
Could a "homophobic" remark like this be used to get Stephen Colbert fired from the Late Show?

Is it a worthy goal?

Other urls found in this thread:


Totally. I just got banned from twitter, otherwise I'd already be all over that.

bump because fuck Colbert.

If we start doing this shit we'll just push people away. it would be funny, though

Can we please just start killing people.

Is it time to add another retard to the Trump Curse collection?

fuck off fbi

meme this into oblivion

Only their souls.

Oh wait they don't have any!

They tried to get him fired before and the only thing that happened was that he got a cushier tv gig months later. Nothing will happen this time either because Colbert is kosher as fuck

Shut up or I'll shoot yer dog.

Joke's on you I don't have a dog.

And the massage parlor hooker who tried to do it was made to look like a humorless tard. It's comedy. Just be funnier and meaner than him. Tear him to shit on whatever jewish social media you use, but don't pull a rerun of that #CancelColbert faggotry.

Is that really the depths to which this faggoty middle-aged limp-dick has sunk to? He sounds like some dorky high school kid who's trying to write his version of Reservoir Dogs.

I have to ask, do we really need to do anything? Everyone I know fucking hates Colbert. Seems like anything he does at this point is just less work for us.

Yeah because he had his ratings boosted after the election. I think there was a hard campaign to keep the leftwing talking heads on air so right now you have hive mind sjws watching him every night and making sure he sticks around.

I think with Colbert it's a long game. He is good at taking a serious subject and crushing it overnight with a funny skit that goes viral. What might actually hit him hard would just be posting past skits he did that were offensive and bad quotes he has made in the past. He is primetime now so it's a different ball game. We don't need someone so divisive and perverse speaking on prime time to all families.

Meme colbert into sounding jealous he isnt getting senpai putins cock

List cock holsters that are better than colberts mouth with hashtag #cuckcolbert

I'm not that worried honestly.

I think I hate this faggot the most out of all talmudvision good goys.

It can be good. After all, they'll have to find someone else up to their "standards", which in itself would be fun too see who it will be.

well something to think about

He is losing his grip despite his ratings. I don't think he is as influential anymore. People should be careful this isn't some publicity false flag stunt where a "crazed anonymous hacker from 4chan" attacks colbert and he miraculously escapes injury but becomes some kind of a martyr.

I hate homophobes

Nope, i won't give the new Bill Nye crowd anything.


She's got the link to all his advertisers AND the video of the faggot saying it in this tweet retweet this shit

I do hope you know that's literally always been a fear, that some user would freak out and attack a celebrity, and I've yet to ever see or hear of anything truly crazy outside of bomb threats or threatening to shoot up a mall or some shit.

Here are some of the frequent advertisers on The Late Show:

-Bank of America
-University of Phoenix
CBS Corporate Email: [email protected]/* */

Ford Corporate Email: [email protected]/* */

Volvo Corporate Email: [email protected]/* */
Ford VP targets
@MeetaHuggins Chief Diversity officer (may have zero pull)
@sherylconnelly Global consumer trends (also little pull)
@MusaTariq Chief Brand officer will have the best leverage and as bonus points have Muslim guilt to answer for over homophobia. - gogogo
List of advertisers on CBS:

archi ve.is/quCnW

Vidya from @RedPillDropper


Heres a template to shoop onto gay BJ porn

With a speech bubble "is it my turn yet"

investorrelat [email protected]/* */

no i know, but this is actually gaining traction very fast at halfchan so im scratching my head that's all

Remember #cuckcolbert hashtag

Ask colbert why he is so obsessed with his gay fanfiction, when is he going to publish it.

Ask him why he sounds so jealous about his dick sucking fantasy

Remind him its only a fantasy

Always use the #cuckcolbert hashtag

'cock holster" lol not a bad joke
and im not to keen to get a man fired for some shit joke that makes us just like the SJWs
no matter how much i hate (((him)))

l o l

Vidya from @RedPillDropper

You are so right my fellow anonymous poster. I too thought it was a funny joke, lol. Let us remember that in order to defeat our enemies, we must let them defeat us.

-Son of Fidel Castro

I started gathering up some twitters just to get a lay of the land.
Celgene: @celgene
AbbVie Inc.: @abbvie
Eli Lilly: @ LillyPad
Dell: @Dell @DellCares
Allergan: @Allergan
Merck: @MERCK
Janssen: @JanssenUS @JanssenGlobal
Trivago: @trivago
Brighthouse Financial: @brighthousefin @metlife
Pfizer: @pfizer
Liberty Mutual: @LibertyMutual @AskLiberty @eliselapham
Quincy Bioscience: @QuincyBio
GSK: @gsk

I'm so sick of seeing this faggot.

t.Holla Forums

Should be easy, his ratings mostly come from jewtube views. Adpocalypse about to turn on one of the leftist saints.

Is that a white supremacist hand gesture, Colbert?

Push who away? Anyone who would be angry pushed themselves away a long time ago and have already come back swinging sticks and throwing bombs.

lol fuck off cunts all im sayin is im not keen to go after a mans job because of jokes and thats his job to create jokes that pander to a liberal audience
but if thats where u want to fight the war feel free

I heard that secret white supremacist internet groups use WHITE marshmallows as a way to signal to each other.

underrated post

Not sure if you are from the USA. He basically has the job of all jobs for comedians. He hosts the late show. When comedians do that they become an icon and they are no longer supposed to be liberal pundits that make dick jokes. He isn't really doing his job and I believe there are other people out there far more qualified, so I would like to see them have a crack at it. We do hire entertainers by watching them and we can fire them by not watching them. If your product is shit, then it's on you. Maybe you see where I am going with this.


This isn't the first time. During some warm-up thing a member of the audience asked him what he'd ask Trump and (((Colbert))) said something like "What does Putin's dick taste like?"

I'd wager $50k that Colbert has had a penis in his mouth at one point in his life.

The guy is literally shitting his pants whenever he gets asked or challenged to debate the people he's been insulting for the last few years.

This bitch has the list of advertisers and the video in her tweet. Retweet this

yea i can understand i also agree once your are an icon you have an obligation not to pick sides but i feel there would be external pressure from the producers or even the network to push their own agender and message i dont see them dumping him that easy also would be nice to see some new blood on the stage
god speed!


