So it appears that the IMDB review score for the racist series 'Dear White People' has been linked from SJW sites to get them to brigade the score.
It's gone from a deserved 2 stars to 6 stars in less than an hour.
So it appears that the IMDB review score for the racist series 'Dear White People' has been linked from SJW sites to get them to brigade the score.
It's gone from a deserved 2 stars to 6 stars in less than an hour.
imdb shit site took out comments
Its as if they almost knew that PC shit being rammed down peoples throats would have been responded with negativity and took away peoples voice there.
I had the displeasure of watching this crap (don't ask). It exposes the insecure nature of cultural marxism
If you still have netflix, youre a faggot.
Seems like 39% of RT users are racist
user that just makes me want to ask more. Why did you watch it?
You shouldn't be netflix&chilling with nigresses, user
Tell us why you watched it. But another question I have; do you think it will lead some to take the red pill? For example, a normalfag who is currently on the fence about what is right and wrong, will this push him to the Right or the Left? Obviously it would try to push one to the Left, but is it effective at doing that in your opinion?
Sammy Classic Sonic fan already destroyed this show
Don't the nogs spell it 'wapeepoo'?
The demographics of the voting should surprise absolutely nobody.
A person I was watching TV with just wanted to annoy me. It backfired because the other person just got super annoyed at the strawman arguments and outright bullshit.
I doubt it would redpilled anyone, just irritate anyone who isn't BLM or an SJW
Privilege and power mean the same fucking thing, just say white power.
We need to get some Holla Forumslacks together to make "Dear Black People"
It's already an ongoing series called "Cops"
fuck you i think i just woke up my roommate.
I heard that the original 2014 movie this was based off from is supposed to deconstruct black complaining about whiteness. Can't confirm though so take this information with a large grain of salt.
Can confirm. Original film is a satire attacking SJW's. The main character is shown as the same deranged feminist in this series but portrayed as being in the wrong and delusional.
SJW's were praising this as the same as the original. Problem is that they viewed the main character as correct in their delusions and made a series where she's right.
It helps normalize otherwise elitist academic nonsense, which is not good at all. Satire is still a means by which you can set up false dichotomies, niggers in general could care less about these stupid ideas they just want their EBT cards.
Torrents were around before netflix even became a streaming service.
See, that's the fucking problem here. It doesn't seem like anyone actually watched the movie or the series beyond a few clips.. and I don't fucking blame them. The trailer looked like blatant race baiting nonsense. It opens with accusations of racism and builds to open violence against white people. What else do you need to see?
But then people say it's ACKSHUALLY a subtle reverse double reach around that makes fun of SJWs and race-baiters.. but at the same time, actual SJWs and niggers are whooping and screeching about how great this shit is for championing their ideology… But that doesn't fucking mean anything either, because these retards don't know when they are being mocked even when it's explained to them. Remember when we had journos and critics and other faggots saying shit like, "I'm #ProudToBeACuck !!!"
I'm not wasting my time on this shit either way, but I wish I could get some clear explanation or a quick rundown of the actual content of this retarded series and movie.
I actually like this show because it's a great redpill to prove to people that an anti-white agenda exists. It takes a lot to break the conditioning but this show is blatant that it is impossible to deny.
Elaborate further.
This is the current tactic with all the sites of this shit, including Netflix: remove any avenues of conversation and render all ratings yes/no instead of gradations between. Is a show good but with problems? Doesn't matter. You now love it or hate it.
Those who make conversation impossible will make curb-stomping inevitable.
This is also a tactic of the left. Making us seem like we're some sort of herd of frightened cows instead of a pack of angry wolves.
Underrated as fuck.
It also seems that 100% of critics are paid shills.
this is what killed comedy
IMDB staff and their top 1000 voters gave it the lowest rating of all groups. What a compete dumpster fire this shit is.
This might be a good one to spread over on r/the_cuckold and get them to brigade it. That is if you can handle spending more than 30 seconds on reddit.
This is what will kill humanity.
