entities" on paper, the reality is that they are a centralized system already.

We literally have what Gottfried wanted, without the abolition of interest.
We need to ask if it is necessary still as a "baiting" tool. I'm unsure. It creates problems but I can also see it's use.
Add nationalism and you ironically have a near parallel to Hitler's state. Natsoc with interest. :^)

Those people are literally television pundits. All part of the theatre

user, I…

meanwhile bitcoin is pushing on $1500. keep this shit up guys, and $2000 is incoming


2800 sq foot home for 1mil dollars lol, you fucking retard

I'm gunna move south towards the US and the california housing bubble. Pictured is a chart thats pretty easy to read. Housing prices have SPIKED in san fran and other major hubs of california. They are of course not the only state with housing prices going up, however, they are talked about quite often and I feel like it is important to see what happened in 2008 is now repeating itself but this time it has gotten much worse. This does not account for the states other financial problems such as calpers (the states pension system) with over 1 trillion in unfunded liabilites.

? How fucking dumb is the userbase here now? Holy shit. I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm saying it's fucking nothing. Are there even any real anons here at this point? Did everyone leave?

Here is my last post for now as im gunna go pass out, its a simple chart but it shows the increasing prices of the aussies housing market. Just a small glimpse into how bad things are globally. Dont let the shills tell you otherwise that things are dandy. They're here for a reason to bring you down and and keep you unprepared for when things really do hit the fan. Dont think another recession (or even depression) is not possible. When you forget history and think things arent like they once were, you're the one who will be out in the cold when things go bad. Stay alert anons and keep up with the happenings, will post more if this thread doesnt die by tomorrow.

Same in NZ.
Housing market a bubble for years. Most people who are younger can't afford a house in the largest city there unless they get a really good paying job (not so common) or some other contribution.
Govt brings in pajeet and gooks at 100k+ p/year, to a country with a few million people and completely skew the demographics/culture. Then the dumb drinking culture islanders/maori + white trash smash houses up when they get evicted
Thus the cut-paste housing development virus shitblight spreading everywhere, in a country people like to visit and spend $ because they want to

NZ is full. No more immigration. If there are not enough local job takers, pay positions more. It's simple capitalism that's failed. We need to (like USA/EU/AU/etc) sort out or own shit first before we go hand out freebies to other countries.

Thing people must realize to make a strong Reich is that the Furher worked with all races and peoples in most cases, to achieve goals for all of the Volk. We have to unite all, including pajeet, against the merchants and govt fags. Only then have we truly won.

Meme highjacking, subversion etc and similar (WP symbol has worked a treat) is dissolving the barriers. We are on a winner.

Imagine when the media goes full 'drumpf style' on the Nazi part? It'll be spread everywhere. The forbidden fruit is sweetest, it would start a counter culture normie movement like no other.

If Canada and Australia go, China goes.

China's market is crazy fragile right now, and everyone knows it. It's why when they get mad or want to spook other countries they start floating the RMB. See: moves made following Trump's Congressional meeting on the Norks.

Right now I wouldn't be surprised if the Canadian and Australian markets are being partly targeted by the CCP because they're massive offshore RMB havens. However weakening export markets further, through a recession, would accelerate China's internal collapse faster than they could manage it. Their reserves are probably halved from 2015 at this point, given the consistent rate of depletion. None of the other BRICs are alive enough to support them if Australia and Canada go. And let's not kid, the EU would be close behind. The Italian banks have been on life support for a few years now.

Everyone's been sitting around waiting for the Black Swan to land. I suspect this is the beating of it's wings. It's no Lehman, but it's the sound of defaults in the BBBs.

HUMINT: Many ATMs in China's capital now refuse withdrawals after business hours, for no apparent reason.


Wait this one is better!


1700 sq foot for 580k where the microwave takes up 1/10th of the kitchen lol. Even the fish eye lens wants to apologize

Home Capital Group owns 1.1% of Canadian mortgages.

It's not happening.

The day they do that is the day I bring their stupid fucking system crashing down on their heads. The US can go and eat the corpse afterwards if they want to.


Oh fuck sake just post the links like a normal fucking person

Pathetic cur. You present it as though it would be bad, then cower when your worldview is challenged.

These men deserve death. It's unfortunate that few of those three hundred thousand will comprehend what was done to them.

All the big cryptos are firing right now. If WWIII doesn't kick off, they're going to become the safe-haven as most of them have either finite inflation or fixed inflation. If WWIII does kick-off, they're moot. Buy gold and silver in that case.