That's because he's a vapid shell of a man stuffed full of kike horseshit and holds no real opinions of his own but instead has been getting rich off of being a public mouthpiece parroting the kosher status quo for multiple decades.

OMG this is not ok!

Homophobia is NOT FUNNY

totally just a comedian

Reminder that Colbert is in bed with the Podestas the child molestas.

podesta and anthony wiener

good times

President Trump Has Spoke!

Holy shit I spit out my beer lol

Thats pretty bad when the president wants you fired. Thats like career killer.


oh no the goyim are mad because I made fun of the degenerates!

Feel free to learn what punctuation is. Pure specimen of 12 year old meets black twitter. Shocking you'd be a fan of colbert and basic dick jokes.

Why you post that animal, you some kinda gay furry?

I don't see this turning into anything of substance. The Left won't eat their own over this. No one is going to care except people who already hate him. Being vigilant for opportunities to meme Colbert into irrelevance is a noble cause though. Carry on.

It will because of the job he has. It's not comedy central anymore, it's old people that watch tv. Even old people that don't watch will get pissed, there are a lot of over 40 working class people that will just get pissed when they hear this, the major networks listen to that kind of thing.

Roman-Catholics were a mistake.



I think Catholicism is cancer going all the way back to even its beginning, because of how Romans contradicts so many things the Church does.

So Trump browses Holla Forums then?

So many of these obscene types like Maddow, and Yiannopolis are that religion, even though Yiannopolis is also racially Jewish.

Isn't Maddow also racially Jewish

it's a fake tweet.
colbert threads are fun bc of the shills.

Bump. Get this faggot fired. Please Holla Forums.



WHSocialMedia team be advised:

Image boards don't work well with individual brigading in such a manner, see Not Your Personal Army. I understand Colbert is a HVT with normalfags, gaining the traction to convince the Left to eat their own will require a significantly greater heresy. Instead of using this slight to condemn Colbert, use this as an opportunity to extend an olive branch to Colbert personally. If Colbert takes the bait, meets Trump face to face on his show. If Colbert acts like a decent human being, THEN the Left will be compelled to devour him.

Delete this thread

Which makes me ponder. What if this is set in motion by Colbert, because they actually bleeped out the word cock. Colbert reocrds in front of an audience, i'm not sure he would actually say cock in front of an audience. So is it possible that after the internet has shown it's rage and the calls for boycott come in,m he will unedit the whole monologue and he will say something like "pistol holster" instead, thus feeding the fake news narrative? He has made tons of dick jokes already, but it's something to be ready for if that is his game plan.

Fuck off from posting for two years newfag.
Lurk moar>>9838875

this isn't really 8ch driven if you haven't already noticed. we are too busy mapping out the meaning of life.


Do you know where you are?

We do not believe in olive branches. Scorched Earth. Any time you have a shot, pull the fucking trigger.

Has he been fired yet?

you too huh.

You fags already know what to do.

Fucking this. Once you can make people laugh, you can make them believe whatever you want. (This is Bill Burr's entire routine btw, he says incredibly traditionalist stuff in front of lefties and gets rousing applause just because he got them to laugh first.) Just don't try and police their laughter, otherwise you look like a neocon sperg.

laughline is kind of a brainwash hypnotism thing too

Just fucking look at those comments. Fucking look at them.


I'm ok with this but how do we know he'll take the bait? Those odds aren't really that great considering all the Trump insults he's spewed in the last two years.

well holy shit how did he get away with that


The WHOLE can make this a win-win. Simply call out the increasingly vulgarity of the media, conflate with increasingly violent communist protests, then extend the invite. Looking like the bigger man in the room will bolster the base and the trap is set.



Here he just comes of as aggressive and rude. His (((writers))) must be angry and sad, to not write funny material for him.

well, let me tell you who owns the media….

I don't think we should be trying to get him fired over a "joke." But that doesn't mean we can't see if a certain sect of retards can be prodded into kicking up a shitfit about this.

You are some shitty fbi agnt if you dont kill random people.

good idea, we just get the left to eat him, then they will just eat their own and we win both ways.

Exactly how I feel. Some anti-right wing comedy and satire can be funny but about 80% of it feels like as you describe.

we should really just shitpost about him tbh

that always works, 100% of the time. Time to rev up the meme engines

Retard. https:// twitter.com/MarlowNYC/status/859269915366305792

Well remember how he said he was going to disown and boycott macy's and then their stock dropped massively? Shit could be the same.

same, they've been cracking down hard

Once I turned on my TV and Colbert stare-raped me. I could see his eyes undressing me, it was awful. Fire this monster immediately.

Bill Bur fucks niggers. He's as kosher as they come, stop sucking that cuck's dick.

Well, I watch his show from time to time, partly, not to submerge completely in the echo-chamber, and partly because there is some biting and funny satire there.
But he is getting old in the game, and the whole gang failed at satire, the moment the Bush-regime ended. They are out of practice after 8 years of Obongo.
-Just like Fox news actually started making a sort of critical journalism during the same time.

Maybe you always fear. I never fear. Let it happen, let it all happen. I embrace all consequences.

Comedy is failing across the board because all the white men who wrote the jokes that the jews read got fired and replaced by niggers and women.

If you are reefering to the Daylie Shoa with Jonathan (((Libowitz))) "Stewart", most of the people writing it were Liberal New York Jewish men, like 19 out of 20. I would assume they are still around, even though they got more (((diverse))) sock-puppets.

Jews took credit for jokes written by white men. Jews cannot write funny jokes, they're incapable of it. All comedy is written by (and frequently stolen from) white men.

Jews can actually be charming, clever and funny. Underestimate this at your own peril.

If you laugh at jewish jokes, perhaps you will enjoy breathing cyanide gas with them too.

you're stupid

Haha, poop jokes are so funny. Kikes are masters at humor, man. Remember to watch the current year man, comedy gold! Ever saw this tv show where infantilized adults behave like children? Comedy award stuff right there, no way that could get boring ever. Go to hell and take your kike humor with you, kike lover.

