Who here has even seen this
Who here has even seen this
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I have
too long and not enough action tbh
Holla Forumscore
if you haven't seen it you're reddit
if you don't like it you're contrarian
I watched it last year. It's quite good.
one of my favorite films starring daniel day lewis, his performance alone warrants watching this film. if you're the kind of person who understands going out and making something from nothing then this is your film, its for you. the main premise is the main character Daniels struggle to drill for "blood of lamb" (oil) and how he has to deal with all these normal fags and christ fags.
the final scene is really the thing that allows you to understand what the film is truly about
Yea it's definitely one of if not the best film of 2007. No Country for Old Men was Coen Brothers trash. Best of 2007 in no order:
L'assassinat de Jesse James par le traître Robert Ford
Il y aura du sang
La orden del Fénix
Michael Clayton
Les promesses de l'ombre
But it's on reddit's favorite movies list…
The Film is based on an Upton Sinclair Novel if you're interested in this era it's worth your time.
name one thing wrong with Micheal Clayton without resorting to buzzwords, memes, or reddit.
Bored me to sleep. I had to watch it in installments because of how boring it was.
it IS film and not a Hollywood action flick. people used to understand the difference.
Listen up, kids. This place is built on the simple premise that all of this stuff is total garbage. If you watch this stupid crap and act like it is good, you are reddit. I will explain why.
Every movie that acts like it is important is shit. Reread that sentence and understand it. Only movies which understand they are stupid and are meant as a distraction have a chance at being decent. But reddit seeks meaning in movies, meaning for their lives and for the world and shit. Doing that makes you delusional and applying it to the real world is why we have trannies and diaperkin and shitskins running amok throughout Europe and America.
Nonsense. It's weak minded people that generate the POZ not the media itself. This is hands down the most red pilled film a man can watch. Even if you are stupid and are affected by this film, you will turn out OK.
i watched it in cinema class in high school. i thought it was okay but it played the "muh morals" and "muh dumb christians" and "muh ebil business" cards too much
real men go out and drill oil they don't wait for handouts from union ;p
yeah it was a pretty chill class. we just sat and watched movies for the period and would have to answer a question or two at the end of each movie. i of course browsed Holla Forums at the time and knew that all the movies the teacher showed us were shit, but didnt say anything about it. i did convince him to let us watch kino like fight club and rambo though
good job on fight club
Reported and filtered you normalfag piece of shit.
filtered and reported tbh
Maybe you should have gotten him to watch something good
Impossible. It isn’t Eyes Wide Shut.
that's the most cucked film a man can watch.
Are you a tranny or something?
lame shit with that fag Daniels
Way better than American Gangster, Gone Baby Gone and No COuntry for Old men