Housing prices and rent are how (((they))) keep the goy in Australia in debt. Huge loans equates to massive profit made on interest. Provided they don't release that coin made by interest back into supply, you have a nation of slave goy. But it's a delicate balance - make their life too miserable and they revolt. Make it too comfy or prosperous and they stop being slave goy.

Good, fuck those treasonous cowards.

It's tradition, you cuck


I'm here to check trips.

user, your expectations are unrealistic because you don't yet grasp the picture.
A LOT has happened in these 2 years - these aren't things that happen from a day to the other.

With usury, you mean, kike.

Let the great restructuring begin.

That would be extremely painful.

So does anyone know how much this will affect the US economy? I know from some of the other anons that China will get fucked because of this, but I was wondering to what extent the US would be affected by this

Unlike beaners the whites would be sent back.

Depends on if any "critical" structures will be affected by this AND how (((they)) will react to it.

Best case: Some "too big too fail" player getsinto trouble, panic hits the floor, banksters screech for bailout, trump does nothing

Worst case: Some "too big too fail" player getsinto trouble, panic hits the floor, banksters screech for bailout, trump advises the fed to pump out another 88 gorillion of green shekels to keep the engine running

Just kill the world economy, Pete.

Jesus H. Christ some of you are wastes of skin.

It's better to be a renter in the case of another (((GFC))), right?
Please say yes. I've always rented here in Australia because I was never willing to loan such large amounts of money from a fucking kike-run usury machine


It will just be the '08 crash again. The kikes cannot afford a total crash/depression. Money and spending power will take yet another hit, people will have less but more of the bread and circuses.

One of the most important parts of Counter-terror/SWAT Team training is being ready for missions being called off at the last second. More often than not you'll be ready to breach the door or just about to repel in and the mission gets scrubbed. Sometimes this happens like 10 times in a night. You have to be able to deal with that frustration and still be totally ready to execute your mission with high precision when the time is actually right.

The reason I say this is that these threads are like that. It's important for people to be constantly prepped and ready so when the power DOES go out, you can go to your local Natty Guard armory, get some free shit and begin the cleansing.


Not ending the fed will result in a natsoc american government by 2028

Not ending the fed will result in worldwide civil wars

Not ending the fed wil result in worldwide race wars + genocide

Not ending the fed will result in hundred of millions of people starving in the span of a few years after it's inevitable collapse before 2028

Ending the fed now would be like ripping a bandaid off after you've left it on for a week. Painful

Ending the fed later would be like having someone rip your bandaid off after it becomes the only thing holding together a mass of rotting flesh underneath it.

What worries me most is, just how many derivatives have been sold on their accounts and the stock itself?

Derivatives crash, anyone? After all, that's what REALLY made the crash in the U.S. housing market go worldwide, last time, and brought down all the banks.

Good possible outcome?
President Trump may be able to use this to take over the central bank and place it under the authority of the Treasury, thus short-circuiting the entire banking cartel and placing the issuance of currency back into the hands of the nations.

Could be some good come of this, let's meme it hard.


Sorry, Trump can only borrow money for the bailout, he cannot order it printed.
Your "money" is actually corporate scrip, owned by the international banking cartel, and the only thing government does to give it legitimacy is accept it for payment of taxes…the government does not own or create it.

But with the nation 20 trillion in debt from the last crash, plus the endless wars, we cannot afford to borrow more.

You see, with all that debt comes debt service, and even at the lowest rates, that debt service is starting to encroach on the government's tax income to the point where they will be unable to survive without raising taxes.

BUT…most of the workers in the U.S. can no longer afford to pay taxes, and with a crash, they certainly won't…this means they would have to raise taxes on the wealthy, but the wealthy own the government & won't allow that.

President Trump is left with 2 options: let the crash continue unabated, which will bring down the economy of the world, or step in with guns and armies and take over the whole shebang, so the U.S. once again CAN issue all the money it needs, interest free, through the Treasury.

Great good can come of this, or horrendous suffering.

Delicious digits.

I am okay with this and I like it.


European Civil War immediately after the crash, everywhere.

I guarantee the kikes will make money from any bailout just like they made money from all those bad loans. You leafs need to do a little digging and show how many -steins and -bergs are behind this.

Not as unrealistic as you might think. Globalists are aware of 4/8pol and the counterculture of anti-socialist youths and don't wan't to do anything too publicly.

Obama and Jenet Yellen had a bunch of emergency confidential meetings back in 2016 and that was the year most of the alternative uncucked economists thought the world would begin to end.

2016 was a really weird year economically but it seems more like a big wall has been shoved in front of the tidal wave of economic pressures and only small high pressure leaks are occuring.

I know jack shit about the economy, will a crash like this make the USD go down in value?


The question is would the leftists flee back to burger land?