I respect your rigidity to a degree, but be warned that low intelligence and posturing is degenerate and your lot will be remembered on the day of the rope.

man, he looks like he aged a whole decade since the Anita interview.


Did anyone put a list of his advertisers together?

I sincerely want to boycott them.

There is also a lot of stuff which accidentally makes us look good, like that Sean Spicer kindergarten video.

It's pretty easy to figure out who wrote the jokes, if it's about excrements and degeneracy then it was one of your (((charming, clever and funny people))), otherwise it probably wasn't.

Exactly because smores are encouraging white genocide when you mix the chocolate and marshmallow into one sandwich. #freethemallow

Do you find that puppy sexually attractive, perv?

trump is president and there's nothing he can do about it

No amount of classless and lude commentary made by corporate approved comedians in suits is going to stop the Trump administration.

Let the potheads and degenerates wallow in their own filth while the working men and the door kickers focus on making America great again.

They're living on borrowed time at this point.

Thread died on halfchan, I wonder if it will come back or if they are pruning it. The Colbert internet machine is seemingly invincible and still going strong.

Here's the number to call for Proctor & Gamble. 513-983-1100

Reported, cuck.

>having any use whatsoever for baby-sized diapers


If you try and shut down comedians because they call the president gay you're a faggot and people will look at you like you're a retard.

He's on the Late Show now, it's not an HBO special. The Late Show is for families to watch together before bed. Colbert is not fit for the big time or that audience.

You seem rather nervous, Holla Forums

Colbert died in his namcalling while Current Year faggot and Daily Nigga are evolving and "really making me think"

It just seems like outsiders trying to force a hashtag. Leftists won't attack him over this. They didn't attack him over the "ching chong ning nong" joke, and this is way more tame. He's going down the toilet and looking for some free press.

tbh I don't think we should go along with this; I think we should let normalfags wake up on their own once the libshits go too far (they always do)
This is just a step towards that direction; if we force things too far we might end up getting pushback, let a ColbertGate happen, but I don't think this is it. It'd be worth getting awareness out of it neutrally (on normalfag sites), and make anti-Colbert memes here without PRfagging here. They'll eventually spread.

Nobody gives a fuck about ching chongs. Faggots are the premier protected class.

Also his show on Comedy Central was for a niche audience. The Late Show is for general audiences.

Saying the president sucks a foreign leader's cock as an insult is not for general audiences.

You have to understand he isn't supposed to just appeal to leftists anymore. He is competing with Jimmy Fallon. If you just tip enough people to Fallon it would be fine. After a while they would replace him. He is not the same Colbert he used to be and he's not catering to the same audience.

I vaguely heard about this existing, what happened in the video?
The (((comedians))) have been going hard on Spicer as he's effectively bait

Damn, son.

Little strokes fell big oaks. Btw, you're the outsider here.

das wut yo momma said

You're not wrong, but we're all getting sick and fucking tired of our voices being silenced and their voices being promoted. Colbert has always been a massive faggot, but losing his cool to this extreme shows that he and his writers really don't deserve the Late Show.

Are you serious? Do a search for "suey park."

It's up on Kikebart and the disqus goys are asking for a boycott lists. Get in there.

Oh shit, GG memories
Should we get the Holla Forumsirgins in on this?

No reason not to utilize the tools at our disposal.

I will never quite get these passive aggressive, hyper insulting jews and how easily they go from being noble, moral guardians to swearing and being vulgar so bad they'd make a truck driver blush.
Is this what it's like when somebody is triggered?


That's what I'm referencing. Suey was eaten alive even by leftist publications, and it turned a bunch of people off sjwism. He's tanking on his own and his show is 60% puns and 40% "Bush-I mean Drumpf is sooo stupid lol" jokes so I doubt he'll be able to hold on much longer anyway.
Maybe I'm wrong or thinking too small, but calling for the firing of a comedian over 'homophobia' just rubs me the wrong way.

It wasn't right-wing Bill O'Reilly fans who got him fired. It was leftists. They don't watch his show, but they pressured advertisers into pulling ads. So now right-wingers will do the same to Colbert.

Leftists turn to Colbert to help keep their worldview intact. Take away their security blankee, and they will fall apart.

What did she know Holla Forums? What was she trying to tell us? Do you think she is here….reading….lurking?

please suey, no cuck

Shit, am I the only one that remembers us defending him back when he was on Comedy Central and played as a conservative?
I can't remember what, but I just remember he said something anti-PC and the liberal media/Twitter went ape shit against him.

I can't remember for what though. Anyone?

we should really turn this into an oreilly vengeance thing if breitbart is getting on board. just make it an obvious counterstrike. oreilly was a massive douche, he was like that friends dad that would shamelessly try to sleep with my gf, but at the same time he has some hardcore fans that would see this as a way to start it up.

Good point, and they can't really take "omg he's a comedian it's just a joke" after their war against comedy. He called someone a faggot as a slur, so if it's ok when he does it, why can't right-wingers call Obama a pillow-biter?

I'm sorry for doubting you, Suey.


Use his defense of pizzagate pedos and gamergate angle .

Not at first, she wasn't. Colbert admitted he was terrified by the response she stirred up, and says he nearly lost The Colbert Report. She probably could have ruined him if she hadn't treated the guys interviewing her like total shit, causing them to turn on her.


Please tell me someone remembers when Colbert was working on Stewart's daily show years ago when he did a skit on immigration, and Colbert dressed up as a Nazi in the street of NYC pretending everyone was mean to him because they are mean to immigrants. It was honestly pretty funny. Would be nice to have a picture of that.

He was never going to lose his show, he was going to lose his standing with young people. You know Jon Stewart had like 2 or 3 shows canceled before he became big? There is a reason people like that get to fail over and over again. Colbert is in with Podesta and he is in place to control the narrative just like Jon Stewart was. They have big time political connections.

Right now he is more vulnerable than ever though because they lost the election. You see them trying to get hyped and act like they are in control because they are desperately trying to maintain their base. He promised something to his devotees and did not deliver, and now he looks like he is full of shit. He is also going head to head with Fallon, he appears more moderate and collected. We should just tip our hats to Fallon and slowly wear down Colbert. Any time he says something fucked up we can publicize it and talk about why we won't support his sponsors. After a while it will kick in and his influence is no longer considered invincible they will throw him out and get a new hack from the UK or something.