All industries, media, corporations, lobby owned by DEMS
What could be worse and more disgusting for a country than this aberration and freak garbage who is democrats party and all the media owned by them, all the industries, sell out celebs, corporations, owned or with lobby of democrats party, all their artificial manipulation in news, media, narratives, propaganda, even porn industry is based in the dems party rules of the white forced to be neutral or racially attacked and forbiden to produce the same things, look at the sick american commercials, their sick websites, the sick youtube and media accounts of dems party like buzzfeed, huffington post, they are disgusting, and this results in a whole freak society, and democrats party wants to manipulate for this because it's the only way they can get vote or some power, and even without being president they still manipulate everything with their corrupt corporations, news, media, all in wikileaks, see the pathetic disgusting joke who is CNN, but it's not different in New York Times, Washington Post, Usatoday, snopes, mediamatters, and thousands of other garbage who represents the same sack of shit controled by democrats party, shilling and manipulate to keep their narratives, their candidates, their propaganda, their manipulation
These vermins will race baiting white men forever and in the same time shill to try to get vote of white women and shit against men of own race, while they don't make this with black women with niggers, asian women with asianmasculinity, arab women with muslims, because the democrats party always tried to racially attack, scapegoating, cherrypick news and even these news manipulate for their anti-white male narrative, tried to demoralize, tried to shut down
Democrats party are the most disgusting and sadest thing who could have ever existed
They are so disgusting that even other countries have their horrible influence thanks for majority of these countries have corrupt left-wing mainstream media who copy and paste democrats party manipulation
Daily reminder
Is disgusting, freak, sad how democrats party create their staged videos, their freak media manipulation, their baits, and all other things are based in the artificial shit manipulated in some industry, corporation, by democrats party, them have other countries with traitor leaders or useful leftards idiots who are leftards for free instead of being some elite because the leftards who are leftards for free are the most stupid, brain dead animals, with no critical thinking, unless they are wanting to take advantage of something, but is hard to believe in anyone being leftard for free, only rich elite get advantage of their manipulation
Their communities increase crime, become more freak, socially hell, destroyed, and them comes the left-wing media or the democrats party, but it's mostly democrats party, the left-wing media in my country is not so freak like democrats party but since seems that they are organized and need to copy and paste democrats party like some sort of cult and bibble, even being 100% out of touch with my country, they copy the last manipulation of democrats party, and what happened? Increased crimes here because the fucking brain dead left-wing animals with their cynical smug of arrogant false superiority are only brain dead zombies who need to copy and paste something made in USA in the media, manipulation, industries, websites, everything owned by democrats party and only these websites and media or anything owned by democrats party need to be copied, ignore all others since they need to keep some cult manipulation, but in my country even the elite is dumb because they don't take advantage of this, they just have inferior complex and think that copy democrats party will make they looks like the smug false superiority arrogant leftard "cult" fantasy who they think of themselves when are contrarian to the people (Who are now against leftards even with their manipulation) But seems that in USA maybe have more idiots manipulated by the vermins of democrats party who even all the fake news, manipulation of CNN, the sickness of all american garbage controled shit by democrats party who make your society freak since they need to fire this bait to get votes and keep the old narrative, keep shilling, keep using buzzwords, since people don't care anymore and start doing what the democrats party memed and don't give a fuck for their buzzwords anymore and just want revenge for years of manipulation, lies, staged videos, shit media, manipulated news, manipulated propaganda, everything from the vermins of democrats party
Worse thing is that this shit vermins have influence in media of inferiority complex countries who start doing what the democrats party is manipulating or the next manipulation trend and baiting of democrats party in countries that is so out of touch who looks bizarre, and copy the worst of USA for countries who don't have money or other things to over compensate leftists, commies, democrats shiting and making everything disgusting
Democrats party turn the lives of people a psychological hell because of so many manipulation for years, years of manipulation of these disgusting piece of shit party having so much lobby, monopoly, manipulation, industries in control of them
Die vermins of democrats party
Always remember of democrats party when you see things like "Dear White People" and these corporations like Netflix with these shit, because it's manipulated in the top core of the vermins of democrats party
Remember this 70 year old cuck bomer or kike laughing of suicides of whites in democrats party reunion, or the disgusting video of huffington post in the begins of 2015 with same narrative
So much freakness and the influence of USA is disgusting for every country with mainstream media and establshment dominated by leftards who copy and paste democrats party partisan corrupt media and every bizarre thing in control of them, like they are some sort of bibble or cult who they need to keep.