Wait hold on how the fuck is their risk bigger then the fucking EU economy? What the fuck! How do you even fuck up that hard?

Our government is fucking retarded. Everytime i hear german politicans speak i want to put a bullet in my head. Not joking.

You can thank the chinks for buying up all the property lmao

Canada is Australia 10-20 years in the future.

Oh Canada

You break links like a felching faggot. There is *never* an excuse to use whitespace to break a link, let alone to scatter them around retardedly like a African trying to figure out how to plant crops, as you did.

Rather than being terrible at life, try using formatting to break links instead. C.f.

See how user used an italicized ":" to break the link? https://

could just throw a spoiler anywhere in it, I prefer link test, read links don't hyperlink on here anymore.

Nothing will happen. The housing market will recover after a short recession. The banks will help recover the market (as much as I hate saying that). We'll probably see the same thing that happened to the US in 2008 happen in canada but it's a little different. If you live in Canada start buying properties when housing hits a low, you'll become rich.

I doubt this will affect American markets at all.

This time it's happening for sure!

Silver might go up a little bit if we get a decent freak out from analysts and the msm.

If Canada goes then Chinese investors will move to places like Australia.

We already have a super inflated housing market and the effects of a canadian crash would push even native Australian millionaires out of the housing market.

The drop in demand would pop that bubble very quickly imo.

If it doesn't then the middle class would collapse and Pauline Hanson will become our dictator.

I'd prefer Clive Palmer or David Leyonhjelm tbh. Both are capitalists and the former is minarchist and lemonman is almost ancap.

That is better than what OP did.

>I prefer link
I don't, because it obscures the "https", which is important. If you don't directly go to link and instead hope that pasting the link will cause the server to redirect you, your browser will make the original request in the clear (without encryption)… and the redirect isn't guaranteed to happen anyway. If anything, using bold to emphasize the https is preferable, e.g.

whether you drag it into a new tab or highlight then "open in new tab" it's doing the same shit no matter where it is.

When Bear Stearns started selling their A and B rated debt portions and only keeping the Cs and lower to maximize returns, well, we all know how 2008 worked out.

The source of Canada's credit bubble is the very same as 2008: CHEAP CREDIT, it's management is very different. There are no CDO's in Canada - that's where the over regulation point does it's job, but the Realtors, project developers and Banks simply circumvented it and did the same thing. Those who would think the regulations were smart and financially safe haven't a single clue.

After the 2008 financial meltdown, to stimulate the Canadian economy, home ownership has been encouraged. Banks are issuing mortgages that are guaranteed by the CMHC. In other words, the tax payer is going to pay for it. While they introduced a required down payment, Canada still has a problem from 1993 to 2008 that's just sitting there festering as a cancer.

I dunno if you cats know anything about Canada, but when 1700sq ft houses are selling for $700K in Regina, Saskatchewan, when houses worth 20k are now selling for over 200k in a dilapidated state, we got a BIG problem.

Links break automatically now you massive autist.

Buddy the kikes have enough money printing to hold off the total crash for about a month.

That fuel tank is almost empty in every single advanced economy.

Bread and Circuses will take a hit for all demographic groups.


Not to mention that feudal serf thing requires a steady supply of jobs. Can't get people in to debt unless they join the workforce and the youth aren't.

one major difference user

You're missing the point. If you obscure the "s" with a spoiler it's not immediately obvious that the link is secure and the otherwise-redundant prefix needs to be copied. looks a lot like and for the former it's important to copy/paste the prefix whereas for the latter simply grabbing is sufficient.

I sincerely hope this happens

A derivative is like an insurance policy. Only insurance companies are required to hold enough cash and assets to pay off on the off chance that a large number of their clients make legitimate claims all at once…banks have no such regulation.

A bank can sell derivatives far in excess of their ability to pay them off. They did this in 2007, and it's what linked the U.S. mortgage crash to every bank on Earth.

Also, a bank can sell ME a derivative on YOUR mortgage, for example, even though I have nothing to do with your mortgage at all…and they can sell multiple derivatives to whoever, on your same mortgage…there are no regulations.

So literally any risk transaction can have multiple derivatives on it, by any number of gamblers (for such is an insurance policy, a gamble) and this makes it great for the bank, who receives payments for all these derivatives…just so long as they don't have to pay off.

When the world's economy goes south, all the derivatives become due, and as the financial institutions start to fail, even more derivatives become due, and the whole thing dominoes.

And the worldwide exposure to derivatives now is greater than it was during the last crash, and something like 6 times the entire GDP of the planet.