You gotta try harder than that, little shill.

It's a goatse tier stretch to call this homophobic.

Do it yourself you lazy fed paperpushing beta bitch.



That's not even the right font.

That's the kind of language you would expect from some low self-esteem teenager, no a well dressed man in his fifties.

I didn't realized at first this was directed at Trump. It makes me sad to think I found Colbert very funny circa 2005/2006.








Faggots got masterb8'ed.


is twitter actually that relevant anymore? i feel like we might use somewhere or something else, what would the new place be?


If you can't name a new place twatter is still relevant.

When they try to be politically edgy but wont talk about the negative impact of US-Saudi or US-Israeli relations. Colbert will talk plenty of shit about Putin and Russia with Trump but he wont say the same about Israel or the Saudis, if he was to say to Trump "The only thing your mouth is good for is being Benjamin Netanyahu's cock holster." he would be immediately fired.

Twitter is irrelevant as fuck, but everyone pays attention to it anyway. You make the producers of the show think there's an outrage going on and he'll either be apologizing like a bitch or fired very quickly


Those are some very shitty demoralization tier jokes. They only make Putin look better knowing the fact he banned all the homos.

We were all bluepill'd once. I used to find most of the late-night talk show crowd funny. Loved Craig Fergusson's outrageous Late, Late Show. Liked the news with a humerous twist from Stephen Colbert and the other ones. I even liked the faggot ass "Waii, Wait. Don't Tell Me" which was a comedy news/game show on NPR.

A lot of us used to be faggots. We must not dwell on the past and we must move beyond it. We may sulk and ask for forgiveness but this gets us nowhere. Don't get hung up about it. The past is the past and the present is the now.







Good fucking Kek

Is Matt Drudge /our faggot kike/? :^)

No kike is /our/ kike
That being said a metric fuck ton of normal faggots read drudge daily. B8 was thoroughly taken. Top Kek mein dude

muh PR

she knew brothers

I bet Matt Drudge was unironically offended by what Colbert said, seeing as Matt Drudge is a big fan of sucking dicks.

he might actually want to suck putins dick, not even joking

This nigga is #WOKE

That's honestly a distinct possibility.






It begins.

Remember that time we let the kikes have control of our media? It got so bad we had people on broadcast television calling our President a cock sucker.

Gassed kike or not, he's right about not underestimating your enemy.


Retweet this! This guy speaks the truth! White allies are garbage!

Top fucking kek.
This shows how much of the libshit pro-faggotry campaigning is just virtue signalling. For most of them, it's not about defending fags, it's about elevating their egos.

Are those your troll accounts or actual cucks?

Absolutely pathetic.

If you're referring to the pic it's unrelated to this event. I merely posted it as it featured a black guy bashing "white allies", similar to the gay negro in the tweet I linked to.

yeah but i could see the joke there. which btw was supposedly more in sync with the "message" of the idiot who made a fuss about it.

this is just an insult.

Fuck off Jonathan!






Jesus christ the proportions of that guy


I'd say we should sterilize him for the benefit of the gene pool, but I suspect it'd be a waste of time.

This must be how kikes feel all the time

That's because lefty comedy isn't comedy. It's self-congratulatory groupthink. They cackle at each other to signal that they are all part of the "in group" against some non-existent conservative strawman. Leftist comedy really has more in common with bullying.

I don't see any females in the fat fuck's future….

Does anyone remember Newsbusted? I used to watch it years ago and it always made me think "there's no way the right wing is correct if they're this unfunny". Even though it was just a little youtube series, it still turned me off of the right wing just through the sheer lack of humor.
This is now left wing political comedy, except it's not tucked away in some cringy corner of youtube. It's on every station every night watched by millions of people.


Do it. Blame it on the SJWs. Use the SJWs to do it. Don't worry about TV, it's dying, just get him permanently unmonetized on youtube.

Do these steps and you'll have one less current year man on the first page of youtube.

Has anyone else ever noticed that no matter how many times you click on "not interested" for one of his clips, youtube still suggests them to you daily?

Yep. Motherfuckers.

I noticed that months along. I never clicked on their videos and I was watching people play video games, but suddenly my suggestion was filled with this ugly fuck (picture related) in my suggestions on the side. It continued to push this guy onto me for half a month. Even one of his videos made the first page within 10 minutes of uploading. The paid shilling is ratched, but it appears to have time frames.

Just having his clips shotgunned across youtube isn't what continues to surprise me, but that I have been selecting "not interested" on every single one of his videos that's popped up for the past year, yet there's a new clip or two in my recommended list right fucking now.
It loves to adapt what it suggests you watch based on your input, except when it comes to liberal TV.

Guys, did we switch timelines again? I thought this happened months ago?

We need a blacked colbert, anons.

some millenial google intern is trolling you



Major figure at Fox News. Has 700K followers. The fire rises!

We Suey Park now?

It's beautiful

or is she us?

Variety has picked up the story.


You do realize they made up a name for people who lived without obeying a TV all their lives as "millennial" so they can have excuses and marketing for a "group." outside of an understanding a few clicks away, right?

Think about "alt-right". Nazis always existed since Hitler. People think nazis are bad, so they took nazis, along with whatever boogeyman stuff they can think of, and started the "alt-right" name calling. Why? Because it related to the right in the name. Calling the Right nazis would make them look silly. With this, they can do it without people realizing it.

"Millennials? Oh they're just foolish people that grew up without learning anything. What do they know? Their phones do everything for them and they're too lazy to type full words. Don't listen to them goy, they're adult children!" The truth is, they fear them because they aren't glued to watching their liberal news and fake news all their lives. Once we, not Millennial but 'we' the Mongolians of the internet, hit the mainstream hard enough, they will blame "Millennials" as if it's something alienated that can't apply to other's thoughts. "It's a millennial thing goy, that green frog is just racist. We'll explain it for you."

it's all true, but I've come to link the name with a young hipster that has an artificially nice demeanour

Holy shit, it's Graham!

stephen cuckbert

It's all ogre for the current year man now.