But it's mostly the elite who enjoy take advantage of these things, sad are the people who are leftards for free because of brainwashing and don't develope critical thinking and see things out of box see real videos without filter of manipulation of some leftist, see real things, compare everything, know reality, but hey, they will manipulate forever unless they are destroyed. But is weird because the people don't look leftist, it's mostly a rich elite, at least in my country.
it says "incisive humor" you illiterate subhuman
Came in just to laugh at this
Was there a raid?
Anyone have an archive of IMDB's score before today?
Not that something can be done, bots are as welcome in IMDB as they are in twitter.
Okay.. For the third time, can someone actually tell me what this fucking show is about besides it being another white-guilt driven nigger-celebrating piece of liberal propaganda?
It's like they forgot the rule that you keep talking or the violence begins…
White Privilege is White Purchase. Everything Whites have was bought and paid for with work.
I think that people are confusing it with that one other series called "White People" made by some spic
Don't you mean (((them))).
Just goes to show how, no matter how much they deny it and how much they will fight it blacks have to have white people's attention.
Everything they do is about race. It's honestly laughable at the lengths they will go to try to get us all riled up.
The best thing we can do is chuckle and say thats stupid. And go about our day.
Pay this of no mind because its just them trying to push our buttons like a small child or a woman would do.
This also happened with Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party though slightly different. It had a rotten tomato's reviewer score of 3/100 I think and the user score was like 90/100. Didn't make a difference to the impact of the film. People actually don't use these reviewer sites and the only people that do are those that are too far gone to be saved.
I think we all just WANT to fight, at this point (I know I do). Maybe it's some sort of biological trigger due to the overpopulation and the invasions, or maybe we've all just had enough of the other side's shit, but we pretty much need a new planetary colony to send them/go to and we need it yesterday.
Buzzfeed also shilled for it yesterday as if they think their site matters.
This isn't the only "article" either.
They have only shown 4-5 chapters. Here's a summary:
From what I got:
- Black girl has a radio show in college in which she details the microagressions she receives for being black
- She's also part of a student union, but not the african american but the black one. The black one is woke, the african american just takes the credit
- White people feels threatened for her radio show and prepare a party as an answer. A black-face party. The college administration orders the party to be cancelled. The party decides to cancel the party… but somehow the invitations are sent anyway. Strange.
- Party gets crashed by black people. Cops arrive. Exposure in the media.
- Radio girl has a white boyfriend. He wants a serious relationship, she doesn't because his race conflicts with the stuff she does (radio show and student union).
- In a special event, a journalist reveals that she has a white boyfriend.
- Deciding that the time has come to tell the truth, radio girl admits that not only she has a white boyfriend, but that she was the one who hacked into the blackface party site and sent the invitations because she needed a false flag to expose the racism.
(((they))) saw how outraged we were about Nye's pedonormie music guest - likely predicted it and thus went back to the old ranking method on kikeflix iirc
likely another way to gauge just how much we'll take, what we agree with, etc
That said
Are you serious? Hahaha. Why the fuck are all the Judeo-Masonic clickbait websites shilling for this then? Are they truly so stupid that they think they can find a reasonable way to justify that ending? Seriously, what in the literal fuck
It doesn't sound like this is the bait-and-switch, subversive jab at SJWs and Identity politics some are claiming it is. It could be interpreted as showing that "black politics" (or whatever you want to call it) is full of hypocrits and troublemakers, but the reason why normalfags and SJWs will see this as a brave demonstration of the struggles of Basketball Americans is because the radio negress character is still a whiny negress when all is said and done.
Unless this ends with a lengthy speech about how microaggressions are fucking retarded, how blacks hate each other more than they hate white people, how blacks are naturally violent, especially when given a flimsy reason and an undeserved sense of righteousness, it's still just more race-baiting propaganda.