Plus it keeps the dark elves at bay.

kill yourself cuckadian you're the one who deserves to be venezuelaed

I just can't see through this financial shit but is it possible that this thread is a bit alarmist and nothing is going to happen? I looked through the comments on zerohedge and people there weren't too shaken up by this story.

Just wait till September. Because this year it's finally, actually, really

of course


Even this simplified explanation will go over the heads of 60% of Americans. The entire economy is a fucking scam and common folk breaking their backs 40 hrs a week still aren't revolting by hanging the usury kikes off trees.

Implying that isn't what is needed.

Checking these trips of proper explenation.

Thanks user!

Please this, I'm so ready. Let's get this going, already.

Canadafag here, I have 14 grand in the bank that I've been saving to buy a house. What's the best course of action here? Do I wait until the crash? Do I take my money out of the bank and put it into gold or happening supplies or something?

that modifier makes it sound like it's the mortgagee of the "payday loan" variety. Is it a lender that caters to people niggers with shit credit?

Hey Canadafag. Vancouverfag here. I'm in about the same boat. About that amount in RRSPs, renting at 700+ per month, and hours cut back to the point of quitting and working as an independent contractor. My plan is to invest in myself, get a bit of an education (certificate or license, something easy to get that adds legitimacy), and then seek out consultant work from those not used to hiring consultants. It's a long shot, but I feel better about this risk than putting my faith in the job and housing market at the moment.

The Canadian taxpayer is going to pay the initial price for this crash as explained here . The CMHC is a GSE much like the US Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae. This is not going to be containable to the mortgage creditor. Banks also create derivatives on these mortgages and gamble against or for them. That 2 billion market equity in mortgages could easily have a hidden useless market behind it of 20 to 60 billion in 'gambling'.

Expect devaluing of the Canadian dollar. As a citizen you lose purchasing power in a slow creep where everything specifically your costs of living starts to cost more with incremental cost hikes.

This might have the power to cause a domino effect world wide and spark another recession with QE rounds.

Buy gold or silver for LONG term investment, to retain wealth after a financial crash. Only keep the necessary amount of fiat in your bank account, keep the rest near you as banks like to close their doors for bank runs. Metals also have a inflation and deflation rate due to the fiat valuation. 15~ dollars for 1 oz silver coin is allot considering one used to be able to buy it at around 2 dollars. After the crash, the number reset and that precious metal will have a higher purchasing power in the new FIAT currency. Investing even 20 dollars a month in silver for example is better option for your retirement then letting the thieves in the financial word get their grubby paws on it.

You can buy metals for your 401k and store it at your own home, this way you don't run the risk of fund managers taking your money and in this specific case, giving 1 billion as a credit to a mortgage creditor on homes that were sold in a bubble 30 to 60% above their real value while the pension owners had no say in the matter whatsoever.

Buy gold, then store it in your home.

No, probably the opposite in the short term as the dollar surfs incoming investment waves. I wouldn't bet on the Euro though.

So then that's the solution! We'll just print 6 times all of the monies and call it real!

It depends on the chain reaction. China's surfing a really large real estate bubble domestically that is one of the last things that's been propping up their economy. If investors suddenly start pulling out of real estate holdings abroad or going all cash, it might catch on at home. And at this point any market panic in China is extremely dangerous given how low their reserves are. They don't even have a stock market anymore, that's how bad it is. Look at the volume on the Shanghai exchange or the number of brokers. (At one point 98% were bankrupt. 98. percent. ) People in China are desperate to park their money anywhere where they don't think they'll lose it overnight, and those places are dwindling. At some point the massively over-inflated money supply there will come home to roost. And if it happen right as export demand hits new lows, well.

I wouldn't want to be a dog in Beijing at that point.

They did. Larry Summers concept of "behavioral economics" us what they've​ been using since 08. They have been saying things are good this whole time and people haven't panicked despite some of them not liking the situation.

I wonder if Trump is only promising tax cuts to prepare the middle class for a riot against the establishment when they try to raise taxes during the crisis.

He might not be able to deliver on them but he's effectively out himself into a corner in which raising taxes would be political suicide so the globalists can't try that in america.

So the bankers will be forced to accept a crash rather than trying to squeeze the middle class for another few years.

All of Canada's big banks have substantial US holdings. TD-Canada Trust for example which is the largest bank in Canada effectively owns Ameritrade. Ameritrade is one of the largest online brokerage firms in the US.

As a canuck though I'll try to explain. This organization is small time. They have a very tiny market cap as well compared to the big banks which hold 80% of the mortgage backings in Canada. Where it gets interesting is that the banks are still allowing up to $100k transfers into that organization. It's not the end or the start of a crash yet, but it is a warning sign that something is seriously wrong.