Here's all the writers for the late show.
Jay Katsir
Opus Moreschi twit ter.com/heyitsopus
Stephen Colbert tw itter.com/StephenAtHome
Michael Brumm twitt er.com/mbrumm
Nate Charny
Aaron Cohen
Cullen Crawford tw itter.com/HelloCullen
Paul Dinello
Rob Dubbin tw itter.com/robdubbin
Eric Drysdale
Ariel Dumas tw itter.com/ArielDumas
Glenn Eichler twitt er.com/GlennEEEE
Gabe Gronli t witter.com/GabeGronli
Barry Julien
Daniel Kibblesmith tw itter.com/kibblesmith
Matt Lappin
Tom Purcell
Jen Spyra tw itter.com/jenspyra
Brian Stack twit ter.com/BrianStack153

No, but I'd love for current year man to be next. Maddow made herself a laughing stock with the tax return story and completely destroyed that narrative. And now Colbert is being mauled and cannibalized by his own viewer base. The left is hungry for blood. Them attacking their own and any one that tries to support/defend Colbert will further crumble the leftists. It's positively a wonderful spectacle to be seen.

we need to push for people to move towards fallon, and show that this will help his competition if he keeps doing this shit

My bad, I mixed the two up. Basically the same thing, in my defense.





What a shitty form of bait.

However this is something I can get behind. Maybe a B roll of all the negative shit on top of this. I can make a PR video for the cause if a hashtag gets a little attention and we can have something to bounce on (leverage). Definitely, thats a pretty valid point you have there OP. Had it been under another administration it wouldve been a self inflicted career 0 day with a payload for fuckers like us.


REV UP THOSE BOTS Holla Forums!!!!

Colbert doesnt write his own jokes, kikes do. Also, we saw his producer kike when anita was on. Her reflection was caught in a mirror. Jews run colbert, hes not going anywhere, jews wrote that joke about Trump.

Dubs and he kills himself after getting fired.


You type like a fucking faggot. You either need to lurk more or fuck off. You don't belong here.

You have no idea how easy it is to fracture a leftist echo chamber, do you? What do you get when a hive mind of liberals parade around with mostly the same thoughts and ideologies, but then another sector screeching something entirely different comes around the bend? The two attempt to convert each other in the ways they know how. It's a thing of beauty to behold.



"We're" not the ones doing this shit. "They" are. I like homophobia, all of us like homophobia, but liberals hate it. This is called a false flag operation

No, See… You're talking to my friend all wrong.
You do it again… I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.

Learn how to fucking redtext


user, it's [redT]
like this, you faggot

I should add that even the hive mind of libs end up having splinter groups that parrot off contradicting things. But because they deal in such absolutes and their behavior suggests they treat their ideologies that they're told to parrot and believe make up the entirety of their self worth and existence, that when challenging their belief it is like attacking their existence, which is why they respond with such vicious hostility. Also projection and other shit, but that's for another topic

yes that works

It's time for you to kill yourself.



Colbert is a Fucking Reptile Dude

They're right here.
Nobody actually likes faggots, not even liberals. They'll posture about how great queers are because they know they're supposed to but everyone finds the actual details of faggot sexual behavior disgusting. Even queers do, they're just conditioned by childhood sexual abuse to find that feeling of violation and disgust arousing.

I don't know man, I'm not gay but I really like gay men. Sometimes I just want to hug all of them at one time, what is there not to like anyway?

Whoa whoa whoa, you mean to tell me JEWS are calling the shots??? This changes everything!
This must be your first day on Holla Forums.


Trending now.


If 100 people or so file FCC complaints then CBS will be fined for airing it. Colbert will never host again.


It's trending worldwide as well.

this mfer is hunting for tactical weapons
retweet as fast as you can

Next thing we need to do is dig deep into each of his sponsors (which we already know who they are).

What are even doing?


Remember the time everyone thought Colbert was the king of lulz? God we look like idiots now for ever thinking The Colbert Report was funny.

Banned? Is that the same as the neverending "suspension" I got?


so we got to be here for the first daily reminder, that's pretty cool if you think about it

It's still a good info.

Is this real?

I really dislike that lispy faggot. I don't really hate him but he is annoying and an attention seeker

Holy shit, I thought that diploma mill went bankrupt? A lot of niggers and single moms go to UoP. It's a very questionable University.

Don't you see the difference between the colors ?

Attention whore and suspected subversive.

I really don't understand the logic of niggers at all. It's like the communist virus mutated in their ape brains and fucked them all up.

A man can dream user, he can only dream…..Thernovith is pure cancer, but useful cancer. Like an AIDS bomb you can drop on your opponent.

i still fuck up red text, it's just fun to mess with people when they do bc it's so obvious and it completely fucks up the message

Making a report, but what time was it aired? They want the time of the complaint

may 1

Anyone got a live stream of CBS? Colbert's show starts in less than 10 minutes. I want to see if he responds to this

(heil'd 卐)
I'd shit talk you too if not for those digits, faggot.

Call me old fashioned, but I think they gave the wrong person the Late Show. Hopefully a new opening will happen soon.

With the appropriate CM Punk gif.

This is an amazing attack vector. Get the LGBT to hate allies. I mean what better than to sow discord.

Modern leftism is only held together by a hate for white men and Western culture. Gays, Muslims, feminists, trannies, communists, socialists, etc - most of them would absolutely hate each other if they didn't have common political goals.

This is the only time they are right.
Dey reely wuz!


i said i wasn't gay tho

This is now an action thread. It's not a thread for discussing whether we should remove Colbert.

Take that conversation elsewhere. If you are here to cancel Colbert, IGNORE the shills. We're focused on getting it done.



cbsinter active.com/advertising
consumer complaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=33794
cb s.com/feedback/
ma dashellboycott.com/demo/petitions/cbs-advertisers-list/

Advertiser phones:
Ford 8003923673
Bayer 8008004793
Procter & Gamble 5139831100
Pfizer 8008793477
Glaxo Smith Kline 8888255249

Advertiser phones (needs updates):
pas tebin.com/raw/fy2YHStr

There are people on reddit and twitter working on this.
We should work with them, share resources.

OMG, who fucking cares? You autistic lil skinhead white power Neo-Nazi Trumpanzees really going to cry over Colbert talking shit about your failed Messiah? Guess we know who the real ❄Snowflakes❄TM are?

