How do we fix lazy fat fucks leeching the welfare system like this guy who lives at

How do we fix lazy fat fucks leeching the welfare system like this guy who lives at
2396 North Berkleigh Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72704

So… what you sliding, Moshe?

By removing the welfare system and letting them starve.

Also, not your personal army, faggot.

I see he lives in your home town, OP.

How do you think I know where he lives?

That fat fuck has 4 million subscribers and makes around $30.000 off youtube each month. That's more than double at what you earn at shareblue in a year, OP.

Well by what I hear the story with this guy was the was from a poor family his Dad remarried some woman. Later his Dad died and his Mum followed soon after. He became depressed and started becoming really obese. He stated that he wanted to kill himself but since he's Youtube channel lite up he's found new reason to keep living.

In short how do we stop lazy fat fucks leaching welfare. You don't, you wait it out and let them kill themselves slowly.

I hate boogie for his flip flopness and being disingenuous trying to appeal to both sides of a discussion so he doesn't lose shekels from any but even then I'm not this much of a fag like you

Wow a whole thirty dollars!

neck yourself

Just end welfare and let the learn to cook if they are smart to spell the word of spoon.


And yet he still cried about muh health care when trump came into office because insurance companies wouldn't pay for him to die slowly.

Force them to face their nihilism, and follow it to it's logical conclusion. We don't have the raw strength of will right now to simply take away their gibs, but we can meme them into picking a side and fighting for it like men and women ought to. When you actually think about nihilism it leads to two choices: fight or die. If you're gonna be in this game why half ass your participation in it?If nothing matters, but you're here, go all out. If you don't to play, kill yourself.



Careful with that meme dust.

Checking these back to back dubs and congratulating the meme smith for his creation

If anything we should be worried about Hasidic Jews who leech off welfare. I heard its ridiculous how much they collect when kikes are perfectly capable of working.

Yes, that huge hasidic jew population collecting welfare is really straining the system. /sarcasm

Jews are a problem for many reasons, but that's hardly one of them, even if they are being jews about it.

Ugh. Why is this even a thread?