Those are good points, there's actually far worse problems you missed. Look at that shithole known as Toronto. Single family dwellings the prices on them have gone up 78% in less than a year. A 600k house now runs just over $1.068m, that's in the burbs. Wages are stagnant. Hell even in my area of SW-Ontario(Woodstock), houses are rarely on the market for more then a few days before being sold. The area I live in is an old area of the city, most of the houses are small, built between 1850 and 1890, mainly hold overs from when the city was founded via land-grant status by the British. Anyway, my house was appraised at $103k 2 years ago, I could put it on the market now and easily pull $260k or more. A house a few doors over was $88k 2 years ago, it pulled $238k yesterday in sale. Something is going to break soon, and it's going to break hard.

The governments pushed really hard on home ownership, but a 0.5% increase on prime-tied ARM-type mortgages we have here would cause 30% of people to default. A 1.5% increase in prime and you're now looking at 50% defaults across Canada. Now the part you should worry about: The housing industry, directly via real estate accounts for 20% of the GDP in Canada. We weathered the 2008 crash very well because we're primarily a "raw goods" supplier to the world, whether it's oil, natural gas, metal, trees/lumber, rare earths, diamonds or whatever we've got it. But this bubble has to pop, because right now? The middle class can't afford a house at all(around here the median wage is around $50k). And even those making $150k-200k/year are struggling to pay for a house.

All that matters is when you sell. You could buy now as a "middle-of-the-road" option and your home value would likely take a hit when the currency supply is restricted, and prices fall drastically (that is the best time to buy). Then in the coming monetary expansion, the value will balloon. Theoretically, the value will always remain the same, but in practice, the credit squeeze will cause foreclosures, increasing the available supply.

Basically, it's a wash if this is truly the happening of the century.

I hate not knowing just how fucked the economy actually is because of these shitty little accounting tricks and outright corruption being used to hide the damage.

Definitely gold and supplies user. Otherwise your savings looks to be in greater jeopardy than usual.

I would label the current state of the global economic hyper-depression that's looming on the horizon as biblical in scale.

I rate Weimar as around a 5.5/10 as far as crisis goes.
I'll give the fall of Rome a 7/10

This one is 9.5/10. It literally cannot get much worse than this.

Our only hope is that Trump and the Mercers know what they are doing or are prepared to continue putting themselves into positions of plausible deniability against kike strategies.

Thats not good. My moms been out of work for like 2 years, since she got over a bout with cancer, and my dads been working 6 days a week for as long as i can remember. Unfortunately their house is a money sink and theyre like $7000 in debt already. Theyre looking to sell and downsize to a reasonable house or condo in town.

Were in Ontario, is this something that will destroy their chances of that?
t. Too young and poor to be homeowner


as a spaniard, that poll is shit and is completelly made up

"generation what" If you only ask the youth, then it's more realistic, source?

*yes i watched for it myself

I wonder how far down the housing prices will drop. I looked on some realty sites in Canada, and Holy Shit they are expensive up there!

Fuck off faggot kike

This is a White Nationalist board, fuck off nigger.

Sounds like a good idea, but I'm skeptical.

This deserves it's own thread user. One should be made about preventative steps to avoid those responsible avoiding paying for the mess they made.

European states have artificially kept the prices up so banks don't crack, Canada will do the same.

This happening is just canada becoming europoor, nothing else

lol, read more nigger

shitpost better, retard

Does this have anything to do with what was explained in The Big Short? Niggers betting on bets?

Chinks BTFO?

I hope the Internet doesn't go down tbh I want to shit post in real time while storming Israel


The graph is misleading/wrong; it's comparing two completely different things with different units.

GDP has units money/time, whereas exposure has units money.

One year is a completely arbitrary period as far as this comparison is concerned. It doesn't make sense to say that $ is "bigger than the economy"; the correct approach would be to say "the exposure is roughly as big as 4 years of eurozone GDP". Whether that's "too big" is up for debate, but it's realistically probably not.

Oy vey you filthy anti-semite, money given to the chosen people is not "wasted"
That is exactly what money was created for, to give our goy-power to the jews.
We must ensure the existence of jewish hegemony, and a future for foreskinless children

OP here (using a vpn not sure if ID will change). I wanted to add some more informationon the current global economic situation as there is currently a very large happening over in italy right now as well. I am sure some anons may think italy is just a tiny little speck and not much interest, but you should all know better. Currently the italian airline alitalia filed for bankrupty today (as they were expected to do). This is the third time this airline has done so and the previous two times were bailed out by the gov. Now this time around the polls showed that the italian people were eager to let it go, but only a few hours later the government stepped in with a 600 milion euro bailout. As of right now, the airline has cost the taxpayers of italy over 7 billion euros and as of today with its current financial situation if costing them over 1 million euros each day. Of course, this is only good for up to 6 months which, if no buyer is found for the airline, they will be forced to finally collapse with over 12,000 workers being let go.