😁 😂 😃 😄 😅 😆 😇 😉 😊 🙂 🙃 ☺️ 😋💯% OK 👍👍👍👌👌👌

dont reply to it

Here are some more numbers.



Aleve Direct Therapy

Aleve PM


requesting the video of the cartel torturing a mexican with no face

this guy is right, youve become just as bad as your enemies

should have listened to nietzsche

All newfags read this.

>the problem with jews and leftists is how they fight
>not what they fight for
Kill yourself.

This is 4cuck-tier level of bait.

But it's good to point out this is exactly the type of shit posted on Twitter. "Heh kid, looks like you're the triggered snowflake".

Hit these advertisers

[email protected]/* */

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They try to fight us using our language. This is excellent progress, since 10 years ago the right tried to fight the left using their language.
>y-you guys are the r-real racists!
>y-you guys are the triggered ones!

We have them on the defensive. They reek of fear.

oliver.ren [email protected]/* */

ulrike.sch [email protected]/* */

helmut.sc [email protected]/* */

mediate [email protected]/* */

sunsw [email protected]/* */

Custom [email protected]/* */

Christop [email protected]/* */

Laura.M [email protected]/* */

Tiffany.H [email protected]/* */

Trisha.Po [email protected]/* */

Jeanne.La [email protected]/* */

Joseph.L [email protected]/* */

Nicole.Va [email protected]/* */

miles.whit [email protected]/* */

Melissa.b [email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */ ombe.com

[email protected]/* */ fizer.com

[email protected]/* */ er.com

[email protected]/* */ yer.com

[email protected]/* */ yer.com

[email protected]/* */ g.com

[email protected]/* */ upport.com

[email protected]/* */ oya.com

[email protected]/* */ ya.com

[email protected]/* */ ya.com

Let's see if this fixes the protected emails.

why? its like a car company today trying to make a horse carriage company go bankrupt

the controversy and buzz surrounding it would make this idiots ratings go up and make him relevant despite having a similar occupation to dust or dinosaurs

oliver.ren [email protected]/* */ yer.com

ulrike.sch [email protected]/* */ ayer.com

helmut.sch [email protected]/* */ yer.com

mediatea m.im @pg.com

oliver.re nner@ bayer.com

We hit them because we can. Because our dicks get hard when we hear them squeal in pain.

If he does get fired I'll add him into the Trump curse list

Here you go user, I'm fairly sure this is the video you are talking about

For you:

tv is circling the drain, generating controversy just makes idiots stop from moving on from lame talmudvision

Yeah, we sure helped out Gawker by giving their advertisers shit.

You mad men are doing it, article up on the jewish media here, loving your work guys keep pushing!!

we could always start a campaign to keep people from watching tv, see where that goes


This is what sjws should be spammed with

Mexico is so degenerate it makes sand niggers seem almost like people.

Fire him already youtu.be/5UNwjB-k6aI

Don't think for a second if niggers could figure out how to do these things they wouldn't.


We need to use this sentiment. If we can get every nu-male to renounce these shows because 5 homos didn't like it they won't have a viewer base anymore. #alliesdontsupportcolbert ? #noreasonforhomophobia ? #fakeallycolbert ? The idea of using whit guilt against leftist agendas is delicious.

Let's go on youtube and post on Late Show's comment section pretending to be triggered fags and demanding to #FireColbert

On it! bonus points for makng accounts for "Proud POC Womyn" who are ashamed of their whhite allies for supporting this.

Instead of Late Show's comment section take his main guest of the night and post on their twitter and youtube page, or instagram page…just something social media they have. Make it clear that they should not have appeared on his show and that it is heartbreaking to see them support a homophobic talk show host.

This will ruin their attempt at PR by going on his show and show people that when they appear on his show it's going to be some terrible conversation about his vulgar humor.

His guest tonight is Jim Parsons from the Big Bang Theory.

/trumpol/ advocates for punishing hate speech and normalizing faggotry

Low IQ dumbass.

nah fuck that, Colbert needs to go

Some of these dense motherfuckers don't realize we've moved from guerrilla war to memetic jubo.

Decided to look up Colbert's country of origin. I was weirded out to discover he might actually be Catholic, not jew, but nothing prepared me for finding out that his full name is "Stephen Tyrone Colbert"

His mother's boyfriend gave him that name.

nice copypasta, it's even more alarming when you think most of the people watching his show are heavily medicated or high on weed. i have noticed that when you say you don't like one of these people to their fans, the fans will get aggressively defensive and can't even process any argument against them.


You're not merely adopting their tactics but also their goals.You've become the SJWs

wtf are you talking about? that makes no sense. it's perfectly ok to try to get rid of an entertainer you don't like. that has nothing to do with free speech.


Getting him fired on basis of homophobia has all to do with free speech.

so halfchan is trying to turn this into a pizzagate thing. Colbert shills are fucking on the loose, just keep them talking and busy. The twitter campaign was successful so they are trying to hijack it with unsubstantiated conspiracies.

He will. #FireColbert proves he's a liability for CBS and even if he isn't fired immediately over it, it doesn't matter, because the ball is now in motion.

Holla Forums will use every tool at its disposal to achieve its goals. It doesn't cuck for your feelings, Holla Forums

Yeah, they really don't want negative publicity for a show that is supposed to be moderate and easy to watch. We can just keep the pressure on. You notice nobody here really gives a shit about Fallon or Kimmel. That is because they just do their jobs. Colbert has turned the Late Show into an Us Vs Them situation which was never what it was supposed to be. The guy is just divisive, and if we can deepen that divide it will hurt him.

What's the point in calling upon a concept that modern society destroyed already.
are you really this dense, or just trolling?

You know his guest tonight is Jim Parsons. I predict he is going to do some homosexual act or behavior that will prove he isn't a homophobe. At that point we just can't be phased by it and keep going with complaining about him.

As far as it having to do with free speech, no it has nothing to do with free speech. He is an entertainer on the late show, he can be replaced for pissing people off. It's that simple.



First post everytime.



Let's consider an extreme idea here (since this place is already extreme, it seems fitting).