We're talking about a group of people who get caught false flagging, faking hate crimes against themselves, and who outright fabricate statistics and studies.. and when caught, they say they were just "opening a dialog" or starting a discussion. Their entirely ideology is built on a foundation of styrofoam and even when it is crumbling beneath their feet, they still claim to have the noblest of moral high grounds.
A tv/movie/videogame critic's whole job is getting free gibs and invites to future gibs distribution events like award shows and press screenings. This is why there is little correlation between critic ratings and general user opinion.
Most journalists/critics consider entertainment reporting a stepping stone towards real business and political journalism with considerably larger bribes and influence as the goal. Their entertainment critic jobs serves only to prove they are for sale.
Why do niggers keep pushing this meme? Aren't they admitting we're superior second hand..
I don't think you understand just how retarded many normalfags are
Gloriously done
Nobody is calling for violence in the streets and more bloodshed at any rally, calm down FBI
Friendly reminder that Amazon recently purchased IMDB. Jeff Bezos, the Amazon CEO, also owns the Washington Post. It's pretty obvious why they would shut down another avenue of free discussion.
RIP IMDB Message Boards
The true nature of it does not matter. What matters is the perceived nature. If it's perceived as anti-white propaganda, then for our intents and purposes that's what it is.
Which is fascinating because IMBD is part of Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos, owner of the WaPo. IMDB is based out of Seattle.
They stuck their necks out there rating it that way….
Professional critics also shifted their views on the Star Wars prequels after Disney bought LucasFilm. What a (((coincidence))).
Shutting it down then using bots to inflate the good goy comments. That's been happening for a while now.
you deserved dubs for that user
chinese click farm again, no doubt
really? Amazon has their own video service.
I don't use Netflix but I know a lot of people who do.
No, they don't know shit about computers and they don't care.
I can't see any reason these two things might synergize in some way.
Holy shit. Try harder
Nigger, Amazon has owned IMDB since the 90s.
Did you see any of the promotional material for the "new Top Gear" on Amazon with Clarkson/May/Hammond? They were all bragging about the ratings the show was getting on IMDB.
Totally incestuous. Particularly since Amazon doesn't release real stats for their shows, so they can't point to Nelson ratings or anything like that.
They also deleted all dislikes and all reviews. I had to reapply my 1 star rating and rewrite my review.
I hate doing that, but I did it, because fuck them.
Do we really want to draw the line here? I think we need them to go farther.
A lot of people use these sites, but try to make a point of checking the user review scores since it often gives a better impression of how the movies will be.
Does the FBI usually advocate for splitting for deep space and leaving liberals to die in their own piss, or am I the first?
They tried the same thing with Ghostbusters. They still haven't learned that narrative control can't force people to like something.
I think you mean conflict of interest.
Calm down NASA. :^)
Now you've done it.
It's Faggit but it's pretty detailed:
I really really really like Cops
It's been such utter shit ever since Soros bought it.
A lot of democrats actually are really smart in their chosen field (take typical silicon valley progrmamer for example). But they are retarded when it comes to politics. It's a kind of sideways mind virus like toxioplasmosis that disables their ability to defend themselves.
Is this "dude stop formatting your posts!!!" meme some sort of nigger agenda to bring our english down to their level?
How waitt boi will ever recover?
That doesn't even make sense.
It's an experiment in behavioural conditioning.
expecting a nigger to know that
Alternating single lines of text and blank lines is poor formatting. It happens when people write single-sentence paragraphs, which is poor form. OR it happens when people are accustomed to websites that require two newlines to render a single newline (crazy, I know). Such as reddit. That's where the "reddit spacing" meme came from. When you see somebody with newlines between greentext, chances are this is what's happening. Is calling people out for this counter-productive? Perhaps, but after the past year and a half of solid shilling on Holla Forums, I don't think it's so surprising that many anons are on edge about 'outsiders'.
Keep it up. Each time you pull this shit, more people catch on to how controlled it all is.
If there were racist critics, or at least critics that haven't been bribed IT WOULDN'T BE 100%