If anyone is unaware, italy has over 360 billion euros of "bad debt" in its banking system and is heavily kept afloat by loans from germany (specifically DB). A debt crisis that you saw happen in greece could cause immense pain throughout the EU and would most definitley bring ripples through the world. As said, europe has to also cope with a massive refugee crisis and could definitely cause an enormous amount of pressure in a syste that is already unsustainable and full of debt. Will continue to update as things develop.

h ttps://w

h ttp://w

h ttps://w

I get my news from here and not Talmudvision. Make up your mind Schlomo.

(and fuck off, ban-happy mods. My VPN has literally thousands of exit nodes. Good luck with muh ban evasion)

I have chickens in the backyard here user. I have lots of gardening skills – both agricultural and recreational. I can fix small electrical. I'm fine.

A lot of the burgers who are from Cuckada are coming back here because the health care is too expensive again, mostly for those with chronic illness.

Lived there for 25 years on and off, no thanks.

This. I live in the Kootenays in BC, and we are hit hard by the lumber tarriff, but we have mining. Of course that's going to do fuck-all when you need $200K to get a house and a monster down payment – what is it now, 10%? And you have to prove where the money came from like with FINTRAC.

I'm just going to take over my parents' house when they buy the farm and I think many others plan on doing this too. They got greedy, and they have created a generation that uses the credit union and bitcoin.

=Debt collector redpill==
I would like to remind everyone in this thread of one thing.
Debt can only be collected if the creditor can martial forces to reposes the property. They will need to use force to do the repo.
For nation-states, the consequence of national debt is globalization, integration into the global economy, sterilization of the people, and the loss of freedom.
When speaking of national debt, one can, defend against the debt collector with bullets. No one would weep over the death of mercenary debt collectors employed by the usurer but the elites. But there will be immense financial penalties. Its possible that nationalizing foreign industries at gunpoint could be a solution, if the nation state is willing to bear the diplomatic consequences, and penalties to credit and trade.

It would be possible to form a new economic bloc immediately, without any debt by matching the ideology of the first one to rebel against the international banking order.
Ultimately, not paying debt gives the creditor a Casus belli to use force. But as long as one has enough bullets to fend of the international debt collector one is safe.

The unfortunate consequence of this is that the government may not be able to pay bills, keep the sloven populace down with socialism, and a faction of the international science class will flee resulting in a brain drain. This would create domestic instability. There would be mass instability among the plebs, they would need to be kept down with force, curfews, and some population would need to be transferred to rural work camps, as to stimulate the economy. Welfare would become workfare. The bureaucratic unions would protest a loss of living standard and immediately become disloyal. The (((globalist press))) would delegitimize any government which uses force to achieve this option.

We have not seen what I suggested occur, what is likely to happen is the global elites will flood nation-states with more fiat currency. This will be in exchange for more surveillance and police militarization. You are likely to see austerity.

The collapse of the economic western block would mean the end of the Pan-European empire, but this would result in Brics Bank and Islam making a move upon the west, possibly seizing territory or consolidating their own. Israel's security would be threatened. There would be the danger of China,Russia, Iran, Latin America making gains in the world order. The west would lose its hold over rare African resources.

Its also possible the globalists will start WWIII to stimulate the economy.

Be careful what you wish for. Be prepared to face the consequences, predict your enemies moves, do not allow yourself to become weak.

Here's some Cancon.

Question. Can I buy the dip?

It's far worse than that. The total value of all derivatives around the world $1.2 QUADRILLION.
For refernece, the entire debt of every nation in the world is $299 trillion. The total amount of actual money on Earth is a mere $80.9 trillion.

It's happening user.
But at the timescale of nations, a mere moment can last a generation.


can coordinated bank runs be used to collapse the banks and jew the jews?

I suspect the ridiculous Toronto and Vancouver housing markets are skewing the rest of the chart for Canada as a whole.

If you don't want to live in Toronto or Vancouver or a handful of other smaller bubble markets, you can still find great deals on houses.

Cool (and way overdue), but that doesn't seem to be stopping OP's niggery with whitespace:

Burgerbro here, have a bump.

yeah, but isn't the point of the thread the fact that bubbles bursting would have effects far beyond those cities?

not that it's necessarily a bad thing, still…

As long as there's cash, yes. But how are you going to coordinate it?

Leaf here. My money is in tangerine bank in RSP and TFSA (HISA, indexed mutual funds, indexed bonds).