Let's suppose, for a minute that yes, we ARE as bad as SJW. Let's also suppose that we have no special moral high ground or a purpose. We're just doing shit like this because we want someone to suffer.
Gee, we're evil now. Just like SJW, right?

So what happens to the "battlefield"? Well, on one end, you got some evil fuckers using shady tactics. On the other end you got more evil fuckers using shady tactics.
It comes down to a "us vs them". We don't want to win because we're right. We want to win because it's us or them.
If we win, their lives will be miserable. They'll feel crippled and depressed their whole lives before they shoot themselves. If they win, we will feel crippled and depressed our whole lives before we shoot ourselves.

If you want to take things to this extreme, everything becomes a battle of survival. The strongest, the fittest will survive.
No, sorry, let me correct that.
The meanest, the ugliest, the most sadistic and psychopathic will survive.
They won't "win". Neither us, nor them. The "winner" will be a monster, deranged and disfigured by "war".

So while we're on this extreme point of view, consider every war through history. Put yourself on the shoes of a soldier. Doesn't really matter when, where or what war. You're a soldier now. You got your gun, you got your orders.
Shit, look out, an enemy comes. He's gonna shoot/stab/poison you.
So you're gonna shoot/stab/poison him.
The "winner" will always be a murderer.
The "winner" will always be the most agressive.
The "winner" will always be the most animalistic.
The "winner" will always be the most terrible.
The "winner" will eventually blow his head up against a wall with a shotgun mouthwash when he sees himself in a mirror.
Noone likes monsters, especially themselves.

But what if this isn't about you or me or them? What if it's a fight for much more than that?
What if it's a fight for your son, for your young friend, for the bright future of humanity that has yet to be born?
Are you willing to sacrifice your own humanity for them?

An enemy points a gun at your head. Sacrificing your life is easy. Just let him shoot. Done. You're dead, and he will be Lord and ruler of your future.
Sacrificing your humanity requires that you thrust the bayonet in his gut, laugh and charge his companions with glee. Sacrificing your humanity means being so brutal, so violent that his allies will fear you and not even show up to fight.

You can stay in your corner, die a hero and have "At least I was good" engraved on your tombstone.
I'm ready to become the monster in the legends they will tell their children to scare them at night.

everything you say is true, but colbert just has shills that will defend him for money. when was the last time you even saw these lameass arguments on any of the chans?

really? why aren't these people on Holla Forums trying to talk people out of suicide? It's still find to go back and forth with them because they bump threads, but just don't anything the free speech or pro colbert people say at face value.

This shit made the front page of drudge two days in a row, that's fucking huge. Anyone backing off doesn't really belong here and only came here because someone told them too.

which is why we need to target his cucky fans wit sock accounts. He can be as protected as he wants but he can't do shit without ratings.

Yeah, toilet humor and name-calling sure is funny! Too bad I'm not 6 anymore.

At this point, I'll take what I can get. The fact that he can go on cuck-central SJW TV and semi-defend Trump is impressive.

Id much rather see Pizzagate blow wide open have that be what destroys Colberts career (because of the way he defended Comet Ping Pon/Alefantis), but, I guess this will work too.

Though, I have a feeling that he'll apologize and everything will be forgotten in a week.

I can't even comprehend what would compel someone to kiss sandnigger ass so hard after being directly insulted.

Normie humor in general is completely unfunny regardless of political party. It's not like the jokes would suddenly be hilarious if the late night kikes replaced "Trump" with "Obama".

could we just not talk about this fucking profiteer? he isn't even worth acknowledging.

Push who away? Are there middle ground people that think this wasn't out of line?

its just you and me. everyone else is from here.

I do not think it is a worthy goal. He would just be hired by another network where he could actually be funny. What should be done instead is to normalize his anti-gay rhetoric. What he is doing is calling other people faggots as a way to dehumanize them.

nobody is making you talk about him, bill


fuck them and fuck you, we want to savage our enemies, not take some moral high road.

seems golden either way to me mates

Who is this person in your image

all we have to do is keep it steady, i won't watch tonight but we'll see if anything happens. i'm expecting him to do something gay to prove his street cred.

A hero of the white race who will be the first man freed on the day of the rope.

Name please

Anders Breivik, newfag.
It really has been six years, huh?

Thank you


It will be six years in 1 month and 19 days


I seriously hope this is a pasta and you didn't actually spend a lot of time thinking that up just to respond to some throwaway shill post.

this is 8ch man, that's fairly routine

why are you opposed to the enemy engaging in friendly fire?

Zak Galafanakis

Welp that was fsst. Never regretted.
Time to take him down hard


i'm surprised more peopel from 8ch haven't hopped on this considering how effective it has been.

if only that were true……….

but we are coerced minions of putin according to the media, it's possible we browse the same porn at the same time. it's remote considering he is capable of getting real women, but it's still possible. that's enough to help me sleep at night.

what? your first sentance made sense but the rest made it sound like you ment to send that to someone else.

im saying he might browse porn here too, damn

Putin or Trump? wtf are you smoking

putin u bitch, i aint smokin nothin officer

lol so wut uze sayin iz… putin browses Holla Forums…… and he does it to get porn?…… ok….

I dont even know what i'm saying anymore. fml fam

okay. at least that makes sense




hit up the comment section if you get time

remember to reply to the TOP comment, it's the highest rating and you will get the most attention that way


I wouldn't even bother giving this nobody attention. He's so cringe and unfunny without his character and when he tries it back on now it manages to be even more cringe and unfunny than his regular cringe weasel self.

BTW colbert did respond, and its gotten attention on fox news.

Not good enough. He must be sacrificed to make things right.

Here are his main sponsors. They are very receptive to calls.
Ford 800-392-3673
Bayer 800-800-4793
Procter & Gamble 513-983-1100
Pfizer 800-879-3477
Glaxo Smith Kline 888-825-5249

Why does this fucking guy have 388 posts



damn those are someskills man, dank as fuck. we need more

it's actually working, i'm surprised 8ch is sitting this out, colbert is shit

File an FCC complaint for indencency:
online: consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=33794

complain to CBS:

Advertiser emails:

Petition (38,631 signatures):

The better question is why does he fucking respond to himself as if a different person when we have IDs?

Because they think this is 4pol.

Colbert is going down.

it's made news, it's made him respond, he's the epitome of the american left. i guess 8ch is pretty dead when it comes to this stuff. nothing but good could come from putting the pressure on with this. what is the problem?

While Holla Forums and SJW's champion diametrically opposed ideas, one can be excused for not noticing many differences in your end results. Nothing has changed recently. Racists run the spectrum from dumb-as-shit to genius. Fun trivia, many captured high ranking Nazi officers at the Nuremberg trials had genius IQ. SJW’s run the same intelligence spectrum. In both cases, the stupids tend to be louder, and people tend to forgive the idiots of ‘their side’ while believing the stupids of the other side are truly representative of the population. Its just the human condition I"m afraid.

you wasted trips there on your dumb post. we faked our "outrage" to expose the bigotry. we showed that it's ok to be a homophobe as long as your a lefty cuck and you use it to attack Trump.

Shareblue pls go

since never

What is rules for radicals rule four fuck face

it really is sickening that crypto-entertainers have become a sort of self defeating rehab for so many people.

Yeah so where did this come from? Holla Forums as a board Holla Forums rarely acts collectively but it usually doesn't have shitty arguments about "free speech" and not becoming like SJWs all over the place. In this case they are relentless.

If anything I am interested in pursuing this just to see what lies at the end of the road. I remember during GG Colbert had shills that were 24 hours ready to defend him. It was kind of surreal. Every once in a while it's fun to kick the hornets nest to see what will come of it.

Even better question: why are you being a faggot and educating him to be a better shill?

Are any of these comments yours, perchance?

I would like to know who you are talking about, but he didn't respond to the post so I'm not sure which ID you are referring to.

Maddox is hilariously wrong but I can see how he came to his conclusion. The real reason his jewtube / faceberg commenters came out in favor of Trump more is that that's his type of audience. He used to be against political correctness. He's edgy. Young Trump voters are his crowd. Way to shoot himself in the foot, alienating most of his audience by sticking to libcuckery against all reason. I wonder why. Looking at his channel you can tell there are a dozen people working on his content so there's a hint. Somebody has to be paying all those bills and normally being some mediocre e-celeb wouldn't be enough unless you just spam a video a day of low cost VLOG shit.

Colbert has a point tbh fam. Trump is a gay ass cock sucking faggot. Impeach that faggot now!

It's because liberals have managed to perfect the art of fabricated grass roots. They are masters of astro turf. They will have you thinking everyone around is a liberal and you are all alone at the drop of a hat. They move from person to person, they alter them, then they drop them and find someone else. I think people would be surprised if they found out how air tight the left tries to keep media. Even small time personalities will be targeted, they do this because it is that important. They don't want anything running the risk of growing and spreading. Just look at this little shithole on the internet, it was enemy #1 during the election…what the fuck is that about? We aren't even getting a talk show host to apologize.

Wow, Colbert really hates Trump.


Nazis ARE bad though
because "nazi" is a jewish slur and anyone who uses it to label himself is either a kike subverting or a huge fucking idiot who needs to read a goddamn book. If you truly follow the Fuhrer's teachings, you'll call yourself NatSoc

Uh oh, did we go to far?


It's too transparent. The "don't think so. Don't buy pepmers" is too obviously written by nonleftard for an antifaggot - it's too commanding and distant - no passion. But I can't think of anything better so w/e. ctr out

Not a chance. We're just making them adhere to their own rules.

What about this?

Build yourself a gas chamber and use it on yourself. Kike.

Well, we're making HIM adhere to THEIR rules. Idk if he was really a part of the mass-hysteria fabricated-outrage, I don't think he was really much into ruining people's lives. That being said, he is a top level shill and a scumfuck of the highest order. The closer he get him to suicide (without making it too obvious), the better. The thing about this whole idpol cry-bully bs is that they're literally the only ones retarded enough to participate in it. They've used to do it to us, then we've learned to pull the strings and make them cannibalize each other. As long as we keep calling this behaviour out for its obvious degeneracy, it should vanish together with the snowflakes once the time comes.


The real question is, though, how fast do we want them to implode? They've degenerated into such a pathetic state of mental incompetence that i'm not really sure it can get any better for us. They're not even capable of recognizing the two fucking genders anymore. They're too busy pretending they're saving the world by competing about how cucked they can get by ((( kebabs and company ))). Many of them believe that violence helps their position.

As long as they're just throwing tantrums and the more of them just keep wrestling inside their sjw pool of rotten shit, the less likely it is for them to create a psudo-authentic leftist movement. If the ideological bonds between them get too fragmented, they will eventually cease to remain under their collective hallucination.

Wat do?

all he said is that you're a bad leader if you suck cock what's wrong about that? how does that oppress fags?

Nothing, but they don't know that.

Maddox is a proto-goon and/or goon. I instantly disliked him from the outset, same with "Tucker Max"

Fuck off shill. There is nothing wrong with hating faggots in the first place. The point of this project is to destroy a kike puppet using his own viewers and political base as useful idiots to do it.



it's wrong because according to him you can't say that shit, so he needs to stop being a hypocrite and live up to his own standard, or quit

Would it be better then to ensure that the collapse as quickly as possible? The sooner they are left a complete sputtering mess (as if they already aren't) the sooner the average voter will shun them. I say we keep it up and keep this train wreck rolling.

we just stay on them, they will eventually regroup and come back with another batshit insane argument that they will spam everywhere. the university system hasn't changed, every year they churn out more brainwashed youth that haven't heard this shit before.

The free speech shit is so outdone most of us know the game, but some young people haven't seen it play out yet so they actually think the left will respect people that are upfront with them. We know differently, so we shouldn't be like the generations before us and just wave them off as crazy. A few months ago they were ready to laugh us into unemployment and then stomp on us while we were down, bill nye and co are just a small dose of what was to come and it ALMOST FUCKING happened. We have to keep at it even when it looks like it's nothing.

Why did someone archive this thread?


Guys, can't he have another chance?

The Nazis called themselves Nazis. This was the original stolen meme

annnnnnnd 4/pol/ is autoarchiving threads. Not sure if that's across the board or just for now.