Are bonds pretty safe from collapses?

How exactly do I buy and sell gold or silver?

Will I get raped by taxes when I cash out the precious metals?

I'm also thinking of buying small amount ($2000 maybe) of cryptocurrency like XMR as they seem more liquid. Good or bad idea?

It's good to do things that would hurt us now but greatly benefit us later.

Good. Fuck this goddamn cuntry to hell. It's been ruined by jews, boomers, pajeets and thots.

Burn. It. Down.



If you're not putting money into crypto right now you're doing it wrong. This is our chance to make huge profits and get some financial freedom from the kikes.

Which crypto though?

Google doesn't seem to want me to buy gold.

Please fuck do it, crash hard. 2 more years until i can buy a house and the prices are so beyond fucked

There are tons of good ones out there right now. The whole crypto market is blowing up. I got into it about a month ago seriously and the marketcap has gone from about 25 billion to nearly 39 billion in that time. Even just picking any of the top ten on coinmarketcap and putting money in would make you money.

I am in PIVX, Ark, POSW, Bitbay, Bitbean and even Pepecash right now. I've managed to make money on all of them so far.

Bitcoin just pumped hard this week up to the all time high and in doing so dropped all the alts down a bit.

Hell even just getting and holding some BTC will get you gains even with all of the turmoil surrounding it.


Hell yeah, it would give trump the perfect excuse to straight out end them, or audit them which would expose all their shit and literally bring about the day of the rope.

You must first cut open the patient before you can cut out the cancer.

lel I have a friend in that town, someone has been drawing wolfsangel and other natsoc stuff everywhere.

Would it still be possible though?

(checked 卐)
That's more accurate than most people realize. The fucked up global economy keeps trudging along because enough people believe that it will. If enough people lost faith in the global economy and banking practices, it would collapse very quickly.

Thanks forr the warning.

Global elites can't publicly flood america with any more fiat tho. There are millions of ripe people who could be redpilled within 24 hours at this point so it won't be anything like 2008-14

The Fed needs to maintain public apathy. Printing could instantly turn into hatred.

Plausible deniability matters a lot for the bankers after all and they teeter on the knife edge.

Truth. losing faith = pulling their money out.

I've been waffling a bit about a financial move I made. When the market popped that 21k cherry I said enough was enough and I transferred by entire 401k asset portfolio and moved it into a Physical Gold IRA. No tax penalties, nothing —- just liquidated my stock assets and dumped them all into gold and silver bullion — which I now have in my house like goddamn Scrooge McDuck. I would have divested into land, etc — but I already have a place to go so this was legally my smartest move, IMO.

I've been stashing food, water, weapons/ammo, and medical supplies since 2011 when I started getting hip to what was actually going on. I've amassed quite the hoard.

Let it all burn down. My body is ready.

Are you…. him?

If so. Bless you.

1.2-1.5 Quadrillion USD equivalent, iirc.


I keep telling anons that china is a paper tiger that's on fire but they always have amnesia about it. There's a reason China has so much fucking capital flight.


The Federal Reserve and other Globalist Banks uses interest to enslave the world into debt. Your Income Tax goes directly to pay interest to the Federal Reserve.


Because they "lent" the money to the US government which could have produced it themselves…..


My suggestion. Buy a rifle and ammo. Even leafs can do that. Just a 22 if nothing else.

After that, it becomes a matter of what you wish to do to ride out what you think would happen. If you do what most suggest and invest in metals remember there are some things to keep in mind. The less you buy at a time, the bigger the overhead (i.e. loss of investment) you have initially. So if you drop 10g on metals you can lose 15% of your money, bringing home only $8,500 worth of metal. All of this dependent upon the amount of metal you buy at a time, the place you buy if from and the type of metal (smaller amounts for exchange = higher overhead). You also have to understand when you sell it later you likely will get hit with the same % problems when you want to turn your metal into money for a down payment. If metals stay the same price by the time you decide to sell you can see how little money you would have from the initial investment. And metals are such an investment as it stands now no matter what anyone says. As a hedge tho, that is another question.

Now, if you buy it all in one lump amount. Now your % can get cut way down, some places can sell it at just 8% at the 10k level. But the biggest problem in that case… the system knows you bought it, because NOBODY is going to touch some random guy off the street's cash due to a host of issues (mostly government oversight) and risk. SO they will insist on an electric transfer or some verifiable bank note. Should a moderate (run of the mill depression shit) crash happen, you run the risk of the system declaring any rare earth metal an national asset again and them going down that big ass list of people whom are known to have bought gold and demanding it be turned in. And if it is like last time you end up not being able to do anything worthwhile with it for another 70 fucking years since companies are all cucks and will not exchange non fiat that cannot be moved for a real good or service.

So as a store of wealth short term, it is risky. So you need to really look into this before you move any amount of money into it as an hedge in a small market crash. On the bright side tho, metals all usually go up during the crash. If you hit hard times yourself you may end up having to sell your metal for a loss to feed yourself.

I am not discouraging it. Infact I would be the first to say it would be a wise move. But not for an (((small))) crash for someone looking to retain their wealth. If you fear an bank run/asset closure I would suggest you separate out that money into many different banks and pull out some amount you are comfortable having at home unsecured. The more bank accounts you have the more banks you can hit up should daily withdrawl limits come into effect, and smaller accounts are more likely to be under some ceiling of limits as well making it easier to move such around as needed, tho more complicated as well.


tell everyone on pol to cash out all their money on holocaust remembrance day. 27th January.

just joking

It is nothing and no one will care about this in a couple days. At the absolute outlandish worst, it has a negative effect on the Canadian economy. Which effects…. NOTHING. Holla Forums is dead and full of dummies.


I thought these sorts of happenings usually don't come true.

New Zealand is about to pop as well for that matter. Too many fucking chinks have pushed prices to absurd levels, over and above what you'd normally have seen with this sort of bubble.

pls happen at the end of next year

My wife and I are saving for a down payment. We'll have 60k by around the end of next year. If I get fucked and buy a house six months before the market gets shoaed, I'm gonna be pissed.

Are you back, "Beaver guy"? You cannot imagine how much needed you are.

Shut Fed down, and NatSoc


are you suggesting that increased debt results in increased level of enslavement of the debtor population via police state methods? What is the reasoning though? Are they just packaging us up for the moment the decide to make the sale or what?

Cool. Now how do we directly contribute to collapsing more markets?

Nah, you canadians get some neat rifles that cant be imported to the US! Get this one!

Spread awareness, sabotage people's faith in banks, the banking system, various investment markets, etc. And take your money out of the bank.

pretty much your entire post is misleading or wrong. All the metals places (they are so much fewer than the cash4gold places! hmm) around me take cash. I've done transactions up to 6k CAD in cash. They check the notes like the most nervous of jews but they always take it.

Second: they don't take 15% anywhere, that is a ridiculous overhead. If you buy jewelry from some Pajeet maybe but any real dealer will be competing for lower overheads with all the other dealers (and online). Example: Gold is 1723 CAD/oz right now. At the shop nearby a 1oz Canadian maple is 1780 CAD which is pretty much nothing in terms of markup. The buyback they might jew you a little more but not much. And this is for a 1oz coin bought one at a time (discounts for bigger sizes and bulk orders).

Third: Even during the gold confiscation in USA it's not like they broke down doors and held the occupants at gunpoint demanding their gold. Only the dumbest or retards actually gave it up voluntarily. If you are really worried bury it in your backyard or something, but that assumes they even know you bought gold (see first point).

Does anyone else see the fire rising? It is starting to smolder…

… shift some of your (((Fiat))) shekels into crypto too.

Bitcoin is monopolized, so be weary with this one. Probably still worth holding at least 1/21,000,000 if you can afford it though.
… are looking to be the next big ones.


You sure? I recall it being at 1.5 last time I checked.

I doubt they will after Egypt's attempt and how badly that turned out. Knocking out the circuses is the final straw, they can't do it.

They might take down 8ch though.

nork happening after putin's and trump's phone call

Converted my 401k to physical PMs (Gold IRA) a while back. Been stocking up on guns, ammo, food, water etc since 2011.

Burn this bitch to the ground. My body is ready.


Any links? I never heard about the 16 trillion.Was this connected to all the banks that swapped insane amounts of money that no one could really chase?

If you live in a desert or arid area, they could simply privatize the water supply and force you to work for water.
Other examples include regime change, (((reconstruction loans))), then replacing agriculture with GMO slave crops.

Raising taxes wouldn't do anything user. We're over the point of inflection in the Laffer Curve. If Bernie had gotten elected and raised taxes through the roof like he wanted the economy would have instantly crashed.

The only way the US gov can hope to not default is to grow the economy so much that the debt is less of a burden. This is what Trump is trying to do with lower taxes, jobs and less regulation.

EQ Bank just raised interest rate for their saving accounts to 2.3%.

It's covered under CDIC insurance, but if EQ Bank goes belly up, how long will it take to get our money back?

Can someone give a timeline of how the collapse will go down? Foreclosures > CMHC > BANKRUPTCY> LOWER INTEREST RATE > CDIC > BANK BAIL-IN…. etc

And THIS is why Andrew Jackson did NOTHING WRONG